Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات · 2 دقائق وقت القراءة · ~10 ·

مدونة Ali
Two illusions don't make a fact

Two illusions don't make a fact


Joris Plaatstaal made a great comment on one of my recent buzzes titled "Conscious and Subconscious Questions". This comment led me to respond by saying that ""Between freedom and illusion there is a borderline of knowledge." Joris responded by writing "This is an interaction I truly love. ......Between freedom and illusion there is a borderline of knowledge...... It is just great; I did not realize that while commenting. You kick my thoughts a step further and at this time I am not sure why.....

Between freedom and illusion there is a borderline of knowledge. There are so many ways to look at that. I will have to let it sink in". So, I did as the comment of Joris kicked my thoughts two steps further. Pondering deeply on these exchanges of comments led me to modify my thinking to "Between the illusion of freedom and the illusion of knowledge there is a borderline".


We live in a world which suffers from two major illusions: the illusion of knowledge and the illusion of freedom". What kind of a borderline that separates the two illusions? Do two illusions lead to finding facts or they lead us astray?

I want first to cover two aspects of the illusion of knowledge. How many times we knew more to know less? How many times we were trapped by the illusion of a great scientist who made a theory and only years later the theory was proven wrong? Aristotle did that for hundreds of years when he said that our universe consists of four elements only?

The internet is becoming a major source of the illusion of knowledge. This has been shown by three researchers at Yale University. The researchers, Matthew Fisher, Mariel Goddu, and Frank Keil found out that because we have easy access to search the net we may know more. This is an illusion of the internet and technology enhancing the emerging phenomena of knowledge illusion.

The internet hasn't only enhanced our knowledge illusion because it did that with the simultaneity of increasing our freedom illusion. We are filled of fear of hackers who would do all sorts of things to jeopardize our personal and societal freedom. We have witnessed religious fanatics using knowledge to restrict our freedom of thinking. We have seen governments laying rules to free us when in fact they enslave us. Stephen Hawking expressed this fact very eloquently "The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge".

Is there a borderline between two illusions? Do two illusions produce a fact? I leave the answers to you dear reader.


CityVP Manjit

منذ 7 سنوات #56

Harvey, when freedom has to be within the confines of more than one person, then that freedom is connected by an ideology. I am not free of illusion and I am not free of ideology. For sure where there is illusion it is the barrier to truth, and so where illusion is, truth is not. The reason I am not free of illusion or ideology is that I have not chosen to subject myself to that level of uncertainty. So for now I am settling for the blessings found in the illusions I hold. Freedom from illusion is among the toughest if not THE toughest challenge for any human. I don't want to suggest that word blessings equates with freedom, if we had freedom, why would we be counting our blessings? Blessings are an ideology.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 7 سنوات #55

Within an illusion can there really be truth? If so it would have to be dynamic. This is where i guess i part company with the illusion metaphor of existence. Freedom has to be within the confines of more than one person. My existence and beliefs establishes conflict within the freedom viewpoint. But no necessarily and illusion. Clearly some boundaries and these boundaries need to be held in some form of dynamic ever-evolving search for truth. This i deem to be thriving/living. Life is an illusion if we live in singularity on an island.

CityVP Manjit

منذ 7 سنوات #54

and #88 : The Yin and Yang of the illusion of freedom is that there is this hidden dependencies but there are also blessings. Authority as a dependency can create a very hostile and toxic world and here authority really is competing constituencies and the toxic power struggles in academia is a good example of that. Life lived n any bubble will eventually burst, and our own contribution in a bubble can be something we are unconscious about. The illusion of freedom does however also bring to the fore considerable blessings also. It is in our DNA to deconstruct and tamper/tinker with things that escalate challenges, often we call these challenges "opportunity" but more often than note these challenges come up against competing interests. A poignant word for authority then is "special interest". We think of special interest in terms of large scale effects, so we condemn practices that represent special interest, but special interest exists in the micro world also. Without consideration of blessings, we warp or shift attention to the darker side of illusion. The welcomed side of illusion is a capacity we all can have, which is our imagination, it is imagination that can move us towards truth, unless our occupation (what occupies us)

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 7 سنوات #53

This was a great comment and thought process. The illusion of freedom brought on by hidden dependencies. I believe 9/11 showed us a micro scale disruption that could be easily scaled up by a 5th grader. With population growth we are asking technology to grow food, make things cheaper etc. (The article you linked shows that immediate term fixes have future consequences.) With growth we are useing technology to serve, while eliminating jobs with the technology, this seems counter-intuitive. The illusion for myself is more that we talk about unrelated issues of the short term while the devil is stealing our future. This statement could apply across a few thousand different issues. From Social to Fiscal we are sacrificing our future for intermediate gains that history has already tried and we have the results from those endeavours. If we are not already living inside an illusion we are building one.

