Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات · 3 دقائق وقت القراءة · ~10 ·

مدونة Ali
New Metaphors for Lifestyles

New Metaphors for Lifestyles

The taps fill
the barrel
with past




present ima}

Ideas have springs and jump from one mind to another. The ideas spring work as and springs back to the mind of its originator where the spring picks another idea. Ideas too are playing tennis in the minds of the two players, namely @Zacharias Voulgaris and I.

I wrote a message to Zacharias, which triggered him to publish his post “What If the Solution Is More Dangerous than the Problem Itself? The post states “Recently an article came out that my friend Ali  Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee brought to my attention. It was about hiding one's IP through some special software so that you are safe from hackers. As this is akin to what I have expertise in, namely computers and information systems, I could see through this as something unnecessary at best and hazardous at worst. The reason, which Ali made very clear, is this: what if the creator of this software is a hacker himself? How would you know?

I commented on this post “I want to emphasize here a fact that passes the attention of most of us. Your post brings this issue to my mind. Systems largely cause their own behavior.
This has been elaborated by a simple, but very effective example to show that accelerating consequences "Anytime new actions are taken more quickly than the consequences of one’s previous actions are fully taken into account, a complex system becomes prone to disruptive oscillations. As long as those consequences are slow to arrive, speeding up the response to new data doesn’t help, but instead actually increases the severity of the swings"

your post provides a perfect example of what I mean. Even the title of the post is good enough to reflect on what I mean "What If the Solution Is More Dangerous than the Problem Itself? The actions are terrible for we have acted very fast without understanding the consequences of our past efforts.”

The tennis game of ideas continued for after writing this comment I thought of past memories and experiences and how they affect our future.

I visualized time as a tennis court representing the present time, the players are the past and future times and the tennis ball as the memories that we have. If the past is an excellent player then it shall beat the future and vice versa is true.

This metaphor led me to think of another metaphor that is the present time is a barrel. The inflows are the memories and experiences that fill the barrel. The outflows are what kind if future we expect us to have- whether frightful or delightful
Ssales average over last 5



D delivery days needed

If we keep thinking of the sour past and its acid-like experiences than we slow our lives down. They become the pebbles that eventually block the flow in and we become dislodged from the wisdom of the past. We may even create holes in our barrel of the present time. If we only think of delightful memories and overfill the barrel with false expectations for the future.

Between these extremes there is a balance. In the reference I quoted in my comment above to Zacharias I found an interesting analogy for the inflow/outflow of cars from manufacturers to a car dealer. It is a very simple, but powerful, example of how systems may go out of balance because of the properties of such a simple system. The inflow of cars, the outflow of cars (daily average sales) and delivery of cars in days are shown in the image references with added box of notation.


                                    Reference- John Hussman of Hussman Funds

Just a quick inspection of the delivery increasing to 5 days (the box I marked with a red ring) results in completely unexpected pattern of inflow-outflow

Our lives are analogous. Just instead of cars we fill the store of the average days back in the past that we may look at. If we focus on the gloomy experiences for the last few weeks then we make the prediction of the future confused. We make even look like the two tennis players who are playing with many tennis balls simultaneously not knowing which one to hit and which direction it shall go.

Let the tennis game of life be enjoyable.

I dedicate this post to dear Jumana Anani for being a source of constant support and understanding for me.


Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #27

This notification from LinkedIn pleased me I thank all readers who made this possible. Congrats, your post has been trending in #creativity View hashtag

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #26

Harvey Lloyd These discussions just reflect the value of talking to you. It seems entropy conquers the minds of most politicians. "My hope is that we have reached a intercultural state that we can avoid this anarchy path of finding the individual again"- and I hope governments shall wake up to this noble call too..

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 3 سنوات #25

In the US this why "Justice" is supposed to be blind. Holding the sacredness of the individual until you cant is the exercise all administrative communities should strive. But you ask a compelling question. Regardless of where you go in history in any country you will find that the restoration of the individual has always come at great price. My hope is that we have reached a intercultural state that we can avoid this anarchy path of finding the individual again. Your story implies the secretary intentionally lost the document and should have known its importance in the future by default. Although hypothetical, the secretary did not wake up that morning with diabolical plans to loss an important document. Great discussion topics as always.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #24

Harvey Lloyd You wrote explicitly " Every form of government should bow to the individual in its policies and actions". The question maybe reshaped. Why in spite of this known why almost all governments fail to abide by this rule? Simple facts need reminders and at least you made this issue very clear in your comment. Forgotten facts are as if they were unknown; You remind me of a boss who asked for a document that his secretary looked for it in vain. The boss got angry and asked her where is the document? It is somewhere, but I can't locate it, the secretary responded. It is as good as you don't have it, the boss replied. Where is the lost wisdom and how can we find it?

