Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات · 4 دقائق وقت القراءة · 0 ·

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Social and Team Bonding

Social and Team Bonding

Social and Team Bonding

Ali Anani

Change of mind isn’t linear. Our emotional arousal sends us into different paths than we originally planned. I was emotional and then mentally aroused by sharp comments on my previous buzzes. I am highlighting few of them that led me to writing this buzz.

My arousal started with a comment on my previous buzz by Bill King in which he wrote “and the idea of social bonding being compared to chemical bonding was interesting. is there a parallel between different social and chemical bonds and when we form these bonds can it have a change in state?” In another comment Bill wrote “What if we assume we are all connected, everything, by a covalent bond, a quantum bond, beyond our senses like UV light or ultrasound. Can social networking reduce the space between our perspectives, so our actions change state?

Harvey Lloyd expanded on these discussions and wrote “I really enjoyed the thoughts you present. The real thought is that the reader and the writer each are looking for the "bonds" within your analogy. Of course, not only for different reasons but as @Jerry Fletcher stated from different perspectives. @Ali  Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee and I discuss the points of observation of this phenomena and the behaviors that emanate from the interactions. The amazing aspects of this is the singularity we sometimes come from in reading or writing. When we communicate from humility we see the bonds you refer too, once we judge (from our own perspective) then we are unable to see the bonding sites where flow might be created within the group”. Ian Weinberg wrote a splendid comment in which he wrote in part “It is my contention that if the environment alone is enhanced without adequate individual coaching, the function of the individual becomes context-based. They become dependent on an external locus of control, devoid of personal empowerment. Personal empowerment evolves out of the core elements identified in my own research: meaning and purpose; self-efficacy; reward gratification; achievement; value contribution”.

I began searching and pondering on above-mentioned comments. My brainstorming with self-led me to frame the following discussions in the following sequence:

1. What drives people to bond?

2. What structures emerge after bonding?

3. What happens post to bonding?

What Drives People to Bond?

Elements bond because they have an intrinsic affinity to do so. They share one goal- to reach stability. However; because elements have different electronic structure that may bond using different approaches. Some elements sacrifice their electrons to other elements so that both elements bond while enjoying a stable configuration. In humans this can be the case sometimes. I give myself as an example. At this age I have a great affinity to share my knowledge and give it freely for the thirsty minds. I am willing to give away and the recipient is happy to take.

For bonding to happen this way people must be emotionally aroused forcing the brain to release chemicals, the type of which depends on whether we are positively or negatively charged by the emotions. If somebody is charged positively and another person is charged negatively then they may form ionic bonding between them.

There are cases in which humans share by giving and taking at the same time. This is analogous to carbon and silicon whereby they form four bonds to reach stability. Humans can do the same. For example, research have shown four actors that may urge people to bond. I draw them in a tetrahedral structure analogously to carbon, silicon and even water molecules.


(Curious about somebody's story)

Similarity Influence


These factors as proved by neuroscience help people to bond because they feel the closeness and connection. Neuroscience established that this bonding increases within groups than individually. The release of a dopamine chemical when listening to music among groups is higher in an individual than when listening alone. Here is the role of SCARF that I discussed in my previous buzz because the more people feel related and the closer they are the more productive they become.

Sometimes researchers reported more than four factors in helping people bond. For example, making strong friendship bonds requires six qualities as shown in the figure below. This reminds me of oxygen which has six electrons on its outermost orbit. It bonds by sharing electrons to end up with eight electrons on the outermost shell. Do people who acquire six friendship factors bond by trying to share and complete the factors to eight? I have currently no answer to this question.


A third way of bonding is through sharing same thing by a great number of atoms or people. In metallic bonds millions of the metal atoms share their electrons freely to form a sea of electrons surrounding the atoms. These free electrons extend electrical conductivity, among other properties to the metal. The electrons-equivalent in human social networks is information that travels through weak bonds that join hubs together. It just amazes me why human make only linear chains. Fish schools take different shapes and birds fly in V-shapes. Why human tend to favor linear groupings?

What Structures Emerge after Bonding?

This is a hugely-important issue. Humans bond. We see it in crowdsourcing and in linear human chains trying to rescue somebody in danger. Watch this video below for enjoyment:

  This Is the Safest Way to Perform a Human Chain Rescue

The video shows that pain and need are great emotional forces for people too bond. Sexual harassment is another example of people bonding on a social cause. When there is survival and genuine need for help people are willing to bond and act collectively.

