Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات · 2 دقائق وقت القراءة · ~100 ·

مدونة Ali
Adaptations to Emotional Flooding

Adaptations to Emotional Flooding


I am not discussing the flooding of markets with products. I am not discussing the flooding of information. I am interested in this buzz to talk about emotional flooding and its consequences. I am tempted to write this buzz having read the buzz of @Lisa Vanderburg titled "Brad Fergusson: ring a bell? The comments on the buzz reveal the extent to which innocent people suffered from this guy taking their money illegitimately to attend a conference that never was.

The combined feeling of loss, guilt, being cheated, anger may result in high levels of emotional floods that cause the body all sorts of problems. We are not different from trees which are waterlogged or submerged in waters. These trees suffer from stress because too much water deprives the roots from oxygen and the carbohydrates that trees need for breathing. Trees adapt by many ways such as shifting to fermentation to cover their needs for lacking oxygen in water. Trees adapt their roots as well by developing air spaces in the roots and stems which allow diffusion of oxygen from the aerial portions of the plant into the roots. Trees follow a combined strategy of avoidance and adaptation to meet the challenges of flooding.


We humans are the same when we get immersed in the floods of negative emotions. The metabolism of our bodies change. Our rate of breathing increases. Our heart pulses go up. Trees purposefully change their metabolism; else they die. We need to be aware of situations that flood us with negative emotions and send our bodies "astray". Our bodies respond by releasing stress hormones and the more flooded we are, the more stress hormones our bodies release. Our bodies are integrated and the effect of stress transfers to all parts of our bodies.  Adrenaline increases your heart rate, increases respiration, increases sweat, slows digestion and these lead to more severe health problems. The spiral effects of flooding negative emotions take their grip on our bodies.

The more we think about the bad experiences, the more we allow the feelings of remorse build up. We may reach a stage whereby we start we look down at our selves, hate us and the emotional flooding increases. The horny actions of one person escalate our negative feelings going from feeling sad to rejected, upset, devastated and up to depressed. This combines with the negative feelings starting from stressed to distress. The combinations of these feelings flood us and we get immersed in them. We are like trees immersed in water and finding survival a big challenge to meet.

Negative emotions distort our thinking and in turn our distorted thinking distorts our actions. This happens at the same time we need to calm our thinking, to find alternative ways to avoid thinking about the past and see bad experiences as a learning opportunity. We need to train our breathing to control the ill-effect of the stress resulting from emotional flooding. We need to see the world in new eyes.

The direct financial losses are less important than the cost of having flooding negative emotions. We need to control those emotions or else they shall flood us with terrible consequences. Brad Fergusson didn't only steal money; more he stole the balanced life of people. We need to make him a loser by not letting him immerse us in the negative emotions of his evil actions. This is the way to defeat people of his kind. We need strength to do that. This is only possible if we may turn the negative emotions that flooded some of us into a horse power.


Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #51

I responded to the great comments on this buzz in a buzz titled "The Positive Side of Negative Emotions" I am deeply grateful to all commenters who inspired the idea of this new buzz

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #50

Deb Helfrich wrote a buzz as inspired by this buzz and his buzz too has drawn some great comments. I plan to write my next buzz to elaborate more on some of the points you highlight in your comment. Negative shouldn't mean bad. Without negative pressures water shall not move more than 30 meters from the roots of a tree to its top. A battery shall not function without the positive and negative anodes together. But we can't deny that there stressing emotions that if we allow to escalate and flood us they shall cause severe health problems. I again emphasize that it is our attitude that counts. I strongly agree with you on this issue " So we are quite likely to have emotional responses parallel to the adults that raised us, but the underlying situations may be vastly different".

