Ian Weinberg

6 years ago · 4 min. reading time · ~100 ·

Ian blog



AI will yet be relegated to a mere blip along the path of the evolution of human intelligence. It will be seen to be but a logical extension of linear technology albeit with ‘smart’ algorithms. The NBT (next big thing) along the transcending path of human intelligence towards Homo Deus (a term borrowed from the name of the book by the brilliant author, Yuval Noah Harrari), is Superconsciousness.

The parts are all falling into place. We are seeing more and more evidence of the profound consequences of accessing that timeless, spaceless domain known by various names such as singularity, the Implicate Order, Universal Consciousness and the like. It is an energy domain in which you and I and indeed all of physicality have representation and which in turn, affects and influences us all in this physical, five senses-based space.

Brilliant minds including the physicist-engineers Robert Jahn and Brenda Dunne of Princeton University as well as Dean Radin at IONS in California have shown how human consciousness can influence electronics from a remote place and also perceive information thousands of miles away from the source (remote viewing). In this context, remote activity denotes distance away from source/influence as well as functionality beyond the five senses realm. In addition, by merely engaging with an entity in its non-physical form, human consciousness influences the emergence of that entity into physicality – the potential for co-creation. Entities that are co-created can further be maintained in an entangled state such that if one of a pair is sent thousands of miles away from its partner, manipulating one results in an instantaneous change in the other. This property of entanglement of entities emerging from singularity is now forming the basis for quantum computing - computers which will have no moving parts and instantaneously connect with other computers at remote sites without need for the Internet. But there is another pivotal component to this development – human consciousness will engage directly with the quantum computer network and in turn, receive information from that space. This leads then to the final evolution of human intelligence – the disconnection of consciousness from machine and probably from the brain as the organ of consciousness. And behold, Homo Deus emerges at the pinnacle of human consciousness evolution!

At the neurophysiological level, EEG (electro-encephalogram) studies indicate that remote viewing and influencing occurs in the Alpha frequency range. This frequency is associated with a relaxed state of mind or a meditative state. When subjects were taught through biofeedback to establish more Alpha activity they became more successful with remote activity outcomes. Individuals with increased frequencies in the Beta range are usually anxious and have lower levels of remote activity success.

fMRI (functional MRI) studies indicate that the right hemisphere is the area of the brain that has more success in remote conscious activity. The right hemisphere is the place of big picture sensitivity, intuition, trust, creativity, emotional connectivity and out-of-the-box thinking. The right hemisphere is suppressed by the dominant left hemisphere. The left hemisphere is all about linear function - planning, calculating, categorizing, speech and so forth (AI functionality). Interestingly if there is damage to the left hemisphere (fronto-temporal lobes) the right hemisphere is ‘released’ from left hemisphere dominance and the individual gains big picture sensitivity, creativity and enhanced intuition as well as greater success with remote activity. This can be done artificially by temporarily suppressing left hemisphere function, using trans-cranial stimulation.

If we translate this all into some practicality we can conclude that those individuals who are too amygdala-based – fearful (fear of failure, fear of loss, fear of not being adored and recognized), anxious and angry and who have raised adrenaline levels, are predominantly left hemispheral and have the lowest levels of intuition, creativity, sensitivity and emotional connection. They also have the lowest success in remote conscious activity. Conversely, those who are chilled, calm, sensitively connected to the bigger picture and are creative (oxytocin types), are the ones that have the greater success in remote activity.

Controlled studies of the savant Daniel Tammett, who is able to perform impossible arithmetic calculations (usually beyond 20 digits in multiplication and division) instantaneously, illustrates much of the known neurophysiology associated with remote activity. On EEG, Tammett has damage to his left fronto-temporal region. When given 2 random 20 digit numbers for multiplication, Tammett merely visualizes the numbers, gives them colors and shapes and sends them for ‘processing’. Instantaneously the answer appears in his mind which he reads off. His EEG tracing remains in the slower range. It becomes obvious that Tammett is not laboriously carrying out the process of calculation himself but rather, is packaging and sending the info into singularity for processing!

