Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات · 2 دقائق وقت القراءة · ~10 ·

مدونة Ali
Patterns Are the Mirrors of Future

Patterns Are the Mirrors of Future

Comparing the Climber Wave and
the Investor Wave



in contrast, they

emotional needs
any different?

Those who think too much of the past have no time to think of the future.

What is gone is gone.
Forget about the past and enjoy the present.

Are the above statements correct? Or, do we need to challenge them? If we think within patterns inherited from the past that extend into the future is forgetting about the past a wise thing to do?

Nature has many patterns. Look at sand waves in sand ripples, waves in water, spirals in fossils and cauliflower, in minerals, ring patterns in trees, patterns in snowflakes, stripes on animals as they all indicate natures' tendency to "think" in patterns. DNA has repeating patterns as well. There are repeating patterns in the elements periodic table. These patterns explain the properties of the elements and the way in which elements and compounds behave when they react with each other. Patterns allow us to predict the future. The periodic table allowed us to predict magnesium years before it was discovered. 


You may enjoy this super video on patterns in complex systems:

The mystery of repeating stripe patterns on some animals such as giraffe has been resolved recently. And the findings are awfully interesting as they reveal some very interesting findings. Animal Shapes and Skin Pigment Patterns are made by a Wave. Yes, it is waves that create sand ripple are responsible for making the animal stripes. If two chemical substances expand while reacting with each other, differences in their concentration may make waves. Pigments are responsible for the formation of stripes. Interestingly, when a striped grows, the number of stripes increases, but the spacing between the stripes remains the same. A line splits into two and opens little by little as a zipper does. Sugars in human bodies show a zipper-like behavior as well.


Human behaviors in the stock markets and in mountaineering show wave-like behavior. I have shown this to be the case in my presentation Emotions in Actions. Do humans form waves similar to the waves that cause the formation stripes of animals? When ideas are viewed as interacting molecules so that if they expand while reacting with each other, differences in their concentration may make waves? Do we human have hidden stripes of thinking? New perspectives are emerging.


Patterns in nature may repeat in different forms. The repeating hexagons of ice crystals, the hexagonal patterns on a giraffe’s skin and molecular hexagons are typical examples. You may find very interesting images of hexagons in liquid crystals here. A very interesting new finding is that light and atoms arrange themselves to form striking hexagon and honeycomb patterns. Indeed, patterns are everywhere.

The crack pattern we see zebra skin are similar in shape to the cracks observed in basalt as it cools. Is this the reversal of two molecules reacting with expansion to form waves? Are the shrinking waves of cooling? More importantly, so these cracks help us in understanding societal cracks? Patterns and their repetition in different systems have a story to unfold.

I wonder if the molecules of past event would react with the present event to form the future. I wonder if time is like a human cell with a membrane allowing the concentrated past events to diffuse in our present and expand to form stripes of repeating patterns that dictate our behavior. The reality is pattern have their roots and extend from the past to the present and extend to the future. They affect us. Patterns are the strange attractor that we fall in. To forget the past means blindness to the foggy future. Our pasts are our finger like patterns. They may predict our behavior in the future. Human resources staff may study past behavior patterns to predict a candidate's future behavior.
Can we afford to forget the past and live in the present? I doubt it. Patters are our mirrors to the future.


Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #42

Very deep thoughts and we become what we keep saying and doing as we progressively get ingrained in their "muddy clay". You are very correct dear

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #41

Yes, it is the smile of my gratitude to you for your endless support dear Sara Jacobovici

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 7 سنوات #40

Thank you for bringing a smile to my face Ali Anani. With much appreciation.

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 7 سنوات #39

Thank you for bringing a smile to my face Ali Anani. with much appreciation.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #38

Yes, the exchange of comments fuel our minds DILMA BALBI -Contratos e Gest\u00e3o

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #37

I learnt from you yesterday, I am living what I learnt from you and have therefore greater hopes for tomorrow Sara Jacobovici

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 7 سنوات #36

After reading the comments from your readers Ali Anani, I remembered the following quote: "Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning." Albert Einstein Sounds like questions cross the boundaries of time.

