Harvey Lloyd

6 years ago · 3 min. reading time · ~10 ·

Harvey blog
The Flow of Life and Leadership

The Flow of Life and Leadership

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The workplace is increasingly becoming an extension of who we are within our social selves. The weaving of personal and professional lives is creating a different need at the leadership level. Mindfulness and emotional intelligence are being promoted because a vacuum now exists as team members seek personal satisfaction within their professional lives. Don’t confuse this with job satisfaction. This merging of personal and professional life is a different agenda beyond mere happy environments. The new professionals are merging these two paradigms into a cohesive existence and extension of their well being.

A group that has understood this principle for some time is the symphony. The person, skill and the instrument must merge with many others under the leadership of a maestro in a single sound. A challenging leadership position but when well lead, the sound is like no other.

Symphony's practice under the leadership of a maestro who can organize the rhythm of each skill into beautiful music. When we look at the individual instrument player the skill is present and in most cases the skill is excellent. But skill alone is not enough to engage in the flow of presentation.

I began to understand the concept of joining skills into clear choices of action that achieved a purpose, when i found myself as owner of a business and the accidental leader. I began to understand the Maestro’s role in rendering an engaging experience. The auditions and skill collections having filled the seats was the easy part.

Directing in such a way that 20-30-40 people can ply their unique skills together so that when heard,its harmonious, is the hard part. A maestro has to create a flow of thought and then get everyone to see and feel the flow. This is half the battle, now he/she must get the flow timed.

Entrepreneurs, leaders all have the task of the maestro. Unlike the maestro there is no external instrument to show us skill, thoughts and flow. We must determine the flow from clues presented through communications.

We have the choice to force the flow into a masterpiece of our design or determine the flow of the team and harness this natural flow.

The ebb and flow of leadership challenges the fixed mind. The flow of any endeavor is seeking its natural state. The leader is looking to harness that state and focus it on the purpose or goal.

What is the flow in practical terms. When more than one person is engaged in an endeavor there exists two states of flow. The purpose or goal and the needs of the team members to be satisfied within the purpose. I know many leaders who state that this latter statement is assumed because of the employment relationship.

Although the employment relationship would seem to offer up this condition of satisfaction it has been proven that employees who are satisfied with their pay seek a enriching rewarding experience within their employment. Recent posts by Ali 🐝 Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee indicate that the DiSC personality profiling system shows us that this enrichment is unique across individuals.

Leaders recognize the instruments of success and the needs of each player to experience their own success.

The flow of purpose coupled with our team members need for job/life satisfaction is the leaders orchestra that requires a maestro. The fixed mind would focus solely on the purpose or goal. Omitting the needs of the team member from gaining their own satisfaction from within the created focus. This establishes the challenges of fighting the ebb and flow of the natural flow of the team.

This may appear on the surface as softness in leadership. Leadership is about organizing folks into a great team through empowering each member to find their success within the larger success. Some members can't find this ebb and flow and may not fit the music the leader is playing. These folks need to be released to find the music where they can extract their success. This view of leadership is just that, a view. Its nether soft or hard. But rather a methodology of seeking the natural ebb and flow of team members.

Each team member, through their communications, are expressing what they need to find satisfaction in the team they have chosen to participate. The ability to listen, like the maestro, to the team member and discover their needs is one of the traits of great leaders. (This is not acceptance of the team members needs but rather an evaluation of whether the purpose or goal can be aligned.)

A few considerations as leaders:

  • Personal success or dopamine release to a job well done within the purpose.
  • Team support within the personal success (Oxytocin) Trust and relevance.
  • Stability that is only provided when all emotions focus on the goal or purpose. Stability is usually only challenged when the emotions are targeted at an individual.
  • Team members need to know their leader recognize their concerns within forward motion and challenging times. Verbalizing these concerns publicly can remove the stability issues.

The needs of some team members are not within the goal paradigm. These members require a release from a paradigm they can not flourish personally. (Dont mistake a personally challenged team member with issues outside the company here. We all go through challenges outside of work and these are treated differently.)

