Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago · 6 min. reading time · +100 ·

Fay blog
“The Synchronicity of Serendipity, Epiphany & Coincidence”

“The Synchronicity of Serendipity, Epiphany & Coincidence”

“Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses … especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.” ~ Leonardo da Vinci 


rapoctive. andiaction.

With one breath, with one flow
You will know
A sleep trance, a dream like dance,
A shared romance,
A connecting principle,
Linked to the invisible
Almost imperceptible
Something inexpressible.
Science insusceptible
Logic so inflexible … causally connectable
Nothing is invincible
If we share this nightmare
Then we can share this dream

“Synchronicity II”

“The Synchronicity of Serendipity, Epiphany & Coincidence”

We live in a time when people are more likely to think with their feelings & listen with their eyes. This is a reflection of being focused on externals … living in externals which limits what is fully possible.

… Living outside in is living upside down … 

The journey of life should be a journey of growth to be fully human: body, soul and spirit
Human beings are always “in process” & should be open to and able to recognize the moments & the opportunities to GROW.

This sharing is intended to sharpen awareness: to be on the lookout for … to be awakened to “moments” … that may bring enlightenment or growth … what you do with them is up to you ;~)

These “moments” may synchronously appear as: serendipity, epiphany or coincidence.

The concept of “synchronicity” was coined by Carl Jung to describe meaningful coincidences … “a causal connecting principle” that links mind and matter and supersedes cause and effect. 

Synchronicity is defined as: the simultaneous occurrence of events which appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection.

What does synchronicity in LIFE mean?

A synchronicity might appear or feel like a chance happening that occurs in almost perfect alignment with your current thoughts or ideas. For example, you might be thinking about someone you haven't seen in years as you drive to the mall and then while shopping you bump into that person ... Meeting up was a synchronicity!

Some may call this “coincidence” … a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without apparent connection

Some may consider it “serendipity” … the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way.

What does synchronicity mean spiritually?

A synchronicity for someone on the spiritual path is that moment in the fabric of time when we suddenly and briefly become consciously aware that we have made a deeper connection with the universe or with something that is Greater than our individual self. They can happen to anyone, anywhere at any time. This can be called an “epiphany… an “A-ha! Moment”

… The moment when a person is suddenly struck with a life-changing realization …


The question is: “Do you have eyes to see” 

It was this quote by Carl Jung & a combination of thoughts from Professor Ali Anani that caused me to have an “epiphany moment” … to understand and better “see” … there ARE moments to connect & synchronize thinking, IDEAS and communication. They are all around us … “ever-present”

Ali Anani stated:

… “You know that pendulums of wall clocks tend to synchronize their movement, I consider differing views as each a pendulum placed to another one. The beauty is when finding synchronicity between them.”

… “For ideas to emerge many ideas must interact and feedback to each other … This is a core principle” … “Maybe synchronicity is the output of creativity”

Output needs a receptor for synchronicity to occur. 

There is movement in synchronicity: a flowing out … a point of meeting … a flowing back 

The movement of “interaction & feedback” facilitates creativity & helps us find a place of agreement… and synchronicity

… Like the pendulums on a clock …

Picture in your mind: one pendulum swings one way …and the other pendulum swings the other

This principle also is like trapeze artists.


To “to consider differing views” to create harmony … to “find beauty” … the pendulums/the trapeze artist must recognize & lay hold of the moment when they come together to find the synchronicity.

“Recognize AND lay hold of the moment” … from their perch high above … each trapeze artist swings down and then swings back & forth … they build to the perfect momentum & moment when they come together. One artist may catch the other … or they may exchange swings

Perfect timing is required to synchronize this movement … and each must recognize and lay hold of the moment.

“Pendulums” or “trapeze artists” could be: two people or leaders or organizations or countries

“Synchronicity” is possible: even though the “pendulums” or “trapeze artists” are moving & thinking in opposite directions … there are moments presented when they come together

These moments happen with more regularity than we may recognize … the point is be on the lookout … and then lay hold on the moment … like the trapeze artist

Ongoing: communications flow … IDEAS flow … they have to be recognized … received … reacted to

Confirming: “Synchronicity is an ever present reality for those who eyes to see” Carl Jung

LIFE is filled with the Synchronicity of Serendipity ~ Epiphanies & Coincidence

How does one observe acts of synchronicity?

