Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات · 3 دقائق وقت القراءة · ~10 ·

مدونة Ali
Drivers for Orderly Growth

Drivers for Orderly Growth

Chaos wath
Lovers of order






Chaos with
Layers of order

The success of social interactions is at least partly measured by the outcome of these interactions. My interactions with the brainy Sara Jacobovici have always led to inspirations and new ideas. Her last post is exemplary of what I mean. In this buzz Sara asked a simple, yet very worthy question. The race today is between our having a “sense of urgency” and being “purpose driven”. Who will come out ahead?

In one of my comments on the same post I wrote "I am so happy to have noticed this buzz because I didn't receive any notification. Sara Jacobovici- you climbed to the top of the mountain with this precious buzz. It is deep, and makes me stop and pause before commenting. Is it better to be on the edge or near the middle point- the equilibrium? If we are loving bodies and open to our environments then we exchange energy and info and keep transforming accordingly. This means we are always on the edge if we are to be living humans. Yet; having a purpose is a center point around which we should focus our actions. We need to be on the edge and near the equilibrium point of purpose. The two options are mutually repulsive. Or, we have the uncertainty principle in operation. In every chaotic system we have areas of order embedded in the "layers of chaos". Are the pauses periods the orderly moments that we need to make in the layers of our chaotic lives?

I started wondering. This wonderment led me to draw the image below.

tdge Purpose fdge




\ /

Chaos with

Chaos wath "

Layers of cede

Lovers of cedvr i ’


Ad Growth to start here y-\

If purpose is in the center is it conflicting with our ability to evolve as creativity and disruption are at the opposite ends? I needed to dig deeper. I wanted to learn from nature and how plants, for example, grow with a purpose and can still adapt to changes and disrupting events. My thinking led me to some conclusions, which I am sharing with you here.

The main inspiration came from Romanesco broccoli, or Roman cauliflower. If we go to the first step in the formation of this eye-catching fractal flower we find it started at the center. It is the growth pattern that leads to the formation of logarithmic spirals. One center leads later to the formation of more centers following Fibonacci numbers (1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 13 and so on). You may notice that cauliflower has a head with many clusters of florets (small flowers). The big head of cauliflower has many smaller heads and again smaller heads and smaller heads. Each head has a center from which the head shape grew.

You may wish to watch this video for more explanations.

This leads me to re-think the shape of the first image in this post. Purpose is the center of growth rather than the edges. It is the timely and orderly growth of purpose that shall lead to the formation of the "Roman Cauliflower of Purpose".


This is what nature teaches us. To have the beauty of a cauliflower fractal growth must start from a center. I believe all our growth should base itself on purpose in the center. This shall keep us in shape. It is when we deviate that we may either have conflicting centers of purpose that we may grow sporadically. Purpose may generate sub-purposes as new centers of growth. You shall see a spiral originating from the center point, along which all the smaller florets are arranged. Botanists have shown that plants grow from a single tiny group of cells right at the tip of any growing plant, called the meristem. There is a separate meristem at the end of each branch or twig where new cells are formed. Once formed, they grow in size, but new cells are only formed at such growing points. Cells earlier down the stem expand and so the growing point rises. We need to have purpose as our meristem for growth.

It is when we lose purpose that we may push ourselves to the extremes and the game of disorder and chaos initiates.

Do we need to generate fractal purposes? If we do, we may produce attractive flowers of success.

I have edited this buzz to include part of the comment #46 that Harvey Lloyd and is worthy of highlighting so that it gets more attention.

"...conclude that with or without purpose we will enter the realm of chaos. With purpose we will find what we are looking for, without purpose we will only find helplessness and remain within the chaos".
Harvey Lloyd


Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #52

The comments here are so absorbing that prompted me to write a follow up buzz on this one. It is titled "Innocent Observations".

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #51

I always say one mind doesn't clap. If it wasn't for the warming discussions and comments then what value the buzz would have? I appreciate greatly your appreciation and endorsement dear Ian Weinberg. My next buzz shall refer to your first comment on this buzz. You inspired me sir.