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 7 سنوات #35

Glad to hear we're on the same page Harvey Lloyd. Thanks for taking the time to read my blog. Your comment is very insightful and well written.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #34

Dear Praveen Raj Gullepalli- I published today Nuggets of Wisdom and you are mentioned in it.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #33

And that what makes you accept the pain of delivery that your daughter suffered because after that pain brought a new and charmful baby to this world Lisa Gallagher

Lisa Gallagher

منذ 7 سنوات #32

One memory that is the best a woman will ever experience is giving birth. At first the memory of the pain a woman endures causes her to think, "I will never go through this again." But not long after (timing can be different for each woman) they only remember the sheer love they felt after giving birth. That love continues to grow and because of those good memories, women go on to have more children even though they endure such pain to do so. Love for a child negates the pain. That's just one example I can think of. Thanks Ali!

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #31

Lisa Gallagher- fantastic and very well-expressed "Even good memories serve a purpose". I said and repeat my pattern that you are a wonderful thinker and human

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #30

Beautiful and lovely comment Praveen Raj Gullepalli. You do introduce new thinking. Life is nothing but an unfolding of situations that manifest these tendencies and test the individual. In particular I find this deep "Life is nothing but an unfolding of situations that manifest these tendencies and test the individual". Brilliant

Lisa Gallagher

منذ 7 سنوات #29

Its been said not to dwell on our past but there are many lessons we can learn from our past. With lessons learned we can change our present and future outcomes. We could not move forward if not for our past. Even good memories serve a purpose, some make us smile again and again, this is healthy.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #28

True, Brian McKenzie, but the irony is that patterns have their force and they repeat without those people realizing it. This is a case of "compounded unawareness".

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #27

James O'Connell- I love this part of your comment "You can't live in the future but you can live in the past. Similarly, you can't change your past but you can change your future". This is a very astute writing. I wrote once on situations that are not reversible. For example, if it is sunny and clear sky we can be sure it shall not be a rainy. In contrast, if it is cloudy it shall nor be equally certain it shall rain. Your comment provides a very interesting example. A lot to ponder on.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #26

I agree in full with your concise comment James O'Connell

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #25

Your of the word aleatory is superb DILMA BALBI -Contratos e Gest\u00e3o. Please read my response to Peter below. There are many repeating patterns in history. In fact, it was the repeating patterns of cotton prices that attracted the attention of the father of fractals Mandelbrot. Many historical events repeat. In social studies we have a repeating cycle of events. It seems impractical to divorce the past from the future.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #24

Peter van Doorn and I hope to develop it. If seconds are cells that accommodate events then not only we are cellular, but so is time. I am still pondering on this idea to link the past with the future.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #23

I sincerely hope your future shall be rich of rays of hope dear . Thank you for your contribution

Mohammed Abdul Jawad

منذ 7 سنوات #22

Let the past be a sheer lesson, the present be full of inspiration and aspirations, and the future, with all rays of hope for best outcomes.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #21

Great contribution dear . You wrote masterfully " rid yourself of negative behaviors and systematically replace them with good and you can help build a better future". SOmetimes people don't recognize their faulty actions and defend them. What do you think my friend?

