Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات · 2 دقائق وقت القراءة · ~10 ·

مدونة Ali
Behaviors on the Edge of Extreme

Behaviors on the Edge of Extreme


I am extremely happy

These are extreme customers and are therefore just noises

Living in an extremely arid zone or severely-cold place

Who cares about extremely minute sizes?

These are examples of going to the extreme. Living on its edge for long times is living a life of imbalance. So, most people say.

We tend to magnify losses and pain and overlook hidden gains.

If you were offered to in Oymyakon in Siberia the coldest place on earth what would be your reaction would you accept? The temperature they may drop to -60 degrees Celsius. Birds flying there would freeze while on flight.

It is in the extremes that we may identify the greatest adaptations, innovation and business ideas.
Ali Anani, PhD 

Behaviors in the extreme might change and exhibit the unfamiliar structures, rearrangement and behaviors that are out of sight, but when observed provide us with great opportunities and challenges that ooze out our creative potentials.
Ali Anani, PhD

One great idea is marketers going to the extreme consumers. Those are consumers who fall outside the zones of the majority. It is from these noises that we may generate great music of marketing ideas. They are the “unfamiliar” consumers who may inspire unfamiliar ideas. One great example cited by above reference is the way extreme customers who don’t play games provided the impetus to neutralize their objections to playing games. In interviewing people who hated playing video games, researchers found that they tended to avoid games that were too complicated, and found controllers too difficult to maneuver. In response, the researches designed a game system with intentionally simplified graphics and controllers that mimicked real-life motions. No wonder the product was an instant hit.

We find great ideas in going to the extremes of sizes. We find great and inspiring examples from nature. This is because when sizes get very small they arrange and behave in unexpected ways. Going to the extreme of small sizes is a research area that is attracting huge interests. One example is the tiny sponges that behave differently from normal ones. When a macroporous sponge adsorbs water, it expands and softens. A new study has found that the opposite happens in microporous materials: upon adsorbing a fluid, microporous materials initially shrink and soften. When adsorbing more fluid, microporous materials expand and stiffen. There are many potential applications for this discovery of behavior change over.

Some materials are quite unusual, either because the materials themselves are out-of-the-ordinary or because their mechanical behavior at the micro- and nano-scales is very different from that of the bulk. One good example is Nanoscale gold illustrates the unique properties that occur at the nanoscale. Nanoscale gold particles are not the yellow color with which we are familiar; nanoscale gold can appear red or purple. At the nanoscale, the motion of the gold’s electrons is confined. Because this movement is restricted, gold nanoparticles react differently with light compared to larger-scale gold particles. Their size and optical properties can be put to practical use: nanoscale gold particles selectively accumulate in tumors, where they can enable both precise imaging and targeted laser destruction of the tumor by means that avoid harming healthy cells.

The unique morphologies and properties of the diatom silica shell with its intricate, hierarchically organized three dimensional (3-D) structures with nanoscale dimensions have attracted considerable interest in materials science and nanotechnology in recent years. The emerging applications include sensing/biosensing, drug delivery and chemical-free pest control.

I throw a challenging question on myself and you may  help in finding creative ways to find creative answers. When people go the extremes of their behaviors such as being extremely aggressively demanding as mentioned in my previous buzz how would this extremism help us find novel solutions?


Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #35

hello Kelly- Jordan/Middle East

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #34

. The last thing fish would think about is wa%er. We a=e the same when it ckomes to given things. Sometimes we need a trigger to remember. That ia all Proma \ud83d\udc1d Nautiyal.

