Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات · 2 دقائق وقت القراءة · ~10 ·

مدونة Ali
Why the Best Make the Worst?

Why the Best Make the Worst?


It surprises me sometimes to have experienced the following:

· A notable trainer giving training on time management. The trainees distracted him to the extent that he discussed many business issues, but not time management.

· A famous professor lecturing on change management for an organization. Two years later he gave the same training to the same company using exactly same slides. As if nothing changed in the world in two years.

· A trainer giving training on marketing to a big company. All his examples focused on sales.

· A university professor teaching statistics to second year students. All his students dropped the course. Upon his replacement with a teacher with less qualification he got the same students engaged.

· Norwich City Football Club got promoted to the Premier League with a coach who wasn't he football player.

Why the best fail to produce the best? In fact, they could produce the worst. This paradox that the best oozes the worst kept my mind busy over the weekend.
Ali Anani, PhD

Intoxicated Senses

One reason that occurred to me is that may be the senses of the qualified people may be intoxicated by focusing on the technical staff and leaving out the spiritual part, the purpose part and the communication part. I still recall the great discussions I exchanged with Sara Jacobovici, Fatima G. Williams and then Franci Eugenia Hoffman on the importance of the triad factor WPD (Wonderment, Passion, Drive). These discussions resulted in the establishment of the WPD Hive. Which of these elements did the professors lack to fail miserably and making their worse?

Phil Johnson, MBL wrote recently a lively buzz on beBee in which he wrote "Employees start giving away their power as they walk through their company’s front door. In our rapidly expanding global economy emotional labor is now worth far more than the intellectual labor pursuits of the industrial and information ages". Is part of the problem of the best producing their worst because of the lack of passion and drive leading others to lose same qualities?

Harvey Lloyd made a fitting comment on my last buzz "A hive of ideas". Harvey wrote in his comment "You were there, I saw you @Ali Anani, you were at the brink of the fundamental aspects of our society propelling it forward. The rules from your previous posts and comments are the foundation of spreading our seeds. More importantly the rules help us explore new places of planting. Your word "rules", i believe you thought there might be three, can be interchanged with perception, goals or success.

What we do should be guided by "why" we are doing it in the first place. The rules of social existence establish the "why". All of this to say that each of us require a meaning that we can hang on to and master. In our current phase we are looking for unique meaning in which to expand our thoughts and social interactions".

Do we fail when we lack unique meaning for what we do? I believe this issue is pressing because we might all fail in the trap of becoming better only to produce worse? This is a paradox that warrants our attention.

I invite you to share your thoughts.


Sara Jacobovici

منذ 7 سنوات #68

Thanks again for the tag Ali Anani, Brand Ambassador of beBee. My gut reaction on this one is to say that I am not quite comfortable with the "manager" relationship between mind/spirit. Each has its own unique reality and influence. As well, I don't imagine it being a static relationship. My sense is that there is more of an ebb and flow quality in the relationship, rather than one of managing.

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 7 سنوات #67

Thank you for the tag Ali Anani. I will reflect on this and look forward to responding and exchanging further.

CityVP Manjit

منذ 7 سنوات #66

People generally see meaning in existence as important but often it is betrayed by their practice - what can live and breathe in the mind, expires, evaporates and retires in the cold air of reality. Harvey has included an OR when this is one thing which is integral within us and only an OR when we are making the actuality of a choice. That is when that OR can betray us. Otherwise the body-spirit or spirit-body aspect is CMYK - i.e. just a four colour printing produces the actual picture, so it is as I view the four core intelligences. You know that I am engaged in PHYSICAL INTELLIGENCE which is more than just physical fitness, but that intelligence is just one colour layer. Overlaying that is SPIRITUAL INTELLIGENCE, SOCIAL INTELLIGENCE and COGNITIVE INTELLIGENCE. Bring all those four into harmony and the single colour dream becomes a four colour reality, but we must learn to become great printers of that existence. Unfortunately we are not great printers. That is what young people are finding out - they want meaning and existence (which I totally agree with Harvey about) but that is not how things end up being for young people when reality strikes. I find that they don't want to acknowledge that reality if it is pointed out, indeed my experience here is no comforter - because they have not lived that experience and they don't have enough trust bridges to make the leap of faith. So a few live anxious, distrustful and naive even though their social projections are one of absolute sure footed existence, marvelous shows of "living life" and of being an "interesting person". I have made that mistake of peeling that facade away at times and I am learning that this is actually learned THIS WEEK that this is a cruelty and not a help. It is insufficient for me to say to a young person "you can't handle the truth", it is more important that I too become young - and that means engaging the spirit of starting over - with beginners mind.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #65