Surfing natural energy is a lot easier than having to create your own energy to surf upon.
Author in Source Title


Harvey Lloyd

6 years ago #46

My leadership is mostly with my peer group. Children get to close to my heart. My daughter has now taken the lead director position and she has a heart that can compartmentalize many of the events. But even she comes home with a heavy heart in leading children. The conductor is really what we are when we lead. We are guiding the energies of our teammates to success around the proposed goals. Thank you for your kind words and the staff here at our firm are an amazing group of teachers and aides who each day face a feedback loop that would make most cringe. Never do they give up.

Harvey Lloyd

6 years ago #45

It has taken a while and some deep thought to read into the comments you have made here. ALthough agree as we look at the nature of man from the screen we watch. I would say that the two questions create two legs while purpose creates the third. These are not physical legs but represent the facts of questions we seek answers for in daily living. Specifically within purpose we ascend to seek value in our existence through whatever purpose we pose as righteous. I mean this with our own, individual, self talk realm that no one really shares. So when i speak to these questions it is within this paradigm that the answers guide us through the events and situations our purpose places us in front. I see so many who are answering the questions on the fly while supporting a great purpose. This always ends in zero gratification as the purpose is never able to survive the ever changing values of the two questions. Thanks for the thought provoking perspectives and your kind words.

CityVP Manjit

6 years ago #44

I definitely endorse the view of disruption that causes new thought gateways to open. My goals online are determined by a learning pathway and not necessarily at the level of social, in the way it typically defines "social media". The web is better when it has room for this kind of thinking, and that is why I like buzzes like this one.

Harvey Lloyd

6 years ago #43

I find some comments disruptive. CityVP \ud83d\udc1d Manjit comment as an example would disrupt the conscious thought flow and bring new thinking and perspective. Disruptive This what enjoy about real dialogue of exploration. I don’t mean argumentative disruption but rather disruption that causes new thoughts gateways to open.

Ali Anani

6 years ago #42

your writing my dear CityVP \ud83d\udc1d Manjit below kindles many ideas in my head: With that question I honour the flow that comes with "I complete me". I don't want to marry an incomplete person whose life will shatter into pieces if I leave them. This quote reminds me of antifragility. When chaos can create better version of us to have antifragility. If somebody's heart shutters into pieces then this person has no antifragility. The 2nd point is the question if personal branding leads to fragility or antifragility. My initial screening says this most likely lead to fragility. That I shall explain in my next buzz. May be the authority on antifragility Dr. Vincenzo De Florio would like to comment

Ali Anani

6 years ago #41

I am writing a buzz on chaotic comments and if they would have any value. This idea dear Harvey Lloyd prompt me to go ahead with writing this buzz. It is proving to be a formidable task. The wisdim of your buzz and all comments here are opening new venues for new ideas to incorporate in my next buzz. How soon I don't know because digesting the comments here requires deep thinking. Thank you for the challenge.

Ali Anani

6 years ago #40

If you noticed dear CityVP \ud83d\udc1d Manjit. Now you have added an even greater depth of what it means. I go back to my last buzz and honestly I can not recall if either you or Harvey commented on it. In this buzz I ask if dispersal of our seeds of ideas isn't evil. Your comment here is the proof it is not. Confinement in the boundaries of personal branding doesn't appeal to me either. It is putting me within certain boundaries. This is confinement of my seeds. I would rather have them spread out.

CityVP Manjit

6 years ago #39

Dear Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee the problem with that song is that it falls back to the romanticized idea of "you complete me". What I like about Harvey's question "Who am I with you?" is two-fold. 1. With that question I honour the flow that comes with "I complete me". I don't want to marry an incomplete person whose life will shatter into pieces if I leave them - but we want that Tom Cruise mythology and we want jobs that compete us because we are predicated by "What do you do for a living" and not "Who am I with you?" 2. Most importantly "Who am I with you?" is a question that provides a dyadic answer. Who I am with you? with Ali Anani is a different answer to Who I am with you? with Harvey Lloyd. Each answer creates a unique stream of dyadic value. We don't construct relationships this way in organizations. Leaders do have a third leg as Harvey has said in #44 but I hate that third leg. Howard Shultz created a third leg that was pure genius, for in Starbucks his genius was not expensive and overpriced coffee but creating the third space between home and work. I live isolated from the world of work because I am not built of finding meaning in work. I chose to find meaning where meaning originally used to exist prior to the industrial revolution, which is meaning from home. Instead of the third space that Howard Schultz created I triangulate the base of work and society towards HOME. That is why I hate personal branding with a vengeance and hate it in the same venomous way I view slavery. Today we are not slaves to corporate owners, we are slaves to personal brand. So it is our chains are expressed as "everyone has a personal brand!".

