Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات · 2 دقائق وقت القراءة · ~10 ·

مدونة Ali
Contamination of Emotions

Contamination of Emotions

Should this curve be revised
in view of the new findings?


Anxiety moves CCT
to denial. but is LISTE
this true?

My previous buzz on Unexpected Passion Migrations and subsequent lovely buzz by Sara Jacobovici on Bee Passionate drew great discussions. A comment by Fatima Williams led to the formation of what I suggested as the WPD Factor (Wonderment, Passion and Drive) as the main factor of succeeding in whatever we do.

This WPD Factor prompted me to investigate it in more detail for many reason Wonderment or curiosity is the starting passion and then a mix of complex passions and self-drive may be all what we need to succeed. But don't we? Is wonderment short-lived? Is it because our emotions are contaminated and thus leading to contaminated efforts? Or, are there other possibilities?
We contaminate our emotions with many negative ones such as fear. Fear is what ties up our minds from seeing more possibilities and options. We contaminate our emotions with trying to please others rather than pleasing our inner drive and doing what affectionate us. The inner drive and prevailing emotions oppose each other only to see our efforts come to no fruition. We contaminate our emotions as we contaminate our waters. We see microbial and fungal growth in water and forget that our bodies are mainly filled with running water. We too tend to contaminate our inner waters with negative thoughts and allow for the growth of fungal ideas fast in our bodies and then ask we failed.
The movement of emotions has been revealed and I covered this movement in a presentation titled
Emotions Movement. I find it appropriate to re-visit this presentation and tie it up with the WPD Factor. The next image shows that emotions aggregate in five major clusters. Green stands for positive emotions, blue for quiet and low energy emotions, red for inflated negative emotions, orange for physical discomfort and yellow for sexual emotions. Examples of each cluster are given in the bottom part of the image.

Findings established that it is far easier to move within the same cluster than from one cluster to another. This tags well with the WPD Factor. Successful people start from a green cluster with positive energy and stay within it. They don't contaminate their positive emotions with contaminations from other negative clusters. They know what they want, they accept failure as a learning experience to build on it and continue their drive.
In contrast, The WPD Factor explains why investors fail in the stock market. They allow the contamination of early positive emotions movement by negative ones and once they are trapped there they find it very difficult to dislodge themselves from the consequences.


Handle your WPD with care…it is fragile unless your self-determination forms a high enough barrier to contamination by negative emotions.


David Navarro López

منذ 7 سنوات #29

I agree entirely that fear is hard to define because it has too many nuances, and they vary depending on the individual. One thing is clear: it is common to the whole species. To deny it is to deny our own nature. Which in my opinion, it has nothing to do with freedom. It is up to everyone (fully compos mentis) allowing fear to be a limit. The "sense of freedom" is as well different for every individual. Some might say that freedom is about of being able to choose what you want or you think. But as long are not absolutely responsible for the options to choose from, we are still enslaved by the options we get. Above all, I am not too sure if we have fully evolved from apes, and if so, looking at what humankind is doing to its environment, well, I wouldn't be that proud of it. We still have too short years of life to be able to evaluate it, but the trend is not very flattering. Considering that we still have the mentioned "limits" of fear and pain, i wonder what would happen if we didn't have them. Could we then have the sensation of "God like" , and make it even worse?

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 7 سنوات #28

Definitely Peter van Doorn, the meaning we give to a feeling, experience, or role makes all the difference. The good thing however, is that, no matter how individual or subjective the meaning, there is enough in common for us to allow for identification and in this way still be able to get the support of being part of a community.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #27

Again, synchronicity between Sara Jacobovici and myself as we commented almost the same time. Do people become twin-like when they exchange minds frequently?

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #26

To my best knowledge I believe Sara Jacobovici before writing her buzz. Yes, it is precisely this availability of lag time between between stimulus and response hat we may change. Amazingly, Deb you wrote " Thank you @Ali Anani for hosting what I consider a modern day virtual salon"- I feel you expressed my feelings to all of you here who made this salon a place to be in.

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 7 سنوات #25

"Awareness releases the stronghold of resistance, and space is opened up, enabling positive thoughts of "Wonderment, Passion and Drive", and we move into healthy, positive momentum. This is vibrant, healthy thinking..." All key concepts and words Irene Hackett. I am adding this to the design I am trying to put together of the immune system (with appropriate credit given of course). Thanks Irene.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #24

My bread and games for you Peter van Doorn

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #23

Thank you dear sister Irene Hackett on their latest buzzes. I have confidence they shall enjoy your thoughts here and add to them. Thank you for taking the time to share your valuable input.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #22

I do appreciate your comment Peter van Doorn. If you would inspect the image and the listings of emotions in its bottom we may see the blue cluster. Under this cluster we tend to move between different stages of fear and their differing intensity. The borderline between them is fuzzy and moving from one state to another is easy since we move within the same boundaries of the cluster. So, fear is hard for me to define.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #21

May be taking full control of fear is beyond us; hovwer not fearing excessively is within our control. Yes, little fear can be healthy; too much fear can be the unhealthy thing to do.