This is a great comment and quote Harvey Lloyd to enjoy it. Mindset is the steerer and stirrer my friend- it steers us and generates our thoughts from which our actions starts. This quote comforted my heart. I am blessed to be connected with you.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 7 سنوات #64

A few days vacation and a small piece of the world has moved forward on your great thoughts and writing Ali Anani. I heard a comment the other day that really did give the head a spin. Do we have a body that manages our spirit or a spirit managing the body. Academia would have us think that the spirit is something personal and with education you can manage your physical world. From a lay view though i would say our younger generation is rebelling against this mindset. They seek meaning in existence not just diplomas. Yet academia tends to keep meaning at arms length. Many great comments here and have enjoyed the reading.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #63

I am heavily indebted to you both friends Harvey Lloyd for your appreciation and unfailing support. I say the same things about you and I am proud of my connection with you. Yes, we can only give what we have. No trainer can pass info that he lacks. It is up to trainers to develop their knowledge unceasingly.

Louise Smith

منذ 7 سنوات #62

Yes I think so too. We are on the same wave length. So nice to find across the world !

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #61

I see more points of agreement between you Louise Smith than I see differences. However; this is a lovely discussion and I am watching with interest.

Louise Smith

منذ 7 سنوات #60

AND I totally agree with you about free thinking. Intelligence does not depend on privileged background or prestige or status and neither should right to education. When a Liberal government is in power in Australia, they slash funding to social services, old age and disability pensions, refugees, childcare, education, university places, police, health, the Arts, NGOs under the guise of reducing the deficit and balancing the budget and give mega companies - tax breaks ! It's about supporting the status quo and their $$$ and their prestige to the detriment of the ordinary people without whom the country would NOT function.

Louise Smith

منذ 7 سنوات #59

And yes as you have stated David Navarro L\u00f3pez, society has been rapidly changing and the Education system and Government oversight of - it are not. For the last 10 years, I worked teaching Secondary School Japanese online with shared computer software and conference phone. No Cable - the Education Department could not afford it ! This program was hugely expensive and not really sustainable educationally. Some of my students were more than 1000 kms away. NOTHING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING beats face to face teaching and learning. Queensland Area: 1.853 million km² Population: 4.691 million North Rhine-Westphalia Area: 34,098 km² Population: 17.84 million See comparison of area of Germany and Australia

Louise Smith

منذ 7 سنوات #58

After spending 3/4 life in school or teaching it and being a thinking person, I don't think that what you are saying sounds revolutionary. I agree the funding system badly needs addressing. In the same area of suburbs in Sydney, there is a private boy's school that receives more funding than an "ordinary" state school.The private boy's school has a cohort of extremely rich parents who support the school unlike the ordinary state school. Is this equity? I have this on a tea towel (dish wiping) "It will be a great day when our schools have all the money they need, and our air force has to have a bake-sale to buy a bomber." - Robert Fulghum

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #57

Great comment and I hope Louise Smith would elaborate on his experience.

