Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات · 2 دقائق وقت القراءة · 0 ·

مدونة Ali
Invoking Memories

Invoking Memories


I have just returned from a trip to Turkey that lasted ten days. This times my visit including a return to Ankara for the first time since my last visit in 1972. The visit to Ankara invoked memories. I was doing my master degree at the Middle East Technical University and passed all my exams with distinction. However; I never got my degree from this university. The reason was the new ambassador of the USA to Turkey who served before as an ambassador in South Korea during the Vietnam War. The students protested his visit to the university campus by setting his car on fire. This incident led to the closure of the university for more than two months. During this period I contacted the supervisor of my supervisor's PhD in the UK. I was immediately accepted and I left to Turkey to UK where I completed my PhD.


The visit to the university campus where my daughter is studying as an outstanding exchange students invoked so many memories, which I planned to share with you. However; we aren't immune from disruption on beBee platform. Having just arrived back I read a buzz by Sara Jacobovici, which Sara published during my visit to Turkey. In her Buzz "Part Three: You can take science out of philosophy, but....." provoked positively my mind. I made a comment on her buzz as follows:

"This is an extremely worthy buzz and is full of great definitions and examples of spontaneity. I have paused on this part "The “who” I am engages with others and the world around me in the same way; it is the situation that changes, not me". This is a challenging situation for me. Do I change with changes around me? Can I be "fixed" person with all the changes surrounding me? This is a matter for serious thinking. I hope that readers would reflect on it".
Ali Anani, PhD

Sara responded by writing

 "Great question! I am influenced by things that take place around me and my internal experiences. My "core"/self identity remain the same. In other words, I do not change with the changes. I am an observer and I am able to pause, and consider my response and interaction. Thanks for kick starting the thinking process. Hope you had a great trip!"
Sara Jacobovici

Sara's response sent me into a inquiry journey. Do trees change their growth pattern with changes in their environment? This proved to be a worthy discovery journey. Can we be the same in spite of the challenges the environment imposes on us? Is authenticity related to the environment in any way?

Questions started dancing my head. I found from my initial research some interesting findings such as:

· Trees with conservative growth strategies may have little ability to respond to a changing climate. Is conservatism linked to growth in humans as it is in trees?

· Sara's response touched me and I found myself responding to here response. Is this the same touch that we see in plants such as the turning or bending of a plant or other organism in response to a touch stimulus?

· Plant growth is often guided by environmental cues. There are many environmental changes that trees face such as gravity, light, severe cold and flooding of waters or complete lacking of water resources. Plants produce different hormones to keep with the demands of the environment. Trees may grow against gravity or bend when there exposed part grows at lower rate than the other side with less light exposure. The trees change their shape; but remain the same.

· Trees may undergo metamorphism as well. This is unusual type of growth

Plants regulate their growth in response to the changing environment by controlling the chemicals they produce, which is turn may guide the plants to grow with gravity or against it.

I invite you to share your views and experiences and if we may stay the same in spite of all the challenges that we may face in life.

I add now a video on movement and its direction and relation to authenticity. For more explanations, please refer to my comment addressed to Praveen Raj Gullepalli below.



Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #65

Dear Deb\ud83d\udc1d Lange, Brand Ambassador @beBee- this is exactly what I feel and you expressed it beautifully. "But, there is also much that is the same. What is different is the inner peace I feel. The expansiveness within my being". To grow is to expand real values and discard those of no or low values. This should bring inner peace and so we can be in peace wit ourselves and then be able to think peacefully and act accordingly. I do apprecitae your comment and its value. We can only live in peace with others if we have peace in us.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #64

Dear Deb\ud83d\udc1d Lange, Brand Ambassador @beBee- I am stunned by your comment and sharing of your personal experiences. As you intend to write a second comment I defer my detailed response for now. Truly, we feel the warmth of personal experiences and I find nothing equalling them.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #63

Thank you dear Lance \ud83d\udc1d Scoular for your expressive comment and sharing of the buzz.

Lance 🐝 Scoular

منذ 6 سنوات #62

🌳💬🗨🗯💭 👥ed 🐝🐝🐤🐳🔥🚲

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #61

Sara Jacobovici- plants may decide in which direction to grow based on availability of nutrients and sunlight. Sometimes the shaded part grows faster then the part of plant that is exposed to sunlight. DIrection may change. I am writing this in response to this part of your comment "If a plant does not change direction towards sunlight, its growth may be stunted".