Ian Weinberg

منذ 7 سنوات #50

I wish to endorse that point of Tausif Mundrawala you ignite the process and provide the space. The buzz together with the interaction is your creation. Much respect and gratitude to you sir.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #49

Sara Jacobovici brilliantly summarized the buzz and selected comments and bundled them together in her buzz "Purpose; do we have a choice? - Part Two". This is a MUST read.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #48

Beautiful mind yours is Tausif Mundrawala. This is reflected very well in your comment "Re-ignition is like starting all over again or to ignite the spark which was about to die". I am indeed privileged to be connected with so many lovely minds on beBee. I sometimes feel I am envying myself.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #47

Thank you dear Harvey Lloyd

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #46

In response to your comments and to give fairness to the depth of your comments I edited this buzz and highlighted in the last two lines part of your comment #46. You may find the comment Harvey Lloyd at the end of the body of this buzz. This is to reflect my appreciation to your wonderful contributions to this discussion.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #45

I value your mind, association, engagement and spirit Harvey Lloyd. You are a treasure. I mean what I say fully.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 7 سنوات #44

Thank you for your kind words, but i could not find the path of understanding if you had not opened the hole itself. The treasure lies within the community of explorers you have developed within BeBee. I feel privileged to be on the journey.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #43

I am repeating my response to you Harvey Lloyd to correct for three typing mistakes. Here is the "corrected" response. #46 Just prior to reading your comment @Harvey Lloyd addressed to @Ian Weinberg I was reading the Ian's comment. I paused several times on his writing "But 'purpose' in turn is fed by engaging with the extended environment, where potential chaos exists. Not only is purpose fed from this engagement but it is often borne out of this engagement". I came to some ideas and possibilities. Now, your comment is the Idea-breaker for me dear Harvey. "With purpose we will find what we are looking for, without purpose we will only find helplessness and remain within the chaos". What a great idea this s! I have to draw the attention of dear @Sara Jacobovici to its depth. This idea is worthy and for me a breakthrough. In order to find the ordered layers in chaos we need have purpose. WOW! This explains the opposite ends of my drawing (first image in the buzz). I was asking myself a question- why trees have choices to grow straight, spirals to the right or left or alternate between these possibilities. However; cauliflower has one choice- to pack in spirals. Does the purpose change with the changing growth type or with the prevailing environment? If trees have choices like humans do why trees are then are excellent in taking alternative choices? I need your brains my friend.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #42

Again, synchronicity in action dear Harvey Lloyd. Not sooner I have posted my response to you and asking for the help of your brain you published this comment. You wrote "You start by opening the hole of life and questioning what you see and invite others to help you dig". You did the same my friend and you opened a new hole in life for me to search. I am privileged to have a brain connected with me such as yours. Your last comment just blew my mind.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #41

Just prior to reading your comment Harvey Lloyd to its depth. This idea is worthy and for me a breakthrough. In order to find the ordered layers in chaos we need have purpose. WOW! This explains the left ends of my drawing (first image in the buzz). I was asking myself a question- why trees how choices to grow straight, spirals to the right or left or alternate between these possibilities. However; cauliflower has one choice- to pack in spirals. Does the purpose change with the changing growth type or with the prevailing environment? If trees have choices like humans do why are then trees are excellent in taking alternative choices? I need your brains my friend.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 7 سنوات #40

Ali Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee the rabbit holes you create and then explore amaze me. You start by opening the hole of life and questioning what you see and invite others to help you dig. The treasure of wisdom you show us through your courage to ask the question is awe inspiring. Thank you for your time and your thoughts. You are indeed an explorer.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 7 سنوات #39

Some great paths of research as we expand our understanding of purpose. Your thoughts here made me relook at the Ali Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee drawing and conclude that with or without purpose we will enter the realm of chaos. With purpose we will find what we are looking for, without purpose we will only find helplessness and remain within the chaos. Your comment sparked a great dinner time conversations about the trust we place in others within our community. This trust without purpose would only serve entropy within chaos. Trust with others engaged in a purpose would be the energy to thwart entropy within chaos. (My son in law is an engineer) Purpose is the energy that drives us through the chaos that always comes. What a great discussion. Thanks for your insights Ian Weinberg.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #38

I invite you to read and contribute to the great shining comments on this buzz

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 7 سنوات #37

I look forward to reading your work and our on-going exchanges Ali Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #36

This is exactly my feelings to you and all commenters dear Sara Jacobovici. Sometimes I feel you tire my mind with your penetrating comments, but this how I learn and grow.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #35

The inspiration for writing this buzz came from the exchange of comments between us @Sara Jacobovici. So, in reality all we share the pride of drawing so many thoughtful comments dear Sara Jacobovici. That you are responding brightly to other comments means you own the buzz as much as I do. The brewing of comments is still vivid in my mind. I plan to write my next buzz in which I shall refer to your super comment here. So, I shall defer my response because your comment deserves more highlighting. The questions you highlight are relevant and I wish I could answer them. Yet; I shall try. It is great to be connected so actively with first class brains here on beBee. I am in full agreement with the comment Deb\ud83d\udc1d Lange, Brand Ambassador @beBee wrote earlier.