David Navarro López

منذ 7 سنوات #56

It is obvious you have a lot to say in this matter. I am sorry if I sound too "revolutionary", but it is not only the way of teaching which is obsolete. the funding itself is based as well an obsolete model. Governments are getting taxes and distributing them to their premises. In a society which has increased so much the longevity of its components, and the children mortality has been reduced so much, together with the fact of investing more and more on weapons, which are more and more expensive....this is not a sustainable model anymore. To implement a Montessori system (I know it well as my daughter went to such a school) has two threats for the people in power. One, is more expensive, but this could be managed. The second is, that it would produce free thinking people, and that is precisely what they don't want.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #55

Thank you CityVP \ud83d\udc1d Manjit- this is a wakeup call. Such serious issues need pooling efforts to deal with. SOmetimes we allow us to be substituted with technology when we waive our main talens.

CityVP Manjit

منذ 7 سنوات #54

Your point about using the Internet to learn is what I consider education to be, after all what I think here is a part of my learning journey. We don't have to reform the education system and its rotten test culture that makes good teachers into rubric robots - as we use resources outside the class and students use their mobiles - the school boards may wake up in the spirit of this buzz to ask themselves a self-reflective question "Why do the best make the worst?".

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #53

I agree, but is this limited to education my friend?

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #52

Here students who go to private schools have better opportunities because of their language skills and exposure to addressing audience through theater plays and other social activities. However; again it depends on the individual. My daughter Sara speaks fluent Turkish and she has never taken a single class to formally study tis language. She won one semester scholarship at the prestigious MIddle East Technical University in Ankara.The university reaches in English, but all students have to attend language Turkish courses. My daughter passed all levels and isn't taking any course. She is a student of the German Jordan University and yet her Turkish is better than her German. There is passion for the Turkish language because it is for ladies much more than German is. That is her opinion. So, we learn more when we have passion. The role of schools changed and school teachers should realize this fact. Students can use the internet to learn a lot. Teachers may find their job increasingly replaceable by technology. What isn't replaceable is the guidance of teachers. This guidance must be accompanied by many other skills.

CityVP Manjit

منذ 7 سنوات #51

My primary response in terms of education is to be self-aware.

Louise Smith

منذ 7 سنوات #50

I learnt to teach Science in an experimental method - students were given a question, materials and some guidance. Then they had to come up with their own hypotheses and test them. It wasn't teacher led follow the steps to get the right answer. But it took time - about 2 hours ! Well you can guess what happened to the experimental method !

Louise Smith

منذ 7 سنوات #49

Yes it's about maturation and motivation. Understanding where you are and knowing where you want to be. SUCCESS = 99% perspiration + 1% inspiration

Louise Smith

منذ 7 سنوات #48

In Australia students from the State Education system are more likely and do succeed at University better than those who went to Private (Public = UK)schools. Why? Because they had to think for themselves.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #47

Because I have little experience to respond to your valid question I invited CityVP \ud83d\udc1d Manjit to respond because I think he can answer these questions far better than I.

Louise Smith

منذ 7 سنوات #46

I wonder how much would it would cost to replace our current factory model with Montessori? Usually in Australia, students leave Montessori and go to mainstream schools in upper primary or secondary. So they can learn how to cope with learning in a structured manner. SO what happens to our brain surgeons, astronauts, inventors and writers?

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #45

I invite CityVP \ud83d\udc1d Manjit to respond to this comment.

Louise Smith

منذ 7 سنوات #44

Yes, The Industrial Age system of education is still used. Why? It's the cheapest model. The best $ for your buck!

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #43

I wish more teachers or bees with teaching experiences would add their voice. It is a complex issue, but we may pin down few prime factors for the failing of the education system.

Louise Smith

منذ 7 سنوات #42

I think the funding of education is the main problem. I taught for 30 years in the State system. I taught with many organised, interesting, caring professionals. We went to the EBA system and pay rises which were only usually in line with inflation were bargained off against conditions. I never experienced the worth of those conditions as they weren't applicable to my schools. In Australia new Graduate Teachers stay on average for 5 years ! It's just way too hard !

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #41

:))))) Many teachers left their jobs for other more paying jobs. Educating the generations has become a secondary issue and no wonder we have many school graduates who know very little about life.

