Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات · 2 دقائق وقت القراءة · 0 ·

مدونة Ali
The Syndrome of Balance

The Syndrome of Balance

of Balance

Ali Anani

Does balance have its own syndrome? This question is keeping my mind busy. Let us take an example to explain my question. If somebody is successful in whatever he/she does then this person will develop the feelings he/she makes sound decisions and that his/her successes resulted from wise decision-making. On the opposite extreme we have a person suffering from repeated failures. What would happen? The result is the Repeated Failure Syndrome. This is contrasting the Repeated Success Syndrome.

Repeated Failure qj Repeated Success

To have successes without experiencing failure will eventually fire back. The focus will tend to be more self-focused. Take may successful businesses that scored repeated success and what happened to them. These companies became less focused on the customers and meeting their wants and needs. Those companies were carried by the waves of success that eventually drowned them. We are biological beings and failure in our trail and error experimentations is part of the success that eventually emerges. We need to look at the positive faces of failure. We know what doesn’t work and we the opportunity to be creative in generating new approaches and ideas.

We know how to treat the bitterness in our mouths and throats. There are different approaches to remove this bitterness such as using acid-reflux, certain chemicals such as salts to scrap off any food residues and to kill bacteria that causes stimulate the bitterness of the mouth. We can do the same to deal with the bitterness of failures. This is only possible if we believe in that there is no success without failure and that we can scrap off the residues of failures from our minds. 

We need to re-frame our thinking about failure and have the right mindset for it if we are to succeed.
Ali Anani

Going to the extremes of experiencing repeated success will cause us to suffer from the syndrome of success leading tour failure. The seeds of failure are there and will spawn when the right conditions are available.

I would say that if I experience no failure I should seek failures to keep my balance and turn my failures into the greatest success stories.
Ali Anani

Recent studies have shown that very successful collaborations may lead to less successes. Swinging to the extreme is dangerous. According to The Harvard Business Review article studies, the more colleagues who considered the person an effective source of information and the more colleagues who wanted greater access to that person, the less engaged that person was at work. When you feel you are on an extreme look for the troubles that may result.

Failure is the inoculation to success
Ali Anani

The challenges of staying in balance between opposites such as success and failure are worthy of consideration. The balance we seek is the outcome of many interacting forces. A balance disorder is a condition that makes you feel unsteady or dizzy. If you are standing, sitting, or lying down, you might feel as if you are moving, spinning, or floating. If you are walking, you might suddenly feel as if you are tipping over. We need to restore our body balance. This is a complex task. There are many balance disorders that we don’t understand their causes yet. There are many interacting agents that synchronize to send signals to the brain that keep us in balance. Do we seek balances to put us in the risk of going out of balance? Do we get more vulnerable to risks of losing our balance when we are in balance? Is this Syndrome of Balance?

Till we understand what causes our bodies to lose balance we may then be able to understand why our societies are losing balance.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #52

Yes, co-existence at any point of time, but in different proportions. We shouldn't be carried away that success exists alone.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #51

My answer to your question my friend on "why can't the "failing" be considered times of learning and the times of "success" be the application of those learning"? is simply deep thinking to which I agree.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #50


CityVP Manjit

منذ 6 سنوات #49

"Best Practices" are never best because they are predicated on followership rather than on leadership. If I am the leader of a best practice, it is the follower who has the best practice, but the best practice was the original one.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #48

We need to have a release valve and let things go to feel fulfilled. Spot on Proma \ud83d\udc1d Nautiyal

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #47

Thank you Tausif Mundrawala for your confidence, sharing of your experiences and the buzz and for commenting again after a while. Yes, you know by your living experiences that success has a precursor. That is repeating failures. There are rarely fortunate immediate successes and we have to understandnd that success and failure are the two sides of the coin.