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 7 سنوات #34

I wanted the opportunity to post my gratitude to you Ali Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee for your mention of my post in your buzz, in a separate comment. You write, "The success of social interactions is at least partly measured by the outcome of these interactions." I am grateful for the interactions that I have had with you and your readers. The learning is dynamic. To be connected in any way to your work Dr. Ali is a privilege. Thank you.

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 7 سنوات #33

I wanted the opportunity to post my gratitude to you Ali Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee for your mention of my post in your buzz, in a separate comment. You write, "The success of social interactions is at least partly measured by the outcome of these interactions." I am grateful for the interactions that I have had with you and your readers. The learning is dynamic. To be connected in any way to your work Dr. ali is a privilege. Thank you.

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 7 سنوات #32

Thank you for the share Ali Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee, as it expands and adds value to the discussion.

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 7 سنوات #31

II come into this discussion late, but energised by your buzz and your readers comments. Your buzz has pulled me into a vortex of ideas Ali Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee. At this reading, I will a highlight one; “…having a purpose is a center point around which we should focus our actions.” What I appreciate about your discussion is that you address purpose within time and place: “Purpose is the center of growth rather than the edges. It is the timely and orderly growth of purpose that shall lead to the formation of the "Roman Cauliflower of Purpose". Time: “timely”; or the “right time” meaning allowing a process to happen “in its time”. Place: “center of growth”; or core, “the central or most important part of something.” Dr. Ali, you ask, “I believe all our growth should base itself on purpose in the center. Do we need to generate fractal purposes?”. You answer your own question when you write, “Cells earlier down the stem expand and so the growing point rises. We need to have purpose as our meristem for growth.” I found that the following paragraph deserves to be “the core” of a separate work. I know any response to this would have to be a work in and of itself. “We need to be on the edge and near the equilibrium point of purpose. The two options are mutually repulsive. Or, we have the uncertainty principle in operation. In every chaotic system we have areas of order embedded in the "layers of chaos". Are the pauses periods the orderly moments that we need to make in the layers of our chaotic lives?” Thank you for your work Dr. Ali, and most provocative and inspiring questions. After all, the questions are what we learn from.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #30

Thank you Sara Jacobovici. I have been pondering on it. WHile doing some research to unfold its depth I came across a 4-part read. Part 1 starts with "Simply put, any behavior that's pleasure-directed--rather than goal-directed--warrants being understood as purposeless. Typically, such behavior is extemporaneous, uncalculated, spontaneous, and objectless. Its motive isn't pragmatic. Nor is it engaged in for any monetary reward. And though it may involve performing for others, such performance is embarked upon for its own intrinsic satisfaction. It's not competitive, and it's not really designed to win anything--or impress anybody. It's entered upon merely for the innocent, diversionary enjoyment of it". I am sharing the link in case you would be interested.

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 7 سنوات #29

Great line Ian Weinberg, "Purpose without the courage to engage risks the development of purposelessness." And great metaphor, "If an immune system is prevented from engaging with successive antigen threats, it does not build up an effective bank of potential antibodies and so its fundamental purpose becomes compromised."

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 7 سنوات #28

Wonderful and thoughtful comment . And as Viktor Frankl is one of the pillars of my work, I appreciate how you incorporated his work into your comment. My only question would be, how do you define passive? For me, what ever we do is an active process; active is an external process, while passive is an internal process. We still engage actively in both.

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 7 سنوات #27

#6 Great comment Deb\ud83d\udc1d Lange, Brand Ambassador @beBee, I saw the same thing you brought to my attention, thank you. Deb, you write, "We humans, seem to go off purpose. Is it that we have lost our SENSE of balance?" This is a statement and a question that deserves more time to think about, but I would like to touch upon this briefly. 100% agreed that we are struggling with our sense of balance. I think there is a difference between balance as a sense and our sense of balance. I think that sense of balance is another way is describing homeostasis; we are constantly, and dynamically, trying to move towards that "place", while balance (proprioception) is a sense that influences and impacts, along with all our senses, on how we experience the world. Going off purpose, to me, is related to direction and/or path, while I experience purpose as more core and central, as Dr. Ali's buzz describes. I think that we come into this world with that core and, like everything else, struggle with "making sense of it."

