Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات · 2 دقائق وقت القراءة · ~10 ·

مدونة Ali
Thinking Big

Thinking Big


Thinking big, acting big and aiming for big things is it harmful for our health? Or, being big will make us rigid and unable to adapt to changes? Who survive more the big thinker or the small one? The big idea or the small idea? Big ambitions or small ones?

Big ideas are not born big. They start small as “baby ideas” and then they grow slowly till suddenly they shoot up and become big. Big animals start small and then suddenly they start to grow up fast. Most animals are small and very few are big. The number of species that exhibit small body size generally far exceed the number of species that are large-bodied. However; who survive more the big animals or small ones? Animals that have big body mass have longer life spans than small ones. Does the same logic extend to big ideas and small ones? Do big ideas have larger life spans than small ones? Does tis relate to small startups and the vanishing of many of them in less than two years?

If an employee accepts a “small job” will he be exposed to the risk of short-term employment? Will small ideas that remain small for extended periods of time vanish? Companies that tend to lay off part of its employees will tend to start with “small employees”. We may have many ideas few of which are big and mostly small ideas and for the sake of focusing our efforts we start by laying off small ideas.

The whole idea is to search for something that has the potential to grow slowly for a short period of time, but then to build on themselves and grow fast while keeping a flexible structure. A good example of influencers who have same distribution with many influencers remaining small, but few manage to build on their connections and become big influencers. These big ones eat most of the cake and are pursued to seek their services. Every one of them is becoming an Ads agency on his own.

We need to look for ideas that have the tendency to grow big to survive. But is this enough? Why then many big companies disappeared? I feel it is mostly related to their rigidity and the barriers they created in keeping trustful communications. They lack structures with enough flexibility to get timely information to adapt. They are buried in their own viscosity. Like big polymeric chains they become viscous when they “melt” with the heat of their successes and expanding profits and markets. It is when they experience chilly demands that they turn glassy and become brittle. Many polymers behave similarly they grow their chains and become macro molecules. When in winter these polymers crack and become brittle.

What makes big ideas and big companies crack in the winter? Why big animals have shorter life spans than big trees? What makes big trees survive more? Again, there are lots of small trees, but very few big ones? What makes some trees stand out and have life spans of few hundred years? One sure thing is that they have the structure to adapt. Larger trees are generally more likely to survive causes like drought or damage to their trunks, as they have greatly extensive nets of roots and thick trunks and thus can, even partly, recover these challenging conditions. Their efficient networks keep all the tree parts aware of the forthcoming dangers. Their networks are fractal. It is the self-similarity that keeps their symmetry functional. Big companies may tend to grow but without being free of scale and on the expense of their symmetry. No wonder these companies turn glassy during crisis times.

Think small but build on yourself fast to become big. It sounds to me it is both the fittest and biggest together that survive. This is the formula for longevity.
Ali Anani

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #53

Thank you so much Linda Adams

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #52

May be because we underestimate the value of simple rules. Many people think they are like easy come easy go. It is their simplicity that comes only after comprehension, Under the surface they have their deep meanings.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 6 سنوات #51

Thanks for your kind words. These easily stated rules but hard in execution have generated many customer service issues into add on sales

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #50

When I publish the next buzz on Nuggets of Quotes I shall be at loss which of yours I should select. This one "It deserves respect. Maybe not agreement but respect for the journey to the opinion". Or, this one "The test of character is not in stating the rules of humanity, but executing them when they are counter to your emotions". Or, the nuggets I mentioned in my earlier comments. May be I should dedicate to a whole buzz for your nuggets Harvey Lloyd

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 6 سنوات #49

The rule is simple in its reading, but in execution when risk is on the table is another matter. Fear can overcome common sense in record time. Another rule for myself, i cant expect anyone else to respect my line of freedom if i don't respect theirs. Yes, this includes even if i think they are wrong or share an opinion not in alignment with my own. Opinions are an expression of our collected narrative. A life that has seen, experienced and lived through many things. It deserves respect. Maybe not agreement but respect for the journey to the opinion. The first step in self awareness is to recognize our own limited collection, within our narrative. I have experienced those who feel they have arrived at the all inclusive narrative on a topic. I can still respect the position but realize that at some point the individual stopped adding to the narrative and has become a preacher of the the limited thought. The test of character is not in stating the rules of humanity, but executing them when they are counter to your emotions.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #48