CityVP Manjit

منذ 7 سنوات #52

We don't see illusion because milk comes from a jug in the fridge, water comes from a turn of a faucet in the sink, bread comes from a shelf in a supermarket, light comes from a switch on the wall, and it is when these things are disrupted that we come face to face with our dependency, and what we are dependent on is this illusion of freedom. This illusion is a form of learned helplessness even for the farmer we think has a deeper connection with nature or the land and even here he system can still conspire against the farmer as they begin to conspire against nature, for when short-term thinking is an act of survival it is what disconnects people.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #51

And you have traveled the path wonderfully dear Praveen Raj Gullepalli

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #50

Never ever you fall short of my high expectations of you dear Praveen Raj Gullepalli. I loved your comments and quotes. I need to absorb more thoroughly to digest them. I loved this "The depraved, the foolish, do not surrender unto me; their discrimination is degraded by the illusory energy they betake to the nature of the demoniac". SO much to learn and ponder on.

CityVP Manjit

منذ 7 سنوات #49

Joris Plaatstaal you said "Freedom scares many of them, it involves losing certainties" and in a marketed paradise certainty becomes a euphemism for freedom, and the chief reason freedom scares people is that certainty also creates fear about its potential loss. Where fear is not pervasive certainty can create an oasis of freedom - and these freedoms involve growth in choice. Yet the freedom that certainty gives is far different from the freedom that uncertainty gives - unless again fear invades uncertainty. Our learned disposition is that uncertainty is bad because the chief cement of social order is certainty. Our marketed paradise uses uncertainty to get us to buy things - so in a typical advertisement we may be temporarily reminded of a pain and it is the product message that brings us back to certainty i.e. in the pathos approach [See Pathos, Logos, Ethos in link] It is our emotional centers that attune freedom with certainty, but it is our prefrontal cortex that can free us from our emotional conditioning to recognize the true freedom in uncertainty. The freedom of uncertainty is freedom from illusion.

CityVP Manjit

منذ 7 سنوات #48

Joris you said "Freedom scares many of them, it involves losing certainties" and in a marketed paradise certainty becomes a euphemism for freedom, and the chief reason freedom scares people is that certainty also creates fear about its potential loss. Where fear is not pervasive certainty can create an oasis of freedom - and these freedoms involve growth in choice. Yet the freedom that certainty gives is far different from the freedom that uncertainty gives - unless again fear invades uncertainty. Our learned disposition is that uncertainty is bad because the chief cement of social order is certainty. Our marketed paradise uses uncertainty to get us to buy things - so in a typical advertisement we may be temporarily reminded of a pain and it is the product message that brings us back to certainty i.e. in the pathos approach [See Pathos, Logos, Ethos in link] It is our emotional centers that attune freedom with certainty, but it is our prefrontal cortex that can free us from our emotional conditioning to recognize the true freedom in uncertainty. The freedom of uncertainty is freedom from illusion.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #47

Joris Plaatstaal- I am amazed by what you wrote "It is not in my genes to choose for my own freedom. And that is a limiting factor". Yes, it is

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #46

I believe if one questions self it means there is no 100% trust and therefore keeps trying and learning. Thank you Mohammed Sultan

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #45

Praveen Raj Gullepalli- late is better than never my friend. Thank you for your quick response

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #44

Remarkable and profound your quote is dear CityVP Manjit

CityVP Manjit

منذ 7 سنوات #43

Do we need self-confidence in truth, is there "musts" that we must have or can we observe our own truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth? If we cannot, then we need confidence. As the title of this post says "two illusions don't make a fact" but two illusions can create the crutch for confidence. What is the actual nature of confidence if it is built upon a faculty of lying to ourselves? There is proven scope for the attitude of faking it until you make it - so we here know that lying becomes a part of a personal success mantra.