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #60

"In a way, each human or community, can be a sediment in the place of humanity"- dear Sara Jacobovici this is part of my next buzz. You keep me inspired.

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 6 سنوات #59

Part Four - #39 Ian Weinberg, you have indeed, “written quite extensively on this subject and related areas”. And so, forgive me if I still haven’t got it yet. You write, “…the essence at the core of the being remains true to its deterministic influences.” Yet you talk about potential for change and transcendence. How are these possible within the framework of determinism? Does it make sense for me to say that we come into this world with a core, determined by heritage, first nature, and then our work is based on trying to identify and be consciously aware of that core while being influenced by the other part of heritage, nurture? Thanks for your patience.

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 6 سنوات #58

Part Three - #24 I am sorry for not being clear in my example Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee. I wanted to illustrate through the plant which doesn’t need to form roots in water prior to being planted in soil, that it can root itself no matter where it is placed; it can be uprooted and placed in another soil and grow roots there, and survive, without changing. # Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee for bringing @Tricia Mitchell’s comment to my attention. She asks, “Our growth direction may change and this is a needed and desirable one. Do you agree?" I am not clear on direction. I agree growth is akin to living; thriving. Direction is a whole different subject. If a plant does not change direction towards sunlight, its growth may be stunted. As humans, though, we navigate on our journey. We need to be open to reading many signs that will enable us to understand which direction to take, assess the pace and map out places where we allow ourselves to rest. Not easy, but worth the effort.

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 6 سنوات #57

Part Two - 1. From my perspective Deb \ud83d\udc1d Helfrich, you have taken poetic license with the metaphor of the tuning fork. You write, “We are constantly vibrating tuning forks, adjusting the tensions of our lives based on what has occurred in our past, our installed reactions and emotions, our past and current environments, plus our ability to rationally adjust these notes, when we work to become aware of what element of our bodymind is out of tune.” In “reality” a tuning fork is “an acoustic resonator in the form of a two-pronged fork with the prongs (tines) formedy used as a standard of pitch to tune musical instruments.” It vibrates in response to the external influence in the same way, each time. It keeps the other instruments in tune. The other instruments depend on its consistency; the tuning fork cannot (and should not be able to) change. It’s not self-reflective. It’s built/formed in a certain way and to maintain that form. 2. We have the ability to create, destroy and repair. This is the only proof I need for the existence of free will. The fact that we are influenced by our internal and external environments, doy perspective, renounce us of our free will. Finally, you write, “remember all the sedimentary layers composing a human doing.” (You can substitute “doing” for “being”, and both are appropriate in this context.) Made me think of time and place. The fourth dimension is referred to as spacetime, as there is no “separation” betweenlayers itself in place, and makes itself visible in its separated layers; separation of time in place. Whereas, I see humans as integrated beings; we’re formed, we grow, we’re transformed. In a way, each human or community, can be a sediment in the place of humanity.

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 6 سنوات #56

Part One - #46 Flattered Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee, to take the following thoughts into consideration. #22 Dear Deb \ud83d\udc1d Helfrich, thank you for your mention and response. Your thinking and writing takes my breath away…and so I have to pause…once I start breathing again I can attempt to respond. Two points; 1. the tuning fork, and 2. “free will”.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #55

This is a great question Sara Jacobovici and we need to know our core values. How many don't?!

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #54

I am glad that your mother recovered and is in good health now dear Tausif Mundrawala. I know how you feel. There is no equivalent to mothers and feeling unable to help and save them from their suffering is a haunting task. I wish your mother wholeheartedly a complete recovery.

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 6 سنوات #53

I am sorry to hear about this difficult time for you and your family @Tausif Mundrawala. I can feel the experience viscerally through your writing. I am grateful and relieved to hear your mother is doing well. I wish her strength and healing.

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 6 سنوات #52

Thank you Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee for bringing the comment of @Tausif Mundrawala to my attention. At the risk of sounding philosophical, when one says, I experienced it to my core, it acknowledges a core to begin with. If the experience changed the core, the question is, from what?

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #51

I meant so and not si

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #50

si you have a different experience than Sara Jacobovici. I wonder if the change you experienced is a lasting one.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #49

Amazing as some comments act as the "bridge between the past to the future". Your comment is exemplary of what I mean

Ian Weinberg

منذ 6 سنوات #48

If not sooner ...

