Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات · 3 دقائق وقت القراءة · ~100 ·

مدونة Ali


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The seed idea of this buzz popped as my eyes fell upon a quote by Aldous Huxley. The quote reads as follows (image below).

Self-Contempt (0) () Self-Inflated


So, between the opposites there are the doors of perception. In between self-contempt and self-inflation there is self-esteem and these forces are on a continuum with different ratios of the two extremes. Their balancing point is where we aim to be. Perception is the way we interpret our senses and therefore make sense of everything around us.

Going back to the quote of Huxley, I find an embedded paradox. I used this paradox to highlight my profiles on social media. It states the more we know, the less we know for we find that how lesser we know. Knowing uncovers new knowledge areas that we have been unaware of. One end produces the opposite end, which it tries to win over. For me, this is a most active paradox I am aware of. It is like ice burning fat”. May I call this “burning ice”. Watch the video below for more information.

It is the marriage of the two opposites that lead to the emergence of new realities.
Ali Anani

This intriguing paradox that the more knowledge we gain, the less knowledgeable we become tells us that when we ignore the opposite we produce it.
Ali Anani

The option that we have is to accept both and live the reality. Like oxygen and hydrogen accept each other and bond to give water with its emerging and enhanced properties. Like carbon and hydrogen, they produce sugars, which react with each other to produce different forms of sugar till they produce polysaccharides such as starch and glycogen with its brilliant structure. Glycogen is cross-linked sugar molecules. Enjoy the following video to see what I mean. (start from minute 6:40).

The most interesting interactions between opposites is by creating a new entity. A citation I found in literature is the following and it is a great read reference . It gives examples of how charged opposites may lift each other into a higher level such as excitement and depression to produce serenity and sympathy and antipathy to generate benevolence.

I extend the idea of two opposites building a higher level of status using Carl Jung’s model of the Psyche. Somebody might be having the shadow of self-contempt, while his persona shows self-inflated person. This person needs to amalgamate the two opposites to produce a new ego of self-esteem.


Self-Contempt () () Self-Inflated

This is a linear presentation. A better one is to show the self-esteem at higher levels. It is a lifting up of the person.

Shadow Ego Persona

As self-esteem is at higher level it shall then be center for moving the self to even a higher level

Can we then treat the persona, ego, shadow similarly? I leave this for discussion.

The opposites here are the shadow (what we want to hide from the world who we are) and the Persona (the part of us that we wish to show the world). In between is the ego, which we try to elevate by accepting the conflict and use it to raise the ego so that a better person may emerge. Ego emerges because of the interactions of the shadow and ego and the degree and quality of these interactions. Either these interactions raise our ego or depreciates it.


Can we then treat the persona, ego, shadow similarly? I leave this for discussion.

The opposites here are the shadow (what we want to hide from the world who we are) and the Persona (the part of us that we wish to show the world). In between is the ego, which we try to elevate by accepting the conflict and use it to raise the ego so that a better person may emerge. Ego emerges because of the interactions of the shadow and ego and the degree and quality of these interactions. Either these interactions raise our ego or depreciates it.


I believe this also the role of leaders in a world that is full of conflicts of all types. That is to turn conflicts between team members to leverage the team. This is challenging but is also worthy.

I `dedicate this buzz to Harvey Lloyd for he is the person who propelled my interest in studying Carl Jung’s work at a much greater depth.

Added to proof-  Harvey Lloyd responded to one of my comments by suggesting a new arrangement for the persona, echo and shadow. I like it because it looks like a self-repeating fractal. Due to this importance of this idea I am sharing his thoughts and image.

This image clarifies the reasoning behind Harvey's comments.


Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #63

Yes, it is an uphill walk and it takes your endurance to continue with the journey

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #62

The word comparing is the word i hone in on. Comparing to what? Can i develop in any good way a list of things that i then hold you accountable? Does my list supersede your list. Yes it is the comparison where humanity breaks down. We should be complimentary and not competitive between lists. In order to do so we have to see the human seperate from the act. If i am to be defined by my act then who is in charge of this judgment? In seeking the good in others, regardless of the act, i can choose not to engage because i cant find the good from where i am, all the way to engaging fully with empathy towards the axioms that drove the act. I do believe that humanity has gathered an intellect that we can ask ourselves in settings the question of competitive or complementary. But this is my sometimes seen as hopeless belief in mankind’s ability to have free will. Also an argument that i merely engage with all those who in history have battled this thought. Many greater minds than my own.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #61

We are used, unfortunately, to comparing and then judging. For example, benchmark is a good example of what I mean. This is no way means that I don't agree with you. Sulfur gas in the cooking fuel has a nasty smell. We hate it. But the side we love of this smell is that if there us a gas leak it shall be possible for us to escape terrible consequences. I used bad/good because of their commonality. But I still believe there is always a positive side in everything we describe as evil.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #60

The construct of axioms within the shadow is a a simple understanidng once we delineate judgement vs seeking. Axioms can guide our actions towards wisdom or be used to judge others as being within or without the axiom. This judgement guides our actions differently. Here is where this view intersects with emotional intelligence or EI. EI is a post modern ego construct that attempts to change our ego to be self aware, actively listen to others and empathize with them before acting. This is hard to do if our axioms are used to judge someone else as being wrong or right. If i judge them to be “right” then i can have high EI. If i judge them to be “wrong” then i can practice EI but it will come across as an empty suit. EI implies an axiomatic construct where we use cliche terms like “find the good” in others as a way of “seeking”. Not judging. Your persona is what i see. Is your persona judging something or finding something? I believe as humans we can tell the difference very quickly.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #59

Harvey Lloyd.made a suggestion on my previous buzz in which he shared an image, which I added to the buzz". I felt that if I don't write the draft today I may never write it because in every comment of your more ideas pour in my mind. Your last line of your comment reads "This axiom is really not about what we see in others but about how we act towards others" opened my mind to new writing ideas and so I decided to draft the intended one if it ever were to be born otherwise.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #58

I can only observe what another does. Within this i can say an act is good or evil. Yes axioms are at the center of the drive to commit the act. Unchallenged axioms of perfection, needing approval and many others can drive someone insane. Many new age folks think that Freud is an outdated view. I would say that this a long way from true. Our narritive builds axioms through trial and error. Depending on the consequences of error we can be left with some pretty self loathing axioms. The cliche thought of seeing the good in others is not an expression of the construct of good and evil. But rather an axiom that we should seek in order that we do not fall into the trap of judging another human as evil. This axiom is really not about what we see in others but about how we act towards others.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #57

You remind me of a previous comment here on weeds and what they do. The weeds of axioms that prompted the action of killing a child. Can such axioms be stored for such long times to propagate and kill own child? During dark ages I know of people who killed their kids because of poverty and the future suffering they shall encounter when they grow up. Others killed girls because of sexual discrimination. Axioms can be so disruptive to send some people into chaos.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #56

Good and Evil represent a human construct. This construct is based on various socially accepted understandings of what equals good or evil. Good and Evil in my mind are two very different lists of axioms. My statement of seeing the shadow hold axioms is the construct that others see in execution and judge to be good or evil. We experience good and evil through others and how they sort out their axioms within their ego. To them what they are presenting is totally acceptable. To us, because we have a different set of axioms and ego subroutines, they might be evil or they might be good. If their axioms are driving an ego that is quite accommodating to others and ours says we should be aggressive we might experience guilt. If theirs is equating to aggression we might experience fear. My attempt at unpacking this is to actually break down why you would think something is good or evil. Is it just a preset and we cant inspect the code? Or is it a group of axioms that we have never inspected for ourselves? I aspire to the latter. We can inspect the code and with thought and time we can change the axioms that drive our ego. I label others with the good/evil construct. Why? On what basis can i do this without haveing another construct to hold up to it and measure. A mother that murders their child is considered evil. This is one of those extremes. But if we look at the mother and sort out what they hold in their shadow. We would find axioms that they set and couldnt meet, initiating a helpless hopeless cycle that lead to the choice. The act, what we see as evil, but the reality is that axioms were upon the mother that caused the evil act.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #55

