Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات · 1 دقائق وقت القراءة · ~100 ·

مدونة Ali
I Love You- What Does it Mean?

I Love You- What Does it Mean?

Intimacy doce ges bing

Compamonate Love
Romantic Love dl Es

Power of love com



Passion lcs

Ervin baled lowe

Commitment aloe:


grees empty lov

Immature Love

It amazes me how we use words very frequently without knowing exactly what they mean. Just ask for the definition of leadership and strategy and you shall be puzzled by the variations in definitions. I experienced this. I asked for the opposite of love in a post, which I published almost a year ago. Comments revealed many opposites such as hate, indifference and a host of different "options". 

In trying to find what love really means I suddenly remembered the Sternberg's triangular theory of love. I find best to give a visual presentation of this triangular love.


Passion, commitment or intimacy- each one alone doesn't produce love with enough power to drive the real meanings of love. The absence of one or two of Intimacy, passion and commitment yields "inferior love" with varying degrees.

This may explain why people don't know what the opposite of love is. Love has different levels and we don't speak of same love accordingly.

What I find missing in the triangle above is opposite direction. When passion turns to intensive dislike, for example, what shall be left? When commitment turns to commit self to harm the partner, or intimacy turns to enmity? I believe this points is worthy of the readers' contributions. This may address some of the concerns that Jean L. Serio, CPC, CMC addressed in her comment on my previous post. I dedicate this post to her for the great inspiration she had on writing this buzz.


Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #126

Is it because of love or lovers my friend? sad statistics indeed

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #125

To start with yes, but then they reinforce each other through feedback my dear Renoy George. I thank you so much for your appreciation

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #124

marrying for money isn't love. Yes, there are different kinds of love. Loving mother is different from loving daughter even though they share many traits. I agree completely with your comment Lisa Jones. With love I say I am glad we are now connected.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #123

the triad I used for love is new and so i have to search for ststistics. Hosever; for patients there zre surveys that are consistent with the triad. I want to say i love you @Lisa Jones. I hope you felt the same as when you say it to others.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #122

Great and have saved the book for reading. Soon, I shall be back with a feedback

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #121

Please tag me when you publish Rick Delmonico

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #120

My answer is yes and no. I now of wives whose husbands got crippled and could no more work. They supported the family. In other cases, I saw women leaving a young husband with modest earnings to marry a an old rich man. But was this love to start with? I don't deny that w are progressively moving into the domain of the second scenario.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #119

This is an interesting idea. If I am in love with a woman because she is rich and she loses her money would I still love her?

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #118

Thank you Numo Quest. You make me curious about your version of love. Will you share it in a buzz? If you do then please tag me.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #117

Thank you dear Tricia Mitchell

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #116

Dear Tricia Mitchell- amazing your comments are and their timing. Please refer to the buzz that I have just uploaded Baffling Thoughts I am sure you shall find that I responded to your comments, at least in part.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #115

You are brave to confess your experience Lyon Brave. You have many experiences to share.

Lyon Brave

منذ 6 سنوات #114

Most of my love has been immature i'm afraid.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #113

It is nice to read a comment on a buzz that has been published for a while. Nicer it is reading such a lovely comment such as yours Joanne Gardocki. I felt the love in your words and I enjoyed reading your pure heart.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #112

Thank you Nandita De and I am glad to connect with you

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #111

Thank you harish daniel for commenting and your lovely appreciation

Louise Smith

منذ 7 سنوات #110

Yes Ali I try hard to remind myself often

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #109

Love is greater than death and hate - love your ideas Louise Smith

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #108

Robert Cormack who wrote it. Love is the combination of joy and fear. If we love somebody we also fear his/her loss. Th is idea intrigues me as much as your comment does. Again, I see a real expansion of this idea in your comment Love hurts. Yes, it does and again I would say Love = Joy + Hurt A lot to think about

Louise Smith

منذ 7 سنوات #107

I think the image for when love turns is a coin Flip it 50 - 50 one or the other all or nothing love > hate Louise

Robert Cormack

منذ 7 سنوات #106

Looks like we're talking about triangular love, @Ali Anani. I think we're all faced with all three points when we "fall in love," each one giving us something but not everything. It's often not what we leave out or misinterpret, but what we expect. Think of it as the "round peg in a square hole." Since love isn't a solid object, we don't see ourselves forcing round into square or square into a triangle. We only realize it doesn't fit when we feel dissatisfied or hurt. Again, since love isn't a solid form with tangible proof we've chosen the wrong pieces, we make the same mistakes again. That's why we say "Love hurts." It really doesn't. What hurts is failure.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #105

