CityVP Manjit

5 years ago · 3 min. reading time · 0 ·

CityVP blog
A Withdrawal from Withdrawing

A Withdrawal from Withdrawing



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Monday. October 8, 2018

The meaning of withdrawal has multiple meanings which include the act of disconnecting from society and embracing one's own privacy, it also can mean the act of taking out money from an account and a third meaning it can mean the symptoms experienced from drug or alcohol addiction.  The meaning here is the act of social disconnection.

I have paradoxical qualities of an introvert and an extrovert and this is a blessing because I can enjoy both sides of living this personality range.  "Range" is a very important concept for me because I like the idea of living on the full spectrum of life, rather than find myself partisan to one or another side of existence.  It really comes down to what the emergent nature of our existence is and what I like about that kind of emergence is that this is something we can control without controlling the experience.  Ultimately being controlled and trying to control are not aspects of personal flow but aspects of personal imprisonment.

In a socially prejudiced society where the chief prejudice is that we should be tribal, the movement to the indivisible is eschewed by society in favour of the group, the individual is the indivisible.  The pathway to connection is in our powers to disconnect, the pathway to certainty is embracing uncertainty and the pathway to control is to realize when we are being a control freak.   The paradox of these these 3 "C's is now not lost on me :




I do subscribe to the idea that we should not make other human beings our project and that is the greatest representation of the inner control freak in most of us - other than the rare souls who are free of this conditioned response.  So it is that what we reflect on is not a panacea or a prescription for others in how they should live their lives, or how they seek identification through similarity and thus certainty.   The greatest connection is the indivisible because when we understand or comprehend the power in that, we may begin to see our connection to the whole.  Yet this connection plugs us into group-think rather than individual life force.  We may speak of freedom but we have no clue as to what freedom is.

The irony of freedom is that most forms of freedom are damaging to us and thus the social guards and formulas created to safeguard us from freedom as anarchy.   Yet there is a freedom that is freeing and that freedom does not exist in the political, technical, economic or social externality but only within us.  Thus the act of withdrawing from society is freeing until we reach a threshold where we have exceeded our individuality and we become divided from both nature and being. 

The story of Howard Hughes fits that moment when withdrawing becomes unhealthy and here we all know our own personal story about the famous recluse.   The man who wrote Catcher in the Rye did withdraw from society but in the case of J.D. Salinger, the book that made him a cult hero became the fame that Salinger did not want.  Not only did Salinger withdraw but members of his local village guarded his privacy, so much so that when fans tried to invade his privacy the local villagers sent these fans on a wild goose chase, directing them away from Salinger.  That use of a red herring by community members who understood Salinger is an example of healthy withdrawal.

While my act of withdrawal replaces the social and digital invasion of my privacy, there is a point where I know that I too am withdrawing too much - that it is beginning to border on the other bookend of unhealthy existence.  For sure there is healthy social existence but human beings are not 100% attention machines.  Even the greatest amount of anxiety is impossible to be always-on.  Even anxiety needs breathing room in order to exist! Thus anxiety comes and goes, though at the time of greatest intensity it may feel like it is a permanent part of someone's life.  It is not noticed by the anxious person that if they tried to sustain anxiety by wanting to remain anxious all the time, they cannot because even anxiety withdraws, though it may quickly return for those who are extremely sensitive to this signal.

The point is that withdrawal is a choice that can help and is made debilitating more by a tribal grouping that sees withdrawing into withdrawal as a social negative.  This is why people who are so imprisoned with this negative implication insist that we are all personal brands.  What we are is that we are all tribal and that tribalism lays down this conditioning.  

At present I recognize that I have reached a point of personal freedom where the act of how I have withdrawn from social processes has reached a point where it is touching the other bookend of unhealthy practice.  At the other bookend social conditioning is also an unhealthy practice but because we are all so socially and trivially conditioned we live in this straitjacket of perceived wisdom.    Too much of a good thing is not a good thing. 

So it is that I am now actively thinking about where the paradoxical sweet-spot is between connection, control and certainty.  The irony of the present moment is that when I hear people talk about connection I am actually hearing voices that feel disconnection.  When I hear people talk about happiness I am actually hearing voices that feel unhappiness. When I hear voices that talk about branding I am actually hearing voices that feel branded.  All this talk is a constraint to freedom because in that talk connection, control and certainty become our bondage and not our freedom.

If I am have established a bank account of personal freedom, privacy is the withdrawal system but when we withdraw too much privacy we become overdrawn and then at this point, where I recognize my existence to be at this present minute, the idea of withdrawing from the withdrawal becomes a reflective wisdom of my being and not a call to action for others.


