Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات · 5 دقائق وقت القراءة · ~100 ·

مدونة Ali
The Fractal Wheel of Design Thinking

The Fractal Wheel of Design Thinking



4 Cl The Fractal Wheel of Design Thinking
A By Ali Anan, PhD


Organizations are like plants and forests- they all share initial growth, conservation, release and reorganization.

The growth of plants requires having good seeds, good soil and balanced nutrients all within an inviting environment.

Assuming the environment and the seeds needs are met, the challenge is for having balanced nutrients. This is well-explained in what is known as the Liebig’s barrel representing the theory of constraints. It is the shortest stave in the barrel that is the prime limiting one in determining the capacity of the wheel.


This barrel and in spite of its importance isn’t sufficient because the missing element of nutrition may be interacting with other parts or all of the other elements and its shortage will cascade to the other elements.



Because they develop respect they become trusted

(credible and reliable] I



Because they become over trusting they stop

Ee] [

Because they stop verifying diminishing returns of


Sut tatites end @uws dvenwerd saatdy

The Soil Mineral Wheel was first introduced by D. Mulder to reflect on the importance of the interactions between minerals in the soil. Arrows aimed away from each other show mutual mineral interference and antagonism. These interactions show antagonism in which the presence of one element decreases the presence of part or all other elements. In contrast, Arrows aimed at each other show mineral synergy. the stimulation relationship is wherein the presence of one element leads to the increasing availability of few or all other elements.

The interactions among these elements are complex- a nutrient interacting simultaneously with more than one nutrient. This may induce deficiencies, toxicities, modified growth responses, and/or modified nutrient composition. The wheel shows visually the interactions and the resulting complexity.

Other factors adding to such complexity are the insurance of the quality of planted seeds and the need for a healthy climate to support the germination and subsequent growth of the plant.

The Organizational Mineral Wheel

Organizations grow like plants grow from the seeds that we plant in their soil. The farmers are responsible for guaranteeing that only good seeds are selected and who share the responsibility for taking care of the resulting crop.

Now, if we have good farmers and good seeds, friendly environment what would be the critical factors for the successful growth of the germination and growth of the plants? What are the types of interactions among them and whether they are antagonism, stimulation or buffered as if the interactions didn’t change anything?

Literature search revealed many different opinions on the main minerals (factors) that should be on the circumference of the wheel. Some references suggested seven factors including: clarity, certainty, commitment, strategy, structure, systems and skills. The image below represents superimposing the soil wheel atop the Liebig’s Barrel.








for ems


Overlaying Liebig’s Barrel atop the Soil Mineral Wheel

In our VUCA world (standing for Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity) the above model is questionable. Bridgespan finds that truly effective organizations exhibit strengths in five key interrelated areas: leadership, decision-making and structure, people, work processes and systems, and culture.

Capacity to do work shall
decrease because of burnout.


Do the same for love and
trust “trust, but verify”. if
excessive, it becomes control
BT Ara
produce diminishing returns

                                   Key Elements of Effective Organizations: Bridgespan’s Organization Wheel

Culture represents in my view the soil for plants. Culture is the emerging property of the way people in an organization interact.

The Challenges to construct the Organization Mineral Wheel

In many views trust is seen as a key mineral component that has to be present in the “soil of an organization”.

What adds to this complexity is that trust itself is an emerging property of interactions. Let me explain by example. I combined two approaches in one image to explain my point


The right part of the image explains the feedback effect. If we place trust on the circumference of the Organizational Mineral Wheel then we are placing a dynamic property that changes with time. So, what trust and at what level are we talking about? Trust maybe a fractal-like and the more we dig into it, the more we shall discover.

This isn’t the only issue. The other issue is trust might reverse direction by blinding us to the need to trust with verification. Trust grows fast eventually and then we need to tame it with verification. Same is with excessive love, reliance on talents and other aspects of social behaviors

The growth of organizations depends on the support of their leaders. If leaders exercise empathy so that the employees will produce more this may happen for a while with a reinforcing loop emerging (the image below Part 1).