Good point MPORANYIMIGABO Gerard

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #104

I wish you had written this comment before Lyon Brave and I am sure this comment would have drawn many more comments. For example, your writing "The love we have so easily for our friends and family is mature love, it’s natural and effortless". Love is effortless- what a deep meaning this carries! It is stunning beauty. ANother example is "Romantic love might be a dysfunctional state of immature love. It might be a seed of love when it’s is still adolescent". I agree as I have witnessed many immature marriages because of dysfunctional love fell apart and ended in smoke. I have got to know you recently Lyon, but believe me the only thing that comforts me is late is better than never.

Lyon Brave

منذ 7 سنوات #103

Mature love is the foundation of family and a peaceful society. The love we have so easily for our friends and family is mature love, it’s natural and effortless. We love our friends for being themselves and we don’t expect or demand too much from them. We just have to look at behavioral patterns to understand romantic love is illusive and unstable and can at times be immature love. Romantic love might be a dysfunctional state of immature love. It might be a seed of love when it’s is still adolescent. The seed has potential to grow into a tree and become rooted for the long-term, but it’s more likely they seed will be lost in the wind. Immature love and mature love should not be regarded in the same light or with the same seriousness, but people will go all Romeo and Juliet.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #102

Me too Devesh Bhatt and I need another lesson of love. Your comment implants this feeling in me.

Devesh 🐝 Bhatt

منذ 7 سنوات #101

Love can be anything but i assume it as the depth of understanding, the opposite of love is returning from a shallow experience, let me clarify ..shallow means ..not looking at a person but ones own needs. The recursive loop is this, understanding becomes a need, women like me because they want to be understood, but hate me because they fear being understood... Its more to do with social conditioning than there individuality.. I still have to learn when to initiate and when to respond, the timing usually sucks. A loss of company isn't the loss of love, its a feeling and not a person. I have loved, I still love and i enjoy it when a person does good. Women doubt love when I say this,I believe I need another lesson in love.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #100

Joseph SpruteWith such inspiration I have to believe you

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #99

This is a beautiful comment Joseph Sprute and I love this new idea "unconscious reality".

Robert Cormack

منذ 7 سنوات #98

Love is an endorphin rush with a sentimental chaser. Everlasting love may be a pipe dream, but it lasts longer when you mix your drinks.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #97

That is I love you @Emily Bee because you are so rich in expressing your loving feelings to others.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #96

+Zacharias Voulgaris- I look forward to reading your buzz soon.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #95

Steve Brady- In the "chaos" interconnected relationships, I believe that love emerges as a strange attractor. I tend strongly to favor this idea. I might elaborate why in a dedicated bizz. You thrill my mind dear friend. I invite you to read my last buzz and the comments of @Deb Lange for more illumination ofour senses and including those hidden ones.

Zacharias 🐝 Voulgaris

منذ 7 سنوات #94

I'd love to comment in detail about this lovely article but I'll prob end up writing a whole article instead...

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #93

Thank you Sonia Quiles Espinosa. I appreciate your comment.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #92

@You make me think- fear is the repellent of love. Thank you Ben Pinto

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #91

- you always amaze me with your depth. You really expressed what love is in a great way. You said when you remember Cat Stevens the memory brings you a smile. Well, you brought me many smiles. Yes, love is energy- it doesn't die. It may transform to other energies, but it stays. So this comment of yours- it shall stay..

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #90

Karen Anne Kramer ~ CNN Women Leaders 2015- you make me say "tell me how frequently you visit trees and I may tell you what a writer you are". If you accept this, then you know why you stand high like tall trees with your writings.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #89

It's hard to pick out the voice of nature within the screaming of life around us. You quiet those voices and make the world a better place- great dear Harvey Lloyd and soon I shall respond in a buzz with dedication for whom? Who else, but you

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 7 سنوات #88

To know someones heart and respond with action (love) implies the symbiotic relationship has to exist. This is the portion i can see. The experience of that love is unique and individual to the person receiving or giving. I cant see that in its true meaning. I see this by observing body language, tone of voice and responses. You challenge me Ali Anani we are humans within a state of nature. Nature shares its wisdom, and you make me listen. Its hard to pick out the voice of nature within the screaming of life around us. You quiet those voices and make the world a better place.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #87