Just reading your comment fills me with the wish that our friend Harvey Lloyd would share her point here. Two lines from your comment are simply two gems . I start with the second line "Maybe not necessarily agree its outcome". I believe we suffer from groupthink for we rush to agree the outcome for many reasons you are aware of. This brings me back to your earlier line "My freedom ends where yours begins, unless you invite me". Simple and easy to understand, but the paradox is our failure to abide by such simplicity. This is evidenced in the outcome of group discussions. My freedom to express my views are endangered by the lack of the group leader to accept different views, or by the fear that the leader would hurt me. Or, I may be considered a noisy person by the group members. I believe your simple rules should be publicized so that they become a way of life. Great rules my friend.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 6 سنوات #47

You stated with a few "simple rules". Could one of the rules be, within humanity, My freedom ends where yours begins, unless you invite me. If i can see this line, not only my own, but yours too. It allows for us to parse the lines that media and group think would input into our senses. A shield if you will against the "system" that vies for our emotional status. This is a rule i practice and often seek forgiveness because i crossed it inadvertently. I sense that media and organizations are attempting to tell us what to think. My ability to find my own way as through reading a post like this one is mine to choose. You invited me into your area of freedom and this should be respected as gift that it is. Societal organization will only optimize group think. A group of individuals under the above rule can freely explore the best they have to offer towards humanity. They will not be governed by an organization with specific POV. I was listening to a speaker the other day and he stated that we really only have three ways for society to go. Negotiate, enslave or tyranny. It posed a question for me that has been rattling the rusty brain. Can we be enslaved to thinking, when negotiations are biased within an agenda? Can our narrative be distracted from negotiating life to enslaved ideals that are not our own? I believe if we step back we can see the point. Maybe not necessarily agree its outcome. Yes, its a crazy Alice and wonderland inside my head sometimes.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #46

You are creating a wealthy discussions with your sharp and observatory comments my friend Harvey Lloyd. I see no need for an apology of doing just great. I paused on this part of your comment "Many resources from personal to macro are introducing complexity into our senses". This is a great insight. The more we use our senses, the more we feed our minds and the more work for them. As soon as we start interacting our observations they form a complex network. I wonder if complexity is our destiny and if we can escape it. Lots to ponder on.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 6 سنوات #45

My apologies i may have stepped off the subject matter with my comment. I agree that within the metaphor of the v shape flying pattern efficiencies are found. This is a natural response to a physical property (Physics) The physical properties of humanity can sometimes become confusing as we look to form up a v-shape for efficient use of resources. My original comment was focused on this very confusing aspect of humanity. Many resources from personal to macro are introducing complexity into our senses. Some of these are part of our development and learning. However some are attempting to change the physics of our thinking into group think. Yes i believe the world view is trying to remold society in this post modern world we live. Your posts are grounded within the natural laws of nature and remind us that as individuals we create the society we live. For me your posts represent a breath of fresh air from the dogmatic views of social groups, group think and media driven pseudo-morals.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #44

The Man of Power of Nothing Numo Quest I thank you for your comment. Sometimes it is more important to know what doesn't work before knowing what works. Many findings in life started with knowing first what doesn't work. Does this mean we start with having less than nothing?

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #43

Dear Lada \ud83c\udfe1 Prkic- I was reading your buzz of January today and I am still puzzled by its top quality and the way you connected engineering to other facets of life. I greatly appreciate your comment and the explanation to give for continued success. Thank you my friend.

Lada 🏡 Prkic

منذ 6 سنوات #42

Dear Ali, it is fascinating how you manage to put so many seemingly different things in correlation. But actually, everything is connected and in relation to everything else: ideas, jobs, animals, trees, startups, companies, fractals, ... Big ideas cannot exist without small ideas. A big company once was small. It has to be in correlation to time, resilience, and perseverance to be able to grow, but also adaptable to its environmental conditions to stay big and stable, just like a long-lived tree.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #41

Self-organization is an emerging property and is not a planned one. So, by following simple rules we see birds fly in V-shapes. They didn't plan for it, it simply emerged because they respected simple rules to allow them fly without bombarding each other. Societal awakening starts when individuals interact within the boundaries of simple rules. So, individuals are encouraged to fly using their style as long as they do so within the boundaries of simple rules. The culture prevailing in an organization is another example of emerging properties. How individuals interact will reflect on what shall be seen on the surface- the type of culture we see.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 6 سنوات #40

Are we entering a society-organization stage? This is a staggering question. Yes i believe we are attempting to answer that question at the macro level, but also sense there is a rebellion lurking under the surface. Humans do not like to be organised by others, they like to share journeys of their choosing and participate. As we develop wisdom within a generation our groups change and emphasis also. When we join something only to the extent we are against something else this breaks society into tribes of beliefs. Such as i believe the saying that history is destine to repeat itself.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #39

