Jim Murray

7 years ago · 4 min. reading time · 0 ·

Jim blog
The American Nightmare Five Weeks In.

The American Nightmare Five Weeks In.


Jim Murray, Strategist, Writer
& beBee Brand Ambassador

I work with small to mid-sized businesses,
designers, art/creative directors & consultants
fo create results driven, strategically focused
communication in all on & offline media



| am also a communications mentor, lyricist

& prolific op/ed blogger. Your Story Well Told


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I have been writing about this phenomenon for the past 18 months. At first it was all lighthearted and almost whimsical, but then when I started to see what was actually happening I became very concerned for the heath and well being of a country that I grew up right next door to, and have, sometimes grudgingly, respected for most of my life.
But things have changed and America finds itself moving toward fascism at a pretty fast clip. So now I am writing more as a warning and as support for the resistance which is growing stronger and strong every day.
You could say I don’t have a dog in this fight so why should I care. But I say that it’s naive in the extreme to think that anything that happens to your country’s largest trading partner will not affect your country and your neighbours and your investments and your quality of life.

I have to admit that in my lifetime I have never seen so much hate flow from an individual as I have seen from the 45th President of The Disunited States of America.
A narcissism that I used to think bordered on pure eccentricity and ego has now gone well past and into full blown psychosis.
I believe that it was the election that has empowered him. He said it himself a number of times and then proved that he could say the craziest things and now put into effect the most insane legislation and nobody would raise enough of an objection to shut him up or turn it over.
Oddly enough there is method in his madness. But sadly for the people of America, it a method he has learned from the likes of Adolph Hitler and Josef Stalin, both of whom were also insane narcissists.
This method is actually quite simple. Bombard people with lies. Accuse the people who are telling the truth of lying. Repeat. And repeat. And repeat.
Very soon the people become completely confused and will not really know what to believe, and so the majority of them will bow to authority. Agent Orange must be right because he’s the president.
This form of brainwashing is going on all over the world these days. Because there is not shortage of petty dictators. The odd thing is that it’s actually happening in the United States.

Things Have Changed

The United States is supposed to be the most advanced country in the world, intellectually, economically etc. It’s also supposed to be one of the most democratic countries in the world.
But as we have all seen over the past year and a half, that’s really all bullshit. Almost half the people in America are stupid and or ignorant and or homophobic and or Islamaphobic and or convinced that America is a land for white people only and or just plain gullible enough to believe what they hear from el Presidente.
Up until he came along and gave these people permission to act on every prejudice they have in their heads, the incidence of all of the aforementioned was manageable, although just barely so.
But after he started spreading lies, attacking the media and basically sanctioning violence against people who are different from white America, a great number of these morons took that as permission to go with their guts and act out their prejudices.
Quite a few of these people were cops. A few more were unhinged Americans, a few were Muslim extremists or Muslim extremist wannabees and a few more were just plain nuts and would have done what they did anyway.
But none of them, not a single one, was acting on orders from any terrorist group on this planet.
Of course you would never know that listening to el Presidente To him, all this violence was laid right at the feet of Islam.
And now he is running the show, and every day, the vocal opposition to him builds. It is a constant thing. And recently, it’s started to have an effect on his credibility and approval ratings, which are now lower than any president in the history of the country.
This constantly building opposition feeds off two things. 1. The slow awakening and vote remorse of the people who voted for Trump but who are not part of his core constituency, and 2. The media, who, despite all attempts by Trump to re-position them, are still trusted by a great number of people.