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #20

As much as you have glorified my day with your lovely comment dear Amina Alami. Thank you

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #19

Harvey Lloyd response. You do have a lot to share my friend.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #18

Thank you John Rylance- yes, I meant it mirror to predict the future. May be we could think of a back mirror to look in the past. I fully agree with your comment and the past affects our future.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 7 سنوات #17

I believe we are on the same page and thank you for the link Sara Jacobovici. The "Duality", to borrow your word, i have always thought was not proffesional me and personal me, but rather my values and the rest of the world. In my early engagements in business i started down the typical road of total saturation and my proffesional me became, well me. My wife, a saint, had a private therapy conference and let me know very quickly she had not married the professional me. Then the work life balance thing came alive. So i read, studied and practiced all the listicles. This was exhausting. I realized that i was being asked to balance two sets of values. I began a journey of understanding values and working through them. I realized that my values worked in all aspects of life. Their was really no need for balance but rather a large need for executing around my values no matter where i found myself. The main value that i have had to adopt and practice is service. I serve differently based on the environment i find myself. I think that duality is caused when we serve to many masters. WIthin service i need not be master or compete for the title.

John Rylance

منذ 7 سنوات #16

In answer to the questions at the start and the end of your post. It would be wrong to totally forget the past. Why?, because of all the memories both good and bad we would have to discard, both of which play a part in the here and now as well as the future. A thought on mirrors they only show you yourself, and what's behind you, never what's behind it, unless it's Alice's looking glass. Finally without the past it would be impossible to create the patterns for the future you so eloquently describe.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #15

Dear Sara Jacobovici- I commented and shared your line on three hives because your article is outstanding. I quote from it this superb extract "In reality, however, the duality and its polarity, prevent us from understanding who we are and how to engage with others and the world around us. Each persona of the duality, the personal me and the professional me, are fragments of a whole. In this way, we can only function in part". I love your wisdom.

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 7 سنوات #14

I share your opinion 100% Harvey Lloyd is that I come into the learning from the same perspective. I rarely share a link to a post of mine in a comment but I thought I would invite you to read this blog and see where "I'm coming from". I have to reread my reply to see how I could have given you a different impression than the one I was trying to convey.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #13

Thank you dear debasish majumder for sharing and commenting on this buzz. I am very pleased that you highlighted the idea of fingers i such a lucrative way and how they evolve with time. I am grateful to you.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #12

For now I shall say Harvey Lloyd that I concur with your idea " Zoloft exists because we have become disruptive to the natural order of things. (My Opinion.)". E call this a reductionist approach when the whole behaves differently for the individuals. We need to go back to the wholeness of what we do.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 7 سنوات #11

Your comment caused me to consider the need for emotional intelligence. Would the need exist if we were more natural in our growth? Sara Jacobovici is asking us to raise up from this drawn and quartered discussion and see the whole relationship of our progress. Unfortunately many careers are based on the fragmented view. Zoloft exists because we have become disruptive to the natural order of things. (My Opinion.)

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #10

Because trees love discovery so they love you Harvey Lloyd. Discovery attracts discovery.Discoverers attract discoverers. I can hear trees say: go on discovery

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 7 سنوات #9

Thank you for your words and thoughts Ali Anani. Discovery is an exciting thing if you are the discoverer. You expose folks to discovery of the natural order of life. Thank you for this. A side note though, a little out there. If i am discovering the natural order of things through your posts, how would the tree see my discovery? Welcome home? or It's about time you got here?

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #8

I have read many buzzes prompting us not to think of the past dear Deb Lange and I fully agree with you. Patterns exist from the past. They may morph, change shape a little bit, but they direct us. We think in terms of patterns. Therefore, I find your writing "So yes our history is important for our sensing the patterns in our lives" spot on. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #7

Thank you again dearSara Jacobovici and this topic shall be my next buzz. So much to think about.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #6

I am reading deeply your two comments dear Sara Jacobovici and baffled by your understanding. Yes, may be the patterns are not the perfect mirror because, and as you highlighted, "Our involvement with the patterns that move in and out of our field of perception and our "sense" of what is taking place does influence how we envision the future outcome". As much as we tend to do that; still a pattern is a pattern, but not an exact copy of itself. The stock market patterns reflect our expectations and how they distort the mirror. I have much more to say, but I need to digest your comment more first.