Louise Smith

منذ 7 سنوات #40

However educators are often disillusioned by lack of appropriate pay schedules. This encourages them to leave for a more lucrative job with time to go to the bathroom or go and have coffee !

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #39

Yes, you understand me perfectly well Gert \ud83d\udc1d Scholtz

Gert Scholtz

منذ 7 سنوات #38

Ali Anani Thank you Ali - I appreciate your extensive answer and take in what you say: meaning is not restricted by time and if I understand you correctly, meaning might always be there but might in itself be evolving.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #37

The stress f life is taking away lots of the passion for life. I find the comments of CityVP \ud83d\udc1d Manjit on this buzz in line with your comment.

Louise Smith

منذ 7 سنوات #36

Also often young people are unaware of their true life passion before and after University. It can take decades to find and in the mean time they have to pay the mortgage !

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #35

Yes, and I experienced the same Louise Smith. The communication of knowledge and the passion to teach others are basic requirements. You can see this also in people lecturing as in TED talks. SOme presenters grab your attention extremely well and others fail. ALl presenters have the knowledge, but not all have the passion and communication skills to communicate what goes in their minds.

Louise Smith

منذ 7 سنوات #34

It should be one of the factors after all, you can't really supervise a student doing a PhD if you haven't had that experience yourself. But at Universities, there is often an overdose of politics.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #33

I like opposing opinions with reason as your comment is Gert \ud83d\udc1d Scholtz. To explore means we need t free our hands to try, err and learn. I fully agree. However; when we have full meaning of what we do doesn't negate your comment or is controversial with it. When we have meaning then we are ready to try. Meaning isn't restricted by time. When I started my learning journey to explore nature and learn from it I had a great meaning for me o continue the discovery. The more I learnt, the more I became immersed in the discovery. Even though progressively I felt I know less the more I learnt, I found the meaning of my work gets clearer. This kept the drive and passion. When we give meaning we also feel the importance of what we do. I remind you of the story of the cleaner. The cleaner kept the factory clean so that the workers don't get sick and produce more so that his company company profits more. This kept his zeal to do what he was doing. Thank you for your very interesting comment.

Louise Smith

منذ 7 سنوات #32

A lot of Academic Staff - NOT ALL - are not good teachers, have no training and only really care about their research not expanding knowledge of young minds. I went to University 3 times and each time I taught myself!

Gert Scholtz

منذ 7 سنوات #31

Ali Anani As you do you have provoked my thoughts on these themes. I would say that sometimes a certain lack of focus and lack of knowing why one is doing something can be beneficial. Loosening the reigns on the goal and the why allows for experimentation and chance events where goals evolve and the answer to why we are doing it only becomes apparent later in hindsight. So isolating your question: “Do we fail when we lack unique meaning for what we do?” My answer is not necessarily, at least not at first. The unique meaning might come after the doing. Thank you for the post Ali, always gives me pause for thought.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #30

Differentiation comes even before excellence sometimes John Rylance. On a personal level this can be very powerful. The question is what I do then with my differentiation. I might be a distinctive man in writing poems, but what poems do I write and for what? You also got me thinking.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #29

Yes, you are spot on . I feel the world of sports offers us great examples of success and failure. SUccess as a player and failure as a coach is one sure example. A coach need to get the best out of other players; as a player the best out of himself. This isn't different from successful academics who fail to motivate the students. The ability to communicate passionately enough o move others with an appealing purpose is common between coaches and academicians.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #28

Franci\ud83d\udc1dEugenia Hoffman- Your comment offers a wonderful explanation of the WPD Factor. I agree entirely with your comment and its correctness.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #27

Yes, I agree Alan Culler. The signal has to be right, the communication channel has to be right and the content has to be rightly passionate to the recipient and coming out with passionate pride from the sender.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #26

What a subtle expression that reflects reality "We are competing with reforming the existing prison, rather than rethinking how to create new freedom"!