Harvey Lloyd

6 years ago #38

The world is a scary place without “you” with you in it possibilities exist that have not yet thought. Although sometimes we are discouraged by each other the thought of extended “me” only would be cycles of synaptic storms that always end with the same verdict. Great song qoute. I appreciate your wisdom as always Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee

Harvey Lloyd

6 years ago #37

I really appreciate your feedback and dialogue. This discussion of the two questions is a consistent and constant discussion of my synaptic storms. I watch as folks challenge these two questions into a life of success and then those who seem to change their answers based on others within their life. The hopeless helpless cycle. I have gone as far with close relationships within the team to ask they write a paragraph about who they are with no considerations of others. I find it interesting they cant write anything. Myself i could write ten pages. When it comes to with “You” yet another ten pages, mostly concerning exoploring a new and different POV. Thanks again, you are a wise man on a wise journey.

Harvey Lloyd

6 years ago #36

Although i agree with you from a philosophical perspective, leaders have a third leg to “Me” and “You”, this would be purpose. In reality they have two purposes, one the human dynamic and the corporate purpose of goals. From this context i discuss leadership. In an effort of self preservation at the fundamental level of food clothing and shelter, (I would guess many would add internet connection:)) we as a society must either separate and go it alone, or join the tribe in some way to multiply our efforts. The questions were presented in the philosophical sense that when jioning the tribe to fulfil the fundamentals you had best have answered the latter question of who am i without you. By answering this question first we can establsih the greatest possibility of fulfillment when answering the question of who am i with you. By answering the questions for myself, it took away the fear and anxieties that would most likely show up in a proffesional setting. I cant be who i need to be with you or we can share a part of our journey. This is a no fault answer. No it is merely my path and i get to choose, not because “You” are wrong, but rather because we cant share a journey of meaning from my perspective. I rarely find this in my life currently. I find things i dont like but can endure. This is great but in the end, as leaders we must figure a way to harness as much of the personal motivation of the team without loosing site of the purpose. Shared self preservation used to be enough. Today it seems that folks take preservation for granted in their actions, until grand “situations” appear and threaten their existance, 08-09 economic crisis. It would appear we have two choices in leadership, force the team into a funnel of purpose or help them find their purpose within the funnel. The latter for me has proven successful.

Ali Anani

6 years ago #35

"Who I Am With You" I've been a rolling stone all my life Flying all alone, flying blind I've seen it all, I've been around I've been lost and I've been found but [Chorus:] Who I am with you is who I really want to be You're so good for me And when I'm holdin' you, it feels like I've got the world in my hands Yeah, a better man is who I am with you I've got a ways to go on this ride But I got a hand to hold that fits just right You make me laugh, you make me high, You make me want to hold on tight, 'cause [Repeat Chorus] Who I am with you Because of you I'm a lucky man You're the best part of who I am [Repeat Chorus]

Ali Anani

6 years ago #34

you have both dears CityVP \ud83d\udc1d Manjit reminded me of the song of Chris Young Lyrics But who I am with you is who I really wanna be You're so good for me And when I'm holdin' you, it feels like I've got the world in my hands Yeah, a better man is who I am with you…

CityVP Manjit

6 years ago #33

I shared this into my White Learning Hive because in that hive I incorporate my learning about both vision and flow, but you have touched major aspects of why I set up my personal learning hive called workable. This is a masterful and marvelous buzz and a privilege to reference and ultimately to return to. Since I am invested in flow I did overlook "who am I with you?" but I cannot understate what brilliance the distinction you have made and coupled with the current state of "who am I without you". That I personally consider "who am I without you?" a perversion caused by personal branding is for me to contemplate, but I invite Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee to note this liberating distinction you have created Harvey with "who am I with you?"

