Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات · 1 دقائق وقت القراءة · ~10 ·

مدونة Ali
Defining our Definitions

Defining our Definitions


What is strategy?

What is consciousness?

What are senses?

What is time?

These are simple questions, but there are no simple answers. There are a lot of other questions that we have no consensus on. We draw strategies without agreeing what strategy is. We call for having an alert consciousness and we differ on defining what consciousness is. We call for the use of our senses and trusting them, but we aren't sure how many senses we have. We try to define time when time and space are one entity. How do we then define time while neglecting space?

Not only simple rules lead to complexity, but also simple definitions. For example, our senses feed our brains. The way we define senses will affect our definition of brain and its functionality. But how much do we know about the composition of our brains and how they function? Our definitions lead to feedback effects and with time the linear cause and effect relationship breaks down.

Do we generate complexity out of the interactions of our definitions? How valid is the golden circle that has the question at its peripheral? The question of what is linked to the how and the core question why and so if we start with what then we start from no fixed point. Slight differences in defining the question (and its answers accordingly) will affect our initial position. This slight difference in our initial positions may take us into different paths and consequences.

We start with questions that have no definite answers. We start with uncertainties and hope for reaching definite answers. Is this a new paradox?

I open the floor to express your views.


Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #102

Praveen Raj Gullepalli- we all need your insights. I love this "The indefinite and the uncertain are the realm of imagination and formative hypothesis". This is a healthy attitude and I shall keep this in my mind.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #101

Praveen Raj Gullepalli- we all need your insights. I love this "The indefinite and the uncertain are the realm of imagination and formative hypothesis". This is a healthy attiutde and I shall keep this in my mind.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #100

Harvey Lloyd#123 in that "We often tend to be more invested in the search and then may lose the interest once we can see the results of that search". In this case I find myself bifurcating into new knowledge zones with no end at the sight. Bu, the sweet waters of searching keep my interest.

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 6 سنوات #99

You are right Ali Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee. We often tend to be more invested in the search and then may lose the interest once we can see the results of that search. This is a very human characteristic and "truth" can be keeping its "face" hidden to keep us in the search. I am inspired by you writing, "All I know we shall keep searching for it."

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #98

Great comment y friend and I am still thinking. I need a short thinking "pause.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 6 سنوات #97

All valid questions but the answers are well above humans definitions of character. Cognitive dissonance is the word you search. When our actions or those of others do not align with our intrinsic values. Do we change our values and keep peace or do we let others know their values are corrupt from our perspective? I offer the third alternative (Steven Covey 7 Habits) and that is what we want from the engagement while each applies his/her values to the same outcome. The outcome can meet the demands of different nuances of the values brought to the table. I can satisfy my intrinsic why question and so can you when the outcome meets a service need of others. Dopamine and other body chemicals release based on the intrinsic values you hold. A good time or a bad time can not be determined except if we attached a value to the environment and time. The bank robber has decided that society owes them something and that they are not hurting individuals but rather taking from an institution. With these values we can see instantly the cognitive dissonance i would experience if i participated. Also the bank robber could not find joy in working in a soap kitchen serving others.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #96

Dear Praveen Raj Gullepalli- I need your mind in these discussions.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #95

Since writing my last response to you I have been thinking of my next buzz. The main theme is that all humans have the same chemicals. The same composition and then how come they show different behaviors? I am still researching this topic, but it started to overwhelm me. One question I am asking myself is how our interactions with other people change the chemistry of our behaviors. We know that our bodies release dopamine for a reason.. Now, if we are exposed to the outside world how this will affect us and in turn the chemical reactions in our bodies? Facing a truth that is negating the societal truth is a challenge and it has an effect on us. Why some people have a different effect when our bodies release the same chemicals? Are beliefs connected to the chemistry of our bodies? The truth is that I am searching for it. I ask myself extroverts are like open system open to the environment. Introverts are more like closed systems. How does this affect their bodies chemistry? You wrote " If these intrinsic truths are great to discuss but in action they fold up into what is best for me, then your permeability statement holds true" Is it the same effect for introverts and extroverts? I know now how much I don't know. I am immersed in new waters.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 6 سنوات #94

In the end our opposition or support is usually at either side of this metaphorical barrier. For me to change an internal truth it must be tested and i must be convicted in my own life that this will help me serve better. I cant imagine that too many rounds can be raced before you realize these truths extend past time for the individual. Always the challenge comes when we test the truths when it hurts. This is usually expressed in taking the "high road". If these intrinsic truths are great to discuss but in action they fold up into what is best for me, then your permeability statement holds true. You and i discussed a while ago concerning our children and parenting, sometimes our intrinsic truths require us to let them experience something painful. Ultimately we decided that words can warn but only experience teaches. Choose wisely the truths you will act from spontaneously, as these will install your narrative extrinsically.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #93

Now the discussions are reaching a new and higher level. The barrier with its physical and mechanical properties and its permeability. Is ir semi-permeable, or blocked completely? Are its pores closed because they are filled with the grains of external truths? What texture does it have? If pores are of widely varying pores size then it shall be "Intrinsically Weak". If pores are similar in size the barrier shall be strong. Harvey Lloyd- now we are entering into a new phase of our discussions.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 6 سنوات #92

Now you have exposed the real challenge with truth? Does a barrier exist between extrinsic and intrinsic truth? If so what fortifies this barrier? I do not have the answer for someone else but do recognize that in the end this barrier will be our path to success we choose or, if not present, someone else will choose for us. The barrier is our responsibility to protect and guide us through the worlds natural trusts of existence. The barrier should be able to withstand storms and sandy beaches. My personal thoughts are that the anxiety of the world is generated from our extrinsic truths changing our intrinsic ones. This is the apathy of my countrymen today. We must search and decide our intrinsic truths. It is always challenging when i see the search for intrinsic value being sought in a sea of people who haven't even found their own.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #91

Yes, this is what I meant. If not, we have no core values. The problem is how many people go with flow of truth to be in conformity with the extrinsic truths?