CityVP Manjit

منذ 7 سنوات #42

There was something that Jiddu Krishnamurti said that on seeing it, I thought was incredibly profound and pure genius, he said : "A confident man is a dead human being" from He is not talking about a lack of confidence but how confidence is a part of the illusion.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #41

This a great comment dear @Mohammed SUltan. I like your borderline definition "The confidence is always a borderline between the outside insights and our ability to use our own understanding and judgments:. Lack of confidence leads to illusion- this is a radical idea and I do appreciate alerting us to this trend. We need to explore ourselves- this is solidly true.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #40

Joris Plaatstaal. This is because you wrote "In this case the illusion could be even better than the real thing. I believe so and your thoughts here appeal to me. The fact that you wrote such two probing comments means that the issue of illusion of knowledge and freedom is brewing in your mind. So, I am.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #39

Joris Plaatstaal- This is quite challenging what you wrote "I feel that people want the illusions to become fact so that they don't want to hear the Truth" DOn't me limit illusion by distorting knowledge? By same token , freedom is limitless, but don't we limit it by turning freedom to a tool to slave others? You challenge my mind.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #38

Thank you Franci Eugenia Hoffman would say.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #37

Preston Vander Ven- so, there is a bias for people to "I feel that people want the illusions to become fact so that they don't want to hear the Truth". Some people don't like facing reality. A great idea to ponder on.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #36

Thank you dear for your very kind and encouraging words. I try my best not to waste readers' times reading irrelevant buzzes. Your feedback is truly appreciated.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #35

Steve Brady-woe, and soon I shall be reading of your buzzes. I know of the complexity you shall be dealing with in your forthcoming buzz. Social issues are complex and and justice could be more complex than many other social issues. Let us keep the grooming of our minds.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #34

I look forward to reading to exchanges of comments between the beautiful minds of Sara Jacobovici. I am sure many ideas shall float to the surface when you do.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #33

Savvy Raj- lovely quote and I enjoyed yor wisdom immensely. You are an inspiration for all of us.

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 7 سنوات #32

First I wish to thank Ali Anani. Many layers to your comment which Dr. Ali has already highlighted. For me, what I see and hear in this comment is the place of "altered states of consciousness" and a wonderful description of the process of music's potential to "move" us from one state to another.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #31

Steve Brady- you never stop amazing me with the quality of your comments. This one moved the hell out of me with its depth. Every line of your comment is worthy of serious consideration. I quote the following: What appears to be static, really isn't. In the midst of illusions there is always the potentiality of remaining a captive. I think this is the "borderline" - a liminal space in which if one notices the "itch" of the knowledge illusion, one will seek to "scratch" I am still thinking and I find what you say is simply brilliant. There is a movement in every illusion and this is our opportunity to "move" on with new ideas and perspectives that lead to action. You agree with Sara Jacobovici on defining the borderline as the "liminal space" to move. I think Sara shall enjoy your comment as immensely as I did. Thank you again my friend for "itching" my mind.

John Rylance

منذ 7 سنوات #30

As two wrongs don't make a right then two illusions (misconceptions) don't make a fact, unless it's an exception that proves the rule.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #29

Joel Anderson- beautiful comment this is and I agree with what you wrote "In some respects the volume of information contributes to a snap shot illusion of knowledge". We need truly the time to connect the dots. Thank you for this great illumination.

Joel Anderson

منذ 7 سنوات #28

The discussion reminded me of a quote from Walter Cronkite where he simply said “In seeking the truth you have to get both sides of a story.” To me therein lies a challenge with the pervasiveness of and the growing presence of so much information. In some respects the volume of information contributes to a snap shot illusion of knowledge in a world somewhat filled with a dearth and paucity behind any modicum of substance. To an extent, the pervasiveness directly or inadvertently drives us in assessing it all and taking the time to connect the dots. Thank you for a great post.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #27

Alan Culler- I love your thinking. You are spot on to write " With each new medium -newspapers, radio, television, the Internet -we have moved towards entertainment -illusion and away from information -Truth". I am referring to this comment in my next buzz. I am not aware how much attention people pay for this "observation".