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #47

Thank you for this lovely response Harvey Lloyd. I agree with both of you. An observation is recorded here in view of your writing Harvey "The expansive period after WWII has set the pace that each successive generation will feel the weight of materialism while being discontent with their lot in life" wrote a great comment, which is in line with your response. To what degree do you agree with Fatima as well?

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #46

Thank you dear for contributing such an authentic comment. You made me smile when reading your comment on my exams. I meant mostly to say that I didn't leave the university because I failed, I did because circumstances forced me to do so. Your comment discusses prematurity as a interruptor for children to grow their values and i agree fully with you. In our New World with so many interruptions, so many distractions and so many wasting of time by abusing the use of new technologies I wonder if children would have enough time to grow their values. You do point out to an acute issue that warrants our full attention. This is a challenge that we need to address to fulfill what you concluded your comment with. I mean "I think behaviors , thoughts, actions , experiences and people are interconnected in some way or the other. And we need to plant our trees in good soil with rich surroundings". Thoughts and experiences need time to mature within the right surroundings. This dds to the acuteness of the issue. You tolled the bell, Fatima.

🐝 Fatima G. Williams

منذ 6 سنوات #45

Passed all my exams with distinction ? Do you even need to tell us this :) We just know. Welcome back dear Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee Yet another thought provoking buzz. Time to kick start my comment here. if we may stay the same in spite of all the challenges that we may face in life ? You make some valid points on the influences that environment and experiences have on us. Sometimes they affect or pollute our ability to think and act and other times they enrich those actions. But what's deep down in the core never changes. If I would never use a swear word on someone, just by being around people who swear frequently doesn't make me behave the same. Authenticity comes into play here. What we were will give us the ability to get past those challenges in life taking with us only what gives us value and benefits us. All these value will take root in us permanently just like how the tender plants grow into strong stems which then grow into a mature tree. If we are going to toss this plants during those important stages n life then the damage is done. Like how those young children are brainwashed to kill ! They never get a chance to mature and decide the roads they need to travel on. If they we strong stems it might have been difficult for the influence to have effect on them. Those it's a cat on the wall discussion behind a young plant and an adult tree. Which one is easier to uproot? Which one does the environment have more power to challenge and affect? and so on I think behaviors , thoughts, actions , experiences and people are interconnected in some way or the other. And we need to plant our trees in good soil with rich surroundings.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 6 سنوات #44

@CityVP Manjit a great add on to the point of change. I agree that we have matured quite far along in our materialism, but spiritually we have retained our infant standing. Materialism has lead us to a point we cant care for one another under the pressures of survival. We now look to government to manage social ills. Although they attempt to legislate morality, history tells us laws will not replace the human. The expansive period after WWII has set the pace that each successive generation will feel the weight of materialism while being discontent with their lot in life. AI will serve to only further this contemptuous drowning. Thank you for expanding the topic of change, i always find your thoughts enlightening.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 6 سنوات #43

I wanted to give some thought to your comment. My journey of understanding the social sciences in my own personal research concur with your statement. Some catalyst will need to happen that brings humans back in alignment with each other. My religious studies were pitted against a backdrop of philosophy research and then on to apologetics. Searching for some meaning to our current status as a planet. Even the history of civilizations past seem to point in the same direction. The ebb and flow of civilizations seem to center around serving God and then transitioning to being god. Not a popular position as this concept seems to be the one that takes the blame for many ills. Stated in a secular context, we seem to survive a catalyst through forming interdependent relationships only to forget what made us successful and then move towards independence. With little effort you can hear the roars of the Roman Colusium during their downfall. Maybe a Trump/Clinton chariot showdown will come in the next election.

Ian Weinberg

منذ 6 سنوات #42

Harvey Lloyd I believe this entire system/creation is on auto-pilot driven by underpinning source files. Superimposed upon this is very little maneuverable space for absolute free choice. It remains to be seen therefore whether sustaining human values and behavior can prevail and even rise to prominence against the enormous momentum of self-interest driven values and behavior. My personal belief is that ground- zero will be over-population and a very real threat to vital resources - only this outcome has any chance of rectifying the collective destructive values and behavior. Until then, each can only tend his/her acre.