No, it is appropriate and you are opening many new possibilities. The tree is a replica of its smallest unit and the individual "Our focus on ridged corners at the macro scale has filtered down to the individual". Are we entering a society-organization stage? Have we been alert at last to the many exits that we missed because of the crowded effects? Success is an emerging property. I truly believe so. It is a reward for persistence towards a goal.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 6 سنوات #38

My thought process here was really identifying most of our dissatisfaction surrounding our journey comes when we layout the road to success and then get frustrated because it doesn't happen. But in our frustration of making the performance happen on queue we miss the opportunities that carry us to success. (We are so frustrated with traffic that we miss our exit.) My thinking really brought forward our education systems where we educate based on theory and fact while leaving out the random nature of success. Information is of course important but in truth, it is the application of information within your paradigm of success and opportunity that brings fulfillment. Our focus on ridged corners at the macro scale has filtered down to the individual. Maybe, guessing, this is why empathy, personal branding and uniqueness are seeing a surge in popularity. Maybe subconsciously we are rejecting the ridged information age as we cant find ourselves within it. Sorry, thinking through the keyboard and it may not be appropriate.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #37

Life isn't linear. This is a fact. That is why I love and agree with you "I would think that being prepared for chaos presents us with a better opportunity for success than strategically planning a future we cant know all". I f I am to change a word from your quote a it is changing I would think to I believe because it reflects reality of life. We might be lucky sometimes by working on simple tasks that are linear but there is no guarantee they shall stay as such. I started preparing my next buzz on Riding the waves of Opportunity. If we can ever control winds that create waves, then we may control the wind of changes that creates waves of opportunities and threats. Life is for the fittest and biggest.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 6 سنوات #36

Reading #39 really brought forward the chaos theory and fractals. Individually we pose journey questions that preclude that life is linear, but when viewed in history or through chaos theory it is random. This would cause two paths to show up within our choices: 1: Force life to be linear through goals and roles 2: Accept life as random and seek our goals through each random experience. I have witnessed folks who work very hard at something but seem to be stuck within the confines of their liner thinking. I have also witnessed folks who recognized the randomness of the path and were prepared to take advantage of each opportunity. I would think that being prepared for chaos presents us with a better opportunity for success than strategically planning a future we cant know all. We can frame it up within our values and goals, but we need to be vigilant in opportunity recognition. Great thoughts and discussions.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #35

Preston \ud83d\udc1d Vander Ven- Sometimes I ask myself "A mi for first-cost minded or a long-term one"? This would reflect on whether I am short-term or long-term minded person? Because of the complexity of our lives and the difficulty to forecast the long-term people tend to be short-term minded. I believe that being both reinforces each other only if we have a purpose to which we stick by. I wonder if @Harvey-loyd would also agree. I think this is a topic of relevance to all of us and may be you would consider a buzz on this topic Peterson.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #34


Harvey Lloyd

منذ 6 سنوات #33

If not healthy well fertilized:)

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #32

The ventilation of great ideas from the group shall keep the room healthy

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 6 سنوات #31

and #33. DID SOMEBODY SAY FIELD TRIP! This would be an awesome journey. Just for the four of us to be in the same room. Given the topics and questions i don't believe we would have time to leave the room. Great group.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #30

And you are the queen

🐝 Fatima G. Williams

منذ 6 سنوات #29

Thank you @Ali 🐝 Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee Bless you for saying that and it would be amazing if you, Harvey and Ian would travel visiting colleges all over the world. That would be epic. The 3 kings from 3 different fields from 3 different parts of the world :)

🐝 Fatima G. Williams

منذ 6 سنوات #28

Thank you Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee Bless you for saying that and it would be even more amazing if you and Harvey would come with me visiting colleges in India. That would be epic. I wish I were a billionaire now! :( LOL

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #27

Dear Harvey Lloyd- first of all I wish you quick recovery. You truly are an exceptional person and we need you healthy to enrich our knowledge. Second- I want to thank you for the great post you wrote and shared on LI on this post and the comment of . The link is I deeply appreciate the way you link you link ideas from different bees into a well0written post. Third- My friend you have been a great inspiration for all of us. I am sure Harvey shall welcome you to join both of us on a trip of mind.

