Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات · 2 دقائق وقت القراءة · ~10 ·

مدونة Ali
The Weaknesses in Strengths

The Weaknesses in Strengths

velation Courage

Great discussions stir the mind and enhances our self-awareness. This is what I experienced from the great discussions on my previous buzz “Different, but Similar”. I refer to a great comment by Harvey Lloyd that prompted me to seek more self-awareness. In his comment, Harvey referred to the cycle of self-improvement. It includes the steps of:

· Conviction- the awareness that something in you has to change.

· Revelation- is the realization of what the required changes entail.

· Regression- is it the step that determines if you would roll back to what you are, or be determinant enough to move forward and explore the unknown future. This is analogous to the rate-determining step in chemical reactions.

· Courage- you become more courageous as your self-awareness enhances to keep you moving forward.

· Execution- is the trial and error stances you experience.

57% CEE— 43%

EXTRAVERTED INTROVERTED Below- my resuits from
https //www truity com/test/big-five-personaiity-

73% CEE 27%

To the left- my results from

INTUITIVE OBSERVANT https / 16 alfies cor
33% EE 67%
33% EE 67%
57% CEE 43%


This dialogue captured the attention of Cyndi wilkins, who wrote We are exactly what we choose to be in any given moment...Whether we are aware of it or not. We can either create unconsciously or consciously...The latter of course, being the more effective approach for creating desired outcomes. This requires becoming 'self-aware'...The 'blinders' have to come off”.

The above-discussions prompted me to go on the journey of enhancing my self-awareness. I took two tests to find out who I am and if I am aware enough of who I am. The next image combines the findings of the two tests:


The results aren’t exact science, but at least they show my strengths and the embedded weaknesses within. For example, I am very much more open to new experiences. This could result in my spending too much time on “dreaming” the future and ignoring completing the job on hand. I need to work with somebody who is more judging than prospecting. When we move close to one extreme, we may create a need for the balancing opposite to work with us and give us more stability and maturity.

To make the results more relevant to the discussions in this buzz I may conclude that if I reach the regression stage then the chances that I move on to the next phases are high. The difficulty for me is reaching the regression stage. I need first to enhance my conviction of where I stand and what I need to change in myself. My revelation of what change entails will require me to seek help from those who “fills” the gaps in me so that I may climb the mountain and reach the regression stage. Once their I maybe on an easier path towards changing self.


Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #65

Thank you for your appraisal of the buzz Michael E Parker. I welcome you to beBee society

Michael E Parker

منذ 4 سنوات #64

This is a great post. I think it's important to find out more about yourself and understand how your strengths can play into your weaknesses and vice-versa.

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #63

@Karen Wedding- are you new to beBee? If so, you are most welcome as your comment reflects your deep thinking. Honestly, we need more people of your caliber. I checked if you published any buzz before and apparently not. Your comment reflects your diversified experiences. You have what it takes to adapt- agility and diversity. "I loved what you wrote "Most recently self exploration has taught me that many of the skills attained through leadership training can be applied in ones personal life". This is a valid conclusion and if one fails to lead self shall not be able to lead others. There is one issue to add here that when we lead people there are interactions among them and different forms of feedback result. However; the validity of your statement remains high. I thank you for your insightful comment and I do look forward to read your contributions here.

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #62

Proma \ud83d\udc1d Nautiyal- I wish you were present more often for your comments are solid and refreshing. I enjoy them because you share your experiences and they reflect the applicability of the buzz. Surely, this comment stands out in this respect. I hope your journey will take you to the new person you wish to be. You are open to learning and that is a quality we all need. I also thank you for sharing the buzz.

Proma Nautiyal

منذ 4 سنوات #61

As always, Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee, whenever I read your buzzes at any given moment, I feel like it was written to help me gain clarity in my life. I am starting a new phase in my career, my next phase. I have been stuck for a long time now and as I now know "conviction" happened. A friend helped in "revelation" part of it and warned me time and again to refrain from "regression." I like it when I can tag the turmoil inside my head and naming it helps make it seem more manageable and achievable, as compared to a barrage of words that are basically describing emotions/processes etc. This insightful article helped me do just that. Thank you!

