Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات · 3 دقائق وقت القراءة · ~10 ·

مدونة Ali
The Fractal Hidden Force

The Fractal Hidden Force

The Fractals
Hidden Force

Ali Anani d

We don’t see the wind, but we see the wind’s effects on moving the trees and blowing flowers and seeds. We see the force by its actions. Likewise; I believe there is an overlooked force- this is what I call the hidden fractal force.

Let me explain what I mean by the findings of recent research. Our brains are fractal and being, so the brains synchronize the brains of human friends. This is the finding of the research at Dartmouth College. This hidden fractal force make friends are 'exceptionally' like each other in how they perceive and respond to the world around them. Synchronization is common among friends. The researchers found the activity of friends' brains was more similar than that of people who didn't know each other, especially in areas involved in attention, emotion and language. This led me to think if it is advisable to have team members work together for extended periods. They may become too friendly and the hidden force synchronize their thinking leading to groupthink. As much as synchronization is needed, yet, we need to avoid group think and thus limiting our ability to explore new possibilities.

A fractal pattern is a repeating pattern in which the same configuration occurs throughout the structure, on a variety of different scales.

I question now that the emerging fractals of the waves in stock markets. Greed and fear go in cycles. Greed is hope for more. Fear is fear of loss. The two “antagonists” fear and greed remind me of the prey-predator simulation that end up in cycles of flourishing preys and then rapidly growing preys. The interplay of these two emotions lead to the formation of the fractal waves. Fractality is order and order has synchronization embedded in it. I am asking myself if synchronization and fractality are like the chicken and egg and which one comes first. Does synchronization come first, or is it the fractals first? Maybe they come together. I thank my friend @Roberto De la Cruz Utria who mentioned greed and fear in his comment on my previous buzz that made me think of this example.

It is dancing between the opposites that leads to fractal behaviors. Healthy hearts have a fractal rhythm as they dance between aperiodic rhythm and a periodic one. So is the dance of stock markets as investors’ hearts dance between greed and fear. Fractal behaviors indicates good health and natural living. Is the heart of our global society pulsing with a fractal rhythm? It is not because it one side is going to the extreme od the greed and the majority beating to the extreme of fear. It is staying far from equilibrium. We need the body too alternate between the two extremes and not that one body beats to greed and another body beating to the extreme of fear. Our global society lacks

I am inspecting the videos below. In the first video you see dancers synchronizing their movements and you me see that seeing part of the resulting star looks like a scaled-up fractal from a small part of it. Fractal force that leads to the beauty of the dance that we all enjoy. I strongly encourage the readers to watch these two videos. They are both amazing.

And the dance of thousands of fish forming a “fish ball” out of fear to be eaten by predators. Here, fear is the driving force. To dilute fear the fish, synchronize their movements to act as many in one. I am showing this example because it reminds me of the stock markets with most of the investors are in a state of fear of losing their invested money with few greedy predators surrounding them. Fear freezes and the predators “smell” the scent of their fear and keeps attacking the fearful.

I shall not be surprised if such systems have a high degree of fractality. I call here for the use fractal indicators to gauge the healthiness of our societies and organizations.

We dance between opposites. It is the synchronized dance between the millions of us between this opposites or lack of it that may yield to highly fractal society with a fractal heart that drives the world to live healthily. Synchronization that leads to fractal structures is the way to lead to healthy societies. This is the real social capital. Not that one party dances to its richness and the other party dances to its poverty. It is when both parties synchronize their movements that healthy societies emerge.


Fay Vietmeier

منذ 4 سنوات #28

@AliAnani Thank you Ali for asking, reading and commenting ;~) you are an always lending encouragement This "busy bee" is ever grateful for thee ;~)

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #27

Fay Vietmeier, Just read and shared your first poem. You are an excellent poet. More,in my comment on your poem.

Fay Vietmeier

منذ 4 سنوات #26

@AliAnani I have written volumes of poetry Ali Some are quite lengthy like: Blueberry Banter & Blueberry Blues (written for the Blueberry Council ) Some political in nature like "The Swamp" (also very long) Many about nature & for family & friends Here are 2 poems included in posts on beBee: What do your words say about you? "WORDS" poem included & "Be a Songbird" Sharing with you the Haiku poems I wrote for my Birthday 1) Savor time today Life hour-glass is rushing ;~) Grate-FULL is my heart 2) Decades slipping by Choices made cannot be changed Nor life rearranged 3) Son-Light every day Possibilities unfold Where will my heart lead?

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #25

That is the least I could do for a great buzz dear Fay Vietmeier. By the way do you write poetry?