Fearless Forecast

Someone, in a discussion on Charlie Rose yesterday,  postulated that the people can only go on for so long, listening to his constant lies and having him in their face 24/7. They will, probably sooner as opposed to later, reach a critical mass.
At this point, everything that he is saying will sound more or less the opposite of the way it sounds to them now. They will find it disgusting instead of refreshing and honest. They will come to see his face and macabre mask hiding a huge walk-in closet full of nasty skeletons. Because he has many.
When the people turn that corner..when they recapture the perspective they have been intellectually bullied into losing…when they start seeing reality for what it is, and feeling the effects of all the facist behavior that is currently being exhibited and passed off as making America great again, this is when life for El Presidente will become incredibly difficult, if not impossible.
And once the people turn against him, the congress and senate will follow, because these are the same people who, in less than two years will be running for election again. And we all know what that means.
This isn’t a prediction. Because I can’t see the future any more clearly than the next guy. But what I can see is somebody in the process of political suicide, simply because he has been enslaved by his own ego and whatever mental illness he is suffering from that has made him so chronically narcissistic.
At some point, and hopefully soon, the politicians will find it more beneficial to their own interests (ie their jobs) to get rid of him, and perhaps the lion’s share of his administration. And that will be that.
Not surprisingly the leaders of this movement will end up being the people who support him the most vigorously right now.
Paradox is alive and well in America.|


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Randy Keho

7 years ago #21

I see this soap opera is alive and well. I can tune in once a month and never miss a beat. It's the same cast of characters taking the same stances. I do find it interesting that the script now indicates that the big, bad media is trusted by a great number of people. What? I guess it depends upon which side of the fence (or wall) you're on. Now, there's a paradox. Excuse me while I change the channel. There's a spring training game coming on. I'll tune in, again, next month, when I'll read Jim Murray comment that ... wait, I can't reveal that without announcing a spoiler alert. Ha, who am I kidding.

Jim Murray

7 years ago #20

I don't care where you sit politically. I'm more concerned for you if you can look at Trump and not see someone whose extreme narcissism has finally gotten the best of him. It's one thing for the country to have shifted to conservatism, but this is something else again and it's located somewhere to the right of the Tea Party. But I don't care about the politics, what I care about is the insanity I am seeing every day.

Jim Murray

7 years ago #19

I keep listening to the so called propaganda being spouted by the news media, But I think it's like a dog whistle designed so that Conservatives all hear it as left win subversion, but everybody else just things it's a reflection of reality.

Jim Murray

7 years ago #18

Can't disagree with you Robert Cormack. Thanks for the insight.

Robert Cormack

7 years ago #17

We all complain about Trump, forgetting he's really a symptom. Yes, we've got oligarchs, and people who have been marginalized, and an entire world is wondering what happened to "The Land of the Free." The freedom of any democracy is postulated on the people and on the people they elect. To say "We got it wrong this time," is cold comfort, but not unredeemable. Democracies allow for mistakes, just as they allow for corrections. Where America goes from here will really define how strong—or how weak—it is. For history buffs, nobody expected in the early days that America could free itself from Britain. It happened because strong minds prevailed. Nothing is stopping America from strong minds prevailing again—perhaps this time with both men and women at the helm of change, defining where America goes next. Hatred hasn't worked. Oligarchs haven't worked. A new structure needs to form made up of people who don't promise change through hatred and fear. America must realize they can't just think of themselves. They can't ignore people and environment and distance. Distance used to be America's great buffer from all threats (wars included). Distance doesn't exist anymore. America has to be a world partner, a leader but also a follower. Trump is trying to isolate—not just other countries, but himself through his war with the media. All is symptomatic of a "go it alone, leave us alone" mentality. He accepts enemies in the process (new media, countries, etc.) This doesn't work, and he'll prove it doesn't work. What we're about to see is a redefinition of democracy and I predict hard years ahead as Americans learn democracy is EARNED. This should be interesting.

