Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات · 2 دقائق وقت القراءة · ~100 ·

مدونة Ali
Ugliness Brings Beauty

Ugliness Brings Beauty


Smiles with slimes- I found myself repeating this with smiles. The ugliness of slime molds brings the beauty of great discoveries that challenge our minds. Slimes may look like "dog shit', but exploring them reveals so many interesting facts. From the tiny species we learn more. They hide secrets in their tininess.

Slime molds bring big issues to our attention. One issue is the value of Intelligence Quotient (IQ) and Emotional Quotient (EQ). Slime molds have no brains and they pulsate together as many in one. They live everywhere and can't be seen individually by the naked eye and yet they unite in thousand to crawl together. These organisms respond to starvation by joining in thousands into a single globule. The globule stretches out into a slug-shaped mass about one millimeter long (one twenty-fifth of an inch) which then crawls like a worm toward light.

I wonder sometimes if living species with no or minute IQ is better equipped to work together as a group. Do they realize that individually they can do almost nothing; in unison they achieve a lot?
Ali Anani, PhD

It seems that the biggest secrets of life hide within the simplest species. How come those slime molds with no brains show us how to design our cities, develop software and how to handle obstacles using the easiest possible paths? Is IQ then a measure of contributing to working together is human societies? I doubt it because high IQs may push for individuality.

If we need people to work together and self-organize would this be possible if we have all members of the team have high IQs? I leave this question for the reader to ponder on. Slime molds communicate through chemical signaling, self organizes and then collaborate. The cycle is simple: communicate, Self-organize and collaborate. Is there genuine collaboration without communication leading to self-organization? Is this the formulae to deal with living on the edge? I believe it is. This belief is augmented by the fact that the slime mold forms reproductive structures as a whole organism, even though it is made out of individual parts. The whole is greater than the sum of the parts.

It is interesting how trivial organisms such as slime molds which live on the edge of two different worlds teach us how to deal with complexity.
Ali Anani, PhD

They’re not animals and they’re not plants, and biologists want to know a lot more about them. They live on the edge and they are exposed to many tensions and challenges. To meet these challenges, they communicate to gather in thousands. They grow and form tentacles in a very organized way to move purposefully together to find food or for self-defense.

It is movement with memory that captures my mind when I study how slime molds move. "The slime mold leaves behind a trail of slime everywhere it goes, which it can then detect later to recognize areas it has already been," said biologist Chris Reid. I ask here Sara Jacobovici for help in how we need to move with memory. We need to leave signs for others to avoid moving in areas that don't serve the needs of others. Sara wrote lately in her buzz "I can’t remember a time when anything stopped moving for me". This is a great statement from Sara. She can't remember failing to move with memory. In the same Buzz Sara asked: Is it accurate to say that if it were not for movement, memory could not take place and in fact, life itself, depends on movement? Slime tells us with smiles that you are very correct. My question is there a meaning for moving without leaving memory behind?


Harvey Lloyd

منذ 6 سنوات #43

Thanks for the link it was interesting. The keyword for me was logic. The slime of this discussion is predicated on a certain rule set that get acted upon religiously. My question or experiment was designed to invoke free will to such a logical organism. Is it possible? Life is a series of gateways that we can choose to walk through. The choice itself is very subjective in its analysis. Further each choice is presented because our perspective is evolving. Unlike the slime. More importantly with this changed perspective we will endure challenges of unknown origin, focus and intent. This is one of the aspects of folks fears as they get washed through gates they didnt choose. Time is the torrent of current that takes us through gates when we become complacent. If we can assume that the gates of change are constant and that we will go through each by choice or natural flow, then we must also consider that my series of gates are unique. Humans can recognize gates and assemble them into patterns in an attempt to understand but they cant predict nor shed light from my unique perspective. I can mimic behavior but not necessarily experience and more importantly not perspective. Humans require a higher authority of criteria that through each gate they apply from their unique perspective. Reviewing another's criteria and measuring outcomes is part of the process but i did not recieve their opportunities, nor make their choices. So this information may show the solar system i would need to visit, it doesnt show the planet. Correlation may help us understand something but will not always be the answer to our actionable question. We need a criteria that is greater than ourselves to fully answer our unique questions of action.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #42