The question is about the “survivability” of this social bond. Personal interests might conflict with the group interest. A great example is the study of fish schools. Fish bond closely together for many reasons. Outstanding among them is fear of predators. By grouping they might confuse the predator and the chances that one selective fish will be targeted by the predator will be much less likely. Self-interest plays a role because each fish tries to occupy the center because it is the safest place to be in. However; another issue emerges. Oxygen deplete in the center and hence the conflict. Staying in the center is no more the best place and fish keep moving seeking oxygen as far as possible from the periphery to avoid predators while having access to oxygen. Amazingly, the dynamics here revealing an interesting research finding. The fish- believe it or not- generate a roughness of almost a constant value equaling 3.3/m. Roughness, the ratio of surface area-to-volume, is a simple and descriptive measurement of shape. This is the compromising ratio between the two-conflicting interests.


Bonding creates emergent properties. Like sugar molecules when they group together they produce complex sugars with emergent properties that don’t exist in the individual sugar molecules, or water molecules when bonded together that produce emerging properties such as surface tension so are human bonding that may result in emerging societies whose characteristics are beyond our prediction.

Humans face same conflicts. Take family ties as an example. The brothers get married and soon have kids. A conflicting factor appears- satisfying first the kids’ needs versus the brothers’ needs. We tend to take sides and go to the extremes. That is why many family bonds have broken. Can we learn from fish to find a constant emerging value in compromising conflicting need?

The buzz is already too long to continue. I leave the rest for the next buzz.


Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #49

Good suggestion Preston \ud83d\udc1d Vander Ven. I shall do early next week. I try to publish one buzz per week to give a buzz the opportunity to get more exposure, mainly hoping for engaging comments. I appreciate your interest.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #48

I didn't know about your illness dear Joyce \ud83d\udc1d Bowen Brand Ambassador @ beBee, but with all honesty I missed your comments. I wish you a quick recovery and that the pain you suffered from will make you stronger than you were ever.
I do agree. I have been very, very sick so that pain wasn't sweet. There were times I thought I would die. After my experience in January, I did not dare ask for help. I figured it would be best to just die at home in my bed. But I have been slowly recovering. I know most did not know, but I preferred to do this on my own. Have a bit more patience with me as I climb out of my abyss.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #46

If it is the pain of learning and growing Joyce \ud83d\udc1d Bowen Brand Ambassador @ beBee then it is a sweet pain. Do you agree?
You are showing me the need to get my mind working again. Thank you. There can be pain in connecting. It's as if withdrawal from all things people can produce that same pain with reintroduction.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #44

Your humility is amazing Harvey Lloyd0 The discussions with you here revealed the need to master new approaches and thinking to many long-standing managerial and management issues such as change management, leadership and leaders' self-challenges and emotional intelligence. I invite readers to participate in these discussions and learn from the wisdom of Harvey and other bees who contributed great thoughts to the buzz.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #43

The future of leadership is being challenged by the speed of information and the ability to keep up with trends. Join a discussion where you can accomplish this task by simply considering the axioms you use to execute around. Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee is leading a discussion that may enhance your competitiveness in the marketplace.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #42

I believe our exchanges of comments here throw new challenges on the management of change and how to handle it. As you wrote in your previous comment #45 "We answer the two questions differently within change: 1. What or who is causing this? 2. Where do we need to be to change the outcome? Your comment here highlights the importance of these two questions. The hidden power of the shadow could derail all change changing efforts. Bravo my friend.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #41

Stored emotions are unlike wine, they dont grow better with age. Stored emotions are typically described as bitterness. This is a shadow held concept. Specifically triggered by an ego perceived context we may experience at a later date. I know just about everyone has experienced being at the wrong place at the wrong time. That time when it seems like a team member is unloading their shadow bitterness onto a situation that we can't grasp how they got to that point. Its usually pretty scary when you experience. It is not so much the answer as it is the question it self. We always answer our questions. Make it a question that shows the way forward and not the cleaning up of the past. The past will get cleaned up but while we are moving forward.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #40

I fully concur and your comment is so comprehensive that I find almost nothing to add. May be an example will help. If I believe that a mannish character doesn't cry or allow to show tears in public then I am holding my feelings in my shadow. Unless I convince myself these stored emotions shall erupt one day and that I need to change then I have to answer your two questions. Yes, they can be split hair differences, but the outcome could change dramatically.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #39