John Rylance

منذ 7 سنوات #25

I was interested in your comment re lack of meaning for what we do. It made think of Unique Selling Point (USP), the basis of what you can offer that others can't do in a given situation. While this is mainly seen as why someone should buy from you rather than a competitor, it equally important in areas like applying for a new job. (What can I offer others might not be able to bring to the post?) This becomes more relevant as currently much is made of each us selling ourselves as a brand. (Not something I subscribe to, it makes feel comparing choosing me, in the same way one chooses a tin of baked beans)

Alan Culler

منذ 7 سنوات #24

Ali Anani and David Navarro López -I agree that egocentrism destroys the purpose of education "to help the learner learn." Great discussion Wonder -passion-drive seem requirements to communicate (having something of value to say) but they focus on the signal. A focus on the recipient (Reception) and what might get in the way (Noise) would seem to be required also. It is a wonder that we can communicate at all isn't it? :-)

CityVP Manjit

منذ 7 سنوات #23

Waste is a natural part of all living systems, but it is the acceleration of waste which interests profiteers and the greedy, and that behaviour is supported rather than thwarted by systems of incentives and conditions which desires passive consumption - consumers/people enable this! If we try to change that, we take out the engine that fuels what we deem to call success of the system as it is. Should we keep learning because we become wiser to violence or is there a smarter way? If we try to destroy the system we also destroy lives, and every uprising that has done that has conformed back to this system. The change comes not from the existing system but people who are born into the system and begin to get educated about what they are born into - and instead of teaching these people to destroy the system, they become creative minds reframing the problem and creating new elements and ways in society, that become the new mindset. The old mindset simply dies with age and not revolution. It recedes in history or it becomes a history that some tribal mindset may fight violently to keep or bring back to live in the past. The new mindset eventually becomes the old mindset. America became the place where everyone wanted to emigrate to not because it had a revolution but because a marketing industry and human capital industry formed to support the existing product mindset of industrial and factory mindsets - and added to that the role of financiers who defined success as the return an organization makes for its shareholders. We are competing with reforming the existing prison, rather than rethinking how to create new freedom. We are getting there in an embryonic state, so the change is here but it is an early evolution.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #22

Yes, to change alone and not to help others change to their betterment means for me that those people shall stay behind. This is a separation approach- a segregating one. What kind of society would prevail if we allow this to happen? Well, this is happening. This attitude is simply destructive and not disruptive in any useful form.

CityVP Manjit

منذ 7 سنوات #21

When we look at the best, we need to compare them with helping people who want change. If I say the words "OFFICE POLITICS" is there anyone here who does not experience that banality in traditional organizations. Let us take the movie "MATRIX" as an example. The movie was made by people who make computer games - but the premise of the movie is about people lost in the game and controlled through machines. Here is one of the scenes that is now famous from the first Matrix movie featuring "Morpheus" it ends with the offer of taking the red pill to see the truth and the blue pill to stay in wonderland. Just how many people in reality actually want to take the red pill of truth, compared to the blue pill of Viagra. Go back to a Biblical passage in Luke 9:60 "“Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God.” - our society created consumerism as a brain-dead way of buying stuff. The very stuff George Carlin laughed about Why do we get personally depressed by the very engine of the industrial make and buy economy? The examples you list are not the best of truth, but the best of hypocrisy. Why do we have such a hang up about personal brand, other than these are professionals who will make their money servicing that sloth and getting caked in the process (hence protect their brand !!!). I am not going to tell you what the cake here is, but it is the lowest common denominator. I don't bother with that cake otherwise most of my posts will end with the word "bullshit". They don't and I must ensure I deal with the best.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #20

SO, the root cause of the problem is an educational one. I started remembering my teachers at school. I loved chemistry because of my teacher. He wasn't the best chemist, but he knew where my strength was and cultivated it. He knew how to motivate me and enjoyed seeing one of his students progress. Yes, I share your comment.