CityVP Manjit

منذ 6 سنوات #41

Harvey, to add to your point " The reality though is pretty much unchanged." If anything the reality has left us in a lesser place if we consider that we still exhibit the fight and fear that was instilled into our cave man ancestors, except that same fight or flight response is wholly inadequate to the new environment created by accelerated technological change. We have not simply remained the same but we are far removed to adapt to the present changing environment. The way technologies wish to solve this lack of transformation within us is through technological implants that mess with the workings of a mind. There is this unknown change that is a form of artificial intelligence. The battle to stay the same is going to be fought on the transhuman stage but the evolutionary stage is real slow and we are still only marginally different to our reactions in the past.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #40

Harvey Lloyd- your last line questions are "wickedly" written for they trouble the mind with their soundness. "Should the needs of existance give us our values or should we give ourselves values to meet our needs? This is where we have control. We change in response to environmental challenges. The cost might be very high to stick to values. If we chose to go by "the needs of existence" then our values become variable. If we choose to go by "giving ourselves values" to meet our needs we might turn into opportunists. Are values for us or more for serving our communities? Yes, we need the "invisible hands" to turn on the spinner, but then where values originate from? Even more to ponder on.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 6 سنوات #39

In merging your post and several of Ian Weinberg discussions on the subjective/objective then it would cause us to ponder the "giver" of this purpose and value. Many philosophers have attempted to explain values and their short sightedness many scientists have tried to give us meaning and purpose through the humanities of education. Yet we are all left wanting to know how to deal with the toxic work environment, toxic finances and other forms of toxic relationships involved in our existence. Toxic=Not understanding our position within the environment. Could i give you purpose and value? This would sound crazy since my narrative is driving my gift to you, what of your narrative? Could we enforce such a value set within law? Questions tend to come from the environment where we find ourselves. Your questions and many more surround this seemingly unrelenting question of existence. Expressed from many perspectives. Branding, Diplomas, titles and many other labels give us our existence, but also takes it away when these material labels are removed. Should the needs of existance give us our values or should we give ourselves values to meet our needs? This is where we have control.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #38

The invisible hand that starts the human spinner is values as the human hand moved the spinner. I loved your addition and insights Harvey Lloyd. Therefore, I am in full agreement with your writing "The departure from the spinner to humanity would state that we have some level of control or influence on the forces that impact our existence". Yes, we human ar like paperweight without our values and purposes moving us.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 6 سنوات #37

The implied forces that are acting on the spinner are certainly relevant to our discussion. Interestingly once the top spins at a mathematical intersection of the frames per second of the video camera motion seems to stop and then reverse. The departure from the spinner to humanity would state that we have some level of control or influence on the forces that impact our existence. Most notably within the video the spinner was not the creation but the hand that created the forces to get it spinning represented a change in state. This goes to my question of, can humanity right itself with its own natural existence? In my my belief system the answer is no. No more than the spinner, although designed to spin, would spin under its own forces. The hand gave the spinner meaning and existence. Without the hand then it's merely a paperweight. There were two forces applied, pressure to stabilize and force to get it spinning. So then what is this force that humanity would require to unify under a core value set for a future of peace and joy? This is the question that each of us must answer for ourselves.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #36

Oh dear! I enjoyed your comment Harvey Lloyd. Look at what you wrote "This question is important only for the masses. Individually we can choose, but our choices influence our existence within the masses. This fractal concept is what we all recognize and discuss about history". Can you see a relevance to the video that I have just added to this buzz?

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #35

I have now added a video to the buzz on Spinner Movement to reflect on the great comments this buzz has attracted.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #34

Dear Praveen Raj Gullepalli raised between authenticity and change. The spinner may seem to have lost its shape and character, but in reality it didn't. Allow me now to edit the buzz by adding the video.I thank you dear Praveen for your inspiration.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #33

All appreciation for you dear Sara Jacobovici for being as always a great source of inspiration for all of us. Your work is worthy waiting for.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 6 سنوات #32

Your post has delved into some very deep corners. It is difficult to summarize the concepts that have been brought up in this enlightening comment section. We appear to be hovering around a single concept of the human experience. Wisdom. Specifically that knowledge/skill/experience that causes us to act upon our existence in such a way that is beneficial to all. In order to answer such concepts the following question must be answered. Is Humanity in its natural configuration capable of understanding its own footprint? A yes answer would imply we have the answers to humanities ills and we are just incapable of getting agreement, which implies a no answer. Many rituals were the answer to this question, no. Our earlier versions of self, before the printed word, discovered their answer through trial and error. They practiced ritual(s) whereby they could strip themselves of their current state to seek objective thought. The amazing aspect of this perspective, even though disconnected by time and space many rituals appeared to submit to the same quest. This question is important only for the masses. Individually we can choose, but our choices influence our existence within the masses. This fractal concept is what we all recognize and discuss about history. The oddity, we look at the future without this presence of mind. Humanity in all its wisdom is still struggling with self concept at the individual level and this has great impact on our species at the mass level.

