Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago · 5 min. reading time · ~100 ·

Fay blog
Are you suffering from "full-cup syndrome?"

Are you suffering from "full-cup syndrome?"


SEE - Bridge the gap - Resolve


“In the 1950s kids lost their innocence.

They were liberated from their parents by well-paying jobs, cars, and lyrics in music that gave rise to a new term ---the generation gap.

In the 1960s, kids lost their authority.
It was a decade of protest---church, state, and parents were all called into question and found wanting. Their authority was rejected, yet nothing ever replaced it.

In the 1970s, kids lost their love. It was the decade of me-ism dominated by hyphenated words beginning with self.
Self-image, Self-esteem, Self-assertion....It made for a lonely world. Kids learned everything there was to know about sex and forgot everything there was to know about love, and no one had the nerve to tell them there was a difference.

In the 1980s, kids lost their hope.
Stripped of innocence, authority and love and plagued by the horror of a nuclear nightmare, large and growing numbers of this generation stopped believing in the future.

In the 1990s kids lost their power to reason. Less and less were they taught the very basics of language, truth, and logic and they grew up with the irrationality of a postmodern world.

In the new millennium, kids woke up and found out that somewhere in the midst of all this change, they had lost their imagination. Violence and perversion entertained them till none could talk of killing innocents since none was innocent anymore.” ~
Ravi Zacharias, Recapture the Wonder

This quote conveys well the tremendous shifts in values & culture in a mere 70 years. Although that is not the focus of this writing. My son is a “millennial” ... born in 1997 ... he grew up in the culture described. Somewhere in the late teen years, I can remember saying to my precious son “you are suffering from full-cup syndrome” ... unable to receive.

This “syndrome” is not something new ... but it has grown over recent decades ... in a “corona-like” way.

What is inherent in human nature that makes us unable to receive ... that limits our capacity to grow as a person and may even contribute to the distortion of reality & truth?

Picture yourself as a cup. Is the cup called “you” so FULL ... that nothing else can come in?

There are LIFE-robbing ... REASON-robbing attitudes & attributes … scenario’s that will FILL your cup to the point that nothing else can flow in.

Meet the thieves:

BIAS, prejudice & preconceived notions … PRIDE & arrogance … ignorance, divisiveness & conflict, cynicism, LIES & misinformation … a CLOSED-mind … a HARD-heart

These “thieves” will rob you of the ability to THINK clearly & critically ... and will impede your ability to seek truth and see Truth. Make you unable to receive.

A “FULL-cup” can’t or won’t receive … can’t or won’t accept ... can’t or won’t understand ... can’t or won’t compromise

This is a matter of perspective and will.

As much as time changes things, this one thing does not change: people see what they want to see … hear what they want to hear … and believe what they want to believe.

This too, is a matter of perspective and will.

This speaks to reality & truth: "A man should look for what IS, and not for what he thinks should be." ~ Albert Einstein

Effective communication & optimal learning requires the ability to hear & perceive with some room in your “cup”

If your cup is FULL then nothing else can flow in. The “cup” here is mindset & attitude.

BIAS, prejudice & preconceived notions are enemies of open-mindedness & objectivity

Caveat: “Don’t be so open-minded that your brains fall out” ~ Chesterton

Pride & arrogance (an inflated sense of oneself) is the enemy of humility.

“Humility is not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less,” ~ C. S. Lewis

Ignorance is the enemy of wisdom, knowledge ... consciousness and awareness.

“We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.” ~ Benjamin Franklin

“Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.” ~ Martin Luther King Jr.

“No one can act beyond their level of consciousness” ~ Phil Johnson

Division & conflict are enemies of peace & unity.

My Haiku “Bridge the Gap”

“There are tw ways 10 be fooled. One is 10
believe what 1s nat ue, the other 1s to

2 10 believe what rs true * -Saren

Cynicism is the enemy of BELIEF … hope, joy, dreams ... and wonder

“I dwell in possibility” ~ Emily Dickenson

“Walk as if your feet are kissing the earth.”