Alan Culler

منذ 7 سنوات #26

Thanks @AliAnani for continuing to puzzle through issues around thinking -you stimulate further inquiry. For me -since the printed word came to the masses -Johannes Gutenberg around 1450 CE - we have struggled with the difference between information -judged by is it true -and entertainment -does it resonate and hold my interest. With each new medium -newspapers, radio, television, the Internet -we have moved towards entertainment -illusion and away from information -Truth. Many philosophers have told us that Truth is found within ourselves and away from the Maya -Illusion of the external world. How to find true knowledge amid the cacophony of illusion -ah -that is the question. Thank you again Alan

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #25

Thanks for sharing this relevant quote Ian Weinberg

Ian Weinberg

منذ 7 سنوات #24

To know much , we need to know very little. But to know that little we need to know a damn lot.... or something to that effect! A quote from Gurdjieff.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #23

ABsolutely, and actually you touched upon the main theme of my next buzz Harvey Lloyd. Yes, we are guilty of "When we ask the 2 ton gorilla to fix the ills of mankind we invite separation and ultimately our demise as nation states".You draw a great image in my mind. I am just visualizing the two ton guerilla fixing our problems. Yes, our societies are advancing to the rear.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 7 سنوات #22

In America our founding fathers new this very simple fact. Government is a bulldozer and can not present itself any other way. It is the responsibility of the people to live in harmony. When we ask the 2 ton gorilla to fix the ills of mankind we invite separation and ultimately our demise as nation states. This wisdom is not mine to claim but rather histories and greater thinkers than me. Sadly this has been known for thousands of years but we appear doomed to repeat the mistakes of our ancestors. I often think of Budda, Mohammad or Jesus showing up today and what would they have to say in public? My guess would be that we have regressed in spite of their teachings. Oddly we think we have advanced.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #21

Harvey Lloyd- now, I now you as a neighbor. Yes, when we seek governments to prescribe laws we create an external force. This is not aligned with complex social problems that change from within. Only when we reach criticality and the social structure collapses we blame it on outside forces even though the causes are internal. No wonder, events repeat themselves. The Arab Spring, which started in Tunisia, was due to a street salesman reaching critical tension that led to setting his body on fire. That fire swapped many other Arab countries. We destabilize societies and then get surprised that they "erupted" because we allowed to a complex system to reach a critical state and force rearrangement. The core values could be what you described as forming the borderline. And we need them from within to reduce the tension.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 7 سنوات #20

I am grateful that i can tickle your brain and thoughts. In a more candid response, i would state it is sad that we can't find peace with each other but request our Government to prescribe laws creating separation in the name of peace. I very much believe that core values are the borderline you refer to. These core values have to come from a tried and true perspective that i sense is spiritual. Do i choose Trumps core values or maybe i choose Atila the Hun's. The values of humans shift based on needs. A core value such as i have described never changes. With these core values, i know what freedom looks like and i now have motivation to seek knowledge and wisdom. Thanks for your insights and posts as they clarify my thoughts in seeking my new neighbor, Ali Anani

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #19

Harvey Lloyd- you stir waters in my brain. I love your idea of purpose and if you read previous comments, commenters are bringing new perspectives such as yours. Your point that when we love for our neighbors what we love for ourselves is fantastic. In fact, Islam says this identically to the way you described it. Why then people fail to do that, and they have repeatedly done it over the years, makes me wonder if purpose has been the main cause. Like your MBA student example, if the student has a purpose then life would be beautiful for all. I wish this isn't an illusion because many MDS and wealthy ones too tend to 'milk" the patient". They give injections unnecessarily to get more money when they have plenty of it. Yes, some people have the personal purpose which is not aligned with the social one. No wonder we have seen repeated social movements to rebel the status quo. I am writing my next buzz to explore this idea of purpose at a greater length. So, who is hurting the others' brain?

