Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات · 2 دقائق وقت القراءة · ~10 ·

مدونة Ali
Raining Miseries

Raining Miseries


Today I "celebrate" being ill at home for the last two weeks. It all started with falling and having six teeth removed. Like the Arab poet who said I went through very dry periods I prayed so that the sky would rain and wet my miseries. It rained, but more miseries on me. The teeth problems uncovered other serious health issues and more sufferings.
My seclusion from the world gave me a breathing period to think of myself, my past, my fortunes and misfortunes. Somehow, I remembered reading a post on human behavior and age. It said between 16-24 people are hopeful. They see rosy opportunities coming. Expectations of having a great job or marrying their beloved ones blossom and give meaning to life. They sound enter the second phase of 24-28. To their dismay, most people find that their dreams were difficult to achieve and they become optimistic and less hopeful. Now, they enter the third phase of 28-35 and still most of peoples' hopes were mirages. They feel time is running out to achieve their dreams and become pessimistic. As these people enter the phase of 35-44 years old they become magnifiers. They tend to magnify small issues into big ones as they become edge. They expend lots of their energies complaining and exponentially making of a small problem big one. As they spend lots of energy during these years these people turn accepting. This is how the ball bounces and there isn't much to do about it. People above 44 years old tend to do that.
I belong to the last group and I started asking myself do I accept things as they are? Did I fall in certain limiting patterns of thinking? Do I accept things the way they are? Do I accept my limitations? I have developed certain patterns of behavior over the years and would it be easy to drop them like a tree drops its autumn leaves?

To be living is to learning, growing and self-renewing. Over the last two weeks I wrote four buzzes for beBee and I enjoyed tremendously establishing The Consortium Hive. I enjoyed immensely the exchange of comments with brainy readers. I expanded my knowledge while getting more aware of my limitations. I aspire to learn more. I feel I am living. Ageing is not in the number of years we live; more it is on the attitudes that we accept and limit our options in life. Yes, like some cells they die or stop reproducing in our bodies, but there are also cells that keep replicating and self-renewing. We have the choice to be this type of cells or that.
Life is a journey and it is up to us to make this journey a living one. We may see a mountain and like a mountaineer we climb the "Mountain of Difficulties". Or, we may stay in the valley. But who gains more self-confidence and acquires more talents? You know the answer. We store not only memories, but also experiences that we find as a great source for facing problems when we are not as physically fit when we were young. We also store patterns of behaviors that grow like fractals do.
We need to stay "experience fit". This shall be our source of power as we grow older. What else would we store in our young hood so that we may have our own reservoir when we grow old? We need to adapt to age, but also we need the experiences and tools to make this adaptation a useful one.


Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #35

Dear Fatima Williams- it is a nourishment to the heart and mind to read your comments. You know first you inspire me with the idea of establishing a hive calles "Quotes on beBee". I wonder if Javier beBee are just few examples of what you commented on beBee recently. I am going to stay experience fit and credit to to all my lovely beBees Learning + growing + self-renewing = Living ( A fantabulous formula) #beBeesforever and what a great hashtag and formula you have developed. Yes, beBee deserves to have all such great comments in one place. You have been a great contributor to ideas dear Fatima and the WPD is just another example of your valuable contributions. Honestly, your comment energized me more than you would ever think.

🐝 Fatima G. Williams

منذ 7 سنوات #34

I am happy to hear the golden words " I am much better now" .@Ali Anani I am so glad and fortunate to have this cup of experiences being handled over to me each day by you @Ali Anani and many lovely bees. I take a sip each day and gain from the nourishment of knowledge I receive from other's experiences. Experience is the mother of all Knowledge intake. Its better than the classes taught at school. Imagining to be able to have an experience similar to what I read and to avoid the pitfalls from that experience. That is going to pave a long way for me to turn my experiences into a very fruitful one and inturn share mine with others to turn this world into a lovely place where one doesnt say " Let him experience it only then he know ; I''d rather say this was my experience take care with yours. I am going to stay experience fit and credit to to all my lovely beBees Learning + growing + self-renewing = Living ( A fantabulous formula) #beBeesforever 🤗🤗

🐝 Fatima G. Williams

منذ 7 سنوات #33

I am happy to hear the golden words " I am much better now" . @Ali Anani I am so glad and fortunate to have this cup of experiences being handled over to me each day by you @Ali Anani and many lovely bees. I take a sip each day and gain from the nourishment of knowledge I receive from other's experiences. Experience is the mother of all Knowledge intake. Its better than the classes thought at school. Imagining to be able to have an experience similar to what I read and to avoid the pitfalls from that experience. That is going to pave a long way for me to turn my experiences into a very fruitful one and inturn share mine with others to turn this world into a lovely place where one doesnt say " Let him experience it only then he know ; I''d rather say this was my experience take care with yours. I am going to stay experience fit and credit to to all my lovely beBees Learning + growing + self-renewing = Living ( A fantabulous formula) #beBeesforever 🤗🤗