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #49

I am very thankful to you Joel Anderson

Joel Anderson

منذ 7 سنوات #48

Thank you Ali Anani for some great insights.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #47

I am so glad that you are enjoying the comments on this buzz dear Deb Helfrich for I too find them an integral part of the buzz. You appreciation is beyond description and I am about to flood with joy

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #46

Part 2 A negative is a loss and the only loss that we truly experience is the loss of growth and learning when we ignore our emotions or other people because we use words such as Negative to describe the emotion and therefore the person. During a recent visit to my dentist, he said that the new "artificial teeth" shall stick in my mouth by negative pressure. Here negative is doing a great job and very positively. I think the distortion comes from our attitudes to view negative as bad. Joy is great and positive; however excessive joy is harmful and becomes harmful. It is our attitudes that we may think we may have joy without having pain or that joy is always a good thing regardless of its quality and quantity. Sometimes we need to say the positive pole and negative pole of a battery. The positive pole alone or the negative pole alone shall not make the battery work. It is the presence of both that we may have a working battery. You ignited the battery of my mind, Max.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #45

Part 1 I urge readers of this buzz to read the buzz of Max Carter (the link is given in my previous comment). I commented on this great buzz by writing: This is an amazing buzz Max Carter- You make me think and rethink. I am honored that my buzz and the discussions inspired you with writing such a profound buzz. In fact, you too inspire me to write a buzz on same, but using a different approach. I shall do soon. I read this buzz twice before responding and the following segments from your buzz caught my attention: Psychologically speaking by saying some emotions are negative we will do anything we can to avoid them or someone experiencing them

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #44

Max Carter responded to this buzz in a beautifully and mind-capturing buzz. The link is:

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #43

Great and I tag Deb Lange

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #42

Deb Lange trees know fear, but accept it. They store certain nutrients for winter times. They change the direction of their leaves so as not to get exposed to intense sunlight. Trees may use alternative roots to find oxygen instead of the deleted oxygen in the water-depleted oxygen. That accept fear and adapt to it. Adaptation isn't controlling; it is mobility to move to finding solutions. Honestly, I fail to see big differences in our thinking.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #41

Negative is made more negative by our attitudes. Negative emotions and positive ones co-exist, but in what proportions depends on us. I feel too I am in the rabbit hole, but I am not afraid to learn and find my way out. Thank you Max Carter for this discussion has added lots of questions for me to ponder upon.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #40

I am not less than you enjoying those convos Max Carter. In fact not only enjoying, but also learning. Attitudes have a role and intentions too do. Therefore I enjoyed greatly this segment of your comment "They allowed the possible reward cloud their judgment by allowing fear to guide them. Afraid if they don;t make it big they will have no love in their life". Yes, they allowed fear to guide them and this is the point how not to let such fear to take its grip on us. Trees store carbohydrates for fear of not having enough supplies of it during winter. Trees accept fear and know how to deal with it. We too need to do the same.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #39

Ian Weinberg- thank you for the link. Will read today

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #38

Deb Lange- you brilliantly summarized our thoughts "my emotional state it shifts, like if I give it my attention, it begins to ease and fllow. If I do, not give it my attention, it will scream out louder until I hear". I agree entirely

Ian Weinberg

منذ 7 سنوات #37

@Ali Anani - perhaps this may be of some interest in this context

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #36

That is why we turn to nature to learn from it

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #35

Dear Deb Lange- we can't control the uncontrollable. Trees don't try to control the environment and adapt accordingly. I hope I didn't mean that we may control our emotions, but like trees adapt we need to adapt to emotions. We adapt and not emotions. I received many messages from people who were hurt by Brad Fergusson and the messages carried feelings of guilt. self-blame and even self-disrespect for allowing him to cheat on them. I wrote a message to a friend who was supposed to lecture in the conference that never was warning him of something fishy in the air. His response was "I booked my flight to LA on May..." SInce then we have never exchanged messages. When we fail to see the warning signs then surely we need to adapt. Do you agree?