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 3 سنوات #23

Individuals share beliefs that build communities. The social research of the ideas behind beliefs establishing communities behind shared values is difficult to dismiss. Where values and beliefs exist the individual will self evaluate based on other individuals acceptance of them. A self cleansing system. I would like to claim it is revolutionary. But the framers of our constitution understood this very basic tenant. Every form of government should bow to the individual in its policies and actions. Until they cant because values would be sacrificed.. Holding the individual at high esteem keeps the government out of the way. In large societies the community must have policies, rules and ways to enforce them. But these administrative offerings should serve the individual in thought and deed. But this is the Achilles heal of all great societies, large and small. Evolution transfers more and more power to the community, away from the individual. The nanny state begins. It typically ends in anarchy of some form. Maybe this go round wisdom may prevail.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #22

This is a revolutionary idea. We say that culture is the emerging phenomena resulting from the interactions of individuals. In line with this is what you wrote here "The community is an emergent system because of the individual:. SO, in essence I agree with your comment Harvey Lloyd. Simply, emerging may only change if we change how individuals interact. It is a way up and not a way down.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 3 سنوات #21

The community is an emergent system because of the individual. If we place a authority at the top of the community to rule over the individual, the system evaporates. We no longer have the harnessing of diversity, independent effort or critical thinking. This is all housed in one individual, the authority. I would suggest that no, the community does not make the individual stronger but rather the opposite is true. More importantly as we deal with risk of choice the question to build the individual is of greater value than building the community. A wise and worthy citizenry will build that which supports its existence. IMHO, community is an illusion of evolution. As risk of choice leaves the individual and now resides with centralized authority the system loses its zeal, nimbleness and creativity. We need this centralized authority as communities grow, but it is a necessary evil, not advancement. Individuals advance societies, in spite of community authority.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #20

Harvey Lloyd You got me to think deeper and I shall spend sometime today pondering on your comment. You wrote "The individual is stronger because of the community? Or; The community is stronger because of the individual?" This is because of a short post that I published yesterday on LinkedIn on It Is not This or That. It is Both. The post has exceeded 1270 views and more than 46 comments in 24 hours. Now, I am asking myself Is it "The individual is stronger because of the community? Or; The community is stronger because of the individual? Or, is it BOTH? Each one feedback to the other.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #19

Harvey Lloyd This is a glowing comment from A to Z. Reading your comment you reminded me of the post that Zacharias \ud83d\udc1d Voulgaris published today. Your comment provides two more examples of what Zacharias is mentioning in his post. Hyperthesis – The Quest for Equilibrium, Scientifically Speaking The two oscillations here that shall appeal to Zacharias are: 1- can wade through my past or history and seek to find supportive narratives to my confirmation bias. Or i can venture into this same past with a mind that allows me to extract the true meaning of events. It is between the habitual past or the learned past 2- When i look at my past I can see every blind turn that supported success or see decisions that were counterproductive. I wonder what Zacharias would react to this great comment by Harvey.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 3 سنوات #18

When we look at a ecosystem, say aquatic life, we can see that each species is adapting to a watery environment where, temp, oxygen and food all contribute to a preferred state. There is one thing this ecosystem can not do. Imagine a different state. Humans have the ability to reach beyond their experiences to produce different states and then to project these thoughts through money, activities and social attraction into success. Of course a negative aspect of this exists also. But the single point is that humans can choose to see it differently and act. In this acting out of an imagined preferred state, we accept the risk that comes with creating all the pieces required to go from thought to present. History has shown along with religion, philosophy and science, specific ways of achievement exist. We can look at two very different statements top explore these reviews of history. The individual is stronger because of the community? Or; The community is stronger because of the individual? Depending on which of these questions you ask will determine the lens you use to imagine the future. In the end, the eco-system we live within will be determined by the choice of question.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 3 سنوات #17