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 6 سنوات #31

#24 #32 #39 Wow!! Another great and dynamic discussion inspired by Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee for your patience.

Ian Weinberg

منذ 6 سنوات #30

Definately merit in that Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee But sometimes a post in its entirety may need to be added rather than a summary thereof, when appropriate. I've felt compelled to contribute everything that I have to this buzz that you've created since it addresses such an important and fundamental concept.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #29

Thanks Ian Weinberg and I appreciate the links. You make me think if sometimes summarizing one's buzzes isn'ot a good exercise for the author as well. Sometimes, we need to remind ourselves of our own work. Do you get this feeling sometimes?

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #28

Thank you for your warm and genuine words Franci\ud83d\udc1dEugenia Hoffman. I missed all my bee friends as well.

Ian Weinberg

منذ 6 سنوات #27

Deb \ud83d\udc1d Helfrich Since I've written quite extensively on this subject and related areas previously, I felt it appropriate to rather refer you to the articles rather than summarize them. Therefore, as a further contribution to this highly stimulating discussion, see for your interest and

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #26

What a great metaphor and I invite Ian Weinberg. This is a brilliant comment dear Joanne. Yes, we need the brilliance inside us and the "cuts" from our experiences will only reveal our beauty inside. You are such an influencing spirit my friend and I always expect some great values in your comments. This time you surpassed my expectations. I am honored to draw such a great comment. I hope it becomes a habit that you comment Joanne because I shall always look forward to learning from your illuminations.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #25

This is also what I feel whenever I read a comment or buzz by you Joyce \ud83d\udc1d Bowen Brand Ambassador @ beBee. We need each others' mind.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #24

Thank you for your very kind words my friend Tricia Mitchell. WE both see the great value of the same line. Ian is a great thinker and I hope you are already connected.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #23

Dear Tricia Mitchell would respond first to your invigorating comment. I shall wait and then respond.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #22

Tricia Mitchell was if she would agree with me on same thought. So, my answer is definitely yes. I am mesmerised by your writing Tricia "think about connection - one of the heart intelligence's prime functions, connection/roots to the ground - the left foot remains in contact with the floor...". My original intended buzz was to address this point. In my next buzz I shall do. What triggered the idea is noticing two adjacent trees one with short stem and carrying a heavy weight contrasting another tree with a long stem, but carrying little weight. Great leaders don't try to reach the sky as they center their purpose on growing others while themselves carrying the heavy weight. This is what great leaders do. You provoke my mind intensely with your superb comments my friend.
Yes--you bring me to question everything as always. I rely on you to unfetter my mind. I dwell in a different place than you, and you cause me to travel through a level of consciousness I avoid. Thank you.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #20

Thank you Tricia Mitchell for your great responses. This is to acknowledge reading your responses. I shall be writing again later tonight.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #19

You don't know to what level you energized my thinking levels with your super response Ian Weinberg. Much more to ponder on my friend.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #18

Deb \ud83d\udc1d Helfrich- great thoughts again "yet we are uncovering that the group dynamics exhibited in nature are transmitted via a field that we haven't yet invented a tool to measure". This is music to the ear and heart. This is the music coming from vibrating the forks of your beautiful ideas. Not less musical is your writing "Our current societal belief in the prominence of 'free will' is missing the layers of the many invisible, dynamic fields affecting what we can do next". I paused here on your words "free will" and my mind jumped to free energies that we have. I call these energies sometimes the "disposable energies" available for us to do "useful work", or to vibrate to produce "useful music". This is what ably you did, Deb.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #17

You provided a great example of a survivng plant and how uprooting it may kill it. We humans are similar in tha we should never uproot from our soil of values, purposes and living senses. I wish now that Deb\ud83d\udc1d Lange, Brand Ambassador @beBee

Ian Weinberg

منذ 6 سنوات #16

Thanks for sharing my previous article Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee Your question incorporates 3 levels of complexity simultaneously - analogy, consistency and meaning, regarding neuroplastivity. I'll therefore attempt to answer similarly: neuroplasticity refers to the process of creating new neuronal connections a d removing redundant ones - hence the brain re-molds functionally. The process at a consistency level would be more like gently molding clay rather than extreme elastic changes that are achieved with silicone. Therefore functionally, with extreme and rapid/violent attempts at plastic change, this would result in tearing and fragmentation of the 'clay'. I will need to apply my mind further to this very interesting point that you've raised.