“We need ... wonderment to see with appreciation and love” ~ Ali Anani

"There are only two ways to live life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is." – Albert Einstein

LIES and misinformation are the enemy of TRUTH.


TRUTH matters … Ideas matter …

 "Our track record is terrible. Decade after decade, we’ve taught our next generation “it doesn’t matter what you believe as long as it works for you,” that all morality is relative, and that good and evil are merely subjective social constructs. Year after year we’ve preached that pastors and priests are (out of touch with the real world) … and stupid … and that liberation theology is the only “good religion.”

Day in and day out, we’ve fomented class resentment and racial animus and diminished excellence while extolling entitlement. Why are we surprised at the result?

Our leaders have lost their courage.

Our congress has lost its consciences…

Our kids have lost their character…

Our culture has lost its soul.

Yes, truth matters … ideas do have consequences and the lousy ideas being taught in our colleges and universities for the past several decades are bearing themselves out daily before our eyes.” ~ Not a Day Care: The Devastating Consequences of Abandoning Truth ~Dr Everett Piper

“Lying LIARS who Lie”


A CLOSED-mind is the enemy of understanding. A closed-mind impedes learning, comprehension, discernment … IMAGINATION … curiosity & creativity … ideas

The best way to receive: Be willing ~ Be open ~ Be respectful ~ Be humble ~ Be wise ~ fem-v

“I have no special talent. I am only passionately CURIOUS” ~ Albert Einstein

"We close off our minds at our own peril." ~ Harvey Lloyd

“What is incomprehensible to man is the realm of GOD” ~ Einstein

... things in the natural are more likely to be understood

... some things are not given to human understanding

... some things are supernatural ... may require a “leap of faith”

A HARD-heart … is the enemy of your soul … it dulls your spirit & robs your capacity for Love, Life & Learning

It is written:

“Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the well-spring of life” ~ Proverbs 4

Your words flow out of your heart before they fill your mind. Perspective & attitude are shaped by your heart. “From the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks”

The condition of your heart is probably one of the greatest secrets to optimize personal capacity.

Who you are … what you become … destiny resides in your heart ...



In truth everyone suffers from “full-cup” syndrome at various stages in life and to various degrees.

One key is recognition: honest assessment and a desire to grow beyond what holds you back … keeps you from becoming your “best you” (a coming post ;~)

If truth be told: at best, our ability to honestly assess is flawed ;~)

Another is your level of consciousness:

The greatest achievement of humanity is not in technology, art or science. It is in the growing recognition of its own ego-based dysfunction. How we communicate has everything to do with our level of consciousness. No one can act beyond their level of consciousness. The dysfunction of our ego-based mind has been magnified through science and technology.” ~ Phil Johnson


“Recognition of ego-based dysfunction” … requires looking inward: looking at the whole human being: Heart & soul (mind-will-emotions)

... Leave some room in your cup ...

One never knows what seed-thoughts might fall into fertile ground that has been plowed open ... waiting to receive            (a coming post ;~)

"Sometimes we need an empty space in our minds that we may fill it with (new*-my add) ... ideas that are not contaminated with some long-held and constraining beliefs” ~ Ali Anani


Being able to consider new IDEAS ... new BELIEFS will only happen if we have “some room in our cup” … “some empty space that we may fill ” ... because our mind is “NOT being “contaminated with some long-held and constraining beliefs"

Caveat: The object in our LIFE journey is finding and then holding on to what IS valuable ... if you find Truth ... if you find Wisdom ... if you find Peace ... then you are blessed. DO NOT lay them down or let them go. (a coming post ;~) 

May your “cup” be filling with:

LOVE ~ Grace ~ Truth ~ Wisdom ~ Reason & Respect ~ Virtue & Honor ~ Excellence ~ Justice ~ Righteousness ~ JOY ~ Generosity ~ Humility ~ Goodness ~ Kindness ~ Peace       


Image: https://www.duyhuynh.com/

April 20, 2020

This post is dedicated to my sagacious son, Noah ... may he always be a “cup that is able to receive ;~) and may he hold onto the most valuable things ;~)

Special mention to Professor Ali Aanani, Phil Johnson, Harvey Lloyd, Ravi Zacharias for quotes sited within.

