David Navarro López

vor 5 Jahren · 3 min. Lesezeit · ~100 ·

Blog den David
Hate: The legacy of 21st Century generation

Hate: The legacy of 21st Century generation


The Islamism is an issue that some decades ago was only a “local” matter. Nowadays, we are globally exposed to its complexity and is difficult for a western citizen to have a fair opinion or positioning to the matter.

Above all, many of the most admired people I know are Muslims.

It will be difficult to expose facts and opinions here and remain delicately impartial, which is my main point for this buzz, only for the fact that highlighting some issues above others is already biasing.

The uncomforting feeling of not understanding has driven me to abandon my mutism, even if I know no clear answer is going to be found.

The information anyone can get, no matter on which side of the conflict you are, is manipulated. The easy way is to consider that there are no intermediate or alternative positions, so fanatism and racism are going hand on hand amongst us, creating a powerful monster: Hatred.

It is contaminating us in such a way, that if you are a western citizen, and you hear or see Muslims talking to each other, you automatically grow feelings of rejection. For me, being born in Barcelona, one of the most tolerant cities along its history I know, this is difficult to accept.

The multiple and simultaneous conflicts between religion, culture, economic power, political power, class struggle, are interacting in such a way that there is no way to know what is the inception of all of it, whilst we are all human beings who have the same feelings, needs and wishes.

Macro and Micro

  • From the one side, you can find some Macro issues, like some Islamic countries which are openly promoting and financing fanatism and terrorism, coming from a distorted point of view of their own religion’s most pure principles.
  • From the other side, you find western countries that are using fear and ignorance to indulge themselves to start wars, be they economic or military ones.

In my opinion, both positions are guilty of the same sin in equal parts: Promoting hate between human beings, for their own selfish purposes.

In the middle of them, there are the economic powers, which historically have always financed and promoted both sides of any conflict, and taken profit of all of them.

All these three factions have very powerful propagandistic mechanisms to spread manipulated or manufactured news to influence/justify their actions.

These Macro issues are influencing other Micro facts, like for example, integration of refugees on western countries.

At this point, I am not too sure which of both positions are more fanatic and racist.

From my subjective perspective, it is difficult for me to understand how can Islamic people say that Europeans are racists, or not willing to let them integrate, whilst they are the firsts who are not willing to do it, claiming rights like building their own mosques with minarets in the middle of an ancient European city, altering the traditional skyline of it, not to speak about maintaining without any concession their own traditions and way of living, no matter if they don’t fit in our culture. At the same time, rejecting any possibility of adapting to any tradition of the country they are living in.

I wonder what would happen if we would try to do the same in their country.

Some weeks ago, I took a taxi, and the driver was a Turkish man who has lived in Germany for over 30 years. His children have grown up in this country, and he has already grandchildren.

In a traffic light, there was a pedestrian waiting to cross, who was wearing a kilt, or Scottish skirt. The Turkish driver yelled if he thought we were in Scotland, and if he was a man, he should not wear any skirt, which was undermining the proud of being a male, as a skirt is female clothing. 

Astonished as I was, I failed to answer that even this was Germany and not Istambul, I had the same feeling when I see Muslim ladies with their burkas, niqabs and hijabs

This is what I mean with Macros influencing in Micros.

It is not seen at the Coran that females must use clothing covering their faces or hair. Mostly it comes from radical interpretations, starting in Afganistan along the rise of the Taliban.

Radicalism is getting empowered in the Islamic and Western countries, using and promoting a low level of laic education, and brainwashing their population with extremist concepts.

Any attempt of going against this trend is considered treason and purged.

We are sadly attending to the same extremist trend in western countries, with the rise of neoliberal and neo-fascist political parties taking positions in our governments.

The worst part of it is that these political parties are democratically voted, that is, western countries Micro environment is as well been deeply influenced by Macro issues.

Again, both parts of the conflict have the same level of responsibility about the sins against humankind we are seeing every day.
David Navarro
  • Is this really the best we can do as “dominating species” of this 21st-century world?
  • To promote hate against each other with no other excuse that “the others started first”, or “because they are different”?

With all this, we are breaking a rule which has lasted since the dawn of the mankind:

To deliver to the next generation a better world to live in.

We should be ashamed of ourselves.

Credit of the image: Found in Internet. Tried to find out who the author is, without success. I have chosen the picture because it reflects exactly the image I have about this conflict. Monkeys fighting each other whilst other richer monkeys are comfortably enjoying the spectacle.