CityVP Manjit

6 years ago #32

I love the "who am I with you?" rather than "who am I without you?" distinction. In the latter "who am I without you" we as a society fall for the Tom Cruise character of personal branding a.k.a. "you complete me" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NpWAlvWNZj0 A person frothing for their personal brand definitely wants the other person to "have them" at hello. So Harvey you did not have me at "ego proliferation" because you are a thinking person, so we do have a shared understanding here but that does not mean we are branded by our hips. It is the stuff that is beyond the scope of this post which liberates me. You went beyond the scope of your post when you wrote "who am I with you". Those five words are so packed with meaning, that on hearing them they open new doors, for one cannot contain what exists within the brilliance of those five words. "Who am I with you?" therefore deserves to be the title of your book. We are too tightly woven inside the human corruption within personal branding to trust in natural energy. For one, it puts even greater demand on leadership in order to navigate between the conditioned existence and an environment of flow. A dumb maestro creates terrible music, but modern organizations are tone deaf to this corruption of human spirit. So it is that an image centered environment coupled with people trying to be something they are not (otherwise if they are what they really are why do they need a personal brand) means people don't feel complete without image. Out of flow thus becomes the norm rather than flow.

Harvey Lloyd

6 years ago #31

Thank you for your comments and share CityVP \ud83d\udc1d Manjit I believe struck at the heart of my thoughts here, but also unearth the complexity when we delve into the motivation of our team members existance. This is somewhat beyond the scope of my post as leaders face the current trends in ego proliferation. Materialism has set the stage that we look at individuals through material things to measure various attributes of ones existance. Personal brands, identity, ego or the other terms that describe our walk with ourselves are merely that words. We all seek to answer the question Who am I with You? Unfortunately we have replaced the question Who am I without You? Self Awareness answers both questions but will also separate us from some present relationships that may be important, or so we think. Religion, philosophy and other readings will show us about ourselves and help us form this self awareness. Choose wisely. Its Monday morning and we have a team that requires motivation. The major points in the post describe how we can move forward with natural energy. Without these major points installed and understood the probabilities of success are greatly reduced or in some cases sustainability within success is challenged. Your points are well taken and i have tried to refocus some team members to seek the answer to Who am I without You? In some cases this has lead to a recharged team member as they find their own mojo in existance. In most cases it is the hopeless need of self reflection from others that wins. Leaders today are having to rekindle the fundamentals of harnessing the natural energy without getting to deep into the human condition. The preponderance of personal brand information is a powerful force to overcome in the real world.

CityVP Manjit

6 years ago #30

Brand as a musical flow of an organization is what makes brand valuable. Flow has a relationship with diversity, but now consider flow that has a relationship with personal brand. We don't increase diversity when we paint by numbers and follow a certain pattern or socially orchestrated way. Such orchestration eventually becomes homogeneous and not diverse. When I look at people's brand's I see the same tribal features - personal brands create tribes, not flow. Organizational brands however mirror the music Harvey speaks of here but that brand is special, it is not a mass market. That is where personal brand loses it's meaning for me - because personal brand is trying to stand out in the crowd. It is the violin player who says "look at my violin - it has differentiation". Yet music of organizational brand is not the conductor but the diversity enabled by leadership, it is not an orchestration like Hitler did at the Nuremberg Rally, it is the enlightenment of value that takes on a life of its own. Personal brand can never encompass that freedom because their is ownership involved - "ownership" as in one's "own image". (Such selfishness !). That does not jive with the flow of music, then it becomes a singular dance of identity or image. Krishnamurti said it best when he said there can be no relationship with image, for then image is the block between relationship - where image becomes the primary thing. If there is a flow in relationship through the music of brand - it is not a single stock-keeping unit that is a conscious desire to promote one's personal image, it is something that is now life in it's own - and there is magic in that.

