Lada 🏡 Prkic

prije 5 godina · 4 minuta. vrijeme za čitanje · ~10 ·

Lada 🏡 blog
Just A Few Thoughts

Just A Few Thoughts




I feel I am slowly reaching the saturation point when it comes to social media activities. I invoke my inner Muse hoping to motivate me to write and finish my drafts. While waiting, I read a lot trying to find inspiration.

Finally, my Muse whispered in my ear! I saw a blog post on LinkedIn in which the author described, pretty much, my feelings regarding social media. He said he's crestfallen with contents that are the same, monotonous and a copy of a copy of a copy. We need more solid content!

The article got me thinking about my social media presence, but more importantly, motivated me to put a few thoughts on the blank screen. 

There are writers able to produce posts daily. Is it possible to produce quality content all the time? What does quality content mean actually?

Searching for definition, I found an article where 25 experts define content quality. 

Since my blogging is not in the service of communicating with customers and selling stuff, I filtered characteristics mentioned in the article and examined a few that can refer to a quality blog post in a general sense.

Clear, concise and easy to understand

I would also add - easy to read. There are some authors whose writing style is hard to read. It may sound harsh, but their discourse style is also characterized by long strings of words that actually say nothing. I wonder if the use of vague words, complicated expressions and long sentences aiming to sound profound is a sign of pseudo-intellectualism. Maybe I am wrong.


Those who know that they are profound strive for clarity. Those who would like to seem profound to the crowd strive for obscurity ― Friedrich Nietzsche


It reminded me of Professor Gordon Pennycook's study with an amusing title,  On the reception and detection of pseudo-profound bullshit, for which he got an idea after watching several philosophical debates involving a famous New Age self-help guru and listening to nonsense that sounded like random sequences of buzzwords. 

Pennycook and his team used a website Seb Pearce and automatically generated profound-sounding phrases. In short, the scientists mashed together words that sounded profound like quantum, growth, matrix, path, potential, transform, etc., and created phrases that made no logical sense. Canadian scientists recruited 280 test subjects (University of Waterloo undergraduates) to rate the profundity of these phrases that were supposed to emulate the style of inspirational quotes most commonly shared on social networks today.  

The study showed that over a quarter of the participants judged that the meaningless phrases were “fairly profound” or "very profound." The overall results also showed that the participants largely failed to detect that those statements were meaningless.

Unfortunately, it proves how easy it is to make nonsense that sounds credible. In evaluating the content, we need to use critical thinking to detect pseudo-profound "baloney" as Carl Sagan suggested in his book, The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark


Well-written, with good grammar and punctuation

I am sensitive to grammatical mistakes and always check spelling and punctuation in my posts. Because English is not my mother tongue, I always try as much as I can to write correctly.

Therefore, bothers me when native English speakers have plenty of grammatical errors in their posts.

On the other hand, some renowned writers always post good, well-structured, well-written, grammatically correct material but they write about the same stuff over, and over and over again. Someone said there are no boring topics only boring writers. I have to disagree - there are indeed dull topics that have been chewed over thousands of times. You can write about such topics funnily and unexpectedly, but keep insisting on them all the time bore the pants off of readers.


Content that adds value

Adding value to something is a bit vague phrase. By one of many definitions, the value-added content is engaging, educative, inspiring, informative or helpful in the eyes of your audience.

I wonder what value my posts provide to my readers. I don't write for gaining customers or building my personal brand, whatever it means. But looking at the level of engagement on my posts, I must be doing something right that attracts readers. I only have to figure out what it is. :)



It is another vague characteristic of solid content. Sometimes a topic is relevant to me (like this one), but it doesn't have to be for my audience. I can only hope that readers will find my thoughts worth starting a conversation which is the best relevance indicator to me.


In reality, there is no content on social media that is utterly new. Most contents are, in fact, about writing on existing online material and someone else's insights and quotes. Ideas for my posts come from reading many online articles and scientific studies or from interaction with readers who comment on my and other people's posts. 

Being original isn't about searching for content that hasn’t been written yet. It is about writing in your own and unique way. My posts may not be original, but they are different and distinctive.