Fay Vietmeier

منذ 4 سنوات #24

@AliAnani~ Thank you for sharing my post and elevating the encouragement to "MUST READ" As Shakespeare would say: "I can no other answer make ... but thanks & thanks & ever THANKS!" from this grate-full bee to thee ;~)

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #23

Fay Vietmeier wrote a buzz, which is a great a great extension of the idea of the hidden force of fractals. IT IS a MUST READ. The Fractal State of Humanity & the "hidden forces" at work: FOR you & against you

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #22

Luke Visser Chappaqua- I thank you for your feedback.

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #21

I truly look forward to reading your forthcoming buzzes. I hope that my wait will be for a short while, dear Fay Vietmeier. You too inspire me with your pure spirituality. Take care

Fay Vietmeier

منذ 4 سنوات #20

@AliAnani Ali~ Your comments always inspire ... you are the "best of bees" God is the "Master-Weaver" ... at times the "weaving's" are not face-to-face but are very rich & meaningful Truly you are for me as "iron-sharpening- iron" For when I read your words ... thoughts flood into my "buzz-filled" brain and all I want to do is write Your writing on fractals has inspired me to respond ... (I need to stop reading and complete some of the things that I have in process ;~) Plus get some work done ;~)

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #19

This is an interesting and different comment that is filled with challenging thoughts Fay Vietmeier. In the fractals lies beauty, fairness and the secrets that we still don't understand comfortably well. Volcanoes are fractal in their forces, yet if used to punish the "broken" man then we may view it as a reminder by the Creator to wake up to the evil he does. The purpose of using a force determines whether it is noble or not. Dynamite was intended to explode rocks. It is the "broken" man who used them to kill other humans. The evil spirit of humans has turned the beauty of fractals into evil bu their vicious deeds and purposes. You extended new meanings to fractals. Your spirituality is so rich, Fay. We have a lot to learn from you.

Fay Vietmeier

منذ 4 سنوات #18

@AliAnani Ali~ I somehow often take from your words … a totally different thought-path What you stated is very profound when spiritually applied: “We don’t see the wind, but we see the wind’s effects on moving the trees and blowing flowers and seeds. We see the force by its actions. Likewise; I believe there is an overlooked force- this is what I call the hidden fractal force.” ~Ali Anani My synchronized brain goes to the spiritual realm on this. “Hidden Force” (number 1) Almighty GOD … The Great “I AM” … All-seeing, All-knowing, All-powerful, All-sufficient, Creator, Omnipotent & Omniscient … “Hidden Force” (number 2) Satan. The “evil one” … the “author of confusion”… the “father of lies” … he masterfully uses the same strategies & weapons against man: fear & greed to name just two (these are spiritual conditions) The question is: which spiritual force is being served: Phillip Britts profoundly states in Water at the Root … “in the essential conflict (good Vs evil) … the final result of knowledge is determined by the spirit is serves” “We see the force by its actions” … by the fruit your can recognize the root “Fractals”… from Latin “broken” As a result of the “fall of man” at the beginning of Creation … Human beings are born into a “broken” world … and are “broken” … out of this “broken” (sinful) condition flows idolatry, fear, greed, rebellion, selfishness … lying, murder, pride, evil … and death

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #17

Dear Roberto De la Cruz Utria- in your first paragraph you define balance in a great way. Even in love, we need to buffer it so as not to go to the extreme and become jealous, protectionists and controllers of our beloved ones. The name of the game is balance as you well-define it. As for the fractal social behavior, you are spot on. The social cycle has been established to go in four fractal phases that keep repeating . This issue has been studies and conforms with your thoughts. In your third paragraph you highlight greed and fear. I say again what applies to love applies to greed. If we allow greed to go to the maximum to control us then chaos initiates. We need some fear to control our greed for what we think mistakenly endless profits. Your comment is wise and very-well stated my friend.

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #16

Savvy Raj- I thought of you while showing the video on dancing> I am very glad you enjoyed the buzz. Thank you for your appreciation.

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #15

You are very authentic man my friend. All studies have referred to the cyclic wave of fear and greed with greed and its maximum, fear at its trough and in between hope. Now, you show a new thinking and a radical one. A new explanation of greed and fear explained mathematically. In fact, systems that give fractals follow the power law. Now, you are seeing fear(1) X Fear(2). Their multiplication gives Fear^2. This explains the formation of the 8-cycle fractal wave observed in the stock markets everywhere. As I said my friend this is an emergent thinking to greed and fear and it needs more time to absorb it. Good thinking anyway.

David Navarro López

منذ 4 سنوات #14

“A fractal pattern is a repeating pattern in which the same configuration occurs throughout the structure, on a variety of different scales.” As such, a fractal might be resumed to an arithmetic expression. Now we have greed and fear as part of the proposed equation The balance between the two parts of the equation determines the path. We could assume that greed is as well fear, fear of not having the full profit Greed (fear x full profit) = Fear (fear x none profit) Thus: (fear x full profit) = Fear (fear x none profit) = Fear2 Dancing between the two opposites it only leads us to a society led by Fear. And as negative particle as it is, it can only bring negative results. In my opinion, no positive or healthy societies can emerge from a negative inception. Real world results are showing nothing else otherwise.