Phil Friedman

7 years ago #16

I personally respect Noam Chomsky enormously. I believe, however, that there are factions of power with whom "the people" can work, and there are those who are bent on a scorched earth policy when it comes to our Constitution and social justice. Cheers!
Phil Friedman Elegant reply as usual. I always find your prose captivating. There is some truth to what you say, but I believe you are wrong on some things. I cleave to Chomsky who I know is considered radical in his views,

Phil Friedman

7 years ago #14

The irony of your fantasy is that it embodies some truth, for example, that the struggle is not between Dems and Republicans, but is a class conflict between the Oligarchs and the rest of us. Unfortunately, as with most paranoid fantasies, it contains much distortion of reality -- which is that those whom you call Obama oligarchs are restrained by at least paying lip service to rule of Constitutional law, whereas the American and Russian Trump oligarchs are like Mongol hordes sweeping across the political landscape wreaking destruction to all semblance of social justice and concern for "the people" of this Republic. As with many conspiracy theorists, you see the same facts as the rest of us; you just interpret differently to fit your own preconceptions. With the same confidence as that which you displayed when making predictions of a post-election coup d'etat. Sorry, but I stand with Chas \u270c\ufe0f Wyatt on this one. He, however, has to live with the consequences of his and his fellow travelers not voting this past presidential election -- as unfortunately do we all.
Took the words right out of my fingertips. Couldn't have said it better. We are in more trouble than most of us will admit. Kudos on this post.

Jim Murray

7 years ago #12

I used to be that cynical too. But then i realized that there are way more good people out there than there are assholes. I don't get pissed about shit I can't control anymore.

Jim Murray

7 years ago #11

Geoffrey Cooling. All of this, from the time he started campaigning to now has, IMO, been all about proving that he is a winner. He's been very public about the notion of winning at any cost. And the way he goes about it is right out of "Fascism for Dummies." playbook. The media all understands that but pussyfooted around for fear of exactly what happened to them anyway. The real hope is that the closer the country gets to the congressional elections the more pressure there will be on congress to rebel against the administration and have him impeached or worse. According to smart guys like Malcolm Gladwell, Trump's core constituency is only about 12% of the voters. My feeling is that once the real lack of progress becomes tangible...ie that the jobs don't come back. That the water supply shrinks because of poisoning from fracking and dozens countries complete their trade workarounds and start buying less and less from the US, the marginal supporters will join the Democrats and put real pressure on the congress to fix it. All of this stuff will definitely happen in the unregulated environment Drumph is creating in America. I hope it blows up in his smug entitled face and his legacy is the guy who almost flushed his country down the crapper.
Jim Murray Move over--Be right up

Jerry Fletcher

7 years ago #9

Jim, You are one voice of an ever burgeoning choir. My best hope is that voices from the "fly-over states," voices that were silent including during the election, will find the courage to join you.

Jim Murray

7 years ago #8

So what''s keeping you from doing that Brian McKenzie?

Donald 🐝 Grandy PN

7 years ago #7

I'm very certain a underground movement is already working on impeachment or worse!!

Jim Murray

7 years ago #6

Hate to disagree with you there Margie, but I think you misread me...all Canadians have a dog in this fight. The US is by far our country's largest trading partner. Watching what your country is being turned into by things like allowing the mining industry to run wild with fracking that will poison your water, refusing to support the technologies that will fight climate change, deporting immigrants who basically are the backbone of the farming industry, and deregulating Wall Street will turn your country into a way bigger mess than anything the Democats could conceive of. You elected a monster and you will soon start to feel it. Hope you're not signed up for Obamacare, because you can kiss that shit goodbye too.
thanks Jim Murray a private message with the entire text if you couldn't put all on it.

Mohammed Abdul Jawad

7 years ago #4

Ah, popular, partial politics is all perilous! :(

Jim Murray

7 years ago #3

Javier \ud83d\udc1d beBee. FYI I had a lot of trouble editing this post, so I deleted it and it did not go away. As you can see it's in two places. Don';t know if it was me, or the system. But I do have some experience with with posting and editing here.

Phil Friedman

7 years ago #2

Jim, what I said the first time was that I concurred with you on everything except your optimism that it may be corrected any time soon. I said that, as during the election, the mainline press is talking to themselves, as are the Dems and centrist Republicans. And they are all underestimating the political and social power of simple-minded ignorance and bigotry. I personally fear gravely for the survival of the Republic in any recognizable form.

Jim Murray

7 years ago #1

Apologies to Phil Friedman. Had to delete the other post and re-post, because something was squirrelly with the post.

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