Harvey Lloyd- you never fail to surprise me and provoke me at the same time. Love has no opposite- either it exists or does not. I wrote once on the fractal love a mini forest (family love) and scale this up. But, the idea that love shows in different, but integrated processes like those we see in a forest. Is it self-love that make a tree share its root with fungi. This can't be genuine love , but symbiotic relationships are the true indicators of what love is or the way it exists.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 7 سنوات #86

Ali Anani after reading your post again i would answer your question, what is the opposite of love, with the same complexity you found in the answers you received. What is the opposite of a rock? There is no opposite. Love like the rock merely exists or does not. Trees like love show us a symbiotic relationship between the seed, the earth and the atmosphere. If we walk to a place where no trees are, we cant see this "love" as show by complex relationships between natural, but different processes. Love, the noun, as we have forced it into, is undefinable in a public setting. Only you can answer the questions of love for yourself. Having navigated the forest of my wife's existence, love means something very unique for me. When she comforts a grandchild or sees my heart and comforts me in her special way i feel we are in a personal forest that only we share. How do you explain the opposite with out demonstrating that the personal shared forest just doesn't exist?

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #85

I walk in your forest knowing well I shall get great experiences Harvey Lloyd. LOve looking from outside to inside might look different than love viewed from inside to outside. This is a brilliant observation and coupled with your writing "A critical juncture comes with our love journey when the practical attributes start to wane and love wants us to find a deeper meaning. This phase of love has attributes of wisdom, shared journeys and a collection of experiences that rekindle our youthful drive towards loftier relationships". Love is a verb and within this frame I say love has rekindled my desire to go deeper and apprehend more this super comment

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 7 سنوات #84

Ali Anani Love is complex when we look from the outside in. The complexity expands within conscious and subconscious when viewed from the inside out. My current understanding of love is that it is a verb. Meaning that love is an adverb that describes something we have done, participated in or acted on someone else. This is the complicated part....If i have "Acted" from love did the person the act was bestowed upon receive it that way? If not then was it truly love or just an act of blind kindness? Like leadership Love has attributes, not absolutes. I enjoyed your graphic it shows the complexity of love. In our youth loves attributes seem to surround hormones and motivations to pro create. Once we find a mate love seems to take on its practical attributes of building homes, families and the future. A critical juncture comes with our love journey when the practical attributes start to wane and love wants us to find a deeper meaning. This phase of love has attributes of wisdom, shared journeys and a collection of experiences that rekindle our youthful drive towards loftier relationships. Love is a individual experience and a word with similar attributes shared in the definition of forest. We use the word love to explain and cover the deepest thoughts of our mental forest. When we seek to uncover this forest within the individual human we find they don't want or cant explain the attributes of this forest. Love grows through silent observance and reflection. The forest is revealed through acts of love and the observance of how the act swept through the forest. Over time we find the various paths of another through this observance. We don't speak of the forest, we just walk with the other in a shared experience.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #83

Love and regret - a nice topic that popped up because of your story Vincent Andrew

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #82

Yes, you are right Karen Anne Kramer ~ CNN Women Leaders 2015. They may show love to animals, to a country or whatever. DEprivation of love is deprivation of life.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #81

Yes, the comments on this buzz enriched it and added meat to the bones dear DILMA BALBI

Milos Djukic

منذ 7 سنوات #80

Dear CityVP Manjit, Thank you for this comment. Love remains.

CityVP Manjit

منذ 7 سنوات #79

Dear Milos Djukic, we are still largely in the dark ages regardless of social media platform. It is important to think of what "I love you" means especially when our focus shifts to the mechanics and away from the organics. We are talking about technology platforms as marketing instruments when there is weird stuff happening with AI as this Huffington Post article addresses - When it come to love we are making the old new again. With technology it is simply the new being made old again - but there is renaissance up yonder in the hills of time, there is hope in the valley of change and this new tomorrow is within us.

Milos Djukic

منذ 7 سنوات #78

I agree with you John White, MBA

John White, MBA

منذ 7 سنوات #77

Deb Helfrich: Don't you love it when a great post reappears! It means the system is working. The readers decide what content is worthy of "reappearing!" Say no to algorithms on social media!

