Andrew 🐝 Goldman

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Блог по Andrew 🐝
How to transform your computer gaming experience into success in life

How to transform your computer gaming experience into success in life


It is not a secret that most of the people in the last 2 generations played computer games. Played a lot and still do. The future might not be bright if your only skill is leveling up your favorite World of Warcraft character. Simply because it is not very useful for the marketplace.

Is there anything useful in playing computer games? I've had this question for a long time and went over some research, including game addiction, psychosis and reaction improvement. There is no clear answer if it is good. One thing is known for sure, people spend a lot of time on those.

The time is our most precious resource that can't be restored. We have only 2 options of using it: waste or invest.

There is a story of a boy who played many games. Beat all the horror, adventure, and strategy games there were available. It was fun and he enjoyed that time. But the longer he played, the less he wanted to quit. Cause those worlds were more exciting than real life. All of his basic needs were fulfilled in those games.

In comparison, parents were pushing him to do things he didn't like, such as study, or cleaning the apartment. And those emotions he experienced were all connected. Quitting the game meant to get back to trouble. If you do communicate such a thought to yourself, who would want to quit the game?

The boy did get over this stuff the hard way. Life brought it all to one place. So that he had issues with his parents, (which usually means that parents had some issues of their own), he started living his own life. He had to earn for himself. It appeared that the market wasn't paying for the skill of playing computer games. Business doesn't need that. Only in a way of testers who are not paid much and have to know some coding. And bloggers, in this case, there are not too many highly earning Let's players.

One day, sitting on the street a question appeared in his head. Could I benefit from something of my experience? All the games were quite the same in his mind. You've had a goal which you were supposed to achieve and by the way you were improving your skills.

That leads to 2 most important questions: What do I want and how to improve?

Googling those on the web gave the solutions. What you want is inside and here are some books on how to improve skills.

What if our life is like the game? And we are the heroes in it? Wouldn't the game be boring if the hero would be lying on the bed or playing games all day long, with no goals to achieve?

The only difference is that in the game you are given some goals. In life, you have to set your own. Just like the character of the game you can improve any skill in your life. Everything is learnable. But there got to be a reason to do it. And that reason would be something you want to achieve. Your emotions.

Life is the best game available. Why waste time on somebody else's low-quality games? Achieve their goals? You can play your own game. Keep playing, just pick the best game ever.


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