Andrew 🐝 Goldman

7 лет назад · 1 мин. время чтения · ~10 ·

Блог по Andrew 🐝
How to fulfill your need for Significance? This basic need has a major impact on our lives.

How to fulfill your need for Significance? This basic need has a major impact on our lives.

"Fulfill your need for significance with contribution."  
Andrew Goldman

Good day friends! I hope you've all had some magical weekend and now we start a new week. I find this "significance" thing extremely important for most of us out there. At least because it is connected to success. It's a belief that most of the people who are successful - are extremely significant.

It is so. But the other question is how they fulfill that significance.

In most of the times, we get bullying, terrorism, fighting, swearing, hate e.t.c. For example the current presidential campaign in the US. So many people demonstrate hate and post their negative comments about the candidates. They do the same. And everyone fulfills their significance this way. As we all know - when we focus on negative stuff, will get more of it in life. The more you hate either candidate - the more chance they have of becoming a president.

And a way bigger problem is that everyone thinks that one person will be able to change lives of people. It's not happening. If you want to change - be the change first. You want love, give it first. Want respect? Give it first.

Life is very simple, logical, tough and exciting at the same time. Being honest, I can say that being a president is a crazy tough job. Going all the way to becoming the one is extremely hard and requires lot's of people to work together so that one person will finally win. When a candidate loses, it's not just that person, it's a whole team. But is it really a loss? Life keeps going. Appreciate that you even have this day.

We all have the power to do the change in life. But we have to become it first.

When you think that someone must come into your life and help you live better, you'll fail. No one is responsible for you and your life. Only you are. If everyone will be kind to others. Give at least something to support others. Share love. Share wisdom. That's when we all benefit from it. And we all win. All the rest is a bull shit story that works as an excuse for people not to do anything.

So be that change you want to see - because you can and want it. Remember that anything is possible. And you are in the center of your mission here. Be the best yourself. Make the world a better place and fulfill your need for significance with it. Have an awesome week!

Andrew Goldman


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