Cyndi wilkins

7 years ago · 4 min. reading time · ~10 ·

Cyndi blog
Imagination: The Channel to The Art of Creation

Imagination: The Channel to The Art of Creation


The truest sign of intelligence is not in knowledge, but rather the imagination…”   
Albert Einstein

The imagination… What exactly is it and where does it reside?  My best guess is that it lurks somewhere within the intangible realms of the sub-conscious mind.  A rather vague and dream-like state, it cannot be defined by evidence of its physical existence. Only when we are able to transfer or transmit the “inner images” of our sub-conscious mind through “physical” expression are we able to bring them to life within our conscious realm.

Within the sub-conscious lies an intricate network of memories woven together in a beautiful tapestry of all lives (or memories) combined.  The “collective mind” is the manifestation of this infinite matrix through which we are all connected.  It is here that we are able to communicate with our collective wisdom using our lovely God-given gift of the imagination.

This is what we do when we are channeling.  We are essentially “tapping” into and transferring information from one realm of existence to another.  The more we practice honing our natural ability to channel, the clearer these realms become and we realize they all co-exist as one and are just as real as the life we are living now.  Wicked cool huh?  In case you were wondering I am channeling this energy right now, making it real through the creative expression of writing.

“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it…Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but create it; This is not philosophy, this is physics”  
Albert Einstein

Yes, I am quoting him again.  He is a genius.  I say “is” because he still exists in another realm.  The whole concept of the energetic realms of the mind being a portal between worlds is the evolutionary leap we are all here to manifest.  To free ourselves from the womb of the physical body and trust in our own innate ability to fly. That is of course while we are still inhabiting a physical body.  This reminds me of the old Mr. Peabody and Sherman cartoons…”Come on Sherman, let’s jump into the ‘ole way-back machine and visit another time and place!”  Sounds cool right… So how do we do that?

Consider that the mind can reach far beyond time and space and touch your dreams.  You don’t need a time machine.  All you need is a little imagination, and a mind to manifest it.   Interesting thing the mind is. You cannot point to it…You cannot see it or touch it. So how do we know it is real?  Have you ever experienced hearing the sounds, smelling the smells, seeing the colors or feeling the touch of another within a dream that you could still sense upon awakening? That is your body communicating to you that the sensations you are experiencing are in fact quite real…If only they last but a fleeting moment.

We are all natural channels, especially when we are asleep.  Those alpha/theta brain waves are the most common ground through which our creative energies are free to soar.  I love dabbling here. There is so much to “see” if we could just open ours eyes and broaden our perspective a bit.  I’d like to share with you my most recent experience of these amazing realms of the mind.  Perhaps it might inspire you to explore yours.

Being curious about life sparks creativity; Using your imagination cultivates your dreams...They are forever yours."   Edgar Cayce
Edgar Cayce

I am feeling the sensation of being gently lifted by some unseen force that approaches me from behind.  He is speaking softly as he wraps his energy around me like a warm blanket.  “I’ve got you,” he whispers, and we are off.  A cool rush of wind caresses my face as I feel my hair dancing around in the breeze.  I guess I forgot to use my “super hold” hair spray this evening!

“This is soooo awesome!”  I am squirming in his arms, trying to take in all that is flying past us in a rush of color and stars.  He is talking to me, but I am too enthralled by my visual stimulation to really concentrate on what he is saying… “Slow down,” I plead with him, “I want to see all of this!”   Eventually we begin our decent into what I can only describe as a room full of the most beautiful art work I have ever seen.  Amazing paintings adorn the walls. They are rich with vibrant earthly tones appearing in living color. I am surrounded by figures and statues made of the most brilliant white marble with oscillating hues…I am in awe.

 A distant voice echoes from the depths of the ocean….”Use your imagination”…

He places me gently in what I feel to be a chair, however, I do not see one.  He glides by me on my left and sits directly across from me, smiling widely…”I am so excited to finally meet you face to face!” he says.  His hair is a beautiful shade of bright auburn, wildly tossed about on his head. I see the ocean in his bright blue eyes and cannot help but stare.  “You know,” I manage, “You look a bit like Ed Sheeran.”

“I do believe you find Ed Sheeran quite a talented musician, and dare I say a bit sexy?”   His smile is even wider now, as if that is possible!  I have to admit, I do find him strangely handsome.  “You said you were happy to meet me,” I continue, “Who are you?”

“I am E.”  He is looking directly into my eyes.   E... I am thinking…as in the letter? Why not U?  He smiles…”Okay, how about U.”  Yikes… a mind reader!  No, no, E is fine…U would be too confusing!  What is this place I wonder?  Again, he hears my thoughts.  “This is you.”   Ahhhrrrg…You mean U as in the letter?  I sigh.  “No, it is you, as in your creativity.”

“All of this is me?” My voice is squealing with excitement.  E slides closer, “Made of you by you.”  I can see the crashing of the waves in his eyes.  “There is more,” he whispers…”If you choose it.”  I am drawn into him and suddenly find myself swimming in his ocean…Yes, I think… I want more of this.