We are indeed posturing for the final lap towards Superconsciousness. And nothing confirms this more for me than the opening paragraphs of the article by Dunne and Jahn published in the prestigious Journal of Cellular and Molecular Biology. I conclude with a quote from the article, being reminded of course that these are the stirring words of two senior scientists. (There is hope after all!):

"The voice of the wind is the whisper of the spirit, the

breath of life. It sings to the heart, in a language that the

scientific mind is not trained to comprehend. It murmurs in

inscrutable enigmas and archetypal symbols, arousing a

sense of wonder and a longing for understanding. Science

may attempt to measure the physical magnitude and

regularity of the wind’s velocity, to determine its direction,

or to ascertain its implications for tomorrow’s weather, but

usually fails to hear its sublime harmony or grasp its

profound message. On rare occasions, when the analytical

mind is still, the heart of the scientist may vaguely sense the

wind’s mystery, but the challenges of its translation and

response seem insurmountable, and so the mind typically

dismisses it as unworthy of scholarly attention. Yet,

throughout human history, it is this whisper of the spirit that

has moved many who have heard it to deep contemplation

of their role in the creation of reality.

Although artists have always applied their respective

tools to expression of the subjective dimensions of human

experience, there is good evidence that long before the

establishment of formal scientific methodology, analytical

scholars also recognized the essential interplay between the

human mind and the mystical basis of mathematics.

Socrates’ Academy postulated that the road to

understanding the physical world proceeded via self-knowledge,

and the early alchemists embraced the pneuma,

or breath, as the mediating agent between "that which is

above" and "that which is below". But over the past several

hundred years, as science has become increasingly

committed to its objectification of nature, inner experience

has been progressively excluded from its purview. Those

drawn to explore the role of consciousness in the physical

world have been derided as "mystics" and essentially

disqualified from membership in the scientific community,

and despite the extensive evidence that many of the greatest

scientific minds maintained a deep interest in such matters,

even their writings on this subject have often been ridiculed    

or dismissed as eccentric flights of fancy ...... "

Copyright - Ian Weinberg 2018

References available on request


Ian Weinberg

6 years ago #32

Indeed O'Ken we're at that time of life when it is a feat to maintain consciousness aka awakeness, without drifting off into Lala Land! On the serious note, I agree totally with you - we're analyzing things to death and in so doing, missing the wood for the trees. Let me quote again from the article in the post (written by your engineering colleagues!) - It's possibly the most profound words that I've read on the subject: "Science may attempt to measure the physical magnitude and regularity of the wind’s velocity, to determine its direction, or to ascertain its implications for tomorrow’s weather, but usually fails to hear its sublime harmony or grasp its profound message." Wow! Sure need the East-West combo.

Harvey Lloyd

6 years ago #31

I agree in the concept of the singularity and most definitely within the unique subjective nature of each person. But this opens up the next line of questions. Does the singularity have a purpose? Either directly or indirectly because of its existence? Social media has brought many unique subjective beings into an arena where we "collectively" create a purpose. How do we take unique individuals and form a collective opinion without guidance we all adhere to? The first rule we should consider? Thou shall not fornicate with yeast and flour. Lest you get bit in the ass.