This works fine, but for a while, because the employee shall get burnout and her/his productivity drops.This will create a negative downward loop. The less productive the employee is, the more dissatisfied the leader shall be. The negative loop emerged after sometime and wasn’t present at the beginning or was unnoticeable being ineffective. Such time gaps between the loops makes the predictability of their outcome difficult indeed (Part 2 in the image below).

White strips

indicate seH-


Back Loops Are Natural

The above discussion extends to all facets of life, If you love a girl excessively you shall eventually lose her. This is because the more love you have, the more jealous and controlling you become.


We have limited capacity to grow. Capacity determines the diameter of the Organization Mineral Wheel, We are limited by this capacity. When we reach our the limit of an organization’s capacity what would happen? A balancing and countering loop shall emerge.

All throughout history societies have undergone fractal social cycle. I discussed this before;. The image below shows the cycle and its phases, Ideas cause exponential growth to grow and then a counter balancing loop emerges to atbilize the. Again, eventually a stabilizing feedback loop shall emerge leading to the next release phase. This is followed by reorganization of the society into new structures.

The social cycle is very similar to the Panarchy even though the two carry different names for the four phases. They are both made of Growth, Conservation, Release and Reorganization. They look different because of the different names we give to each phase.

It is all about self-reinforcing loop at the beginning in all of them til lat a later time a balancing loop emerges.


Because of rapid growth conservation emerged

Because conservation emerged release emerged

Because release emerge self-organization emerged

And the loop starts again

The growth of plants, the growth of societies and the growth of organization have very similar loops. These cycles keep repeating at lesser and lesser times to form fractals .

The Fractal Growth of the Logistic Equation

The logistic equation is subject to the same reasoning that applies to Panarchy and social cycles for it also undergoes the same phases. These are growth of population, conservation, release and re-organization.

If we just look at the bifurcation diagram of the logistic equation you shall see what I mean.



In deign thinking we need to cater for the front and backward loops, or the reinforcing and stabilizing groups. It shall be interesting to form the “Organization Mineral Soil wheel” and place the controlling factors and their interactions on the circumference of this wheel like we do for minerals on the Wheel of Minerals. This visual presentation may help group think in identifying the needed minerals and to decode the possible interactions among them so that may enable us to take “Dynamic Decisions”. I mean decision that adapt with time and to cope with the adaptations of the organizations over their life spans.

I dedicate this post to Gary-Gregoire Coquillo, MSc.- with whom I had recently enjoyed few very informative exchanges of comments. Few exchanges, but they impacted my thinking resulting the penning this post.


Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #33

Franci\ud83d\udc1dEugenia Hoffman, beBee Brand Ambassador You are right. My daughter because of the lockdown can't go to one particular restaurant to enjoy her favorite meal. Now,she cooks it at home. She searched the web for the recipe and how to cook her meal. Now, she is happy she is learning how to cook. Congrats on your achievements on WordPress. You shall get more successes.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #32

Franci\ud83d\udc1dEugenia Hoffman, beBee Brand Ambassador This is special thanks for you because of your re-sharing of this post. Of all the posts I wrote this one took the most energy demands on me. However; the timing of its publishing is wrong because people are in intense state of the corona virus. The number of comments here is indicative of what I mean because it is well below the average number of comments I usually get.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #31

Richard Foster Thank you, Richard. I do appreciate your first comment on my posts.

Richard Foster

منذ 3 سنوات #30

Great analysis, Ali!