Proma Nautiyal

منذ 6 سنوات #33

This was the idea that was hidden somewhere in mind (perhaps subconscious) which I couldn't express. Thank you so much for explaining it so beautifully, Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee. A healthy debate vs. a quarell, to reach a consensus is what differentiates the two approaches to extreme behaviours striking balance. I think I took balance as a given factor so I forgot the basic principle of "striking balance". Thank you for pointing that out. I have learned something new today.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #32

I grestly apprrciate your comment Proma \ud83d\udc1d Nautiyal. I don't differ with you at all. Let me re-phrase part of your splendid comment. You wrote that we strike for balance. If we were all in balance then we lose the force to strike it. That some people are at the extreme we may generate ideas to restore the balance. Here comes the role of creative ideas. I tried to show by example how to achieve this goal. I greatly appreciate your comment.

Proma Nautiyal

منذ 6 سنوات #31

Thank you for the enriching buzz, Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee. This is a phenomenan that exists all around us but since we are so used to it, we hardly notice it anymore. But it is something that needs a lot of thought and consideration. In my opinion, nothing in extreme can bring any good. There is a reason why people strive for balance, as it is peaceful and feels right. Even our body tries to balance out extreme emotions of stress or happiness with tears of sadness or joy. This is something involuntary. So when we do come across people, who are behaving in an extreme manner (mostly negatives cause stress) we should ensure that we do pitch (in) but not to the extent of harming our harmony. If the data they provide can help us create a better product (as you mentioned in the buzz) then that's great, too (in fact, excellent) as we are getting something out of the emotional churn the person is putting us through.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #30

thank you Lisa \ud83d\udc1d Gallagher and I fully comprehend your concerns. I must say that many ideas resulted when working close enough to balance. Also, that many ideas resulted from disruption while on the edge of imbalance or chaos. There are behaviors on the extremes. They are a source of disruption. I call for creative ways to make the disuruption a source of generating new ideas. I know this is challenging. Howdever; I gave few examples of doing this. Either we try to re-balance these behaviors or to understand their motives to extract new ideas to deal with them. I focussed on the latter.

Lisa Gallagher

منذ 6 سنوات #29

Hi Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee, although I'm not in the field of Marketing I've worked with enough people to conclude that extremist behavior can push others away. It can even be the cause of letting a person go from their job. Take Healthcare for example, those who utilize extremist behavior cause extreme anxiety in patients who are already anxious. They also can sour those they work with, which can cause a ripple effect depending on the day or hour. Not a good combination. Luckily, there are many people who work from the middle and I believe they are the people who help to balance extremism and lack there of. You gave great examples and I'm sure extremism has it's benefits but only under the right circumstances- the adrenaline boosting type possibly?

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #28

yes, and I add my voice to yours Harvey Lloyd a nice story folds out.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 6 سنوات #27

You reference a technique we often used in sales. Depending on the department the sale was being made we attempted to put a goal statement together before we made the call. We were usually within 60-70% accurate. We would enter their domain and state. "Before we get started we would like to make sure we understand your goals, We would read the goal statement. Like your question this reframed any preconceived notions about the meeting and reframed it around the customers goals. Sometimes sighs of relief as they had just finished other meetings with vendors and the story of how great they were, or the mental cavalry that had started the charge lost its horses. Great points in questioning, stating and keeping the main thing the main thing.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #26

your mind works wonder my dear Edward Lewellen would say.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #25

what seems for others extreme, but you see normal is because you are creative Jerry Fletcher. I firmly believe that what you see as extreme will be a source for creative ideas for you. When you are on the extreme your tension will bring you creative solutions becaue you are outside your comfort xone. Creative people need sweet tension to be creative. From my own experience this worked wonders for me.

Jerry Fletcher

منذ 6 سنوات #24

Ali, Once again you move us from scientific fact to observed behavior. The journey, for me, is fraught with peril as I have been exposed to very limited data that has the strength of the measurements commonly applied to scientific data. I agree with your premise that by not hiding from the "extreme behavior" we can gain insights that will help market products and services.The difficulty I see is that large budgets or the investment of a great deal of ingenuity are required to come to any conclusions. In addition, having been in the Creative services area, for way too many years, what others perceive as extreme behavior for me seems normal.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #23

What do you think of the comment of Edward Lewellen?