Great and when people interact they feedback on each other. AT some point this shall take us to chaos and the challenge becomes finding order in the chaos, or rearranging to a new order. We may not be aware of reaching the extreme because of the rapidity of feedback. The example on loss of a child or sibling is an extreme case and I fully agree. But I meant it and thank you for bringing this issue up. Dr Edward Lewellen experienced such a tragedy and for a short while he was thrown in chaos. He managed to find the order in the chaos and that resulted in him writing an excellent book "The 90-Second Mind Manager". When we face extreme disruption leading to chaos it is equally possible to create a new self that is at a higher level than before.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #54

I do not disagree with your point. We do experience various emotions and they operate within extremes depending on the circumstances. I also like the wolf parable where it depends on the one you feed, good or evil. I am taking a very view of the concept in an effort to give methodology to day to day living. On the extremes i would agree that we can become very autocratic in facing various situations. But how we heal from these extremes depends greatly on the axioms we have resting in our shadow. We spend most of our time outside of the extremes. In most cases we find ourselves interefacing with others in value creation. This is where i derive my viewof the concept. We are not static we are dynamic humans. We are moving towards chaos or order with decision we make. Even time adds a value to this equation. The position i am taking with this concept is that chaos is a fixed concept and cant be avoided. When we grow in wisdom, experience life and engage with others we experience challenges to our order at various levels. Extremes crash my system of understanding. We do however emerge from these extremes and spend most of our day experienceing others manage it their own order/chaos challenges. In your example though, the loss of a child, i am not sure that it is representative of good and evil, but rather more a shock to our system. Our mind wants to make sense of such a tradgety and cant.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #53

Harvey Lloyd- Dr. Keith Witt says that every shadow has two faces one good and one bad and they are battling each other. Humans have a natural tendency to lean towards the bad. An Arab poet said that the joy of the birth of a baby is far less than the sorrow of the baby dying. We exaggerate the bad. So, as much as I agree with your comment, I still believe that the fear of loss is greater than the joy of gaining. This is why I mentioned the evil shadow because it maters our action because of us allowing it to do so.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #52

Thank you Harvey Lloyd for sending me the expanded six-arms image of your image with four-arms embedded in this buzz. I shall elaborate on it in my next buzz. For the attention of readers, each arms represents the psyche of each team member.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #51

Well-taken and axioms is the right way to represent it. Fully agree

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #50

- "The image can have as many arms as you need. But the image is also based on a team sitting around a table discussing a actionable way to get rid of the issue". Great, and I wonder if you could provide me with one with six arms to fit better with my next buzz. I have a new metaphor to explain things discussed here. I need six arms in emulation of snowflakes. That is a great response and is the feed for another post to explain the shadow/ego concept using plantation as a metaphor. @Harvey Lloyd- each comment of yours is an inspiration for a new buzz.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #49

I dont really care for the concept of the shadow has holding negative values. It holds axioms. Things that have been built by narrative or placed by self awareness. A axiom that has served me well in many arenas may cause my ego subroutine to be to defensive in another. I check the axiom and it is good, but the subroutine in ego is structured to tight for the new issue. Looking at your own triangle it represents a self check. I had just rolled off a Department of Labor review concerning some complaints of disgruntled employees. My ego developed a subroutine of compliance and probably wouldn't have been good for use in the interview process of new employees. It was great for the audit, it was a flower, it became a weed in seeking new hires.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #48

The weed of today is the flower of yesterday:) The weed flower concept as a metaphor would work, but keep in mind the garden bed is the "issue". It changes within the leaders landscape. The ego always responds to the shadow. For this reason we want to review ego sub routines for benefit to us in action. If its seems incongruent then we want to know what shadow axiom is not working. #55 The image can have as many arms as you need. But the image is also based on a team sitting around a table discussing a actionable way to get rid of the issue. Each arm is a person. If it has 20 arms then we are no longer discussing someone is conveying something. To many people for a discussion. To many shadows and egos to line up.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #47

In my previous response I got distracted as I meant the weeds are analogous to the negative shadow.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #46

I want to release here that your image, which I added at the end of the buzz, has been occupying my mind ever since. I have been dreaming about it. I am writing a buzz based on the inspiration this image provided me with. The image has four arms- why not six, in emulation of snowflakes? I am just thinking and may be you can help me in better my understanding of your image Harvey Lloyd