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 6 سنوات #90

Extrinsic truth yes, intrinsic use caution as these truths are our navigation system. Intrinsic values should change only with great consideration. Our intrinsic values guides the paint brush that paints the picture of humanity along with all the others. The truth will be found on the canvas of our human creativity.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #89

I wonder then if my description "flow with the truth" is suitable or not?

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 6 سنوات #88

Seeing truth as fluid in our extrinsic environment instead of rigid allows us to better understand and react within our search for truth. When we use our intrinsic truth to halt the fluid dynamics we then challenge the intrinsic values of others. Assuming the same goal is on the table to all, fluidity is the key to success. Searching for truth is important so far as choosing an action going forward. Unfortunately, search for truth cant start until we share each others intrinsic truth. This is where the fluid process becomes stuck in the pipe. This fluid process could end up in a direction i can not go because of my intrinsic truth. Then i must leave or change my truth. Applying (Not selling.) my truth within the dynamic of choices was unsuccessful and i must live with myself within the choice the group made.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #87

Harvey Lloyd is writing a buzz stimulated by these discussions I wish to alert her to your comment. You wrote "Today most of the folks who are alive from that era are no longer the same people, they would see a different truth. Truth is an ongoing concept, the major hindrance, desire. When my desire over runs the system for my benefit i am usually stomping on the truth". By thsese powerful lines you explained very well what I wrote earlier that truth is subject to The Observer Effect. I take two lines from your comment: "Testing our extrinsic truths in such a way that change happens within our intrinsic truth". "We must find our own internal truths and change them with great care and thought" The dynamism of truth because of the extrinsic truths feedback to our internal ones. and still we have the intrinsic truths invariant within its boundaries as determined by the simple rules we follow. Great thoughts my friend

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 6 سنوات #86

The truth will always be nebulous when we consider a group of people. I know my truths, they are unchanging or wavering, they guide me. But when we step out of our core values we enter the nebulousness world of social existence. My driving truth may not be yours. Yet we are expected to take actions together for the purpose of existence. My truths guide me through this process but i don't look for truth within the group but rather everyone uses their own to form a greater solution to existing issues of all humans. Your observer effect comment explains why truth will always be elusive in its final form. The truths of the 1930's are now just starting to play out from the actions of society. Today most of the folks who are alive from that era are no longer the same people, they would see a different truth. Truth is an ongoing concept, the major hindrance, desire. When my desire over runs the system for my benefit i am usually stomping on the truth. When i look above my on desire, regardless of my hunger, i can find humanity and truth. Your "rules" post a few weeks ago i believe would form the basis of our truth as we entered the social extrinsic world. Solutions should provide for the greater good of humanity, planet and freedom of identity. My truth can live within that truth as we discuss these issues. I find that truth is usually a crusade that someone starts to bring benefit their way. Testing our extrinsic truths in such a way that change happens within our intrinsic truth. The American political system demonstrates this precisely. We must find our own internal truths and change them with great care and thought.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #85

Dear Sara Jacobovici- you stirred me with your comment. Allow me to explain by examples. You recall watching a movie in which a killer, for example, remains a hidden identity. The camera would show him from many physical positions, but not the face. I am sure you experienced what I experienced- the curiosity to find out the identity. As soon as the camera focused on the face and you knew who the killer was your curiosity subdued. I believe we don't see God because we keep our curiosity chasing the truth. The truth knows that we may lose interest if we see its "face" and therefore keeps up searching for it with interest. Can we find the truth? All I know we shall keep searching for it.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #84

You are again amazing with your picturesque comment Harvey Lloyd #104 would mean to you?

David Navarro López

منذ 6 سنوات #83

What a wise words " the search is more important than the answer" This is precisely my point. To keep searching, challenging ourselves, not accepting assumptions, no matter if they come from us or from others. Truth can be a "passive" thing. Untrue can be another. A lie implies an action, is an active thing. Just saying. In other, is an interesting point you are making on your words "did i listen and allow the experience to flow to the truth" and I would add: did I allow the experience flow through me towards the truth? how did it change me?

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #82

Dear Sara Jacobovivi- you stirred me with your comment. Allow me to explain by examples. You recall watching a video in which a killer, for example, remains a hidden identity. The camera would show him from many physical positions, but not the face. I am sure you experienced what I experienced- the curiosity to find out the identity. As soon as the camera focused on the face and you new who the killer was your curiosity subdued. I believe we don't see God because we keep our curiosity chasing the truth. The truth knows that we may lose interest if we see its "face" and therefore keeps up searching for it with interest. Can we find the truth? All I know we shall keep searching for it.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 6 سنوات #81

Truth is a very complex concept when more than one person is in the room. Although a topic of great discussion and bewilderment truth is something that the search is more important than the answer. I remember the old IBM key cards and would submit we each have one of these cards as our core belief. Experience punches holes in our card and the holes represent what we have learned through our encounters with life. Truth like many things has an opposite, lie. So if i experience the tusks and you the belly it establishes one of us is lying as our touch has demonstrated two very different experiences. Or does it demonstrate two truths about the same thing? In the end it all comes to, did i listen and allow the experience to flow to the truth or did i stop it and defend my own version? Enjoyed the slide share.

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 6 سنوات #80

I appreciate you bringing the Observer Effect into this discussion Ali Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee. It is "the elephant in the room"; it needs to be seen and addressed. personally, I am a bit more optimistic than you Dr. Ali when it comes to finding the "truth". In the spirit of this discussion, although we aren't equipped to perceive the "truth", I would say that we haven't yet used all that is at our disposal to get as close as possible. We still have along way to go. I'm enjoying the ride!

