Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات · 2 دقائق وقت القراءة · ~10 ·

مدونة Ali
Ideas Foam

Ideas Foam


It is so interesting to read a buzz that moves your feelings and prompt your mind to rethink them. One buzz that did this to me is titled “Ideas as Mental Stars” by Zacharias  Voulgaris. In his buzz he discussed the density and volume of ideas.

Ideas having both density and volume is an intriguing idea. There are foamy ideas with large volume and low density. Being light they may travel being carried by air. Other ideas are dense and are heavily packed and so they create impact, but they may stay local because the wind may not carry their heavy seeds for long distances. There are ideas in between with average density and volume. I wished to study this idea further.

What prompted me to explore this idea in more depth is a comment by Bill King in which he wrote “They say "cream always rise to the top". Does cream only rise to the top? This question reminded me of mineral slang which we skim off. Sometimes, what floats to the surface is our way to skim off and discard with. Both cream and slang are of low density and so density alone isn’t a good measure of value on its own.

It is marrying the opposites that lead to the most creative ideas. One example is the extraction of mineral ores. Here, we retrieve the heavy mineral by attaching it to air bubbles so that the mineral may be carried to the surface. The same analogy applies here by allowing the “bubbling ideas” to refine and separate great ideas. The low density and high volume help the dense and less voluminous ideas to float as a cream to the surface and be noticed. We apply the same principle to remove fats from our hands by washing them with a foam. The fatty dirt gets carried away by attaching itself to the forming bubbles.

The kitchen is a source of great creative ideas. The slogan “skim of the foam from the jam” is one example. Randall Burns is the authority on cooking and he may enrich these ideas. The jam foam forms because when cooking jam air pockets are trapped in the matrix of the jam. Air pockets can be put to good use or a bad one depending of our intentions of what to do. Again, we may use a fat source advantageously to reduce this problem of jam foams. The butter lowers the surface tension of the jam. This means that discouraging the formation of a jam matrix, so air bubbles shall not have a place to “hide” and form an undesirable foam.

Trapping can be useful. We trap air pockets in insulation materials to make them useful for thermal insulation applications. Brick foam is one example where marrying the dense with the light air bubbles lead to materials with new “behaviors” and thus open possibilities for new applications. Not all foams are bad.

It is amazing how we treat the same thing differently. We say a person is frothy meaning that he/she is bubbling with life. In contrast, when we describe an idea as frothy, we mean it has no substance and value. It is the creative mind that turns what we consider as a frothy idea as a waste into something useful and of value. We need to find the positive aspects of what we consider silly. Frothy ideas are cheap because we tend to discard them. So, we have a cheap source of ideas to increase their value. This is achievable. The success of coloring hair foams is an example wherein foam may capture a great value. Women buy hair foams and we are basically trading gases trapped in a matrix. This is creativity.

Every waste may find a great application, regardless of its density and volume. It is us who make the separation between the two when their purposeful combination may lead to great successes.

I dedicate this buzz to the great mind of  Zacharias  Voulgaris., whose inspiration travels long distances.


Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #44

Very glad to read your comment Veronica Allison

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #43

This is an early adaptation and you are very wise to do so dear Clau Valerio

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #42

Great to see you here dear Anne \ud83d\udc1d Thornley-Brown, MBA. I am glad that you highlighted an important issue in your comment. Not what rises to the top is the greatest always. May be the gem are deep in the sea.