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #45

AMi correct to say that an analogy is weeds and useful plants. The negative ego is the weed and it has to be solved first. The ego is the intended plant. In agriculture, it is advisable to remove the weeds first. This analogy crossed my mind upon reading your powerful lines "The leader needs to insure that all of the shadow stuff is dealt with before egos get engaged. Not totally necessary, but the time spent challenging egos will absorb the same amount of time"

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #44

The image should support a good conversation as a leader engages with the team. If two members are looking at the issue from a negative shadow experience in the past, their ego will respond with a sub routine of rejecting the current course being reviewed. They may even put a positive spin. If the other two players read into this display something other than a shadow triggered event they will see it as an ego challenge (possibly) to their own ego display. The leader needs to insure that all of the shadow stuff is dealt with before egos get engaged. Not totally necessary, but the time spent challenging egos will absorb the same amount of time. When we use the word diversity this image gives some insight into the concept. Every shadow is different and brings to the table many applications.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #43

I have added a new image provided by Harvey Lloyd to the buzz. It is fractal and snow-like in shape and is worthy of studying in depth. Thank you Harvey.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #42

When we know, more of what we don't know appears dear Debasish Majumder. I believe both content and form. In complexity the structure is very predominant. Form might follow the structure. Look at water molecules and how the form and structure are interrelated. The content is obvious. The door may not be need to be broken if it has a crack open. Much to ponder on mt friend.

Debasish Majumder

منذ 5 سنوات #41

i love Aldoux Huxley sir Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee. but, i wonder, if the door as usual, is made of wood, how will we reach from wood to forest? the discrimination is the main factor or the wood which discriminate? i still wonder whether the content or form is the primary affair? utterly confused! still i feel the door is needed to be broken to allow wind to blow and facilitate us to determine which is truly known and unknown as we really don't know how far we really know!

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #40

First, I have noticed that you wren't present lately. I didn't want to mention it dear Tausif Mundrawala because I know you would if you could. This is why I invited our friend Harvey Lloyd to respond to your comment. This is a complex subject and we are exchanging thoughts to advance our knowledge. I this case, we should all be grateful to Harvey.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #39

Thanks and I replaced the new image for the old one

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #38

Resent, thanks for the do over.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #37

This is the issue and that is why I placed ego as in the arrow images. However; your fractal image is self-organizing and this on itself is an emerging property. It fits better than my linear drawing.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #36

No problem, if you wish to edit and resend to me I shall be more than happy to replace the old image.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #35

Valid and interesting observation

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #34

Giving a little thought we do meet the persona most of the time and judge its presentation within our own ego. The graphic would indicate that Ego can start removing us from the issue at hand as we sort out ourselves. Interesting.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #33

This is a great illustration of your image that I incorporated in the buzz (last image). I am working on linking your thoughts to this image.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #32

Wow, it was truly a concept drawing and i appreciate your confidence in its validity. SHould have spent more time on beautification.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #31

Emerging marketing trends is a group dynamic of 100's of shadows gathering around a themes. The Jungian process is personal and not necessarily a good view of groups. The ego is where we meet chaos under this view. If we meet a circumstance where our axioms are in conflict, cognitive dissonance, our ego gets into a loop of attempting to string together a series of subroutines to form another one. Chaos. Axioms change hard. But the ego will stay in the loop until it can get the ok from the shadow of a new concept axiom or it will begin to defend itself while it computes. Left alone a new axiom is now spawned from the ego and inserted into the shadow. In other words we didn't decide what the axiom should be, we allowed the environment and our ego's inability to grasp a response to settle on an axiom. This is really a very challenging concept, Jung brings forward. But like any new concept to an individual it requires practice and also unpacking real time results. All implying that it is a journey of self discovery that Jung would have us go on.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #30

I have incorporated your image in the body of the buzz because of its importance.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #29

If you would allow me to unpack your word "hypocrisy" from the jungian view. The folks you are wrestling with, from an existential view, do show these tendances. But what shadow axioms are they working from? Clearly they execute from some axiom of fear of loss. Not sure what that is but can be general in the statement. Fear is a language barrier. When we experience fear our language gets limited to survival. I know you have heard the meme, "Find your voice". I usually don't need to find my voice of the axiom is not based on fear. As friends, family or community members our role in this "Hypocrisy" is to help others express their views where fear is not triggered. Usually this starts at the shadow level of conversation, not at the behavioral level. When we give folks language at the behavioral level we usually throw gas on an already out of control fire. Teaching folks how to grow their language skills in areas that are typically fearful is quite the task. But amazingly when we show them that they can survive and speak at the same time they are new people.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #28