David Navarro López

منذ 7 سنوات #19

All the educational system should be substituted, as it is based on the "Austrian" system, on which school was not intended to form individuals, but to produce labour manpower, soldiers, etc, kidnapping their individuality and promoting "mass production" of brains. This system gives the same amount and kind of education, independently of the innate capabilities, which in the end, are the key issue when selecting people successfully for your staff. Basing the selection by the results of a student in a university, which results have been evaluated by other people who had the same kind of education, will produce no other thing than more dehumanized people in charge of companies.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #18

Great example and I greatly appreciate sharing it. So, knowledge without communication skills is like a bird with one wing. Thank you again David Navarro L\u00f3pez

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #17

I add my voice to yours dear Tausif Mundrawala. I expressed similar hopes in my previous comments. You bring a great idea- experts who aren't when they they they are. Technical knowledge is one part; knowing the human is another. We deal with people and we must cater for this side of the equation.

David Navarro López

منذ 7 سنوات #16

, In this case, I can give you a real life example. I have a work colleague who is one of the most talented technicians I have ever known. I have been working with him side by side along several months. The things I learned from him are wonderful, but he is not capable of teaching them, so if you want to learn from him, you need to pay attention to what he does, and not to what he says. So I agree entirely that communication skills are point number one of the list of a good teacher or leader.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #15

Weare then in agreement Devesh \ud83d\udc1d Bhatt with your wonderful elaboration.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #14

Dear CityVP \ud83d\udc1d Manjit- your comment saddenedd me because it reflects our experiences and their bitterness. Right from your first line "The dirty little secret is that our society is accepting of drone existence". The drone plane takes great pictures of the ground. I wish our drone society would see the picture. It is saddening that a drone plane isn't doing what it is supposed to do and reflect the reality on the ground and our tendency to choose for materialistic lives. Shall only we wake up when it is too late?

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #13

Thank you Sara Jacobovici and the trust is mutual. I believe your first comment deserves more exploration. What is good about me needing an item that I misplaced and I don't know where to find it. Same with talents when we misplace them. There is a side effect as well. By misplacing people we create an intoxicated climate from which all people shall suffocate. I seriously believe HR Managers need to be aware of this great pitfall.

Devesh 🐝 Bhatt

منذ 7 سنوات #12

maybe you and i see commitment differently. It equates to dedication and devotion, impossible to be so without being passionate. So says the dictionary too :) Commitment isnt merely beig dutiful because duty has been reduced to quantifiable metrics by us. That apart we do agree. Thanks for the insights

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 7 سنوات #11

Your wishes and expectations are always genuine and well received Ali Anani. I experience them as encouragement and support. Thank you.

CityVP Manjit

منذ 7 سنوات #10

The dirty little secret is that our society is accepting of drone existence. It actually empowers our economy and any training that is put forth to change this status quo will largely miss its mark and not effect the change. There are thousands of companies too numerous for us to know or remember that provide jobs to millions, eeking out a mediocre existence. Out of this is driven consumption as in the word consumers. The chief raw material for this massive drone existence is learned helplessness. Value creation is the domain of the few. People get upset with Ayn Rand's objectivism philosophy because her beliefs cut too near the bone of this massive fat of mediocrity. If an Ayn Rand type was put into power, that person would increase poverty. This is also why the profession of consulting receives such a bad wrap, but it takes two to tango. There is complicit behaviour in value destruction. That is one thing Ayn Rand did get right, for if the value creators hypothetically all went on strike, we will get to know the few that make the life we know for the many - her question is spot on Who is John Galt?

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #9

Thank you dear Sara Jacobovici. Believe me you take me back a full circle to give this paradox more thinking. I wish all human resources managers would read this great line of your comment "The best may turn out the worst because we possess our worst criteria to measure the best; or the worst reflects the best of our criteria". I wish (this time a genuine wish and not expectation) you would use your line to write a buzz and share it in the human resources hive.