David Navarro López

vor 5 Jahren #16

It is always stimulating to read your lines, Harvey. In the book Sapiens there are some hints, which led me to think the following. In the past, we used to group in tribes to ensure our own security. It came a time on which the leaders of these tribes, due to the growing number of the individuals, needed to put as a "flag" something bigger, name it nation, god or race. The question is been always as you point out, to keep the mass with some level of fear, to keep them slaves of the leadership. Humankind is now a number of tribes still fighting to each other. The problem is that have not noticed that keeping this fight is, for the first time, endangering our own survival as species. The focus of our fears/hates is nowadays wrong: fighting other tribes is fighting ourselves. It is not tolerance what we should be looking for, but understanding, for our own good, that we should embrace with open arms other tribes to make us stronger. Any other way will only make us weaker.

David Navarro López

vor 5 Jahren #15

Thank you for your words, Franci. I believe that we have become grown up as a Species, but we still have not taken our responsibility for it. As humankind, we are like teenagers who still don't know what is best for ourselves, and lead a life of self-destruction. In another post related to this, I wrote "With the blindfold of our own fears as individuals, that is, the aim of own survival, we are missing the point that if we want our own individual survival, this is not going to be possible if we don´t put the community survival as a priority in the first place. " Have a look at it here https://www.bebee.com/producer/@david-navarro-lopez/is-the-humankind-progress-prisoner-of-its-own-selfishness

David Navarro López

vor 5 Jahren #14

Thank you for your comment, you are spot on by saying "Peaceful co-existence, mutual respect and promoting prosperity of all nations is the true sign of being civilised and responsible." Normally, 1+1=2. So if you take two human beings, both are willing to peacefully coexist. This coexistence should be much bigger when we talk about thousands and millions of human beings, who separately want the same thing. But when you look at the humankind as an entity, you see that the trend of this entity goes against the individual parts of it. Is a "mathematical" nonsense Humans, crazy we are

David Navarro López

vor 5 Jahren #13

Nevertheless, even if focusing on the good things that diversity can provide, I believe it is responsibility from us all to point out that hate, racism and all the nasty things that come together with it, is not the right way. In other words, keeping silent before the acts of evil is somehow accept them and promoting them. "It is the silence of the righteous that allows the wicked to walk freely amongst us"

David Navarro López

vor 5 Jahren #12

Thank you for taking your time for stopping by and making such a meaningful comment. I completely agree that is useless to fight against things that are out of our reach. So the wise thing to do, as you point out, is to focus on things you do have influence, like not noticing hatred and keeping on having a brotherhood with any kind of people who have the same basic principles you do, no matter where they come from or what is his/her cultural background. As Stevie Wonder would say, "differences of colours, ethnicities and cultures are no other than the rainbow of God". We should be thankful for that, and take it as it is: an opportunity to meet other people who, even if they might have the same basic values than us, can enrich us with other nuances we could be blind to due to our own background

Ian Weinberg

vor 5 Jahren #11

An important and timely post David Navarro L\u00f3pez As I've stated in many of my articles - sensitivity, awareness and non-judgementalism is the required mix to transcend the violations of deletion, distortion and generalization.

Harvey Lloyd

vor 5 Jahren #10

David Navarro L\u00f3pez the word hate is really an emergent emotion. Most often it emerges from fear. Fear of a future that "may" be robbed from a person or group through systems emerging from other groups or persons. Normally we had religious or metaphysical means of digesting these fears within dialogue of trust. Trust meaning, everyone understood that each had to survive the outcome of choices. Mutual respect if you will. Through marketing though i think we have monetized religion and politics. There is big money and power in identity groups. The leaders of these groups in an effort to grab power motivate the money tree in their favor. Through these efforts though they must create an enemy to fight. It is usually an ideal but quickly turns to other groups of humans. In the past when people had differences they would each research present the cases for or against and then work through the differences. This sounds pretty passive in today's world. Most importantly it cant be monetized or brokered for power. This is not a new phenomena. Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini all saw groups and getting them pitted against one another, as a slight of hand in money/power grabs. Hate is what we experience, but this is really organized fear (False Evidence Appearing Real). Organized for some aristocrats benefit. Great post as always.

Pascal Derrien

vor 5 Jahren #9

if not a wake up call a timely reminder that we should constantly be self critical and self aware in our respective narratives

Ali Anani

vor 5 Jahren #8

Thank you my friend CityVP \ud83d\udc1d Manjit. Unfortunately, our history is polluted with bad examples of human aggression. Like they say, too many Indians, but no chief. I hate this attitude and it shows our readiness to go to extremes without ground or justification. Like you said, we should care what people contribute and not where they come from or originate. Generalizations are sickening.