Fertile soil needs great comment for any buzz to capture any real value. Thank you dear Tricia Mitchell for adding mind-fertilizers. I am reading the comments and so happy that I am too inspired and feel the joy of great feedback. We thrive on this.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #41

you encourage me to proceed with writing the new buzz. Thank you dear Tricia Mitchell

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 6 سنوات #40

AHHHH the dreaded wheel. Our limbic system tells us we are unable to avoid the wheel. If we can embrace the wheel as a part of our growth we can free up our mind to explore what the wheel is teaching. The limbic system develops our core view of the present, if we are new to the landscape, this warning should trigger our higher thinking. Judgement was a wheel i stayed on for a long time. My insatiable need to know right and wrong was the wheel. My learning showed me that right/wrong are really not answers but conditions, purpose is what we should seek. I was off that wheel. Science and me generally do not get along. I enjoy science fact, where i do not understand, when facts get used to describe the physiological existence of man. Science wanted this wall of fact and proven theory, well please stay behind it. The search for the fountain of youth is folly. The search itself demands we give up the present. Until we evolve away from growth of the limbic system then death will be a welcomed condition. Over time our narrative develops a environment that supports the narrative. This condition without a catalyst will self heal towards its own ends. We start broad and then limit our thinking to our own survival. What happens when we extrapolate this out over two hundred years? No, i am content to pass on the wisdom of years to my children so that i might save them from a few of the wheels and let them carry on. Great thoughts and discussions @Tricia Mitchell

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #39

This is mindblowing comment and my dearest Tricia Mitchell because it shall even yield more ideas.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #38

I am baffled by your comment and right now absorbing it. What stands out for me now is "opportunity exists to pick up new and different knowledge and fold it into our new narrative. This doesnt mean that we will pick it up". Your comment Harvey Lloyd, you too opened "the spores of my mind".

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 6 سنوات #37

"Now, do physical existence and physiological existence feedback to each other so that if we improve one the others improves?" Yes. In nature this is a 100% yes. In physiology the yes is dependent on whether we see the change as beneficial. There are benefits to reduce it or eliminating chemical dependency, but can this happen without first healing the narrative that lead to the dependency? When we cycle through what our narrative creates, opportunity exists to pick up new and different knowledge and fold it into our new narrative. This doesnt mean that we will pick it up. Each challenge to our narrative in forward motion is a challenge to seek that which is missing. Or....each cycle presents an opportunity of judgement. No learning just pure logic of right and wrong from our very own narrative. The cycles of your narrative are freeing to consider possibilities and examine our condition Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #36

I want to thank you Harvey Lloyd for I find this comment illuminating and I am writing a buzz based on it. You now offer me an extension for the buzz. Trees grow in modules and so if a part dies the tree still grows. Will ponder more.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 6 سنوات #35

"The jack of all trades and master of few..." That brought back memories of fresh beginnings. Roger Dawson of negotiating fame stated that everything is owned or controlled by someone else. Ever have a phrase or comment that seems to burrow past your own filters and get to the heart? His follow up statement was (Paraphrased)...if you want it you have to learn to communicate so they are willing to give it to you. Over the years with disipline i learned many things about the human condition so that i might communicate more effectively. Grammar was not one of those studies. Verbal was my strength. I wanted to state, your personality type and humanness was the most challenging and rewarding i would meet in construction contracting negotiations. You have mastered the only trade that really counts in the end, serving others. I find this virtue enjoyable while somewhat challenging. I enjoy your comments and insights.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #34

Harvey Lloyd- I agree and testify with what you wrote "But physical existence and physiological existence are two very different things". At least, we know from nature how to better our physical existence. I am reading a post on silica shells on some marine organisms and how they perfected their efficiency of turning any light into energy. Scientists are now designing new solar cells in emulation of these silica shells. Should they succeed the economics of photovoltaics should be quite feasible. Now, do physical existence and physiological existence feedback to each other so that if we improve one the others improves? This is a topic of great interest to me and I thank you for initiating this interest.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 6 سنوات #33