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #60

And you certainly made the journey of enhancing self-awareness worthy dear Savvy Raj. I also thank you for sharing the buzz

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #59

I am quite comfortable with your comment and ending line "They then wear those results as an identity rather than as a continuous improvement". So, it is both the paint and painter to blame. We should know where we stand to improve and tackle the road blocks that hinder us from progressing. If not, then we simply cheat ourselves. This is a high level of immaturity.

CityVP Manjit

منذ 4 سنوات #58

I certainly want to see the quality of frameworks to be likened to the needs of a five star restaurant, but the dirty reality of how people consume or are consumed by personality testing is a real-time use that can be likened more to a MacDonalds burger consumption. The commoditization that is born in the middle - hence a visual reference to bell curves means people want the best thinking but are not willing to be thoughtful about their own investment. It is similiar to the idea of the Innovators dilemma. The market leader may try to create a high quality offering but the customers actual needs fit something cheaper. So the new entrant is given a foothold in the marketplace and they build their power, Yet the market does not really want better quality or the enhancements made by the market leader - instead the customer settles for less because that less meets their compulsions or needs. Then the new entrants gets a foothold and then they build on that foothold. The new entrant grows bigger and the market leader finds they have unwittingly created a fearsome competitor. So it is with end-user application of personality tests. At the level of why this business sector is still a big money earner, is because of how well the message is marketed and when customers treat it as a formula or as a novelty and engage lazy thinking rather than profound experience to consume results of a test. They then wear those results as an identity rather than as a continuous improvement

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #57

It is interesting that you mentioned the bell curve few times. The question is the viability of the bell curve in many situations. If we stretch both sides of the bell curve we get a distribution that looks like a two-tailed one. If we stretch one side only we get a mono long-tail distribution. Complex systems follow a long-tail distribution. This means that the effect of the 3% of a certain character falling on the extreme of the tail may have a rippling effect that reaches the peak of the distribution and causing its eruption. You may say this is sort of the butterfly effect of rare personalities. The bell curve fits well for attributes such as heights because your height has nothing to do with mine. There is no interaction between the two. However; our personalities do have an effect on each other and hence the long-tail distribution is more appropriate. I thank you for your challenging comment and I am just trying to find a response that makes sense to your sensible comment.

CityVP Manjit

منذ 4 سنوات #56

Personality evolution equates with capability. Pseudo-science is a creation of lesser capability - which is a satisfaction with familiarity and easy answers. You can certainly use a scientific lens if we are talking about a self-aware individual who also has great cognitive capability. This is not what sits in the top of the bell-curve and that large pregnant sized population that equate with consumers. You are seeing this as Joseph Campbell does but that is not how Myers-Briggs became a multi-million dollar industry. It does not serve me well to identify myself with the 3%, but it is challenging to be marketed and sold to like the 97% - and so the large mass of people operate with the simplistic thinking propagate via the social media and marketing machinery - and here people buy the mythology of their type and so MB has become a business process, rather than a Jungian theory. Where human beings get caught in the lazy thinking that accompanies sycophancy, we are then equally conditioned as are the 97# who have a greater dependency on the system to avoid challenging and difficult questions that need answers from us. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing and the conditioning involved with large portions of that other 97% creates dangerous consequences for society - so we are now encouraged to go into the world, lacking the foundation that quality education provide and where the deciphering of personality types becomes superficial, irresponsible and delusional. That is not what higher capability people do with this - but we use the same brush of excellence to a bell curve of what are people seeking mediocrity.

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #55

Yes, it is a technical problem. Below the exchange of comments between Javier \ud83d\udc1d C\u00e1mara Rica (+starting from comment#60) is the proof.

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #54

Well. at least we have a reference to compare our results with our actuality. Studies have shown that people change their personality type as they grow. I know of people who were extrovert, but when they entered business they became introvert. May I call this "personality evolution"? That you are among the rare 3% doesn't amaze me for your comments show your "rarity". Personality tests may serve for some comparisons. We have to remember that what answers we give to the questions, our results shall be.

CityVP Manjit

منذ 4 سنوات #53

I had posted a detailed reflection on Mind Detergents buzz and it would not let me enter the comment. It kept saying INVALID ID - in the end after multiple attempts to try logging in and out, I simply moved on assuming that there was a technical issue.

