Paul Walters

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Tips For Writers? I’m Terribly Sorry, But I Simply Don’t Have Any.

Tips For Writers? I’m Terribly Sorry, But I Simply Don’t Have Any.

Five or so years ago I woke one morning, gazed for a while at the ceiling and decided that I could no longer do what I had been doing for twenty – odd years!

That’s quite a thing to decide. 

Each day you get up, go through the routine of breakfast, kiss the cheeks of the busy family members, exit the home, get in the car and drive to work.

In a way I was fortunate as I owned a long established advertising agency. We were considered to be ' hot' (creatively speaking). I had a terrific staff of 48 who loved their jobs and the work they did, and they really did do some terrific work.


ou -—-

The trouble was, I no longer did.

To get up, go to work and spend all day fooling your clients into thinking you were still enthusiastic about their products and their brands was suddenly beyond me and to be honest, it really it wasn't fair to them.

So, as a true advertising man I followed the Nike credo of, "just do it "

And, I just did it.

I Quit.

I sold up, (for a song) and did what I had told friends, family and anyone else who cared to listen over the years, that one day I intended to be a writer,

I was a copywriter by trade. I think I was moderately good at my craft, if the award statues that cluttered up the staff bathroom were anything to go by, but becoming a novelist?

I wasn't really that sure.

So, what does one do?

Naturally one moves to Bali, finds a house and becomes a mediocre typist.






I then wrote a thriller, " Final Diagnosis" in just 39 days flat, fluked a publisher within a week and released the novel in America in less than four months.

I mean, how hard could this lark be?

But really, in producing the first book I made every mistake in the book (excuse this extremely poor pun) The edit was  absolutely appalling, the text layout mediocre, the cover dark and gloomy which all meant getting a decent review was well nigh impossible. The distribution, even with my publisher at the time assistance was akin to a kid doing a paper run in the tiny suburb of Nowhereville.

I was listed on Amazon and ranked 4,762,410 on their 'all time best seller list!’   And I so learned the painful lesson that a book, when published, doesn't just walk off the shelves.

The publishing business and the business of being a full time writer is a damn site harder than advertising, and believe you me, that business is seriously hard!

My first book was withdrawn from sale, re – edited and re – released which made the novel at least readable and sales picked up after a couple of decent reviews. Naturally, I then decided that more punishment was required.

I wrote another book!

a wis



Now, if you write TWO books you no longer have to say to doubting family and strangers that, “ I write book,” as, you can then say with confidence, “I write books”

This definitely (so I was reliably informed) puts you into the category of something called ‘ full time writer,' as apparently you are no longer a 'one book wonder'.

Its’ true, my ranking on Amazon shot up to 157,726th on their, "all time best seller list” which meant the books were selling. Just think another 157,716 to go and I make the New York Time top 10-bestseller list!!!!!

Inspired, I immediately embarked on yet another novel and within the year I had three published books under my belt. That belt however struggled valiantly to try and hold up my trousers over an emaciated waistline brought on by the tiny royalty cheques I received which didn’t really cover the grocery bills.

How wme up
with Story Tdeas

without an
pz idea fairy

What happened though was that I was swamped by a trove of e–mails in the form of requests for advice.

Advice? .... Go figure. I'm 157,000 th. and something on Amazon’s list for Gods sake.

The sort of questions I received revolved around the following bits of twaddle.

" How should I market my new book?" "Should I get an agent?" " I’m writing a book about vampires, is this wise?" “ How do you cope with writer's block?” " My characters all seem wishy washy. What should I do?"  "Is this a good title for my book?" etc. etc. etc.

Now seriously folks, how the bloody hell would I know?

Once upon a

Setting out on a path of being a full time writer is fraught with dangers but, overcome the fear and really, most people could become a writer. The expression, 'everyone has a book in them," is apt but for most, it's best that their potential book stays in them.

When I started on my first book the publishing world was pretty much as it had been forever and then, overnight it changed. Steve Jobs, as a last act on this planet, introduced a device we all now know as the iPad, closely followed by iTunes and iBook’s and then Amazon brought out the Kindle.

Suddenly, anyone could publish (even if the content was dubious) and the publishing landscape turned on its head. What was once closed territory was suddenly wide open and really, anyone could play.

Good thing? Bad thing? I have no idea. All I know is that now, at the rate people publish  (2.5 million fiction titles in 2015) there will soon be more writers than readers!

As readers, and I am certainly an avid one, we know that good writing is paramount and consequently we are selective in our choice of spending time with a writer's creation. Produce rubbish and the reader will reject you and promptly tell an Amazon forum just how shite your book actually is.


Still, when faced with all of this, I persevere, deluded in my self belief that maybe, just maybe my writing keeps a few people on the planet entertained for a while; nothing more nothing less.

For me, the best thing about writing is that when I travel and have to fill out those pesky immigration forms I am able to list my profession as …. Writer.

You have to admit, it sounds pretty sexy doesn’t it?

Paul v Walters is a best selling novelist and when not cocooned in sloth and procrastination in his house in Bali he scribbles for several international travel and vox pop journals. His latest novel “ Scimitar” was released in September 2016


Paul Walters

7 tahun yang lalu #27

Chas \u270c\ufe0f Wyatt thats bloody fabulous !!!

Paul Walters

7 tahun yang lalu #26

Chas Wyatt Not me!!!!

Lisa Gallagher

7 tahun yang lalu #25

"You only have one life. So take the chance!" So true Katja Bader, so many stay stuck only to end up sickly by the time they retire because the stress took a toll on their physical bodies. I'm trying to get my husband to understand this.

