Andrew 🐝 Goldman

7 лет назад · 1 мин. время чтения · ~10 ·

Блог по Andrew 🐝
Thoughts on the presidential campaign in the US

Thoughts on the presidential campaign in the US


Good day, friends! The new president of the United States was chosen. Congratulations Mr. Donald Trump! I've been following the campaign but never commented. And now I want to say a few words.

Listening to primaries was not very positive. But it's a competition. And every competition means there will be a winner and losers. And it's a way of life.

Another thing is the reaction. I see so much hate and anger now. People who didn't want Donald Trump to win are going to protests, fighting, writing some ugly stuff. There is not much democracy if you get a winner but you push him away for another person to win. It's called tyranny.

After all, every single person is responsible for the future. Every choice we make. Every step of the way. It's not the end. Every day is a new beginning. But people enjoy giving up and sabotaging the future. Hatred will not move us forward. Ony love will.

And to all the haters of Donald Trump I can say that you helped him become the president. You focused on hating him more than supporting other candidates. Now it's time to focus on the brighter future. And not sabotage it. A businessman sets interests of his business before his own. And now Americas interests are Mr. Trump's interests. I'm sure he will do the best to make life better.

Hillary Clinton did the best she could and it's not a failure that she is not the president. Just another step on the way. And life will continue even if there will be no more humankind on the face of the Earth.

Life is beautiful. But only if we see it and focus on it. And a disaster when we focus on negativity and hatred.

With love to all the people of the world,

Andrew Goldman


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