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #29

Harvey Lloyd When you hold yourself and refrain from getting carried away you stay in the balance region. This is what you did. Unfortunately, many people stretch too far the rubber band. This results in the chaos we see today. The fear of corona is a living example. Exaggeration caused the problems that we started to surface out.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #28

Harvey Lloyd It is the mathematics of the exponential growth my friend that are inflamed by the feedback of interactive relationships that cause the system to move far away from their balance (as my two diagrams show). For example, success and happiness reinforce each other and suddenly the system gets far from balance. When this happens and a system passes its no-return-point it has two choices. Either it rearranges its structure into a new balance or it becomes self-destroying and that is the end. This is exactly the reason I referred in the green curve in the post to the logistic map by using the population growth simulation. When we fall prey to the predator success. This is to allow for the feedback effect and the power law to explain what happens.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 3 سنوات #27

As a parent we get to see this tension first hand and its very personal. We watch our children deal with everyday tension in values, needs, wants, hopes and actual outcomes. It is not so much the outcome being perfect that brings happiness for me. It is knowing a seed i planted many years ago is being harvested in wisdom. A seed of win-win working itself out in youth is not always pretty. But is that seed that holds the tension of choices in a valuable place. Most of this tension is within family and extends to the community they participate. The value of win-win has now been passed down from parent to child and the child is displaying it in community. This is merely one value i hold in tension and has served me well. But we do get to see at a very personal level the tension created in parenting, being harvested in the world.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 3 سنوات #26

I understand complexity of the human at a fundamental level. My total lack of understanding is in the tension discussed. Holding things in tension means outside forces are placing a rubber-band around our own thoughts. This is a natural phenomena within the human paradigm. Not every human thinks alike. My misunderstanding is the belief that the rubber band can be made to go away. Mainly how success or failure is measured against the tension-less seed verses the tensions naturally concurring in the human performance. We plant seeds in humans and then we expect corn every time. When we get beans we don't see the tension of competing values, we see a bad seed. Certainly we have bad seeds, but not every bean is a bad seed. You may even find out you needed some beans. Thanks for your kind words it is a subject i am interested in, but my side of that equation is unwinding complexity for success. How to bring people into the realm of understanding the fundamentals of human behavior and beans are fine along the journey to success.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #25

Harvey Lloyd I don't know why complexity science isn't a topic that you write about. Your previous comments on my other post about relationships and here in your writing "They must balance the factors you show SCARF. This must be balanced within the individual within the group, within the community. Managing this tension is always the key to ones self preservation" you prove your deep understanding of this topic. Here in the quote you scale up from the individual to the group up to the community. This is a fractal and is a core element of complexity science.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 3 سنوات #24

Yes. When we look at a seed it holds nothing in tension. The soil, nutrients and other factors either exist or they don't. The seed performs as expected or it doesn't. Humans do hold things in tension. They must balance the factors you show SCARF. This must be balanced within the individual within the group, within the community. Managing this tension is always the key to ones self preservation. Managing the competing tensions in our own hearts is always a complex issue.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #23

Harvey Lloyd Yes, because tasks vary but almost invariable the vision stays as is. Relating issues to variable is like somebody is asking me to go to a place when I am moving- say, driving my car and away already from the new assignment. There must be somebody else nearer to serve the task. However; the vision is the crystal that remains intact.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 3 سنوات #22

This type of analyses always amazes me. I am certain that if you went to each company where the survey was performed, you would find a vision statement of some value level. Every task is and should be aligned with that vision. This is the unifying of the fields of many seeds. Tasks are easy to see and measure. The light is on the light is off. The true test of solidarity is when each person within a task can sight the reason the task is important. This only comes from a team that the vision is a part of everyday operations. One of the key vision statements we have in our organization is 1-Degree. This statement says that with each student, each day our tasks are attempting to alter the students course by one degree. We are not fixing, changing or doing tasks. Our system is gauged on the fact the student is engaging differently because yesterday the course was changed by one degree. This vision is more important than the task. We can select from many different tasks to accomplish a goal. Add many personality types to the mix and start measuring task, disaster. Asking each personality does the task meet the one degree vision, then each personality will choose from their own stable of ideas the best task. Measure the vision not the task.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #21