It might show better if a triangle is used laying on its side with Persona at the tip ego in the middle and shadow on the opposite end of persona. Draw two of these and have each tip of persona face one another. This would delineate the two personas creating feedback loops as you add more triangles facing the center, which is the issue the team is facing. I sent you an email depicting my thoughts

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #27

I am asking myself why human emergent behaviors drag to come yo surface? We read emerging marketing trends, but how many had guessed the probability of new consumer behaviors? This question is on my mind and I am sharing it now because of your comment. People tend to own axioms and departing with them isn't easy and it could injure their ego. The interplay of the three is a complex issue.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #26

That is a good question. "Why would people keep good things in the shadow?" I think we might be using the wrong words. The shadow is a collection of axioms. When i see, hear or smell this run. Is this a good or bad axiom? Well it saved me many times from X so it is valued in my eyes. But does this same axiom ask us to run when "Y" happens because of some similarities? What happens when the run axiom collides with our ability to grow in a company or through chaos? An evil axiom would be one that resolves to aggressive tactics in a meeting. When i see, hear or smell "X", destroy the opposition. Or some form of survival tactic. Outside of that extreme example i would say that the axioms we build tend to get built into the shadow in our youth and we never test the as we age. Have my ego subroutines been limited by the axiomatic shadow of yesteryear. Within the 80% of our life we work from familiar subroutines and are "ok". But for growth to happen we have to put these routines to a test. If we don't go back and review the shadow that built the routine we will have a hard time changing. The axioms of my youth served me well, as an adult they are bad. So i believe it's difficult to use the analogy of good and bad. We are constantly needing to upgrade our ego subroutines we use. This means we need to review and add, modify or delete axioms within the shadow in order for our ego routines to upgrade.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #25

For simplicity, I drew the three blocks of Jung on a line. I could have drawn them as a circle, whose center is the ego. The capacity of a person to interplay the three is determined by the radius of the circle. This way your comment becomes possibly more evident because of the feedback loop on the circumference of the circle. Unfortunately, and unlike LinkedIn, we can't attach drawings and images with our comments. In this case It is needed.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #24

#28 AN example: The company has issue "X". You as one of the leaders have fretted over the issue for a few days and come up with solutions and a presentation. You have derived "authority" within the solution due to your own research and efforts. You enter the meeting and begin your presentation to the team. Some people question your thoughts some agree and one establishes authority as they too have been working through the research. Your shadow concept is that you have put in the effort, you are the leader and the risk of success lies with you. Your ego put together or used an existing process to probe the issues and now your persona is confronted with chaos in presentation. This all sounds reasonable to a point. But now after a round of feedback you need to respond to the groups who have responded. A new subroutine is called on by the Ego, based on feedback. One sub routine could be to defend your efforts and research, Another could be that you wish to count the feedback as part of your research effort and a third could be represented by shutting down because no one liked your idea as your ego measured feedback. What in our shadow would help us select one of these three? For Personal review, based on which ego subroutine you choose, what shadow concept would have to be present? I will only offer up the subroutine number 2 above for discussion. Word limits. Our shadow would contain axioms that support our need not just for myself but the teams value also. We serve each other, so no idea is complete until all diverse thoughts are applied. Number 2 can now happen. Maybe one more. Number 1 would state that your leadership is in constant reestablishment mode. I have to assert myself and make it clear to folks i am in charge. The shadow would hold an axiom of survival within leadership. This is my use of the concept, i understand Jung at a very elementary level.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #23

Very true, and the differentiation between Jung and Freud. The shadow is where "we hold a collected narrative of strengths and weaknesses that motivate the ego. Both good and evil emanate from the shadow". Here is where I find an issue with people with whom I discuss the Jungian view. Why would people keep good things in the shadow? bad things they understand, but good things such as good beliefs they don't. Reading history I find that many people kept beliefs in the shadow because they didn't dare to differ with the prevailing societal beliefs and assumptions.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #22