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #79

As much as I learn from you dear David. I have just noticed that dear Sara Jacobovici has shred your presentation on beBee. Your work speaks for itself.

David Navarro López

منذ 6 سنوات #78

I'm just learning from my master. My sword is yours, dear Ali.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #77

#99 I invite you to read this great presentation by the "deep thinker" David Navarro L\u00f3pez. It makes you think comfortably because the images makes reading very smooth.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #76

I have just finished reading your slideshare presentation and it is wonderful, deep and enriched with great images. I don't know how I missed reading it before! I think that Sara Jacobovici shal find your presentation of great relevance to their interests. I keep saying that the reductionist approach is inadequate and this is exemplified in the the blind and elephant story. We need to see the parts in the whole and not the whole in the parts. Dear David Navarro L\u00f3pez- you wrote in your comment "I am not too sure if knowing the ultimate and complete truth with all its nuances is what we really need". You bring a great point to the discussion table in that I believe that the truth is subject to The Observer Effect. We change the truth by observing it. Can we ever find it? My answer, probably not.

David Navarro López

منذ 6 سنوات #75

To have Sara Jacobovici sharing her point of view is always challenging and enriching. Having others' point of view definitely, can help us to get rid of our own subjectivity on the search of an "ultimate truth". But this can be disguising too, as these opinions are subjective too. The example of the blind men and an elephant is a clear example of it (see more here) On this search, the only fact we can all be sure is that we are ALL blind, that we will never see the complete image of an issue. What we can learn from this fact, is to keep our mind open, and try to see reality through others' eyes. Like the parachutes, a mind is useless if it's not open. Furthermore, I am not too sure if knowing the ultimate and complete truth with all its nuances is what we really need. In some cases, ignorance can be a blessing. I invite you to have a look to something I wrote about the issue some time ago

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #74

There are amazing comments on this buzz. I invite you to participate in one of the best exchange of discussions I had witnessed in my life.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #73

- You are amazing with your examples David Navarro L\u00f3pez. The garlic example is perfect and it shows how patterns and assumptions make us view the same issue with widely different attitudes. The comment here by @Sara Jacobovici #92 mentions something related to your comment on subjectivity. Sara wrote "Here we see the beliefs change from subjective to objective, beliefs, as the ice, change. The more the subjective "dissolves" into the objective, "the greater the change". How do you then relate your writing dear David with Sara's comment? I mean your writing "and to make definitions with our brain teasing us with its subjective assumptions, while we miss the point that many things have no need to be understood or to be defined, just accepted as they are". Can we in your example dissolve the subjective assumptions in the objective ones"?

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #72

You are amazing with your examples David Navarro L\u00f3pez #92 mentions something related to your comment on subjectivity. Sara wrote "Here we see the beliefs change from subjective to objective, beliefs, as the ice, change. The more the subjective "dissolves" into the objective, "the greater the change". How do you then relate your writing dear David with Sara's comment? I mean your writing "and to make definitions with our brain teasing us with its subjective assumptions, while we miss the point that many things have no need to be understood or to be defined, just accepted as they are". Can we in your example dissolve the subjective assumptions in the objective ones"?

David Navarro López

منذ 6 سنوات #71

The complexity starts as we can trust our senses, but we can't trust our brain interpreting the signals coming from them. The way the brain stores them or discard them is always distorted by previous subjective assumptions. It always looks for "logical" explanations, tries to find patterns, as it is unable to accept randomity. If one day, while wearing a red cap somebody wins the lottery, from this day on will always wear a red cap when buying lottery. In other, the smell of garlic can be nice for someone in a food but can be disgusting if found in the bedroom. Same smell, same person, but the brain reacts badly if found in a place it is not "supposed to be" The paradox I find here is that we try to find explanations and to make definitions with our brain teasing us with its subjective assumptions, while we miss the point that many things have no need to be understood or to be defined, just accepted as they are.

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 6 سنوات #70

Looking forward to the results of that voyage Ali Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #69

Amazing you are Sara Jacobovici- just to let you know that since yesterday I was thinking of your first comment on this buzz in which you wrote "I see paradoxes as the extractions we make when we remove ourselves from the process". Your use of the wod extraction was the inspiration. I found me asking if human bodies are mostly bodies of water what reactions do people have when they encounter each other like two reactants "meeting" in water? Is the water chemistry in our bodies similar to water chemistry outside our bodies? How would two people affect the water chemistry in another person? Now, your new response adds to my wonderment and I am on a new search voyage.

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 6 سنوات #68

Great thinking and great inspiring Ali Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee. He wrote, "do we want to hold on to our subjectivity (limiting beliefs) at all costs or are we genuinely driven to seek objective clarity through collective dialogue even if it means giving up personal (limiting) beliefs? I personally believe that this would be the price that we would need to pay in regard to the collective evolution of ideas and the move towards greater clarity." Here we see the beliefs change from subjective to objective, beliefs, as the ice, change. The more the subjective "dissolves" into the objective, "the greater the change", while we still keep our same physical shape. In response to Ian, I wrote, "On a synchronistic and "light" note, I just posted a buzz of musician Mike Rutherford who said, "Being in a band is always a compromise. Provided that the balance is good, what you lose in compromise, you gain by collaboration." Another process (involving balance) to think about. I am off to put together some of these amazing exchanges in a buzz Dr. Ali, hoping to stay in the spirit of the polymer.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #67

Good Morning @Sara Jacobovici. Your example is great. It is convincing. But, I want to offer another example to explain myself better. Salt and water ice are two distinct bodies. Add them together the salt affects the properties of the ice changes such as its melting gets lowered upto -12 Celsius degrees, depending on the amount of salt added. There is no feedback effect in this example and still the authenticity of ice changes. When we "add" men to men they aren't the same as they were before. To what degree they change.Physically, they are the same; emotionally and spiritually they aren't. The more they dissolve in each other, the greater the change is while still keeping the same physical shapes. You made me think.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #66

Good Morning Sara Jacobovici. Your example is great. It is convincing. But, I want to offer another example to explain myself better. Salt and water ice are two distinct bodies. Add them together the salt affects the properties of the ice changes such as its melting gets lowered upto -12 Celsius degrees, depending on the amount of salt added. There is no feedback effect in this example and still the authenticity of ice changes. When we "add" men to men they aren't the same as they were before. To what degree they change.Physically, they are the same; emotionally and spiritually they aren't. The more they dissolve in each other, the greater the change is while still keeping the same physical shapes. You made me think.