Harvey Lloyd Exactly and your comment reflects what the SCARF Model says about employees' aspirations. SCARF stands for Status, Certainty, Autonomy, Relatedness, Fairness. You are referring to relatedness in your comment. Yes, if the employee wants to do that we may help them even to leave and work somewhere else to feel relaxed.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #20

Harvey Lloyd Very subtle comment. What you ended it with is my wisdom for the day "Forcing the bean to become corn will never end in self organizing systems, without direct leadership engagement at every decision. No synergy.:. What makes things worse is miscommunication for various reasons that the employee would say that my understanding was to produce beans and not corns. I read a survey in which director generals of many companies were asked to define the prime tasks of their deputies. The same question was addressed to the deputies to outline their main tasks as they were understood from their director generals. The consistency was less than 50%

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 3 سنوات #19

#4 I think your seed analogy goes well with the suggestion. Corn, beans and other food plants all have different requirements for optimum growth and production. So goes personalities. We should stereotype folks because of personalities, but the idea should help us be better nutrients to each other. I find it interesting that we attempt to understand nature and harness the unique values we find. For some reason in humans we attempt to make everyone into corn seeds. Leadership is about determining the seed type and helping that person harvest their natural seeds. You may not need carrot seeds but helping that person determine they are great carrots can propel their future, even at a different company that needs carrots.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #18

Harvey Lloyd Your concise comment in which you write "Seeing another's values acting out in small things shows us their ability to apply these in large things". You remind me of a story that I experienced. I was onboard an industrial establishment. In a meeting we discussed the selection of a new employee for a senior position. His CV and recommendations were outstanding. Ll the members of the board approved his nomination except I. I was doubtful that a man born of clay would have 100% integrity. So, I asked for the list of references. I phoned one of them who I knew well. I asked him over the phone what he thought of the candidate and he surprised me with the perfect image he communicated. Upon insisting on him to tell me any weak trait he knew of, he replied that it was his honesty being dishonest sometimes. I verified the info and it proved to be true. I refused o sign his appointment. Still he was selected to ruin the company and to find that he stole huge sums of money. Yes, small things are quite telling if we see their butterfly effect.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 3 سنوات #17

On another note........Leadership has been handed an impossible task these days. Perfection. Seeds have a somewhat guaranteed outcome. If i plant corn i get corn. We hire humans (Seed) we expect diversity towards a shared end. If the shared end was corn, then why are their beans on my plate? Leaders are good at harnessing a diverse unknown harvest. The farmers seed bin will look like the leader mixed up all the seeds and the fields are a mess. Giving each new hire their own plot of proverbial land and helping them learn to plant, then how to harvest for the good of the rest of the group crates the group dynamics needed for success. Over time each plot will find its balance and efficiencies and the fields, as you say, will self organize. Forcing the bean to become corn will never end in self organizing systems, without direct leadership engagement at every decision. No synergy.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #16

Harvey Lloyd I wish people would see trust as you elegantly defines it here. The story of the director shaking hands in honor of a promise he gave is spot on. I wonder my friend what you think of the suggested personality traits wheel. You are the one to say if it is feasible or not. Your comments always shake up my head in admiration and in thinking beyond them.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 3 سنوات #15

What signals do we pick up on within our initial relationships that establish trust? Seeing another's values acting out in small things shows us their ability to apply these in large things. I listened to a man speak to his wife over the phone. His tone and command and control told me that he would operate that way with me. Trust was diminished. We all have the stories of experiencing others outside of the business envelope. If a person was willing to sacrifice a personal relationship that had meaning, where do i fit in at the business table. The Japanese have/had a tradition that the first day of business was witnessing you in your natural habitat. Because that person is the one that they will need to trust. Trust sometimes gets hung up in hope. I need the deal/job so my hope lays a fog over trust that we just ignore the reality of future risk. I have walked away from many deals that half way through i saw values stated and opposite was executed. I want a trust that can endure the hardships of risk. Will you still be paddling the boat when the storm comes?

