Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات · 2 دقائق وقت القراءة · ~100 ·

مدونة Ali
The Paradox of Life from the Dead

The Paradox of Life from the Dead

The Paradox of Life from the Dead

Ali Anani, PhD

We say our dreams are dead. I say may reawaken and be the source of relief for others. If few plants can do it why could not we? Dead dreams when revived can be the source of new life.

Do not be discouraged if people shutter your dreams and even bury them. We have examples of seeds of ideas that remained buried in the earth for long years, but their values revived so that new knowledge emerged.

There are trees in Australia cold the grass trees. These trees leave their seeds buried in soil and for many years until the dead seeds smell the smoke of fire. They know it is time for them to reawake. Fire burns most of other trees and the germinating dead seeds of the grass tree thrive on the nutrients left behind from the ashes of burnt trees with very little competition for these resources. These seeds know how and when to revive and thrive. The grass tree has Flowers form on a spear-like spike in a spiral arrangement and produce considerable amounts of nectar inviting insects to pollinate them. This is an example of pull-marketing. I just could not stop imagining the spikes of these flowers as the fighters from old times.

We need to exercise self
pruning by dropping out
the leaves of fatse beliefs
and assumptions

Ali Anon, PhO.

Source- grass tree from Wikipedia

It is up to us to allow our seeds of ideas to be dead forever for fear of mocking them, or to publicize them in spite of the unfriendly soil in which those seeds shall fall. Great ideas don’t die and when their times come and the fires of reality comes to burn the long-held, but mistaken beliefs, the seeds of buried ideas shall burst into new life. It is their rebirth.

Some of plants use dead leaves to insulate the living stem from the heat of the harsh fire. This is mind-blowing as the dead are protecting the living! Nature has many tricks in its bags for us to learn from it.


In opposite to the previous strategies some plants are able to do self-pruning by removing the dead leaves for these may act as a fuel to fires and intensify them. I wonder if humans can be equally self-pruning to remove the dead leaves of assumptions and beliefs; else they could be the source for burning us. them. It is not only self-organizing, but also self-pruning.


The previous discussions lead me to say, "Success is the constrained seed in the shell of failure". As I was drafting this post, Pascal Derrien commented on my previous post “Fear of Failure Magnification Effect”. In his brief, but thorough comment, Pascal wrote, “I have stopped using the word failure I call them a misled achievement”. This is another worthy perspective.

Consider each failure as a dead seed buried in a shell in the overlooked soil. The more failures you have, the more seeds shall accumulate in the shell. One day these seeds shall realize that it is their time to break the shell and germinate. Edison who failed thousands of times collected thousands of seeds of failure. All those seeds later germinated in the electric lamp that we are all thankful for Edison and his brilliance to plant the seeds of failure without losing heart.

Keep the seeds of failure for one day they might sprout into your greatest successes. Czeslaw Cimachowski wrote a heart-touching comment on my shared previous post on LinkedIn. In his comment, Czeslaw wrote, “I have learned from my failure a great deal. It was a valuable lesson. I have analyzed the procedure and see the way for an improvement to reduce the risk for another failure in the future”. This is an example of failure serving as a springboard to success.

It is with great pleasure that I dedicate this post to Czeslaw Cimachowski. It was his comment that motivated me to share this post. Czeslaw provided an example of sprouting the seeds of failure to flowers of success.


Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #51

Mohammed Abdul Jawad Yes, and dreams that aren't not pursued shall simply remain dreams and shall not be realized. Dreams come to resting and involved minds, but action is needed to.

Mohammed Abdul Jawad

منذ 3 سنوات #50

When we awaken from our slumber, we recollect our dreams. We forget some, we remember some, and some good dreams often inspire us to transform them into happenings. What matters most is how well you revive, realize, reckon and translate your dreams into realities.