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 6 سنوات #65

The only time that I see a reductionist approach being taken is when one part is discussed in isolation of any other part. To identify one part as unique and having a unique role does not take away the dynamic relationship and influence among the parts. It reminds me of the protests of exclusion women have when it comes to having the same rights as men. Of course women, as any other group have to be considered equally when it comes to human rights. But at the end of the day, each gender is unique and has a unique role to play. Please let me know if I made any sense Ali Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee

Ian Weinberg

منذ 6 سنوات #64

Sara Jacobovici you have indeed read by comment accurately. My contribution to the electro-chemical homeostasis of body function can be found at Its a bit technical but you shouldn't have too much of a problem identifying the central thesis.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #63

As long as we talk on feedback for me this isolating each part of the body is a reductionist approach. If the senses feed the mind and so is the case of the triad. So, it is the whole systemic approach that is needed. I wonder if you would agree Sara Jacobovici

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 6 سنوات #62

#51 Thank you Ali Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee's comment. I appreciate how Ian can articulate complex systems so easily (you notice I didn't say simply). What I am getting from your comment, Ian, (and please don't hesitate to steer me in the right direction if I am wrong) is that although there are a number of "connections" amongst the brain, heart and gut (and I am encouraged that these connections are being made these days), each has their unique role and only the brain is capable of consciousness and cognition. If I understood that correctly, I don't see this taking anything away from the influences that take place within this triad. Personally, I would like to explore the following piece further; "the heart generates a large electric field which permeates the entire body (closed volume conductor)" Any recommendations Ian?

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 6 سنوات #61

#77 Thank you Ali Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee's comment. I appreciate how Ian can articulate complex systems so easily (you notice I didn't say simply). What I am getting from your comment, Ian, (and please don't hesitate to steer me in the right direction if I am wrong) is that although there are a number of "connections" amongst the brain, heart and gut (and I am encouraged that these connections are being made these days), each has their unique role and only the brain is capable of consciousness and cognition. If I understood that correctly, I don't see this taking anything away from the influences that take place within this triad. Personally, I would like to explore the following piece further; "the heart generates a large electric field which permeates the entire body (closed volume conductor)" Any recommendations Ian?

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 6 سنوات #60

I believe that it is questions that motivated an integrator of art and science like Leonardo Da Vinci.

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 6 سنوات #59

"To ask questions means to be fully human." Well said Milos Djukic. And the fact that there are so many questions reinforces the complexity of being human; from the existential "To be or not to be?", to the ironic, "...neat, plausible, and wrong."

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 6 سنوات #58

#36 Thank you Ali Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee's comment. I am definitely drawn to the quote you shared Dr. Ali, "we learn something here about brilliance, that it is what also blinds us. When we are hit by light we are not ready for..." Well said Manjit. It never ceases to amaze me that we are "equipped" physically in one way, yet have the potential to transcend that and may get there before we can adapt to that new level or place. I think the is where "overwhelmed" comes from.

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 6 سنوات #57

#33 Thank you Ali Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee. A comment worth thinking about from the perspective of, "intentions controlled by senses using varieties of strategy in uni-direction". I can see how you would see it this way siraj shaik, but from my perspective, I would describe the senses as the means of receiving information, both internally and externally, which then gets processed as an experience (stored in memory). We then develop and form associations and meanings from the information processed. I see intention as part of a later stage of all of this. Because I consider us sensory beings, you might say that all of our thoughts, choices, intentions and behaviours are "controlled" by our senses. What is interesting in us humans is that after the initial processing, our thoughts, choices, intentions and behaviours actually influence our sensory perceptions.

CityVP Manjit

منذ 6 سنوات #56

I have one brain, it is not in my heart, nor is it in my gut and if that one brain goes kaput I become a vegetable and no matter how much gut brain is posited there is nothing there that changes what would then make me a catatonic being with my head flopping one side and saliva running down my mouth. Once we see a human being with traumatic brain injury any belief system that posits multiple brains is nothing more than that, a belief system. That should not remove faith from the equation because what faith is simply another way of thinking and thinking differently has great value. So if I look at the chakra's I am cool with energy centers because it sends my mind examining existence with a different lens but is an imagination assist. If it is physical the body is included, if it is spiritual the will is included and if it is social the heart is included but we are speaking through metaphor and therefore that informs art. That is why I like Richard Feynman, he explained science in a way that should resonate with a layman and he also lived his life with artistic flair, enjoying his bongo's and smiling at life in ways scientists don't normally do. Feynman was a human being who happened to be a scientist and the worst scientists treat the human body as a test lab, and that is why in times of extremism, such as the scientists that worked under Nazi law, used that period of inhumanity to run experiments they would not otherwise be ethically and morally be allowed to engage and under just laws, be imprisoned for. One brain works for me but if I entertain the idea of Trinity, that is an abstraction for creative possibility and in that regard religion plays a great role in ensuring that we don't become scientific instruments but create social glue or what we refer to as "the ties that bind". Good religion and good science is good, and thus the conception of evil is actually useful.