My eyes open slowly and I am back in my room. It is dark and still.  I feel his energy surging through my body. The thought occurs to me…How do I translate this to a belief system that refuses to acknowledge its existence?   A distant voice echoes from the depths of the ocean….”Use your imagination”…

Image of Albert Einstein courtesy of:

This article was inspired by the writings of: Mary Ellen Carter, Henry Reed, Noel Langley and Harmon Hartzell Bro, Ph.D. of the Edgar Cayce Readings...

And of course my favorite genius Sir Albert Einstein...

Cyndi is a licensed and Certified Massage and Bodywork Professional, Writer and Energetic Channel in the Greater Boston, Massachusetts Area

Member of the LinkedIn Writers community as well as a proud member of the  LinkedIn “Unfluencers™” group.  An amazing thought leadership group all focused on the same selfless goal...To provide valuable content without  personal agenda.


Cyndi wilkins

6 years ago #26

This is one of my favorite pieces Yogesh Sukal...Thank you for visiting my blog and giving this one another go around...Happy Holidays to you;-)

Cyndi wilkins

6 years ago #25

Thank you Ian Weinberg...I appreciate you popping in here for a read and comment...I think this particular post says more about me than anything else I've ever written...Kind regards to you;-)

Ian Weinberg

6 years ago #24

Profound narrative Cyndi wilkins I missed this gem previously but synchronously connected today. I would propose that 'curiosity' is the catalyst for imagination - it frees up our latent treasures and paves the way for bringing them into reality. Curiosity is life.

Cyndi wilkins

6 years ago #23

Thanks for digging this one out of the well ...Remember your dreams;-)

Sara Jacobovici

7 years ago #22

One great question leads to another Cyndi wilkins!

Cyndi wilkins

7 years ago #21

Thank you Sara Jacobovici...I enjoyed the link...Begs another question...What if consciousness could be "uploaded" into some sort of alternate medium? Quantum Coherence meets Metaphysics;-)

Sara Jacobovici

7 years ago #20

Impressive Cyndi wilkins, please keep digging. You're coming up with gems!

Sara Jacobovici

7 years ago #19

Great questions Cyndi wilkins. You may find this talk of interest.

Sara Jacobovici

7 years ago #18

Great questions Cyndi wilkins. You may find the following talk of interest.

Cyndi wilkins

7 years ago #17

What is the language we use to describe this developing awareness? Perhaps it is the study of cognition...the recognition that there is something more to our existence other than polluting planets;-) We are members of a soul group, connected by this common thread of awareness that what we do to others, we do to ourselves...and vise versa. Applying that knowledge in our interactions with others would certainly serve ourselves and our environment for the better don't you think? Nobody would dump their trash in their own backyard...(metaphorically speaking)...So why do that to others? Our IMAGINATION is the vessel to this developing awareness...our channel so to speak. Tuning into your station brings with it a greater clarity to an otherwise static existence...Yours dreams will show you the way;-) Thank you Sara, for inspiring me to dig a little deeper;-)

Cyndi wilkins

7 years ago #16

Sara Jacobovici...Thank you for nudging me into the deep end of the thought pool...I guess there will be no dipping my toe in here;-) Your comments are an extraordinary opportunity for me to elaborate on another subject I find incredibly fascinating...CONSCIOUSNESS: What exists beyond the realm of the physical? It's interesting that the very "thought" alone can create an enormous amount of fear in one's being...We are like children reluctant to go to a new school because we are afraid we will not know anyone. But if we consider the fact that we are multi-dimensional beings, therefore being of divine intelligence, we already know everyone! It is our human personality that has been erased of it's memory. Our human SENSORY SYSTEM is how we process knowledge within the physical world...But what is our state of consciousness before birth? Furthermore, where are we before we enter the womb?

Cyndi wilkins

7 years ago #15

Devesh Bhatt...You have reminded me of a post by Kashmir Birk entitled, "We are not Alone In Our Aloneness." which he describes our secret life..."It is the pulse of our heartbeat; the synapses firing in the neurons of our minds. It is our honest, fearless self-reflection...The renewal of our being through every breath."

Cyndi wilkins

7 years ago #14

Lisa Vanderburg...You continue to inspire me with your amazing resolve, humble nature, and incredible bravery in dealing with an extraordinarily challenging journey with your beloved husband...Soldier on love...XOXO;-)

Cyndi wilkins

7 years ago #13

Thank you very kindly Deb\ud83d\udc1d Lange...That is a high compliment indeed, coming from "The Mother of the Senses!"

Cyndi wilkins

7 years ago #12

I have to confess to you Chas \u270c\ufe0f Wyatt...I am much more at home in the cosmos! For me, this whole "Computer Age" thingy is like learning how to crawl;-)

Cyndi wilkins

7 years ago #11

That is exactly what I am eluding to in this buzz ...Realising our "consciousness" from the womb of the physical and learning, (or remembering to be more accurate) how to fly...We all know how;-)

Lisa Vanderburg

7 years ago #10

Such a textured, tangible journey you take us on here Cyndi wilkins! Imaginings I've long forgone and forgotten you describe in a rainbow of richness that makes me yearn for better eyes. A breath-taking piece of writing, my friend! Thank you!