Proma Nautiyal

منذ 6 سنوات #46

I agree, Harvey can answer all questions but when it comes to the spiritual realm, science rarely has the answers. I really liked the beautiful analogy you drew with your example of a car and how it is perceived by scientists as against the way the family will view or rather live the experience. It is true that happiness lies in things. Material things bring us happiness that we feel in our heart. But true fulfillment is something we feel in our bones. Fulfillment to me is pure bliss, feeling weightless, free, standing in a limitless expanse with no horizon, and all this comes not from buying a dress, a watch, a phone, or a vacation. This happens in meditation. One can experience fulfillment only when they let go.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #45

I realize this difficulty of staying in balance when I comment on your touch and thoughtful buzzes Savvy Raj

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #44

- Best practices in one situation could be the worst practice in another one. Just if we focus on the world best we are assuming best for all times and situations. This is a fixed assumption in a rapidly-changing world, which can easily lead us astray. I understand your stand on this issue CityVP \ud83d\udc1d Manjit. We human too may behave our "behavior inflection point" and excessive pride of success (hubris" or prolonged inferiority complex could lead to changing our signs on the behavior curve.

CityVP Manjit

منذ 6 سنوات #43

The machinations between success and failure are the most interesting and an example of one of those machinations is the subject of paranoia. The late and distinguished thinker Andy Grove wrote a book about this called "Only the Paranoid Survive" There is a word for people who engage repeated success syndrome and that word is hubris. There is many a story of organizations falling victim to hubris without even remotely trying to find a corrolary to the David vs Goliath story. There is equally stories of people who engage repeated failure syndrome and that is an inferiority complex that plagues organizations also. Why organizations can be less than what their talent should be expressing is identifiable by such an organizational mind. It is perhaps why one of the reasons I am not personally enamored by the term "best practices".

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #42

It is an interesting metaphor Jerry Fletcher. Once we stop either we pull off the string or there shall be no movement. May also help to think of other spinning objects such as en electron. Another possibility is to study the spin effect such as the Magnus effect

Jerry Fletcher

منذ 6 سنوات #41

Ali, You make me think of the metaphor I've used to explain how marketing works. It is the kid's gyroscope. Spin it up and it takes on a life of it's own standing without assistance and moving along the path you started it on. One pull of the string is not enough to keep it going forever. It fails when it loses spin. But it can be spun up again if you have the string.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #40

This is a beautiful term " Leveraging fear" and you make me think . Yes, I agree. We tend to multiply our fear. The fear of losing is more impacting than the joy of expecting profits. Yes, we need to leverage fear and you open our minds to many great discussions. The de-motivation resulting from excessive fear can't be underestimated. We know that as the complexity of our world increases so the possibility of the failure of our plans. It is accepting trial and error. Many trials shall fall before success shines.

Liesbeth Leysen, MSc.

منذ 6 سنوات #39

agree Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee openness is healthy.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #38

"The latter opens the door for dialogue understanding and growth. The former represents the current day discussion type". Yes, and this is what I wished to highlight myself. We want open doors. The dynamics of closed doors are different than those for open doors (closed systems versus open systems).

Liesbeth Leysen, MSc.

منذ 6 سنوات #37

dear Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee thanks for the remark, which makes me smile. We will see. I love writing and the way I write comes naturally. Thank you.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #36

Great to read a comment at last by you . You are a wise lady as evidenced by your buzz of today, which I commented and shared few minutes ago. By the way you changed slightly your writing style as I find no one word sentences in your buzz. But still you have a fingerprint-like style.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 6 سنوات #35

My thought here is the mechanics of empathy. I choke on the word in certain contexts but here i believe it applies. Your expectations of the 50 and your child received a 90 represents a great break through within your child's development. I on the other hand demand 90+ and get a 89 from my child. I am less than enthusiastic. How would your and my conversation go as we discussed these two scenarios. Would you see me as hard and i you being to lax. Or would we see two people seeking the same goal with two different methods? The latter opens the door for dialogue understanding and growth. The former represents the current day discussion type. Empathy in this narrow view is a tool we can use to establish each others position, goals and methods. But if each of us start out with the hard/soft projection i wouldn't think we get to open dialog as we would be defending our positions.

Liesbeth Leysen, MSc.

منذ 6 سنوات #34

wonderful article Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee I would say every experience makes us to who we are. Failure is a form of growth and we always find a new balance. Well done and proud of you!