Ian Weinberg

منذ 6 سنوات #55

Tricia, perhaps I need to clarify and define where I'm coming from. I am neuroscience based, a pioneer in applied psychoneuro-immunology (PNI) with a life-long interest in consciousness ( To expand into extended consciousness which incorporates quantum consciousness, we need to have a solid foundation in the neurosciences and all the integrated medical science that influences brain function - hence PNI. In the context of the neurosciences there is only one brain with a peripheral nervous system (as I outlined before). In regard to conventional, narrow neuroscience, consciousness is supported only by the brain. In the extended neuroscience-PNI model, consciousness is a function of the interaction of the immune system with the brain together with additional inputs from the somatic and autonomic nervous systems. If you add my electro-chemical model (, then consciousness is a function of the contribution of every cell (most notably heart cells) to the electro-chemical mileu and the influences of this mileu on every cell, most notably on the neurons of the brain. Finally if you interface all the above with a physics interface, then consciousness is no longer confined to the brain-body ( So even if there are 10 000 articles stating that there is a gut brain and a heart brain, it is irrelevant. What is relevant is the context in which the research is done and the definition of this 'brain' - see my previous definition. Finally, the conventional neuroscience literature is filled with partial truths and fake truths (there has been an 80% increase in retractions of neuroscience articles published in peer reviewed journals over the past 5 years because of questionable data!). Respectfully then, this is my perspective on the subject.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #54

Tricia Mitchell- thank you for the link. I run across many beautiful articles on Dailymai and I shall read your link in case I haven't.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #53

I am too grateful to the wonderful lady Deb \ud83d\udc1d Helfrich for introducing me to you. I enjoy discussions because I see them as nourishing and refreshing on our journey of learning. I ike your approach- have the curiosity of children while embracing what we know. I also embrasse that if we find knowledge that we embrace it as well. The trouble starts if we stick by what we know as if we own it

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #52

I like the respect and maturity of dealing with differences between Tricia Mitchell

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #51

We need to diverge and then to converge. I like the way you deal with the why question because you diverse the possibilities Harvey Lloyd. I think your experience should be taught along with the teaching of The Golden Circle. I wrote a buzz on the restrictions of the why question and when to avoid using them first. I have to dig out my almost two hundred buzzes to find the buzz on this topic. Again, this is another suggestion to the responsive man Javier \ud83d\udc1d beBee- to enhance the search function on beBee. This is besides my previous request to enhance the editing of comments.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 6 سنوات #50

One of the tells of the loaded questions is it starts with "WHY". Why is a limiting word that would focus the answer into a box of either right or wrong. Not a sophisticated word like "How". When confronted with the WHY in someones question i have two paths, have some fun testing their premise of the question or converting it to a HOW question. Depends on the day. (My favorite response to the why question is, You apparently have already answered the question, lets here your answer first. This is not the Golden Rule at work, but quite the opposite. This response exposes the questions position on a their self created battlefield that now they are an open target.) WHY is an internal question we mostly should limit to our own thoughts. Why did they do that, why did this happen. When we confront others within answering the intrinsic question though we should state it in a context of HOW. Help me understand HOW you got there. This invites inquiry. When we pose our research into others in the WHY we narrow them to right and wrong. I can remember early in my career in construction the customer always seemed to ask the question, Why should we choose your firm. I always found myself defensive or that the question limited my answers to a personal scope of the questioner. It took a few years but i learned how to take the question and grow into HOW. Not always successful but the only way to maintain the Golden Rule within negotiations and come away with the sale.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #49

Thanks again for your extending your explanations Ian Weinberg to these discussions for I know neuroscience is one of his prime interests.

Ian Weinberg

منذ 6 سنوات #48

Relevant to this discussion we need to define what is meant by a 'brain' in the human context. The brain is a complex organ of interconnected neurons which supports the functions of memory, cognition and emotion as well as perceiving sensory information and co-ordinating movement. The intrinsic neural network in the GIT wall, the heart or within any other organ of the body remains but an intrinsic neural network and not a brain.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #47

I suspected there was a typo and I thank you for the correction Tricia Mitchell. It is about time to tag Javier \ud83d\udc1d beBee to the high level of discussions here and this is a major source of pride for beBee. This is a huge accomplishment. To make this achievement brighter we need to be able to edit our comments to free them of typos. I repeatedly had to delete a comment to republish it after editing. This is only possible and polite if nobody has responded for if I delete a comment the response shall appear hanging in the air.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #46

One thing is for sure is that you ignited my interest in your field of training Tricia Mitchell for I am learning from them.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #45

Never a discussion stirred me up like the one we are having here. Thank you Tricia Mitchell and I l look forward to reading your detailed response. I agree with you on this out of my own experience . I mean your writing "Why is it that your gut can intuit what your head doesn't yet know? How is it that mothers or people who are closely connected just get a 'sense' that something is wrong with a loved one? They cannot rationally explain it, they just "know". This is a topic on its own.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #44

I thank you for your prompt response Harvey Lloyd. You said in few lines what it takes pages to explain. "I can only imagine in your experience that you have been asked questions whereby the questioner told you the answer they wanted within the question". This is limiting to my choices and surely isn't agreeable to me. Yes, The Golden Circle should be used in a way that liberates our choices. We have the freedom to add to them, rearrange them and to keep repeating a question such as using the 5-whys approach. If used this way they allow us "... the Golden Rule releases us into a freedom of research and discovery".