Anne 🐝 Thornley-Brown, MBA

منذ 5 سنوات #41

You are right. the cream doesn't always rise to the top. In toxic corporate cultures, it is the sludge. You always use rich metaphors and these really help turn the idea of the cream rising to the top on its head.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #40

Great and I am booming with new ideas my dear friend Edward Lewellen. I shall share my thoughts soon. This is an incredible comment with its inspiration.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #39

Dear Tausif Mundrawala- please read the two comments of @Lisa Morganweck below. They speak to your heart.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #38

Edward Lewellen- I would love your feedback my friend on the metaphor that our minds are like ocean. Thank you

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #37

Part 2 Dear Lisa Morganweck- I am reading your comment again and I am more baffled by its depth. Your comment is the ocean metaphor that you brilliantly suggested. I feel we could extend the metaphor to our minds. Our minds are like oceans- some thoughts sink in the darkness of its depth. Others gets carried out to the surface where they may fall in the ocean of another mind. Your comment did this for me. Your metaphor has floated to the surface of my mind being carried by the lightness of happiness. May be we should consider renaming negative feelings as heavy feelings and the happy feelings as the light feelings. It is up to us to attach light feelings to the heavy ones to float them. Your metaphor isn't far from reality as water composes between 60% - 80% of our brains. Deep down in this ocean in our heads we may behave in a way to sink ideas or to to flow them.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #36

I responded to the comment of Lisa as follows: Part 1 I just couldn't resist the temptation to copy and paste your comment on the original publication of this post on beBee dear Lisa Morganweck. Your comment stands out with its depth, thoughts and imagination. No words shall suffice to describe how pleased I am reading it. The way you you expanded on the density and volume are extraordinary. I am sure all readers of your comment shall be moved by its quality. Million thanks.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #35

Part 2 Thoughts that are heavier (negative) tend to do the same inside us and when expelled (yelling out of anger for example) tend to sink deeply into another person to. Circling back to the example of the jelly you noted - it’s kindness and understanding when applied (and accepted) correctly (delicately) that will attach itself to the negativity and bring it to the surface (like the cream too) so it can be sloughed off. Not too far off from what a psychiatrist does in therapy. While on the contrary lighter thoughts - happiness..joyful laughter- carry far and easily stay at the surface and bounce hither and fro around a room or a group of people. But now gratitude is somewhere in the middle. I find when giving gratitude to another there is a bit more weight to the words when delivered sincerely. As always you give me so much to think about! Thank you dear Ali Anani, PhD

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #34

Part 1 @Lisa Morganweck wrote a great, thoughtful and explicit comment on LinkedIn that I want to share with the readers here. Another genuinely inspired post dear Ali Anani, PhD. Everything has energy- our thoughts included. There is a theory out there that persons who are inventive dare not say aloud to anyone their idea for a new creation. Not because any one person(within earshot) may hear and steal the idea but rather because once the (foamy) idea is brought to the surface and released into the air (sound of voice) the energy of the idea is expelled and takes flight on its own to be carried (as energy) away into the ethers where the thought may land in another’s mind. I really relate to and agree to the density of different thoughts as well. A similar metaphor is the salinity of the ocean. Where as the heavier thoughts (negative?) are like higher salinated water ( or the saltier the personality haha) sink to the bottom below water with less salt (less negativity) and therefore they don’t travel very far and don’t seem to be swept up in the current or tide . They end up in some of the deepest and darkest parts of the ocean as toxic brine pools where most creatures wander in and become trapped (less oxygen more salt & methane) and die. Only extremophiles can live near the brine pools.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #33

Your age is young compared to your wisdom.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #32

Thank you dear Clau and your sharing the buzz means a lot for me. Keep enriching our minds with your thoughts, please.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #31

I don't know your age dear Clau Valerio, but I assure you you have the wisdom of ages. Your comment is mature and spot on. Yes, ideas are our raw materials and they need grinding, purification and hammering so that we may see their luster. You summarized my mind beautifully. I invite dear Tausif Mundrawala to read and enjoy your comments.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #30

Yes, ideas ferment and need to be placed in incubators, to sleep on them, to add weight by connecting them with other ideas. Ideas need to spread and grow like snowballs. You are very wise dear Clau Valerio

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #29

You are most welcome dear Tausif Mundrawala and being a good listener and thinker you shall achieve more than what you dream of.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #28