Fay Vietmeier

منذ 3 سنوات #49

Chris \ud83d\udc1d Guest I loved your quote ... perfect also for the poem co-authored by our dear Professor and this bee If you would like to read our collaborative effort "Awakening Dormant Ideas"

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #48

Chris \ud83d\udc1d Guest Thank you also for your reshare of the post. I am grateful to you.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #47

Chris \ud83d\udc1d Guest Your comment my friend coincides with my following comment in which LinkedIn has just notified me that this post is trending. You r comment equally sweetened my heart. I love the idea that some ideas are ahead of their time. I know of movies which failed in attracting audience. Years later the same movies were elevated because their times arrived. You invoke my interest with the Australian example. Will search today for more information.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #46

Appreciation is sweet. Thanks to all readers who sweetened my day with this achievement as per the notification from LinkedIn: Congrats, your post has been trending in #creativity View hashtag

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #45

Fay Vietmeier This paradox of yours dear Fay is worthy copyrighting "The dubious honor). BY the way this could be the title of your next poem.

Fay Vietmeier

منذ 3 سنوات #44

Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee ... you have the dubious honor of being my most faithful "reactor" my dear Professor '~) ... rare to hear from Ian ;~) which is OK ... I'm not an inner-circle bee ;~)

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #43

Fay Vietmeier I hope that both Harvey Lloyd would both react to your dedicated comment.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #42

Fay Vietmeier Thank you for reminding me of the great post of Ian Weinberg and for your excellent quote.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #41

Fay Vietmeier You are most welcome dear Fay. I hope you found my response satisfactory.

Fay Vietmeier

منذ 3 سنوات #40

Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee Thanks for your fine explanation about "commonality through a third party." ;~)

Fay Vietmeier

منذ 3 سنوات #39

Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee With you my dear Professor ... I say "Amen" to your reply ot Harvey Lloyd "in every line there is wisdom" Great Segway to "the paradox of life from the dead" "Dead and deadlock" ... We stay dormant in our position. Long-term dormancy is deathlike. "if we are not trained to do so while young how could we do it when the gel of our habits solidify" ... some rich insights found here:

Fay Vietmeier

منذ 3 سنوات #38

Harvey Lloyd Without fail, I always walk away from your comments with a rich seed-thoughts Harvey ... thank you ... wisdom & inspiration that lands in my "pearl-holder" ... ... your comments here will fuel a future post ;~) That is why your are "the best of bees" Getting our brain to focus on new habits of understanding is a process of learning... Understanding can emerge from chaos ~ Harvey Lloyd I somehow happened upon a post from Ian Weinberg for 2016 that ties in with your comments ... it is so excellent I'm sharing it

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #37

Harvey Lloyd To relate your comment with the title of this post I am drafting a post on the inspiration your comment provided me with. Dead and deadlock This is a situation in which no progress and advancement can be made. We stay dormant in our position. Long-term dormancy is deathlike.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #36

Harvey Lloyd To relate your comment with the title of this post I am drafting a post on the inspiration your comment provided me with. Dead and deadlock This is a situation in which we no progress and advancement can be mads. We stay dormant in our position. Long-term dormancy is deathlike. .

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #35

Harvey Lloyd There are are comments that I wish to leave alone because they stand out on their own. Your comment here is an example of what I mean. In every line there is a wisdom. I can write a book on these wisdom. Three points captured my attention: 1- "Getting our brain to focus on new habits of understanding is a process of learning". This is a key issue for teachers, students, coaches and trainers as well as managers. It is also what parents need to do at home with their kids. We discuss eating habits and other habits, but we leave out a crucial habit and that is of learning and understanding. How to install these habits and grow out of there shell are questions that we should focus more time on. I am sure Harvey your thoughts here. 3- "But if we look at the habit of learning then failure is a integral process within the journey of understanding." This times up with my question above. Without understanding the value of "habit learning" how could we persuade all those parties concerned to give due attention to this important issue? 3- "With each new adventure comes need/want, chaos, understanding, generalization and then wisdom/order."- Precisely,if we are not trained to do so while young how could we do it when the gel of our habits solidify> Great comment yours is my friend.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 3 سنوات #34

