Jorge Carballo Pérez

hace 6 años · 1 min. de lectura · 0 ·

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Sí podríamos llamarlos así, Seniors Corporativos.

Porque son personas de Empresa, que la aman, que la sienten, la respiran, y que siguen triunfando en el mundo laboral y empresarial de forma asombrosa.
Al tiempo que siguen disfrutando, que se apasionan, que están “vivos”.

Son ese tipo de personas que para mí son dignas de admiración, que los ves con una chispa, una mirada y una sonrisa de niño de 15 años, que han “exprimido el limón”, que han sabido delegar las funciones principales, ya sea de su empresa, ya sea de su puesto (normalmente de responsabilidad dentro de la empresa).

Que se han sabido rodear de un buen equipo, y que continúan su labor, no porque ellos las imponen, sino porque todos ven de forma natural que es buena, ¡que funciona!
Son esas personas que compartiendo un vino, un almuerzo, aprendes, aprendes, y sigues aprendiendo.

Que sales de esa reunión con una sensación de plenitud intensa. Porque son líderes natos, han hecho las cosas bien en su vida personal y en su vida profesional, y están en ese momento de saborear la miel de triunfos, de esfuerzos, superación de fracasos, errores, y la verdad, el elixir que desprenden es aroma de fuerza y de equilibrio, que puede ayudarnos muy mucho.

Para ello, deberíamos saberlos escuchar, conectar, reírnos con ellos.

Creo que nos equivocamos cuando pensamos que una persona mayor está ya obsoleta, fuera del mercado, por defecto, el problema es que hay pocos Seniors Corporativos, pero los hay. Lo bueno por desgracia escasea.

Y creo también que las nuevas generaciones (X-Y-Z –Baby Boomers..) que se incorporan al mercado laboral, otros que llevamos un tiempo en el mercado, debemos interactuar con buena disposición con las personas que han hecho que las nuevas generaciones, puedan llegar ahora a la empresa, gracias a su esfuerzo, y ellos, os aseguro que nos saben escuchar, y saben de la necesidad de adaptarse a los nuevos tiempos.

Quiero seguir leyendo....


Jorge Carballo Pérez

hace 6 años #17

jajajajajajjaja yo creía que te iba a encantar !!!
No es feo el nombre de Gernado, pero llevo ya tanto tiempo con el mío que prefiero no cambiarlo, ;- )

Jorge Carballo Pérez

hace 6 años #15

Gracias Yolanda, tú ejemplo práctico le viene como anillo al dedo al Post. Eres la Bomba !!! Gracias

Jorge Carballo Pérez

hace 6 años #14

Así es Cristina, se ha enviado a mucha gente a plantar flores, cuando podrían estar dando un impulso brutal a la economía, a la forma de trabajar, etc.

Jorge Carballo Pérez

hace 6 años #13

Thanks CityVP \ud83d\udc1d Manjit Very Interesant your Reflexion !! Regards

Jorge Carballo Pérez

hace 6 años #12

Tú lo has dicho Gernado, la Experiencia es un Grado !!!

Jorge Carballo Pérez

hace 6 años #11

Así es Sonia. Gracias !!

Jorge Carballo Pérez

hace 6 años #10

Que Maravilla Ana tener un Padre así. Tienes un Grandísimo Tesoro !!!

Jorge Carballo Pérez

hace 6 años #9

Gracias Vega, yo ya dentro de poco Senior Total!!

Jorge Carballo Pérez

hace 6 años #8


Sonia Roselló Puig

hace 6 años #7

Toda la razón, la mayoría de empresas no saben analizar el coste de dejar escapar conocimiento, cuando optan por despidos y prejubilaciones, me encantan está clase de artículos y deberían de tener la máxima difusión para que la concienciación empresarial y social sea cada vez más alta, vivimos en un entorno laboral complejo, diversificado y muy generacional y es una gran oportunidad para que el conocimiento fluuuyaaa. Ole y ole Jorge \ud83d\udc1d Carballo P\u00e9rez.

CityVP Manjit

hace 6 años #6

Part 1 of 2 Bravo Jorge !!! I was just mentioning to Proma \ud83d\udc1d Nautiyal my holistic view of "personal brand" and ageism is another vile but socially acceptable prejudice which has entered a world that is still predicated on living 20th Century values. Ageism is just a sidebar symptom of personal branding, because the real heart of ageism and discrimination against older people in the workplace actually comes from the the ideology of baby boomers who invented the "culture of youth" - and are the very generation that created concepts like "personal brand" in the first place ! The culture of youth was not started by the millennials or Generation Y or Z, it was started by a worship of youth culture in the 60's and especially 70's. The baby boomers did that and if they are now being felled by their own sword as they now retire, then they should have woken up as working people in the 60's and early 70's. Please note that this very important to know how this originally entered the culture, because then we can stop blaming the current generation for the sins of the parents and grand-parents backward 60's mentality.