🐝 Fatima G. Williams

منذ 7 سنوات #32

I am happy to hear the golden words " I am much better now" . I am so glad and fortunate to have this cup of experiences being handled over to me each day by you Ali Anani and many lovely bees. I take a sip each day and gain from the nourishment of knowledge I receive from other's experiences. Experience is the mother of all Knowledge intake. Its better than the classes thought at school. Imagining to be able to have an experience similar to what I read and to avoid the pitfalls from that experience. That is going to pave a long way for me to turn my experiences into a very fruitful one and inturn share mine with others to turn this world into a lovely place where one doesnt say " Let him experience it only then he know ; I''d rather say this was my experience take care with yours. I am going to stay experience fit and credit to to all my lovely beBees Learning + growing + self-renewing = Living ( A fantabulous formula) #beBeesforever 🤗🤗

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #31

You know I consider you as my sister dear Irene Hackett. My value here is linked to my valuable connections such as you and many bees who enriched my mind and heart. No question I am truly blessed with people like you around. This feeling is indescribable by numbers. It is like trying to count the number of molecules in a human body. At these times I find such warm words my real healing and I am indebted to you and all bees who made my healing a smooth process.

Javier Cámara-Rica 🐝🇪🇸

منذ 7 سنوات #30

Ali Anani that news make me happy ! have a great day !

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #29

Thank you dear Javier beBee. I am much better now.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #28

Reading this comment of yours dear Lisa Gallagher made me feel better. How deep is your writing aging is a process is beyond description. It is up to us to enhance this process.

Lisa Gallagher

منذ 7 سنوات #27

@karen anne Kramer are you always this rude? Your comments that you've managed to spam all over others buzzes throughout afternoon into late night are completely unecessary and uncalled for. No one has been rude to you!

Javier Cámara-Rica 🐝🇪🇸

منذ 7 سنوات #26

Ali Anani best wishes from beBee team

Lisa Gallagher

منذ 7 سنوات #25

I hope you are feeling better very soon Ali Anani. Aging sure is a process... there are days I think, "Hey, I've got this," other days, "Wait a sec, it seems like I was only 29 yesterday." Time flies fast and I think faster the older we grow. Doing what we love if possible and yes, never stop learning helps a lot. Let us know when you are better, please! Sending good thoughts.

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 7 سنوات #24

Thanks for your generous words Karen Anne Kramer ~ CNN Women Leaders 2015. Sending you lots of positive and healing energy!

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 7 سنوات #23

What a great perspective Ali Anani; how do we experience the changes in environmental conditions as we move through the different altitudes? Over the course of a relatively short space of time and place, we are challenged to adapt to this diversity. Here we are looking at a vertical movement in our external environment; from below to above. But the experience being discussed by your buzz Dr. Ali is a movement within ourselves, our internal environment, over the course of an event, but as it occurred over time; our aging process. I know this is a “stretch” but I think there is a link between attitude; how we face our experiences, events in our lives and our "getting older", and altitude. "Attitude origin 1660s, via French attitude (17c.), from Italian attitudine "disposition, postureOriginally 17c. a technical term in art for the posture of a figure in a statue or painting; later generalized to "a posture of the body supposed to imply some mental state" (1725). Sense of "settled behavior reflecting feeling or opinion" is first recorded 1837. Connotations of "antagonistic and uncooperative" developed by 1962 in slang. Altitude originlate 14c., from Latin altitudinem (nominative altitudo) "height, altitude," from altus "high"." Please note attitude came about 200 years after altitude. I think this is why success can't be measured simply by the "height" of the position attained, but needs to reflect the individuals' "attitudes" while getting there.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #22

Exactly Deb Helfrich- we may not be physically fit or even mentally fit occasionally such as by illness, but still these are experiences and we should grab them.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #21

Dear Keith Bare- you remind me of a trip to the Rocky Mountains when it was very humid in Boulder. Four of us used the Winter Drive to reach the top of the mountain forgetting that as we go higher, it gets colder. When we arrived there we rushed to buy hot drinks and blankets. Some economies are the same- the higher they get, the colder the economy gets. People tend to forget that it is cold at the top no matter how hot the elections are at the valley. If we only could remember basic facts. Thank you for contributing a soul-enriching comment.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #20

My dear friend - your comment adds to my determination o write my second buzz on Nuggets of Wisdom. This comment shall have its place as it is full with wisdom. Yes, some people fall in the comfort of past glories. This is a comfort zone that has been rarely discussed and you bring a hugely valuable point that warrants searching into. Much obliged to your kind feelings.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #19

You are a wise man dear Mohammed Sultan. Even wiser than ever I thought. Your comment is a nugget of wisdom and provides a lovely formula to living a meaningful life. Greatly appreciated

