Andrew 🐝 Goldman

7 лет назад · 1 мин. время чтения · ~10 ·

Блог по Andrew 🐝
Face your doubts and build the success

Face your doubts and build the success






I always admired Walt Disney even before I learned who that person was (everyone watched his cartoons right?). And this amazing quote of his with a combination of results he achieved in life says it all:

"All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them" - Walter Elias Disney

And now to us. Good morning and a happy new week! Andrew Goldman here with a small dose of positivity and "never give up" thinking. Hope you've all had an amazing weekend. Spent time with your family, meditated and set some great goals. I want to tell about the greatest obstacle between you and whichever goal you set in front of you. And that guy is called "doubt".

The worst enemy of ours is us. Every time we doubt something is because of the society standards that we have. And the ones we applied to our lives. At the same time, people love famous quotes of people who achieved a lot. The funny paradox is that most of the people who achieved a lot, if not all, did something against the standards.

Some people understand that at work but don't use at home. Others do have it a home but fail at work or with their health. Knowing it is not enough. You have to feel it. That's our advantage in the world. We feel and set standards ourselves. If your standard is to achieve your goal, you will make it. If your standard is to leave stuff until tomorrow. Well, that's gonna be this way.

Everything is possible. We have examples of it everywhere. The only question is: are you ready to really understand it, feel it and live this way? As Albert Einstein said: "Any fool can know. The point is to understand."

Gaining knowledge takes years. Understanding your possibilities happens in a second.

Have an awesome week!

Andrew Goldman


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