Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات · 1 دقائق وقت القراءة · ~10 ·

مدونة Ali
Our Choices Capacity

Our Choices Capacity

Our Choices Capacity

Ali Anani

I could also give another title to the buzz “The Paradox of Many Choices”, or “The Dilemma of Many Choices”. This dilemma has been covered by Barry Schwartz: The paradox of choice. There is a common saying that it is better to select from a big heap than to select from a small one. But this saying contradicts with reality.

Imagine choices growing like rabbits do. Soon, the capacity of the available space becomes inadequate to accommodate all choices and new facts emerge. Imagine choice growing like rabbits do as explained in the video below.

One choice may diversify into many other choices. Look for color and how many choices of colors you may have to choose from. Suddenly, you end up not making a choice. Why is that?

There are many reasons to explain the paradox of choices ending in making no choice. One reason is that the feelings of guilt after making a choice- Why didn’t I choose the other color? Feelings of regret, blame mounting to anger causes the stress of making a choice like a land stressed by many people living on it.

Many of us have experienced the choice of buying or renting a house. After we buy, we tend to compare what we bought with what is available. It almost always feels better on the other side of the river. Self-blame issues.

The stress of many choices leads us to make bad decisions. Stressed mind are away from their relaxation state and we tend to make a choice just to relieve us from the stress of making a choice. Again, one bad decision is the starting seed for more intense bad feelings that intensify because they feedback each other. We get stressed from many choices because our mind capacities shall not have enough space to accommodate many choices.

With the availability of many choices we tend to “revert back to type”. This means we tend to go with what we are familiar with rather than what is best for us.

It is paradoxical that when we have many choices, we reach a state of chaos and make chaotic choices. Businesses that tend to offer many choices should realize that they only confuse the customer. It is easier than ever to offer diversified choices because of the advancement of technology and the ease to shop online. It is becoming extremely stressful to select. Companies that relax the consumer shall win the competition by offering less choices. They get more by offering less.


Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #31

Well expressed

Bill Stankiewicz

منذ 4 سنوات #30


Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #29

You remind mme of what I do. I trust one or two shops and I buy from them in my next visits. Souvenirs is a different game my friend Franci\ud83d\udc1dEugenia Hoffman, beBee Brand Ambassador because you buy to your taste for others and you can never be sure 100% it is also to their taste. How many times people received a present or gift and then traded it or discretely gave them as gifts to others. It happens and repeatedly.

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #28

-This is exactly what I experienced myself. We tend to think of what we lost or missed than what we gained. This is the bias to negativity in action again.

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #27

Spot on my friend Zacharias \ud83d\udc1d Voulgaris. In my buzz "Guess the missing P" I determined it as passion for the customer. Passion means convenience and freedom when to upgrade at a suitable time. You are spot on and I enjoyed your comment because it addresses the core of the issue. Many banks offered options for customers that even the banks' employees didn't fully understand. That is why some banks started a modular system with basic needs and options of the luxurious additions. It is the customer that shall decide.

Zacharias 🐝 Voulgaris

منذ 4 سنوات #26

Fascinating article, that makes the choice or reading it a no-brainer! Regarding the companies' role on consumer choice, I'd like to add that although it's crucial to offer fewer choices (esp. in domains where the average consumer doesn't have the required expertise, such as electronics), it's equally important to offer the right choices. In my experience, the Linux-based operating systems have won the game (even if their competitors haven't realized it yet!) because they respect their users by offering them the options that matter. At the end of the day, no one cares if there is the option of this or the other silly sound for the error notifications but they will care about whether they can bypass the updates or postpone them to a more convenient time, something that some operating systems still haven't figured out somehow! Same goes with other products, such as smartphones, where the choice of being able to use the same phone for more than 2 years is something that a certain company has forgotten or doesn't really value, as it practically forces its users to upgrade sooner rather than later.

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #25

Great comment yours is dear Franci\ud83d\udc1dEugenia Hoffman, beBee Brand Ambassador. You do have a process for selecting. This makes life easier for you. This is evident from the way you buy books on Amazpn to the way you choose lipsticks. What is consistent with what I said is your tendency to go with your previous experiences in selecting a product such as a lipstick, excluding red ones. I must admit I make life difficult for me. When I travel and buy a perfume from the free zone in an airport I tend to try new ones first. Sometimes I prefer a new perfume and other times I buy the an old one. I tend to but small-sized packages because I might find a better perfume next time so that I don't get stuck with what I bought before.