David Navarro López

منذ 7 سنوات #20

"We contaminate our emotions with many negative ones such as fear. " Well, fear is inherent to our human nature, is the direct responsible of our survival, is the alarm when a danger appears, and it resides in the amygdala. The Urbach–Wiethe disease damages the amygdala, and no fear behaviour is a clear symptom of it. I would say that we contaminate our emotions if we allow fear taking control, whilst we should always pay attention to its signals. Brave or courageous people have fear too, but they take control and do what they have to do, despite their fears.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #19

Dear Peter van Doorn- My strength seem to be my weakness . Ironic. This is brilliant and it shows that there is no strength without weakness. Can we have light without darkness? Sometimes we chase impossible dreams

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #18

Dear Peter van Doorn- brilliant comment and it is a story on its own. Freeing self from fear brought you other responsibility- dependence of people on you for protection. Truly as thermodynamics says we get nothing for nothing. But, don't you agree that helping others is better than being submerged in ones' own fear> I do long to read your response.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #17

Dear brother Anees Zaidi- I am equally impressed by your very sound comment as I am happy to see you back in action. beBee is not the same in your absence. Yes, we need to remove of the fear of the uncertain from our lives. SPot on as this is the first step to moving on.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #16

ABsolutely stunning your comment is dear Harvey Lloyd. Your concept of ideas before and after action resonates so strongly with me and leaves me with lots to think about. The value of internal demons shall remain positive and accept the trial and error consequences is ably discussed in your comment. More to discuss on this soon.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #15

Great to read your comments again dear . Glad you find the post of relevance.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #14

Dear debasish majumder- Thank you and your bottle is filled with great content and meanings. I do appreciate your kind words and analysis.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 7 سنوات #13

This is an awesome concept @Ali Anani i would think that a step 1 to this might be the "concept" of success. Emotions are dynamic and changing based on internal and external forces. Ideas are subject to internal forces, in most applications, because we have not yet taken the idea to action. WIthin action, even those who shared your wonder, now can become the triggers to emotional contamination. What strength will we have when these external forces attack. Although i paint a negative picture of the attack, in reality it is a normal trial and error in the public domain. I have found and i also believe many others have found, when the idea generates from a "service to others" model, our strength emanates from the end goal. The public domain and its pressing trial and error processes are merely inquiries into the how. If the questions enter the why zone we can answer them through the benefits your success will bring to others. I believe the attack of a rolling out concept is inevitable. So would should keenly understand our motivations to insure we can sustain the WPD. Internal demons being in control, a prudent review of our motivation/success benefits we can insure no one externally will wake our inner demons.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #12

Besides completely agreeing with what dear Fatima Williams wrote, I find no better way to thank you deeply other than لا فض فوك وسلمت يداك ولسانك

🐝 Fatima G. Williams

منذ 7 سنوات #11

That is very true Mohammed Sultan The biggest challenge is saying NO not only to other's but to ourselves when we take ourselves for granted.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #10

Yes, I second your thoughts

Mohammed Abdul Jawad

منذ 7 سنوات #9

Oftentimes, our expressions are by the bonds of passions! Perhaps, with wonderment, passions need right pathways to tread and drive with perseverance becomes easier. :)

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #8

I do look forward to your support and enrichment by joining the Consortium dear Deb Helfrich. You have been a great source of inspiration. But I take this one as a new challenge and great opportunities for discoveries. I know you shall be there my friend

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #7

How about dream and reality together so that when a dream becomes a reality it gives birth of a new dream? Thank you Mar\u00eda Teresa Redondo Infantes for your lovely comment

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #6

First, without the great feedback from you dears Fatima Williams we wouldn't be standing where we are now. I am so happy with your comment and I find it energizing dear Fatima. I look forward to establishing the Consortium Hive tomorrow and to find ways to translate Sara's suggestion and your beautiful ideas into something tangible. You have been a great assist dear Fatima and I hope you shall continue playing this role.

🐝 Fatima G. Williams

منذ 7 سنوات #5

Wow Wow and Wow Ali Anani suggested. Why are we scared to let go for the sake of ourselves. Why don't we think whats best for us. This leads me back to your closing statement self-determination. Yes we need that to be our self-defence. To be our savior when all else is leading us in the wrong direction. Our self-determination is the key to our success of the WPD factor. Yet another outstanding buzz from my dear Ali Anani. You are the dispersion of light that forms my rainbow , a multi-coloured self determined one and I Thank you for that.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #4

Will establish the hive tomorrow and the triad of yourself, Fatima Williams- you have been a mindmate along the way.

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 7 سنوات #3

Very exciting Ali Anani! I would be proud to be part of your Consortium Hive. It is your vision of the new approach to the human resources management that needs to go ahead. Yes, much has happened in the last three days with your efforts, energy and capabilities.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #2

Dear Sara Jacobovici- sheer brilliance your comment is. I think of your suggestion "This leads me to think of building up the "immune system" of a positive formula so as to be able to fight off the negativity". What a breakthrough idea. Do it Sara for you shall serve the humanity. I love your comment, but you got me so aroused with this suggestion that I just want to urge you to go ahead with it. beBee shall be remembered for this. I would even consider establishing a Consortium Hive to assist with this great idea. Just look back three days ago and there was no WPD Factor and where we are today. I see a new approach to the human resources management emerging.

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 7 سنوات #1

Always am so grateful to be mentioned in one of your works Ali Anani, thank you. I very much appreciate your whole concept of protecting a positive formula for change from the negative impact of contamination caused by the negative emotions. At the same time you point out how the positive formula can actually act as a catalyst of change on what is often perceived as a negative event like failure. In this case you show how successful people "know what they want, they accept failure as a learning experience to build on it and continue their drive." This leads me to think of building up the "immune system" of a positive formula so as to be able to fight off the negativity. From a preventative perspective, we can be alert and aware of "ingesting" and/or absorbing only the cleanest of messages from others and our environment. If anything does get through we can approach it from a detoxification perspective; "ingesting" and/or absorbing emotions and meanings that can cleanse the contaminants. Your closing statement Dr. Ali provides us with the strongest defense of all; ensuring that "self-determination forms a high enough barrier".

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