Harvey Lloyd

6 years ago #29

Joel Anderson thanks for the share

Harvey Lloyd

6 years ago #28

Thanks for the comment and the graphic did fit the post quite well. Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee suggested the surf board concept of the post.

Harvey Lloyd

6 years ago #27

Thanks for stopping by and glad you enjoyed the post Simone Luise Hardt

Harvey Lloyd

6 years ago #26

The post assumes many leadership principals are all ready in play. Leadership requires one very key principal serving. I have not heard of the Power through Collaboration. But would think it covers these missing componants. When we get the team to understand we serve the customer the second order of service is each other. Now there are about a thousand posts that cover the various nuances sourrounding serving others. The key service component in leadership is overcoming self. I cant explain this much better then the “Golden Goose” Fable. Thanks for your inputs and thoughts the leading/serving others concept is a journey for me and i enjoy the various thoughts and feedback.

Harvey Lloyd

6 years ago #25

Jazz, i think would be the better descriptor of this style of leadership Joanne Gardocki. If i could hang on to your word “Trust”. This is the magic world when leading. Your team mates require a measure of trust in you to find them their place within the success. Not always possible but its more the effort and recognition of need to share in the victory of a effort. With this in mind i believe the jazz view is accurate. Through promoting the best sound they come together most naturally. Thanks for taking time to view and comment, this has been a wonderful discussion concerning “trust” and leadership.

Harvey Lloyd

6 years ago #24

I enjoy your posts of kitchen music. I am sure it is practice but unfortunately I do not work well in high production multi tasking high volume human environments Some of my projects up north tempered this phobia as every talks aggressively and loudly at the same time. Down south this means something is getting ready to happen So I would naturally start to back up waiting for the move. But they just followed and kept with their talking. Eventually I figured it out and many new friends were made they laughed at me and my southern defensiveness Still get uneasy in those setting. But please don’t stop the tale of the kitchen series. I love them

Harvey Lloyd

6 years ago #22

thanks Jerry Fletcherfor dropping by appreciate you commenting and yes alignment is an awesome time

Harvey Lloyd

6 years ago #21

I am a hard headed boomer who once was the one who forced the round peg into the square hole. Lotta work, it had to be easier One goal many ways to get there. Engaging folks with their needs in the how has created some unique success stories ....and is a lot better than pushing rocks uphill You really can't imagine the excitement of your comment. It is your age group that needs to help us old f,,ts learn to guide and not paddle upstream Thanks.

Proma Nautiyal

6 years ago #20

Thank you for this enriching buzz, Harvey Lloyd. What a great analogy to explain the idea. It is often said, "People don't leave their jobs, they leave their managers". There is a lot of truth to the saying. When hiring a candidate, interviewers try to evaluate if the candidate will be a fit for the organization and if they will be able to align the value they bring to that of the organizational goals. However, the point they miss is that it is a two-way street. In the same organization, when the manager (hypothetically) turns out to be a boss rather than a leader, the employee eventually gets disheartened, demotivated, and finally resigns. They could have been a great asset, but they chose to leave. The reason would be, like you rightly mentioned "The workplace is increasingly becoming an extension of who we are within our social selves...The new professionals are merging these two paradigms (personal and professional) into a cohesive existence and extension of their well being." - not being satisfied. This is such a great buzz. I hope this reaches more people, especially ones in leadership roles. Sharing it. :-)

Harvey Lloyd

6 years ago #19

you wrote it with a fine quill where I wrote with my usual crayons. I have seen goals set and changed by the larger group and create something better than the original goal Unfortunately yes those who can’t find themselves within the broader effort do need to be “coached out” Thanks I really appreciated your perspective as always Ian Weinberg

Jerry Fletcher

6 years ago #18

Harvey, When things are in alignment, all is well with the world. Thanks for an eloquent reminder of that fact.

