Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات · 3 دقائق وقت القراءة · ~10 ·

مدونة Ali
Simple Rules Are the Anchors for Emergence

Simple Rules Are the Anchors for Emergence


While reading a quote by David O. McKay my mind started nagging me. The quote reads:

We sow our thought>>>> we reap our actions

We sow our actions>>> we reap our habits

We sow our habits>>> we reap our characters

I felt the beauty of this quote with the simultaneity that we may add to it. The main addition is related to our purpose in life and whether we want to be self-centered, or if we want to use our talents and knowledge in growing others. Having a great purpose expands on our horizons and allows more room for interchange of ideas. We don't remain as silos of different talents if we devote them to help others grow. When people grow they help us grow. So, in order to create space for interactions I found myself adding the first line to the above quote to read:

We sow our purpose>>> we reap our thoughts

We sow our thought>>>> we reap our actions

We sow our actions>>> we reap our habits

We sow our habits>>> we reap our characters.

If we have the purpose right, our thoughts shall be right and our actions shall be right. If our actions are rights then we may build healthy habits and build great characters. It is the lack of greater than we purpose that ends up in our adopting bad habits and faulty characters.

Without a clearly defined purpose, we are just a haphazard combination of goals and non-goals, actions and non-actions meandering through space and time.  
Brad Klontz

The above discussion reminds me of the great comment No. 54 that Harvey Lloyd wrote on my previous post. Harvey wrote in his comment "That word again "purpose". The ants serve the queen, without fail, with their lives and without the self gratification mentioned by Robert Cormack. The duality you and Sara Jacobovici have discussed is the challenge to purpose. The ants do not engage in such duality. They have a singularity of purpose. The ant serves the community and the community serves the ant.

If I am building my brand and you are building yours, can a higher purpose really be served?

The rules would have to establish that my brand is based on the communities' success. Most animals require a habitat and the basic elements of existence. Humans have the same but we also have a higher level of social need. This social need requires us to exist cohesively within a community, yet personal brands are sometimes in direct conflict with this need".

If you wish to explore the depth of the comment of Harvey then I strongly advise you to watch the video below and see how serving others leads to self-organizing and the emergence of great patterns. Have a grand purpose shall lead to the coherence and resilience of any society to challenges and hard times.

We might think of satisfying our own needs. This shall be a limiting factor. Watch this video. It shows six hungry puppies interacting as they normally do: randomly.  However, when milk is given to them in a single bowl, an excellent example of emergent behavior is produced. Even if the puppies show emerging behavior and pinwheel pattern; still they are limiting their space by fighting over milk. We humans may compete, but also restrict or expansion.

I see the simple rule of having a purpose to serve others is a cornerstone in our development. Simple rules are everywhere and they are the rules that birds, for example, abide by and allow them to form great flying patterns. The rules are derived from the desire to serve others. In our changing world in which everything almost changes it is the simple rules that should remain invariant. They are the anchors to our development and the emergence of new habits, solid characters and opening of new horizons.

If there is to be peace in the world,
there must be peace in the nations.
If there is to be peace in the nations,

there must be peace in the cities.
If there is to be peace in the cities,

there must be peace between neighbors.
If there is to be peace between neighbors,

there must be peace in the home.
If there is to be peace in the home,

there must be peace in the heart.


Peace in the heart starts by loving for others what you love for yourself.


Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #57

This comment of yours Savvy Raj. I want to register my appreciation of your comment and to give a promise to read your two buzzes very soon.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #56

I am just "listening" now to this wonderful exchange of comments. Revolve and evolve- only one letter (r) makes so much difference. Even letters show a butterfly effect. I hope that Savvy Raj will have something to share us with.

CityVP Manjit

منذ 7 سنوات #55

The world revolves and all life including human life evolves. It is not too challenging a word if we realize that there are parts of our DNA that have no apparent function, they are dormant and doing nothing - and here something is transmitted or transformed and there is new code operating within us. What is frightening about tech and synthetic biology is how it is tampering with our inner code and trying to splice into our human code. No wonder some technologists fear that we are creating the end of our own species as we tamper with life. Accelerated change at the individual level has allowed us to do something here that would have required much time in days of letters - which is deposit thought that is immediate and be able to draw in thoughts at a rate that human beings have never done before - and that must surely be triggering something in the dormant parts of our DNA - because our mind and body is now responding to something new, in ways I assume our DNA is already encoded to expect. Take Savvy Raj latest buzz "Subtlety of Consciousness" the way it is read is how we have evolved to read it or where our code is in terms of maturity and how we will evolve once new inputs permeate us. The impact of evolution here is personal, it is what evolves within us - and that is why I think revolutions have limited impact and often return us back to what we originally revolted from.

