Ian Weinberg

6 years ago · 2 min. reading time · ~10 ·

Ian blog
A rant in transit - is there anyone out there?

A rant in transit - is there anyone out there?


Are we really wiser than our forbearers of yesteryear? Have we evolved in terms of our values and ethics? Sadly I believe not. We have indeed quantified more of our environment and we’ve advanced in the ways of technology, but at what price?

I lament as I observe how low we have descended as a species. Indeed we are all aware of the excesses of Consumeristic Man – consumeristic greed, insensitivity to fellow humans, degradation of the environment and worse. But my current rant was precipitated by the state of the toilet in a public washroom, in a large airport, while in transit. And yes there were a lot of people driven to getting home. Tired and irritable with the inevitable delays and it was past midnight. But is that enough reason to pee on everything and crap on the seat and beyond, without making any attempt at cleaning up? Your crap has polluted our rivers and seas, beyond the point that we can neutralize the scourge. And then a walk through the duty-free retail environment where voracious consumerism ruled supreme – need/want/greed, who knows. An instantaneous thought flashed of those mega areas in the Pacific of plastic waste. And the fish, succumbing to guts filled with the plastic waste.

And then row upon row of humans, oblivious to the real environment, living totally in the virtual realities of their phones and tablets. The thought occurred that there may be no awareness of the present environment to share with anyone else – the distraction of the self-interested and the self-absorbed left relatively few humans consciously engaged with the physical reality in the present.

We are in trouble. To quote, “Be afraid. Be very afraid.” Collectively, we the Human species have descended beyond the level of parasites – a parasite at least respects the viability of its host to ensure its survival. No, we have become the malignant tumor that, devoid of any awareness, indiscriminately destroys its host and dies with it.

I would say to the likes of Stephen Hawking and Elon Musk – forget about populating Mars or beyond. With the prevailing values and ethics we’ll destroy those environments sooner than later as well.

I always make an attempt to contribute some positive encouragement at the end of a rant. But on this occasion, even digging deep, I can’t come up with a positive solution. I would say ‘tend your own acre’ but the behavior of our species is encroaching even upon that. Can we coach the masses to create sustaining ethics and values? I guess we would have to start at the early nurture years with instilling the appropriate approach. But then you would need a critical mass of those who have self-awareness and self-respect.

I need a stiff drink at this point ..... and someone conscious to engage with! 

Ian Weinberg thanks! That account has been Removed!

Cyndi wilkins

6 years ago #26

Same one on my post Ian Weinberg...I suppose if we have captured the attention of a 'hacker'...we must be doing something right;-)

Ian Weinberg

6 years ago #25

And this is the other scourge - see hacker in comment below - Javier \ud83d\udc1d beBee ?

Ian Weinberg

6 years ago #24

Thanks for that Deas. Indeed I believe that we're messing with enough 'earthly' systems that pain for mankind is sure to follow. The current weather upheaval is just the beginning. Famine, lack of potable water and disease are also well underway. For in addition to our disrespect for each other and for the planet, is over-population. This planet just can't support the 7billion and counting. So inevitably and whatever it takes, numbers have to come down and will surely come down.

Ian Weinberg

6 years ago #23

Thanks for that I think that at the end of the day it's about working towards raising awareness/consciousness of ourselves, others and the environment.

Cyndi wilkins

6 years ago #22

Unfortunately my dear friend...governments feed large corporations to suppress the technological advances that currently exist as free energy propulsion systems in order to feed their own agenda of militarizing an entire planet with 'space based' weapons and the constant threat of war with foreign invaders. This goes far beyond plastic food containers...although the FDA is a huge player in all the secrecy too...What's the best way to control a species?? Keep em' sick and scared...There won't be a future generation without a planet to live on. The most effective thing we can do is concentrate on cultivating our own physical and emotional well-being and teach our children to do the same...Respecting Mother Nature as you would your own Mother...and having reverence for all of life. What we 'see' is a lie...what we 'feel' is truth.

🐝 Fatima G. Williams

6 years ago #21

Cyndi wilkins I must have been 6 when this girl gave that speech in 1992, I had no idea then I had the responsibility of protecting my environment nor did my teachers lead by example! Change is a very difficult but ACHIEVABLE ONLY with practice. And if governments stop feeding in large corporations and if they stop giving them tax exempts from so many things they do to destroy our earth we may stand a chance! A global movement or a Strike of I won't use plastic packed containers, food item, snacks etc may do a thing or two!

Cyndi wilkins

6 years ago #20

You are absolutely spot on ...change is a very difficult but ACHIEVABLE transition to make if we fine tune our thoughts here in the present to consider the consequences of our decisions and actions and the impact they have on not only our immediate future but that of many generations to come...That is if we haven't destroyed everything by then:-(

🐝 Fatima G. Williams

6 years ago #19

Ian Weinberg The only thing I can say, is tell me about it Whiff! In the below video 12-yr old Severn Cullis-Suzuki's gives a speech to the UN in 1992 and today’s youth give the ECO speech again in this video compilation, 25 years later! NOTHING HAS CHANGED! She told delegates she was scared for her future & reminded them that their 1st responsibility is to future generations. Today the speech continues to make the rounds on social media. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hpu-PP-8YP8 How do we collectively make a change? I can stop using plastic bags, take the metro and not drive to work. What else can I do? I can use the disposable garbage bags, segregate my garbage waste until I don't use any unrecyclable product and influence people to do the same. Yes, If we stop buying products that are packed in non-recyclable containers or packs, won't the manufacturers deal with a more environmentally friendly solution for the same? If I stop using the plastic bags given at supermarkets and shopping malls won't they have to figure out how to make cloth bags for all customers! It is difficult but it's achievable! Our hope is love and respect, For each other and for the environment. Let's build a better future for our children and their children!

