Joyce 🐝 Bowen Brand Ambassador @ beBee

6 years ago · 6 min. reading time · ~10 ·

Joyce 🐝 blog
Abuse Again y Abuso Infantil: Un Paseo por la Memoria

Abuse Again y Abuso Infantil: Un Paseo por la Memoria


Succorstsl Personal Branding

Joyce § Bowen
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Most know me for my tackling of social issues. This can take a toll. Mucking around with what’s wrong with the world can be horrific. I find things out I don’t want to know. Yes, Ian Weinberg—there is no justice. You’re right, but that doesn’t mean I’ll take that fact lying down. I’ll scream and holler until I have no breath left.

That said, I went on a journey of exploration recently. I suffered trauma as a child. My mother wanted to kill me, and my father, well, my father had other things in mind. When I let him know things wouldn’t work out with me, he impregnated children from other families. I have siblings here and siblings there, and I don’t even want to know their names. I don’t blame them—I just don’t want to know them.

So I went in search for my “triggers.” Those are the things that make you jump or send shivers down your spine. I have many. As I tried to gently nestle myself into those memories, This blasted into my mind:

As a small child, I quickly learned that running and hiding from my mother was inevitably doomed to failure. She always found me and inflicted pain and fear. My life was always in danger. I don’t think that was a conscious thought when I was little, but I believe my instincts were always geared towards survival. My mother was a danger to me.


When I learned running and hiding would not be successful, I began to keep my mother within earshot and eyeshot as much as possible. I glued myself to my aggressor. If I detected irritation or a mood change on her part, I sought to soothe her. This was not always successful, but it did help. There were simply times when she was going to exert all her power and control over me and hurt me.

As an adult, I started to follow this route—seeking out aggressors I could, “keep tabs” on. I slowly learned to pay attention to the hairs rising on my arms and stay as far away as possible. I still have to negotiate this strategy with myself to this day. But it is not only with aggressors I employ this strategy, it is with all folks. I wait for a sign you could be a danger and murmur, “AhHah” to myself.

Because of these things, I suffer from immeasurable anxiety and sometimes suffer from something called Dissociation. I sought help yesterday with progressive dissociation and reached out to a safe, quiet place where I had achieved success before. They wouldn’t even tell me if they had a bed. When my doctor therapist called they wouldn’t even tell him if they had a bed. They simply told him I’d have to throw myself on the mercy of the system and hope for the best. (My words.) Maybe—just maybe—if they had a bed at the time, The Wyman Center in Cambridge, MA would take me.

In Massachusetts, there are 2776 beds for a population of 6.812 million for mental discord, and many of them are in dangerous places. I was to put my life at risk to get “help.” I go through the gist of it in my post:

I declined to embark on such a dangerous journey. I wanted help, not further damage. The day is here when choice has been shorn away, and power and control reign supreme.

Reminds me of when I was a kid.

So you see, I learned young there was no justice. I was probably about eight. That was about the time I realized no one would dare save me from my lunatic parents—that if anyone tried, they would become the target rather than me. Better me than them.

And when it came to goals and learning, my first goal was to reach a doorknob on a door leading to the outside.  My second was death.  My third was Catatonia so I could feel no more.  (Death was too scary for an eight-year-old.)  When I was finally too big to beat coupled with the fact my parents had bred out two younger siblings to take up my mother's time, I chose medicine.

I sought out help to heal from the ordeal of childhood and was introduced to a child predator who was a doctor.  I had all the luck....

The time came when I learned my father was volunteering in a children's room in a small library up in Maine.  I called the state police in Maine and alerted them as to his propensities.
"What do you know?" was the demand.
"I only know my father is up there and he has a taste for children.  I am calling to alert you to that fact.  I've done the best I could.  I can sleep at night now." Click went the phone on my end.  I heard they paid him a visit.

In fulminating through many social issues, I have found my story is often common to many.  I don't always compare myself to those others, but I often do.  My background in psychology and numbers tells me it is so.

Y en español

Abuso Infantil: Un Paseo por la Memoria


La mayoría me conoce por mi abordaje de asuntos sociales. Esto puede tomar un peaje. Mucking alrededor con qué estå mal con el mundo puede ser horrible. Encontré cosas que no quiero saber. Sí, Ian Weinberg, no hay justicia. Tienes razón, pero eso no significa que me lleve ese hecho acostado. Voy a gritar y gritar hasta que no tengo la respiración izquierda.

