Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات · 3 دقائق وقت القراءة · ~10 ·

مدونة Ali
Nature Emulation in Management

Nature Emulation in Management


Large numbers are everywhere. Just by looking at the number of fish in a fish schools or the number of flocking birds and marshalling ants and number of bees in a hive will raise our eyes with surprise. How come that despite these huge numbers they all manage with simple rules? beBee has millions of subscribers and the number is on the rise. How can Javier   beBee manage such large number?

We experience the same observation in our bodies. Let numbers talk to see the bewilderment. The number of molecules and cells in humans varies between people greatly but assuming the human body contains between 10^13 and 10^14 cells. The number of molecules per cell also has high variability but is estimated to be 23 trillion per cell from this site. This provides an estimate of 10^27 molecules in the human body, a seemingly unfathomable number. Can we learn how to manage large numbers by emulating nature? This is an important question because we have mega corporations, huge number of options and a great number of possible paths to take.

It amazes me that the human body manage its huge number of cells and molecules with great simplicity. I concluded from my study of this managerial issue the simple trick nature and our bodies use to manage large numbers, it is keep it simple by doing more of the same. Let me explain.
Ali Anani

The a typical human of 70 kg, there are almost 7*1027 atoms (that's a 7 followed by 27 zeros!) Another way of saying this is "seven billion billion billion." Of this, almost 2/3 is hydrogen, 1/4 is oxygen, and about 1/10 is carbon. These three atoms add up to 99% of the total. Only three atoms make such huge number of molecules in the human body. It is by varying their bonding to produce varieties of molecules that is the secret. It is from simple interactions of three elements that the human body produces large molecules such as peptides and polysaccharides. There are four major classes of biological macromolecules (carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids). Amazing as it is again restricting the types of molecules to four major types. This again results in part from the fact that carbon makes four bonds being tetravalent.

The number four appears frequently in the human body. Four example, amino acids compose of four atoms. These four atoms react to produce different amino acids, which in turn react to form different proteins and enzymes. The sequence and number of amino acids ultimately determine a protein’s shape, size, and function. Proteins and enzymes do specific functions in our bodies. It is achieved simply by the rearrangement of molecules in their structures. From simple interactions and variations, we may produce so many different possibilities. This is the trick.

The DNA chains has four repeating amino acids on its helical structure. The cells form tissues and in turn tissues produce organs and organs produce systems. Number four appears again. Proteins have four levels of protein structureprimary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary.

I could continue with more examples. However; it is my intention that we build chains of people with different functions by simply following four simple rules. If the equivalent of a cell in a human body is the worker, then we may learn a lot from our bodies. There are two self-assembly and self-organization fundamentally different mechanisms that are known to generate structures in cells: Self-assembly involves the physical association of molecules into a balanced structure that is stable over time with no need for additional energy. In contrast, self-organization requires the collective action of interacting molecules that are not in energy balance. This means that for the self-organized structure to be maintained, there needs to be a constant input of energy.

The worker is the cell-equivalent in an organization body. If we don’t get the structure of the cell right then we build an unhealthy organization. We need to learn from nature and our bodies the art of building a healthy organization using simple building blocks, from which we make little changes that may create the simplest solutions. The complexity of our bodies is the best instructor to learn from the art and science of management.

Added in Proof- following the comment of Debasish Majumder below I am adding the DNA of management . This is adapted from the work of the Azide institute on the four styles of management. I opted to put them on a DNA-like structure.


Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #64

You are very wise dear Clau Valerio

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #63

The human fractal is simply is in full agreement with your comment dear Clau Valerio. Yes, we have to observe the emerging properties and then try to figure out the how, why and what lead to their emergence. You understand complexity very well. Emotions are indeed complex and because they are human behavior is complex as well. You could write a great buzz on complexity if you wanted. Thank you for sharing the buzz in a Spanish hive. I really like the idea.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #62

Clau Valerio- you love medicine and I think you shall find this buzz of relevance to you

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #61

Thank you for your elaboration Harvey Lloyd. I go along with your explanation. You remind me of biomimicry, which is a hugely-growing science, on how we learn from nature. I might cover this topic in a dedicated buzz.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #60