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #22

this ia a brilliant approah . I love it because you diluted the angry employees/customers with your creative question. The beauty of your question is its avoidance of attemting to directly cool the anger. The addition of cold water to hot fatty oil makes the oil splash with anger. You are very wise my friend.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #21

Tausif Mundrawala

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #20

Lisa \ud83d\udc1d Gallagher- I know you have the experience and I hope to share it here

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #19

Deb \ud83d\udc1d Helfrich- would you share your thoughts?

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #18

There are always exceptions Yolanda. If we try and fail with the same person repeatedly then we may choose to drop the customer in this case.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #17

Thank you Yolanda \u00c1vila M\u00e1rquez for offering your point of view. I agree; however there are cases where we have extremes as cited in the buzz. For example, extreme customers who demand everything or who will refuse your offers right away. In these situations we tend to drop them. But, as shown by examples in the buzz, we may find great ideas from the challenges the extremes impose on us. This is what I tried to reveal by example in this buzz. Creativity is not dealing with the familiar average; it is much more dealing with the unfamiliar (extremists) and turn them familiar.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #16

I hope you would read my next buzz dear Lisa Vanderburg. It is because of your challenging comments on this buzz and the last two buzzes as well that I have crystallized some idea. First, I have just finished a new version of the DISC graph. I am trying to make all the necessary info related to DISC on it. It has taken me sometime, but I hope it shall make life easier. I am also applying a case study to augment the understandings of the DISC profile and its relevance. I am applying it on leaders. I am also using a metaphor to make life easier, hopefully, for the reader. It is the challenges of your comments that spark my mind.

Lisa Vanderburg

منذ 6 سنوات #15

Thank you most kindly Franci\ud83d\udc1dEugenia Hoffman, beBee Brand Ambassador. Not exactly the sharpest stick here, but I truly appreciate your comments! Sometimes controlled explosions are healthier than simple defusing, in my experience anyhoo :)

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 6 سنوات #14

Great thoughts 💭

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #13

this is a super comment Franci\ud83d\udc1dEugenia Hoffman, beBee Brand Ambassador works because she is a diamond that cant by scatched easily. It is in these extreme situations thst we may find novel ideas.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #12

great wisdom from your work experience dear Lisa Vanderburg. The story style in which you narrated the conflict in the kitchen and the possible outcomes of conflicts with sharp knives around are captivating. Sometimes taking a conflict to the extreme is a great way to avoid it and restore some balance. You were ahead of your time my dear friend.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #11

great comment Harvey Lloyd comment and for the elaboration that you enriched it with. Second for you deserve our clapping for always stretching our thinking beyond its boundaries.

Lisa Vanderburg

منذ 6 سنوات #10

PART 2: I wouldn't hire sexual predators because our kids were often in the restaurants with us, but would consider most others. Because if the hand they were dealt, there was often the potential for fights. And with cleavers, carvers, knives 22'' down, it's easy to hide a paring knife (and effective enough a weapon). I was very attuned to the atmosphere in the kitchen, no matter how 'hot' it got. If a couple of my staff we're heading for a 'clash', I found that it was a matter of strategy: get them to face-off we me in the middle. This required my best asset to date: intuition, to pick the setting, time and rules. Of course, they were not aware of my manoeuvring - that would be too dangerous! So I'd sort of 'engage' them in a position then pounce to defuse. Worked every time but once, and I had to let one go. Not bad after 35 years! So, I agree with you, very smart Ali - extremes can be used to benefit all concerned with eyes wide open!