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #76

hank you my friend Aaron Skogen and I am thrilled that you are going to read the comments. I am awfully satisfied with them. I am sure it shall be a well-invested time

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #75

Anees Zaidi- your "whirling love" is beautiful

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #74

Look forward to reading your insights dear Anees Zaidi

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #73

- Lisa Gallagher- Doubting, mistrusting, holding things too close to chest result in blaming others. These feelings and resulting actions contaminate the water of love. People who fear exposing them forget they are plants the seeds of doubts. At the beginning these feelings are like tiny seeds of seedless grapes (we say seedless, but in reality there are seeds that we don't see). With time these seeds grow and spread and ruin love. I discussed this issue in my last buzz "The Seedless Love".

Lisa Gallagher

منذ 7 سنوات #72

I'm always contemplating those thoughts Ali Anani. For example, someone who not just tells you they love you but does things like plant beautiful flowers for you, works hard to provide an income and more.. that is love. But, at what point can that love become the opposite? For example one person handles the finances and the other pays no attention to them yet 10 years down the road they want to to go over the finances with you and will find a way to blame you for all the mishaps (many things that happen which are unforeseeable) . You're suddenly blamed for everything and this person takes no part in the fact that they could have looked at the finances at any time. Maybe these are bumps people hit along the road in order to get to an even better place in their relationship once they finally deal with the issues that were kept secret per se. I often ponder why it is that there are certain topics within a relationship that a person may fear communicating because they know they will be the 'bad person,' the 'irresponsible person,' no matter what. Love is very complex.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #71

With you lovely contributions I feel I am extremely well Rick Delmonico. Thank you my friend. I hope you too is having a great weekend

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #70

love is an expression in action- wow! this is great Rick Delmonico. It is like wind we see it only in action. Love is wind0 it could blow gently or it could move turbines to generate electricity in our hearts. You open up so many possibilities with this grand contribution..

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #69

Margaret Aranda, MD, PhD- it is a public known secret I thrive on your comments and buzzes. This comment of yours is simple the reason why I do. Your comment says a lot deeply. You are an honor to talk to.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #68

Dear Mohammed Mohamed Amroussi new buzz. There is a different wisdom there

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #67

I invite all commenters on this post to read and inhale the wisdom and the juicy collections of selected comments in his buzz as mentioned in his previous response. Evolving love is very well captured in this buzz.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #66

Thank you Elena Gabor. Yes, love is power

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #65

Can you imagine Anees Zaidi this is the 109 comment. on this buzz. And they are quality comments. I know you soon shall be welcoming your daughter for iftar, but felt like sharing these loving moments with you.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #64

It is my pleasure sharing posts that add value. Yours is worthy

CityVP Manjit

منذ 7 سنوات #63

Anees you will like this article by Sheryl Paul entitled "96 Words for Love"

Lada 🏡 Prkic

منذ 7 سنوات #62

#77 I'm so grateful that you mentioned me and my buzz in your post, Ali Anani. For me math is really fascinating, and those are already known equations for the heart curves. I thought that my “mathematical” buzz could be a contribution to your post about love. I do not think that love can be defined, nor any other feelings. Basically, love is chemistry, but there is no formula for it. Dear Sir, you've made my day by describing me as a "notorious" engineer! The non-engineering side of me can be seen in my three published post here on beBee Thank you again for your splendid and illuminating posts.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #61

Then you have love factoring in and I greatly appreciate it dear Anees Zaidi. Enjoy the family gathering with love

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #60

And this is what keeps my love to your contributions Adam Read

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #59

I am hesistant to suggest, but find it necessary My dear friend CityVP Manjit-you have enriched this buzz with great comments that stretched and folded our minds. Not only that as you have suggested so many links, whether written by you or others, and they are all very relevant. I wonder if your time would allow building the comments and links into a document as you are the one to embark on this. I know of time constraints, but I sincerely hope your time would allow. The ideas covered in this discussion shouldn't be allowed to dold n themselves. It is a suggestion admixed with hope. I see it as a cathedral.