Dicho esto, me fui en un viaje de exploración recientemente. Sufrí un traumatismo cuando era niño. Mi madre quería matarme, y mi padre, bueno, mi padre tenía otras cosas en mente. Cuando le dije que las cosas no funcionaban conmigo, él impregnaba a los niños de otras familias. Tengo hermanos aquí y hermanos allí, y ni siquiera quiero saber sus nombres. No los culpo, simplemente no quiero conocerlos.

AsĂ­ que fui en busca de mis "disparadores". Esas son las cosas que te hacen saltar o enviar escalofrĂ­os por la columna vertebral. Tengo muchos. Mientras intentaba suavemente acurrucarme en esos recuerdos, Esto me invadiĂł la mente:

Como un niño pequeño, råpidamente aprendí que correr y esconderme de mi madre estaba inevitablemente condenado al fracaso. Ella siempre me encontraba e infligía dolor y miedo. Mi vida siempre estaba en peligro. No creo que haya sido un pensamiento consciente cuando era pequeño, pero creo que mis instintos siempre estaban orientados hacia la supervivencia. Mi madre era un peligro para mí. Https://
Cuando me enteré de que correr y esconderme no tendría éxito, empecé a mantener a mi madre al alcance de los ojos y al ojo lo mås posible. Me pegué a mi agresor. Si detectara irritación o un cambio de humor por su parte, traté de calmarla. Esto no siempre fue exitoso, pero sí ayudó. Hubo momentos en los que ella iba a ejercer todo su poder y control sobre mí y me lastimó.

Como un adulto, empecé a seguir esta ruta-buscando a los agresores que podía, "mantener las pestañas". Aprendí poco a poco a prestar atención a los pelos que se levantaban sobre mis brazos y me mantenían lo mås lejos posible. Todavía tengo que negociar esta estrategia conmigo hasta el día de hoy. Pero no es sólo con los agresores que utilizo esta estrategia, es con todas las personas. Espero por una señal de que podría ser un peligro y murmurar, "Ahhah" para mí.

Debido a estas cosas, sufro de ansiedad inconmensurable ya veces sufro de algo llamado Disociación. Busqué ayuda ayer con la disociación progresiva y llegué a un lugar seguro y tranquilo donde había alcanzado el éxito antes. Ni siquiera me dijeron si tenían una cama. Cuando mi doctor terapeuta llamó ni siquiera le dijeron si tenían una cama. Simplemente le dijeron que tendría que arrojarme a la merced del sistema y esperar lo mejor. (Mis palabras.) Tal vez-sólo tal vez-si tenían una cama en ese momento, el Wyman Center en Cambridge, MA me llevaría.

En Massachusetts, hay 2776 camas para una población de 6.812 millones por discordia mental, y muchos de ellos estån en lugares peligrosos. Yo iba a poner mi vida en riesgo para obtener "ayuda". Voy a través de la esencia de la misma en mi post:

Me rehusé a emprender un viaje tan peligroso. Quería ayuda, no mås daño. El día estå aquí cuando la elección ha sido desechada, y el poder y el control reinan supremos.

Me recuerda cuando era un niño.

AsĂ­ que usted ve, aprendĂ­ joven no habĂ­a justicia. Probablemente tenĂ­a unas ocho. Eso fue aproximadamente el momento en que me di cuenta de que nadie se atreverĂ­a a salvarme de mis padres locos, que si alguien intentaba, se convertirĂ­an en el blanco en lugar de mĂ­. Mejor que ellos.

Y cuando se trataba de objetivos y aprendizaje, mi primer objetivo era llegar a un picaporte en una puerta que daba al exterior. Mi segundo fue la muerte. Mi tercera era Catatonia, así que no podía sentir mås. (La muerte era demasiado aterradora para un niño de ocho años.) Cuando finalmente era demasiado grande para ganar junto con el hecho de que mis padres habían criado a dos hermanos menores para tomar el tiempo de mi madre, elegí la medicina.