The elements of physical existance are found within nature and from my own perspective i sense that nature has reached a perfection. But physical existance and physiological existance are two very different things. When man was dependent on nature and the hunt/harvest concepts the physiological existance was simple. You worked to produce food. Naturally this came with the two other great needs, clothing and shelter. Once man determined how to produce above their ratio of one to one in these three main areas, bartering began. Supply and demand was born. This sounds simple when we look from the slime perspective. But supply and demand that was once based on food, clothing and shelter....evolved into a hierarchy of existence. When we look at mankind we are not driven by the necessities but rather materialism. Things establish our existance when we view each other. From grammar to gold we assess or ultimately compare our existence. What would happen if we gave one slime community all it needed to survive indefinitely, then after a period of time introduce a starving lot of slime? Defending, mutiny or two slime communities joining to one large one? What makes life so complex is the comparison between communities and the resulting less/more, right/wrong debate. We have stumbled into a debate of glorifying/condemning the past instead of leading into the future. Leading into the future offers us an edge of success, where condemnation always ends in disaster. Slime shows us the very basis of our existance and demonstrates what we have added beyond this exisistance, maybe this is the issue.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #32

Dearest Tricia Mitchell- following my previous response to you I am now working on a buzz on Wisdom of Branching out. I am grateful for your inspiration.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #31

An MD starts ALWAYS a s a general practitioner before specializing, So you are dearest Tricia Mitchell You diverge into many fields and in due course you may converge to focus on one subject and may not. You bring to my mind a new idea- if we grow like trees then we keep branching out meaning no matter what we keep moving into new subjects of learning. You are doing the right things my friend. I am considering expanding this response into a buzz.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #30

A close friend of mine refused to get married till he was in his late thirties. I asked him once why? He said that his father was very crul too him and he was worried to treat his kids the same way. When finally he did he became a very passionate father. SOmetimes things fireback in the opposite direction Lisa \ud83d\udc1d Gallagher

Lisa Gallagher

منذ 6 سنوات #29

You wondered if a mom wasnt devoted to her mother if she could be to her children? I cant speak for anyone except my own mom. My mother's mom was a horrible, undevoted parent. My mom was the only child, mom must have been blessed with the innate ability to love in a way she never experienced. Her payoff, she finally received deep love she missed out on from her mother. I know mom felt not only fortunate but unconditional love from all of us and likewise. :)

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #28

Lisa \ud83d\udc1d Gallagher0 you wrote "even if distance separates us, I feel such a bond". You are a great mother AND daughter. I wonder if a mother isn't devoted to her mother if she could devote herself to her kids. Being so faithful to your mother during her life and after her death reflect your faithfulness and devotion to your kids. I still echo your buzz that you wrote post to your mothers' death. Devotion can't be partitioned and your devotion is beyond doubt, Lisa.

Lisa Gallagher

منذ 6 سنوات #27

I hope the biggest memory I leave is being a mom. That's one role that I have prided myself on and my favorite role. I've had many jobs that were important but I still go back to my parenting and even being a "Nana" now. Smiles, cooking together, love and compassion are just a few examples of a footprint that I hope I leave. Thanks for the tag Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee. As you know, I lost my mom a year and a half ago (wow, seems like yesterday at times) but I am now focusing on my immediate family that is growing thanks to the new grand children and together we grow as a unit- even if distance separates us, I feel such a bond.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #26

Your comment is a buzz and a distinguished one too my dear Tricia Mitchell. Your references and linkages o research work is formidable. I feel you move around with book shelves on your shoulders. And in spite of this fact you say your contribution is humble. You are so modest my friend. I am amazed by your contribution and i have no doubt that readers of your comment shall feel the same. BTW_ I really wish that you and Edward Lewellen be connected if not for I find you share many grounds. Edward shall be the right person to comment on your limitless comment with such depth and comprehension.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #25

You give freely and without restrictions your valuable comments dear Joanne Gardocki. I am deeply moved by your great manners.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #24

Thank you Kevin Baker and I have no doubt about your ability to make sound comments. I thank you genuinely for the compliment.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #23

great to read your fantastic comment dear friend Edward Lewellen. We need to learn from our cells to be in harmony with our bodies. May be our cells laugh at us when they see our lack of collaboration. We need first to communicate and self-organize before we may collaborate. Our cells do just this.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #22

Absolutly concur with you Erroll -EL- Warner

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #21

I always feel you have something more to say Kevin Baker

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #20

Thank you for your trust dear Sara Jacobovici and I couldn't stay away from this Golden Triad, even if I wanted to.