I intended to pause publishing buzzes during AUgust because people are on vacations. However; your comment "pushes" me to reconsider my decision. I am going to publish next week a buzz and I may title it "Management in the barrel "or, "The barrel of management". This is to answer the question on understanding self and the surrounding environment.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #59

#62 Both of these comments combined with the post really put forth the constituent elements of humanity. The natural aspects of living and also the metaphysical existence within a community. Humans do have consciousness at a high level. This is different than what we find in nature. Nature is structured in such an integrated way that they exist because the system exists. Humans could live that way, but consciousness manifests in us beyond mere survival. Enter complexity. Most complexity enters from the perspective of good and evil. An ancient vision of yen/yang or a dragon eating its own tail. Chaos. Unlike nature though the system doesn't automatically create the life, we have a role within the creation process. But nature does show a most elementary level of what systems we need to have at a fundamental level. So i think the metaphor of nature does have something to offer. CityVP \ud83d\udc1d Manjit the first thing i thought of with your bacteria statement is the hierarchic symbolism of guttural bacteria vs the cells that manage life. Are the Poo Poo factory workers (Bacteria) worst than the proteins that feed life into a cell? Or is life contingent on all process being existence and happy within their given task? This certainly is a natural example of some of the political theology that is being handed out today. Everyone wants to be the protein that gives life. With a Darth of poo-poo working bacteria we are left full of poo-poo. Nature has a sense of humor too.

CityVP Manjit

منذ 5 سنوات #58

The wisdom we gain from nature is most relevant here but it is your framing of that wisdom that can expand the value of that wisdom. Nature is a fundamental aspect of study but it is not the pivotal part of your question here. The pivotal part is "Emulation in Management" and "nature" is a subset of that emulation. Now that subset can be divided into the wisdom of outer nature and the wisdom of inner nature. What we can see, hear and sense that comes from outside-in is the outside nature. Management is not the managing it is the mankind that is managed. What does that mean? It means how do we manage the complexity of the external relationship with nature when we are far from understanding the inner relationship of our own nature. Taking this learning portal in "cells" if we could manage to this level of detail, management would be a very sophisticated practice. So pointing out the breadth and depth of what our inner nature really is and marrying it to the breadth and depth of our outer nature - which includes animals, trees, climate, food, air etc etc makes sense. What then is simple is the action and we are very good at connecting with metaphors that enable meaning. We are not at all good at understanding the science outside of us and more importantly the science within us. We therefore solve things at the level of poop and not the level of science that enables that or how we can emulate management now we have developed a fundamentally different appreciation of nature. The fact that management is still practiced like an idiots cheat-sheet, and it a linearity of getting to points and not connections shows me that management is still witchcraft and not sophisticated insights.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #57

This is a ingenious comment CityVP \ud83d\udc1d Manjit. I was asking myself the other day if my continuation of using metaphors from nature is wise. Few commenters kept throwing doubts on using nature as a metaphor because humans are different and their emotions are to be considered. I decided against this thinking after thoughtful consideration. The question I asked myself how come plants are able to produce a great number of chemicals without need for heating, use of autoclaves, combination of these, no furnaces and are able to do so many things easily. We use high pressures and critical conditions often to make a single compound.How is this related to your valuable comment? The bacterial cells do that. Will humans need autoclaves and furnaces in their bodies to produce all types of chemicals? My answer is yes. The bacterial cells in our body can achieve more than we dream of.

CityVP Manjit

منذ 5 سنوات #56

Another interesting number is the number of non-human cells in our body. While this number has drastically been revised, it is still pause for thought that there is a near 1-to-1 ratio between human cells and bacterial cells and here is the kicker, most bacterial cells are working to ensure a smoother process on what appears to be a simple daily mission to ensure we have healthy poop and the body takes nutrients from the food eaten before it is turned to poop. What seems simple like going to the washroom belies the organization built into our body to make these simple things look and feel simple !