🐝 Fatima G. Williams

منذ 6 سنوات #26

Dear Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee my mind is stale from not reading your articles. And I dislike using the bebee app on my mobile {Sorry bebee it hurts my eye} :( This is a fantastic discussion with rich comments. I have been sick but I'm getting better. I realize in the quest to achieve certain things in life like career, enjoyment, and knowledge filled purpose all 3 in my case I did not focus on the longevity formula even though I know it. I love it when articles like this relate to me. Survival is for the fittest and the biggest. We don't need to be big in person but our ideas, knowledge, our heart, our love, our strong network of people around us all these can be made big. Staying fit in these challenging conditions that life throws at us and this is where the survival of the fittest comes into question. Oh, I love the comment #22 and it's funny I can't see comments from 14 to 21. Harvey Lloyd what a gem of a comment this is! You and Dr. Anani should be visiting colleges to share all this knowledge you share with us all. "Know your purpose (goals) is too know your success"

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #25

Dear Tausif Mundrawala- trees take time to make strong foundation of roots before they may grow faster . The building phase has to be slow, but for q while. The Law of Nature is then exponential growth. Take for example, technology advances exponentially, population too grow exponentially. The Fibonacci Rule is also a form of exponential growth. We need at one stage in our lives to develop exponentially if we aren't to be late. You highlighted wisely the building phase in your comment, but then the game becomes for the faster and fittest.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #24

Opportunities come in waves- that is what crossed my mind upon reading your comment . SOme waves are high; others are low. Some are difficult to ride; others are ripe for riding them. Yes, one reason for the longer life span of large companies is there ability to adapt and surf real opportunities.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #23

Dears Harvey Lloyd- your comments has just inspired me with a challenging idea for writing my next buzz. Truly, I see this as an opportunity for it serves my purpose in trying to understand more the human behavior. Thank you both.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 6 سنوات #22

Opportunity is a process that needs personal inputs from those around us and this discussion is one that will assist in determining the way forward. Take some time today to discover the view out from the present.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #21

Even if somebody succeeds at something that is not related to his goals then it sounds like a "noisy success". Yes, we must be aware that our goal or purpose is advancing by focused successes; else these successes shall remain sporadic.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 6 سنوات #20

You have struck a deep issue in my career with this post. I have seen many smart folks who stabbed at every opportunity and lost everything they care about and seen those who would not take advantage in fear of losing the same. Life is about risk. A shared adventure with your family of risk taking and triumph is what the fulfillment of our existence is all about. But opportunity is everywhere, how do you choose? A set of financial, belief system and family goals will always help whittle the opportunities down to the best fit. Most importantly knowing our goals helps us point the telescope in the right direction. Know your purpose (goals) is too know your success.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #19

Harvey Lloyd- you wrote " But opportunity is not always what it seems". You sent my mind in a spiral reading this. You remind me of the blinds and elephant story. Each person sees the elephant of the opportunity from a different perspective. We even may see the opportunity as a source of threat depending on our personal traits. To put things in order we need and focus our efforts we need to align what we see an opportunity is the measure by which it fits our goals. Even if as threat by how much it shall deviate us from our goal. Plenty to study deeper.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 6 سنوات #18

You really have brought to light many different aspects of opportunity. Everything starts out as an idea on a napkin metaphorically speaking. A question no one has asked and answered before. Before you know it we have GE or IBM. Certainly some obvious choices. Before the question we walk through doors that everyone else has shown us in our narrative. Once you ask the new question a new door appears. Behind that door lies success and fear, while you stand on the outside. The question is once you open it which will control you? Success is about taking advantage of opportunity. But opportunity is not always what it seems. Fear blinds us to opportunity once we enter that door. We should always view opportunity through the lens of our personal goals. Without personal goals of what expectations we want from our profession then discernment is difficult within the opportunity matrix.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #17

A popular meal here is called in Arabic Maklooba (means upside down). It is called so because meat and cauliflower are cooked first and then topped in the same cooking pan with rice. To serve it we turn it upside down so that the meat and cauliflower be on top. Sometimes turning things upside down may help them "cook nicely and smell and taste better". May be this is the lesson of the Boabab tree Gert Scholtz. Again, an interesting comment to dwell upon.

Gert Scholtz

منذ 6 سنوات #16

Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee Your post made me think of the giant Boabab trees we have in South Africa. Some are estimated to be thousands of years old. Also known as the upside down tree, The African bushman legend states that Thora, the god, took a dislike to the baobab growing in his garden. Therefore, he threw it over the wall of Paradise onto the Earth below. The tree landed upside down and continued to grow. Perhaps this says something metaphorically of some companies in a changing world, and still being able to grow. Thank you for the post Ali.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #15

There are magnetic comments that stand as tall as tall trees and your comment Bill King #13 and the need for the heat of competition. Great thoughts to ponder on.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #14

Great quote and thank you for sharing it John Rylance

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #13

Joanne Gardocki. I do hope that you would share soon a buzz in which you include some photos of the trees in your neighborhood. I am sure they shall heat me up to write a new buzz.