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 6 سنوات #15

#17 Thank you Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee for bringing my attention to the quote of @Tricia Mitchell, "Trees are grounded into the earth. These roots and connection is what is missing in many of our lives". As a certified tree hugger, I couldn't agree more. Unfortunately humans are not as rooted and connected as we should be. What's interesting about our species is that although we are dependent on elements such as water and air to physically survive, our being rooted and connected is not limited to the physical; we can also be rooted and connected emotionally, socially and/or spiritually. The source of that is also more diversified than our physical needs. The Tradescantia /ˌtrædᵻˈskæntiə/, the spiderwort plant has an interesting survival mechanism. Whereas leafs and plant cuttings need to be placed first in water to develop roots before being planted in the earth, the spiderwort can be planted directly in any soil and then produce its roots. This plant can be rooted and if need be, can continue to survive if circumstances uproot it and it is moved it to a different place.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #14

Deb \ud83d\udc1d Helfrich. The two comments stretch my mind beyond imagination. I wish dear DR. Vincenzo De Florio would read your comment and comment. He has written outstanding posts on antifragility and how it differs from other systems. Ian mentioned neuroplasticity. There is a huge room for great great discussions here. I refer also to the part of your comment in which you wrote "In all organic beings "Anti-fragility" is a robustness to unexpected events. It comes built-in to greater or lesser extents for living organisms, but so many of our human created systems are rigidly fragile". I feel here gain that both Ian and Vincenzo will have a lot to add. A great comment is one that keeps percolating in my mind. Your comment did, Deb.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #13

I read and shared your linked buzz Ian Weinberg. Honestly, the combination of the two comments may open new venues of thinking. Your later added "The question is, can a comprehensive meta-state awareness replace our heritage-determined subjectivity? I believe not. At best it becomes our perpetual voice of reason, smoothing out the sharp edges". This prompts me even more to dare and ask you same questions.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #12

I was a footballer player during my university days studying science. I therefore salute your son and his talents for both science and sports. I wish you and your son all successes in your endeavors dear

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #11

Thank you dear Sara Jacobovici for your buzz urged me to write this buzz. I am equally honored to be able to write a buzz on a buzz by you and to attract so many hugely interesting comments. You wrote "As we strive to become, we need to understand who we are, so as to then find the way to be. This is a process of movement and change". In my response to dear Tricia Mitchell I mentioned you and now I am glad I did. I wonder what you would comment. As you wrote later "From my perspective, being fixed means being stuck. On the other side of the spectrum, always changing is never “being” This is a great paradox that received little attention in my opinion. I love the way you expressed it. You remind me of a buzz that I wrote earlier on purpose around which our movements should be centred. I believe now even ore of this idea. It is movement that is not chaotic or without purpose. We may change the direction and shape of our movements as long as they are not deviating from our center of purpose. Again, you give me a lot to think about. I do hope that more comments will offer ideas and thoughts to widen our understanding.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #10

Is there a better way to say it than you did, Tricia? I doubt. I mean your writing "we are not aware of how our perceptions of the environments we find ourselves in is altering our internal landscape". We may change the internal landscape, but its entity would remain the same. If this buzz is fascinating as you wrote then it is so because it attracted such great comments and yous stand out firmly.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #9

What a sharp comment this is Tricia Mitchell! It is so rich that I need to write a buzz and not a comment. You wrote "Trees are grounded into the earth. These roots and connection is what is missing in many of our lives". I hope that Sara Jacobovici would read this! Movement is the essence of life, but withing the roots of our firm moral beliefs. To be moving around a center of values and I thank you for opening my eyes to new realities. You also wrote Tricia very eloquently "From a spiritual perspective, on the one hand, I believe the true authentic Self does not change. The 'change' comes when we work to discover who we truly are (a de-conditioning process). However, we can expand and grow, so is that change?" I believe this is part of a conditional growth and that is the "gravity Center" for us to grow as plants have a growth with aor anti gravity. Our growth direction may change and this is a needed and desirable one. Do you agree?