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #55

I appreciate your comment and question Franci\ud83d\udc1dEugenia Hoffman, beBee Brand Ambassador. One way I am aware of that big data helps is in detecting patterns. One example is banks detecting clients who are most likely to default paying their loans. Another example a company in USA who found a repeating pattern of pregnant women. From big data the company found association of items purchased by pregnant women starting their forth month of pregnancy. This helped the company make early offers to likely pregnant women.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #54

Yes, I concur and working towards value and noble purpose are prerequisites.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #53

I agree with the pathological aspects of capacity and capability in choosing this skills set. But within all endevours we seek to know have i created value as reflected through money, humans or spiritual. From the general social realm i would say that yes tech comes and goes but no matter the endevour humans have net changed much. We all seek to be a part of humanity in such a way we contribute and that we know somehow that that contribution was real. I would surmise that the capacity/capability motivation is directly depednadnt on how the human sees the contribution working out within a value statement.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #52

You know well I am in agreement with you. I refer here to previous exchanges of messages between us. People tend to develop capability of what they do well. So, if they are excellent in data mining pf big data they shall continue building capability. Unfortunately, this can fire back as new technologies appear and make what they do irrelevant (the Kodak-like of cameras). It is building the capacity to accept changes, to drop the leaves of old axioms and practices and decaying knowledge that count. SO, it is not only building the capability; more important is building the capacity.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #51

Yes i agree. mankind within each generation assumes they are on the edge of full discovery. Within each epoch though we learn more about what we dont know. I do have to admit we live within a world over run with data. We have tons of information. I wonder sometimes is it chaos allowing us to have all the data we want, only to confuse the questions we ask. The larger question is can we emerge from the data with new understanding. To some degree i believe we are within the story of Hansel and Gretal:)

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #50

I must say I am longing to read the thoughts of Randall Burns because I am sure his thoughts will be challenging.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #49

In my e-book co-authored with Bas de Baar from Holland we discussed how the world is shrinking into a village. A good metaphor we used is the fish living in oceans and moving them into a small pond. The insights and conclusions were remarkable. What I want to say restricting our focus on scientific findings may lead to what you described as "What i find interesting is that the science of today is acting just like the church of the 1600’s". It is by extending these findings to study social behavior that we may see new insights by expanding the boundaries and opening a new window for thoughts to emerge. But, the challenge is changing human behavior to move out of the familiar and step into the unknown. I mean standing on the edge of the knowing/ unknowing periphery.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #48

I think interesting is an understatement. As we find pieces to the puzzle the piece count goes up. One of the key answers that seems to be coming forward is that accepted science is being challenged by these findings. Finding the new piece is showing the pieces we have form fitted through assumption. Within the paradigm of the small a new thought is emerging that spacetime may be emergent and not fundamental. Within the world of DNA we thought by “knowing” the strand we would have access to life information completely. Yet we discovered a sub-layer of epigentics. What i find interesting is that the science of today is acting just like the church of the 1600’s. Attempting to control the frontiers of learning in order to hold onto previous established beliefs. Nature has its ways of letting us know how small we think within our own existance.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #47

All what I can say is that the hole is very deep and the more we think we know, the deeper the holes gets. We are chasing a shadow. Paradoxically, the journey though gets even equally interesting.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #46

You think within a domain that i find fascinating and have little understanding. The very little information i have through online video and scientific statements does present some interesting findings. It seems that each time we knock upon the door of understanding the human complexity, we merely walk into another dimension. The greater question is often how deep is the hole we have begun to explore? This is above my pay grade in consiousness but is interesting.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #45

Dear Debasish Majumder- answering your question is a tough task. The three setup is there in the structure of DNA helices which form by repeating three molecules. Number four is at least equally important as c and silicon are both tetravalent. It is this property that make these two elements produce varieties of compound with differences increasing as we extend the chain length. I need to pause and think

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #44

#47 Yes, my friend as our minds look for repeating patterns and associations. oOmehow I feel the molecules in our bodies like the same. They repeat their structures in patterns using few elements. You raise a new question in my mind- do molecules in our bodies behave like neurons? WE see repeating patterns in the structure of DNA and in the structure of macromolecules in our bodies. It seems to me this is a trend whether it is dictated by the mind or because of simplifying the rules by which these molecules interact. I need to study this further. I do thank you my friend for responding to my invitation. The quality of your comments validate my invitation strongly.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #43

Thank you dear friend Edward Lewellen for your elaboration. Your comment is then consistent with my understanding that by introducing simple changes in the arrangement of atoms in a molecule, the shape, conformation, size and length of molecules we may cause them to have specific tasks as our neurons do. This adds to my belief that we need few basic and repeating units with small modifications to cater for specific problems. This is the message our bodies are sending to us.