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 6 سنوات #43

The Golden Rule is merely a behavioral control statement within any paradigm we find ourselves. The rule sits under the Why, How, What, Time Space, etc. It is who i am within those questions. Its when we use the rule to change the outcome i get a little fuzzy, to use your word. The rule is how i participate with others. The rule does not change or limit the questions. The rule should never provide bias in asking the question. I can only imagine in your experience that you have been asked questions whereby the questioner told you the answer they wanted within the question. This is a very important discussion. Does my environment tell me what to do or do i choose? If i choose the Golden Rule to live by does this alter the questions and answers? I submit that the Golden Rule releases us into a freedom of research and discovery.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 6 سنوات #42

I agree with the complexity of questions as we explore the world in front of us. What i disagree with is the bias of the research. Science should be free to explore what has been created. The complexity comes when we establish right and wrong. We lived with a flat earth view for centuries. Great things happened during these times. Then someone turned the microscope towards the heavens. The earth is round. and BTW earth is not at the center. The complexity began. Religious doctrine decided that was wrong and science has been trying to prove them wrong for a very long time. This war between the soul and and the microscope has distracted us from personal choice. I am separate from the science and the religious dogma. I can choose to build my intrinsic value on anything i wish to choose. Neither right or wrong. This war has tied sciences hands and focused the spiritual leaders inside a perspective that has really polarized people. Unfortunately this polarization leaves us with anticipation of science or religious dogma to set us free. When in reality we merely need to choose. I love science and enjoy reading and discovering whats under the next rock. But enter this zone with my "self" intact and not looking for right and wrong. "To be or not to be" Do we live with the question or do we answer intrinsically and then forget the question? The freedom of living with the answer is inspiring where the search for the answer is tiring.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #41

These discussions are taking us into serious issues and I find myself "swimming in the sea of ignorance" dear Harvey Lloyd in the focus for this comments deserves our full attention. I appreciate your mentioning of the Golden Circle of why, how and what. Even it leaves out the spacetime dimension pertaining to where and when. My other point is the we draw three concentric cycles for the Golden Rule. Are they truly smooth circles or, do they have fuzzy circumferences? If we change their arrangement then the what question will be exposed to the "outside world". How will this affect our thinking and the answers because the why, how and what don't work in isolation. WHat is the starting question as this shall change our starting point and how will this affect the outcome. You bring many thoughts and meanwhile I feel how little I know.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #40

Thank you Ian Weinberg for your comprehensive and educational response. I smile while reading "The heart is merely a pump and it produces 1 hormone which regulates body fluid volumes. No cognitive or emotional activity takes place locally in the gut or the heart". In spite of this people still celebrate Valentine Day with red hearts! It is difficult to change long-standing assumptions. As for the res of your comment I feel the need to educate myself more on this subject. I look forward therefore to read the responses of Tricia Mitchell to your comment. I thank you for your prompt response for the invitation to comment and I am glad I did.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 6 سنوات #39

Thanks for the mention and also the thought of the "question". The question and answer cycle between humans is very complex and i enjoy the process. There is really only one question, how does any answer impact/change my actions in living? Given current methods of existence and the need for interdependence the answers should enhance my living. If we look at the "Golden Rule" as a basis of our character can science really answer any question that changes this perspective? This is the way i envisioned your "loop" perspective. All disciplines reside in the loop of the "Golden Rule" it doesn't change it, but merely shows new ways and environments to apply. This perspective usually gets me in trouble as it focuses on a hard point or perspective of answers. I would submit it doesn't change science and science doesn't change it. I am a little thick headed on this point. More or less knowledge doesn't change who i am intrinsically. Your loop gave me a visual of my core loop and then the outer loop of discovery. The questions we ask and answer outside of the core are exciting, challenging and enhance our extrinsic existence (Social, Professional, Science, Philosophical). My inner core, my character, I choose. Choice is the operative word in that statement. Should we merge these two areas then answers do become complex and the need for a specific outcome creates the bias of our research and answers. @CityVP 🐝 Manjit you have brought even more clarity to a complex discussion.

Ian Weinberg

منذ 6 سنوات #38

Thanks for the invitation Ali Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee and thanks again for a stimulating post. In answer to the question of the '3 brains', neuroscience only recognizes one, and it sits between the ears! There is indeed an innervating body nervous system incorporating a network of somatic nerves, cranial nerves and the autonomic nervous system which comprises the sympathetic and parasympathic components. In addition the bowel has an intrinsic network of neural structures in it's wall which co-ordinates the peristalsis movement. The heart similarly has a conduction system which regulates it's rhythm. The heart is merely a pump and it produces 1 hormone which regulates body fluid volumes. No cognitive or emotional activity takes place locally in the gut or the heart. Removing parts of the rectum does not change thought processes or emotion! However, the heart generates a large electric field which permeates the entire body (closed volume conductor) and most probably modulates/influences brain activity. Also neurotransmitters produced by the brain influence immune function and secretion which in turn, secretes chemistry which influences brain (cerebral) cognitive function and emotion. High serotonin levels in the bowel wall neural network is unlikely to influence cerebral emotion because of the blood-brain barrier. Finally, stimulation of the vagus nerve (which innervates bowel and heart) leads to increased levels of oxytocin and dopamine which enhance gratification, diminish fear and anxiety, decrease inflammation and promote empathy, trust and inter-personal connection. On the matter of consciousness beyond the brain .... that's another whole discussion!

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #37

CityVP \ud83d\udc1d Manjit #45 ?

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #36

Your training field in multiple integration techniques of the three brains is hugely unconventional and is quite interesting. You are right and I salute you for realizing the shortcomings of using one brain or two. Thank you Tricia Mitchell for contributing an integrating comment which is of relevance to all commenters here. I invite Ian Weinberg and I am sure they have more to say.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 6 سنوات #35

The "loop" perspective is a good view. Excellent.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #34

Thank you my dear friendMilos Djukic

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #33

Thank you CityVP \ud83d\udc1d Manjit

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #32

I think the issue then becomes Milos Djukic is not with asking questions as it is with the realization of the limitations of the questions that they may not have answers. I then ask a second question- how to realize that t such questions may not have answers or their answers are beyond our finite mind? e assumed for long times the liner relationship between cause and effect. Were we not then asking the right questions? or, the answers were beyond or finite mids and the advancement of technology then expanded our finite minds?