CityVP Manjit

منذ 7 سنوات #58

We need people to lay down the concrete but we also need people who create a new kind of concrete that is not concrete - and what I mean by this is that at the heart of love is a form of appreciation that expresses itself as a great society. Here appreciate the bricklayer who see's a brick and appreciate the bricklayer who see's a cathedral. This does not explain "I love you" but it does explain "I see you"

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #57

This is a crucial comment dear Anees Zaidi great comments have really taken this discussion to new levels.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #56

"but if people take those symbols and begin to worship them, then evolutionary love becomes concrete and hardened rather than a wisdom we watch unfold". That is consistent with what I wrote in my previous buzz dear CityVP Manjit that if our ideas solidify into a concrete we should keep them "fatty" to float and not sink. I agree with you.

CityVP Manjit

منذ 7 سنوات #55

There is an evolutionary release that is woven into our DNA and that can be seen by archeologists who have noted developments in human consciousness in the past in civilizations that were disconnected with each other yet manifested or evolved in parallel. That evolutionary expression is what drives scientists nuts, because our future is not evidence based, yet human society continue to incur these patterns of development. Martin Armstrong is an economist who reads patterns in economic footprints by following the effects of money flow, so what he practices is prediction rather than prophesy - but if people take those symbols and begin to worship them, then evolutionary love becomes concrete and hardened rather than a wisdom we watch unfold. Appreciation is open mindedness about the designs that have yet to evolve and I am not prophetic about renaissance, but extrapolate it, whether this evolution in wisdom takes 10 years or 400 years to evolve.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #54

"The love I'm talking about has an affinity for hard work, for endurance, and the ability to handle rough seas, and earthquakes" Adam Read- regardless of what love is, I love this quote from you.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #53

called this pairing, but I love your description of love and hate as binary Adam Read. This time we have a meeting point.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #52

This is one of the most remarkable comments I have read. I like your pairing of love and hatred. Hatred reduces our options. It has one direction. In contrast, love may expand chaotically our options, but to self-organize them through love acting this time as converging role rather than a diverging one. Stretching and folding of love and hatred to produce the fractal love. You could write a book on this idea, CityVP Manjit

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #51

"with our ancestors homeless mind of discovery and homeless heart of adapting to new environment" -what beauty this is. I love it without even knowing what love is dear CityVP Manjit. This is fabulous.

CityVP Manjit

منذ 7 سنوات #50

We can understand resilience and variety through both hate and love. Through hate we reduce variety and increase homogeneity and as a result we all suffer, though love as chaos we may increase variety but through love as order we may end up reducing it, The evolutionary relationship with love begins with our ancestors homeless mind of discovery and homeless heart of adapting to new environments - which is the human diaspora, and from that we find the variety of homes which is human settlement and here evolutionary outcomes combine with how we learn and evolve as individual units of love and hate and as group forms.

CityVP Manjit

منذ 7 سنوات #49

There are too many puzzle pieces of love for us to create a picture of love but a sufficient number of pieces we can fit together to give us a sense of what love might be. A Washington Post article posits that love is in the mind and this puzzle piece may help neuroscientists remedy the disorders of love, but I don't think that it helps with the order of love, which Melissa Hefferman articulated well i.e. the last refuge of love is in our own heart. Nor do i discount religious appreciation of love and here I have two puzzle pieces whose puzzle is found in the space between these two passages from 1 corinthians 13 Matthew 7:24 - so that is why I use PHILOMATH to cover the poetic learning, the mathematical learning (a fractal is a mathematical convention) - and this thread is an incredible piece of PHILOMATH love in that regard - the Washington Post article does elude back to the Greek Views of Love I articulated in my thought #10.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #48

May be tomorrow- I am quite confident it most likely shall be today dear Anees Zaidi- the waggling dance started in your head

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #47

Thank you my dear Anees Zaidi and I agree. Now, when we love in idea while is still in the foetus of our mind and treat it as a mother treats her a baby that still in her belly the idea evolves. That is an idea to explore further. May be you want to do it my dear friend.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #46

Anees Zaidi contributed. in her lovely buzz: is love subject to math or is it more of fractal nature that mostly defies math? Loving to know is taking us deeper in the unknowing

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #45 This is the link to a buzz on "DEFINITION OF LOVE BY AN ENGINEER - Mathematical curves that produced heart shapes" by the "notorious" engineer Lada Prkic. She uses math to produce hearts and that love is a calculated felling. Lada says this buzz inspired her t write her buzz. Amazing life is in how one buzz may give birth to a buzz of conflicting or opposing value. But this is true love as it leads us blindly and we may have to calculate its risk so as not to fall in deep waters! I truly encourage different perspectives for they stir different parts of our minds.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #44

Anees Zaidi would agree. Love is homeless because it has many homes at the same time.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #43

Adam Read- you wrote " because it is a love that both invites and expects to be challenged rather than one that expects luxury and privilege". I love the perception that love expects to be challenged. Is this regardless of any love such that of a mother to her siblings? I thought of calling this spontaneous love? My question does a mother need to be challenged to prove her love, but I am with the idea that love becomes more of a feedback nature with time.