CityVP Manjit

5 years ago #11

The industrial revolution is an absolute fundamental cause to the way we identify with work and make us talk about work-life balance the way most people do. Barry Schwartz pursues this idea in his book Why We Work and also talks about how the idea of work has manifested itself in our society Now we have reached a time when robots can do what human bodies were used for, we are unable to adjust ourselves as a society from these life as a factory idea. Finding meaning in home is not a new idea. The way this changed our meaning and identification with work is quite major. I am not making an argument here about this meaning for my purpose here is to think about my own life and that includes meaning of family from a communal and alloparenting standpoint because that is the system we currently facilitate in our own home. Emile Durkheim is interesting as a social psychologist but what he saw as a democratic and transformational work relationship are far from being realized or maybe even possible, because we only focus on the critical thinking portion of an argument and not on the creative thinking needed as to how we individually pursue our own life explorations and maybe even more important how we reflect meaning of this to our own day-to-day lives in the present moment. We are too apt to want to tell the world our theories because the way books are created and marketed have given us this broadcasting mentality, but we don't spend enough time figuring out what shaped our attitudes to work and that includes the protestant reformation and its work ethic, as much as the larger backdrop of the industrial revolution.

CityVP Manjit

5 years ago #10

I have updated Renaissance Release #61 with four changes since posting this buzz. I have removed Group Think from Cyan Learning after coming across a really well written piece about community by Richard Millington - with "Group Think" as a focus I am focusing on what is not working, whereas with "Community" I can continue to focus on what is working, as per in my life. The danger of using a paintbrush to paint life as we think it is for others is a painful reminder that I am still a part of social graffiti as much as the broadcast culture we continue to co-exist in. This post is actually a reflection of me essentially withdrawing too much, and the shift from GroupThink to Community is then an alignment in that withdrawal.

CityVP Manjit

5 years ago #9

Harvey it is work and in particular the rise of the industrial age that took meaning out of the home and replaced it with meaning as what we do for a living a.k.a. work. You talked about a builder mindset and the good news side of our information sharing society is the rise of the maker kingdom, where the skills of hands are reviving the craft spirit that did get lost during urbanization. Home is where meaning should be but we should not dictate to our neighbours the what or how of their life, that is there choice, but creating home as meaning creates with it the rise of an intelligent village. Even extended family is not the harbinger of an intelligent village but it certainly has no chance of emerging through the mindset of a broadcast culture, where essentially we are not only talking at each other rather than with each other, but more importantly missing out on developing the two forms of thinking that form the trio of what I think 21st Century thinking should be. One of them you have mentioned as Critical Thinking. The irony of the decline of critical thinking is that this is what the present educational system should be good at because the present educational system for sure does not teach well the other two important forms of associated thinking which are creative and reflective thinking. When I became a self-learner, there is this foundation I found that I can weave myself around a.k.a. REFLECTIVE THINKING CREATIVE THINKING CRITICAL THINKING Without reflective and creative thinking, critical thinking becomes a parlour game for intellectuals. Critical thinking alone is not broad enough for 21st Century thinking. The metaphorical bricks of my home are being made of this thinking.

CityVP Manjit

5 years ago #8

ADDENDUM Of course Harvey I don't want to portray that hippies are all left wing - there was a sliver of Evangelical Christians who were a part of the hippie movement when they were young but of course they are very much right wing boomers today.

CityVP Manjit

5 years ago #7

Part 1 of 2 to Harvey Harvey you have just underscored why an active withdrawal from mainstream and new media can remove the fog of fast moving information. Withdrawal does not mean abandonment but creating a personal space - a moat of reflection that others need to swim through before one reaches the 21st Century home I think we should all be focused on building. So totally with you on the builder mindset. Polarization did not begin today but it is fueled by the same generation that originally created that fissure. It is hard to believe that the boomer generation that oppose marijuana legalization today are the same generation that created the 60's counter-culture - except of course the hippies were a sliver of that boomer generation, and we forget that the formation of a strong right-wing conservative culture were also fermented back in the 60's. The present mess of meaning has its roots from that counter-culture age whether it produced the left-wingers or less well documented the right-wingers.