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #34

I go along with your elaboration Max Carter. I may add that negative emotions may result from our own actions such as losers in the stock market and their grief buildup that led few investors to commit suicide. Some people grieve the loss of a beloved one to the extent they would ruin themselves. Some people are their own enemies.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #33

Thank you Deb Lange- denying negative emotions and their existence is not going to sweep them away. They are there and we have to accept them. It is allowing the negative emotions to get out of control is the issue. People have the tendency to exfoliate negative emotions much more than positive ones and this tendency throws people off their balance.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #32

Mohammed Sultan- yes, I agree and you admirably put it ".We are in a great need to re-frame our negative emotions in such a way that it doesn't lead to depression". Patience is a virtue. We also need to learn from nature how to cope and turn our patience into useful results. Changing directions is a tough task. To change the negative direction to a positive one (direction reversal) requires high momentum and sinking into negative emotions will drain us of this momentum. I appreciate, as always, your contributions to the discussions.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #31

Thank you and you trigger few thoughts in my mind. I experienced even some friendly-faced people. Few bees requested to connect and having viewed their profiles I accepted. Only minutes after connecting with them they sent me messages requesting my private e-mail because they had a lucrative business opportunity for me. How on earth somebody who has never exchanged any comment or info with me would trust me with a "lucrative business opportunity" My reply was to ignore the offer and to unfollow them. Funnily enough, two offers from two different bees read almost the same. Yes, we have to be aware of the few, but microbe-like followers.

Mohammed Abdul Jawad

منذ 7 سنوات #30 oftentimes addicted users on the social media, with their sickening thoughts, create delusions, desolation and doldrums.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #29

Yes, and I repeat yes to your comment dear debasish majumder. You are right. In dealing with outside "microbes" we need not allow the microbe to ruin us. We may tend to do that by being flooded as a consequence by a combination of negative feelings that escalate inside us. We need to be aware if this fact to remain strong and be able to fight off the microbe and expose it for others to be alert to its risks. We need positive mind sets and emotions to do that. Healthy minds and bodies are better equipped to fight microbes. Thank you Debasish for contributing a truly illuminating comment.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #28

Yes, I agree and I would say that the majority of people on social media are in the middle of the bell-curve distribution. There are few on the negative extreme. It is unfortunate that human nature are more affected by them. Pain lasts longer than joy. It is for this reason I addressed this buzz mostly to dealing with negative emotions and feelings. I truly thank you dear Milos Djukic for your solid observations.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #27

Max Carter-I thank you for your elaboration. We need sometimes to draw a perforated line to reflect what we mean. In chemistry we say this is acidic, neutral or alkaline. We say avoid acidic food. What do me mean? We need a reference. So, we found it best to say this is acidic if the acidity is below 7. I realize that some emotions are acidic, sometimes they are neutral and sometimes alkaline. We don;t have a sharp definition or a clearly drawn line, but at least that we may picture what we are talking about. In no way one is is isolation of the other because adding few drops of lemon juice to an alkaline solution (state) may turn it sour.

Milos Djukic

منذ 7 سنوات #26

Thank you Ali Anani. In the case of situations like this on social media, suddenly great happiness is replaced with disappointment, while the amount and degree are the same. Unpleasant experiences in contact with other people on social media, should not cause disappointment and loss of faith in humanity, kindness and the importance of helpfulness. However, finally serenity still prevails. Good and honorable people are majority.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #25

Eagerly waiting for your buzz and tagging me so as not to miss it Tausif Mundrawala. You are a very promising writer

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #24

#26 I went to the extent where I finished licking entire newspapers to my astonishment- you have a story hear Tausif Mundrawala. Would love to hear more about it

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #23

Yes, surely this is another source of frustration and negativity buildup- the negative of negativity. I agree with your comment Erroll -EL- Warner

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #22

Amazing is that you both Harvey Lloyd comment and rightly so. Yes, I find the comments on this buzz so enriching. I am moved by the quality of comments. What a great example you give "captured the heart of the concept of power is never taken it is given away. Victor Franco is an inspiration in this area, his body may have been broken but the man was not"! yes, we need the mentality of this great man. A wonderful comment, indeed.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #21