Burning every drop of oil is an opportunity lost. I have been out all day and now just had a little time to re-read your comment dear Tausif Mundrawala. I want to ask you how many people looked at burning as a lost opportunity? I bit very few. You know why? Because people find it much easier to burn opportunities than to create them. Being wasteful, how many people thought about recycling wastes and including ideas waste? You have a deep insight that is higher than the average person. Only 2-3% of people grab creative ideas, let alone appreciate them. Your problem is your belonging to the 3%. Base your expectations on this fact.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #27

In contrast, your comment is to the point

Pascal Derrien

منذ 5 سنوات #26

As a device the foam roller erases muscles spasm, metaphorically and loosely linked to your conversation because of the word foam ideas are very often suppressed. Maybe this comment was false great idea after all :-)

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #25

I enjoyed immensely reading your comment CityVP \ud83d\udc1d Manjit. You inspire me with the term "emotional trapping" of ideas when we overly attach emotionally in them. This is similar to trapping foams as air pockets. EMotions may act the same way. Whenever exceedingly attach ourselves to an idea we create the opposite effect. I discussed this issue recently in explaining why we lose our lovers when we trap them in our love. We then tend to control the beloved ones and protect them leading to losing them. So, protection (in the form of patents as you mentioned" or making them too heavy to circulate are signs of what I meant. Love for ideas or love for a woman are indifferent in their hate to control and protection. I love the boomerang concept of ideas .It is worthy of further exploration. I think Tausif Mundrawala will find your comment very useful.

CityVP Manjit

منذ 5 سنوات #24

I much prefer the foam idea rather than Seth Godin's "Idea Virus". Ideas may not necessarily spread because they are foamy ideas, but they can spread when we uncouple ourselves and untether our own ego from traveling low density high volume ideas. When we keep holding onto ideas, this need for needing credit for an idea prevents the expanding universe of that idea. For sure legally we have the option to patent an idea to retain claim to its intellectual property, but too much emotional control leads us to a different kind of foam, and this foam is found in the expression "foaming at the mouth" and here the freedom for ideas to flow is tempered by not trusting the process - that ideas freely spread will boomerang back with idea karma Someone foaming at the mouth is angry and anger is not usually conducive to higher order thinking., They are competing for the sake of competing rather than collaborating through free-flowing and flying ideas. Emotions can fuel freedom but emotions can also mess up the process and that creates the kind of foaming that is not conducive to free flowing ideas.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #23

Dear Tausif Mundrawala- you have vision and it seems people surrounding you are less visionary than you are. I shall ponder on your blurred idea question and revert back tomorrow with my conclusions. Please allow me this "breathing time". Thank you for your kind words and trust.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #22

That is the part I thought Randall addressed well. Blurred ideas are opportunities. Just from my chemistry background blurred solutions become transparent and clear and so are the possibilities of blurred ideas. You should follow up on this idea for I believe you shall arrive at some interesting findings dear Tausif Mundrawala

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #21

Great thoughts and analogy dear Tausif Mundrawala for it answers part of your questions. The mind acts a filtering device . Foams surface out. What we might skim off as an idea waste could be the starting idea for somebody else. As you said, just expose them to light. Thank you for stirring my mind and for sharing the buzz.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #20

As I said in my response to a similar comment on LI this comment warrants careful attention. I am thinking about it and I shall share my emerging thoughts. Thank you dear Debasish Majumder for striking my mind with your "wavy" comment.