Buzz note: In many ways this post has been in my hearts for years ... it is, in part, a response to some recent "pearl posts" that helped to bring it out of my honey-pile of “drafts” ... including this well-reasoned post by one of the “best-of-bees” @Harvey Lloyd “Confirmation Bias II”


“In His Light” … I write ;~)

All rights reserved:  Fay Marmalich-Vietmeier 

If my words make you think … Great ;~)

As “iron-sharpens-iron” … I enjoy bantering with other BEES … your feedback is as “honey”

A glimpse of the “Bee” called “me” ;~)

My caring nature makes me an advocate. My curious nature makes me a “queen of questions” … but gifted with the ability to listen ;~) I am a woman of deep faith, a blessed mother, a voracious reader, a blossoming writer, a grateful person, and a lover of beauty … I treasure family, true friendships and my loyal clients ... enjoy traveling, learning, good movies, good wine and golf. I’m a “heart-to-heart” communicator.




Fay Vietmeier

2 years ago #38


thank heavens it was only 48 hours .. and not 40 days & 40 nights .. now that would really be “disruptive” 

Fay Vietmeier

2 years ago #37


@Nick Mlatchkov 

Multiplied thanks for the SMILE Nick 

To answer your question 

I think a “full-cup” = spoiled with everything" .. overly content .. lacking nothing .. 

It is noteworthy that BIASES consume capacity


Having room in your “cup” for growth: personally - professionally & most important spiritually 

Spiritual growth is the hidden catalyst to all GROWTH 

.. new IDEAS .. Creativity .. Innovation .. Transformation 


As to the “old bees” not sure where they went or why 

Fay Vietmeier

2 years ago #36

Fay Vietmeier

3 years ago #35

Harvey Lloyd I loved the truth that you shared in Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee post "Rings of Experience" Added your quote to this post 'We close off our minds at our own peril"

Fay Vietmeier

3 years ago #34

Ken Boddie Well Ken ... you could at this stage be a stand-up comedian ;~) even if you need a walker to do so ;~) ... perhaps accompanied by a lovely "full-bodied" Renaissance kind of gal ;~) ... though that is not likely your style ;~) ... Truly, you make me SMILE ... I appreciate you for the unique way that you see things ;~) Now on this: "There are only two ways to live life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is." – Albert Einstein ... you will have to take that up with Einstein ... I LOVE the idea that "miracles" are in "everything" ... "its not what your looking at ... it's what you see" ... a baby ... and the innocence of children ... a new day ... a rose opening ... and every form of flower ... a blue sky filled with puffy white clouds ... mountains ... trees ... Love ... Forgiveness & Grace ... kindness & patience ... the sun & the Son ... the oceans & seas ... every breath ... a gift

Ken Boddie

3 years ago #33

I beg to differ with the life objectives postulated by old mate Einstein, Fay. There are only two ways to live life. One is on the wings, preparing to entertain. The other is in the spotlight entertaining. The world’s a stage and our lives a series of transitioning stages. I’m at the stage where I’m glad they still let me have a driving license and glad they don’t lock me up for some of the thoughts that transfer themselves from brain to mouth unfiltered Incidentally, Fay, I must admit that the title of your post had me envisaging full bodied ladies in swimwear, such is the powerful imagery of the “full-cup”. 🤣😂🤣

Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago #32

John Rylance You are a wise "bee" John I may quote you in future: "the truth only angers hurts when it challengers a lie you are living." WOW This reminds me of a question that I heard when watching The Case for Christ (Netflix) ... how this legal investigator found his way from Atheism to belief (shared with Harvey Lloyd below) “Do you really want to know the truth ... or is your mind already made up” ? (powerful)

John Rylance

4 years ago #31

My cup runneth over with this thoughtful post. So right the truth only angers hurts when it challengers a lie you are living/ hiding.