Bill Stankiewicz

vor 5 Jahren #7

Very well written nicely done ✅

CityVP Manjit

vor 5 Jahren #6

I take a brief dip into the history of Spain and recognize the complexity of relationships with Muslims like the Moors and associated historic and political effects. When we are too close to this significant history https://www.theguardian.com/books/2017/jun/15/moors-last-stand-blood-and-faith-spain-muslims Every society has its own kind of blood on its hands, that at times far transcends the violence we see even today - which you rightly say are conflicts that used to happen in locality, but are now universally accessible. In other words we know have front seats to this horrid side of humanity, whereas in the past it was hidden to us and we either read it how that history was portrayed from which perspective or it was local to our own village and direct experience. I come from a Sikh background where Sikh history is embedded with Muslim violence from its 500 years roots emanating from a period of Muslim rule. Our temples carry pictures of Muslim atrocities against Sikhs, so walk into any Gurdwara and you will see that history painted deep on temple walls. I don't get absorbed in that, nor the cultural dress that is most visible today where we can comment on difference. Ali Anani is a great example of why Muslims like him contributed richly to the histories, science and art of societies. I focus on that, not what I cannot change. I know I have little power to defrost hate when hatred is actually a long and historical/tribal burning fire. The best I can do is find the best minds and hearts in the Muslim world and make that a part of my living experience and the haters can hate who they want to hate, my recognition of that hatred only stokes the fires of emotions that never went away and for all intents and purposes were far worse long gone.

CityVP Manjit

vor 5 Jahren #5

I take one skinny brief skinny dip into the history of Spain and recognize the complexity of relationships with muslims like the Moors and its historic and political effects. When we are too close up to currency, we do not see through the many eyes of history https://www.theguardian.com/books/2017/jun/15/moors-last-stand-blood-and-faith-spain-muslims Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee is an example of why Muslims like him contributed richly to the histories, science and art of societies. Every society has its own kind of blood on its hands, that at timers transcends the violence we see today - which you rightly say are conflicts that used to happen in locality, but are now universally accessible - in other words we know have front seats to this horrid side of humanity, whereas in the past we either read it how that history was portrayed from which perspective or it was local to our own village and direct experience. I come from a Sikh background where Sikh history is embedded with violence from its 500 years roots emanating from a period of Muslim rule. Our temples carry pictures of muslim attrocities on Sikhs, walk into any Gurdwara and you will see that history painted deep on temple walls, but I don't get absorbed in that, nor the cultural dress that is most visible, and I know I have little power to defrost hate when hatred is actually a long and historical/tribal burning fire. The best I can do is find the best minds and hearts in the muslim world and make that a part of my living experience and the haters can hate who they want to hate, my recognition of that hatred only stokes the fires of emotions that never went away and for all intents and purposes were far worse in times long gone.

David Navarro López

vor 5 Jahren #4

Or maybe yes binary ideologies. I see an elite which is using any kind of ideology as a tool to manipulate the mass. And then you have Americans fighting Muslims with american/european weapons, and Muslims defending themselves with american/european weapons. Uk people concerned about their jobs, whilst if it was not for the immigration, British economic development would not be possible Economic power against humankind : This is the fight.

David Navarro López

vor 5 Jahren #3

Thank you for your comments, my dear Ali. To be moderated and balanced was my target, which is precisely one of the ways of trying to solve this conflict. I believe that we are allowing the wrong people to make a lot of noise, and the people who should talk, remain silent. Initiatives like http://isisnotinmyname.com/ should be more frequent, and so noisy that would overrule the yelling of the extremists. Sadly enough, pacifist movements have no financing, and weapon industry has. Brainwashed people like the neoliberal people emerging in Europe have nothing better to do than projecting their frustrations through hate to the different, whilst balanced and fair people have other "most important things to do" as their lives are not so empty they need this kind of "activism". I believe that in both sides of the conflict, it is needed as you are pointing out, a lot of courage to step forward and say "NOT IN MY NAME", as immediately you are treated as a "traitor to the cause and to your our kind" Difficult times we are living, my Dear Ali

Zacharias 🐝 Voulgaris

vor 5 Jahren #2

It's easy for X to use Y's attribute Z, which X doesn't share, as a means to express this or the other psychological complex. However, since every individual is a unique blend of different attributes, characterizing Y as inferior in some way based primarily on Z, is a clear sign that X has the attribute S, which stands for short-sightedness / stupidity...

Ali Anani

vor 5 Jahren #1

As a Moslem who lived for years in Western countries I find this buzz moderate and balanced dear David Navarro L\u00f3pez. I am not fanatic, radical or extremist. I have lots of friends who are like me. But as you said, some micros affect the macros and they produce a butterfly effect of influence. I recall when I first joined a British university a British student who lived in the dorem with me wouldn't talk to me for months. Surprisingly, one day he knocked on my door and asked if he could walk in the room. He then explained his notorious feelings about me and his previous impressions about moslems. We ended up as close friends. We need to understand each other and accept each other and to realize that generalization is a global issue that deserves your courage to be openly discussed my friend.

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