CityVP Manjit

منذ 7 سنوات #54

The world revolves and all life including human life evolves. It is not too challenging a word if we realize that there are parts of our DNA that have no apparent function, they are dormant and doing nothing - and here something is transmitted or transformed and there is new code operating within us. What is frightening about tech and synthetic biology is how it is tampering with our inner code and trying to splice into our human code. No wonder some technologists fear that we are creating the end of our own species as we tamper with life. Accelerated change at the individual level has allowed us to do something here that would have required much time in days of letters - which is deposit thought that is immediate and be able to draw in thoughts at a rate that human beings have never done before - and that must surely be triggering something in the dormant parts of our DNA - because our mind and body is now responding to something new, in ways I assume our DNA is already encoded to expect. Take Savvy Raj s latest buzz "Subtlety of Consciousness" the way it is read is how we have evolved to read it or where our code is in terms of maturity and how we will evolve once new inputs permeate us. The impact of evolution here is personal, it is what evolves within us - and that is why I think revolutions have limited impact and often return us back to what we originally revolted from. Evolution I take to mean as that which relates to our own internal code - so evolution accompanies action learning. What Savvy writes in her buzz is for me about evolution. She is not asking us to join her in revolution, it is we who invite ourselves to observe what evolves there, as we observe what evolves in us.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #53

You walk the talk my friend Aaron Skogen and therefore your words resonate strongly with me. You live the experience of giving service to others as testifies very well in your last buzz. So, I love your adding "May we sow gratitude, and reap the greatest of all gifts. I sow now the seeds of gratitude to your deeds for the needy and you reap the respect and hearts of all of us.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #52

I am sure CityVP \ud83d\udc1d Manjit. You both raise hugely interesting discussions and I don't want to interrupt the flow. "Can we put the cat back in the bag"? Would love to hear the answer of Manjit.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 7 سنوات #51

"Evolve". This is a very challenging word as it implies the mass change to a society in a direction. Today it would appear that we can reach a state of evolution of serving others only after we have ventured past our own right of passage. This right of passage is defined by our narrative of home, community and education. The real conundrum is when we realize that everyone is seeking this right of passage. The friction begins. Your comments ring with truth. Our struggle to establish security within our existence comes at a cost, when we take our own we may be removing someone else's. This would establish that each individual would need to evolve into a greater set of "rules" as Ali Anani has presented here. This is what the 60's were all about, breaking free of these rules. Can we put the cat back in the bag? This discussion, as with all of Dr. Ali's, are intriguing and deserve some time in the sun. Your thoughts are always illuminating.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #50

Thank you dear Sara Jacobovici. When your mind brews certain ideas I know what to enthusiastically expect. I am in full anticipation.

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 7 سنوات #49

I am still taking in the amazing discussion that your buzz has inspired Ali Anani. There are a couple of ways I'm working on to attempt to make a contribution.

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 7 سنوات #48

I am still taking in the amazing discussion that your buzz has inspired Ali Anani. There are a couple of ways I'm working on to attempt to make a contribution.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #47

This is a treasure of a comment dear CityVP \ud83d\udc1d Manjit. Every line of this comment is a wisdom on its own. I commented an hour ago on a buzz bt our friend in which he highlighted the unfortunate practices of nations spending so much on wars, but so little on healthcare. Instead of bringing brains together we are separating them, if not killing them. This is accordance with your writing Manjit " Once we are at this point of evolution, our humanity beings to form with a new map and new means of translation and peace emerges from that. If war emerges from that, we are still using the old map and yet calling ourselves 21st century". Your comment truly reflects your writing "What you are exploring here is at the forefront of human evolution in the full meaning of what evolve means". I can easily replace you with Manjit and this is the value of this splendid comment.