CityVP Manjit

منذ 4 سنوات #52

One thing that Myers-Briggs tests taught me was just how powerful projection is and how vulnerable I was to projecting. The first MB personality test I ever took cast me as ENFP, but as I read through the sixteen personality traits, I really liked the INTP designation. First it was expressed as a trait of a very small segment of the population (about 3%) and it also was the most rebellious of the 16 traits, one that can lead a person to reject Myers-Briggs while reveling in the actual test results. So it is that when Carl Jung wrote within the first 8 pages of Personality Types that the types themselves were not the focal point of his exploration and that anyone focuses solely on the types would be playing what he referred to as a "childish parlour game". I rather enjoyed this childish parlour game and eventually as I projected my "favourite" personality type, I managed to score consistently in the INTP category. I had taken in what the key features of that trait were and the parlour game was validation of the projection. Neither validation and projection were things I should be reveling in because it is allowing self-sanctification to engage in thinking as an entertainment. This game playing as an actual reflection is an exercise in personality type nonsense or at least how it was when I was gaming the MB result, yet at the same time that is what an INTP would do. When I look at the readings from the 16 peronalities test, the classification appears to be ENFP. Wait, my first test of this instrument gives me the same personalty trait as Ali Anani? Oh, no please Lord don't get me playing this personality types game to reverse my own INTP back to what the test said i was 😊

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #51

#63 Javier \ud83d\udc1d C\u00e1mara Rica- I can see it now on my mobile, but not on the laptop.

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #50

Thank you Javier, but still I can't see it.

Javier Cámara-Rica 🐝🇪🇸

منذ 4 سنوات #49

Now I can see it.. and you ?

Javier Cámara-Rica 🐝🇪🇸

منذ 4 سنوات #48

Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee thanks for the info. We will check it

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #47

Congrats, your post has been trending in #feedback This message from LinkedIn isn't for this buzz. It is for my next buzz on Minds Detergents Unfortunately, this buzz isn't showing on my profile anymore. If I try to post a comment there I get the message "wrong code". Jerry Fletcher- this is the reason I can't reply to your great comment on this unfortunate buzz.

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #46

Javier \ud83d\udc1d C\u00e1mara Rica- my next buzz Minds Detergents published two days ago disappeared from my profile. This issue is recurring . I don't know who else to report this issue because I don't know who is on beBee team now.

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #45

Based on these last three comments by you Harvey Lloyd on a previous buzz of mine I crystallized the idea of my next buzz. Thank you both gentlemen

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #44

Your comment offers an extra value to the cynefin framework. I believe that Cyndi wilkins will find it equally exiting. I deleted my previous comment because somehow I typed not instead of it. A small typo that ruined my intentions.

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #43

Your comment offers an extra value to the cynefin framework. I believe that Cyndi wilkins will find not equally exiting.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 4 سنوات #42

I would submit explore embodies all three of the components as you suggested. In exploration we “probe” the unknown. Our probe sends feedback to our senses. It is at this stage we reevaluate our axioms/convictions. We generalize the unknown that is now known into our fabric of consciousness. In this process we measure the level of disruption to our past axiomatic understanding. We can reject based on this review or we can continue to explore. This is what i meant by explore and i believe fits nicely with your break down of exploration.

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #41

Yes, I am very comfortable with your explanation. In systems that follow power law (exponential) the way to go about them is just what you wrote towards the end "I cant know the difference unless i explore". In complex systems and in the cynefin framework it is: probe-sense-respond. I assume explore is the probe step in the complexity zone.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 4 سنوات #40

I would agree that shame and guilt do not share a linear relationship as experienced in the outcome of arrogance/retreat. In the individaul that experiences the outcome the curve is exponential rather than linear. Being the social creatures we are we always find ourselves testing our group to know, i am ok. But the group changes over time. I am stuck in the old doctrine of the group while progressive members have opened to new possibilities. This is an area of tension that time creates with or without our help. Murphy's law. Law of unintended consequences. Being a part of the group we or i must consider that arrogance in some cases represents the results of shame from guilt brought on by the group itself. Looking past this area and or retreat i can define the true nature of actions in this context. Arrogance and retreat can sometimes be a reflection of guilt plus shame. Sometimes the person really is just arrogant. I cant know the difference unless i explore.