Ken Boddie

6 years ago #30

It has taken me 68 years, Ian, to almost master consciousness, by which I mean the ability to stay awake and remain awake when others of greater intellect are introducing topics to me which my feeble brain has a hard time comprehending, and now you suggest that, when the finish line is within sight, I should have been participating in the race (ie the human race) to attain superconsciousness. Give an old man a break, Ian. My brain hurts. But all jokes aside, Ian, why do those who operate within the constraints of 'western philosophy' feel the need to find and prove everything by analysis, with the consequential conclusion that, if it can't be explained and proven, it doesn't exist? Meanwhile the unshackled proponents of 'eastern philosophy' strive for harmony (yin and yang) with an inherent acceptance and without a need to prove. "East of West, What's Best?" is a topic I raised some time ago in this old post: https://www.bebee.com/producer/@ken-boddie/east-or-west-what-s-best

Ian Weinberg

6 years ago #29

What is so profound for me Savvy Raj is that the original text that I copied and pasted from, the published article, was not in verse. But on the paste it took the format of verse and reads that way. I don't think the authors intended it to come out like this. Let's just say that it must be the hand of the Singularity!

Ian Weinberg

6 years ago #28

Those are big questions for which there are only speculative answers at this time. I haven't seen the movie that you mentioned. Since we require our bodies and their physiology's to support the development of our brains and hence consciousness, I don't see us becoming functional without this physiology ie, our body's anytime soon. Additionally, since our entire awareness of self and of the environment emanates from the information gleaned from our sensory apparatus, I don't believe that we can evolve further, independent of this highly evolved physical state. What I am alluding to in the article is the expansion of sensory and motor activity into a more connected and comprehensive space such that we extend our awareness exponentially. Implicit in this proposed model is time/space travel. Should we indeed evolve to the point that we are able to materialize/de-materialize physicality including our anatomy and physiology, then we're essentially physically obsolete - dead in other words. This now brings into focus the question of the persistence of consciousness after physical death ....... but that's another whole subject in itself. Thanks for stimulating thought and discussion.

Ian Weinberg

6 years ago #27

Ultimately Harvey Lloyd we are each unique beings with unique subjectivities. We will dance our part in the Great Dance until we are spent. And within each subjectivity there is the potential for awareness - of self and of the greater environment. In the context of this definition, awareness cannot be imparted to another unless there is potential for receptivity in that individual. So ultimately there will be a ceiling of awareness and thus appropriate behavior in regard to self and the environment and the relationship between the two, across the broad spectrum of humanity.

Ian Weinberg

6 years ago #26

As a physicist Milos Djukic I'd expect nothing less from you than getting straight to the heart of the matter. Indeed the macro dynamics of relativity have not been reconciled with the micro environment of quantum mechanics. Additionally String theory also has its problems. I understand that at the core of wave superposition within a nonlocality space is coherence and that collapsing the wave of superposition results in decoherence. I further accept that a condition for entanglement is the maintenance of coherence. However we are seeing many more examples of the maintenance of coherence in our relativistic natural environment e.g. photosynthesis, the navigation of migrating birds and more recently, within microtubules of neurons in the brain. The carrier frequencies of electromagnetic waves also appear to maintain states of coherence. Perhaps since macro objects are comprised of micro units of quantum coherence, the the concept could be carried through to the macro object? Perhaps we and all physicality are merely standing wave artifacts, transiently decoherent within an all pervading nonlocality milieu of coherence? Which then brings us to the point of 'whose consciousness is this?' Perhaps we are each unique decoherence filters contributing new coherent frequencies to nonlocality? It is then the flux within the superposition of nonlocality which is 'growing itself' and we are mere instruments of that dynamic. Now you've really got me babbling incoherently! Perhaps you'd be interest to peruse my article on the subject at http://www.pninet.com/Oscillate(A)v2.pdf Best wishes for 2018.