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 6 سنوات #19

Glad for the connection with you Lisa Vanderburg. After all, you are the catalyst for all of these connections and exchanges.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #18

Doesn't this relate to your term "sensory intelligence" Deb\ud83d\udc1d Lange, Brand Ambassador @beBee? Go ahead and write your book on this topic. While writing it you shall uncover many hidden senses in our lives.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #17

Dear Deb\ud83d\udc1d Lange, Brand Ambassador @beBee- is this the title of your new book "Sensory intelligence".? Believe me you said lots of things in two words. It is "Trusting Our Senses" and beyond it. We trust our senses when we have sensory intelligence. You opened traits for new thinking. If you haven't read the book of Deb on Trust Your Senses then you are missing a lot. This book has a rating of 4.8/5 and is a must read. Do you feel you live in a sea of words swimming around in your head that leads to overwhelm, confusion, anxiety and alienation? Do you seem to repeat the same habits in relationships and attract the same kind of partner, friends or work colleagues, which end up in conflict or withdrawal? If yes, then this book is for you.

Lisa Vanderburg

منذ 6 سنوات #16

Hey...if it doesn't leave a mark, it didn't happen.... :)#13 Keep going Sara Jacobovici! You and @Joanne Gardocki (must sign up!) are growing beautiful patterns and new trails in this wonderful slime! I am humbled by all of your depth!

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #15

If I had a wish now it is that the Q&A of Sara Jacobovici. I want to know more about you.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #14

I am normally reluctant to tag my friends to my buzzes unless I am 300% sure the buzz is relevant to them. This time I wanted to tag Deb \ud83d\udc1d Helfrich because I believe the DISCUSSIONS are inviting for them. THank you Lisa for your tags, and for expressing the traumas in your life. You shall leave a mark for others to find their way.

Lisa Vanderburg

منذ 6 سنوات #13

#7 it, sweet Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee! It took me ALL THIS TIME to write my comments, and I come back and there's a gzillion more! You can guesstimate how slowly my ooze flows :) I couldn't have even dreamed of this depth - kudos and thanks!

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 6 سنوات #12

#9 Great energy in this exchange Lisa Vanderburg. Inspiring and thought provoking.

Lisa Vanderburg

منذ 6 سنوات #11

Part 3: Maybe I can ask Deb\ud83d\udc1d Lange, Brand Ambassador @beBee Brand Ambassador to weigh in here? I owe her a response anyhoo for not interviewing with her after I got her wonderful book, 'Trust Your Senses'. For me, I recognise the dangers of my buried childhood trauma-memories, yet I am reluctant to be rid of them because they are what I now am - take them away and I have no 'meaning for moving' forward. What remains is simply a ghost, but at least I know the skeletons are firmly IN the closet! Gonna share this delicious cud that we're chewing here, thanks to you my friend Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee to join in...and the FELLAS!!

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #10

I do wish now to see dialogues between the three stars Lisa Vanderburg. Just reading your subsequent comments calls for the initiation of this triad. I may call it the LSJ triad. Goodness me what new ideas shall emerge. "Pride is the reason colonies, communities, companies and even individuals collapse"- no wonder dear Lisa many nations and businesses collapsed when they were at their peaks. You enriched my mind with your mind and heart penetrating comments.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #9

Joanne Gardocki- I firmly believe that you are one of the best commenters I have encountered. I am not saying this out of void. I am saying this because whenever I read a comment by you you make me think. This comment of yours elaborated more than I can say by written words. Sara Jacobovici shall not miss your idea " I am grateful. Life exists in relationship; movement of thought/ideas before action takes concrete form" Now, I wonder if we were to map the movement of ideas versus the movement of subsequent actions what map would we get? Your second point "The purpose, to take what can be learned and leave the connected trauma behind". Slime mold leaves the trauma behind so as it serves as a "road mark"for others. Even when we leave trauma behind it may be a guiding mark for others. Deep- very deep thoughts in your comment and I am thankful to you, Joanne.

