Andrew 🐝 Goldman

7 лет назад · 1 мин. время чтения · ~100 ·

Блог по Andrew 🐝
Would you share your experience to help others?

Would you share your experience to help others?

elping other people
can be a cure,
Not just for those
who are in need,
But for your soul
as well.


Good day friends!

Did you ever felt lonely? Like there was something on your mind but you just didn't have anyone to share with? Or there were, but it seemed inappropriate? Could that be easier if you were able to ask and share anything you want, any experience of yours and not to be scared of criticism or pressure on your persona?

I've spent some time thinking that every person who has some depression, personal question or just something that bothers him/her goes to see the doctor. At the same time, it takes some strength to do it and a feeling that it is right to try. But what happens with other people? Who have some questions or doubts as well, but they don't even know if it's a trouble or not? Scared or don't want to share it? What could they do? There are millions of questions and situations in the world. 

And there is one great thing about them. Most probably somebody already went through the situation like yours. It is inspiring itself. But we've been thinking, with my friend Anqi Jiang, what if we could get those people who have questions and those who have experience and help them communicate. So we came with the idea of a product where people would be able to anonymously share everything they have in mind, find a solution for their situation. At the same, we thought of a direct comparison between advice those people might get from other people and psychologists for the example.

Currently, we created the first version of this product. We share it with the world and also started a fundraising campaign on Indiegogo.

I would love to hear your feedback on this idea and the app itself. The goal is to help people solve their issues, come out of depressions and raise the quality of life. Please see the IndieGoGo page of ours:

The product is called FakeNamez it is currently available for the iOS.

Thank you very much for your time and have an amazing day!

Andrew Goldman


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