Lisa Vanderburg

منذ 6 سنوات #9

Extremes...fascinating topic dear Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee; one I recognise well. This buzz is awesome, BTW! You know when I had a life, it was as a Restaurateur, and I was head chef. No world-renowned TV (annoying-ego) stuff here, just decent business that was above a 'Mom & Pop' but didn't expect (or welcome) Gordon Ramsey-types. We did win a few awards, fine. Trained Rotisseur, Chef de Partie, Poissonier, Sous, Saucier or Patissier; all just part of MY my job. I needed Preps and Wash-ups; the second was easier. So the pool I hired from were untrained and often came with convictions, dead-beat dad, alkies, druggies: the unfortunates that had the life stuffed out of them and didn't have the skills, so I'd be starting from scratch. Because my Preps often came with a great deal of angst or anger, asking them to 'leave their problems at the door' was one thing, but these guys didn't go to 'finishing school'....shall I say. END 1:

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 6 سنوات #8

I was captivated by Edward Lewellen comment on a previous buzz, "The behaviors displayed were a result of who he had become, not who he is in his Core Identity." I may be blowing this up to get to your question but it appears to fit. "...who he had become.." may be a point of view when interacting with extremes we could inquire as to who they want to be. Much as you counseled the gentleman you spoke of in the buzz. We learn through this shared experience the various fears and their limiting us in our exploration? With this experience we can more quickly identify these patterns in future efforts. I would say that here is where experience is truly a collection of shared experiences that we have learned various patterns. I'm off to concentrate on one hand clapping. You and Edward have brought the synapse online.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #7

I was certain that this quote will resonate with you namita sinha. You also enriched my insights as well. Thank you

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #6

So glad to read your comment Harvey Lloyd. Yes, you mentioned communication strategies in your comment. I am glad you did. The last paragraph of the buzz is really on communication wit D (dominant) types of people. I mean here very dominant and dominance could be due to fear or aggression or a way to attract attention. This is an extreme case and as you highlighted in your comment I may add that the dominant person shall not enjoy his/her dominance without feeling infirmity towards others sometimes. Yes, we may derive great lessons from nature and I am not less fascinated than you are "This functional integration within nature is what fascinates me while i review the landscape"

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 6 سنوات #5

Nature and science offer a great insight into our natural world. On one side we can see the results of natures behaviour and adapt it to fit a need. On the other side of the science coin....Why does it do that? I believe you appropriately apply this analogy when we consider behaviour that is less than optimal for the purpose we have established. Like the natural world our behaviour is based on reasoning that we have locked into our synaptic systems. Also like the natural world we can take behaviours that fit a need and use it to the advantage of others. In your previous posts you discussed some the communication strategies we could use to answer the question of what need is being fulfilled within an individual when that behaviour is manifested? Being an observer there is impact on me, of course, but the behaviour was executed to fulfil something within the individual. My response will fulfill that need or i may act from my own narrative and escalate the behaviour. This is a fascinating topic and one that i deal with daily in my profession. The academic materials available in this area of research surround a Functional Behavioral Assessment, or FBA. Every behaviour has a function. Even in nature. This functional integration within nature is what fascinates me while i review the landscape.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #4

Very true Kevin Baker

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #3

Your comment reminded me of this great quote by Jonathan Foer “You cannot protect yourself from sadness without protecting yourself from happiness.” When we go the extreme dear namita sinha we tend to lose self-control or restore our balance. There is where opportunities wait for us to mine them. This is what shall help us in your own words "only to help us emerge more fulfilled and in sync with our inner self – that is only if we pay attention to what we are going through with acceptance and ownership !" If we were living only a happy life or a sad one so that we may not experience both I dare say we shall lose ourselves because we shall not gain the required experiences and skills. We say people leading very easy lives with fortunes committing suicide. Isn't this a proof? Your comments are extremely (I mean the word extremely here) enlightening my friend.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #2

Very-well said dear namita sinha. yes, like charcoal turns to diamond under pressure and so we need to learn from extremes. Glad you mentioned the comfort zone, but that is not the area for great innovations. It is on the extreme that we may disrupt our conventional thinking and come up with novel ideas. Great challenges create the greatest opportunities if we don't yield fast.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #1

You are very kind dear friend siraj shaik. You know your comments are always mid and heart boosters.

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