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #26

I would love to hear your feedback Harvey Lloyd "And so I would contend that there should be a flexible free-flow of purpose and engagement with 'risky' chaos, so that purpose remains robust".

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #25

This comment is simply super dear Ian Weinberg. You vented out what I wanted to say "The diagram that you've drawn tells a whole story/truth - indeed purpose appears to be the opposite function of chaos". Yes, and this is my belief. Cauliflower reaches an fractal and self-similar structure because it keeps its purpose no matter what the environment dictates. Human are different and are subject exactly to the analysis highlighted in your sober comment. Honestly, I am thinking of writing a buzz in response to your magical comment. I thrive on it.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #24

Dear debasish majumder- you wrote "how we dwell in the realm of necessity and how we can transcend to the realm of freedom! will we be sticking to the realm of necessity". Yes, this is an issue and opting for quick solutions make mos people opt for necessity. An intriguing comment indeed.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #23

Very thoughtful comment my is meaningless this . Purpose without action is void and meaningless.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 7 سنوات #22

"eraser function of the etch o sketch" You are telling your age with that toy and me mine at laughiung my but off. My more cynical opinion is that the chaos we are experiencing is the modern theory of meaningless at work. Now that we have no meaning we are looking for it.

Ian Weinberg

منذ 7 سنوات #21

This is a fascinating buzz Ali Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee I read it earlier on and have been pondering since. The diagram that you've drawn tells a whole story/truth - indeed purpose appears to be the opposite function of chaos. Picking it up from there I would submit that purpose does sustain vital existence, incorporating a value contribution to self and to the environment. But 'purpose' in turn is fed by engaging with the extended environment, where potential chaos exists. Not only is purpose fed from this engagement but it is often borne out of this engagement. Purpose without the courage to engage risks the development of purposelessness. Conversely, aimless engagement also risks the development of purposelessness. And so I would contend that there should be a flexible free-flow of purpose and engagement with 'risky' chaos, so that purpose remains robust. The best metaphor that I can come up with is the immune system - a purposefully designed immune system gains resilience after successive engagements with antigen threats. If an immune system is prevented from engaging with successive antigen threats, it does not build up an effective bank of potential antibodies and so its fundamental purpose becomes compromised. Thanks once again Ali for stimulating us and contributing valuable purpose.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #20

DEar - you said it all in one line "We all need something to live and with purpose induced growth in the centre we can achieve the satisfaction we desire". I wonder if we make a survey on what is your purpose in life what responses we get! Yes, we need meaning to justify our existence. Whether passive or active life we need a purpose to live by and with. How active a life is with no purpose? Iwonder.

🐝 Fatima G. Williams

منذ 7 سنوات #19

We need logos for our purpose in life. Logos is a Greek word which denotes meaning. We must have the courage that our hopelessness does not detract us from our dignity and meaningful purpose in life. So to the centre of your flowchart of purposeful growth I would add courage to sustain our purpose so that we can live a meaningful life. I'm left in deep thoughts dear Dr Anani. Thank you for this purposeful buzz.

🐝 Fatima G. Williams

منذ 7 سنوات #18

We need logospurpose. Logos is a Greek word which denotes meaning. We must have the courage that our hopelessness does not detract us from our dignity and meaningful purpose in life. So to the centre of your flowchart of purposeful growth I would add courage to sustain our purpose so that we can live a meaningful life. I'm left in deep thoughts dear Dr Anani. Thank you for this purposeful buzz.

🐝 Fatima G. Williams

منذ 7 سنوات #17

Purpose is a very important topic and we have been discussing it for quite a while now Ali Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee I am reading "Man's search for meaning in life and the book is so inspiring as it talks much about man's purpose in life. All the suffering that the men went through in the camp were sustained by just one thing which is the constant reminder of his purpose in life. To summarise parts of the book on purpose. There is much wisdom in the words of Nietzsche:"He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how. " I can see in these words a motto which holds true for any thing in life. A two year study by. National institute of mental health asked 7948 students what they considered very important to them. 16% said making money and 78% said their first goal was finding meaning and purpose in life. Victor Frankl also says man is able to live and die for the sake of his ideals and values. We all need something to live and with purpose induced growth in the centre we can achieve the satisfaction we desire. An active life serves the purpose of giving man the opportunity to realize values in creative work, while a passive life of enjoyment affords him the opportunity to obtain fulfillment in experiencing beauty, art, or nature. Most people live an passive life does that mean an active life is not good. I'm left pondering on the above statement. Our attitude to our existence in the world we live in, is an existence restricted by external forces.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #16