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 3 سنوات #14

Seeds are an amazing thing. From one we get many. Seeds follow a very natural process of living and/or dying. The various elements you present display the needs for a successful crop. Humans are not in a position that we can write a formula and provide natural growth. Once we are beyond the food, clothing and shelter need. Our needs become more esoteric. We can place faith in a few axioms that promote the best outcome such as empathy, love your neighbor and other things that over time produce success. Trust is one of those words that at the fundamental level we each have our own definition. My definition of trust lies in the fact that we share a common value set and that you would honor those values even if it wasn't "fair" in your position. A public company was sold and post negotiations the value of the sellers company went up. The buyer expected a second round of negotiations based on the new value. The seller said no, we shook hands on a price, that is the price. Trust in its rudimentary elements is the belief that another person will act on their shared values regardless of outside influences. I, me or you, are the sole arbiters of this giving of trust in our own dealings. What signals do we pick up on within our initial relationships that establish trust?

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #13

Jerry Fletcher I thank you for your interest. I look forward to your next comment. Please enjoy your coffee. I drink Turkish coffee mostly with little froth on top.

Jerry Fletcher

منذ 3 سنوات #12

Dr Ali, This article, in the words of Jimmy Buffett, "Plumb eludes me." it is probably because I just arose from a long nap since sleep and the sweet surrender to dreams have become a return to a world I knew before the virus. I will read it again once the little grey cells have fully activated. And so it goes.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #11

Dear Debasish Majumder Thank you for the positive words you bestow on me. However; I am a little bit disappointed. This post has drained my energy in writing it. The reaction so far and after ten hours pf publishing it is far below my expectations. I believe this is one reason you don't publish as frequently as you used to. No matter what I shall continue sharing my thoughts. AT least there are still readers of your quality.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #10

Dear Debasish Majumder People react to the media.If the media covers the fungus (which is currently a local thorny issue) then you would see much higher levels of engagement. This is a sad fact of life. Big companies, as you mentioned, make huge profits and it serves them to keep things as they are. It is greed. As regarding social distancing it is the most effective measure right now. In Jordan and for the last four days not a single case of infection were reported. However; the social costs and the financial costs are negatively impacting the economy. To be honest, I hope that this virus was not even intentionally manufactured.

Debasish Majumder

منذ 3 سنوات #9

besides we cannot rule out that owing to pandemic most of the companies are almost in the brink of their very existence, while Microsoft and Apple inc. has made huge profit since this lock down period! your buzz is extremely pertinent and surely interesting for readers sir Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee!

Debasish Majumder

منذ 3 سنوات #8

owing to the lock down followed by pandemic for corona, the environment became more fresh with the level of pollution sufficiently reduced. on contrary, a fungus causing great threat to a particular plant in our country recently observed which affects its metabolism, forcing it to face huge detriment and in the verge of death. the reduce in temperature in the available may be the reason for such fungus to become active and impacting its very existence, which is a very useful medicinal plant(Neem). equally in social circle we perhaps not yet can envisage what impact it will produce in post lock down scenario. i wonder, how lock down eventually considered as a most effective to combat this deadly disease and how come social distancing became the only means instead of any diagnostic method and medicines, which is the only way for getting rid of viruses. distancing is directly proportionate to growth and in this case your article is of great paramount. enjoyed your buzz sir Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee and shared. thank you very much for the buzz, precisely for the example of 'Excessive love can yield huge loss'!