CityVP Manjit

منذ 6 سنوات #31

Great science walks hand in hand with great questions, but art walks hand in hand with great provocation, this idea about what stirs the soul and then there is active practice and best of all presence. The stillness to observe nature and here exists appreciation in the form that Richard Feynman saw nature, which loops back to science and the questions that makes science great. That integration is no different how the universe keeps balls of fire and rock circling in gas and darkness.

Milos Djukic

منذ 6 سنوات #30

Done dear Ali Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee.

CityVP Manjit

منذ 6 سنوات #29

Bodyfulness, spiritfulness, mindfulness.

Milos Djukic

منذ 6 سنوات #28

I think you are right CityVP \ud83d\udc1d Manjit, but maybe you're wrong, just like me. I never believed in: "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication", nor is there any written proof in libraries that this is words by Leonardo da Vinci, despite deep-seated belief. The simplicity can often hide complexity. Questions. We have no answers, neither definitive nor provisional. There are some questions that have no answers. Particularly in art and philosophy things are not so simple. There is disagreement even in science between macro and micro-level theories. We can not give a clear, unambiguous answer for a range of different questions, both simple and complex questions. Sometimes, promising "new heights" answers are quite low at the end. Kant teach us that some answers lies beyond capacities of human finite mind. We have a lot of answers and less questions, Good question is what will remain over time because of its greatness. To ask questions means to be fully human. This is a shortcut to the "new heights. “To be or not to be: that is the question.” - William Shakespeare, Hamlet, Act III, Scene I A “simple” question that has no answer. Actually it is a very complex question. "Explanations exist; they have existed for all time; there is always a well-known solution to every human problem—neat, plausible, and wrong." -H. L. Mencken (1920) from the third chapter titled “The Divine Afflatus” of collection of essays called “Prejudices: Second Series”.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #27

I invite CityVP \ud83d\udc1d Manjit. You wrote "he head, heart and gut. Now with evidence of a cardiac brain and enteric brain, by aligning and integrating them we can become more conscious". Manjit repeatedly talked about integrating the mind and guts.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #26

First, allow me CityVP \ud83d\udc1d Manjit to comment on your fantastic comment.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #25

I hope I didn't sound like opposing your superb thinking Gert Scholtz. You wrote "My view is that it is important to seek answers to these questions with an exploratory mind-set, and not a mind-set of seeking absolute quantification or correctness in a final answer". AGreed, but when we set fixed goals indirectly we assume we know the destination. As long we are on a journey (and I strongly believe we are) then we need to redirect our thinking and be open to discoveries. I agree with you

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #24

All comments on this buzz are consistent with your comments Franci\ud83d\udc1dEugenia Hoffman wrote in his comment #18 "yeah! everyone reaches the destination (ribbons placed are not at same line for all) ". You expressed the same view "n our search for fulfillment in life, it is important to realize one size does not fit all". I always learn from your comments my friend.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #23

I have a lot to say about your magnificent comment siraj shaik to respond first

CityVP Manjit

منذ 6 سنوات #22

The answers that have added brilliant transformation to life are brilliant answers, but the answers that bring with them an unintended consequence that overshadows the brilliance, these are not good answers. The not good answers become brilliant because it is easier to see the flaw that emits new light rather then see a flaw where we assume perfection. That is why as we now look into the world of uncertainty we find new ways to question answers and if that questioning adds brilliant transformation then these two are brilliant answers but we learn something here about brilliance, that it is what also blinds us. When we are hit by light we are not ready for, this kind of blindness affects the good, until we see that there is good within that and in that revelation is often a greater opportunity. To often we we are focused on creating or seeing bad in good. Why lasso a question that keeps on giving and why not bless questions that has given well. The answer then does not fall back to questions but to appreciation. You will see the appreciation here, especially to the mind of Harvey Lloyd whose answers on this buzz provide us the opportunity for appreciation in the submission and emission of Harvey's light. Ultimately the voice that best represents these movements and complexities is the one we have not called upon and that voice is Milos Djukic an appreciation not between question and answer but between simplicity and complexity, as questions and answers become waves between these two different constantly shaping shores. Here it is not butterfly but the fish that effects.

Gert Scholtz

منذ 6 سنوات #21

Ali Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee This is a wonderful post Ali that had me thinking about your initial questions: What is strategy? What is consciousness? What are senses? What is time? I think there can be no fixed all-encompassing answer to these questions. But that does not mean we should not ask them and seek answers. I also don’t think it need be a paradox. My view is that it is important to seek answers to these questions with an exploratory mind-set, and not a mind-set of seeking absolute quantification or correctness in a final answer. As long as we view these themes knowing there could be many views, and many that could be simultaneously and even opposing that could be towards truths, but most importantly that there may be part truths and part milestones in our search, but never one final one, we would be enriched in our thinking journey. I see this as something you do in all your posts and discussions, and for that many are closer to their own truths. Thank you very much Ali.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #20

I don't want to disbelieve my senses that is the core of your next buzz Sara Jacobovici. I mean "I see paradoxes as the extractions we make when we remove ourselves from the process". I can see a huge buzz being in the forming stage.