History or the past, is a great teacher. Our earlier discussions apply here as we consider the viewer of the past. I can wade through my past or history and seek to find supportive narratives to my confirmation bias. Or i can venture into this same past with a mind that allows me to extract the true meaning of events. Current events tell us that authorities are not heeding a past filled with wisdom but rather narrative support. Socially where is risk best managed? We could place risk at the top of the social order or we can place it with the individual. The key for risk is in its acceptance. Once you accept the risk, immediately the responsibility for unintended consequences is in your wheelhouse. This is why risk is best left at the individual level. Individuals are better off accepting and ameliorating their own risk. This is a one to one relationship with risk. Once authorities take risk for me then this becomes a one to many relationship. Authorities can never ameliorate risk for many. They must play the averages. When i look at my past i can see every blind turn that supported success or see decisions that were counter productive. I can alter my risk profile going forward. But once the authorities take on my risk then my past experiences and wisdom gathering is sidelined. Bitterness comes when those in authority did not look out for "me" specifically. Add the "me's" up and there are many competing positions, supposedly risk has been lifted from me, and you can find chaos at its extreme.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #16

CityVP Manjit Absolutely and I concur in full with your analysis.

CityVP Manjit

منذ 3 سنوات #15

That is the point when you mention investors - Charlie Munger & Warren Buffett stayed away from the Dotcom insanity of 2001 and Berkshire Hathaway continued with a strategy that is akin to a balanced loop of value investing. For sure people like Mark Cuban benefited from the reinforcing loop because he timed his exit before the dotcom bubble crashed - but thousands upon thousands lost a lot of money. Gambling is a reinforcing loop that leads to addiction.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #14

You are very considerate and passionate dear Mohammed Abdul Jawad. I wish you the same and that you endure Ramadan with its hardships that are mixed with peace with inside. The beauty about this month is that in spite of the long fasting days, we enjoy them the most.

Mohammed Abdul Jawad

منذ 3 سنوات #13

In fact, every post of yours is worth sharing. After all, you pen down your articles with so much of dedication and enthusiasm. Sir, I am well and hope you are doing fine. Ramadan Mubarak to you. May the Almighty Lord keep you hale and hearty.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #12

Harvey Lloyd I miss your thoughts on this one my friend

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #11

Thank you dear Mohammed Abdul Jawad for your reshare of the post. I hope you are doing well.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #10

Dear readers- today Bill Stankiewicz, \ud83d\udc1d Brand Ambassador published a great post on taking personal and community initiatives to shake up the chaos inflicted by the corona virus into a social order. His post is a must read for all people who wish to shake up their beliefs and assumptions into more order. CONTINUE YOUR EDUCATION at GEORGIA TECH, Savannah Technical College, DePaul or APICS.ORG, NEVER STOP LEARNING BY SAVANNAH SUPPLY CHAIN GUY BILL STANKIEWICZ, WWW.SAVANNAHSUPPLYCHAIN.COM

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #9

CityVP Manjit Thank you for the correction. I have read many of her posts. However, being unfamiliar to enough degree I though that Donna is the short name for Donella.I don't know of this name means anything.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #8

CityVP Manjit Your writing presses me on two issues: First- "The reinforcing loop creates larger long-term damage as we relentlessly pursue unrealistic goals, but those people that are able to adjust to the balancing effects of a support system, also recognize when they should be cutting their losses". This is the opposing force of the positive loop. You remind me of investors in the stock markets when markets are bullish. The profits soon start to expand exponentially. The expectations follow and expand exponentially. The greed for more profits inflames. Awareness will till us their is a limited capacity for the stock markets to accommodate all these profits. Those investors who create the balancing loop of awareness of this simple fact don't get overrun by the floods of their greed take calculated risk in account. They are the few who leave the ship before it sinks. Second- I have a draft almost completed on how to create counter loops and your comment encourages me to do so very soon and as early as next week.