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #39

Guilt + Shame = Arrogance or retreat Great thinking and a nice formula Harvey Lloyd. One question remains though. It is the sum of two or their multiplication? I am asking because the sum of the actions of both is greater than if they were distant from each other.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 4 سنوات #38

The plot thickens:) The discussion has branched to an area where words require definition. Culturally, socially and professionally we experience words individually and within groups. The word guilt has taken on a definition that aligns it with shame, where it used to be a personal view of learning. I am GUILTY of all the choices made while assuming 2+2+is 5. Now have a new understanding of the formula. However i was guilty during the timeframe i lacked this understanding. The question is should i also experience shame because of my guilt? This is partly dependent on who is calling out my guilt. If the group is helping me understand something i experience learning. If the group focuses on all my transgressions while under the influence of bad doctrine then i will experience guilt + shame. Guilt + Shame = Arrogance or retreat. This to me is where the new definition of guilt has brought forward a new formula within definition.

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #37

".When we have a skill in some discipline, we must dedicate ourselves to it to continue climbing and achieve the goal within it". This is a prime issue dear Clau Valerio. Life is made up of many fitness peaks and once we reach one of them we should try to reach to the next one. If not, there shall be only one choice left- to fall down from the top.

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #36

I agree withb you and both of you dears Cyndi wilkins to enrich the discussion on this particular point of discussion.

Cyndi wilkins

منذ 4 سنوات #35

. "Freud thought that guilt served to effectively regulate social behavior. If people didn't feel guilty, he said, they wouldn't worry much about hurting others." I have to honestly say I disagree with Freud the energy of guilt serves to suppress emotion, leaving us to dwell on our mistakes and question our own self-worth...Guilt squelch's the spirit by planting the seeds of inadequacy....Many people use this energy as a means of controlling others. Conviction, however, is the recognition of our own short-comings...Its strength has the power of potential, whereas the other has the power to punish. When we evolve to discernment between these two energies of creation, we begin to think in a higher order so as to take responsibility for our transgressions in a healthier manner, thus relieving the cerebral effects that guilt inflicts on the body and mind. Excellent dialogue here Clau Valerio...You are planting many seeds to ponder;-)

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #34

Thank you dear Tausif Mundrawala for your engaging comment and sharing the buzz. Absolutely correct you are. Self-awareness towards self-improvement is a continuous process and we should feel we are better today and wiser than we were yesterday. I assure you my friend that the more I read your buzzes and comments, the wiser I find you. Keep on the journey.

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #33

Very illuminating comment Roberto De la Cruz Utria. Indeed, either we become prisoners of our failures and limit ourselves to a narrow zone, or we grow from the learning experiences of failure. Failure that limits us grow fear inside us and so freezes us.Self-awareness will put us on the right track.

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #32

Very interesting comment dear Zacharias \ud83d\udc1d Voulgaris. Age and discovery of self and beyond aren't opposing forces. Best is if they work together,. Maybe this is the lesson of age my friend. It is a journey without end and keeps unfolding some life wisdom.

Zacharias 🐝 Voulgaris

منذ 4 سنوات #31

It's very inspiring to see someone today, especially someone who is beyond the adolescent period of life, be so inclined to change oneself! Few people are aware of the option we all have to better ourselves, regardless of our age, and even fewer have the courage to do so. Thank you Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee for the inspiring post!

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #30

Thank you Cyndi wilkins that captured my attention as well as yours. The game of blame only makes the wounds worse and shall not heal them. The way you expressed yourself in your comment shows maturity that has come out of personal experiences. Such maturity and sharing it with others is a noble goal that you have been advocating in your recent buzzes and comments, Cyndi. O have much more to say, but only after I read the feedback of Clau for she is the one who started this lovely discussion.