Lisa Gallagher

7 tahun yang lalu #24

Very sexy Paul Walters! I could never write a novel, I don't have the self-discipline. I miss the days of roaming Barnes and Nobles or better yet, we had a local Walden Books store at our then vibrant mall which is on the verge of death now. I think it's great you quit when you knew you should and followed your passion!

don kerr

7 tahun yang lalu #23

Hear hear. #30

Robert Cormack

7 tahun yang lalu #22

Well, Paul, we've followed essentially the same path, except you got to Bali. It's a hard life, made even harder by the influx (I guess it's an influx) of so many titles on Amazon. I've gotten a ridiculous number of questions, especially since joining a few online writer's groups. It's hard to know what any of these people are thinking. Writing takes a hell of a lot more than desire, which I guess is what the world is full of right now. Desire and dreams. Best seller lists (something I've heard you can buy, supposedly), the right to say "My book is published." I guess that's the brilliance of Amazon. Now anyone can say "I'm published." At least as copywriters we understand deadlines, and criticism and those dreadful "dry" days. I had someone ask "What do you do if you don't feel like writing?" I tell them, "In my industry, if you don't feel like writing, they show you the door. I write because I don't want to show myself the door." Good motivation.

don kerr

7 tahun yang lalu #21

Ah yes Franci Eugenia Hoffman is a sneaky devil.

Paul Walters

7 tahun yang lalu #20

been wondering where you've been !

Paul Walters

7 tahun yang lalu #19

Franci Eugenia Hoffman Thanks so much for stopping by!

Paul Walters

7 tahun yang lalu #18

Wayne Yoshida high praise indeed...thank you !

Wayne Yoshida

7 tahun yang lalu #17

Paul - interesting. I like how the title says you have no tips - but the article is full of tips for writers. Nicely done. You are my new writer-hero.

Dean Owen

7 tahun yang lalu #16

Sexy indeed! But even sexier is to call yourself a novelist! Everyone can call themselves a writer and it is apparent that many do. Not that you need ideas, but I would suggest to market yourself in one of two countries, South Korea or Japan. Get your novels translated, do book signings, get on TV shows. These two countries love reading physical books, love British debonair types, love travel writers. Easier to become (seriously) famous in one of these countries. You'd have scores of single ladies lined up for book signings.

Jim Murray

7 tahun yang lalu #15

Ren\u00e9e Cormier. The average person on the planet who can read, reads at about a grade 3 level. Almost anything you or I would write even if we're trying to dumb it down would sail over their heads. Not cynical...true.

Phil Friedman

7 tahun yang lalu #14

@Paul Walters - I have been working on a completely shit novel, which I will publish under my own (legal) name, "Philip Friedman". I anticipate that it may hit the NYTimes best-seller list before sufficient reader discover that I am not THE Philip Friedman. Am I worried about being considered unethical? Naw. For how does that differ from what best-selling authors like Tom Clancy and James Patterson do?

Phil Friedman

7 tahun yang lalu #13

Paul Walters, I have been working on a completely shit novel, which I will publish under my own (legal) name, "Philip Friedman". I anticipate that it may hit the NYTimes best-seller list before sufficient reader discover that I am not THE Philip Friedman. Am I worried about being considered unethical? Naw. For how does that differ from what best-selling authors like Tom Clancy and James Patterson?

Randy Keho

7 tahun yang lalu #12

So, that's why the taxman laughed when I told him where he could find you. Paul Walters He decided to go after my paperboy instead.

Jim Murray

7 tahun yang lalu #11

Incestuous relationships are the only kind that exist in social media. If this surprises you then you are flying on the wrong aircraft.

Jim Murray

7 tahun yang lalu #10

Yeah...I stopped at one novel. I gave it to my sister to read and she said...I only have one thing to say...It's long in places where it should be short and short in places where it could have been longer. I wasn't discouraged. I was done. I turned it into a fine screenplay and realized that was my true calling. I admire the fact that you could muster the courage just just say screw it all, I'm gonna write books and the stamina to actually do it. In fact, you are my hero de jour Paul Walters

Gert Scholtz

7 tahun yang lalu #9

Paul Walters Being in the top 157 000 out of 2,5 million per year for say five years places you in the top 1%. Way to go! As always enjoy your posts - this one very much so - thanks for tagging me. Can we now talk about the advice you offer....

don kerr

7 tahun yang lalu #8

"The expression, 'everyone has a book in them," but for most it's best that the potential book should stay in them." Paul Walters I sincerely hope I am not about to prove that!

Paul Walters

7 tahun yang lalu #7

Ren\u00e9e Cormier Thanks for that. Yup that 50 shades!!! Didnt know that there were 80 million odd sexually repressed 35 + women out there. However do the $10 a bookwhich is what she was getting she became a billionaire in just over a year!!! ( Note to self...write more sex books !!!)

Paul Walters

7 tahun yang lalu #6

Robert Bacal I kind of like satire and there is always a place for that is there not? Thats what the piece was about if one 'reads between the lines!

Paul Walters

7 tahun yang lalu #5

Pascal Derrien Tried that pascal...his lawyers were not that happy. !!!

Paul Walters

7 tahun yang lalu #4

Kevin Pashuk and yet the musings keep me entertained and thats the thing isnt it?

Pascal Derrien

7 tahun yang lalu #3

I have a question about writing....actually no I don't :-) The days where somebody could make a living from writing are gone I am told unless you are Grisham, maybe you could use that as your pen name :-)

Kevin Pashuk

7 tahun yang lalu #2

Enjoyable read Paul. It reminded me of the book review Grouch Marx gave... "“From the moment I picked up your book until I put it down, I was convulsed with laughter. Some day I intend reading it.” In my eyes, you are truly a writer. Me? I'm aspiring to become one. Right now I'm a spewer of musings...

Paul Walters

7 tahun yang lalu #1

Lisa Gallagher

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