Failure and learning seem to share many qualities. Can we learn without failure or trail and error. If we do not allow the confirmation bias of variables outside of the learning to taint our thoughts, i believe learning is possible. Many trial and error understandings can generalize to the next set of goals. Getting our brain to focus on new habits of understanding is a process of learning. If we measure failure by material values only, then failure is a stand alone on or off position. But if we look at the habit of learning then failure is a integral process within the journey of understanding. Our multiplication tables looked quite daunting in 3rd grade. By 12 grade our mind had adapted to certain generalizations that allowed us to see outcomes. With each new adventure comes need/want, chaos, understanding, generalization and then wisdom/order. Along this journey we fight not only our own biases but the bias of those around us. Understanding can emerge from chaos. This understanding can be positive or negative. In most cases those who do not see the want/need for understanding will not understand the risk you are taking. So naturally their bias would indicate the risk is not worth the understanding. Over years nature has worked through these issues. We should look at nature from outcomes, but we should also look at the evolutionary role that time plaid in getting nature to the point we observe. Each human must also evolve. Allowing outside bias to stop our growth and understanding would be counter productive. Great thoughts as always, Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #33

Fay Vietmeier In science, we say there is n strong bonding between two people; it is always stronger through a third party. One example is the soap you your hands with. Water is unable to wash off oil. Soap is the third party for it bonds to both water and the oily dirt. A married couple may strengthen their relationship through a third party (the kids) If I say I agree with you Fay it is a direct. But of a third party (the bridging person) says the same thing as both of us do then the third party is the evidence that we didn't flatter each other. Some people may say they agree because they are friends. When an established third party voices the same thoughts then it is more credible. I hope I explained what I meant my dear friend.

Fay Vietmeier

منذ 3 سنوات #32

Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee Not sure what you meant my dear Professor by this "It is interesting that people find commonality through a third party."

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #31

Fay Vietmeier I didn't share my response to Charlotte's comment. I see the problem as you see it. It is interesting that people find commonality through a third party.

Fay Vietmeier

منذ 3 سنوات #30

Ali 🐝 Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee Thank you for sharing the comment by @Charlotte Wittenkampp "The thought this brought up for me was the prize of taking too much ownership to ones ideas. If it becomes MY idea and nobody is are allowed to play around with it, it may die. But if my ideas as seeds are spread around, somebody else may pick them up and plant them in more fertile soil than I would be able to. Rich insight about human nature is revealed here ... and fear and even pride I have witnessed this behavior ... as I'm sure you have Integrity about where a "seed"was found ... is utmost IMHO ... the seed-planters should always acknowledge where they find a seed ... how they find a seed ... seeds of earnest, honest collaboration are more like;y to flourish

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #29

Fay Vietmeier Yes, and I look forward to reading your resolution dear Fay.

Fay Vietmeier

منذ 3 سنوات #28

Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee W.O.W. M.O.M Very excellent my dear Professor and Harvey Lloyd I have a place in my "pearl-holder" for this wisdom Regression or resolve? I'm going to work on this ;~)

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #27

Fay Vietmeier @Charlotte Wittenkampp commented on this post on LinkedIn that I find relevant to your thoughts here. She wrote" 1st degree connection 1st "The thought this brought up for me was the prize of taking too much ownership to ones ideas. If it becomes MY idea and nobody is are allowed to play around with it, it may die. But if my ideas as seeds are spread around, somebody else may pick them up and plant them in more fertile soil than I would be able to. With thanks to Karthik Rajan for his story of not fearing ridicule for half-baked ideas".

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #26

Fay Vietmeier Yes, truth lies in front of us, but we want to see what we want to see. It is like an image and asking people to say what is most interesting about it. The answer maybe very obvious, but many people see the less relevant parts of the image.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #25

Fay Vietmeier Your last comment reminds me of my post "The weaknesses in strengths". This post shows where people roll back mostly to their old habits. The stages people go into (this is a joint effort with Harvey Lloyd" are the following: · Conviction- the awareness that something in you has to change. · Revelation- is the realization of what the required changes entail. · Regression- is it the step that determines if you would roll back to what you are, or be determinant enough to move forward and explore the unknown future. This is analogous to the rate-determining step in chemical reactions. · Courage- you become more courageous as your self-awareness enhances to keep you moving forward. · Execution- is the trial and error stances you experience. It is like going up a hill, the peak of which is regression. This is where most people falter and return to their bad habits.