Cyndi wilkins

منذ 4 سنوات #29

Thank you for calling my attention back to this wonderfully expansive comment by Clau Valerio as it is a "great elaboration on the conviction stage" Within it, I would like to address the energy of 'blame' as to break things down into those 'small digestible pieces' and move us from complexity to simplicity...The blame game is a magnificent opportunity for change;-) Energetically, we use blame as a defense mechanism for hiding our own fears and insecurities...Pointing the finger at another to divert attention away from the self...In doing so, we miss out on a golden opportunity for overcoming our biggest stumbling blocks. Blame is the creator of reflection, exposing for us a hidden truth we have been turning a blind eye to...sometimes for decades The healing can only begin when we are able to find the courage to face ourselves (the conviction or admission of our flawed thinking) and dare to 'turn over that rock' to take a good look at what lies beneath...The hidden truth. The 'revelations' we uncover there will most likely propel us immediately to the 'regression stage' where we can usually trace our behavior back to an event of significant disruption in early childhood...'THE SPACE BETWEEN' the regression and execution is where we make our move... We can grab the bull by the horns and move forward by having the courage to face our flaws...we can do nothing and continue treading water remaining unchanged...or we can continue recycling the energy of blame, which essentially worsens the wound over time giving rise to chronic debilitating illness... In a world of free will, the choice is always ours. The only one with the power to heal you is YOURSELF. In healing your past by making significant 'shifts of mindset' in your present, you are laying the foundation for a healthier future for yourself and coming generations...In this way you are an 'Ambassador of Change' for a healthier world;-)

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #28

And this comment of yours @John Rylance adds the needed fertilizer to keep the plant of discussions growing healthily. Thank you

John Rylance

منذ 4 سنوات #27

Your comment reminds me of the parable of the sower aka soils. Your posts are full of rich soil that we can plant our ideas in. What your soil does is allow us to repot our ideas alongside yours, so enriching the topic. All the comments keep the topic "fed and watered"

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #26

Oh dear Charlotte Wittenkamp as you remind me of our past, but not forgotten, discussions years before. Your comment touched my heart because not only of its soundness, but also because of its depth. Two important key points in your comment. First- my bravery to share my profiles. This is my reality and not deceptive persona and the convenience of sharing with the word a persona that represents somebody else and not mine. This builds trust and I have no problem with this. Second- your writing "We may be so used to relying on what usually works well that taking a different path may not come to mind". When we reach an extreme, we create a counter effect. This "overly" phenomenon has many negative sides. For example, overly love leads the lover to try to control the life of the beloved ones or become very suspicious of her ingenuity of love. There are many examples to show this is the case. So, your point is well-taken and we need all to cater for it.

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #25

@Charlotte Wittenkamp wrote very interesting comments on LinkedIn. I am resharing her first comment here for it has great value and my response as well. A very strong buzz, dear Ali Anani, PhD. Not everybody would put their test results out for everyone to see. But I guess that with your profiles it is not surprising that you are brave. I particularly like your take away: That you need to collaborate with somebody with a different profile not to dream too much. More below. While I like the discussion about how we need perseverance to change, to me the discussion about strengths and weaknesses is just as much about finding the right context for our personal strengths because in the wrong context the exact same trait that are our strength may become our main weakness. We may be so used to relying on what usually works well that taking a different path may not come to mind. We should not only know our traits but understand when they are strengths and when they are not. When they are not productive we get help from those who are different rather than let ourselves become an impediment to whatever needs to go on by insisting on our way being the best way.

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #24

No idea comes from void or emptiness. OK, you may get the seed from someone, but you know how to plant the seed in the "good soil of your mind" my dear Clau.

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #23

Clau Valerio- back to the Jungian model of shadow, ego and persona. It is persona that makes us want to show the world the way way want to be seen. It is the personal convenience that we seek. This is reflected beautifully in your writing "Through this attitude, the only result obtained is non-learning and non-development of oneself. By blaming others for our mistakes, we assume we are perfect. Or at least, we want it to be seen". Behind the deceptive smiles of a wolf, there are hidden shadows of terrifying teeth.

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #22

Again, I am baffled by your maturity dear Clau. You have the sense to condense your thoughts in one wisdom line such as "That said, failure is human. But learning from our mistakes once made, instead of denying them, is too". I suggest you write a book on condensed thoughts of life. In every comment you write I may easily extract one or two gems of wisdom. I am so happy you are back and I enjoy your comments for they give me lots to ponder on.