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 7 سنوات #5

Part 2/2 You write Ali Anani, "I wonder if time is like a human cell with a membrane allowing the concentrated past events to diffuse in our present and expand to form stripes of repeating patterns that dictate our behavior. " I think this is brilliant. I think that you are describing the cosmic or macro cellular structure of time. It makes sense to me. I encourage you to develop this concept as it holds much potential. Very exciting work Dr. Ali.

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 7 سنوات #4

Part 1/2 Just the title Ali Anani and concluding statement, "Patters are our mirrors to the future.", are enough to make me hold my breath as I take that concept, imagery, and meaning in and try to process it. You write, "Patterns allow us to predict the future. The periodic table allowed us to predict magnesium years before it was discovered." Being open to see this is the difference between growth and stagnation. This is connected to when you write, "Patterns and their repetition in different systems have a story to unfold." You would think this is so simple and straightforward; observe the patterns and the story that unfolds and have a clear sense of where we're going and what is about to take place. Potentially that's the idea. But nature is not static, things move, are in flux. Our involvement with the patterns that move in and out of our field of perception and our "sense" of what is taking place does influence how we envision the future outcome. In spite of seeing what is taking place, we are often surprised at the results. From my perspective the reason for that is because we are part of the patterns; everything is connected but not necessarily perceived. I hear your call to action as, stop-look-listen, the patterns can be the mirror and tell the story of the future. The whole picture has to include elements of the past and present that are incorporated into the weave. Forgetting about the past is not a wise thing to do.

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 7 سنوات #3

Well said Harvey Lloyd. My 2 take aways (for now) are, " looking at nature all things evolve back to their natural state." And, "Humans require boundaries to make order of their lives. " This is the stuff that makes being human so dynamic. Here we are always "moving" towards or away from a point of, what, balance, homeostasis, only to find the process moving us back to our starting point. Now, what makes it even more interesting is that sometimes humans move towards an "area" and stay there for a while experiencing it as the "norm" when in fact it isn't and then keep making their way back to that place and wonder why problems continue to grow and don't get resolved. I think words like "stuck" often describe this state. I agree that we create boundaries to make order of our lives. I think that the word that applies here in connection with the movement discussed is "comfort zone". We establish an area in which we assume we have control when in reality all we have is familiarity.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #2

You are my "discovery" Harvey Lloyd. I love darings thoughts. Your perspective to disruption is surely worthy of pondering on. You mentioned in your comment that disruptions are energy-excessive. Yes, this goes against nature. Trees produce all kinds of patterns and complex molecules at room temperature. We humans cut tree and use them as fuel. We know how to consume. I love this thought of yours "When we look at nature we get a sense that the Past, Present and Future are one in the same". This is precisely why I said time is like the human cell. You prompt me to investigate this idea further. I respect your mind, Harvey.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 7 سنوات #1

Ali Anani you have yet again shown the patterns of nature and raised the thoughts of everyone to consider these salient points in their lives. Two words popped into my head while traversing your thoughts. Risk and disruptive. Although success is described by attributes of skill and cunning, i have always believed that success was a measure of ones risk management. Although disruptive is the buzz word of late i also find that this word implies disrupting the natural order of things. Like a foot print in the sand will disappear over a few tides so goes disruptive. Not to say new is not better but in looking at nature all things evolve back to their natural state. The ripples on the beach to the regenerative processes of trees. Natural corporate processes harness that which will be, forever. Disruptive processes require huge amounts of energy to sustain the unnatural patterns. I would add that the natural process are seemingly dull and very 1950. Disruptive processes seem new and exciting. The allure of these processes remind me of the hurricane. Very disruptive to nature, but part of the process of renewal. Unless of course you are the tree or beach that receives the clean up process of the hurricane. When we look at nature we get a sense that the Past, Present and Future are one in the same. Humans tend to divide time into zones to help us understand who we are in the grand scheme of things. Nature knows such boundaries. Nature exists, coexist and thrives. Humans require boundaries to make order of their lives. Thank you for your thoughts.

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