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #7

CityVP Manjit I expect the unexpected comments from you. This is a paradox, but I have been accustomed to it. The seeds of your comment might be imported from thousand of miles away, but they have homogenized well in the field of my heart. You wrote "The lesson for companies is that we don't want to cultivate the worst kind of trust - which is blind trust" You focused on the trust factor, which I highlighted in a detailed section of the post. Yes, I warned from blind trust and its repercussions. I agree with you completely. I wonder if you are in the flow state to write a post adding more to your valuable comment. I am longing for it. Rightly you wrote "as will the great diversity of leadership seeds if we keep making economic decisions that are counter to nature". This is precisely why I tend to use based-nature metaphors. Not all foreign seed are of good quality and not all exporters of seeds are authentic. This is our responsibility to verify. With great respect to you, these are my initial elaborations.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #6

Thank you dear Debasish Majumder for your reshare of this post. This particular one exhausted me in its writing, but I enjoyed writing it.

CityVP Manjit

منذ 3 سنوات #5

The problem with the seed analogy is that there are many artificial constructs to organizations that are not as prevalent in agriculture, but in recent years with the rise of genetically modified crops the know-how of farmer regarding seeds is decreasing. That is because that know-how is being transferred to the seed production know-how of corporations. There is greater similarities in what business people do that is not natural to people, than there are brilliant solutions. If anything the failures of adaptation within mainstream business, is being exported to agriculture. Here I introduce SVALBARD. Svalbard is a Norwegian archipelago in the Arctic Ocean and it is now home to the Svalbard Global Seed Vault and as we talk about trust, it is run by a trust company. Trusts like this exist ironically because we cannot trust that the supply of seeds will be continuous. The lesson for companies is that we don't want to cultivate the worst kind of trust - which is blind trust. In the case of seeds there is a vault which can help to save the world from ourselves from seed shortage . This has more to do in my eyes of applying the lesson of sustainability and succession. The seeds of leadership when they are purchased externally come at the cost of internally cultivated leadership. This is where the seed analogy is a good fit, which is when we need to start making longer-term decisions about leadership development. Thanks to Svalbard, the loss of seed diversity is being safeguarded for future generations . That Svalbard mindset is what leadership today needs most, or trust levels in our leaders will continue to fall, as will the great diversity of leadership seeds if we keep making economic decisions that are counter to nature. We need to store Svalbard leadership seeds in our organization, because today the quality of our leadership and trust are falling. trust is dying.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #4

Zacharias \ud83d\udc1d Voulgaris Your comment inspired me with an idea that I"export" to Harvey Lloyd. You were surprised that elements elements are present on the wheel. How about generating the "Personality Traits Wheel" and they interactions. There are sixteen of them. I believe this wheel would help us to see visually the interactions among personalities and the neutral, symbiotic and antagonistic relation among them. As Harvey is the Man who knows a lot about personality traits it shall be interesting to know about his impressions on this idea.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #3

Zacharias \ud83d\udc1d Voulgaris This post has exhausted my energy and in it I tried to sum up many concepts. Your two observations are spot on. Yes, it is surprising that eleven elements are present,but mind do those with long staves are not as important as the short ones. However; it shows the dynamics with time. After a while, if we redraw the barrel we shall find that some elements moved from being short staves to long ones meaning they are less constraining than they were before. Yes, only one gas, but also included are the nitrogen-based compounds. That is the whole idea is to show the dynamics of complexity resulting from the feedback effects (both reinforcing and balancing loops). Your two observations are spot on.

Zacharias 🐝 Voulgaris

منذ 3 سنوات #2

I'll need to loop around this article a few times before I get all of the information in it! for now, I'll comment on two points that piqued my interest: 1. The Elements interacting with each other. It's intriguing that there are 11 of them in the diagram (a quite peculiar number for a graph). Also, just one of them is a gas (N) while all the other ones are in a solid state when at normal conditions of pressure and temperature. 2. All this complexity observed stems for a (relatively small) set of simple principles. This reminds me of Dr. Wolfram's experiments on cellular automata, something worth checking out. Cheers

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #1

Zacharias \ud83d\udc1d Voulgaris This is the post about loops

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