The key is to have an open mind and open heart. 

An ‘open mind’ is to be in the place of non-judgment about the information flowing through it. This can be tremendously hard. We are used to forming judgments’ on just about everything & everyone.

We receive over 400 billion bytes of information about our reality in every second however the brain can only process a piddling 2000 of these. To cope with the overload, it filters out only that information that conforms to the idea of reality you may be holding. So by forming judgments’, you will be filtering out the vast majority of your true reality!

If you stay open minded, then the heart begins to open too. You find that not only do questions arise but the answers too.

https://www.esolibris.com/articles/reality/divine_synchronicity.php (interesting article)

Profound wisdom: 

“We need to expand internally with *intentionality to see the world expanding and full of potential possibilities. We also live in the error that the heart has no capacity to see for itself, giving credit only to what our eyes see.” ~Ali Anani 

This rich quote beautifully affirms the great value of an open mind & open heart … to facilitate “internal expansion” … GROWTH (personally-professionally-spiritually)


We live in a time when people are more likely to think with their feelings & listen with their eyes

“Develop your senses … especially learn how to see.” Leonardo da Vinci

Engage the mind & heart: see AND perceive … hear AND understand

Live focused on internals & live more fully human (body, soul & spirit)

… Living inside-out helps us live right-side up …

Be willing to GROW … Be willing to know 

There is a saying: “what you resist persists” If you resist the opportunities that come to you to grow personally, professionally and spiritually … Circumstances & situations MAY repeatedly be presented until you can recognize them & lay hold of them.

However: it could also be that some opportunities are only before you once … never to return

GROWTH may include change: large or small.

Small changes can produce huge shifts: in individual behavior … or in a culture or country 

Valuable admonitions:

NOT all “change” is “good” (history bears this out)

Do not be so open-minded that your brains fall out.” ~ Gilbert K. Chesterton

… Discernment and wisdom should be constant companions

… In all things guard your mind & guard your heart

... Don’t allow these moments to pass by because of BIAS or blindness … a closed heart or closed mind robs like a thief.

… A “moment of synchronicity” may be small and subtle … a gentle “nudge” … We must be alert, attentive … able to recognize the moments … and then decide and act


“The ideas are so simple, that we may think they are trivial. If we just consider their effect we know the real value of such ideas.” ~Ali Anani

Always be on the lookout for “moments of synchronicity” … and cooperate with opportunities that can produce growth … this may change your life … and possibly your destiny.

This brief testimony: it was such a “moment” that I recognized & responded to. I chose to “believe” … It changed my heart and changed my thinking and in turn … changed my life. Over decades I became a woman of faith but that journey began with “a moment”

... few things are so ingrained 
that can't be open to be changed ;~)


Synchronicity II

With one breath, with one flow
You will know
A sleep trance, a dream dance,
A shared romance,
A connecting principle,
Linked to the invisible
Almost imperceptible
Something inexpressible.
Science insusceptible
Logic so inflexible
Causally connectable
Nothing is invincible
If we share this nightmare
Then we can dream
“Spiritus mundi”
If you act, as you think,
The missing link,
A connecting principle,
Linked to the invisible
Almost imperceptible
Something inexpressible.
Science insusceptible
Logic so inflexible
Causally connectable
Nothing is invincible
We know you, they know me
A star fall, a phone call,
It joins all,
A connecting principle,
Linked to the invisible
Almost imperceptible
Something inexpressible.
Science insusceptible
Logic so inflexible
causally connectable
Nothing is invincible
It's so deep, it's so wide
You’re inside
Effect without a cause
Sub-atomic laws, scientific pause


These thoughts are dedicated to my dear Professor Ali Anani ~ a most “brilliant bee” ;~) who clearly does “see” … and began the conversation.