Jerry Fletcher

منذ 6 سنوات #12

Ali, I live in the land of the big trees, some of them the largest and longest lived in the world. One of their secrets is that they live in groves and gather strength to resist storms in that way. Some of their smaller but more resilient brethren need fire in order to grow new trees. the heat opens the seed to allow germination. Fire is a part of their life cycle. How do those things apply to companies? The totally unique company/product/brand will be nurtured and grow if i has competitors, both direct and indirect. Without them it must bear all the costs of developing a market which slows growth. Any organism if provides only a positive climate/situation/living space will, long term tend to be unable to survive if that habitat changes minimally. Darwin's findings apply to business, too.

John Rylance

منذ 6 سنوات #11

Franci your comment reminded me of this quote from The Leopard. For things to stay the same, they have to change. Once successful to be sure of remaining so we have to be prepared to make changes.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #10

Absolutely correct you are Franci\ud83d\udc1dEugenia Hoffman, beBee Brand Ambassador. Being gig is only a privilege if we branch out thoughtfully to respond with agility to emerging and unexpected challenges.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #9

I agree and mobility is a human advantage. However, trees know their limitations and therefore their roots network with fungi to form the biggest network. This way trees don't have to go for information as it comes to them via the abundant and well-spread roots of fungi. Thank you John Rylance for bringing this important differentiation to our attention.

John Rylance

منذ 6 سنوات #8

We have one advantage over trees, when turning small ventures into large. Mobility. Example, if we start a small business, which we wish to expand we can move to bigger premises. A tree can only expand if that around it allows it grow bigger. In the advent of adverse conditions we can move trees can't. Also a forest fire means loss of trees, while the undergrowth returns and the wild life, but not the trees, unless we replant them. While your analogys are valid they provide maxim only the fittest survive. It is up to us to ensure we use our fitness in the most advantageous way.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #7

I invite my dear friend DR. Vincenzo De Florio to share his insights. Is antifragility has any resemblance to the glass transition behavior in polymers? Are fragile companies like those polymers that have glassy behaviors and thus are brittle?

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #6

Thank you Debesh Choudhury. My purpose of writing this buzz is hopefully to stir discussions on how to make companies build structure in emulation of not the extinct dinosaurs, but that of long-living trees. The challenge is to be big and yet flexible and agile.

Debesh Choudhury

منذ 6 سنوات #5

Beautiful insight Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee .. The analogy between big trees, animals and big companies explains many things. Dinosaurs were very big, they are now extinct .. will very big companies be also extinct sooner or later?

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #4

That is why trees keep making more branches while strengthening their roots. To add branches not only increase the size of a tree, but also create I believe small, medium and big branches exist at the same time. Old branches have to keep the structure whereas the small ones are to store fats and gather information because of their large surface area compared to their size. Thee Oxygen of tree equals absorbing information in a business. To distribute timely information without running into a viscous structure enables trees to survive. There are still many discoveries how few trees manage to have life spans exceeding 3500 years. No business or animal lived that long. Thank you dear Debasish Majumder for enriching the discussion and for your sharing the buzz.

Debasish Majumder

منذ 6 سنوات #3

Big tress underneath roots are not visualized to us. i guess, equally the root of human beings too cannot apparently judged. the upbringing and societal conditions play the key role to engender an idea on him. To see or perceive beyond the available condition only human beings can perhaps possess. However, external conditions, which play the major role even for a big company and the demand of the commodity being replaced by another, inevitably pave the way for ones extinction. idea, too a matter and its size and longevity too depend on how it engender and in what condition. if it contains the potential to flare up with adequate energy, it will surely last and need not promote much effort to campaign, neither any ad agency require for it to sustain. as the idea like matter too a changed version and eventually it will to change to other version, containing the element of its previous version too. however, great and illuminating buzz sir Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee! enjoyed read and shared. thank you very much for the buzz sir.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #2

Thank you . Voluminous work is different from working in small steps first with strong endurance. Soon, when an idea or business reaches its tipping point it shall feedback and build on itself so that the butterfly effect of work plays its role. With little added effort big rewards come. But then how many endure the early tough stage?

Mohammed Abdul Jawad

منذ 6 سنوات #1

Yes, if you are less greedy, love to live in temperate (less) thinking that this world is temporal and your life is an ordeal, and you verily a wayfarer, then you will be least bothered with your voluminous work, and you'll have more time to enjoy your righteous life, in a pleasant proportion.

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