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #21

Dear Clau Valerio- this is a great elaboration on the conviction stage. You explained thoroughly and it urges everyone of us to review what h/s has been doing and how many times entered the denial phase. Like you said wisely "Given our mistakes, many times what we try is to put distance between what has happened and its consequences". This is a strong reminder that denial is escaping reality and learning from it. We tend to see mirages as real water, but your examples reveal another aspect, which is turning real water into a mirage. Your maturity is superb dear Clau. I am sure Harvey Lloyd will have their comments as well.

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #20

While reading your comment I found myself say that ordered Vs. disordered syntax- the two opposites working together. It is in the space between the two that self-organizing occurs.

Cyndi wilkins

منذ 4 سنوات #19

Exactly...It is the idea of 'simplicity' that creates the 'willingness' to make that change. To use the analogy of syntax in grammar... If we arrange our thoughts away from the 'formal' or complex, to that of the 'informal' or simple, we transform our inner dialogue to one of 'manageable change.' That way we are better able to execute these changes as they come in smaller 'digestible' pieces;-)

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #18

Gaps or spaces- I thoroughly enjoyed your comment dear Cyndi wilkins. How simple; yet deep what you wrote "It is the 'willingness' to make the turn, and not the turn itself, that transforms us". yes, performance is linked to desirability or willingness and without which our efforts to transform shall end up in smoke.

Cyndi wilkins

منذ 4 سنوات #17

What seems to keep most of us in a state of inertia is the fear of 'turning over that rock' to reveal our weaknesses...It is the 'willingness' to make the turn, and not the turn itself, that transforms us....Now herein lies the 'land of opportunity.' How we direct our thoughts in this 'space between' or the 'gaps' as you refer to them here Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee...will either propel us forward, back or unchanged...We get to choose.

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #16

Amigo Oswaldo Enrique Diaz Delgado- nice thoughts here "From reflection we find enough elements to transform them into deeply positive events, they become constructive purposes of the same being as an individual (s) "Human Purposes"

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 4 سنوات #15

Excellent read on my J. Knowing these things about team members helps delineate aggression from character type.

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #14

So right that I just approve what you said as it is.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 4 سنوات #13

One of the key elements i see wasted in solution development is time. Axiomatic responses tend to not allow for time. The first question we should all ask is how much time do i have prior to needing a solution? If the house is on fire or sales are trending down each have different time variables. What i call list people tend to allow the list itself to set the time quotient. I want this off my desk! This tends to exclude diversity in solution. If time permits i need all MB traits skill sets applied. Its never the question you ask that gets you, its the one you didnt. Diversity allows for a broader question and answer response to solution.

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #12

I "think it important to delineate between character/axiomatic response and skill. Skills only require training and time". I smiled while reading this Harvey Lloyd. The reason is that in my previous respond to you I considered the correct application of MB as a journey of discovery. This is the F of feelings. You exercised the J of your personality profile as you mention skill. This is typical of how you and I widen our perspectives.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 4 سنوات #11

This is the point of the MB traits. How can i get Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee to display his strengths within the team setting. Me being me would shut you down. Knowing your traits i would pose questions in your strength areas not mine. My question would be "We need the shortest route out of the crisis with minimum damage and fewest resources". If i were to ask you the same question i would frame it differently. "I know our people are very concerned about the current crisis, we need a plan that helps them participate in the solution as this will build their trust and confidence in the organization, what three solutions would you recommend that would serve our staff most effectively?" Same question but two very different presentations.

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #10

The MB importance is in understanding it and implementing it correctly. This is a journey and we learn from trial and error. You learned a great lesson "I have had to develop patience to allow things top develop at the mouth of the funnel before i exercise my J". You developed this experience over sustained learning efforts. You demonstrate the value of pausing before acting.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 4 سنوات #9

I think it important to delineate between character/axiomatic response and skill. Skills only require training and time. Where character or personality traits is an entirely different communication need. Can we become self aware of our axiomatic responses, yes. To change them though requires conviction and revelation. Unfortunately in changing the traits, everyone around you has adapted to old you. Once you are out of the box with change your team will be cautious in joining the new you. This is where the regressive phase hits. We typically throw up our hands and return to old habits. This is the crucial juncture of becoming self aware. It will take several cycles with the team. I would dare say that 90 days would be required before trust could be established that the new you is real. Great thoughts.