I draw the attention of Sara Jacobovici. I feel I am like a sponge absorbing your lovely quote "while difficult it's so important - as you note - to rise above the negativity and desire to strike out". Yes, we need to stand up and not sink in our sour feelings and their effect on our actions. I fully agree with your comment. In fact, you have already inspired me with an idea. Thank you

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 7 سنوات #20

"As understanding where the flood is coming from, we must not give our power over to the source." This says it all Ali Anani has captured the heart of the concept of power is never taken it is given away. Victor Franco is an inspiration in this area, his body may have been broken but the man was not. An extreme example to display that the will of humans is greater than what others can take. This is a self-awareness strength. It takes many years of understanding to accept that someone can attempt to take power but i am the one giving. Also in our self-awareness campaign, aligning our experiences where power was lost/given away with what the triggers were. Pride is usually the answer. I let mine go along time ago mentally, physically it will pop up at unexpected times. Great discussion here.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #19

The light comes from calling you my sister and friend dear Lisa Vanderburg

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #18

Stunning comment yours is Cyndi wilkins. I love it as it expands the horizon of this buzz tremendously. I love so much what you wrote "But for all of us who feel the extreme emotional surge that has gripped the world at this time...Many have been left staggering, confused and angry...". Yes, with these flooding negative feelings we need to pause and think to reverse those feelings before they irreversibly reverse our lives to the rear.

Lisa Vanderburg

منذ 7 سنوات #17

It is my privilege to call you friend Ali Anani, dear Sir! Out of the darkness come LIGHT - the one true serenity to arise in this maelstrom. And look how many trees survived and have had their roots replenished!

Cyndi wilkins

منذ 7 سنوات #16

Thank you kindly for this very timely post...Not only for myself as I struggle with personal issues that have left me lying supine beneath the waterfall while attempting to breathe normally...But for all of us who feel the extreme emotional surge that has gripped the world at this time...Many have been left staggering, confused and angry...This is a wake up call that requires an extraordinary cultural shift in perception so as to adapt to the challenge we all face at this time...Our own Selves and the way we behave in this world.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #15

I try not to trouble people with many tags; however, I can't stop myself tagging Sara Jacobovici ""...I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love." What a great quote this is and by it you not only "you burn off the chaff to reveal the wheat", but also you tell the white wheat from the dark one. You are truly amazing my friend Lisa.

Lisa Vanderburg

منذ 7 سنوات #14

As always Ali Anani, you burn off the chaff to reveal the wheat; a very loving and fatherly man you are to so many hurting souls! The evil of people like BF is always much deeper and darker than they themselves take credit for. In that way, it similar to the good in people. Mother Theresa once said, "I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love." There are forces at work for both sides, but one good judge of that is pain: if it hurts, it can only be truly bad or truly good. We all die a little when washed in evil and rise a little immersed in good - your tree analogy is perfect!

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #13

Thank you so much Harvey Lloyd. I shall remember this comment for long times. Yes, we have the canvas and it is up us what we draw on it, keep, erase, show others and keep

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #12

No question you are my mind-reader dear Sara Jacobovici would read and comment on your comment. Your comment is the synopsis of what I wished to communicate in this buzz. Rightly you wrote "...our systems are very much the same and it is important to learn how the trees protect themselves against this kind of onslaught". I am a strong believer that living systems have so many common things to share. We need to be creative and learn from trees as they adapt even though they don't move and running away from problems is not a choice. hey have their choices of avoidance and adaptation. We need creative ideas to avoid and adapt to the floods that we create for ourselves. Thank you again dear Sara for being so inspirational with your comments.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 7 سنوات #11

Basic facts are like a jigsaw puzzle that has no picture. Facts are the puzzle pieces/shapes, we build the picture onto the puzzle pieces. Often we find that the picture and the pieces don't line up or fit. Now we have to choose. Is it the puzzle piece/shape that is wrong or is it our picture? Many never challenge the picture only the shape. Your writing and searching for a path, allows me to understand that it could be either, both or neither. This is the journey i prefer. No perfect puzzle piece or picture only a canvas that we can choose to draw, erase and seek wisdom.