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #18

Dear friend Harvey Lloyd- I love concise statements and reverse thinking. Therefore, I am in love with your writing "I am more "Ready" "Aim" "Fire instead of "Fire" "Ready" "Aim". I am ready for life and aim to fire my doubts. Thank you for your great feelings.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #17

I love your comment my dear friend . It says all what I wished to communicate. You encapsulated my feelings and attitudes so well. I feel much better now reading your comment. Difficult times may tell who is a good friend and you are

David B. Grinberg

منذ 7 سنوات #16

First, I'm very sorry to hear about your accident/illness, Ali. I wish you all the best for a speedy recovery and much good health going forward. Remember that saying: It's not about how many times someone falls down, but how many times they get back up. Second, what advice would you give to professional in their 40s or 50s who have already achieved their professional big dreams and have now grown content relishing in those "glory days" rather than reaching for new heights? Some may find it difficult to have the same level of motivation and drive they did in achieving big dreams in their 20s or 30s. Lastly, please get well soon, my friend!

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 7 سنوات #15

Ali Anani may God bless you and take away not only your pain but return you to health. Sorry you are going through the health issues. I believe if could come up with a meter to measure motivations abilities the left of the gauge would be pure energy, the right wisdom. Age has brought with it the wisdom of trial and error. In my youth it was pure electrons driving every phase of business development. My current age, i am just more selective of where i apply electrons. I am more "Ready" "Aim" "Fire instead of "Fire" "Ready" "Aim". Dont mistake activity for success. Youth has a lot of activity but not necessarily successful conclusions.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #14

Moved me with your lovely comment dear Praveen Raj Gullepalli. It oozes wisdom and passion for others. Loved your use of "True that attitude hikds the key". I know you meant holds the key, but it is very eloquent expression. We are human and to be honest we need to share what we know from our strengths and weaknesses. We know the value of strength and solid attitudes when we suffer from weaknesses and wrong attitudes.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #13

Thank you dear - Sharing this buzz is a sign of my recovery. I wish to share the experience and not my personal pain. However; pains teaches us a lot such as patience and the time ause it offers us to look back and review ourselves.

Mohammed Abdul Jawad

منذ 7 سنوات #12

Ali Anani Wishing you speedy recovery and good health!

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #11

This is my core message as well @Deb Lange. When we have a shaping and unlimiting goal we don't worry about age. An expanding goal of learning and exchanging our experiences so that others may benefit from them are noble goals that have no end. They shape us because they make us realize that we have much more to learn and also much more to share with others. So, when you say " I wish I have good health to live at least another 30 years as I feel I have so much to learn, to share, to discover" you beautifully reflect on me as well. Illness is an experience and we learn from it. Without it I couldn't have shared this buzz with you. I must sa that your comment resonates powerfully with me, Deb.

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 7 سنوات #10

Unbelievable! As I was reading your buzz Ali Anani I was feeling a link as well. So grateful for our connection Dr. Ali. Be well!!

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #9

As long as I can enjoy and thrive on your comments and respond to them dear Sara Jacobovici I feel I am better. Yes, I am far better today than few days back and should be back to normal early next week. Your energizing contributions speed up my recovery. Thank you

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #8

I have just commented on your beautiful buzz Sara Jacobovici I am not surprised any more that we share minds and ideas accidentally. I see a great linkage between your buzz and mine. I invite readers of this buzz to read Sara's and I promise them they shall enjoy what they read.

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 7 سنوات #7

"I feel I am living." Be inspired by Ali Anani's personal insights.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #6

Ren\u00e9e Cormier- it is not accidental that my title is Rainy and your name is Renée. You rained hope and positive energy. Thank you. Yes, sometimes we need time to just think and ponder on our lives.

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 7 سنوات #5

"To be living is to learning, growing and self-renewing...I aspire to learn more. I feel I am living." Dear Ali Anani, it upsets me to hear about the challenges that life is throwing at you . I wish you strength and a speedy recovery. Your quote which I highlight vibrates with your energy Dr. Ali; a living energy!

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #4

Yes, I agree with you completely dear David Navarro L\u00f3pez- we need to drop limitation because they limit us and including the limitations imposed by age (I don't recall the author). Accepting limitations is one thing; what to do with them is another. The best musician was deaf and some great painters were blind. WE may learn a lot from them.

David Navarro López

منذ 7 سنوات #3

Dear Ali. When I am asked about my age, i like to answer that i am a 21 with 30 years of experience. I dont know who wrote the post you are mentioning, but the type described is a typical negative one. Some might think taht accepting limitations is only a old mans task. But having lack of wisdom due to being too young is as well a limitation. Accepting limitations does not mean being defeated by them. And yet, together with the things we learn and store, i find useful learning to unlearn. Some lessons of life is much better to forget and restart from scratch.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #2

You amaze me always with your relevant quotes dear Chas Wyatt. This time you even amaze me more

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #1

Thank you Chas Wyatt for your sharing. Greatly appreciated

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