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #8

There are strength and weaknesses in each of the sixteen personality types. Yes, you are more logical than I and I have more tendency towards people and creativity. This doesn't mean one is better than the other. It only says that I may benefit from certain attributes of yours. The same, and as you outlined in your comment, you benefit from my areas of strength. This is what leads to synergism. The fact that our exchanges of comments prompted at least ten ideas of my posts testifies that this is the case. Team leaders should do the same if they are to be successful.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 4 سنوات #7

Each letter in the MB designations has strengths and weaknesses. There usually letters that dominant and those that are regressive. My J is the hardest of my dominant. I always wish to force issues into a funnel of right wrong. I have had to develop patience to allow things top develop at the mouth of the funnel before i exercise my J. I typically do not enter situations without already having studied and understand the basic of risk profiles in discussing matters. One of my challenges is realizing that most likely no one else has studied the issues but are working from automatic responses. Retaining some decorum in presenting the various aspects of solutions and allowing others to get up to speed is a challenge. My go to negative response is to ask team members to support their fearful opinion with solutions they have thought through. A typically get a blank stare. It also shuts down all creativity. Through understanding the MB designations i can develop communications that invite folks to problem solve. You do not change the facts you merely change how they are presented.

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #6

This is a very interesting comment dear John Rylance will find this interesting as well. Yes, we need to build on our strength. One source of strength is getting support from others who "fill our voids". The strength is not ignoring the weakness, but in accepting it and finding the reinforcement. Like in cement we strengthen it by adding fibers, we may find those fibers "fiber optics) by teaming, motivating and trusting others.

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #5

You are right to mention motivation and trust. We may change the path or redirect it (the journey) by being self-motivated and self-trusting. It is not a journey that seeks finding an answer; more, it is enjoying the journey and its ups and downs, peaks and troughs and successes and failures. Dear Harvey Lloyd- my journey here on beBee has been enriching and you have been a great cause of its illumination.

John Rylance

منذ 4 سنوات #4

This great post has raised two thoughts. Firstly that of Newton's Laws mainly any forward motion is preceded by a backwards movement, which ties in with regression element. Secondly I've always thought of only being as strong as the weakest link referred to groups/teams, but this made realise that each of us is only as strong as our most prominent weakness. Our decision is do we as this describes make an effort to minimise the weakness, or do we tactically avoid our weakness. A prime example would be an adult with poor reading skills, will often could you just read this I've left my glasses at home. 

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 4 سنوات #3

I am very high on the Thinking side. You are very high on the feeling side. My response to things from your perspective may seem cold and calculated as i don't see the people involved, i see a needed map to move the people from point A-B. If you were on my team i would need to listen to you about the people aspect and make sure that my path out has appropriate consideration for feeling perspectives. I need to learn how to make a good plan human. What the various character tests propose is that maybe, the opposite letter designation is seeing the same issues from a different perspective. You may see the effects on the people greater than i do. I would see the mechanics of reducing the risk to the people in actionable items. With both of us we can secure a full path out of the quandary we find ourselves. Most importantly we can secure our perspectives into various actionable areas while not getting caught up with the dialogue of right and wrong, when really we want the same thing.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 4 سنوات #2

You are correct as we look at these various self awareness areas as being less than exact science. It is a challenging area to review of ones self. For me the journey was a separation from discussions about what is right and what is wrong to a conviction that motivation towards the answer is more important. If we could use the bell curve of events, crisis or problems we would see that we may not control the origination but we can control the journey through the curve. The conviction of an axiom within ourselves helps us understand the axioms that are under attack in others. Seeing others in axiom crisis instead of for or against is the revelation. If i am fearful about prospects going forward then everyone else is experiencing the same fear from different perspectives. This level of self awareness opens up different communication lines at the motivation level that builds trust through understanding.

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #1

Harvey Lloyd- you are mentioned in the buzz in the given order

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