What a wish! I share with you this wish Antoinette Capasso-Backdahl. Now, off to watch the video.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #15

I am eager to read what Ian Weinberg would say.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 7 سنوات #14

"Our modern understanding.....meaningless" If life is meaningless then what is it about the human condition that we find wonderful or depraived? If wonderment exists then would it not imply that somehow the human condition is greater than the sum of parts, accomplishments and endeavors? If life does not represent some higher purpose, then does right and wrong even exist? Unfortunately science has taken a turn of discovery, of exclusion. I find it interesting in the early stages of searching for exoplanets that we knew they existed by reading the wobble of the sun they orbited. But we can't use similar logic to say that life is meaningful, even with the preponderance of evidence. Another interesting fact is that we have chased our beginnings all the way back to the smallest time measurement, but we can't get to zero. We have no physics that describes zero existence. We have beliefs of string theory, multiverse and many other unprovable possibilities. But we can't stretch just a little and say life has meaning. Ian Weinberg introduced me to "The Science Delusion" by Rupert Sheldrake. I am a few pages in and it is really adding some context to the very statement you quote. Why we think that our existence is meaningless and the fundamental issues with the statement.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #13

Deb\ud83d\udc1d Lange, Brand Ambassador @beBee. Purely accidentally, I found myself reading this "DO YOU think that life has a purpose? If evolution were true, then the statement quoted in the journal Scientific American would be valid: “Our modern understanding of evolution implies . . . that ultimate meaning in life is nonexistent.” Consider the implications of those words. If ultimate meaning in life were nonexistent, then you would have no purpose in life other than to try to do some measure of good and, perhaps, pass on your genetic traits to the next generation. At death, you would cease to exist forever. Your brain, with its ability to think, reason, and meditate on the meaning of life, would simply be an accident of nature". The topic is rich, isn't it?

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #12

I shall repeat here my comment on your lovely buzz of today. I wrote " If it wasn't for the exchange of comments thoughtfully beBee would be like other platforms- a place to chat. Yes, I agree with you Deb\ud83d\udc1d Lange, Brand Ambassador @beBee would have "The breaking news" and announce its great advancement (I am not saying improvement)".

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #11

"found courage that we exist within a community awareness that is symbiotic" This is a great response. It is indeed symbiotic and the depth of using is this word within this context is profound. Now, I feel my brain has two wings and is ready to fly. You are a great thinker Harvey Lloyd and I am truly privileged to be connected with you. We are trying to discover and uncover the wisdom has for us to find. It is a long, but is enjoyable.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 7 سنوات #10

"Yes, we have choices not to be in harmony with our environment, but at what price?" In the end of our discussions you and I always come to this very basic question. We appear to be able to only back into nature but so long before we enter the question of, "Which came first the chicken or the egg?" I have read extensively and seen many great minds tackle the question. Each with their own confusing conclusions. The "price" is always high. Unlike nature though we pay the price but generally do not learn from the price paid. This is when we have to leave the forest of nature and realize that humanity is a forest unto itself. Self awareness should be the place of found courage that we exist within a community awareness that is symbiotic. The natural forest thrives on this single principal. Much of our language today is defining a single tree as a forest. Your posts are seeking answers to the broader human forest and its health through looking at nature for some reflective understanding. A valiant effort and enjoyable exercise. Thanks for allowing me on that journey.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #9

If it wasn't for the exchange of comments thoughtfully beBee would be like other platforms- a place to chat. Yes, I agree with you Deb\ud83d\udc1d Lange, Brand Ambassador @beBee would have "The breaking news" and announce its great advancement (I am no seeing improvement).

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #8

To be a pine cone in a pine forest- this question directs your choices Harvey Lloyd. To be oneself and be in harmony with society. Yes, we have choices not to be in harmony wtih our environment, but at what price?