Devesh 🐝 Bhatt

7 years ago #9

An imagining of imagination. True..Everything co-exists. Too many references can make one a mouthpiece. The great part is that you build your own voyager :) The duality of learning and yet applying it with affinity to the unique self. We are a definition of the infinite exploring itself across each point of reference simultaneously . Enjoyed the buzz.

David B. Grinberg

7 years ago #8

Well, Cyndi, you had me at "Einstein" being a big fan. Here's something else amazing to consider: that science tells us we only use about 10% of our brain power. That's a minuscule amount. I wonder what would happen if we were able to harness 100%? Would we be able to teleport or separate our spiritual self from the physical self? Questions to ponder. Thanks for some good buzz!

Cyndi wilkins

7 years ago #7

Holy cow Sara! See what I mean about it being "heavy" to be human;-) This is the most extraordinary series of comments I have ever received on any platform...You have completely taken my breath away here...I think perhaps I may need to call Deb again for a shot at the oxygen bar;-) I want to address each of these comments with the same time and energy you have invested in delivering them. Each one deserves its own response...Looks like my imagination will be hard at work in the cosmos tonight...Better get some shut eye;-)

Sara Jacobovici

7 years ago #6

Part Four: LANGUAGE AND METAPHORS: Our awareness of self and the meanings we attribute to our experiences are all expressed and communicated through language. Our first language is non-verbal. It is our "mother tongue" and so we carry it with us as we develop our verbal language. Michael Michalko (2012) states that creativity requires looking at the world in a different way. When we think metaphorically we utilize our ability to imagine. Our imagination is given expression through the non-verbal and verbal language of metaphors. The metaphor is "out there" to make it possible for us to sense and experience things in an unexpected way. Thank you Cyndi wilkins, for your great buzz and for the opportunity for me to be so long-winded!

Sara Jacobovici

7 years ago #5

Part Three: WE ARE CONSCIOUS BEINGS: While all this is happening we are developing an awareness of a sense of self. This awareness varies over time and is directly influenced by the conscious and different levels of consciousness including the subconscious, unconscious, dream states and other altered states of consciousness. A non-linear model of consciousness and unconsciousness offers a way of understanding why human experience is variant and patterned, regular and irregular, constant and changing. (Howard, S. 2012) Meaning is created by the interactions between our internal and external environments. This is the ground work that is laid for choices we make in the future, both consciously and unconsciously, as we continue to interpret and associate the information we receive.

Sara Jacobovici

7 years ago #4

Part Two: IMAGINATION: One skill that we acquire is the ability to imagine. According to Michele and Robert Root-Bernstein, (2009) imaging is the most important thinking skill we acquire for creativity. They define imaging as the ability to recreate sensory impressions and feelings in our minds in the absence of external stimuli. We can alter, combine, synthesize and otherwise manipulate sensory images to form images and ideas of things never perceived in reality.

Sara Jacobovici

7 years ago #3

Part One: Dear Cyndi wilkins, I find your post beautifully written and vibrantly expressed. I consider imagination the fertile ground from which our essence sprouts. What we each do with our ability to imagine is as unique as our fingerprint and what your post describes for me is how you manifest imagination. I will take the risk of writing a 4 part comment which is more cerebral and less "imaginative" than the style of your piece. But my hope is that it will make a contribution to the discussion. WE ARE SENSORY BEINGS: As the amniotic fluid is a greater sound carrier than water, our sensory environment begins in utero. As well as the auditory stimulation that occurs, the fetus experiences movement. After birth, our experiences continue to be shaped, formed and influenced by what we hear, see, smell, taste, touch, as well as experience proprioceptively and vestibularly. Ornstein writes in his book The Psychology of Consciousness, (1972) that the experience of an infant is a confusing sensory cacophony. Our Central Nervous System is continuously, perceiving, sorting, choosing and responding to information received through our sensory system. Over the years, we collect and store these experiences. We construct and form memories. Dr. Sawyer (2006) makes the provocative claim that great creativity is based in great memory.

Cyndi wilkins

7 years ago #2

That is my favorite line in this whole piece Deb;-) I even used it with Sara Jacobovici ;-)

Cyndi wilkins

7 years ago #1

#2 ...Absolutely @Zack Thorn...It's where the "Idea Fairy" manifests through our thoughts...But you have to act on them, or somebody else will...It's a HUGE cosmic pool out there...and some of them are sharks! Gotta watch out for those...You don't want to become fish food. Tausif Mundrawala...Perhaps not in her physical life...But brilliant writers like Emily Dickson embody the art of creation I am speaking of here. The ability to physically manifest our thoughts. It's a wellspring of creative energy the resides along the "street of dreams." I thought you might find this piece interesting. it's written by a group of scientists at Boston's Harvard Medical School entitled "Dreams Are Real, Say Scientists"  Enjoy;-)

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