CityVP Manjit

منذ 7 سنوات #46

What you are exploring here is at the forefront of human evolution in the full meaning of what evolve means. This is the domain of the few and not the many because the language of buy-sell see this thinking as a cost rather than a value. The traditional buy and sell is a traditional market and trade routes and tribal culture are a part of that deep history. I don't assume the word emergence as a form of positive thinking, after all emergence is rooted in the word "emergency". When we move to a more evolved state, we stop relating emergency to view it as a danger, but start seeing emergency as in "emerge". Once we are at this point of evolution, our humanity beings to form with a new map and new means of translation and peace emerges from that. If war emerges from that, we are still using the old map and yet calling ourselves 21st century. Now we are beginning to see new ways of exchanging value but in systems that value the traditional ways. It is ancient and historical legacy that fuels the modern marketplace and not evolution of our core humanity. As we evolve in our collective humanity, this value will be seen by us as highly reasoned and the way things are but what is so obvious and good for the future of humanity. This is not what a vast percentage of the world has either learned to see or are still not being taught how to see. We will eventually get there, but just because we have open forms of networks, does not mean that networks are yet evolved.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #45

Simply a great and fitting quote dear Sara Jacobovici. I am nourished

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 7 سنوات #44

I think of the following quote when I read your work Ali Anani. Albert Schweitzer wrote, "The purpose of human life is to serve, and to show compassion and the will to help others."

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #43

In the draft copy of this buzz I included a corroded image of a bolt holding a ship on water. The bolt was corroded. I opted to remove this part. Now, I wish I didn't. You idea Harvey Lloyd "We may state a value but as we move from elementary understanding to wisdom we must remove the corrosion through learning". Yes, we may deal with the corroded bolt. We learn as we act.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 7 سنوات #42

Values are something that require maintenance. We may state a value but as we move from elementary understanding to wisdom we must remove the corrosion through learning. No anchor of values is fully understood by us as in the flexibility of execution we learn, we evolve. Yes each encounter with you is one of burning synaptic challenges. I enjoy the interface as we seek wisdom in existence.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #41

"We cant know the future but we can enter the future with anchored values and a flexible style of executing the present". This is my gem of the day. Somehow you remind me of my experience of insulation materials. The components are the same; the application by spraying, moulding and mixing of ingredients from two containers vary with the construction being insulated, wind (no to blow off sprayed materials), heat, wind speed are variables and dictate what insulation application to employ. Yes, we may have fixed and anchoring values , but their application may differ. One idea that pops up what id the anchor is corroded? Oh, I feel burning charcoal falling on my head.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 7 سنوات #40

An anchor is designed to be inflexible and to stay rigid. The application of the anchor can be flexible or semi-flexible. Values are something that anchor our patterns of behavior in flexible situations. I have seen values that were good but inflexible in application. This is when we get that feeling of tyranny in our group. We cant know the future but we can enter the future with anchored values and a flexible style of executing the present.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #39

It was your comment Harvey Lloyd that was the spark for me to write this buzz. So, as greatly as I appreciate your writing "One of the greatest compliments one could receive is, another can quote what you would do or say in a given situation. @Ali Anani this one swung for the fences and i believe you produced a home run" You share the pride as well. I am moved by your insight of having positive and negative anchors. Your writing " drift. This presents us with two styles of anchors. One that clearly attaches us to a set of values and doesn't change; Another that allows the drift of these values so we may meet the needs of the moment" is hair-raising. It is fixed rules of genuine advantage that we may anchor positively. Sometimes, we tend to let the values (anchors( drift for one reason or the other. Some people would rather be killed and not compromise on them. We have many examples. May be the idea of semi-fixed enter into play. Like semi-flexible materials. I need to think more on this one. You stretch my mind again with your challenging ideas and nothing pleases probably more than finding myself in tis situation. Here I miss the feedback of our friend Sara Jacobovici. I long for her input.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 7 سنوات #38

"They are the anchors to our development and the emergence of new habits, solid characters and opening of new horizons." "Anchors" is a boring and challenging word in a fast pace society where the need of the moment is stronger than our fundamental "purpose". I caught a post here on a new technology that would help safe large ships that have lost power. Basically it applied a Sea Anchor, an anchor that is a underwater sail, that keeps the bow of the boat into the wind and slows the drift. This presents us with two styles of anchors. One that clearly attaches us to a set of values and doesn't change; Another that allows the drift of these values so we may meet the needs of the moment. Drifting values, after a few cycles, catches up to us, as the folks in our circles begin to see the values are customized at each setting. This raises questions from the different members of our social group concerning our real motives. Anchored values can also offer positive or negative results as your post indicates. Good anchored values offer us a fresh start with each situation that our motives can not be explained as service to others. Our motives may not be liked but non the less will be accepted as they are consistent, focused on the success of others and represent a path that all can participate. One of the greatest compliments one could receive is, another can quote what you would do or say in a given situation. Ali Anani this one swung for the fences and i believe you produced a home run.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #37

Wonderful comment and heart-touching- thank you dear Deb\ud83d\udc1d Lange

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #36

I support and go along with your testimonial to beBee Deb\ud83d\udc1d Lange

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #35

I wish dear Javier \ud83d\udc1d beBee- I bow my head in respect of your comment and its solidarity. "What is good for the bee is good for the hive. What is good for the hive is good for the bee" I wish we all would abide with your wisdom my friend.