Exactly, EI, is merely an emergent activity. It points to a fundamental that would need to be explored by each. We can look at change management and look at what is fundamental. If change management is being driven by real need and megalomaniac reasons, then we can assume we are meeting some target for some reason. We have one of two shadow concepts to follow. Our fear may state that we need to fix what is broken. Or we could use a forward axiom that says we need to build something better. You will stumble into what is broken, but that is not the cure, the cure is where you need to go. It wasn't broken before you figured out that change was needed. Now after whatever reports showed you that something is "broken" our shadow will want to fix the broken. A better solution is to review our position and change position so that the future report will show we advanced, not fixed broken stuff. These are splitting hair ideals but totally change the strategy and the mindset of ego as we move forward. We answer the two questions differently within change: 1. What or who is causing this? 2. Where do we need to be to change the outcome?

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #38

What you are saying also that we need to manage change differently for it to happen and last. Even though you highlighted emotional intelligence I find the same is extensible to change management. This understanding might help us understand why most change efforts fail.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #37

Freud suggested that our subconscious was and is what it is. Jong gave us a little wiggle room that we might be able to adjust the shadow or subconscious by understanding archetypes and how our strengths and weaknesses interact personally and socially. We can reason with our shadow by placing axioms within the shadow. Giving the shadow conceptual ranges to work in and not just take past experience and apply it forward. ALthough given as education at the ego level, Emotional Intelligence concepts should really begin at the shadow level with the fundamentals that cause the ego to act along empathetic lines. The axioms we might place at that level will subdue our fears long enough for us to get past the chaos our past experience is screaming will happen again.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #36

This is a very interesting comment. I read many articles on the ego and where it stands and how it affects the two opposing shadow (what we hide from the world) and persona (what we aim to appear to the world) and none satisfied my thrust to see their interactions with the ego (how we see our selves). Your comment is the nearest answer to my question. I shall ponder on it and try to formulate my new understanding. I greatly appreciate your comment Harvey Lloyd

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #35

Perception for me is an ego related concept. Ego being small subroutines we have developed to meet the world and determine our interaction in real time. Ego is also the level most self help books attempt to operate and change our perceptions. My contention is the platform the ego stands is the shadow. I read a piece many years ago that stated, suppressed emotions never go away, they just manifest differently at a later time. Gathering the theme of this we can infer that our ego when suppressed in totality our shadow will manifest it differently later. If we attempt to change just the ego/perceptions, the shadow will reform the perceptions differently but towards the same purpose. So the shadow is where real natural change happens. If we place in our shadow, delayed gratification. Then ego will follow by being more attentive, empathetic and socratic in seeking value, our perceptions will change.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #34

I struggle with these concepts mentioned in the two links. Science of which i know you have a great background, attempts to tackle phenomenology and get it under a microscope. I enjoy the way they attempt but it is difficult to pull one portion of humanity out of the whole and attempt to explain the phenomena of experience. That being said i can offer my thoughts on the subject of Freud's concept of the conscious/subconscious. Both of these areas represent consciousness as we interact within our world. Like the undercarriage of a car, all parts are needed for it to function for its intended purpose. I agree more with Jong than Freud. The subconscious or shadow is where our axioms and fear reside. To the extent we have grown these two items within the shadow is what tells our ego how to sort out our persona related responses. In line with the video, our perceptions are subject to the shadow concepts as interpreted by the ego. My contention is that we need both the sub and conscious mind to form perceptions in real time. The real question is do we dance with our subconscious/shadow mind to understand what we have acquired and test it? Fears and perceptions i developed in High School are still in there. Are they real or are they artifacts developed and held on to because i never took inventory? In HS my subconscious/shadow was based on some pretty low level needs of social reflection. Based on success and rejection my shadow determined certain people to stay away from. Does this still apply today with a more sophisticated shadow concept? I think we need to clean up the closet of the shadow from time to time.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #33

Harvey Lloyd will find your comment sound as well. I knew that you shall give a sound response to the astonishing comment of Clau. SInce reading the comment of Clau I have been doing some literature search on perception and cognition. I believe perception is part of cognition and influences its outcome. I found a video and a review article that are both outstanding. May be you have some time to busy your mind with both of them. The video link: And the review article link: Do you believe that the conscious mind and the unconscious one work in harmony, or they are on two opposite ends and that we try to find a balancing point or region between them?