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #33

I would also consider expectations. If I expect my son to score 80 and he scores ninety is different if I expect him to score 50 and then the surprise with him scoring 90. May be this is sort of situational analysis as the situation for somebody else might be different.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 6 سنوات #32

Valid question and my answer would be yes. But the reality that i speak too is the one whereby we attribute success to others as a matter of fulfillment. A lady Psychologist here discussed that when we see another person all that is good and bad is addressed as character qualities or issues. When we look at self we measure our own character by circumstances. My behavior is acceptable because.......... This ties in here as we cant look at another's success, assume fulfillment, and then extrapolate i would be too. In sticking too the metaphor each opal has undergone a different history, so goes the human. So each is unique and fulfillment will be different. Why this hair splitting? Social media and politics have recognized the construct, what i call projection, of character vs situational experiences. We can attach to the character narrative within an emotional experience or we can look at the situations that are driving the extrinsic character we see. Media and politicians use our projection default to engage our emotions and forget the situation. An individual acting our of desperation to save another's life is different than a person doing the exact same thing for fun. Both outcomes were the same, but the motivation was extremely different. We could take each story though and either exploit the situation or the outcome. I honor those who have accomplished much in career or fiance etc. But i don't necessarily attribute that they are being fulfilled within their paradigm. I have seen miserable rich and poor and also seen happy rich and poor. Often times we project what we want to believe onto others. Not necessarily a bad thing. But the surprise in when we meet success but for some reason its just not satisfying as we earlier proposed.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #31

Even though your comment is addressed to Proma \ud83d\udc1d Nautiyal I find it very interesting and worthy of building on. Success has many faces depending on its type and the individual concerned. When we say success does it have one color? Is success multi-faceted that look differently depending on our position of viewing it or the angle at which we view it? Like Opal it gives different colors depending on its constituents, arrangements, particle size distribution and the angle at which we view it. Does success mean fulfillment for some people and less for others? You bring a great issue to the discussion Harvey Lloyd

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 6 سنوات #30

"Struggle is integral to life." If ever there was an absolute we could pretty much bet on, this is it. I believe where we are challenged is within the word success. There is financial, career and social success. Success does not equal fulfillment. Your question posed is the part of science that scientists can not answer. Science would have us believe that if all the mitigating circumstances are seen as successful, then you are fulfilled. You may be happy in a given set of circumstances but fulfillment is more a mystery/spiritual thing that none can define for another. Happiness is attached to some form of extrinsic values each of us set based on our narrative. Fulfillment though is something that deep in our psychy our belief systems and values get triggered and confirmed. Inside of balance within happiness and fulfillment is Facebook or media in general. We survey the landscape of what others have posted and scale our happiness, we change behaviors and actions to better increase our happiness. This activity though does not always translate to fulfillment. This has been openly discussed about the current status of social media and its cause and effect understanding of emotional challenges. IMHO your question is not only valid but deserves to be well ahead of any science. Science would have us believe they have discovered all about the human dynamic. Unfortunately they know lots about mechanics that they purvey is all we need. They can describe the car at the molecular level but cant quite grasp why families experience love and a deep sense of connection within the vacation they take, in the car.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #29

I believe if we perform a study on achievers and how they became successful then the truth of your comment shall be revealed on a greater dimension Proma \ud83d\udc1d Nautiyal

Proma Nautiyal

منذ 6 سنوات #28

Thank you for sharing your thought and the example from your life, sir. This certainly reinforces the way I think about success and the role failures and problems play in making success even sweeter.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #27

If we just remember our own successes and their stories then my belief is that there is no genuine sweet success without the bitterness of failure Proma \ud83d\udc1d Nautiyal. Repeated successes without failure shall lead to the Success Syndrome. I recall my PhD work and MSc. research work and I thrive on the latter more. My research for my master degree was truly challenging as I was preparing a known compound, but all analysis were inconsistent with the structure of the compound. It was supposed to have a benzene ring, but it didn't. Later, the research revealed that the benzene ring opened and formed a new chemical. That anomalous behavior led to many interesting research work. My PhD research went smoothly without such challenges. Which taught me more? Certainly it was my master research because it prepared me to accept challenges as great opportunities. This is why your line resonates with me strongly "Standing up to challenges, rising when we fall, and swimming against the current to reach our goals is what defines success to me. Struggle is integral to life".