Busqué ayuda para sanar de la prueba de la infancia y fue presentado a un niño depredador que era médico. Tuve toda la suerte

Llegó el momento en que supe que mi padre se ofrecía como voluntario en un cuarto para niños en una pequeña biblioteca en Maine. Llamé a la policía estatal de Maine y les avisé de sus propensiones.

"ÂżQue sabes?" Fue la demanda.

"Sólo sé que mi padre estå allå arriba y tiene un gusto por los niños, estoy llamando para alertarte de eso, he hecho lo mejor que pude, puedo dormir por la noche ahora". Click fue el teléfono en mi final. He oído que le hicieron una visita.

Al fulminar a travĂ©s de muchos asuntos sociales, he encontrado que mi historia es comĂșn a muchos. No siempre me comparo a los otros, pero a menudo lo hago. Mi experiencia en psicologĂ­a y nĂșmeros me dice que es asĂ­.

Copyright 2017 Joyce Bowen

About the Author:  Joyce Bowen is a freelance writer and public speaker.  Inquiries can be made at
Sobre el autor: Joyce Bowen es un escritor independiente y orador pĂșblico. Las consultas pueden hacerse en



Lisa Gallagher

6 years ago #13

That's a good point you brought up Nicole Chardenet. My mom's dad threw her real mother down the stairs in the 50's, her mom had amnesia and was sent to a State Mental Facility back then. While there, she was pregnant, had a still born at 9 mos and developed Pneumonia afterwards. She needed moved to a real hospital for treatment but my grandfather ran off. His own family even put a big plea in the newspaper asking for help to find him. Only HE COULD have my mom's real mom transferred back then. My mom's real mother died in the Mental Health facility b/c of lack of treatment. The premise of the above story, my mother was sent to live with her Grandparents in Florida while he was MIA. She was with them from 18 mos old to 4 yrs old and her good memories were always of them, always. So, I assume they had a major impact early on. He showed up at their door with his 'new wife' mom had never met, took her and left. He ran off and joined the Military and that's why no one could find him. He wouldn't get away w/that today. Her grandparents must have really set a good foundation for her during her formative years.

Pascal Derrien

6 years ago #12

I read this article when it came on my feed and I would have loved to have something smart if not intelligent to say but no the words don't come out. You have my utmost respect for what it worth :-)
Your mother must have been a source of great strength for you, Lisa \ud83d\udc1d Gallagher for the shares.

Lisa Gallagher

6 years ago #10

My mother grew up in an abusive home. Her dad was an alcoholic and a beater. Her step mom was verbally abusive and didn't care about my mom. Mom told us that her saving grace was in knowing that she would move out as soon as she was old enough, meet a nice man and have kids so she could give them the love she never had. It was a win/win for her because she received love back from her husband, extended family and 5 children along with grandchildren. Mom said her desire to live a life that was nothing like the one she grew up in was so strong, it got her through many tough days. She also broke ties with my grandparents because he never stopped drinking and she (the step mom) was just not a nice person, sadly she was abused too but chose to stay, which many women do. I wish you the peace you desire and deserve Joyce \ud83d\udc1d Bowen Brand Ambassador @ beBee. I pray that day comes sooner than not for you, everyone deserves to feel free and happy. Sending good thoughts your way :)
I think Ian does loads, too. Thanks for this opportunity to formulate my thoughts, Ian Weinberg
Thank you, @dayne yarbrough, Jim \ud83d\udc1d Cody for the shares.
Absolutely #7

Cyndi wilkins

6 years ago #6

What you seek you shall find love...I only hope one day soon, you will begin to seek the peace that Nicole has mentioned...Even those not so lucky in the birth lottery have a right to peace of mind;-) Breakfast soon?
I hear you, Ian Weinberg. You have your craft to attend to. I have mine. :)
Thank you, Nicole Chardenet
Sad, indeed, Robert Cormack. With five children dying of this kind of abuse to this and every day, it's sadder still.

Ian Weinberg

6 years ago #2

Joyce \ud83d\udc1d Bowen Brand Ambassador @ beBee I fought the good fight against many injustices and untruths for many years. I'm not sure what I achieved. For the most part, the status quo continues. And so I've mellowed. I sprout forth from time to time or take it on when confronted. I also support others in their noble quest. But these days I tend rather to mind my own acre.

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