David Navarro López

منذ 7 سنوات #34

Dear Ali, you have explained very wisely a concept I profoundly believe and tried to make clear many times. Into a complex system like humankind relationships is, it is much "cost effective" to dig into the basics to explain the human behaviour, rather than trying to find out a pattern. As explained in the video, simple rules make possible many birds fly together. Simple rules like love, or in your words "In our changing world in which everything almost changes it is the simple rules that should remain invariant. They are the anchors to our development and the emergence of new habits, solid characters and opening of new horizons." It is impossible to define a solution for every aspect of life, on how to act in every particular situation, due to the complex and changing issues involved. But one I have found it can be applied each and every time, in your life, in your work... "What is good for the bee is good for the hive. What is good for the hive is good for the bee" In my day to day work, when I have a doubt on what would be the best decision to take, I try to keep that in mind. Maybe taking the option "A" would be easier for me, but if taking option "B" is better for the HIVE, even if it takes more effort, I take the "B", knowing that somehow finally is going to revert in a benefit to me as individual, even if in a short term I don't know in detail how is it going to happen, but it will.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #33

I started reading your buzz and I fell in love with it dear Louise Smith. I need to read it twice at least before I respond. You crown this buzz with your lovely buzz. I believe all readers of this buzz shall also enjoy immensely reading yours.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #32

I just wanted to "sing" the song of Deb \ud83d\udc1d Helfrich. You are right and Deb meant sing, but I also got carried away with the beauty of her genuine comment.

Louise Smith

منذ 7 سنوات #31

I wrote a response but I wrote too much and it would not allow me to post here. So I wrote a post in response instead

🐝 Fatima G. Williams

منذ 7 سنوات #30

32 Ali Anani Thank you Yes I've heard almost all the version's of this song and it touches my soul everytime. I am ready to go there and just serve these people I must find a way and redefine my purpose.

🐝 Fatima G. Williams

منذ 7 سنوات #29

Ali Anani Thank you chris Yes I've heard almost all the version's of this song and it touches my soul everytime. I am ready to go there and just serve these people I must find a way and redefine my purpose.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #28

We are together as one

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #27

I am blown off as this buzz made your heart sign and dance dear Deb \ud83d\udc1d Helfrich. Ys, your buzz and mine speak the same language and we are both dancing on the same boat. Is it a tango dance?

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #26

I recall reading your first comment dear Tausif Mundrawala and my encouragement to you to write. I am glad I did. I am equally happy that you mentioned the two video because they are worthy of watching. I am proud of you Tausif.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #25

"The surging sea cannot be tamed by erecting barriers towards its waves or flow". "We should not allow these institutions within us to languish and rust in pride". You are awaiting for my reply dear Tausif Mundrawala? Well, I am the one who needs to wait to "recover" from the absorbing two wisdom quoted lines from your comment. I greatly enjoyed your comment my friend and I am very moved by your wisdom. This is a great comment. I am deeply thankful to you.

Gert Scholtz

منذ 7 سنوات #24

Ali Anani You have influenced me also to add also new first line to your vignette - finding purpose in our service to others. Thank you Sir Ali.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #23

Dear Gert \ud83d\udc1d Scholtz- your writing about me in your buzz filled me with appreciation to you as much as this comment of yours did. You adding the last line "We sow our characters>>>we reap who we are" is spot on. This is the kind of pleasure I enjoy- to expand what we know. You expanded my knowledge and awareness. Thank you

Gert Scholtz

منذ 7 سنوات #22

Ali Anani Thank you Sir Ali for a post that had me thinking deeply. If I were to add to what I experience as the central message on you post, it would be this: We sow unto others>>>>we find our purpose We sow our purpose>>> we reap our thoughts We sow our thought>>>> we reap our actions We sow our actions>>> we reap our habits We sow our habits>>> we reap our characters. We sow our characters>>>we reap who we are. Thank you for giving us your post to think about.

🐝 Fatima G. Williams

منذ 7 سنوات #21

Very true He is a blessing to beBee

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #20

I read and shared few minutes ago a buzz by Aaron Skogen on Faith, Hope and Love. I could find no better example to support my ideas in this buzz more than this splendid buzz by dear Aaron. Humanity in its sublime is the least to say about the buzz of Aaron.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #19

Thank you dear for tagging three brains to whom I have great respect. I am eager too to hear their words.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #18

First, I need to tag dear Sara Jacobovici. In particular, I mean this line "Together we stand and together we dream with different purposes but the ultimate goal is to form an Ocean of peace." Sara mentioned in her last comment here that she is interested in seein choice-purpose interaction. Your comment Fatima shall be of great help to her. With souls like you Fatima the Ocean of Peace shall form one day.