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #32

Really enjoyed your Freudian thoughts here. The process of war between the consious and unconscious mind is a constant within everyone's life. I liked how you broke this interaction into the pieces you did. I would suggest that another actionable item would be delayed gratification. The subconscious mind evaluates and wants things now. The consious mind either follows at pace or pokes the subconsious with what if questions. Raising different memories that bring fear or relief. Enter delayed gratification. This is a mental excersise to tame the subconsious beast. When we meet a new person or environment the sub consious wants to make sure it is safe from all of the narritive built axioms we have placed as priorities. The other side is that the “to good to be true” response is hidden in need fulfillment. If we delay the gratification of the subconsious our consious mind is given an opportunity to experience new things. Leaving out the extremes of safety we can enter the chaos our subconsious has painted and for a moment experience that which we may fear. Delaying gratification is an opportunity to retune our subconsious. The next time we encounter similar situations we can enter with more comfort and stretch the fear a bit more.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #31

Dear friend Clau Valerio shall do. The interplay of the conscious/unconscious minds is extremely important for deciding our bonding to others. Harvey and I have been lately discussing at length the interplay between the shadow/ego/persona and how they affect our expectations and perceptions. The shadow, the part in us that we try to hide from the world versus the persona that we try to show the world and the ego how we think of ourselves is a complex one. Understanding this complexity is a way to understand how people glue together. Here the goal/purpose help us in gluing together and the greater the purpose is, the stronger bonding is. I salute you for contributing a great comment and thank you for sharing the buzz with the Spanish-speaking communities. Blessed you are my friend.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #30

I am just enjoying your great sense. Yes, like fingerprints each one of us has his/her snake line.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #29

From above the fish tank we might could draw a straight line. But from within the fish tank we find that each has their own snake for a line. We venture into the curls of the snake, chaos, and retract as the snake begins to move. The line is not a one size fits all as much as it is a journey of wisdom. You are quite the different person from your teenage years. To the extent that you tested chaos is where you are today. It is the concept of the line coiling moving and morphing, that each of should seek to understand. We can't compare it to another's journey as ours is unique to ourselves. From the outside we can point their line in a direction to find wisdom, but we can't set the line permanently at a crossroads we think is "right". We try this but wars begin over this line drawing action. To add another layer, when others draw lines we get angry. The anger is generated because we sense they are taking away free will. Drawing hard lines had better be worth the feedback as it never ends well. No the snake analogy works for me. The line is changing shape and position as we add wisdom. We can only show the direction that maybe the snake could go to find new wisdom.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #28

What an excellent way to re-write history and explain how beliefs emerged. Very interesting comment as opinions emerge and how they emerge in social media where two separate parties distance themselves with their distinct beliefs.thoughts/opinions. You wrote "use the paradigm to explain that beliefs are what hold poetical either in growth or fear". You are spot on. In biology it has been firmed that cells can't be in fear or grow. It is either this or that. Yes, fearful societies don't grow . I have seen animals that curl up in fear don't have large big bodies. Fear restricts them.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #27

You dig deep into the geopolitical landscape with the walls countries build. Amazingly these walls are built but discussed from within the fish tank. When we rise above the tank the fear is based on potentials held within belief systems. When we look at Rome, the Persians and Genghis Khan, these entities drew large groups of people under a single belief system. I don't say they are good or bad, but rather philosophically use the paradigm to explain that beliefs are what hold poetitial either in growth or fear. So what happens when these beliefs come in conflict as we go global. Materialism has given us a venue to express these but only to a point of value creation within the two parties. This is a dangerous game to assume, commerce offers solutions to value creation it does not describe the merging of free speech ideals that oppose one another. This is but one aspect of differences that have meaning once the speech disrupts across beliefs systems. I know only one way to deal with this concept, dialogue. America had to go through its own version of this with our discrimination of citizens. We couldn't go from discrimination to equal all at once. We started a policy of separate but equal as the ramp to change the hearts and minds of citizens opposed. From there it gave way to a platform of the likes of Martin Luther King to bring forward a discussion that was very hard to ignore, and sustain separate but equal. Commerce is keeping a lid on the real discussions that need to be had. So we build walls that money can transfer between but not beliefs. My purely speculative thought here is that 80% of the world's population want to have the discussion of beliefs and a society that can merge at the human level. Unfortunately the 20% seem to have the microphone and the perceived authority to execute around the world they want. They need the commerce to transit the small hole in the wall so that they can control its distribution.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #26