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 7 سنوات #18

Ali Anani you make my brain hurt with your thoughts. I am dusting off corners that have sat idle for years. I would shed some light on the word "illusion". This word is usually associated with magicians, in metaphor. Pulling the rabbit out of the hat so to speak. If mankind is living within an illusion (Whether knowledge or Freedom) then what would bring us out of this delusional state? Your "borderline" is what prompted my response. The borderline is purpose. What is mankind's purpose? "We have witnessed religious fanatics using knowledge to restrict our freedom of thinking." Undoubtedly this is a true statement but also represents the bad use of knowledge. So would hesitate to throw "religion" out the window with the bad use of knowledge. Does religion offer us a descriptor of the borderline? Does it offer purpose in existence? Any religion that stifles knowledge/research/understanding clearly is not what i refer. Most religions offer up a version of "love your neighbor as yourself". If freedom and knowledge were placed in this context would it not give purpose? An example would be the MBA student. They could attain the knowledge of making money and seek to become wealthy. What if the MBA's wealth and knowledge included the component of purpose that they have to bring their neighbor along? The gift of being human, we get to define the illusion as you have presented here. The essence of success in defining this is creating purpose that is inclusive. Maybe, "Two illusions point to a need for purpose"?

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #17

Mohammed Sultan- great contribution and very well worthy of serious consideration. Your example are great as you expand the horizon of the democracy illusions. It is an anisotropic one: the rich gets richer and the poor poorer. The resources of one country are the cheap input for another. Apparently, democracy are for citizens of the same country, but doesn't stretch to other countries. This localization of democracy shows that it as well as freedom are global illusions. You remind me of the social four phases. Great ideas are captured by entrepreneurs who make wealth from them. The deprived people reach a stage where their become mutinous forcing the use of power against them till a point is reached where the derived people reach critical numbers to upset the structure of the society. This opens the door for new ideas to emerge later and the loop continues.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #16

Sara Jacobovici- if my buzzes depth grows exponentially, it is because of great minds like yours as you keep feeding me with constructive comments that are mind-openers. We create the space and we create the boundaries to move within if we have the potential. Your cave example is spot on. Even though I read your comment one hour ago; still I couldn't respond. This is because you got me thinking. Complex systems create the space in which they have the potential to move. But, as you wrote later, It is when they are confronted that the real freedom kicks in; what will they choose to believe? DOes belief control the potential of our movement? I am still pondering. You got me in the turbulent waters f believing I know very little.

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 7 سنوات #15

The power and depth of your buzzes Ali Anani increase exponentially. Again, the concepts you are able to communicate with the questions that you apply, plus the amazing discussion from your readers that takes place, is outstanding. My humble contribution is to say first that I think the space between the 2 boundaries is self. We are in that space. We create the boundaries and we have the potential of movement. Plato and Frankl. Plato and his cave allegory ( comes to mind. In the cave, the people are placed to receive information which they take as real. But then someone leaves that place, moves out, has a different experience and returns to the cave to share that experience. At that point, the individual in the cave has a choice; to "shift" from the experience they have been in till the moment they were given another perspective, or to stay where they are. Frankl describes the place between stimulus and response as a place of choice and he equates that choice with freedom. The people in the cave have both illusion of knowledge and freedom. It is when they are confronted that the real freedom kicks in; what will they choose to believe? Now, one can say that they are choosing between 2 illusions of knowledge. Who is to say that either perspective is real? At this point we can only say that the freedom to choose is real and that will lead to the potential of sifting through knowledge until we will be able to discern between fact and fiction.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #14

Your comment captured my mind . Your examples of the illusion of knowledge is a perfect one. Your reference to Copernicus was one example in my mind when writing the buzz. That's because when the masses of people are too consumed with online information to gain knowledge -- and simply struggling to keep up -- they may become too distracted- I love this idea as when the flow of knowledge becomes too fast (or, I would better say the flow of information) is exponentially increasing it might lead to a reaction in the opposite direction. Your comment stirred my mind and kept me thinking. Great stuff

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #13

Your comment my mind . Your examples of the illusion of knowledge is a perfect one. Your reference to Copernicus was one example in my mind when writing the buzz. That's because when the masses of people are too consumed with online information to gain knowledge -- and simply struggling to keep up -- they may become too distracted- I love this idea as when the flow of knowledge becomes too fast (or, I would better say the flow of information) is exponentially increasing it might lead to a reaction in the opposite direction. Your comment stirred my mind and kept me thinking. Great stuff

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #12

Antoinette Capasso-Backdahl- loved the way you incorporated quantum physics in the discussions. You are right and I may write a buzz on this soon.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #11

Dear debasish majumder- yes, knowledge is a moving phenomena. This is a great way to reveal the reality of knowledge today. The question is is knowledge moving linearly or exponentially. One branch of knowledge soon bifurcates into two branches and this in turn double the branching. The rate of changing is changing fast (there is a constant by which we may tell how soon the system shall change). Is knowledge running into a stage where it is reaching the criticality stage? Will soon knowledge become self-organizing?