… expand internally … with *“intentionality” ~ @Joel Anderson with thanks for a rich add

"intentionality" is a component of growth as is purposeful & determined attentiveness … a desire to grow ;~) these are as petals on a flower called “Growth”


Songwriters: Gordon Sumner/Synchronicity II lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC

Image: http://sf.co.ua/id179069

On February 17th 2020 these thoughts left my famous “bee-drafts” ;~)

I write: “In His Light”~ Fay Vietmeier

If my words make you think … Great ;~)

As “iron-sharpens-iron” … I enjoy bantering with other BEES … your feedback is as “honey”

A glimpse of the “Bee” called “me” ;~)

My caring nature makes me an advocate. My curious nature makes me a “queen of questions” … but gifted with the ability to listen ;~) I am a woman of deep faith, a blessed mother, a voracious reader, a blossoming writer, a grateful person, and a lover of beauty … I treasure family, true friendships and my loyal clients ... enjoy traveling, learning, good movies, good wine and golf. I’m a “heart-to-heart” communicator.





Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago #50

Roberto De la Cruz Utria Roberto~ I like your contrasts: chaos and harmony, dark and light This is indeed “life” ... moment by moment & day by day Many complexities made even more complex by the unique differences in every person I often say: “Opportunity is everywhere” “Challenge is everywhere” Outcomes will always be influenced by & determined by: ... “will, sacrifice, intelligence, focus, effort, vision, perseverance” (you identify some very important qualities) ... preparedness, planning, patience, resources, responses, resolve, favor, attitude, wisdom more ...

Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago #49

Preston \ud83d\udc1d Vander Ven Preston ~ sorry for the delayed response ... I’m transitioning to a new lap top ... a painful process and am handicapped to write is a form of withdrawal ;~) I like the way you set forth viewing synchronicity different ways: 1) Life does seems to “follow the path of least resistance” ... this is so true of human nature (easy buttons-instant results-lottery mindset-shortcuts) I often consider how Jesus responded to Satan while being “tempted” in the desert those 40 days & nights /Satan offered Jesus a shortcut to (what he, the devil perceived as a path to glory) “the devil led him to a high place and in an instant showed him all the kingdoms of the world. And he said to him, “I will give you their authority & splendor, for it has been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want to. So if you worship me it will all be yours.” In each temptation Jesus (being the Word) responded “it is written” quoting in essence Himself (the Word) ... the Point was Jesus did NOT deviate from His Fathers plan and path (Christ was modeling how we should respond to temptation) 2) I always liked this principle: “success is where preparedness & opportunity meet” ... aware –equipped & resolved is this person This principle can apply in the physical & the spiritual 3) “have the epiphany seeing the timeline from the First Adam and to the Last Adam” ... beautiful perspective ;~) Free will is a remarkable compass. Wise is the person who seeks Highest Counsel to find help in choosing the right paths & making the right turns

Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago #48

Roberto De la Cruz Utria Thanks for understanding & your affirming. "Thy word Lord is a lamp for my feet, and a light for my path." ~ Psalm 119 (all of Psalm 119 one of my favorites

Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago #47

Roberto De la Cruz Utria Roberto~ sorry for the delay in responding. Thank you for honing in on one of the most important points. That being: some of the most significant opportunities to grow are in the unseen spiritual realm At the end of this writing I gave my brief testimony: it was such a “moment” that I recognized & responded to. I chose to “believe” … It changed my heart and changed my thinking and in turn … changed my life. Over decades I became a woman of faith but that journey began with a “moment” … a “significant moment” It’s not what you look at … it’s what you see ;~) We need to develop an eternal perspective. (I am writing about this) That is why we are admonished to “fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” 2 Corinthians 4

Ali Anani

4 years ago #46

No question you can dear Fay Vietmeier

Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago #45

Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee Such "wish" I would share ... We have to find our own river and our own eagles ;~) "Stand with purpose" ... we can do this '~)

Ali Anani

4 years ago #44

#43 #44 Dear Fay Vietmeier. What to add to your wonderful response to the two comments of Joel. I must say that I felt jealous for I wished I were there with Joel. Joel- you stood there with a purpose. I needed to stop there too for the same purpose.

Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago #43

Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee Dear Professor ~ I want to make sure you do not miss Joel's perceptive comment ...

Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago #42

Joel Anderson Rare does a person get a good “listening too” … more rare is one who reads in like manner ;~) … “opened myself to be more perceptible and aware of the visible and invisible around me” … … “but purposefully chose to recognize and lay hold of the moment” … this IS the “carpe diem moment of alignment” Joel … you are revealed ;~) … “opened myself to be more perceptible and aware of the visible and invisible around me” … “intentionally decided to take a detour and stop by the river to look for eagles” … you are that seeker who is also a “pearl-finder” This is to be our life posture: “I stood there with purpose” … blessed are those in your life … I hope they catch your spirit What a glorious place to go … to find such “moments” … this is where I want to build a cottage to live and write ;~) … where eagles fly ;~) “Of this Word’s being forever do men prove to be uncomprehending, both before they hear and once they have heard it. For although all things happen according to this Word, they are like the inexperienced… experiencing words and deeds such as I explain when I distinguish each thing according to its nature and show how it is. Other men are unaware of what they do when they are awake just as they are forgetful of what they do when they are asleep.” ~ Heraclitus

Joel Anderson

4 years ago #41

I could have easily lost sight of everything around me due to the call of my truck beckoning me to get in to work and get things done. But I consciously chose to recognize and lay hold of the moment and simply revel in finding the beauty in my surroundings, sharing in the potentials and realities of that moment in time. Contemplating the Synchronicity, Serendipity, Epiphanies, and Coincidences that made my daily trek to the river on this day to be a different journey. One where I opened myself to be more perceptible and aware of the visible and invisible around me. Thank you for making me think just a little deeper and nudging me to consciously Carpe Diem.

Joel Anderson

4 years ago #40

Ok, so I read this post in detail last night. This morning, on my "journey" to work I intentionally decided to take a detour and stop by the river to look for eagles. I actually do this daily, but this morning was focused on thinking about all of this. My river probably isn't too different than the one Heraclitus looked at when he came to the observation that no one steps into the same river twice....I did so knowing that it was 17 degrees outside and my senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch would be challenged due to the frigid air. Yes, even coffee taste different in the cold. But stand on the edge of the river I did and saw five bald eagles cackling away and doing their ballet in the early morning light. I could have stood there and said, wow it is cold and my fingers hurt. I could have simply looked across the river and said, wow five bald eagles, cool and turned and walked back to my truck. But I stood there with purpose, not knowing what I else I would "see." Believe it or not, as I gazed at the eagles I opened my eyes and my mind to try and find a deeper connection with the universe and thought of your post as I stood there (ok, I was shivering). There I was, a cosmic spec standing on one side of a river. Bald Eagles on the other side. But somehow my inward and outward flow made me aware that I was in one of those perfect moments of alignment. Me, the eagles, the sunrise, the clouds, a still visible star, the smells the breeze, the sounds.

Ali Anani

4 years ago #39

Fay Vietmeier When I publish my next post I am actually referring to your comments on purposeful attentiveness as well the great comment of our dear friend Joel Anderson. I shall expand my thoughts then.

Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago #38

#39 Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee Joel Anderson … expand internally … with *“intentionality” ~ @Joel Anderson with thanks for a rich add "intentionality" is a component of growth as is purposeful & determined attentiveness … a desire to grow ;~) these are as petals on a flower called “Growth” as "bee-editor in chief" ... I have acted: expanded & enriched your quote herein my "wind-mill of thought & inspiration"

Ali Anani

4 years ago #37

Fay Vietmeier Like poetry we need a minute of inspiration and imagination. You had this minute when suggesting purposeful attentiveness

Ali Anani

4 years ago #36

I am sure that our friend Joel Anderson

Ali Anani

4 years ago #35

SO nice to read your comment dear#Joel Anderson and your interest to read the whole trail. I am glad you liked the quote and your suggested modification by adding intentional Is fully accepted.

Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago #34

Joel Anderson Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee As I was swimming I was thinking about "intentionality" I mentioned "Desire"... which is a component of growth But after many laps ... I think purposeful attentiveness Determined attentiveness is what I meant ;~) and resolve ...

Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago #33

Joel Anderson That is a rich add: "intentionality" ... reflects desire I will be very interested in your wisdom back Joel.

Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago #32

Debasish Majumder Thank you Debasish for reading & commenting ..and for your "sweet sharing" of this post ... meaningful to me ;~)

Joel Anderson

4 years ago #31

Dear Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee Wow. you both rock. And Fay, what a great post. I have been swamped of late and not engaged as much as I would like to be. I was drawn to the quote "We need to expand internally to see the world expanding and full of potential possibilities." I would simply add "intentionality" to the discussion. Whether we know it our not, we are intentional in taking each new step along the myriad paths of our individual and collective journeys. I have printed out this entire trail and will read it tonight in detail.

Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago #30

Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee Your make me SMILE ... if I'm your "spiritual mentor" (which I take deeply to heart) Then you are the "Pearl-finder" and my "inspiration mentor" (for I actually did put into my "bee-famous drafts that thought but it's focus will be about capacity) ... I'm trying to stay in step ;~)

Ali Anani

4 years ago #29

Dear Fay Vietmeier I suggest you add one more draft to your famous Draft File. It is around your last line "To me an extension of “with the measure you use it will be measured to you”. That shall be a well-received post.

Ali Anani

4 years ago #28

need to spread honey-like posts such as your dear Fay Vietmeier

Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago #27

Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee I thank you for the "sweet sharing" of these thoughts ... and recommendation on your post "Cohesion of groups" Pure "honey" ;~)

Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago #26

Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee “By expanding internally we increase our capacity and the higher the capacity is, the less likely we would become chaotic” Your insights speak volumes about your own “capacity” my dear Professor You are as “iron” and the “best of bees” … for I am ever learning from thee ;~) “Capacity” is a wondrous gift ;~) a reflection of being whole-hearted To me an extension of “with the measure you use it will be measured to you”

Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago #25

Kevin Baker "A top of the day to you my hat tipping friend" ;~) thank you for your good insight A willing spirit … this is the key to growth. A desirous quality that produces a cooperative attitude Key to the LIFE journey I like that Kevin: “seeing with your eyes closed, listening with no ears” This is perceiving and understanding

Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago #24

Harvey Lloyd Cyndi wilkins That would make an interesting post: “the journey through my broom closet” Life is a journey … I can attest to finding my way out of the dark and into the “Light” and testify that in His Light … I have light. “The darkness of our own shadows” … Darkness can always creep in … “Shadows” can linger even when you or wish them gone ;~) they have their own journey out of your life … and shadows can be more persistent to stay than we are for them to leave ;~) Resolved: I'm on to you I'm no longer co-operating with you “shadow … go to the valley of bones and stay there” I say this in regards to the process of my own healing from a 20 year eating disorder … it was a journey through a dark place and there were many "shadows" https://www.bebee.com/producer/@fay-vietmeier-pennsylvania/pits-prisons-palaces-promises-to-lay-hold-of Cleaning the “broom closet” is no easy thing ;~) … and is it EVER really clean? but if … in the process you GROW personally & professionally & spiritually … then you’re on your way to becoming your best you Wisdom ~ Discernment should be the company we desire & keep … and we have to be ever-vigilant

Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago #23

Harvey Lloyd Cyndi wilkins Continued … Only in looking back can I identity “moments” that truly changed my life as mentioned: "it was such a “moment” that I recognized & responded to. I chose to “believe” … It changed my heart and changed my thinking and in turn … changed my life. Over decades I became a woman of faith but that journey began with “a moment” We may not know until looking back the significance of life-changing "moments" So true Cyndi: "We tend to look at faults in others as character issues, while when we look at ourselves, the situation is causing our behavior not our character." But the truth IS … our reactions a reflection of our own 'inner state.' Character shapes & guides behavior & reaction “take a knee” … “contemplate” … honest reflection and honest self-assessment is most challenging Human tendency is to see ourselves in the best light … and to want others to see us in the same way … we are such complicated beings ;~) I always say God knows me best … better than I know myself. It is His opinion that I care most about ;~)