Bill Stankiewicz

6 years ago #17

Cool buzz 😎😎😎

Randall Burns

6 years ago #16

Excellent perspective Ian Weinberg

Randall Burns

6 years ago #15

LOL, Harvey Lloyd, Thanks for the compliment but it's like everything, Practice, practice, practice. If I may be so bold as to give you an excerpt from an article I wrote about mentoring; "The line coordinator or as we called them, the “expediter” was in charge of the show. Usually this role was assumed by the Chef when he was on. The expediter is comparable to the Maestro conducting his orchestra. The Maestro needs to know every instrument, how they work and sound together and how to direct them to play together so that they play beautiful music. The expediter in the kitchen needs to not only understand each station, but have the ability to work each station expediently..." "...The expediter/Chef must lead and “orchestrate” this team so that the appropriate dishes for particular tables are coming up at the appropriate times so that ALL the food is hot and fresh." (originally published on LinkedIn, Oct. 2014, https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/20141012104627-50309658-mentoring-a-keystone-in-the-life-of-a-cook/ )

Ian Weinberg

6 years ago #14

An interesting approach Harvey Lloyd If I understand your analogy, the implications in the insensitive-prescriptive work environment incorporates a non-negotiable symphony (fixed composition) with degrees of inflexibility on the part of the individual contributing players-parts and instruments. Are you then proposing an aspired outcome or symphony which still needs to be completed by the contributors/players (These contributions could be individuals or group-based eg the 'string section')? If so then your proposed approach opens up opportunity for inclusivity in writing the final symphony and 'playing' it. This would obviously select out those players who can't/wont contribute - these non-players would have to be 'coached out' lest they decompose the composition!

Harvey Lloyd

6 years ago #13

operating by phone today myself. So thumbs are subject to their own will. Hope life finds you well🙂

Harvey Lloyd

6 years ago #12

I can only imagine a kitchen environment. Wow. I believe wizard may be the word not Maestro. Thanks for dropping by and commenting

Harvey Lloyd

6 years ago #11

Leadership that doesn’t assimalte your points will find themselves quite stressed with employees that do as they are told. No more no less. Thanks for the insight

Harvey Lloyd

6 years ago #10

I agree and the work life balance is becoming two worlds into one in many ways

Randall Burns

6 years ago #9

Excellent analogy Harvey Lloyd I've been comparing being a Chef to a maestro for a very long time, it is a realistic approach to management. Your final quote, "Surfing natural energy is a lot easier than having to create your own energy to surf upon." is absolutely spot on, another aspect of that is that you cannot fight the energy of the wave; you have to go with the flow. Great piece.

Pascal Derrien

6 years ago #8

I think personal values matching some of the company value proposition also play a bigger role in choices for the professionals of today in turn it adds fluidity in the relation between the leadership team and the larger employee base

Ali Anani

6 years ago #7

I invite CityVP \ud83d\udc1d Manjit to comment first on this comment.

Harvey Lloyd

6 years ago #6

Thanks for the shares Debasish Majumder And the continuing dialogue of the human condition.

Debasish Majumder

6 years ago #5

lovely insight Harvey Lloyd! enjoyed read and shared. thank you for the share.

Harvey Lloyd

6 years ago #4

Organising a group is becomeing ever more difficult as we look at the landscape of social media and personal branding. “My Brand” must be in tact within the team. This new phenomena is challenging for leadership when we look only at the separating brands and not the energy produced by this need. Harnessing this energy is the only way to insure success. Fighting it will only insure lots of engagement to no where or worst a constant turn over of personal. Thanks for your comment Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee

Ali Anani

6 years ago #3

I am honored to be mentioned in your great buzz Harvey Lloyd. Thank you.

Ali Anani

6 years ago #2

"Surfing natural energy is a lot easier than having to create your own energy to surf upon". This is a sinple fact that is expressed very elegantly by Harvey Lloyd. To have team members with desires and wants going in different directions to that of the purpose is not going to result in the cohesion of team and in ensuring the natural flow of work. I enjoyed very much and explanation and suggestion to deal with this issue. This is a buzz for all managers and leaders.

Harvey Lloyd

6 years ago #1

Thanks for the share Javier \ud83d\udc1d beBee

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