Debasish Majumder

منذ 5 سنوات #42

sir Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee while you have mentioned three atoms, Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Carbon, which make the intriguing impact in our body politic, i guess, that alone determines the color as well flavor of our life! 3 is the most intriguing number as far the reflection i have yet received. i only wonder, after having the momentum being ushered by sir Eisenstein, after sir Newton, why can't we excel more? why still we have to christened an element as 'GOD'S PARTICLE'? i wish you may have the answer and can clear the cloud of doubt regarding the limitation what we possess. i only capable to bestow my regards for your exquisite buzz sir.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #41

I forgot to mention that you should consider writing a buzz on this idea Bill King. How to choose? This is a hot topic and your analogy is a great example to throw new light on this issue.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #40

Great analogy dear Bill King will enjoy it too. Yes, we may perplex people with many options. This is what our bodies do. Using just almost four elements the body makes uncountable number of molecules changing is structural arrangement, conformation and functionality accordingly. We might think we have limited choices, but it is the creative mind that from basic things so many new things may emerge.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #39

Just edited and added the image dear Debasish Majumder. All trying to learn and de-learn my friend.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #38

You perplex me dear Debasish Majumder with your comment. This is because the buzz had a section on DNA and its relevance to management. To keep the buzz short, I eliminated that section. There are four alternating molecules in DNA. I am editing the buzz to include an image of what I mean. I am very grateful to you and your appreciation.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #37

I want to make a general comment on this buzz that relate also to many of my other buzzes. I am trying to handle here the issue of large number of people in one place and how to lead them. I referred to the large numbers of cells and neurons in the human body and how by using very limited number of elements so many different functions and arrangements can be made. There are large number of fish in a fish school, bees in a hive and ants in a colony. Are there managerial lessons that we may be worthy for us and guide us in managing large number of people? How to find a functional structure and how to use ideas from nature to develop organizational structures? I don't claim I know the answers. All I am trying is to try and provide a new perspective towards management.

Debasish Majumder

منذ 5 سنوات #36

sir Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee i guess you won't be vexed for my comment, but actually, your lovely comment trigger me to to express that my vision regarding Einstein. in terms of your mention of D.N.A helix, i firmly believe that it also in a process of continuous change. we are opportune to be having the advancement of Einstein's, enabling us to get momentum with the advancement he ushered. our cells and molecular structures largely changed out of the excellent prodigies and their untiring efforts! i personally indebted to you for your enriching posts which enrich me to widen my vistas, and i firmly believe it too have a sensible say to reconstruct my D.N.A. thank you very much sir for your lofty envision.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #35

I truly don't see how we differ Jerry Fletcher. The cell to tissue to organ to system is not far off from moving from individual to family to tribe to nation and so on. As cell join to become tissues new requirements emerge and as tissues join to make organs again new needs emerge. Same with companies- moving from a solo run company to team to sections to departments and so on. I am not saying that we copy nature. I am saying that we may draw from the heritage of nature over the years. As for the vision and mission I again agree with you. Vision is the direction. Like ants building a hill or carrying a log they do it voluntarily and for a purpose. They are self-managed and this is autonomy that I referred to in my comments. Knowing the purpose and why we do what we do towards a noble goal and taking the direct direction will make the individual add to the group and work as many in one. I thank you for your very considerate comment.