It amazes me that we use terms that aren't well-defined frequently. One example is "draw the line". What line? May be for a great mind like yours (s)he would draw a snake-like line. Yes, I totally agree and I wrote a buzz sometime ago on movement and why not necessarily it should be a straight line. I recall I gave plants growing spirally like an ascending snake. I shall look for it and re-read it to remind self of what I have written. A side issue- few countries are building high walls to separate them from their neighbors- are they different from the mentality you described as " The walls and boundaries only serve to raise the fear from those on either side of the wall". The only difference these are tangible walls much more than the intangible walls that we keep building.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #25

No the line is not a straight line. I have had it explained as a snake moving across the ground. As it compresses and expands it moves but redistributes the line in time and space. The society we are today is not the one we were a thousand years ago. The snake is moving and redefining the fundamental as we grow wise within humanity. We are experiencing a time where materialism has replaced the snake with a straight line that people are drawing with each interface. When we collect these material inputs we think we are moving up, meaning we are going somewhere we want to be. When we rise above the fish tank though we see the circle we keep walking around and how we with our materialistic inputs lay the stones of circular journeys that repaint the landscape of the old. We need to find the snake of human growth that leads us into the chaos of wisdom development. Also in this movement the snake shows us where to step so we are not bitten but rather learn what were suppose to learn. The snake is representative of the chaos we are trying to liberate ourselves from by growing material walls and boundaries. This is what our ancestors discovered many years ago and their stories are warning us today. The walls and boundaries only serve to raise the fear from those on either side of the wall.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #24

The line separating the fundamental from the emergent is an issue that clouds my mind Harvey Lloyd. Is is a straight line? Curved line? Fuzzy line? or, even an emergent line? I am very glad that you highlighted the comments of Jerry Fletcher not only because they are profound, but also they kept me thinking since reading them. I said I need more time to absorb them fully and with all honesty I haven't even though your comment helped me a lot Harvey. I am going to discuss these points in my next buzz. One question that overwhelms me is whether the fundamental (basic simple rules) turn into an emergent ones and vice versa. Let me explain by example. A simple rule is that steel sinks in water, SO, does limestone because of their specific gravity. This is fundamental. Now, if we lubricate sandstone with a fatty coating it shall float and not sink. More, if we grind limestone into powder and blow air in the powdery limestone shall behave like a liquid. We haven't melted limestone; all what we have done is turn it into fine powder to behave differently. I told you Harvey that I have much to ponder on.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #23

I agree with the tribal aspects of the human condition. But with recent phenomena of identity groups and the behaviours of these groups, we are seeing something different. Tribal is good to the point we realise we need many tribes of skills, disciplines and political leanings. Tribes are not good when one tribe wants to rule the world and make it a better place. Even if they may be right. All tribes need the collective of tribes to dig out the best of humanity. It is when one tribe decides that life on earth could reach nirvana if they were followed is where it begins to breakdown. History has shown this concept from birthing to self destruction. The ever forging question is can we avoid the self destruction as the tribes begin to separate into godlike status. If we look at the American Civil War or Rome we can see the precursors we are seeing now. War and destruction was the way we learned in those settings, my hope would be we could bring the best of those tribal clashes to our table today. Right now it doesn't look promising.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #22

and #22. I believe the two comments combined bring forward a single principal. One that i sense Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee if trying to correlate between the human and natural order. Chemicals and other natural processes emerge from fundamental principles that science has been able to determine. Can we transfer this fundamental/emergent aspect we see in nature to the human realm? I think the real line here that is being drawn through this analysis is the line between fundamental and emergent. In some sense each comment brings up where we might place this line. I also, through observation, am realising that we have stacked so many emergent concepts upon one another, we see the package as fundamental. Utilizing EI or emotional intelligence as an emergent principal what would be the fundamental? Love your neighbor as yourself. What is EI without this fundamental? A concept that is tethered to one's own ambitions. I believe that Dr. ALi is attempting to redraw the line between fundamental and emergent to show that even humans have a natural order. Within our conscious selves we need to choose it, it's not physical law. Two great comments and thoughts.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #21

Absolutely, and in my next buzz I shall expand on this idea Pascal Derrien. For example, we talk about neighboring group effect in chemistry. Now, in social media we talk about neighboring group effect on opinions and how immediate neighbors may change our opinions. Another idea is water surface tension. Now, we talk about groups social tension and its effect on our opinions. Sciences are more connected than we ever thought.