Ali Anani

4 years ago #22

Your professionalism in accrediting others can't be passed unnoticed dear mentor Fay Vietmeier will be pleased with your comment for this reason. You know that capacity has a significant role in making simple systems into complex and then chaotic ones. That you highlighted twice my quote "We need to expand internally to see the world expanding and full of potential possibilities. We also live in the error that the heart has no capacity to see for itself, giving credit only to what our eyes see" reflects your attention to the role of capacity. By expanding internally we increase our capacity and the higher the capacity is, the less likely we would become chaotic. In what we call the logistic equation so well explained in the video below capacity is a determining factor that a system may stay simple and predictable: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovJcsL7vyrk Your comments as well as your posts increase the capacity of your readers.

Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago #21

Harvey Lloyd Oh Harvey I so appreciate your wisdom ;~) and thank you for reading and your rich insights’ Truth: “We can see each other’s blind spots with ease however it is quite hard to recognize our own” I’ve had many laps around the cornfield of life … at what moment did I become “aware” become more “open” … have a desire: to see AND perceive … to hear AND understand Franci\ud83d\udc1dEugenia Hoffman, beBee Brand Ambassador God gave me the gift of a student mind & seeking heart … today I recognize that great value I have learned to question what “lens I peer through” … I have learned to seek the Source of wisdom We are “broken” judging beings ;~) True what you say: “we tend to look at faults in others as character issues, while when we look at ourselves, the situation is causing our behavior not our character. This is one of those lens we peer through” This is why I LOVE the wisdom in Scripture/this is what Jesus said about our tendencies toward judgment: “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.” ~ Matthew 7 Cannot say it any better ;~)

Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago #20

Joel Anderson

Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago #19

Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee My dearest Professor ~ thank you for pointing out that we HAVE experienced numerous synchronous moments ;~) We are like those “pendulums” or those “trapeze artist” … recognizing the “moments” I like how Dr Andrea Goeglein states: “Synchronicity occurs at the intersection of your awareness, response, perspective and action” This makes me realize that the “intersection” includes “action” It’s like “success is where preparedness & opportunity meet” Truly Ali this was a profound statement: “We need to expand internally to see the world expanding and full of potential possibilities. We also live in the error that the heart has no capacity to see for itself, giving credit only to what our eyes see.” ~Ali Anani Which reminds me of this quote: “It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see.” Henry David Thoreau (I thank @Joel Anderson for putting this one before my eyes) I have pulled up your post and will comment there: post "Living Upside-Down"

Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago #18

Mohammed Abdul Jawad Thank you for reading and for your wisdom. Profound insight Mohammed: “align our hearts to think and our minds to see” The heart does have a mind … the ability to think “As a man thinks in his heart, so he is” ~Proverbs Our mind has the ability for vision … to perceive

Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago #17

Randall Burns Many thanks Randall for reading and your “sweet praise” … appreciation of many hours of thought It is funny you mention your post “A stranger in a strange land” … I had that pulled up to read weeks ago because I liked the title (and “believers” are said to be “strangers in a strange land” … then my computer was giving me problems and I got sidetracked (it was on my list of reading & I thank you for the gentle direct/ have pulled it & will read & comment there ;~) And thank you for directing me to Cyndi wilkins … have that pulled up too “The space between” The world is “full of magic” … I usually say “WONDER” … the question is do we “see” Often I wonder at the patience of Almighty God … “waiting for our senses to grow sharper” … ponder those occasions where it is written: Jesus said to those following him & the disciples who were close to Him “are you so dull of spirit”?

Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago #16

Cyndi wilkins Cyndi~ Thank you for reading & your great summary of key thoughts I call this “picking up pearls” ;~) We do live in a time of the 'spiritual bankruptcy' … but people are unaware of this condition. How do you cause a person to become “aware”? Ongoing I say: Physical problems require physical cures Spiritual problems require spiritual cures People are living in externals: busy-entertained-distracted… self-oriented (the entrance of social media has a huge influence in the world and is changing the world … I do see that there is some benefit but HUGE downside) The question about “change is always: “Is it good or bad” Social media has an appeal to “self” … lift up “self” self-importance … this is like “looking for love in all the wrong places” “Appeal to self” is a spiritual in nature (the most effective strategy’s of Satan) You mention: “insight into creating the discernment and kindness necessary for understanding of the world beyond the self” The issue is more a lack of discernment … than kindness Discernment is a compass … the question is where does one obtain “discernment”? "If you stay open minded, then the heart begins to open too. You find that not only do questions arise but the answers too." being “open-minded” requires “discernment” Discernment and wisdom should be constant companions Seeking “truth” … being open to “Truth” is the key … wisdom & discernment are required

Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago #15

Cyndi wilkins Cyndi~ Thank you for reading & your great summary of key thoughts I call this “picking up pearls” ;~) We do live in a time of the 'spiritual bankruptcy' … but people are unaware of this condition. How do you cause a person to become “aware”? Ongoing I say: Physical problems require physical cures Spiritual problems require spiritual cures People are living in externals: busy-entertained-distracted… self-oriented (the entrance of social media has a huge influence in the world and is changing the world … I do see that there is some benefit but HUGE downside) The question about “change is always: “Is it good or bad” Social media has an appeal to “self” … lift up “self” self-importance … this is like “looking for love in all the wrong places” “Appeal to self” is a spiritual in nature (the most effective strategy’s of Satan) You mention: “insight into creating the discernment and kindness necessary for understanding of the world beyond the self” The issue is more a lack of discernment … than kindness Discernment is a compass … the question is where does one obtain “discernment”? "If you stay open minded, then the heart begins to open too. You find that not only do questions arise but the answers too." being “open-minded” requires “disernment” Discernment and wisdom should be constant companions Seeking “truth” … being open to “Truth” is the key … wisdom & discerment are required

Harvey Lloyd

4 years ago #14

Fay Vietmeier referenced Carl Jung. One of his key concepts surrounded the "shadow" , a complicated view of our own broom closet. It is a place we do not like to venture. But yet we rely on this closet to support our reactions to stimulus. Should we consider that something is wrong with our closet our world will deteriorate into chaos. I for one can say that once you do the spring cleaning in the closet, shadow or blind spots, the world looks quite different. It is a dark journey as you pass through the axioms that brought you to where you are. Post closet spring cleaning you can now focus on who i want to be and not defend a shadow you really don't want to look in. This is your take a knee thought. You are in general pointing at many of Jung's thoughts as he describe the darkness of our own shadows. The journey you offer for consideration opens up to a new world of "seeing".

Cyndi wilkins

4 years ago #13

"We tend to look at faults in others as character issues, while when we look at ourselves, the situation is causing our behavior not our character." Precisely Harvey Lloyd...We tend not to judge our own behavior as harshly as we judge others...But the truth is, our reactions to them is simply a reflection of our own 'inner state.' Here's when the 'magic' happens as Randall Burns so kindly referenced from one of my posts...This 'space between' is where we get to take a knee so to speak...contemplate for a moment the 'trigger' behind the aspect of our own personalty in a 'reactive state' and gently redirect our thoughts to rewrite the script. .How we direct our internal thoughts translates to what plays out before us externally...This is how we serve as portals for change.

Harvey Lloyd

4 years ago #12

You covered a lot of territory in this one. In reading the thought of our blind spots appeared. We can see each others blind spots with ease however it is quite hard to recognize our own. Through reading and having honest fellowship with others we can unfold our blind spots so that we can grow wise. In being able to "see" we must first recognize the lens we peer through. These lenses tend to change the focal point of reality or focus on the wisdom that can be gained. Carl Jung was quite keen on understanding self and the lens we peer through prior to observing and casting judgement. Complicated man. A great observation by a bee (I wish i could find the post) stated that we tend to look at faults in others as character issues, while when we look at ourselves, the situation is causing our behavior not our character. This is one of those lens we peer through.