Lisa Vanderburg

منذ 6 سنوات #8

Part 2: #4 Sara Jacobovici SO brilliant in the asking! Memories serve us, no? Yet 'we' seem to spend so much time (and money) trying to alter or be rid of some; why? Is that a uniquely a first-worlder thing; I think it is. omor true PTSD, they can destroy too.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #7

I am speechless because the quality of your comments is so grand my dear Lisa Vanderburg "The Queen of Paradoxes". Now, I call you the "Queen of Simplicity" that isn't too simple. Isn't this reflected beautifully in your line "The reason is their 'memories' are simple instinct without all the trappings of IQ". Well, you trapped me with your simple; yet very convincing simplicity.

Lisa Vanderburg

منذ 6 سنوات #6, Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee! This will invite many pulsations of opinion and thought, so I'll slime out on a branch here: Seems to me that the most successful colonies of life are those without Id, Ego and Superego, like ants. The reason is their 'memories' are simple instinct without all the trappings of IQ. That said, when high-IQ humans collaborate, they can only succeed if they park their egos at the door and truly understand the value - for ALL - of humility. It's the only aptitude that can control the ego. So vital is this that even some corporations have understood that humility is the glue that binds and this is integrated into their core values. We are both enriched and encumbered by conscious intelligence, and that's where choice comes in....end part 1.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #5

Great and do I expect to read a response from you soon Sara Jacobovici to your powerful rephrased question? "So, I would humbly, reframe and ask, how does the purpose shape/influence the memory, and its movement?" I agree and I accept the rephrasing of my question. The beauty of exchanging comments with you is that I respond sometimes momentarily and I record my questions as they flow in my mind. This time you really made the question intriguing and I impatiently wait for reading your reflections.

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 6 سنوات #4

And the thinking continues......Great thoughts and questions, again Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee: 1."When we feel so proud to be brainy and overlook the brainless." Yes indeed, Dr. Ali, a very worthy paradox to explore. 2. "If movement isn't linked to a purpose it shall leave memories- but what kind of memories?" Powerful question. I come from the perspective that everything we do serves a purpose. So, I would humbly, reframe and ask, how does the purpose shape/influence the memory, and its movement? You leave me with much work ahead of me Dr. Ali. but I accept the challenge with gratitude.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #3

Thank you dear Sara Jacobovici for your very illuminating response. I strongly believe we have brains to thinks and senses to observe and imagine. Human are very privileged to have brains to think, but this could also be the reason why they don't think sometimes. Is thas a paradox my "Queen of Paradoxes"? Yes, I do believe so. When humans have superiority complex they tend to overlook the brainless organisms that they do what they do without thinking. When we feel so proud to be brainy and overlook the brainless. Yes, movements leave memories behind. The questions are what memories and for what purpose? When slime molds move first rather chaotically they explore way and leave memories so that followers will know which path to take and which one to avoid. If movement isn't linked to a purpose it shall leave memories- but what kind of memories? Again, you make me think.

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 6 سنوات #2

Well Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee, you did it again. You have pulled me into your writing; reading, learning and inspired by your questions. I must confess, your last question came as a surprise. It was unexpected as I don’t think there could be movement without it leaving a memory behind. Movement seems to always leave its mark, in one way or another. As you point out, the slime move, creating trails which they can later detect and recognize. All to do with their purpose, their survival. That is the communication and the movements are part of that communication. You write: “…biologists want to know a lot more about them.” Here, I think lies the key: lifeforms without a brain, do what they do because of a built-in system that drives them to do what they need to survive. Humans, are self-reflective. We try to figure things out, to “know”. And in this way, we deserve some kudos for recognizing that the life forms that just “do” without a thinking brain that knows “why” they do what they do, have much to teach us. It’s nice to see that there isn’t a superiority complex that prevents us from recognizing that we can benefit from understanding not only the “why” about us, but how its connected to the “why” about life around us. Thanks for the mention Dr. Ali and for the continued expansion of ideas.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #1

Sara Jacobovici- you are mentioned in this buzz

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