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #8

I share your hope Harvey Lloyd in that the new generations would find the true meaning of life. You wrote very deeply "The reality though is pretty much unchanged. Human existence and its needs of survival and a self fulfilling reflection of worth are our defining questions". I fully agree with you and this statement is powerful. You offer me a lot to thin about

Ian Weinberg

منذ 6 سنوات #7

Welcome back Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee for your valuable contribution. I would propose that we are all the products of very influential heritage factors (nature-nurture), which mold our circuitry giving rise to our subjective reality together with our beliefs, preferences and processing styles. Our ongoing engagement with life's many environments and situations will indeed contribute to the refinements to the circuitry (neuroplasticity). However, the choice of environment as well as the perceived environment is modulated by our subjectivity. Indeed the degree of change is also a function of our subjectivity and the intrinsic potential for change. This all adds up to a change process which is ultimately a product of our subjective origins. As regards change potential therefore, this I believe is determined by our heritage. However, as I have proposed previously, transcendence beyond the limiting heritage mold is achieved by creating the meta-state of awareness - the product of our sense of reason and the disputation of limiting beliefs. The question is, can a comprehensive meta-state awareness replace our heritage-determined subjectivity? I believe not. At best it becomes our perpetual voice of reason, smoothing out the sharp edges. But the essence at the core of the being remains true to its deterministic influences. (See also

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #6

Love your honest feedback Pascal Derrien. I am glad you found the buzz interesting.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #5

Yes, - it was a nostalgic visit. To see the way the university changed and grew was overwhelming. To find old friends retired after being so engaged in work was a story on its own. My daughter Sara as I am are grateful to your elevating appreciation. Sara is doing extremely well and is fully immersed in her university life.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #4

Thank you dear debasish majumder for your kind words and explicitly voicing out your opinion. You wrote "enable to emerge with a changed version". That is my basic reason for writing this buzz and mostly the next buzz. Trees remain trees- they change, but their basic identity doesn't change. COmpared to plants what are the possible areas of change that we may change without changing our intrinsic beliefs?

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 6 سنوات #3

I am honoured to be mentioned in your buzz Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee. You have provoked and inspired a rich discussion. And I am sure this is only the beginning. With your permission, I would like to respond spontaneously, knowing I am only touching the tip of the iceberg. Your question, your challenge, is a self-reflective and existential one Dr. Ali, “…if we may stay the same in spite of all the challenges that we may face in life”? It leads me to a couple of other questions; who am I in that state of existence? And from a temporal perspective; am I referring to what is happening now, in response to what has occurred or in anticipation of what is to come? Understanding who we are and whether or not we change creates the following paradox: As we strive to become, we need to understand who we are, so as to then find the way to be. This is a process of movement and change. According to Heraclitus; “No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man.” The “flow” or process of influence is ongoing; we are influenced and influence and then are influenced again….From my perspective, being fixed means being stuck. On the other side of the spectrum, always changing is never “being”. Much emphasis is being placed on being our authentic self. Hard work when you consider that first we need to know who that is, who we are, then understand how we can be with others who are different, connect with them and work with them while still maintaining that authenticity. As a chameleon, we can engage and be; blend with the people and the environment, while not letting go of who we are. But this takes us back full circle; in order to be who we are, we have to find out “who” that is.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 6 سنوات #2

Welcome back and i hope your trip was fruitful and inspiring. "The more things change, the more they stay the same." not sure who coined this phrase but it is appropriate in the context of your questions. Materialism would have us believe that things are changing rapidly. With some minor review of the latest news we would probably agree on the surface. The reality though is pretty much unchanged. Human existence and its needs of survival and a self fulfilling reflection of worth are our defining questions. We may have started in a cave with this need, but today we are still seeking it from jets, computers and homes. Material things are changing rapidly and our interface with them is evolving also. But human needs physically and physiologically are still the same. I have a feeling that 50 years from now the same questions will be asked by our children, "Who am I", in the context of existence. My hope is the reality of materialism will be exposed and the questions would be answered within the human dynamic and not a world view of the haves and have nots.

Pascal Derrien

منذ 6 سنوات #1

1972 I won't even tell you how old I was :-) I don't know much about trees and all that but there is a nice and gentle tone throughout the whole article :-)

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