Liesbeth Leysen, MSc.

4 years ago #30

and So it is Fay Vietmeier

Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago #29

Marisa Fonseca Diniz Warm thanks Marisa for reading and encouraging the heart of this bee by commenting “excellent article” I will make it a point to read your article and get back to you It is true what you say that “labeling occurs in society ... as if we were a mere product” Bee well;~)

Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago #28

Your sweet sharing of the "cup" post is very meaningful to this bee ... I thank thee ;~) Liesbeth ... I hope the "cup" overflows with attentive readers ;~)

Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago #27

Liesbeth ~ thank you for taking time to read ... and apply "worth" I appreciate your comment and recognize that your “cup” looks very different than my “cup” ;~) this cup has been around much longer ;~) I’m not sure we can be “healed” for the “syndrome” is a condition related to mindset & attitude ... awareness We are always in process as human beings ... so what is in our “cup” and how full it is ... can be ever changing The key is: Being mindful of what is in your “cup” and knowing how full it is As I mentioned: In truth everyone suffers from “full-cup” syndrome at various stages in life and to various degrees. One key is recognition: honest assessment and a desire to grow beyond what holds you back … keeps you from becoming your “best you” If truth be told: at best, our ability to honestly assess is flawed ;~) Another is your level of consciousness: “No one can act beyond their level of consciousness” ... so the key is growing awareness Be well dear one ;~)

Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago #26

Harvey Lloyd (part 3) This IS hard: “watching others learn this sacred truth. Watching without judging, correcting or endorsing the positions. But with grace ... helping them sort out what they have been through ... to gain perspective.” Really hard ;~) 4) ... So true ... We have no control over how others think … perceive or act. But we do choose how to respond ;~) I love “Attitude ~ Chuck Swindol (should be posted in every classroom) http://gnbc.org/the-impact-of-attitude-by-churck-swindoll/ I have been listening to Robert Jeffress “Choose your attitudes ~ Change your life” ( radio series based on his book) https://ptv.org/radio/?utm_source=&utm_medium=&utm_campaign= ... Excellent ... This bee finds many occasions to adjust her attitude ... in the course of a day ;~)

Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago #25

Harvey Lloyd You rightly say: “The premise that something is right requires someone or a being to establish the principal of what is right.” This “piece of broken glass” agrees with the wisdom you set forth No finite, imperfect human being has the ability “to establish the principle of “right” If there is such a one out there ... please make yourself known ... perhaps I’ll change my mind ;~) For this bee: that Source & Standard Almighty God ... He is also my “Advocate” This is wisdom and purposeful: “find, apply and measure the outcome of principals I follow” What is the source & standard of those “principles” ... inquiring minds should want to know Last night I watched The Case for Christ (on Netflix) based on the book by Lee Strobel (for those who might not know: he was a legal investigator & editor of the Chicago Tribune) https://leestrobel.com/about What I credit to Lee (a firmly avowed atheist) was his search for truth ... he investigated and weighed evidence ... did not just dismiss what he had for decades rejected (this journey began because of an incident where his young daughter was saved by a miraculous “coincidence”) Someone ask Lee “Do you really want to know the truth ... or is your mind already made up” ? (powerful)

Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago #24

Harvey Lloyd Harvey~ I so appreciate your wisdom: What does a broken piece of glass (have to say) to another broken piece? ... I love this ;~) Years ago, I happened upon Ann Voskamp (Canadian writer) ... her books: The Broken Way & 1000 Gifts ... are treasures ... All human beings like “broken pieces of glass” ... “The Fractal State of Humanity” (fractal from Latin means “broken”) Ring the bells that still can ring Forget your perfect offering There’s a crack in everything That how the light gets in ~ Leonard Cohen from the song “Anthem” https://www.bebee.com/producer/@fay-vietmeier-pennsylvania/the-fractal-state-of-humanity-the-hidden-forces-at-work-for-you-against-you (part 1)

Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago #23

Jerry Fletcher Jerry ~ thank you for taking time to read and comment. Truly ... "Gaps"are everywhere ... Be a good "bridge" where ever we are ;~) Most bridges are under construction ;~)

Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago #22

Mohammed Abdul Jawad Mohammed ~ thank you for taking time to visit and thoughtfully comment. I truly appreciate your encouragement “excellent post” Such rich insight: ... “When truths are taken in lesser terms and falsities are most preferred, then there’s the decline of humanity.” ... What’s in the profusions from the materialistic world when there’s no show of realization and sensibleness?” The thought that comes to mind is the paradox of opposites “profusions from the materialistic world” (the illusion of MORE) has produced LESS as regards “sensibleness” (common sense/reason) ... path of purpose &meaning Be well my bee-brother ;~)

Liesbeth Leysen, MSc.

4 years ago #21

worth reading

Liesbeth Leysen, MSc.

4 years ago #20

A useful article Fay Vietmeier the good news is that we can heal from the full cup experience. There is Always a way out. Think of hypnosis and other healing methods.

Harvey Lloyd

4 years ago #19

Fay Vietmeier as i read this i began to think of the labels as we describe social constructs. I have never been an advocate for what is right and what is wrong. What does a broken piece of glass to another broken piece? The premise that something is right requires someone or a being to establish the principal of what is right. This is merely the first step, the major step is, i have to abide by the principal. I am that broken piece of glass. I have found that as we walk through time it is more important to find, apply and measure the outcome of principals i follow. Within the generations i am surrounded with, the hard part is watching others learn this sacred truth. Watching without judging, correcting or endorsing the positions. But with grace helping them sort out what they have been through to gain perspective. Right and wrong, when we are all less than perfect, only establishes evidence already introduced into the human paradigm. The larger question is when we find ourselves on either side of that equation...........What do we do about it? A man of great wisdom Chuck Swindoll stated it best, life is 10% what happens to you and 90% of how you respond. Regardless of the right/wrong debate you find yourself, success is in the response, and.........its your choice to battle the righteousness of positions or get on with life/success.

Jerry Fletcher

4 years ago #18

Fay, If only we could bridge the gap...for all.

Mohammed Abdul Jawad

4 years ago #17

An excellent post, with an exposure of realities and falsehoods, that comes as an inspiration to one and all. Ah, so much of loss over the decades. When truths are taken in lesser terms and falsities are most preferred, then there’s the decline of humanity. What’s in the profusions from the materialistic world when there’s no show of realization and sensibleness?

Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago #16

John Rylance John Valledor Greg Rolfe

Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago #15

Jerry Fletcher Ken Boddie Troy Herbst Kevin Baker Kevin Pashuk Marisa Fonseca Diniz

Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago #14

Savvy Raj Debasish Majumder Mohammed Abdul Jawad Mohammed Sultan Tausif Mundrawala

Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago #13

Graham\ud83d\udc1d Edwards Edward Lewellen Paul Walters Preston \ud83d\udc1d Vander Ven Joel Anderson Lada \ud83c\udfe1 Prkic

Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago #11

Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee My methodology is different from yours ;~) Ali I'll refine a draft ... then step away ... sometimes for days ... sometimes for months ... sometimes for years Sometimes a post just flows out ... like a poem I began writing before finding beBee ... have numerous posts that are in "draft form" going back years ... have in mind a book ... many more "drafts" came to be ... because of thee ;~) and expanding upon my comments or the comments of other bees ... Inspiration is everywhere ... "Paradox of the draft of ideas" ... sounds very interesting

Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago #10

Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee My dear Professor ... I wish that when I 1st came to beBee that I'd have been more mindful to keep notes of the best quotes from the "best-of-bees" ... such as thee ;~) I have found much bee-wisdom on beBee Javier \ud83d\udc1d CR I have many more of your quotes to share ;~) they will surface in future posts ;~) I always try to give honor where honor is due ;~) ... this is only right ...

Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago #9

Oswaldo Enrique Diaz Delgado Thank you Oswaldo ... I appreciate your thought comments You should continue this as a poem: "The day is born, the day grows, the day ends" ... what happens in between ... "The night is born, the night grows the night ends" Be well my bee-friend ;~)

Ali Anani

4 years ago #8

Dear Fay Vietmeier I forgot to thank you for you quoted me twice in this great post. I am HONORED.

Ali Anani

4 years ago #7

Dear Fay Vietmeier Obviously, you had varied experiences to have the wisdom you are gifted with. If God blessed you with this gift, it is because you merit it. I shall explain my thoughts here in a future post. You know I have the "Paradox of the draft of ideas".I have four drafts ready for publishing and I started losing my way which is to publish first.I try to publish one post per week so as not to overwhelm the readers. I meant every word I used in my previous comment.

Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago #6

Pascal Derrien Some bees ;~) OK in your honor: "Are you suffering from full-bowl syndrome" I appreciate your reading and fully receive your sweet affirmation ... "full attention" ... "an excellent write-up" Thank you Pascal ... be well ;~)

Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago #5

Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee I receive your sweet praise my dearest Professor ... and appreciate the further value you give in sharing "wisdom & wonderment" I LOVE that ;~) if a bee could blush I am ;~) If I have wisdom it is a gift from the "Great Giver " .. who graciously & generously gives to all who seek this priceless gift ... from HIM I shall make my way to the post you mention below "Strategic Perceptions" Your words convey rich insight: "Each generation created a new hole in the barrel that is lower than the previous one. So, the capacity of the barrel of the kids' brains kept decreasing and holding less. Not only the capacity of the barrel decreased, but also what we fill the barrel with. Drugs, alcohols, fast music and less of educating materials. SO, more holes in the barrel, more wastage, less value of what is in the cup. Chaos surrounding us everywhere" I will comment there and copy here what I learn ... hoping to share your wisdom

Pascal Derrien

4 years ago #4

You got my full attention on this one Fay an excellent write up as much in its form than its content personally I don’t do cups just bowls 😉

Ali Anani

4 years ago #3

There are posts that you read and just get amazed by the high quality of their level. This post by my good friend Fay Vietmeier stands out as a great example of what I mean. I am going soon to write a post on this post.It is inspiring, intriguing and full of wisdom and wonderment. I am fortunate enough to have lived the entire time span covered in your post. I experienced the changes the kids went through in less than forty years. So many sharp transitions in their lives that led to the generation gap. A gap is a hole in the cup. But this is a drink and doesn't serve what I want to say. I wrote a post on Strategic Perceptions https://www.bebee.com/producer/@ali-anani/strategic-perceptions In the post I show a wooden barrel with a hole in it. We may only fill the barrel up to the hole and if we pour more pours out. I wish the reader would see the image in the post for further clarification. Each generation created a new hole in the barrel that is lower than the previous one. So, the capacity of the barrel of the kids' brains kept decreasing and holding less.Add more only to be spilled out. Not only the capacity of the barrel decreased,ut also what we fill the barrel with. Drugs, alcohols, fast music and less of educating materials. SO, more holes in the barrel, more wastage, less value of what is in the cup. Chaos surrounding us everywhere. I just wish beBee would allow to add images to the comments as LinkedIn does. Bravo Fay. For me- this is a super post. I am sharing proudly.

Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago #2

Harvey Lloyd I appreciate your wisdom ;~) you are mentioned in this post ;~)

Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago #1

Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee Phil Johnson, C-Level Executive Coach Your wisdom is mentioned in this post ;~)

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