Jerry Fletcher

منذ 5 سنوات #34

Dr. Ali, Analogy is not reality. This entire string including the thoughtful additions of Harvey Lloyd keeps dashing itself on that simple rock. As best we know, the human body does not require intelligent control to keep on keepin' on. That is partially true of organizations but not completely. Organizations spring from a different genesis than the human body. Family to tribe, to nation, to a collection of nations, to country in the larger scheme. In business it moves from individual to partnership to group, to corporation. Individuals are added to the whole. They are not initially a part of it. Their backgrounds may be dissimilar. The leaders greatest ability is to provide them all with a singular vision and a simple statement of their mission. That is where the analogy can begin to make sense in my view. Once a mission is ingested by employees, no huge 3-ring binders of procedures are required in order to provide outstanding service. The individuals operate like cells in the human body, doing their job without supervision.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #33

"I would change your opening words of correction to seeking understanding". Firmly agree with you Harvey Lloyd. I believe this means learning as well.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #32

Because you are in this state dear Tausif Mundrawala

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #31

Hopefully thsi chaos you describe and the emergent skills will hold future value. I only offer a different perspective to take on chaos. It is part of our existance and the langauge and skills to manage it are ever emergent.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #30

I believe you seek the answers to great questions Tausif Mundrawala. But the post modern experiment is labeling chaos as something that needs to be fixed. Chaos is no different than the Crab Nebula. It is the ultimate in chaos but also the birth place of all things new. If we can return to our ancestors that saw chaos as a form of enrichment and wisdom, we can then see it doesn't need fixing but rather understanding. That which is unexplored will be brought to the present by others who are afraid of the unknown. You may not see it, but they do. Explore and understand, you just might find out that something new is being born. We cant live in total chaos, but we cant express it in terms of elimination so that nirvana can take hold. I would change your opening words of correction to seeking understanding. We study problems from a mechanics mindset. Maybe what we need is an explorers mindset. Maybe chaos in its form is telling us to look elsewhere for what we seek. We shouldn't dismiss chaos out of hand by fixing it. If you take a moment and look at those pivotal moments in your life you will see yourself emerging from chaos of just a few month before. Without chaos we live in boring order and we cant emerge into a new thinking unless we go through chaos. Enter with fear and eyes wide open, but enter.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #29

Very correct Harvey Lloyd. SOmetimes through false assumptions we look for the wrong needle. That is a main task of a leader to point to the direction of the right needle. I think Einstein said same thing your quote says.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #28

Does the needle present the haystack or the haystack present the needle. Maybe the needle is not what we are looking for at all. Maybe its a pair of pliers or a new hat. I believe Steve Jobs of Apple fame new this very well. Big data laid out what the needle was/is and then we had to search within the hey to find it. Mr. Jobs new that the potential wasn't in the hay but in the mind of the users potential. It wasn't the gadget itself but rather the function it served within the human potential. I am not sure of the quote origin or its verbatim statement. It went something like, If had 5 days to solve an issue i would spend 4.5 days formulating the right question. The question we ask will describe the needle in which we look.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #27

Problems are meant to be opportunities to grow and advance my dear Tausif Mundrawala. Turning them into stress isn't the way to go.It is our attitude that is faulty my friend. I find this quote of tremendous value "An organization with a strong task orientation tends to put tasks and processes first when making decisions and believes that efficiency and quality drive organization performance and productivity". Turning humans into machines is still going on and sometimes without any "lubrication". The machine parts cause friction and this is the expected result. May be Harvey Lloyd has other thoughts

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #26

It is an amazing comment. I started initially writing a buzz based on a comment that our dear Debasish Majumder made on one of my previous buzzes. I mean finding the needle in an haystack. What is happening is that with big data we tend mostly to increase the haystack while searching for the needle. We make life more complex. A leader is the one one may direct the team members to the potential and direction of finding the needle and not by building a bigger haystack.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #25

This is an insightful and deep comment. You lay down how the leader may lead us in chaos. I don't dispute this in any way. Choose a leader as a first step. Instead of working on the individual level we may start at the leadership level. Is then the building block of organizations. We need few leading figures who communicate well with each other (a network similar to that of neurons). Much more to think and ponder on my friend