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 7 سنوات #10

You apply your knowledge to your kindness @Ali Anani. You provide us with much important understanding, strategies and reminders. As always we need to learn from nature to tap into our organic defenses. As discussed in the comments and your responses, the difference between trees and humans is important but, in this case, the similarities are more valuable. Yes, with people intention and choice is crucial in the impact of an event and its meaning. But as you so rightly point out Dr. Ali, our systems are very much the same and it is important to learn how the trees protect themselves against this kind of onslaught. For me, the most powerful statement of yours is the following: "Brad Fergusson didn't only steal money; more he stole the balanced life of people." It is this expectation, to experience the balance, the give and take, the trust, that was violated. At the same time as understanding where the flood is coming from, we must not give our power over to the source. Like the trees, we have the power to "follow a combined strategy of avoidance and adaptation to meet the challenges of flooding."

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #9

Yes, Harvey Lloyd- again, you inspire me with our truthful writing "The real question is, Did you choose the path or did the path chose you"? Yes, we may choose. Unfortunately, people tend to forget basic facts.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #8

Absolutely Donald Grandy- we need to learn from our past experiences so as not to repeat our mistakes and also to paralyze us from moving on. I agree completely with you.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 7 سنوات #7

Ahhhhhhh! the only thing that separates us from the nature we speak, choice. A tree may have a few choices that are environmental triggered, but humans have many paths of outcome based on their choices. The real question is, Did you choose the path or did the path chose you? This question and some fine spirits are the discussions of a lifetime.

Donald 🐝 Grandy PN

منذ 7 سنوات #6

Emotionally intelligent people are quick to forgive, but that doesn’t mean that they forget. Forgiveness requires letting go of what’s happened so that you can move on. It doesn’t mean you’ll give a wrongdoer another chance.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #5

Thank you my dear friend David Navarro L\u00f3pez for writing such a delightful comment. Yes, we need to shift our thinking or flip it to see the "other side of midnight. I concur fully with your comment and love the representative joke story.

David Navarro López

منذ 7 سنوات #4

Sometime ago I attended to a lecture on which the coach started with a very good joke. When audience stopped to laugh, he explained it again. An d again. And again. Until no one laughted anymore. The he pointed out that being again and again sad, or angry, for the same thing, is as illogical as laughing again and again for the same joke. The flow of negative thinking can flood us if we dont stop its flow, or its source. To allow hearing or becoming negative thinking it only rely on us. Same thing as if you dislike a kknd of music, and you can not help to hear it what you do? You put your mind somewhere else, because nobody can make us really listen to something we dont want to.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #3

Harvey Lloyd- it is always a pleasure to read your comments because they are realistic and profound. Here you wrote "I finally came to the understanding, like trees experience good years and bad years as seen by their rings, so does every human". yes, as there is no light without darkness, there is no life without perfections and imperfections. You protect my heart with your wisdom. It is allowing negative emotions to flood us is the main issue. Trees don't flood themselves with water and flooding is beyond their control. We humans allow floods of negative feelings to flood in our bodies. This is a key difference.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 7 سنوات #2

All to often the flood of emotions in this scenario Ali Anani turns into revenge. Human nature, unlike trees, requires eye for an eye in many cases. We must protect our hearts as trees defend against the elements. This is no easy task. We require a mechanism as you described within trees. I have found that life itself is but a journey. Sometimes we find the boogie man and others delight. We are just passing through, leaving behind our thoughts and deeds. The scenarios you speak to here are a part of that journey, not a train wreck. These styled events used to set me back as though i was a dunce head. I believed that i was the only one on the planet that made crazy mistakes and got taken or used. I finally came to the understanding, like trees experience good years and bad years as seen by their rings, so does every human. Those that present that they have not experienced this either don't thrive in the forest of success or hide their experiences. No one experiences a perfect life, everyone can experience a joyful journey through life.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #1

I invite Lisa Vanderburg to read this buzz

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