Fay Vietmeier

منذ 3 سنوات #24

Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee Sadly & to their detriment: "mostly people to look for evidences that support their arguments. Human nature hasn't changed for long times." "Seeking the truth" This should be a life mission What is truth? ~ Pilot How very often does Truth stand before us ... but we are unable to recognize ... unable to see (blindness is very often chosen) But then one would not be able to recognize that either

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #23

Fay Vietmeier I love your description "complacent mushrooms". This is very reflective description. With sound observations you concluded "It continues to be my observance of human nature that people see what they want to see and hear what they want to hear ... because they love what they love". This is a what we describe as "confirmation bis". Instead of seeking the truth and move out of the darkness of illusion mostly people to look for evidences that support their arguments. Human nature hasn't changed for long times.

Fay Vietmeier

منذ 3 سنوات #22

Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee Which brings us back to The fact that “self-pruning” requires HONEST, skilled gardeners RARE: is the person who does "self-pruning" ... The world is filled with complacent mushrooms ... happy to be who they are ... where they are ... in the dark Even if they don't understand their state or condition “In the beginning, there was nothing. And God said, “Let there be light.” And there was light. There was still nothing, but you could see it a lot better.” — Woody Allen It continues to be my observance of human nature that people see what they want to see and hear what they want to hear ... because they love what they love (even if it is to their detriment ... self above God / creation above Creator) ... LIFE is all about the heart ... ... destiny is all about the heart ... “Man prefers to believe what he prefers to be true.” — Francis Bacon

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #21

Fay Vietmeier Your comments brings back the Carl Jung's work to my mind and the role of ego and long pat (shadow) shape our lives. Yes. no problem dear Fay maybe solved if not recognized. In fact, the "full cup" syndrome suggests that we even make the problem worse than before. Whether our major is strongly influenced by our buried past and its shadowing effect or our present ego we need to understand where we stand and then start a difficult, but needed journey to reform ourselves (self-pruning included)

Fay Vietmeier

منذ 3 سنوات #20

Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee I agree my dear Professor "we do waste time with false assumptions" ... and false beliefs The ongoing challenge is awareness ... no one would admit they hold "false assumptions" or wrong beliefs that may be sincerely held Sincerity is NOT a test of TRUTH In part pride plays a part ... the other is level of consciousness The lowest level of consciousness is unconscious incompetence ... a person does not know that they do not know (in essence they are walking in the dark as regards understanding ... as regards truth) In truth everyone from “full-cup” syndrome at various stages in life and to various degrees. One key is recognition: honest assessment and a desire to grow beyond what holds you back … keeps you from becoming your “best you” If truth be told: at best, our ability to honestly assess is flawed ;~) Another is your level of consciousness: The greatest achievement of humanity is not in technology, art or science. It is in the growing recognition of its own ego-based dysfunction. How we communicate has everything to do with our level of consciousness. No one can act beyond their level of consciousness. The dysfunction of our ego-based mind has been magnified through science and technology.” ~ Phil Johnson “Recognition of ego-based dysfunction” … requires looking inward: looking at the whole human being: Heart & soul (mind-will-emotions)

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #19

Fay Vietmeier I start my day by wishing you sweet dreams and as much as your comment sweetened my day dear Fay. We waste our time by adopting false assumptions. Either we make use by these assumptions and turn them to wisdom or we drop them. Holding them for long times is just a waste. We assume and we hypothesize in search for explanations or verification. However; holding to them instead of dropping them like a skilled gardener we lose the search for verification and we lose our path..

Fay Vietmeier

منذ 3 سنوات #18

Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee My favorite was: “We need to exercise self-pruning by dropping out the leaves of false beliefs & assumptions” ~ Ali Anani If only that were possible ;~) Such “self-pruning” requires HONEST, skilled gardeners The rub is that one can “believe” rightly or wrongly ... just as we can make right or wrong “assumptions“ “Man prefers to believe what he prefers to be true.” — Francis Bacon Jesus said: “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful” ~ John 15 Pruning produces fruitfulness ... new growth Being pruned requires submitting to the process ... understanding the benefit of cutting away what is not fruitful