🐝 Fatima G. Williams

منذ 7 سنوات #17

Aaron Skogen I thought of you guys while listening to this song.

🐝 Fatima G. Williams

منذ 7 سنوات #16

Very true Ali Anani Little drops of water form a mighty ocean. I believe my cause to form this ocean will begin with little drops like you in the the ocean of beBee. Together we stand and together we dream with different purposes but the ultimate goal is to form an Ocean of peace. Just before reading your buzz I was listening to the Haiti song We are the world and thinking about purpose. And reading this buzz redefines purpose. "We can't go on; Pretending day by day That someone, somehow will soon make a change ; We are all a part of God's great big family ; And the truth, you know love is all we need"( From We are world -

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #15

I love these prayers and it shows how they give us a choice to live healthily. Prayers that remind us how to make choices and live purposefully. That is why they stay with us. Thank you for sharing the link.

🐝 Fatima G. Williams

منذ 7 سنوات #14

Thanks for reminding me of this prayer/song Donald \ud83d\udc1d Grandy I grew up singing that song everyother day. It is songs like this that shaped my vision and how I can be a channel of peace. Thank you Have a lovely Sunday. The Prayer of St. Francis

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #13

My prayers to you for you washed my heart from any contamination of doubt that we still have people who see the bigger picture in being bigger the boundaries of self. Thank you so much Donald \ud83d\udc1d Grandy for contributing such a nice comment.

Donald 🐝 Grandy PN

منذ 7 سنوات #12

" I see the simple rule of having a purpose to serve others as a cornerstone of our development" When I read this quote in your article I threw out the anchor and said that's it ,that's exactly what we need to do.. it also reminded me of The Prayer of St. Francis in Christian Tradition - new adaptation. Rather than needing to be heard and needing to be right, may I bring patience and understanding and willingness to listen 🙏

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #11

One big lesson I learned from complexity is that few people interacting can achieve a lot even without planning for it. Like ants working together to move heavy weights, we human may have a common purpose that helps us move "heavy" minds. I believe people like you dear and collection of other minds who believe in being larger than themselves can cause dramatic and positive changes. I value my connection with you for it serves this purpose. Together we succeed. I appreciate your good words.

🐝 Fatima G. Williams

منذ 7 سنوات #10

We don't remain as silos of different talents if we devote them to help others grow. When people grow they help us grow- Such a beautiful purposefull buzz dear Ali Anani Your write about finding our purpose through helping others which inturn helps us and the community grow. If only this universal truth can be accepted by world leaders we would have a peaceful world. Nevertheless The only thing you and me can do at the moment is define and live our purpose accordingly. Having a purpose to serve others is a cornerstone in our development. I agree 100% and echo your voice. Peace to you and the whole world. Stay blessed always for being so amazing in heart, mind and soul.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #9

I see a buzz in the horizon by Sara Jacobovici

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 7 سنوات #8

Thank you for your response Ali Anani. You inspire me again; this time to think of the connection between choice and purpose.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #7

Sorry for the err Sara Jacobovici. I wrote in my previous comment "write at the beginning". I meant right at the beginning.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #6

I am happy that the first commenters on this buzz are the two brains who intrigued my mind to write this buzz. Thanks Sara Jacobovici. Where do I see choice fits in? My answer dear Sara write at the beginning: the choice to serve self only or to serve others so that they may serve you. We can be static "parts" with no interaction with others. Or, we could be build interactions. It is not only three simple rules producing miracles because of their interactions; it is also three "simple" people interacting purposefully to produce emergent thinking. So, I am not alone; it is you dear Sara and Harvey who complete the triad.

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 7 سنوات #5

Ali Anani writes: "I see the simple rule of having a purpose to serves others is a cornerstone in our development." A must read.

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 7 سنوات #4

I echo Harvey Lloyd. I experience this piece propelling your writing to an even higher level. I can't touch it with any comment I might have. I have only a question: where or how do see choice fitting in?

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #3

Short in time, but rich in meaning your comment is Harvey Lloyd

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 7 سنوات #2

Ali Anani what a great bit of writing. You have stitched together the very essence of life and our map out of global apathy. Time is short I would enjoy being a part of this discussion later on.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #1

Harvey Lloyd- you are mentioned in this buzz.

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