CityVP Manjit

hace 6 años #5

Part 1 of 2 Bravo Jorge !!! I was just mentioning to Proma \ud83d\udc1d Nautiyal my holistic view of "personal brand" and ageism is another vile but socially acceptable prejudice which has entered a world that is still predicated on living 20th Century values. Personal brand is just a sidebar symptom of personal brand, the real heart of ageism and discrimination against older people in the workplace is the ideology of baby boomers - the very generation that created concepts like "personal brand" in the first place ! The culture of youth was not started by the millennials or Generation Y or Z, it was started by a worship of youth culture in the 60's and especially 70's. The baby boomers did that and if they are now being felled by their own sword as they now retire, then they should have woken up as working people in the 60's and early 70's.

CityVP Manjit

hace 6 años #4

Part 1 of 2 Bravo Jorge !!! I was just mentioning to @Proma 🐝 Nautiyal my holistic view of "personal brand" and ageism is another vile but socially acceptable prejudice which has entered a world that is still predicated on living 20th Century values. Personal brand is just a sidebar symptom of personal brand, the real heart of ageism and discrimination against older people in the workplace is the ideology of baby boomers - the very generation that created concepts like "personal brand" in the first place ! The culture of youth was not started by the millennials or Generation Y or Z, it was started by a worship of youth culture in the 60's and especially 70's. The baby boomers did that and if they are now being felled by their own sword as they now retire, then they should have woken up as working people in the 60's and early 70's.

CityVP Manjit

hace 6 años #3

Part 2 of 2 Personally I sit on the borderline of baby boomers and Generation X but just like President Obama, I can be classfied with the Baby Boomer group. There actually was a "Generation X" in terms of the original marketing classficiation until much later on. The original title for Gen X was BABY BUSTERS but this generation did not like that being called "The Baby Buster" generation and so adopted the term "Generation X" created by Douglas Coupland. The irony for me is that Douglas Coupland was born the same year as I was and President Obama was. Jorge, your message here is a good one, hence "Bravo!" but it will mostly fall on deaf ears because the culture of youth that has infested itself in our societal cultures is there due to baby boomers and not brought to us by the current youth of today. They inherited this sick mindset from the baby boomers. It is sick because what goes around comes around and age is one of those things - so one day millennials will wake up in the same position as baby boomers do now. So the first message here is to the oldie baby boomers, which is to tell them that hey guys and gals you are beginning to die and the culture of youth you created three decades ago has come back to bite you firmly on your ass. The reality is that mllennials should wake up to the mistake of the baby boomer generation and realize that a culture of youth worship is not an elixir. For sure millennials can try out transhumanism in their quest to find out a cure for death, but if death is the reality today - then look at the big picture here and realize this mentality did not come from the youth of today, but from the very people now who encounter ageism. That is why this has become an acceptable prejudice but it should be viewed as a horrible one. How ironic !

CityVP Manjit

hace 6 años #2

Part 1 of 2 Bravo Jorge !!! I was just mentioning to Proma \ud83d\udc1d Nautiyal my holistic view of "personal brand" and ageism is another vile but socially acceptable prejudice which has entered a world that is still predicated on living 20th Century values. Personal brand is just a sidebar symptom of personal brand, the real heart of ageism and discrimination against older people in the workplace is the ideology of baby boomers - the very generation that created concepts like "personal brand" in the first place ! The culture of youth was not started by the millennials or Generation Y or Z, it was started by a worship of youth culture in the 60's and especially 70's. The baby boomers did that and if they are now being felled by their own sword as they now retire, then they should have woken up as working people in the 60's and early 70's.
Excelente amigo, la experiencia dicen que es un grado y es así. En una organización es muy importante dejarse asesorar también por gente con experiencia, que además se ha reinventado.

Artículos de Jorge Carballo Pérez

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hace 6 años · 1 min. de lectura

Cojo hoy el ordenador, después de haberlo tirado por la ventana hace unos días, porque necesitaba de ...

hace 6 años · 1 min. de lectura

Os invito a conocer más profundamente, así como uniros a la Colmena Quizás más Amplia en toda su Ext ...

hace 6 años · 1 min. de lectura

Realmente la Planificación Estratégica no es algo que debamos hacer ahora a principio de año, aunque ...

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