#28 In the Jungian view the Shadow, Ego and Persona are sections of a whole. I would assume back in the day the word shadow had a little more collegial definition than the one we carry today. Dark self, hidden self and the negative emotions all explain or reside within the shadow. So we should not go down this path of seeing the shadow as our darkness or hidden thoughts. This would lean us deeply into Freud's views and Jong separated at this level with him. A deeper topic than is permitted here. The shadow is where we hold a collected narrative of strengths and weaknesses that motivate the ego. Both good and evil emanate from the shadow. This depends on what has been placed within the shadow through life experience and beliefs. The ideas here are great for helping us face the three levels of self. Shadow being our beliefs that the ego builds an identity around, a persona that expresses these beliefs and receives feedback on whether they work within our value proposition. The major things we need to watch if we wish to use this jungian process to review self: The shadow is not darkness or just repressed ideals, Ego is not bad but rather the processing center where we build our identity around the shadow. Persona or personality is our expression of these conclusions. ALso in persona we can express great ego build things poorly, giving us poor feedback to the ego when really it was just our communication style.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #21

Absolutely, and I agree with your comment fully Roberto De la Cruz Utria. This is why I placed the ego as the balance between the persona and shadow. Our ego- of what we think we really are- will be affected by what we try to hide and what we want to show and sometimes bragging excessively about it. Going to the extreme of either side is harmful. The healthy ego is the buffer between the shadow and the persona. We need to exercise balancing our extremes.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #20

This is a great comment dear Tausif Mundrawala. Let me try to elaborate. The shadow is what we tend to hide from people. Immediately, one thinks its association with fear. people are fearful that what they hide become "public known secrets". Fear is a very strong negative feeling and it is more powerful than the persona- that we try to hide from people. The resulting force is more towards the fear. Same analogy extends to the known and unknown. People tend to fear the unknown. The problem compounds when they discover more and know more, new unknown areas emerge. Again, the shift is to more what we try to hide. This is where perception becomes very important. We need to not exaggerate our fear and efforts to hide it versus our efforts to show courageous faces. It will be best if we could tame the fear and attendance to show a different mask by creating a new and elevated ego. I hope also Harvey Lloyd would also address your challenging comment.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #19

precisely, because without clear and SMART goals we don't know our direction. We might get off track, which should prompt us to see alternatives, new possibilities and discover new behaviors and emerging phenomena. We know part of what we are trying to understand, and other parts are unknown. The unknown should be our source of curiosity and not frustration. The spirit of wonderment, curiosity, drive while keeping our passion to continue the journey of discovery coupled with what we know should take us to new worlds, findings and explorations. Very often deviations are seen as noise and a source of frustration. This is a prescription for giving up.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #18

Thank you my dear Clau Valerio second comment #8 was spot on on this topic and your observation is sound.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #17

Jennifer Leach-Trask- I tried to show the relationship visually so better understanding the role of ego. It is the balancing between what we don't want to show the world and what mask we try to show the world who we are. I am glad you enjoyed the buzz. Yes, this topic need thinking about constantly for it explains to us how to elevate self.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #16

In the darkness of unknowing, a light shall kindle my friend

Debasish Majumder

منذ 5 سنوات #15

you possess a unique mind to kindle lights to many with a new vision sir Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee! waiting for the light to dazzle our sight!

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #14

Yes, and both of you dears Debasish Majumder have opened new doors for my mind and to see new possibilities.

Debasish Majumder

منذ 5 سنوات #13

Great example sir! but i wonder with the intriguing lone electron of hydrogen! Bill King! always an inspiration for widening our horizon and still the extremes are yet to emerge! thank you very much sir for your continuous unique rendition!

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #12

Dear Debasish Majumder has a better inspiration. Thank you also for sharing the buzz my friend.