CityVP Manjit

منذ 3 سنوات #7

BTW I misspelled the name, it is Donella Meadows - her memorial page is here

CityVP Manjit

منذ 3 سنوات #6

That is why I am suggesting that we are very good with understanding or paying attention to reinforcing loops because they stand out and capture our attention the most. Yet balancing loops act invisibly inside us which include the work of those marvelous friends in our gut that are the essential bacteria whose function supports these invisible but life-sustaining processes. Unrealistic goals is a great example. Here a balancing loop is listening and seeing effects. The reinforcing loop creates larger long-term damage as we relentlessly pursue unrealistic goals, but those people that are able to adjust to the balancing effects of a support system, also recognize when they should be cutting their losses. Not only do they know that in the creation of unhealthy stress, the unrealistic goal is better off being a sunk cost, but they do not engage the reinforcing loops of alcoholism or other addictive behaviour. Instead the balancing loop of awareness and emotional intelligence come into play, because we either see the disruption costs to our own well-being, but more importantly the signals we begin to hear and do still need to learn to see, from those around us. If our goals are realistic but the external body is attacking those goals, we may shift to a different balancing loop informed by our vision. Then we can make adjustments to the incoming criticism and work our way through this external challenge. When our goals are realized the rest of the system looks back and realizes that the fearful relationship they emitted was not a balancing loop but a reinforcing loop. I see great value in understanding our balancing loops.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #5

CityVP Manjit You are perfectly right in every word of your comment. I thank you for highlighting the excellent work of Donna Meadows which proved pivotal in fermenting the ideas of this post. As for the balancing loops or goal-seeking goals they unfortunately might throw us out of balance. You ask me how? Well, if we set unrealistic goals that make us like chasing our shadows then we may soon be overwhelmed with the chaos of overly-expectations that we could never realize. Our bodies know how to use the realistic goal of 37 degrees, but we set the thermostat at much higher temperatures around 40 degree Celsius. WE feel unhealthy because of our long-shooting expectations. Your comment is worthy writing a post based on the excellent ideas you present my friend.

CityVP Manjit

منذ 3 سنوات #4

I have seen the name of the late Donna Meadows crop up a few times in the last year or so but I have never been inclined to check out what she wrote, but by the time I saw the write up about balancing loops and self-reinforcing loops, I realize this writer is of a genius minded capacity. A writer like that should not fall into the vat of obscurity. Much of this post is dedicated to the effects of self-reinforcing loops and that is the sexy loop. The boring loop is the loop that caught my attention the most, the loop that nature has installed in us to ensure we tick along without serious breakdown. No matter how we risk our health, those balancing loops operate within us despite our self-abusing habits. We may focus on the effect of cancer cells and viruses creating self-reinforcing loops but percentage wise balancing loops have kept tragedy massively at bay. As of March 3rd the World Health Organization reported that the worldwide mortality rate from COVID is 3.4% - so that is 3.4% from a self-reinforcing loop effect caused by the virus, but what we are not mindful of is the 96.6% statistic and that tells me we grossly fail to pay attention to the miracle within us that serves as balancing loops. Remember that WHO reported “Globally, about 3.4% of reported COVID-19 cases have died" - these are reported cases. Now the follow up question for me is how do we tap into the balancing loop of our nervous system, so thoughts that may trigger self-reinforcing loops are not inadvertently turned on. So now we are not merely washing our hand but we are cleaning our minds and strengthening our resilience. These might be new metaphors but they explain ancient processes, pre-organized and built within us from the moment of birth.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #3

Zacharias \ud83d\udc1d Voulgaris With all honest my dear friend your comment speaks volumes. Yes, you highlighted very ably what I wished to communicate in this post. You are perfectly on target. You know you inspire me again- order and disorder are the two tennis players with you being the orderly player and I the chaotic one. Life is a tennis court-like.But together we increase the antifragility of both of us.

Zacharias 🐝 Voulgaris

منذ 3 سنوات #2

I like the idea of the barrel being like a buffer of sorts mediating past and future. The imagery of the tennis game further clarifies the point. Perhaps our lives are indeed complex systems that are hard to predict. Maybe it is up to our consciousness, through the ability of discernment, to make sense of it all and bring about a sense of order. Maybe it is this back-and-forth of order and disorder/chaos that brings about antifragility in us. These are ideas akin to wine or whiskey: you need to let them mature before you can truly savor them. Hopefully, my comment wasn't too premature! Cheers

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #1

Zacharias \ud83d\udc1d Voulgaris- I returned the idea ball to your side of the tennis court. What are you going to do?

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