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #24

If i could reference my "confirmation bias" in this dialogue. I sense that big data is leading us astray. We have gotten so deep into details that we have lost the ability to lead at the level of potential. If companies are to push the frontier of chaos in the unknown then data should be a lagging indicator of their success. It should not be a leading indicator. Measuring the past to determine the future excludes the imagery of the right brain, what is possible. But big data looks good on a screen and we can talk about potential from the car graveyard of past success with zeal and truth. Its much harder to prototype a trip into chaos where new frontiers of existence lie. It looks ugly on a chart and to some degree a little mystical. So i have expressed my bias within to much detail. I think its good but, we should be challenging our right brain in the imagery of potential.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #23

If i might use you as an example. Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee i would discuss your potential in the following areas. Details are important, yet you are very intuitive as to which is outside the details. You utilize known systems of governance to address the unknown needs of future governance. I could go on but lets start with these. If you and i were within an organization i would want you leading the edge of chaos and order. When the organization needs to stretch beyond its current orderly self and enter the unknown in order to grow. Your potential would play well in this arena. Chaos is an unknown, you have a gift of organizing existing information too form a view of chaos that a leader could grab a hold of and run, with you at their side. Your intuition in meeting chaos would be essential as order begins to emerge. This is your gift as i see it. Many folks see chaos as something to defend against, where you embrace the challenge and want to understand it. I believe that the leader sees a team as a cohesive unit and what its potential is light of the goals. But leaders also recognize when a members potential is being thwarted or reduced by existential factors. The leader can see the parts but measures these parts by the production of the whole. My belief with successful leaders is they realize that SCARF is an emergent attribute of the corporate culture fostered. They recognize that the fundamentals are what produce a SCARF that releases potential. Managerial systems are a framework of execution and showing boundaries set up through regulation or corporate culture styles. Leadership is always looking for how potential is thwarted within the process. In an effort to insure that each member is meeting their full potential.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #22

I must extend a warm appreciation to Harvey Lloyd for being so engaged and engaging in these discussions. It is summertime and I can see the drop in number of views and activities in general. Harvey make us swim in the sea of his ideas to cool down the heat.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #21

You are not derailing the discussionsHarvey Lloyd; in contrast, you are enriching it. I see your point and I sympathize with it. I am still digesting your thoughts, but surely will jump o the wagon again as soon as I have freshened my own thoughts. Here, you st an example my friend as you walk the talk. I am considering new thoughts and you are the one who did by influencing me and not by commanding me. The issue of managing the complexity of large corporations deserves new thinking and new approaches.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #20

I believe the experience of my friend Edward Lewellen will be very helpful in these discussions. The huge number neurons in our brains is one example he could illuminate us with. How these neurons function? Do they have a leader? How they synchronize their communication? How are they divided into groups with special tasks? Like in the human body each enzyme has a particular task? Do neurons have particular tasks? Were they assigned to them and ,if yes, by whom?

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #19

The self is a complex being. Self must find itself. That even sounds weird. But i believe you are exploring the right areas of leadership design. The question i always have is can i change another persons “self interest “ to better suite the demands of the i enterprise. This is no easy feat. Again i think if i could explore their potential to bring value and provide the opportunity of expression within the value, they can change themselves or better understand they are working somewhere that is not fulfilling them. Each leader also has potential. This energy should focus in an area. I believe we are discussing the possible areas to focus energy and the cost benifit analysts. A leaders potential is finite. One condition i have recognized in leadership is that potential gets trapped within us as we look at existential road blocks. Fear, embarrassment or other potential outcomes prohibit us from projecting our potential. Leaders should help team members understand their strengths, (potential) and create opportunities for them to express these potentials. If we climb into the prohibitions of what is blocking the potential we get invited to a deep circle of narritive that we cant undo. But we can offer the potential to express it self. Now it is up to the team member to take the opportunity. A secondary call in leadership is to recognize that if a team member is stepping outside this prison of the mind then we need to recognize the courage it takes/took to do so. Focusing on the potential outside the prison and not the prison itself or the performance. SCARF. Again I hope have not brought the discussion to far off the intended trail.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #18

Again, I paused at this line of your comment "We are discussing the potential we see in others. Most of the time in leadership those we discuss potential with, cant see it within themselves". What makes a leader see the potential in others? Does he/she see it on an individual level or at the team level? These are questions that merit deep thinking. Does a leader who is betrayed with SCARF attributes have had this filled because of self-improvement, or because he/she was led by a previous experience leader who had these attributes? In setting up managerial systems do we start from team level upwards or the other way round?