CityVP Manjit

منذ 7 سنوات #42

Hi Melissa, we human beings have the ability to make our homes in inhospitable places as this article demonstrates - that homelessness is something that occurs in the wealthiest nations simply shows the indifference these nations continue to have for homeless people. I know for sure I could not survive on the street. In your time being homeless you will have learned adaptive capacities and capabilities which would be beyond me - and that you have survived rock-bottom existence and now tell the story is the actual blessing - and when we are living in any blessing, then that to me is what paradise is, no different to how Phil Collins saw it. a song that combines the blessings we take for granted and the reality of homelessness.

CityVP Manjit

منذ 7 سنوات #41

Hi Adam - in #10 I pointed out 7 types of love that comes from the mind of ancient greeks. Yet I could not that very evolutionary love that you mention and that is where I added the term Philomath. - the love of learning and the the essential nature of learning is evolving. This "evolving self" and both Robert Kegan and Kegan's book is more akin to Pragma and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi deals with "Flow" which again I see as a Philomath.

CityVP Manjit

منذ 7 سنوات #40

Dear Melissa, the question Ali Anani asked me was "has the Canadian society in any way affected your unconditional love to your kids?" and my answer was that we seek to reduce the effects of society upon the paradise we have been blessed with. All my kids have the freedom to make their home in Canadian society, but we decided to create for them an alternative and they have embraced that alternative. Canadian society has homeless people and they make their home in that society, Canadian society has one-bedroom apartments and the meaning of alone changes in that choice of home. The membrane I call privacy should best make a home a womb of sorts, which gives birth to far more complex relationships than living alone. I write this thought in a home alone in a bedroom and this loneliness is a positive. Home is where you make it, but relationships changes its complexity. I could live completely alone and enjoy it but I give up the complexity of relationship and the shared space. If you are alone and your heart is your home, that is your home. I have extended versions of home, I create extended versions within work and also in my club where Daniel Anupol declares "We are Family". How we equalize with society is how our home's relationships cross the membrane with society and thus the filtered water goes one way and the contaminated another. Society does get into our home through media, but here the creation of meaning is the chief osmosis.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #39

Dear CityVP Manjit

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #38

Thank you dear John White, MBA and you truly honor me with your comment

John White, MBA

منذ 7 سنوات #37

It's always a pleasure to read and share your buzzes, Ali Anani!

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #36

Statistics show that his is the general rule: men leave, and women nurture....this is distortion my friend Margaret Aranda, MD, PhD and I wish it were not true. In your own experience was the man supportive or not? You seem o have your story.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #35

CityVP Manjit- I challenge any body to predict your comment- but everybody shall agree on their depth. "...Even though we talk of unconditional love, the moment we think about it, it becomes conditional...". I would like more elaboration behind your thinking in writing " but the conditional is the osmosis between society and the home". The use of the word osmosis reflects their is watery medium. I do like to read your explanation of this "naughty" idea my friend.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #34

Henri Galv\u00e3o- I agree with you that it is not possible to single out comments as they all contribute to our better understanding of what love is.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #33

Melissa Hefferman- I quote from your great comment "..., but perhaps some things in Life will always be a mystery and the Heart has a mystical virtue all its own that is indefinable. Love your thoughts..." This is beautiful and illuminating. May be this explains that healthy heats don't have a very uniform pattern of pulses. A lot to think about

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #32

Love illuminates- lovely description Tausif Mundrawala

CityVP Manjit

منذ 7 سنوات #31

Since 1999 this question has been paramount for me about the affects of society upon our home. The protective and nurturing environment of our home is one osmosis with society, but also is the reality of whether our kids needs are met by going out into society or whether their needs are fulfilled within that which is called home. If 100% of their needs are met by society then society is their home. Even though we talk of unconditional love, the moment we think about it, it becomes conditional - thought is a condition. There are unconditional moments and that is like explaining a miracle or magical moments - but the conditional is the osmosis between society and the home. Society can destroy my home if we did not create an osmosis between society and our home. A part of that osmosis is privacy, instead of a sign called "Home Sweet Home" the paradox sign to society is "mind your own business" - for the sum of society is the sum of its homes - homes not houses. The difference between creating a living and a life should not be a conception but a practice. My home remains a paradise, but paradise does not last long exposed to the trampling feet of society - but the nurturing great homes is the only way to nurture a great society.