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 7 سنوات #7

When i look at the pine cone i can see myself and what is possible within my own self awareness. I begin to realize at this very look at self awareness that i am not alone. Like the pine cone is part of procreation or thriving so humans exist. So to look at my own humanity it is difficult to separate the larger existential aspects of my existence. In clearer terms my pine cone is shaped not by just my own self awareness but how my pine cone exists with other pine cones. This is where the human complexity leaves the forest behind. The pine cone, although part of a complex ecosystem is without choice by represents reflexive action. Humans on the other hand can determine, when to procreate, when to engage and seek advice on extending their branches. I see nature showing us two points of view. How to be a pine cone and how to live in a forest of other pine cones. Again with consciousness being the guiding light of building the forest of humanity.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #6

To "play with words" is different than playing with senses. Friendship is to be honest. I would just comment by saying thank you so as not to be dishonest. In this case I said less than what I feel. I think your comment dear friend Deb\ud83d\udc1d Lange, Brand Ambassador @beBee, Brand Ambassador @beBee is so worthy that it is worthy on building on. The sense of purpose is needed for many of us have lost this sense.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #5

To "play with words" is different than playing with words. Friendship is to be honest. I would just comment by saying thank you so as not to be dishonest. In this case I said less than what I feel. I think your comment dear friend Deb\ud83d\udc1d Lange, Brand Ambassador @beBee is so worthy that it is worthy on building on. The sense of purpose is needed for many of us have lost this sense.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #4

Dear Deb\ud83d\udc1d Lange, Brand Ambassador @beBee will comment on this. Not only refer to this hugely relevant sense, but also you give it a practical meaning by the exercise you mentioned. What captured my attention more is your term playing with senses "The more I play with the senses - the more I sense my purpose has been strong for as long as I can remember". That is why like an acorn tree you shall always remain Deb Lange. No wonder you wrote "Like the cauliflower, there are fractals of similar patterns that keep emerging all connected to a central life long purpose". Yes, you expressed what I wanted to say better than I. We need to grow from the purpose we own to be self-similar. Great comment and is worthy a buzz or even writing a book. I hope you do, Deb.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #3

Harvey Lloyd- your comment is my reward for the day. A great and "well-packed" comment such as yours make my day. "Consciousness or the ability to choose, would add sub-purposes to the matrix of purpose"- I agree and I enjoy the idea of sub-purposes. This is what I referred to in the buzz the bifurcated purpose growth centers. Plants when follow the rules produce highly packed versions. Look at pinecone, broccoli and cauliflower. They utilize the available space perfectly well without denying the opportunity for any new branch or seed to survive. Now, you add the thoughtful idea that humans add their own purpose. If this new purpose is different from the original purpose then we have two growth centers. This could lead things astray. Adding the same purpose to the path is different when aligned or not with the overall purpose of q business. I feel this point needs further study and is truly a new seed for new discoveries.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 7 سنوات #2

Purpose is a word that helps others understand what we are doing, a clear and concise framework that is understood. With this in mind we can look at nature and see very clearly "why" the fractal math applies, it is efficient. I looked at the pine cone and realized that the central area denotes the purpose and the spiral out is the result of that purpose. Consciousness or the ability to choose, would add sub-purposes to the matrix of purpose. Without the hand of management/leadership we might see a square pine cone. Functional, yet inefficient. Our purpose may be noble, however, purpose also reinforces our past discussions of duality. The larger purpose within an organization sets the path, but, because i have the ability to choose i can add personal purpose to the same path. This can certainly be seen within social media and its growth. Our purpose being designated and clear, allows us to share without ambiguity with others. In the business world this a good approach to building a consistent paradigm of success. Purpose in its originality does not evolve in a straight line. People attach sub-purposes to the original. Unlike nature that applies itself according to basic rules, humans react to each individuals attachment to the main purpose. Leadership and management is about watching the attachments to purpose that could change the purpose, help the purpose or add dead weight. Great thoughts and considerations as we begin the week.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #1

thrive when I read a comment by you . This time I am more elevated. Your comment reflects the high understanding on your part. What you wrote "So then although a scientist, for example,may be on the "cutting edge" of research he would be a scientist who has established his center (purpose) and having done so is able to push the boundaries". It amazes me how following simple rules may lead to such fractal beauty. Is there a better fractal than that of purpose?

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    منذ يوم

    EY Amman, الأردن

    As part of our internal controls team, you'll focus on client opportunities where your expertise can make a substantial impact. · You'll apply your knowledge and experience to shape our services and motivate your team. You'll build valuable relationships with clients and develop ...

  • Leaders Language Factory


    منذ 5 أيام

    Leaders Language Factory Amman, الأردن

    Translate a variety of documents including literary, legal, research, technical, scientific, educational, and commercial materials. · Get familiar with project contents prior to starting translating; document information, style of translation, target reader. · Ensure translated c ...