Debasish Majumder

منذ 5 سنوات #19

idea is not an absolute and pure form or identity. it too confront counter idea and thus perhaps results in a state as you described as ;foam' sir Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee. when light energy strikes on a body with its packets of energy, it possess a particle character. on contrary it wavy nature reveals in human spectrum depending on the position of the observant. interesting this two features combine in one making it a unique one. idea thus churns in a due process to reach to its sublimation and it too a material force where receptive process of external reflections plays a key role to propel it to influence many with its nuances, mainly stemming from not just inner ingredients but also from the external conditions and its ingredients. however, intriguing insight sir. enjoyed read immensely. thank you for such illuminating buzz.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #18

You never disappoint me with your remarkable comments my friend Randall Burns. Your inspiration is overwhelming. The mind acts as a purifier for ideas. This what happens when we "percolate" them in our minds. I could have titled the buzz Idea Percolation. I love your analogy. I am sure if we were to meet we would finish writing a book of ideas in one week. I have been delaying writing a buzz on creative ideas from the kitchen. Your comment propels me to do so soon.

Randall Burns

منذ 5 سنوات #17

Very interesting article Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee Very poignant analogy of the "foam on the jam" and yes in one context one does not want the air bubbles in the jam, however the foam serves a purpose. The slowly simmering jam is extruding impurities from the jam, these are caught by the air bubbles and brought to the surface to collect all together. one of the reasons it looks "frothy", (this is also one of the reasons you don't stir jam, you don't want to re-incorporate these impurities back into the jam). In context with your article one could say that as Ideas are forming in the mind, our creativity is "peculating", bubbling, and in fact "clarifying" our thoughts, the "impurities" rise to the surface and we mentally skim them and discard, being careful not to stir the pot allowing our "mental jam" to become clear, bubble free and set appropriately. Great buzz sir!

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #16

Oh my friend Jerry. I watched a video a week ago not recommending black coffee. I hope your great comments bubbles off any concern. I appreciate your feed back and I love your ideas that ideas foam are transitory. and we need to "stabilize" them . Thanks for the inspiration.

Jerry Fletcher

منذ 5 سنوات #15

Dr. Ali, Although I take my coffee black I, too at times see foam on the surface from the act of pouring and bubbles being trapped. They remind me of how transitory ideas can be and the need to put them down in a form which can be shared with others as you and the other bees do so well. Thank you again for titillating the little grey cells.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #14

Bill King- I hope that you enjoy your coffee as much as I enjoyed your educated comment. There is a special flavor in your comments always as you benefit creatively from your technical background. I truly admire your mind.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #13

Thank you dear Debasish Majumder for commenting and sharing the buzz. I have just responded to your comment on LinkedIn on this shared buzz and it is subtle and inspirational.

Debasish Majumder

منذ 5 سنوات #12

exquisite buzz sir Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee! enjoyed read and shared. thank you for the buzz.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #11

Thank you Zacharias \ud83d\udc1d Voulgaris and his dedicated team.

Zacharias 🐝 Voulgaris

منذ 5 سنوات #10

And I in turn thank you Ali for bringing the original idea into new heights. Also, big thanks to the creators and staff of beBee for making all this possible...

Liesbeth Leysen, MSc.

منذ 5 سنوات #9

I feel blessed, thank you Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #8

#7 I assure you the feelings are mutual dear Liesbeth

Liesbeth Leysen, MSc.

منذ 5 سنوات #7

my gift to the beauty of your post Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee

Liesbeth Leysen, MSc.

منذ 5 سنوات #6

you are such a good bee thank you Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee beBee is honored to have you!

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #5

I appreciate your sharing of the buzz with such a nice comment dear . A big thank you

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #4

It is about time to dedicate a buzz to you dear . You are too a great inspiration. Please tag me when you publish your inspiration. I look forward to reading your thoughts.

Liesbeth Leysen, MSc.

منذ 5 سنوات #3

let your ideas flow, inspired by Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee

Liesbeth Leysen, MSc.

منذ 5 سنوات #2

Always touched when one bee dedicates a post to another bee, that is what we bees do from the heart. The image you create with the foaming of ideas, makes me smile and I feel how that stimulates the creation of new ideas in me. Thanks for the inspiration Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #1

Zacharias \ud83d\udc1d Voulgaris- you are mentioned in this buzz in the given order

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