Debasish Majumder

منذ 5 سنوات #11

from this unique buzz, i only wonder that does electron possess any mind? sometimes insinuation may trigger us to become insipid, yet at the same time it may induce us to become over reactive too, not knowing the consequence which may be a presumptive one, clouded us with obscurantism! lovely buzz sir Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee! enjoyed read and shared. thank you for the buzz sir.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #10

Great thinking and imagination that you have Bill King. The loving-water part is at the top and the water-hating part at the bottom (this happens because of steric hindrance, otherwise the opposite arrangement). Yes, we need to stir the shadow and mix it with the waters of experience, imagination and wonderment so that we may lift ourselves out of its darkness. A lot to incubate here my friend.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #9

I will put it in a different way. It is perception that turns the unknowable into knowable. You described the perception for what we don't know (chaos or ignorance). This is what I started the buzz with and yiu described it very elegantly Zacharias \ud83d\udc1d Voulgaris

Zacharias 🐝 Voulgaris

منذ 5 سنوات #8

Chaos is order in potential, while order is the solid manifestation of light. If these concepts are viewed from this angle, they become much more tangible, at least for the intuition. It is this obsession with analyzing everything rationally that has brought about this chaos to start with, bewildering us with shadows and egos galore. At the end of the day, it's all about embracing the stuff we don't know (aka chaos or ignorance), becoming conscious of it (i.e. turning it to applicable knowledge), and moving on.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #7

Between chaos and order there is a balance that make us learn and advance. Seeing only the negative is like curling up in the darkness and forgetting there is light somewhere nearby. Yes, fear throws us in more chaos if our perspective to it is purely negative. If we combine the two we generate the self-esteem that makes us move forward. Again, I believe this is an area where more education should be devoted to.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #6

Great clarification to the buzz and very true. I agree with you, and may add that if we treat fear in the shadow positively like a positive ion treats a negatively-charged ion then we may create a new bonding that may elevate us. It s when we allow fear to compass our feelings and our actions that we become slaves to it. Seeing the positive sides along with fear may produce an elevated person. Since fear is increasing I believe understanding these concepts are crucial for the modern person to lead healthy life..

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #5

Is chaos naturally occuring within a society or is it manmade? This is a very important point as we look at our current society. Chaos represents growth and learning, whether we lacked knowledge and stepped into something or someone brought the chaos to us. This chaos was considered a natural growth pattern of our younger generations. This was shown in apprenticeship programs, higher education and many other forms. Today though we seem to have an ever growing population that believes chaos can be eliminated by acting a certain way, believing something or having enough money. More than likely there are many more. Given this setting, if someone is in chaos they must be doing something wrong. This is a dramatic shift in a shadow concept. People now are fearful of chaos and to some degree embarrassed. Jung's view of the Shadow and its playground, ego was a way to solidify that all of our axioms will be tested in fire. Some will survive and some will not. But when a axiom is dying in the fire chaos ensues. If we believe that chaos is bad and embarrassed, then we cant let go of the dying axiom. Society needs to go back to understanding chaos as part of the learning journey. Embrace the condition and review our shadow concepts for change.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #4

If i could maybe tie the two components together. Knowledge is something that there will always be more than i can know. This is very humbling realization. But when we review the Jungian concepts we can gather a knowledge that is a roadmap for all other knowledge. The chaos of what we don't know is measured by the risk we face in our daily life. This is not something we can avoid but must learn to master in meeting any growth model. If we we study, within ourselves, the axioms that drive our ego and ultimately moves our mouth. Then we can meet the challenges of chaos in a way that we survive. WIth each repetition of chaos to order with the now known axioms we gather trust that we have found the right foundation to enter chaos. Knowledge is now in front of us to learn. With the wrong axioms (Shadow concepts) we enter chaos with fear. Knowledge is now blocked and inaccessible. Fear can be represented by apathy, gossip and anger at extrinsic things that caused chaos to appear.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #3

Thank you Zacharias \ud83d\udc1d Voulgaris. I also hope that we raise the balance to a higher level. Thank you for sharing a relevant example from the Hindu tradition.

Zacharias 🐝 Voulgaris

منذ 5 سنوات #2

A similar concept is found in Hindu tradition, in the 3 gunas: Tamas, Rajas, and Sattva. The first two are the extremes (too little and too much, respectively) while the third is the balance point which is in-between and beyond the two. Great buzz!

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #1

Harvey Lloyd- you are mentioned in this buzz Clau Valerio- you wrote an excellent buzz today on self-esteem. This is my effort to explain same.

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