Proma Nautiyal

منذ 6 سنوات #26

There is no true success when there has been no true failure. Standing up to challenges, rising when we fall, and swimming against the current to reach our goals is what defines success to me. Struggle is integral to life. In our culture, we often believe that a person has to see struggle at least once in their lifetime, either the first half or the second. It is always better to see it in the first half of our lives when we have the blessings and support of parents, and our family close. This is just a thought, which reinforces our belief in the fact that struggle in continuous and only when one has tasted failure at the hands of struggle will they ever know success. We anticipate struggle and failure and for those of whom life has come easy and success has been a constant, well, they are truly blessed and they must have earned those blessings by being a truly kind soul, throughout. I know this does not make a lot of sense, scientifically, but I would love to know your thoughts on this school of thought, @Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee. Thank you for sharing this insightful piece!

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #25

The illusion of thinking we are dynamic when we are in fact in a static phase. Being frozen by fear, habits, old behaviors and old thinking may lead us to think that we are moving, regardless if this movement is keeping us where we started. I wonder if there is a name for being static in an illusion of moving without moving. May be managers differ from leaders because leaders don't fall in this trap.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 6 سنوات #24

Change, pushing into new areas or customer dynamic change often places us in a static mode when we thought we were being dynamic. Markets evolve and change, only means that our compass has changed. I am always challenged when folks get stuck within a plan when they hit the static speed bumps. Its almost as if they thought they had the perfect plan. All plans are at best 50%. The other 50% is the opportunity to find new ideas and dynamic success. But and this is a big but, folks don't like to know that a plan is 50% they need boundaries and direction. Free range on the unknowns can separate the managers from the leaders very quickly.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #23

The need for us to pause, to breathe, to clean our mind's cache may be static, but they are the dynamos of wise decision-making. I am trying to hold as many balls of your thoughts Harvey Lloyd and I might miss few of them. If I pause it is only to expand my thoughts into a buzz.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 6 سنوات #22

Static time or as i call it strategic time is always part of the way forward. But becoming static is easy as pressures mount. One thing that helped me along the way was to lay decision out on a time line. Managers would bring all the issues at once. We would discuss when the choices needed to be made. Lay them out and then begin the dynamic journey forward through the decisions. Leadership always has to catch the ball, it doesn't mean you have to hold onto all of them. Pushing decisions into their appropriate time zone helps with deflating anxious managers. This often will refire the dynamic engine.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #21

I couldn't express it better than you did Harvey Lloyd "Failure only wins when we become static within the failure. When we stay dynamic within success failure is merely a decision point". I wonder now what is the balance between static and dynamic? This is a point that I believe is worthy of exploring. We need static points to make decisions.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 6 سنوات #20

Success and failure both represent a journey over time. Sometimes we seem too forget the fact that each began many days, months or years ago. Success is a dynamic setting that the balance is truly maintained with vision. Failure is a part of the journey. Failure only wins when we become static within the failure. When we stay dynamic within success failure is merely a decision point. You made me sense a jungle of obstacles, vantage points and opportunities as i read. We can speak of balance in regard to the rear view mirror but going forward, balance is in dynamic vision and failure, a new direction is needed. You bring forward interesting points Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #19

Great thoughts Lisa Vanderburg. Like joy has many different levels. Hope fear and all emotions are alike in that they have different levels. It is for simplicity that we pair them. The emotions ladder , emotional mapping and the emotional wheel show this clearly. So, may be others have already drawn them in different charts my friend.

Lisa Vanderburg

منذ 6 سنوات #18

Are pairs (can't believe I'm going to say this....) enough? Begging your pardon Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee, but we need a sphere, no? Failure and success are huge; in between there are many levels of choice/indecision/ineptitude/want/wont/desire/hope/realism/idealism. And don't forget about individualism :) Pie-chart that, my friend!! :)

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #17

Is it different from racing or swimming competitions where the difference between first or not is sometimes a fraction of a second?