Pascal Derrien

منذ 5 سنوات #20

Chemistry seems to often be a trigger in terms of bonding based on a tribal affinity (sport, work , hobbies etc etc) and its time bounded I think :-)

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #19

Thank you dear CityVP \ud83d\udc1d Manjit are truly mind-openers. I am going to digest both comments. For now, I say we are humans made up of chemicals and nerves. We send chemical pheromones to alert us or electrical charges. Nature does . Trees use similar chemicals and connect with fungi to alert them for possible risks. We don't see the atoms individually, but we see their emergent products and how they behave. It is the emergence that make us think of what happened. Like water molecules we see their collective emerging behavior and then we try to understand why it behaves this way. Why does it have surface tension? Then we found the hydrogen bond responsible for that. We try to understand its emerging behavior. I tried the same approach in this buzz- to study the emerging behavior of human groups and why they behave the way they do. The fish and the great video that Bill King provided in his second comment #10 is another example of what I mean. Working backwards can be of great help in understanding nature and how it works. I want to thank you for sharing the buzz as well.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #18

Your comment dear Jerry Fletcher would share his thoughts. We are part of a connected universe. Our body systems are connected. Yes, we remember these facts when we lose a connection and a void forms. Your spirituality helps you remember these facts of nature.

CityVP Manjit

منذ 5 سنوات #17

"Humanity" is that thing that for me exists beyond the chemical and electronic bondage that is an inbuilt autonomic system or a laying down of new memories that are associated with formulated effects within us. It amazes me that things we thought we consider to be free will are determined by hormones and electrical charges flowing within us. Then there is the bond we never think about which is the good bacteria within that without we would die. Once we see what we were pre-designed with in terms of chemicals, charges and bacteria, then we can ask ourselves what part of our being is beyond that. In the network relationship both socially and virtually the idea that a network increases in value with the number of users (network effect) yet I don't see our authentic humanity to be group effects but our understanding what "individual" is. Individual in this higher meaning context means "indivisible" as in how Jiddu Krishnamurti viewed this a.k.a. "There is no such thing as individual freedom, but only freedom. The word individual in its very meaning implies indivisible, not an entity opposed to the collective" I actually am not to sure whether I have personally reached that distant realm of touching the actuality of my humanity - because there are all these mechanisms of bonds that are tribal and bondage which is conditioning (and this conditioning here is not the marketing person to person kind - but hormonal, bacterial or electrical). For sure we can draw some insights in looking at bonds in a chemical, biological and physical way, but I would like to see this as a doorway to that we may deem as spiritual, when the actual reality of that spirituality is the nature of our true humanity.

Jerry Fletcher

منذ 5 سنوات #16

Dr. Ali this is a good blog to read on a Sunday morning as I was reared in a multi-church Judeo-Christian viewpoint. At the heart of what I see here is what friends refer to as "Connection." Somehow (and I don't have the scientific vocabulary to explain it) all of humanity is connected. Some believe it is like a wire stretched between each and every individual. Others see it as sort of a gossamer net that encompasses all of us. I'm less concerned with form than what it provides. We know when a loved one is taken from us regardless of the distance in many cases. We know when someone close to us is in pain. We believe often that prayer can help heal someone we have no direct knowledge of. Or we don't. Therein lies the mystery. Why do some of us find the possibility of connection easy to accept while others do not? As for the lack of grouped movement on the part of humans I believe that is because we have come so far from our primitive lives. Now, in order to move in sync we require music to dance or structure groups that march together on command. But put humans in a primitive situation and they revert to formations that provide safety for the women and children. Trust developed in order to co-exist within our tribes I think and was extended to strangers as the default. But it is given with reservations as in the saying: "Trust everyone but cut the cards." Humans are part of nature but we alone amongst all the critters have the ability to accept or deny "natural " behavior. And so it goes.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #15

Greatly appreciate your comment and a big hello to you dear Jennifer Leach-Trask

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #14

Thanks for the inspiration Ian Weinberg, which prompted me to write this buzz

Ian Weinberg

منذ 5 سنوات #13

Thanks for the mention Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee Much to ponder here.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #12

Clau Valerio- I wish to know if I made this buzz clear enough for you to understand it. This is the challenge you placed me in. Greeting to you and your great country- Mexico.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #11