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #17

I read your thoughtful comment few times before responding. I am not truly assuming any understanding as I am also on an explanatory mission to verify how nature works and how we may draw lessons from it. This is a long journey. I am reading your thought "My thought is that leaders should dwell within a team members existing potential and direct them how that can be expressed within the opportunity". Great and I have no problem with this. A good seed shall not blossom in a toxic environment. It is the leaders' responsibility to do just that. Now, assuming he/she does that does it mean that employees shall abide by and drop their self-interests? Yes, if there is something bigger than their self-interest such as survival. and seeing a bigger opportunity in collaborating rather than conflicting.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #16

Culture is emergent, not fundamental. Cultures emerge from belief systems whether rational or religious. The culture emerges from the belief system the leader puts in place. I am describing this with the word opportunity. You correctly applied SCARF within the opportunity. But SCARF is also emergent. What would you install as the fundamental belief that would make the SCARF read the way you want it to? If we look at potential you are also looking beyond the character of the person. We are discussing the potential we see in others. Most of the time in leadership those we discuss potential with, cant see it within themselves. The value discussion we had within my previous post would show us this potential as we transcended what we thought was ideal within the three domains. SCARF and culture would emerge from the effort. When i see myself i can work at the cellular level in measuring potential or determining how to express the potential. I wrestle with my ability to work at the cellular level in someone else. I think leadership of another at this level i would get lost within a narrative i cant unwind. But as a leader i can help folks express their potential in such a way they can learn about themselves. I may be taking this in a direction that is unwarranted. The management of folks and their performance is something we should look at the cellular level. But like all management issues you will face leading the potential that has turned virus.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #15

I guess i am wrestling with a leaders ability to reach down to the cellular level of a team mate and diagnose and prescribe. This sounds within nature unnatural. The tree as a complete potential provides what it provides and other natural things conform to the opportunity. As a leader we can work on the side where potential exists and within the opportunity. Getting to the other side of potential the cellular level is a chaotic place for the leader to be. Doesnt mean they shouldn't do it, but prescribes to the theory that the best use of focus is on the expression of potential within a given environment. My thought is that leaders should dwell within a team members existing potential and direct them how that can be expressed within the opportunity. When we get to the sacred circle of leadership, the folks who exist within our inner ring of consiousness, then we may be able to discuss various mechanizing that make up potential. But this is a very deep discussion we would only have with our inner circle. Once we expand past this group our role is to direct existing potential into an environment where it can be expressed. The advent of the microscope, physical and psychological, has shown us some interesting things. But being human we think details assist us in “fixing” things. This coincides with my recent post concerning value. I cant fix a narritive, but i can help a narritive see its potential and help it express it in a way that creates value across the three domains. Leadership is about gathering team members into their best potential.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #14

Thank you for your contribution. Because of the feedback effect of the parts on each other what emerges from these interactions is beyond imagination. The only way to learn more is by trying to unfold the simple rules by which these parts (agencies) interact. WE need to learn a lot by trying and errors.

Mohammed Abdul Jawad

منذ 5 سنوات #13

Unlocking the complexities of our bodies is all amazing. Well, in the aegis of sciences, we human beings are capable enough to chart out and explain the functioning and intricacies that's involved in the many folds of gigantic Creation and Nature. Thanks Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee for this thought-provoking post. ;)

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #12

I hope that my previous comment is consistent with your second comment. I just want to emphasize that culture results from how the cells interact. When we observe culture we can work backwards and tell what type of interactions the cells had among them.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #11