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #10

Precisely @Deb Lange. Some actors get so involved in their roles that they see them as real. It is the illusion of seeing a mirage a reality.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #9

Deb Lange- beautifully expressed- I sense the illusion between knowledge and illusion is a big gap of a different kind of knowledge that is needed today. This is a quite challenging. We need wisdom and the spirit of continuous discovery.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #8

Thank you Max Carter. Information without knowledge is like a car without fuel. Knowledge incorporates understanding; else it is not.

David B. Grinberg

منذ 7 سنوات #7

Thank you, Ali, for another intellectually stimulating buzz. I always gain knowledge by reading your enlightening posts -- and that's no illusion! Another leading astronomer of his time who got it completely wrong was Copernicus, who claimed the Earth was the center of the entire universe (not just our own Milky Way Galaxy), and that everything resolved around our "pale blue dot" of a planet (to quote the late, great Carl Sagan). I think another context in which to view the so-called illusion of knowledge in today's high-tech modern age, is information overload. This plays into the illusion of freedom. That's because when the masses of people are too consumed with online information to gain knowledge -- and simply struggling to keep up -- they may become too distracted. This distraction, in turn, could allow governments to chip away at some freedoms. The recent advent of "fake news" on Facebook and elsewhere only exacerbates this problem. Thus, the illusion of knowledge may in fact beget the illusion of ignorance. Thoughts?

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #6

This is a magical comment dear CityVP Manjit. You froze my eyes while reading this part of your comment "Illusion when it has magical qualities should empower the imagination further and from that empowerment new forms of thinking can arise and that is the brewing of creative thought and when these atoms of creativity get physical, to emerge as innovation". Yes, I see the positive aspect of illusion. To fill the space between two illusions with meaning is a fantastic idea. As always, your links are relevant and I want to read them before commenting any further.

CityVP Manjit

منذ 7 سنوات #5

I don't really know what fills that borderline but I would like to think it is meaning. Illusion when it is freedom is magic. Our brains use this magic to fill in details for us and we know that this does occur when we become well versed in optical illusions. Illusion when it has magical qualities should empower the imagination further and from that empowerment new forms of thinking can arise and that is the brewing of creative thought and when these atoms of creativity get physical, to emerge as innovation. If we want to fill the space between illusion of knowledge and illusion of freedom, then we are free to do so but there are better options in life than to live life in escapism or fantasy, so there has to be a smarter form of fill than magic. I can't think of anything smarter than the creation of meaning. We know how the creation of meaning was a powerful thing for Victor Frankl in his famous book "Man's Search for Meaning". At this point I want to mention a blog by David Miessler called "Meaning is an Illusion" he draws out this illusion in what he references as "chemical squirts" - that meaning is essentially a by-product of our inner chemistry unleashed by thought. The there is the Biblical quote "Everything is Meaningless" yet if there is no meaning or magic in that space, then what else is there - just our reactive emptiness? Freedom has a tangible quality and knowledge as a productive quality This is the same as looking for illumination. What we can do in physics we can do with our minds - from illusion create something real or at least as real as life can be - and then what does meaning mean?

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #4

I agree with you Deb Helfrich in that illusions have some positive aspects and your two examples are clear evidences. You bring to my attention the other side of illusion. Thank you. So, illusions may sometimes enhance our knowledge, hoping that it shall not become again a source of knowledge illusion. Yes, the borderline is fuzzy.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #3

Well-thought of comment Mark Blevins. I enjoyed it. However; I find some time lag between knowing and getting closer to finding what is real.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #2

WEll-thought of Mark Blevins. I enjoyed it. However; I find some time lag between knowing and getting closer to finding what is real.

Mark Blevins

منذ 7 سنوات #1

When you find out what's an illusion-or not real-you're closer to finding what is real-or fact. I'm not sure who said that. I think it was my high school science teacher.

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