CityVP Manjit

5 years ago #6

Part 2 of 2 to Harvey When I read your viewpoints they tend to draw more from the right-wing than the left-wing and others with viewpoints like Jim Murray can draw a lineage to the hippie side of the 60's counter-culture but if I am addressing the present generation and in particularly the children of Generation X, because Millennials are essentially "boomer children" then the hope I have for them is that they don't take sides and when I look at the tertiary evidence, it seems that may well be happening because media find it damn difficult to pigeon hole this particular generation, even with terms like Generation Z. So my purpose here is how I withdraw from the left and right polarization and how I find meaning in the full spectrum. Full spectrum people are few and far between but these full spectrum people represent the people of a renaissance age to come - but we do not give birth to such renaissance if we try to convince others - instead if we humanity was left to self-organize, renaissance is what is buried under all the crap of polarized existence - an existence that has been cooked for more than half a century and not simply because of present day political and media madness.

CityVP Manjit

5 years ago #5

Yes we are of like mind here when it comes to agility and adaptability to multiple but we don't address or focus on the boring points on our individual spectrum. Instead of observing the personal, we often entertain the extreme scenario and so we assume a changing environment rather than growth through observing variety. The variety here is that which is within us. Look at society and see how much it might change if we began to count and tend our blessings. If we are stuck inside a system that prevents us from observing this variety then I have compassion for that reality, but only a few of us exist on the extremes of change - most of us living in the boring but blessed middle - but that boring middle is infinitely fascinating only when we learn to see it, That boring middle which is actually a blessing is one we distract ourselves from because what grasps our attention most is the extreme news or changing environments, which is not necessarily the same as our own inner being - and so our spectrum already exists on a foundation stone of blessings and that failure to see these multiple points leaves us applying agility and adaptability to the worst happenings rather than calibrate some of the best happenings. If we don't calibratearound our blessings we become less resilient in the face of unexpected challenge. We are consumers because we are consumed with the news and memories that consume us rather than cultivate a garden of blessings which are not made of memories but our presence to those blessings.

CityVP Manjit

5 years ago #4

I am not devoted to the idea of a balanced life as I am one which is a dynamic calibration. That calibration can be certain aspects of life lived in the extreme zone and other areas of my lived in the soft zone, so long as the calibration for that particular environment is appropriate. It is dynamic because the idea of balance is linear and I much prefer the discovery in the dynamic rather than living in the linear idea of balance, which suggests a center that is fixed rather variable or a dualiity rather than a multiplicity (view multiplicity as several spinning plates of existence as we choose dynamically calibrate each of these discoveries (hence why I utilize my "Rennaisance" approach as seen in the image above in this buzz) It is the center of each experience and the context of that center which determine the calibration and just like the organs in our body, they are operating in connection with each and not as a balanced life (a,.k.a. balanced life does not mean anything because we actually have separate calibrations that contribute to that we perceive as a balanced life and that perception of balanced life is further compounded by our imagination to produce illusions of balance (some use that in "fake it till you make it"). It is hence discovery rather than balance which for me is the emergent principle.

CityVP Manjit

5 years ago #3

I am not devoted to the idea of a balanced life as I am one which is a dynamic calibration. That calibration can be certain aspects of life lived in the extreme zone and other areas of my lived in the soft zone, so long as the calibration for that particular environment is appropriate. It is dynamic because the idea of balance is linear and I much prefer the discovery in the dynamic rather than living in the linear idea of balance, which suggests a center that is fixed rather variable or a dualiity rather than a multiplicity (view multiplicity as several spinning plates of existence as we choose dynamically calibrate each of these discoveries (hence why I utilize my "Rennaisance" approach as seen in the image above in this buzz) It is the center of each experience and the context of that center which determine the calibration and just like the organs in our body, they are operating in connection with each and not as a balanced life (a,.k.a. balanced life does not mean anything because we have not to separate calibrations that contribute to that we perceive as a balanced life. It is hence discovery.

CityVP Manjit

5 years ago #2

I am not devoted to the idea of a balanced life as I am one which is a dynamic calibration. That calibration can be certain aspects of life lived in the extreme zone and other areas of my lived in the soft zone, so long as the calibration for that particular environment is appropriate. It is dynamic because the idea of balance is linear and I much prefer the discovery in the dynamic rather than living in the linear idea of balance, which suggests a centers, when it is the center of the experience and the context of that center which determine the calibration.

CityVP Manjit

5 years ago #1

It is easy to know what we are withdrawing from but much more challenging to know what we are withdrawing to. For sure we should not be withdrawing to loneliness and another unhealthy facet of withdrawing which is becoming a recluse. Withdrawing to where love is its own challenge and for me love is where home is - everything that is outside my home is the branded society we take for granted.

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