CityVP Manjit

منذ 7 سنوات #30

Since 1999 this question has been paramount about the affects of society upon our home. The protective and nurturing environment of our home is one osmosis with society, but also is the reality of whether our kids needs are met by going out into society or whether their needs are fulfilled within that which is called home. If 100% of their needs are met by society then society is their home. Even though we talk of unconditional love, the moment we think about it, it becomes conditional - thought is a condition. There are unconditional moments and that is like explaining a miracle or magical moments - but the conditional is the osmosis between society and the home. Society can destroy my home if we did not create an osmosis between society and our home. A part of that osmosis is privacy, instead of a sign called "

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #29

Thank you for the new perspective Brian McKenzie

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #28

I am quite sure readers understand your intention Vivian Chapman. Yes, we hate things sometimes to find them only destined to our benefit. It happens

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #27

Dear - I greatly appreciate your kind words. Your comment is timely as it follows that of @Jason Attar, in which he highlighted respect as well. I want to listen more and then see if I may extract common threads. Your contribution is respected and respectful. You have both, and with this again I greatly appreciate your comment.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #26

I tried several ways, but with no success. I am addressing this issue to the attention of the great doer Javier C\u00e1mara Rica- why Ted Talks don't embed on beBee? Thank you

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #25

I embed the video of TED Talk as mentioned by @Jason Attar in his comments below so that readers may have easy access to the video. APparently, beBee doesn't accept the video format. I hor beBee team pays attention to this issue

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #24

If you could provide the link, Jason with thanks

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #23

I fyou could just provide the link, Jason

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #22

Look forward to its sharing @Jason Attar

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #21

Unfortunately, gatred as all evils spreads spontaneously dear Anees Zaidi

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #20

Dear Anees Zaidi- I do hope things improved for you now. Before responding I hope your time would allow to read the latest comments because you may find the answer there. I am waiting for your, as always, sharp comments.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #19

Very illuminating comment @Vivien Chapman. Romeo and Juliet say love is greater than death. I wonder then if true love would have boundaries if it goes beyond death. Is love then the unconditional giving self to others? Or, is it enough to love for others what you love for self and this is the boundary? Many thoughts are surfacing out.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #18

@Vivian Chapman wrote a beautiful buzz titled "The Relationship of Divorce", which I find very fitting with this buzz: Vivian introduces the idea that divorce may restore love!

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #17

Thanks dear Amroussi Mohamed- I was just telling you I am aware of what you contribute here and somewhere else because I care for your views. Names to change us; we give them meaning

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #16

I too agree Joanna Hofman view for she too has the experience to share.

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 7 سنوات #15

Couldn't be more excited with your carbon example Ali Anani. Wonderful insight!

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #14

Deb Helfrich that the elements of love hybridize and the authenticity of each component disappears. I love your wisdom, Deb

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #13

If any element of the love triangle is missing then love becomes of a "lower grade" Dale Masters who wrote love is water.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #12

- I believe love is not only love for self; it is also love for others. May be it is love and other emotions that fuse together like feeling of guilt and love for kids if that person wouldn't save the children Dale Masters. SOmetimes our love engulf innocent children more than it engulfs self! A good question to think about

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #11

- Bro Amroussi Mohamed- you have just inspired me with an idea. Here you write your surname first while in other places I remember your write your first name first. If I also correctly remember, you don't use capital letters in your name; here you do. In all cases, the name changes, but you are still the same person with same interests and values. You are flexible enough to flow like water and also ready to "freeze" for a while so as to flow again like water. Is love the same?