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 7 سنوات #8

"...each of us require a meaning that we can hang on to and master..." In these few words Ali Anani, you lay the foundation from which the best can develop. Alongside meaning we can then redefine criteria; what makes this person qualified, which qualities, which area of knowledge, which abilities, are we looking for to achieve the outcome we seek. The best may turn out the worst because we possess our worst criteria to measure the best; or the worst reflects the best of our criteria. And that takes us back full circle to meaning. Thank you once again, Dr. Ali, for provoking an important discussion.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #7

Thank you Devesh \ud83d\udc1d Bhatt. Yes, commitment is a must. However; I don't think it is enough. Many people go to work on time and leave on time, but without passionate drive I doubt if they still would succeed. A professor goes to lecture and is committed to his teaching hours, but still students drop his class. I think this is the beginning of the crack. As soon as the professor doesn't care who dropped and why they dropped the course then there is a major element missing and beyond commitment.

Devesh 🐝 Bhatt

منذ 7 سنوات #6

People can sense when a person lacks commitment. If a person is bored or distracted, commitment goes.. and people would trash the best giving the best for lacking that commitment. Moreso in the emotional domain which is undervalued simply because people dont want to show themselves as vulnerable and trust is a big big factor.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #5

Thank you dear debasish majumder. You really sdd spicy ideas to the buzz. One is "... equated in money, resulting them to be remain busy, rather absorbed in their own aspiration, paving the way for creating sheer monotony". This ties up with my assertion that the poverty of our spiritual power is depleting. We fail to deliver peace and spiritual power to others when we lack it. The money drive is egoist and we need to be much greater than it.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #4

Part/ 2 AGain your comment urges me to ask another question. This is about jobs and qualifications. SHould the university degree be the most important factors in selecting staff? I feel this is a hugely important question because the wrong hiring may lead to huge losses on all fronts.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #3

I am seeking answers as solid as yours dear David Navarro L\u00f3pez. When we lose passion for others we become what you wrote egocentric. One other reason might be the qualification of teaching others aren't the same as learning. Lack of communication skills is a cause in this case. However; another question pops up- if these professors were so bright in learning why they lacke this "brightness" in observing their failure to communicate?

David Navarro López

منذ 7 سنوات #2

The first thought it came to my mind with the examples of trainers and professors was.....Could it be that the teacher was more interested in himself or proving that he was the right one, instead of teaching the lesson? Was he intoxicating his senses due to an egocentric feeling? Leading and teaching are about giving others, helping others, not about reassuring ourselves by bedazzling others with our wisdom. As usual, a challenging post, my dear, lot of think about....

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #1

Harvey Lloyd- please note that you are mentioned in this buzz.

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Light and darkness co-exist anywhere and at any time. They exist in our bodies. The shadow is mostly ...

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My previous post “Are Ideas Measurable?” generated hugely-important discussions that resulted in the ...

المتخصصون ذوو الصلة

قد تكون مهتمًا بهذه الوظائف

  • ابو كايد

    مطلوب معلم عربي الموقر الأردن

    تم العثور عليها في: beBee S2 JO - منذ أسبوع

    ابو كايد الموقر, الأردن فريلانسر

    مطلوب قشير شاورما للعمل الفوري · سكن مؤمن ولا يهم الجنسيه المهم يخاف الله في عمله الموقع الموقر ...

  • Top Pillars

    Python Programmer

    تم العثور عليها في: DrJobEn JO A2 - منذ 23 ساعة

    Top Pillars Amman, الأردن

    Write effective, scalable code · Develop back-end components to improve responsiveness and overall performance · Integrate user-facing elements into applications · Test and debug programs · Improve functionality of existing systems · Implement security and data protection solutio ...

  • Jordan Impact Group

    Deputy Country Coordinator

    تم العثور عليها في: DrJobEn JO A2 - منذ 5 أيام

    Jordan Impact Group Amman, الأردن

    Works under the direction of the PCC, provides day-to-day coordination in implementing the USG PEPFAR strategy. · Supports the PCC as the focal point for all USG matters related to HIV and AIDS. · Participates in PEPFAR Lesotho policy and technical discussions and strategic plann ...