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #24

This is a wise comment and I agree with you. We have a choice to make the process of choice selection a disability or a way to get us out of chaos -0 a form of self-organizing. When we face a crisis point we need to be aware of the bifurcation of choice and it is upon us to take the self-correcting path. Thank you CityVP \ud83d\udc1d Manjit for your comment ads new dimension to the discussion.

CityVP Manjit

منذ 4 سنوات #23

Clarity that emerges from confusion makes the paradox of choice interesting, but if the paradox of choice results in the surrender of will and into indecision, then we need to take stock of this condition because this choice is no longer an ability, but transforms into a disability. Paradox of choice as a disability is what Barry Schwartz focuses on, but the paradox of choice as an ability, that speaks to leadership and our ability to adapt and abstract from the resulting chaos. Clarity as a result of too much choice means recognizing choice as a process, but confusion as a result of too much choice means recognizing choice as a stress and as overwhelm. It is easier to ascertain the breakdown, but much more interesting to ascertain the breakthrough.

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #22

Jerry- this is an important comment because dealing with complexity and how to "manage" it is a topic of great interest. Besides, small actions might have much bigger effect than intended. Learning by doing is a generally accepted approach.

Jerry Fletcher

منذ 4 سنوات #21

Dr. Ali, If yo are Amazon you have two choices: 1. Limit the amount of products in any category or 2. Find ways to minimize the overwhelm customers suffer. Mr. Bezos and company did the best they could while maintaining their mission. And so it goes.

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #20

John Rylance- for me it has always been that I have one choice- to reply to comments. The reader who was kind enough to comment deserves due respect and a reply. This responsibility increases when responding to a great comment such as yours, John. Yes, at the end we have to choose. But, regrettably, many feel afterwards that they made the wrong choice. You order a meal and your friend orders another to find that what the friend ordered is tastier. Maybe the friend feels the same. The paralysis of making a choice and the results of the choice are being enhanced as more options become available almost exponentially.

John Rylance

منذ 4 سنوات #19

Making choices is very much a series of decisions like a flow diagram.  We go out for a meal. We start with what to eat. Steak. What sort? How cooked? Rare, medium rare, well done. Then what sides do we want? Do we want sauces? If four of us work our down the flow chart, at the end there can be four different steak meals? Leading to who ordered the medium rare with fries and side salads?  That's without the group decision of the choice of which wine to accompany it all. Literally everything we do is a result of making a choice, even doing nothing.  Over to you to choose whether you reply or not.

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #18

Your Amazon example is spot on, Jerry. I find the recommendation helpful and confusing at the same time. This is because I need to read the recommendation, the stars ratings and because my list of choices increases initially. But, they help in relieving the possible after-decision regret. This is the paradox I am talking about.

Jerry Fletcher

منذ 4 سنوات #17

Dr. Ali, Too many choices do, indeed, lead to overwhelm. Amazon and other retailers offer, in my opinion, way too many choices. this is why they continually request and post comments from purchasers as well as tell us the additional items people purchased along with our choice. It is away to get us back into our "comfort zone." And it is the reason Good, Better and Best choices pioneered by Sears Roebuck tend to show up in all kinds of e-commerce sites. And so it goes.

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #16

Javier \ud83d\udc1d C\u00e1mara Rica- the issue I mentioned earlier is repeated in the two preceding comments. I call for your kind attention.

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #15

What to add to your comment dear Cyndi wilkins? You with great brevity said it in a very clear words for the layman to understand. Bravo

Cyndi wilkins

منذ 4 سنوات #14

"If the rules were in separation no complexity shall emerge." as we work on those inner levels to conquer our individual tensions and what triggers them, we will begin to transform our feelings of 'separation' to that of wholeness or unification...It is within this realm of awareness that we really serve as coordinators and collaborative thinkers with an attitude of diversity and inclusion to eliminate the biases that stand in the of progress.