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 6 سنوات #19

It rings true when you say it Ali Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee and I think they are at a more sophisticated level. From my more simplistic level, I see paradoxes as the extractions we make when we remove ourselves from the process; we tend to allow a paradox to pull us into those extremes you spoke about in your last buzz.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #18

Dear CityVP \ud83d\udc1d Manjit- I need your brain to join the illuminating discussions here.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #17

Thank you wholeheartedly dear debasish majumder (#11) in that paradoxes are processes. They are the direction and not the destination.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #16

Deb \ud83d\udc1d Helfrich- I have enjoyed your comments, but this time I am over-joyful. I know great minds express themselves in simple, but meaningful words. Who would argue that your comments here are the perfect examples of what I mean "One of the ways I highlight my services on my website is that I have an ability to extract the simplicity right past complexity". We all need to do what you do. I can't be happier than the state I am in now.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #15

"But we read and seek the lives of those that show us how to experience life"- I don't need to remember any thing for your comment Harvey Lloyd is unforgettable.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #14

Just reading your comment with all its illumination Deb \ud83d\udc1d Helfrich (#11) in which she wrote " For example, "Reaching definite answers is a process, not a state of being. It is a direction not a destination." You two ladies are admirable. I have to compile these comments in a separate buzz. I am truly honored.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #13

I agree with you Sara Jacobovici "The good life is a process, not a state of being. It is a direction not a destination." You can substitute "good life" for any term that is meaningful to you and the outcome is the same. For example, "Reaching definite answers is a process, not a state of being. It is a direction not a destination." Tis is an advanced perspective. Just a question: aren't paradoxes processes in reality?

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #12

I expected you Sara Jacobovici, but not to this level. I am glad I tagged you.

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 6 سنوات #11

Honoured Harvey Lloyd.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 6 سنوات #10

I spent a few weeks around the Hopi and they were a fascinating people. They experienced life without the challenges of trying to understand. Graveyards are full of people who sought knowledge and explanation. But we read and seek the lives of those that show us how to experience life. The Hopi see life as a fluid existence that we are merely a floating on. They did not require the answers to why the river existed except to understand how to float better. They didn't need to know H20 and probably wouldn't have cared. Mr. Jung showed us a way to understand the experience of life through words and definitions. I have found his work one of the most useful tools in exploring relationships and communications on my adventure. Thanks for the feed back and remember to enjoy the journey.

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 6 سنوات #9

Your buzz Ali Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee is written by a true self-reflecting and intelligent human being. You ask the questions and then offer possible answers, both opening up your readers to search on our own; for more questions and possible answers. To answer your question about a new paradox; "We start with uncertainties and hope for reaching definite answers.", I see this as being more of a process, rather than a paradox. We begin with uncertainties and navigate them in hope of finding land. It reminds me of this quote by Carl Rogers, "The good life is a process, not a state of being. It is a direction not a destination." You can substitute "good life" for any term that is meaningful to you and the outcome is the same. For example, "Reaching definite answers is a process, not a state of being. It is a direction not a destination."

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 6 سنوات #8

The challenge is to keep this concept through the day. Thank you Sara Jacobovici, this consortium of thought is amazing and challenging, thanks for your inputs, you are truly an artist of conscious origins.

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 6 سنوات #7

My new profile quote of the month(s): "A paint brush is merely a paint brush when described by science. But in the hands of a consciously aware artist we can explore our existence through our own consciousnesses." Thanks for this Harvey Lloyd.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 6 سنوات #6

Thanks Todd Jones. I often sense that some science is driven not by exploration but a need to reduce our existence into meaningless formulas. In an effort to disprove something or justify a belief that everyone should have. I am very careful with science. I enjoy it immensely, but do not invite the inevitable conclusions into my conscious existence.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #5

I hope Sara Jacobovici

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #4

Please develop your thoughts Savvy Raj and tag me when your share them. Sounds very interesting

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 6 سنوات #3

Thanks for your response and yes we can become so involved in seeking answers to life that we forget to live. I enjoy science and see it as a necessary aspect of our existence. It is only when science is leveraged to describe the worthiness of my existence that it crosses the line. The value of self awareness and the gift we have been given to explore our existence is only diminished when we allow science to measure and reduce it to an equation. A+B=1.618 every time. So do i ask the question why? Or, do i enjoy and seek my existence within the answer. This is one of the enjoyable aspects of BeBee and the consortium you have assembled with your posts. Through you i can explore existence without the shackles of science. I need not prove anything, but just enjoy the gift that my senses show me everyday.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #2

"But science and recent debates have turned the search for facts into not just facts but swayed our consciousness into its parts. We are losing site of our experiential selves". This is a brilliant part of your overwhelming comment Harvey Lloyd. Yes, we apply the reductionist approach in trying to understand the overall picture. That we extend the same approach to our consciousness is a great observation by you. And so ending your comment with "Science describes the paint brush, paint and canvas and the molecular make of the artist" is amazingly true. I loved this comment and I can't express my satisfaction and joy to read it.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 6 سنوات #1

If i might flip the question on its head i would ask, "Suppose we did have the answer to all of our questions, specifically the ones asked here?" Would i be different when approached by the love of a child, would i see the eyes of my wife differently, would i want too? I enjoy these questions and mans search for factual existence. But science and recent debates have turned the search for facts into not just facts but swayed our consciousness into its parts. We are losing site of our experiential selves. Consciousness is merely a word, the meaning of which is given by either the scientist, factual, or by me. My consciousness is the ability to take in the abstract reality of not only nature but the existence of other humans and find peace within that observation. Very subjective. I read a piece the other day concerning scientists have found some small molecular aspect of consciousness buried within a small part of the brain. Science describes the paint brush, paint and canvas and the molecular make of the artist. The artist shows us the value of our consciousness and explores the abstract. A paint brush is merely a paint brush when described by science. But in the hands of a consciously aware artist we can explore our existence through our own consciousnesses. Your thoughts and questions, as always, are stimulating Ali Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee

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