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #10

CityVP Manjit- your eight hats of love expand much more than those shown in the triangle. I truly need to comprehend more your insights. But again, I would love to read your feedback and personal experiences. has the Canadian society in any way affected your unconditional love to your kids? They grew up in a different society than yours and this may have caused some "concerns" for you? I have seen families who were very strongly attached and remained attached when migrating to a different place. Also, I know o families who disintegrated because the wife and husband or the kids became widely different. I am sure your experience would be of great help in explaining why love stays or evaporates in both cases.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #9

The challenge is great to keep the inner self with all the changes surrounding us. I agree Sara Jacobovici with you "We are in control of that regardless of the potential influences that we experience in society". I lived in many places for long times and I had my conflicts between my values and the values of the societies I moved to. It was a hard sail, but my authentic and self-imposed values remained intact. It is a struggle; but also a test on how strongly we are to those engraved values.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #8

- Sara Sara Jacobovici- I was planning to listen to comments and then respond. However; I failed to listen any more having read your eloquent wisdom"Often some things may be "beyond words" but not beyond our drive to try to find the words". If we go back and remember what I wrote in my previous post on rooting customers and the CIPP Factor, it was passion what topped the highest preferential level. In this post and passion in particular, falls on a triangle. I feel we have some controversy; yet may be there is not. Passion. commitment and intimacy might fuse together and hybridize their "orbits" like carbon atoms do to form a strong bond. Do we have the equivalent of SP2 hybridization of the three components so that a new one entity is produced? In true love do we have all passions fused in one? We never and should never try to understand. Thank you Sara for opening my mind to new possibilities.

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 7 سنوات #7

Thank you Ali Anani for providing a great catalyst for this discussion. When you write, "It amazes me how we use words very frequently without knowing exactly what they mean." , you describe the tension between a human whose innate language is non-verbal and his and her lifetime of learning and communicating with words. Often some things may be "beyond words" but not beyond our drive to try to find the words.

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 7 سنوات #6

"how can we have unconditional love in a conditioned society?" Great overall comment CityVP Manjit and a very important question. My answer is yes we can. We can love unconditionally because it comes from us, internal - external process. We are in control of that regardless of the potential influences that we experience in society. It all boils down to choice versus control. Remember Frankl's quote, "Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom." This means that in spite of being in a conditioned society we have the freedom to choose to love unconditionally.

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 7 سنوات #5

"...the process of learning to keep love flowing even when you aren't in an easy vibration with the other person." That's a keeper Deb Helfrich. I can't imagine anyone not being able to identify with this.

CityVP Manjit

منذ 7 سنوات #4

I find the Greek categorization of love more useful and useful as a personal reflection tool of how I express love, and thus I see no value in drawing a consensus about love because that does not tell us anything IF we do not understand our own love nature. How do we understand it if we have not reflected upon this nature? Some of these natures like agape are revered by society, while other natures have different treatment by society. Now is love that true reflective understanding or a mirrored response influenced by what we think society thinks? First I will list out the seven types of love that I identify with in the Greek form. I have added PHILOMATH as Learning Love. Added to that are intelligences I am exploring which are my own frame of reference. Agape (Unconditional Love) - White Intelligence Eros (Sexual Love) - Black Intelligence Philia (Friendship Love) - Green/Black Intelligence Ludus (Frivolous Love) - Black Intelligence Philautia (Self-Love) - White/Black Intelligence PHILOMATH (Learning-Love) Gray Intelligence Pragma (Mature Love) - Green Intelligence Storge (Family Love) - Green Intelligence A factor in my learning journey online is how do I transform my love so it begins to expresses itself more like agape? Unconditional love is a poetic reality but not a factual reality, how can we have unconditional love in a conditioned society? This is why I added PHILOMATH - a love of learning - but learning IMHO by itself is pointless without knowing our nature of love.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #3

I enjoyed your comment tremendously. I drew the middle triangle to show that it may form a fractal with endless love if the three components exist together. Lovely comment and the energy of love is fractal.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #2

Thank you dear debasish majumder, receive feedback

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #1

I am awfully pleases with your comment . First, I know this is a mini-buzz for I meant it to be more of a discussion buzz. You spotted this in your comment. I also is moved by my quote of you writing "yet they defy absolute comprehension". I have written many presentations on love, fear and greed and increasingly I found them beyond comprehension. Love brings us together and fear separates us. Yes, when love involves intimacy, commitment and passion. I assure you I have the three components towards your comment.

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