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #13

Exactly, and that is why balancing the three factors is a hard task that needs self-training and self-discipline, Me is the egoism that must be tamed if we are to make balanced choices. I am going now to check my email. Your illumination is greatly appreciated my friend.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 4 سنوات #12

The strongest component of choice is “me”. My pride, fears and thought can over power the other two. I have watched new leaders focus on their ow leadership to the detriment of their team and problems. The need to have the outcome our way is sometimes intoxicating. Drunk on one’s self is never the beginning of success. I sent an extended email around this thought via email. Great thoughts and discussions. A way of awareness components that keep us from success can be found. “I have met the enemy and the enemy is me”.

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #11

Harvey Lloyd on LI make a great story for my next buzz. You really both of you inspired me beyond what I thought would be. The key point in your comment that triggered my attention is "Our perceived risk within a choice is focused on three vital areas. You, me, and the problem. How we balance these three things is the perspective we form within choice". You remind me of the three-balls pendulum. How to balance their movement so that we don't end up on chaos is a skill and an art. Each of the three "things" in your comment represents one ball of the three balls. Making choices is thus more complex than I ever thought of. SO much to digest from your comment.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 4 سنوات #10

I really enjoyed your post and thought i would jot some thoughts down as this subject is reaching a fever pitch in certain aspects of my own life. Specifically as i watch my young children make their decisions “choices” in married life. When we look at choice their are three very important things happening within an envelope of perspective and risk. Our perceived risk within a choice is focused on three vital areas. You, me, and the problem. How we balance these three things is the perspective we form within choice. We can form a perspective around our own fears, needs, wants or jealousy’s. Or, we can be a machine and ignore folks and totally focus on the problem itself. Believing that when the problem is over all will be happy. The third option is service or “you”. I can focus on the problem with the people around me as equal within the choice.

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #9

Thank you dear David- the stress of making a choice - fully agreed The at- a -loss stress for not making what choice to make - again fully agreed Your mind is sharp my friend.

David Navarro López

منذ 4 سنوات #8

Dear Ali: I have another two for you in response to: "reasons to explain ...ending in making no choice." -Getting stressed by the fact that one is incapable to take a quick choice might lead to taking none -When we don't want to have the need to make a choice, for example, when a child from a divorced couple is asked to choose one or another. Ergo we might not take any choice because there isn't any that fit us

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #7

Javier \ud83d\udc1d C\u00e1mara Rica- comments 1 and 10 have nothing to do with this buzz. They are free ads. Just for your notice.

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #6

Humanity within humanity within humanity- the humanity fractal what you are discussing dear Oswaldo Enrique Diaz Delgado said in one of her comments. The humanity fractal is great when embedded within the empathy fractal. Thank you also for sharing the buzz my friend.

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #5

Thank you dear Debasish Majumder for commenting and sharing the buzz. It is interesting that you mention colors because just think how many colors you may get on your screen. On your mobile, just think of the great numbers of aps available for downloads, or which image to choose for your screen. Choices coming in great numbers are indeed baffling not only to the eyes, but also to the mind.

Debasish Majumder

منذ 4 سنوات #4

"beauty lies on the eye of the beholder" is a common adage and i don't know how far it contradicts with truth! besides, color charge is also a determining factor for forming a matter and it plays the crucial role for forming a matter. however, interesting buzz indeed sir Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee! enjoyed read and shared. thank you for the buzz sir.

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #3

Dear Oswaldo Enrique Diaz Delgado- great and your thoughts here are interesting " Specifically everything vital within those options that are deeply fundamental, from its human essence to its reason for existence". I wish we would use the value of an option as a main criteria in its selection.

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #2

This is a very challenging comment Cyndi wilkins. Complexity arises from simple rules that interact. If the rules were in separation no complexity shall emerge. Yes, we need to find the simple causes; equally we need to understand how they feedback to each other. The whole is greater than the sum of the parts and this can only happen how simple causes or rules interact. Simple, butt not simple enough is the key.

Cyndi wilkins

منذ 4 سنوات #1

Nice to see you back in action Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee;-) This piece reminds me of a comment I received from Harvey Lloyd on a buzz I just reposted on the 'Power of Choice'...In it he states the need to narrow down the wheat from the chaff when dealing with 'information overload.' The modeling of heuristics works well here in terms of focusing on the simplest solutions to complex problems...However, the process itself has a consequence of possible reduced effectiveness by 'overly simplifying' complex problems...Sometimes it is best to put the time into making the best well rounded decision possible by considering things from all angles;-)

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