Ali Anani

4 years ago #11

Dear Fay Vietmeier I am absorbed by your dedication and reference to few of my quotes in your superb post. I shared t in three hives, something I rarely do because your post merits justified attention. We (you and I) experienced synchronicity on few occasions as you may remember. So, in essence I live the experience. Not only this,but also the Ah moment. I am experiencing this again upon reading "… Living outside in is living upside down …". You reminded me of my post "Living Upside-Down"\ https://www.bebee.com/producer/@ali-anani/living-upside-down In the post I gave few examples for living upside-down might be normal!!! One example i presented is Upside Jelly. this is a very interesting example. This jelly is social for it is rarely found alone—it flips upside-down alongside others of its kind. Turned upside-down, with short oral arms pointed toward the sun. It is done for a purpose. Is it more important how you sleep or more what purpose it serves? I have quite new ideas popping like popcorn in my head. I enjoyed so much the way you arrived to spirituality. It comforted my heart. Yes, we need to expand our minds and our hearts to see the invincible. Most beautiful thing is reading your short, but concise and musical lyrics such as :" With one breath, with one flow You will know Synchronicity A sleep trance, a dream dance, A shared romance, Synchronicity A connecting principle, Linked to the invisible Almost imperceptible I am filled with gratitude for you and your kind words my spiritual mentor.

Mohammed Abdul Jawad

4 years ago #10

Insightful post that inspires us to align our hearts to think and minds to see. Shouldn’t we explore and realize subtle sciences, vivid realities and artistic beauty in our temporal lives?

Debasish Majumder

4 years ago #9

"do you have eyes to see"? an intriguing question indeed Fay Vietmeier! nice buzz. enjoyed read and shared. thank you for the buzz.

Randall Burns

4 years ago #8

I just remembered a fantastic quote by Cyndi wilkins that is applicable here, from her post; https://www.bebee.com/producer/@cyndi-wilkins/the-space-between "The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper"

Randall Burns

4 years ago #7

Excellent thought provoking post Fay Vietmeier So true and I agree. it is up to us individually to realize our potential and we are all capable of it. If I may be so bold as to offer this, an example of serendipity/epiphany that was a lightning strike for my spirit and my soul; https://www.bebee.com/producer/@randall-burns/a-stranger-in-a-strange-land Great job!

Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago #5

Mar\u00eda Francia Canache Vel\u00e1squez

Cyndi wilkins

4 years ago #4

“Develop your senses … especially learn how to see.” Leonardo da Vinci Intuition presents itself as a sudden understanding of how something works in relation to how it behaves. Synchronicity occurs in the moment we become consciously aware of that connection in realizing that the universe is bigger than oneself. A connecting principle, Linked to the invisible Almost imperceptible Something inexpressible. Science insusceptible Logic so inflexible Causally connectable Nothing is invincible If we share this nightmare Then we can dream Beautiful buzz Fay Vietmeier...In this time of the 'spiritual bankruptcy' you offer us insight into creating the discernment and kindness necessary for understanding of the world beyond the self... "Always be on the lookout for “moments of synchronicity” … and cooperate with opportunities that can produce growth … this may change your life … and possibly your destiny." Take that moment of pause to consider the possibilities...Attempt to understand the motive behind ones actions...Recognizing the synchronicity of events as they occur in a cause and effect universe...There is always something that pulls the trigger. To quote you one last time dear Fay..."If you stay open minded, then the heart begins to open too. You find that not only do questions arise but the answers too."

Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago #3

Lisa Vanderburg Preston \ud83d\udc1d Vander Ven Ken Boddie Kevin Baker Jerry Fletcher John Rylance

Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago #1

Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee These thoughts are dedicated to my dear Professor ;~) who always "sees"

Articles from Fay Vietmeier

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2 years ago · 4 min. reading time

“War does not determine who is right .. only who is left.” · Puppet Presidents command .. · Puppet t ...

2 years ago · 5 min. reading time

Can Peace & Wisdom prevail in CHAOS? · Does the quality of your thoughts determine the quality of yo ...

2 years ago · 4 min. reading time

The deepest oceans · Can resemble the shallowest people · Absorbed by the surface · What’s underneat ...

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