Milos Djukic

6 years ago #25

Thank you very much Cyndi wilkins. All the best :)

Cyndi wilkins

6 years ago #24

Fabulous! Happy New Year Milos Djukic;-)

Milos Djukic

6 years ago #23

What a thought-provoking article. Thanks Ian Weinberg. Right now, I'll be pretty caution with any conclusions. Just one shorter note from the scientific point of view. I believe that the key to understanding this phenomenon lies in an additional spacial higher dimensions as proposed in M - theory and string theory. This theory should provide an explanation of the relationship between the science of the macro (on a large scale) and the science of the micro (infinitely small) and to unify gravity and quantum mechanics. The confirmation of an additional dimensions and a unified theory of everything will provide a scientific framework and a background for better understanding of the consciousness, field of consciousness and their relationships with quantum mechanics and quantum effects with an additional prevention of a process called decoherence. Maybe our consciousness just like sub-atomic particles do not actually exist in any one place until they are observed. Ultimately, for photons in "the double-slit experiment", time is just an illusion (particles of light "already knows everything" and actually does not exists until it is observed). We will see.

Harvey Lloyd

6 years ago #22

If i may twist your words here. If we realize that through serving others we ultimately serve ourselves. This level of service though requires letting go the concept of self preservation at the normal levels. If professional/social preservation is present then we cant serve others, so in turn can not be successful within our own paradigm. We may be rich, but this is not where i believe Oxycontin emanates.

David B. Grinberg

6 years ago #21

Thank you for this fascinating blogging buzz, Dr. Weinberg. Have you seen the Hollywood film, "Transcendence"? If so, is this what you envision occurring in the foreseeable future? Are you saying the human body and brain will ultimately be rendered obsolete by being uploaded to a new quantum computing cloud/internet? Being a non-scientist, I'm still trying to wrap my head around the concept of quantum entanglement and how it will affect communications and other parts of society. I'm sure you're aware of the recent experiment by China in which a quantum particle in space successfully communicated with another quantum particle on the mainland -- and in a cyber secure manner, no less. Thanks for articulating more of your thoughts on this topic and how it will affect humans and society.

Ian Weinberg

6 years ago #20

Thanks Gert. Alles van die beste vir 2018!

Gert Scholtz

6 years ago #19

Ian Weinberg Thank you for the post Ian. I find these themes of discovery of what we are getting to know about the mind, highly interesting. Always looking forward to the NBT when it comes to a Weinberg article!

Ian Weinberg

6 years ago #18

Now here's a thing! Thanks for that.

Ian Weinberg

6 years ago #17

Actually Harvey Lloyd , the path to mindful consciousness sans Ego and other duka distractions (see Buddhism for an explanation of this concept) lies in the Nirvana bliss of fornicating yeast cells in a forever expanding doughy thing!

Cyndi wilkins

6 years ago #16

Yes...Well, with the spiritual significance of the dove being that of the 'Holy Spirit'... it would seem quite the match made in heaven;-)

Ian Weinberg

6 years ago #15

Thanks for that Harvey Lloyd You raise an important point which leads to a pivotal caveat: The way that we engage with the energy-based singularity reflects all that we are, warts and all. It takes no prisoners. Therefore for example, if we are driven to get our needs met and have a side issue ticking in the background of fear of not getting our needs met, the fear of loss may have a greater energy value and thus influence a negative outcome. Hence the need to purify awareness and transcend limiting beliefs or behaviors lest we materialize something which appropriately bites us in the ass!

Harvey Lloyd

6 years ago #14

Great post and thoughts on a topic i have only recently reading about in a very limited way. You connected some dots in the larger scope of the research. But you also touched off some thoughts concerning natural success. Not sure at this early stage of thought i can tie it together but thought i would send out the signal to quantum entanglement and see if it floats. In a very elementary view of this, it would appear, success is directly connected to how you utilize this network and, as you stated some folks use it more efficiently than others. I use the word success in its broadest sense, not the narrow sense of money alone. When we get around successful people that we see through the material world, we see one of two things. The material world is all they have or their is this thing they have of success that transcends the material into the metaphysical. Mostly i have gotten the sense that the latter has tapped into humanity in a way that is really awesome. Great post but as usual i will have to digest the thinking you always bring for my lay mind. On a side note. Tell Randall that Ego is ok and that the ego he is referring to is really megalomania. See we are having a discussion about ego as you can tell. But don't tell Randall Burns that i put you up to this. I am still trying to get a hold of my senses here after reading the bread recipe.