This is a huge illumination Harvey Lloyd. One great point you highlight is that "If we are a leader then we recognize the potential and create an environment of opportunity that this collective of cells can express itself. The whole is greater than the sum of parts". I disagree this is a cliche because you highlight a hugely relevant issue. It is the leaders and managers role to increase the potential of humans to work together in a safeguarding environment. You here remind me of the prevailing culture of work. If we go back to SCARF (Status, Certainty, Autonomy, Relatedness, Fairness) then we know how to create a safe environment for the cells (workers) to prosper and move the whole team as one. Is this the formula for increasing the potential energy? When cells (workers) build a healthy working relationship they form tissues. They move to a higher level and in the process a healthy culture emerges, which feedback on the cells so that the tissue will be better-equipped to meet challenges than they were before.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #10

Complexity is tough to manage as we dig into the individaul pieces. We can lead the potential of the complexity without understanding its individaul complexity. Great leaders are good at spoting potential within people. They know the potential, given the right environment, could flourish. Leaders are also good at helping others find their potential. So within complexity there is always the potential, the environment and the expression of potential. Basically describing the natural order you have here at the cellular level.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #9

I have gone over this detail rich understanding of biology and keep coming to the same conclusion. Its a miracle that we emerged from chaos as a society with all these moving parts. We are a very complex organism that by all rights should have went extinct given the complexity, yet we are here. Having said that i would say that you point out the health of a cell within a group as a focal point. But as humans we dont even recognize cell behavour in our everyday living. Even when we are sick we cant recognize the cells defecentcies except through how we feel. When a group of atoms come together to form illness, discontent or chaos, should we look at the cellular level or should we look at the environment that cells exist within. Each cell has potential energy. By grouping cells we increase the potential energy along a expontial curve. If we are a leader then we recognize the potential and create an environment of opportunity that this collective of cells can express itself. The whole is greater than the sum of parts, if i might be a bit cliche. Leaders not only recognize this potential, but threats to it also. Each individaul cell group has potential that an opposing group exists. Keeping with this metophor we can call this potential a virus. But keep in mind this virus is a fellow human. It is merely a virus within the leaders opportunity environment. Its not a bad person. The leader can express this by helping the virus find potential within their organization or show them where their potential could be excersise outside the organization.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #8

Such a delight to read your additions of "four" dear Lisa Vanderburg thinks.

Lisa Vanderburg

منذ 5 سنوات #7

Such a surprise and delight that you teach! In medieval times there were the 'four humours'; phlegm, blood, choler, and black bile—where we got phlegmatic, sanguine, choleric, and melancholic from.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #6

#5 From the four corners I extend my appreciation to you dear Debasish Majumder for your addition, commenting and sharing the buzz.

Debasish Majumder

منذ 5 سنوات #5

yes, four levels of proteins makes a quartet, a music with amazing rhythm enable to flow body with a lovely music! absolutely stunning buzz sirAli \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee! enjoyed read and shared. thank you very much for this buzz sir.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #4

Randall Burns- as a chief cook not only of food, but also with ideas I have a question for you that may help you formulate your ideas. Do you think it is better to start with four major ingredients and diversify them with little additions, rearranging the ingredients' order, and doing simple manipulations or, to have many different ingredients . For me the answer is start with four ingredients and verify them. This way the "system" will have more homogeneity, lower cost, less manpower and above all causes less confusion to the customer. I read recently about the very many options that banks offer the customer only to confuse him/her. They found later that it is more efficient to have four basic modules and verify on them. This way the customer understands the jargon of options offered and makes faster choices. The costs for the banks went down considerably accordingly. I wonder what your thoughts are on this comment!

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #3

That is more than enough for me Randall Burns that you got interested. This means you shall find a way or path for new approaches . I am very eager to read your thoughts. Please tag me when you publish.

Randall Burns

منذ 5 سنوات #2

Fascinating concept Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee Agreed that we can learn much from nature and apply it to management. I'm presently attempting to navigate my way through that article included here, ""self-organization in cellular architecture" and it's really "baking my noodle". I will return with some better formulated thoughts but my initial take on this is that the "psychological" factors involved with management are in another realm from the bio-chemical nature of organic cell construction. That is not to say that there is no merit with the concept of applying the "mechanics of Mother Nature" to management, I believe that there is great merit in it. I'm still trying to make the connection. Very thought provoking...

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #1

Javier \ud83d\udc1d beBee- you are mentioned in this buzz

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