Jerry Fletcher

6 years ago #18

Ian, I feel the pain as you do. Unhappily I have visited airport restrooms that approximate the one that set you off. At least that litter is biodegradable. The plastic and other items with a hundred year half life that come out of just one fast food joint in a day beggars that stupidity. Here in North America I'm stunned that the grocery clerk still asks "paper or plastic." And so it goes.

Ian Weinberg

6 years ago #17

And here's a toast to you, Ken Boddie (even though it's breakfast where I am!) 🥃

Ian Weinberg

6 years ago #16

perhaps we can just beam 'awareness and sensitivity' stuff on to the screens of our mobile phones, PC's and tablets as we switch on. Anything just to effect a shift. Thanks for that Deb\ud83d\udc1d Lange, Brand Ambassador @beBee

Ian Weinberg

6 years ago #15

Now this is 'waste' that I can deal with Ken Boddie And all that we'll be leaving behind is some bio-degradable fluid!

Ian Weinberg

6 years ago #14

Thanks Geoffrey Cooling I seem to have missed it - on my way to reading it.

Randall Burns

6 years ago #13

Capitol idea Ken Boddie!

Ken Boddie

6 years ago #12

Sobering post, Ian, to which I can offer neither remedy, reason nor rectification. I can, however, offer the following suggestion. Assuming that our ‘life’ on earth may indeed be a ‘waste of time’ and that the way we are spending our ‘time’ here is a ‘waste of life’, let’s get together with a bottle of single malt, get ‘wasted’, and have the ‘time’ of our lives. 🥃🤗

Cyndi wilkins

6 years ago #11

"Have some awareness of the consequences of our words and actions on the greater environment." Such a pity that for a great many of us, this awareness comes at the end of our lives...
Hear you, Ian. Ranting provides nothing. When I'm on a topic, I spend time in front of a mirror first, ranting my face off. I do so many touchy topics. So if you think my stuff is rants, think again. I work hard to present facts. I know some of my stuff is the stuff of nightmares. I'm just shining a flashlight on them. You presented this nicely.

Lada 🏡 Prkic

6 years ago #9

Ranting with reason is good.:-) The world needs more ranters like you, Ian.

Randall Burns

6 years ago #8

You've said it all Ian Weinberg I have nothing to add except think about me as you're sipping that single malt as I'm right there with you, in spirit anyway.

Phil Friedman

6 years ago #7

Ian Weinberg, I sympathize with your pessimism. But the existential reality is that what each of us needs to do is what we can to raise awareness or the folly of it all, work toward creating a different future for our posterity, and hope that the Butterfly Effect is an ontological reality and not a self-deluding fiction. I am sitting here this Saturday morning, watching my younger daughter ride her horse amidst others grazing in about 40 acres of pasture, and I cannot help but feel a sense of peace, albeit transient. And to remind myself that we each do what good we can for as long as we can... and leave the rest to the universe, fate, or oblivion -- take your pick. Cheers, my friend!

Ian Weinberg

6 years ago #6

Pamela \ud83d\udc1d Williams This was more a deep-felt lament than a rant. And when I was finally on the plane, a thought occurred: If each individual could be prompted into awareness of others and of the environment even if it were just a fleeting thought associated with words and actions, this would be a very different world. This doesn't require long term coaching, mentoring or even psychotherapy - just a nudge, often enough, through people and the media. All that is asked of us is to put ourselves in another's shoes for a moment and also just to have some awareness of the consequences of our words and actions on the greater environment.
"Are we really wiser than our forbearers of yesteryear? Have we evolved in terms of our values and ethics? Sadly I believe not. " Only you can break me away from the contemplation of my cracked ribs long enough to respond. Yes, I agree, and I'm surprised to see another contemplating these facts. For 20 years or more, I studied canine behavior. A horrifying epiphany struck me one day that human beings are, indeed, pack animals, too. We are simply creatures striving to rise to the top. If we have to step on others along the way, we will do so. We are driven towards survival at any cost. We do not evolve--we survive as we have done for eons. We endow ourselves with enlightenment only because we have speech. But what we say and what we do speaks volumes. They are very different.

Cyndi wilkins

6 years ago #4

Nailed it Pamela \ud83d\udc1d Williams...about the same old sh#t happening to new people...that is exactly what needs to change.

Sara Jacobovici

6 years ago #3

Your "rant" Ian Weinberg and your closing paragraph are part of the "positive solution". Your voice is invaluable and I am encouraged to hear it. With posts like yours Ian, there is hope.

Cyndi wilkins

6 years ago #2

Oh dear...I was right where you are the other night and went with the 'stiff drink' fix...all it did was magnify how ugly I really felt...However, I think that searing rage has been churning around deep in my belly for quite some time now...The volcano erupted with such force it purged everything...(and I do mean EVERYTHING) in a violent surge to the surface for air. Sometimes we need to go there...into the bowels of our own dark thoughts and feelings of despair to free ourselves from the constant barrage of negative influences...You know, if I can at all avoid it, I steer clear of public rest rooms for the very reason you mention Ian Weinberg...I ALWAYS seem to have someone in the stall beside me releasing their 'innards' with all the joys of the related noise....Who does that?!?! Someone who doesn't give a sh#t...that's who...

Pascal Derrien

6 years ago #1

I think Confucius said something along the line that nothing new happen to people it is just the same thing happening to new people :-) I don't think we should kid ourselves with a false sense of superiority in comparison to those who preceded us..... the evidence tend to show otherwise unfortunately :-)

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