Ian Weinberg

6 years ago #13

Thanks for that Pascal Derrien

Pascal Derrien

6 years ago #12

As often straight to the point article without the fluff and other pseudo intellectual reflections :-) Priceless :-)

Randall Burns

6 years ago #11

HaHa! LMFAO!!! I'm speechless Buddy! :-)

Ian Weinberg

6 years ago #10

Possible synchronous connectivity with the singularity. Perhaps we're manifesting the zeitgeist that is tweaking our common circuitry. You should try smoking some of this stuff Randy ....

Randall Burns

6 years ago #9

Thanks for that Ian Weinberg and yes I realize that "definition" is a bit of a "slippery slope" here, hence the discussion with Harvey but it has given me an idea for a Buzz about "Ego". I will write it from a philosophical point of view, will do some research and will probably "pick your brain" as well, (if that is acceptable to you) :-). Will definitely draw some quotes from your article here. Funny how coincidences happen? one could almost say "Cosmic" in that a lot of discussions seem to erupt simultaneously ; would that be our Right hemispheres getting into sync with each other collectively? What do you think Ian?

Ian Weinberg

6 years ago #8

Thanks for that Randall Burns If 'ego' incorporates inter alia, fear of failure/loss, fear of not being recognized and adored and the need to be in control - then I agree that the 'home' of the ego is the left (or dominant) hemisphere. The right (or non-dominant) is about big picture sensitivity - a space which tends to move away from self as being the center of the universe, towards the greater connectivity of life.

Ian Weinberg

6 years ago #7

Thanks for that Randall Burns If 'ego' incorporates inter alia, fear of failure/loss, fear of not being recognized and adored and the need to be in control - then I agree. that the 'home' of the ego is the left (or dominant) hemisphere. The right (or non-dominant) is about big picture sensitivity - a space which tends to move away from self as being the center of the universe, towards the greater connectivity of life.

Randall Burns

6 years ago #6

Fascinating and thought provoking read, as usual Ian Weinberg Excellent end quote and trying to avoid getting into a long discussion I believe that many "philosophies" are expressing these same capabilities within us. Mankind has been aware of these "faculties" within us for thousands of years but as the quote states, " ... Those drawn to explore the role of consciousness in the physical world have been derided as "mystics" and essentially disqualified from membership in the scientific community,..." Interesting explanation regarding the right and left hemisphere of the brain and due to a discussion I was having with Harvey Lloyd yesterday on his latest, excellent post, a question has occurred to me; Would you consider our "Ego" to originate from the Left Hemisphere? Great job Ian!

Ian Weinberg

6 years ago #5

Interestingly Tesla apparently had only one relationship in his life ... and that was with a dove!

Cyndi wilkins

6 years ago #4

Nikola Tesla was described in much the same way as Tammet...by visualizing his inventions first...giving them color and shape and processing them in his 'minds eye' before manifesting a finished product into physical reality...Fascinating that most people with such brilliance tend to be socially inept...as Tesla was a very solitary man and seemed uninterested in women...He felt relationships would be a distraction from his work.

Ian Weinberg

6 years ago #3

Thanks - and to you too.

CityVP Manjit

6 years ago #2

Actually having found the correct link https://tvo.org/video/programs/the-agenda-with-steve-paikin/the-future-of-humankind I cannot believe that this was broadcast in November 2016. Kind of tells me that 2017 was a blip on my calendar :-)

CityVP Manjit

6 years ago #1

Yuval Noah Harari was recently profiled on our local program "The Agenda with Steve Palkin" https://tvo.org/video/programs/the-agenda-with-steve-paikin/yuval-noah-harari-a-history-of-humankind This is indeed heady stuff but some people find it anxiety producing for the same reason that Facebook makes billions of dollars. BTW HNY Ian.

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