From what I understand from your comment Oswaldo Enrique Diaz Delgado is that you are saying "The links are infinite when they are connected to an objective and humanistic cause". That is true and i am in agreement with you. The bigger the cause, the more purpose it serves, and the stronger bonding shall result.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #10

I read your comment several times Harvey Lloyd before responding to it. I co-authored a book titled "The Fish Pond- Management of Complexity". Your comment adds new dimension to the book. When we observe from a distance we may create the Observer Effect. When we observe the fish tank fro above what effect it reflects on us? The question regarding the bonds is energy associated with bonding is deep. In our human bodies enzyme cook reactions at room temperature because they act as great catalysts. Our attitudes, perception and positivity could catalyze our transformation and bonding and make them happen at room temperature without having to use heat or even autoclave. Self-organizing teams take energy from the environment and release it (exothermic). Without this process self-organizing would not be possible because it goes against entropy. Understanding the bonding energy is a theme for a future buzz. IT is worthy and needed. I can't thank yoyu enough my friend because you made new ideas bubble up in my mind.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #9

This is yet another confounding thought experienment that we can contemplate mans map of meaning. Nature and its bonds do show us a path. If we could rise above our own fish tank for a few moments and see these natural bonds we might be able to study our own bonding and its values and costs. Above the tank we can see humanity is challenged by their own existance. Specifically as it applies to social grouping. Each human requires reflection from their social community they are OK. When we look down upon the tank we find quickly that worldviews are quite different between humans. I believe this to be the one and only thing that separates us from the natural world. Somehow over millinia we have been able to survive with opposing views as a species. Doesn't mean that there wasn't pain and suffering. If we gave this eclectic set of world views to animals they would go extinct in a very few generations. In humans there is something deeper that wants to create rather than destroy within this paradigm. Our bonds are based on the value cost model. This model is greatly influenced by our worldview. The one thing i am still working out from this great post is that energy is given or released with a bonding. Do humans understand this concept and determine if energy within the bond is balanced? Further, balanced against what? A synaptic storm emerges:)

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #8

Thank you

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #7

This is a great comment my friend Edward Lewellen and I mentioned synchronicity in my response. I feel and sense this "element" with you more than you can imagine. Therefore, I concur with your concluding thought "seems to be in constant flux and subject to our physical nature, as well".

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #6

I believe it is synchronicity Bill King between us that resulted in both of us writing buzzes with stimulation from the other. I loved your comment and I am very much interested in viewing the fish video. I wonder if you still have the link to share with us. The collective desire of the predators overwhelmed the grouping effect of the fish. A very interesting observation this is.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #5

Thank you dear Debasish Majumder- and i agree with you that it isn't easy for humans to bond through give and take. This is rare. for people feel unfairness if they give without taking. But, it depends also on what we expect. For example, I am writing buzzes and I don't expect money> I hope for mostly good comments whether praising or criticizing so that I may learn. Only mothers mostly give without expecting. It is the magnitude that differs. Thank you for also sharing the buzz.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #4

Zacharias \ud83d\udc1d Voulgaris-n your suggestion is worthy and deserves attention. I shall do soonest. Thank you for your sound suggestion

Debasish Majumder

منذ 5 سنوات #3

intriguing buzz indeed sir Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee! i wonder when i come across a myth that sea always return everything it takes. but watching a dead body being return after taking it alive, i am confused about the myth! rather i wonder whether we at all get anything in return as per our aspiration? in the vast ocean of knowledge with myriad of information when we tend to explore, we do get confused as our available ambiance may not favorable with the knowledge we receive. we cannot rule out our reflections too plays a major role for our confusion, as we ourselves inherently having the constituents which contradicts with our views. i guess, give and take cannot work in equilibrium in human social affairs and we tend to act against nature just to bring chaos in human social design in order to create a bond! however, great insight sir! enjoyed read and shared. thank you for the buzz sir.

Zacharias 🐝 Voulgaris

منذ 5 سنوات #2

What a cliffhanger! I really like the analogy of human bonds to chemical bonds. It would be interesting to explore the quantum physics/chemistry aspect of this scenario. After all, everything can be viewed from this minimalistic standpoint, even macro-scale entities like black holes, as the late Prof. S. Hawking showed us. So why not human beings and human relationships too? Thanks Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee for the insightful article...

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #1

Ian Weinberg- you are mentioned in this post

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