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #16

Absolutely dear Lisa Vanderburg we need to think in terms of pairs. Joy and sadness, love and hate, rich and poor, success and failure and up and down. This is necessary if we are to have any balance in our lives. Even when we maintain balance how to keep it is the question. We tend to follow the trend of first few attempts. If they are failure then we extrapolate the failure without realizing it may curve up to success. Our mindsets must be in the right order to thank in a balanced way.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #15

The whole idea for humans is to accept balance as a fact of life as gravity is. Having only successes without failures to learn from or to think of new ideas and approaches is impossible. Success emerges from failure and what we call failure could be the first step for success. If we think in pairs together such as success and failure then our emotional as mental balance shall be closer to reality.

Lisa Vanderburg

منذ 6 سنوات #14

I'm thinking success v failure in business is pretty straight forward; not so much in life. But, is this what you meant Debasish Majumder...I could be wrong? Your great question gave me pause; found this: Be well my friend!

John Rylance

منذ 6 سنوات #13

Parameters of success and failure are often individual. At a High Jump competition two high jumpers one fails at 2meters one clears it but fails at the next height. For the former he experienced success having cleared the previous height 1 m 98, a personal best. The latter experienced failure as he expected to clear a height of 2m 20.#12

Lisa Vanderburg

منذ 6 سنوات #12

'Failure is the inoculation to success' is a marvellous analogy, Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee! I should think this applies to every aspect of our lives and the very best people I know understand that life is not to be wrestled down or controlled, it's a journey of exploration that one accepts as gravity - what goes up must come down. Thrilling!

Debasish Majumder

منذ 6 سنوات #11

i cannot understand the parameter which determines the success or failures Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee. which we may termed as failure could be successful for one who might have different notion, unlike the traditional parameter of success. syndrome itself have contrasting characters as the same time. now the question is, which one we may give priority to. obviously, i guess, which is having the potential to emerge as predominant one. i wonder, is there any existence of any element or any living organism, who can identify us as human beings? the crux is, we are supreme and we should tend to dispense our service towards people who are our only source of subsistence. however, as usual brainstorming buzz indeed sir. enjoyed read and shared. thank you for the buzz sir.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #10

I have now a place to hang my hat

John Rylance

منذ 6 سنوات #9

While perhaps the song quote was perhaps lighthearted, the premise to me holds good. When I worked with children with special needs parents were much happier and accepting if the problems could be linked to a specific syndrome. It may not have provided all the answers, but was a good starting point. (Somewhere to hang your hat) Further more it is always better to talk about children with special needs than a special needs child. Likewise someone with balance problems, than an unbalanced person.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #8

Your reading of the buzz is comprehensive Bill King. Yes, when there are few talents left people tend to overburden them with questions. They end up having less and less times to focus on their own work. This is the Syndrome of Being Talented, if you agree with this term that I have just coined. Your observation that there are more businesses falling during recovery than during slowdowns is an astute one. Your explanation is sound. I have never thought of this, but now I shall.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #7

This is a new thinking and the example of the song is relevant. WOW! I have to ponder on this more.

John Rylance

منذ 6 سنوات #6

Perhaps it's because having a syndrome makes us feel, be, appear special. Remember the Officer Krupke song in West Side Story and the gang members delight in having a social disease. We are all looking out for something which makes us stand out in the crowd#2

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #5

I just remembered the post of Debasish Majumder. The background image has a beautiful Brainy Quote. It says "It requires wisdom to understand wisdom". I say "It requires balance to understand balance".

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #4

This was my thinking till I compared balancing our works, societies with how we attempt to restore our body balance. Being such a complex system, the fragility of our body balance is uncovered by the difficulty we try to restore it for many interacting factors. I read a lot on this topic and is worthy a buzz on its own.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #3

Great and living example of the Syndrome of Succcess John Rylance. Spot on analysis as we need to get people out of the comfort zone of their success to experience real life.

Pascal Derrien

منذ 6 سنوات #2

Why does it need to be framed under/around a syndrome system can balance in absolute terms not be just balance an auto regulated entity?

John Rylance

منذ 6 سنوات #1

A Head Teacher noticed how many of the Schools Staight A students found difficulties in coping with University. When the Head discussed this with the former pupils, realised the problem was they rarely if ever experienced failure at School. So when "pushed to the limit" they lacked the skills to cope with failure. As a result the School built into the curriculum aspects which would take the students out of their comfort zone and discussed with them why they failed and what to learn from the experience.

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