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #17

#16 If you do then please tag me. I am interested

Jerry Fletcher

منذ 3 سنوات #16

I ahve written about some of my largest failures in my regular posts. I think the greatest was in shifting to a positioning line as the Brand Poobah. It tested well in initial trials but in very short order I learned that it had no solid memorability. People liked it and thought it was a delightful play on words but they quickly lost the word Poobah from memory. It was an idea full of promise that died from alack of continued interest.There are others, to be sure, over a career that spans half a century. Perhaps I should tell some of those stories in upcoming posts. I'll think on it. And so it goes.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #15

Jerry Fletcher Dear friend Jerry, I dare ask you now about the failures in encountered in your business and how you bounced back. I am sure you have memories to write many posts about.

Jerry Fletcher

منذ 3 سنوات #14

Dr. Ali, You remind me of advice offered to entrepreneurs, "To succeed you must and frequently." And so it goes.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #13

Thank you Neil Smith for your reshare of the post. It is well-appreciated

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #12

CityVP Manjit I must admit that your comments always shine a light in my heart. Yes, we create wastes = tangible and intangible. If I publish a post that is waste of time then I am wasting my time and the readers' time. Procrastination is another form of intangible wastes. The combined intangible wastes that we make who can re-invest them? They are gone in the wind. This is why your comment and coupled with that of John Rylance make me pause and think. In your comment you stated that "allowing ourselves to understand this brings us to a wholly different kind of wisdom that is still relatively unexplored - which is good news for human beings - because there is wisdom to explore in poop & death". If we lack the wisdom for the tangible wastes, would we be able to grasp the value of tangible wastes that we humans create?

CityVP Manjit

منذ 3 سنوات #11

#5 I learned some time ago that waste is a natural part of any process but after reading John Rylance's response it made me think about the role animal poop in the world. Our human attitude to waste is extraordinarily wasteful compared to how nature handles it, and so having inquired into what happens to the world's animal poop I learned about the nutrient cycle. Apart from the phrase "nutrient cycle" being so much more on mark than simply describing poop as waste, it also shows me relatively how disconnected we all are from natural existence and therefore how wide the gap still is between natural existence and human existence . Then when I move from poop to the role of death in nature, it is even more profound and this is what this particular buzz really drives home - that just allowing ourselves to understand this brings us to a wholly different kind of wisdom that is still relatively unexplored - which is good news for human beings - because there is wisdom to explore in poop & death.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #10

I appreciate greatly your reshare of the post dear Mohammed Abdul Jawad

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #9

it is not a vulgar example, It is a vivid one, What is the life time of a tweet? However; studying them as a whole reveals the hidden gems/

Zacharias 🐝 Voulgaris

منذ 3 سنوات #8

At the risk of appearing a bit vulgar, here is another example of getting life out of something dead: Twitter feeds. Seriously, there is a lot of research on how various data analytics professionals (particularly data scientists) analyze Twitter data on a particular topic, for example, as a way to explore sentiment analysis methods and techniques. The feeds themselves may be dead data, most of it ridden with typos and all sorts of noise, yet as a whole, it can be a source of interesting insights. Cheers

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #7

Thank you John Rylance for your appreciated share of the post

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #6

Debasish Majumder I thank you again for your wonderful reshare of the post

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #5

John Rylance You are so rich with relevant examples. The insects one is super and makes me wonder how they managed to do this. Yes, the rotten dead providing succour is another great example. You do enrich the posts with your comments.

John Rylance

منذ 3 سنوات #4

Compost:- The rotting dead providing succour to new life. Manure:- Providing sustenance to emerging growth. Examples in the first one life cycle helping to start a new life cycle. The second a recycling of waste products to improve the quality of maturing produce. What sprung to mind when writing this was how insects have long practiced recycling turning dead branches like the one in your picture into habitable dwellings.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #3

Spot on about antifragility dear Zacharias \ud83d\udc1d Voulgaris. What is greater than bringing life from the dead. This is antifragility at its highest level.

Zacharias 🐝 Voulgaris

منذ 3 سنوات #2

Well, this is very congruent with the ideas brewing lately in my mind. Definitely a link with antifragility there. More on that in the next article I post :-)

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #1

Pascal Derrien- you are quoted in this post

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