Jerry Fletcher

منذ 4 سنوات #13

Dr Ali and Harvey Good info re Vimeo. Perhaps I'll find time to put all my videos on You Tube as well so I can share them here.

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #12

Yes, as when the success of the whole (team) is more important than the success of an individual then the use of energy becomes more efficient. Just think of any sports team. Sometimes a talented player plays to show his talent and not for the team. Not surprising that we get some surprising results in sport games where the underdog team won. As for Vimeo- yes and I agree. However; I can't embed them in my posts. So, I have sometimes to find an "efficient" video on YouTube because I can embed it in my posts.

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #11

Welcome dear Harvey Lloyd and every point you raises worthy a buzz. I shall respond to the three main thoughts of your great comment. 1- You wrote "We could also use the word efficient". Who could argue with the validity of your statement. It is well-accepted that in complex and chaotic systems perfection isn't the goal. In fact it is waste of energy to search for it. Our focus should by guided towards efficient systems and once they work OK we move on. 2- "Fractals display the most efficient use of energy". In self-organizing system there used to be a puzzle for self-organizing goes against entropy and the tendency to go in the direction of more disorder. The explanation for this anomaly was explained by the way these open systems use their energy. They release energy to the environment such that the use of energy balance is extremely exothermic. Yes, not only fractals use energy efficiently, but also they use it to compensate for the increased organization of the fractal structure. 3- Between greed and fear there is a tipping point and that is hope. You are spot on again.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 4 سنوات #10

Enjoyed your video. On this we share quite a bit of “fractal” energy:). Staying with the theme here, teams should produce the repeating patterns a fractal shows as being most efficient in nature. The team has the energy but in my experience the teams lack the trust to direct the energy at efficiency. We could reduce this to team success vs individual success. Satisfaction in team success will require the individual to find their identity somewhere else. Finding one’s success in the beauty of the fractal is quite nebulous when we present our resume. A side note about Vimeo. Its a great site for controlling corporate videos and displaying them on a webpage. The connectivity within Vimeo is more focused on the videographer and entertainment. YouTube is more like open mic night. I had hoped that all of the hoopla about Alphabet inc was going to inspire a platform in the middle.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 4 سنوات #9

Fractals are amazing to see and and attempt to understand. Your post is stimulating as we look at the forces of humanity within a fractal. I have always thought that fractals in the natural world were guided by laws of physics and perfection standards. We could also use the word efficient. In nature the physical laws guide the fractals to present themselves as we observe them. Humans though, can act against or within physical laws they create. Is this the gift or curse of consciousness? Fractals display the most efficient use of energy. In teams we have focused on skills, diversity and social constraints to harness the energy of multiple humans. Unfortunately we have lost the physical laws that guide the efficiency of energy. Given this we can no longer find the fractals hope and beauty. Concerning fear and greed. Fear is the energy of greed and the destroyer of hope. Hope is the builder of the next leg of the fractal. Fear will merely create random inefficient outcomes, chaos. Instilling more fear and more greed in an attempt to find order. Maybe a negative fractal?

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #8

Hi Jerry, I watched the video and I listened perfectly to your dialogue. I was just surprised that the number of views was zero. The problem that I faced is that I am a member and I couldn't sign in to like your video and subscribe to your channel. I strongly advise you to use youtube as it is also possible to embed the videos in posts.

Jerry Fletcher

منذ 4 سنوات #7

Dr. Ali, Are you saying the video didn't play but the audio did? Perhaps I will have to publish everything on YouTube as well or include a player in the code on Vimeo. To be continued...

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #6

II have to gain your ability @Kevin Baker and that similar one of Pascal Derrien on how to write short, but concise and relevant comments. Thank you for your appreciation.

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #5

Hi Jerry, I have just listened to your video and I know what frustrates a man like you. Yes, you and I are on the same wave. I couldn't follow you because of sign in problem, but for such a good video to have zero views is troubling. Maybe because we can't embed Vimeo videos in our buzzes. Yes, the synchronization is lacking. It is a common problem.

Jerry Fletcher

منذ 4 سنوات #4

Dr. Ali, your posts are one way I have of beating the ennui. I' to have noticed the problems of teams. This Synchronization problem you refer to is, in part, the reason why my observations in this video are true:

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #3

Thank you for your great comment and sharing the buzz Pascal Derrien. Your example is to the point.

Pascal Derrien

منذ 4 سنوات #2

Reminds me of a conversation I had with a recruiter last week about how a strong or even exceptional Individual Contributor could become a poor performer in a team dynamic because of the lack of synchronicity it was just an observation but it became a point of tension in the discussion I guess we were not aligned :-)

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #1

Roberto De la Cruz Utria- you are mentioned in this buzz

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