It's like preparing a dish;  different cooks, same ingredients, but completely different tastes. 


Ultimately, the audience decides

Some posts have none of the quality characteristics listed above but still, provoke a high amount of engagement because the quality is also a subjective category. For that reason, it is hard to define a term that is both objective and subjective.

Like most things, the quality of a post is in the eyes of the beholder both the writer and reader.

In the end, the audience decides. Although, it's always good to keep in mind that, according to the mentioned study, at least a quarter of the audience think that something meaningless is very profound.

These are my few thoughts. What does quality content mean to you?


Title Image: Dafen oil painting village in southern China, has been at the centre of the global trade in art reproductions for more than 20 years. It is also known as the "world's oil painting factory." Most of the thousands of paintings produced every year are copies of famous masterpieces. 




Lada 🏡 Prkic

prije 3 godine #73

Here I am again. :) My only time for commenting is the early morning while sipping a cup of latte before going to work. Another reason for reposting this buzz is the comment stream which reminded me of what beBee used to be. I agree with your nicely expressed thoughts on quality in writing. I will add one more quality characteristic to formula, and that is to honestly say what you think, even though it can sometimes seem too critical. I do that in my posts and comments. That's why I like writing and commenting style of Phil Friedman. Gert Scholtz once described my writing style as precise, disciplined and personal. I never think of myself as disciplined, but we don't see ourselves as others do. :-) Thank you for sharing my few thoughts, but most of the audience for my posts left beBee. Ken, thank you so much for always being and staying my faithful audience.

Lada 🏡 Prkic

prije 3 godine #72

Ken, it's more like "market research" - to determine how viable and successful my product (post) is on beBee, that is, how much my insufficient presence affects engagement with my posts. And I would say, it does. If you are not a member of a particular small support clique group (according to Robert Dunbar) engagement with your post is very weak. I will write more in my next comment.

Ken Boddie

prije 3 godine #71

An interesting choice of topic to repost, Lada, as the question of quality in writing remains individually subjective and even paradoxical. On one hand, it might appear that quality control must manifest itself quite clearly in solid structure (namely good grammar, spelling, sentence construction, appropriate use of figures of speech). On the other hand quality assurance might be requisite in the choice and delivery of the subject matter (namely a topic of interest to more than a select or exclusive few; originality of presentation, as few if any topics can be deemed original in choice alone; and creative imagery, whether by choice of illustrative words or by the addition of actual photographic or physical display). Without adequate structure we lack readability, but without appropriate subject matter we lack momentum and sustainability. We need both to capture and retain the reader, yet there is no magic formula for success in writing. Personally I love to see a writer’s heart and soul flowing from the keyboard, exposing individuality, warts and all. I've also found that humour and a quest to entertain appear to help both in the creation and reading processes.

Lada 🏡 Prkic

prije 5 godina #70

Jim, I am glad you found time to read and comment on my post, which is to me the sign of the post quality. Thank you for the kind words about my writing. I am a professional in my job but an amateur in writing. And that's OK with me because amateur means "to love" (from Latin verb amare). I'll continue to discover my authentic self and put my thoughts into words. A log or two won't stop me. :-)

Jim Murray

prije 5 godina #69

HI Lada \ud83c\udfe1 Prkic. Sorry, but I don't spend a whole lot of time ojn BeBee these days. And I also spend hardly any time writing longer format posts other than those which directly support my business. I agree with the general consensus in these comments that there is nothing new under the sun. I even wrote a song about that once. But I also agree with Phil that taking a different or better informed look at stuff is the most we can hope for. I have been working to discipline myself to writing shorter single point pieces which I house in memes, and find those to give me the same amount of personal satisfaction as the longer format pieces did. I also believe that people are reading less and have shorter attention spans, so the marketer in me says play to that. Every writer's career or journey comes with a certain number of obstacles. A lot of people get consumed with trying to be original. And that's not the point. If you are going to be consumed with anything, it's being your authentic self. That's what will attract both readers and discussions. You do that well as evidenced by both your content and your comment stream. So keep it up and don't let a fallen log or two stop you.

Lada 🏡 Prkic

prije 5 godina #68

Tricky comment, as always, Gerry. To me, some values are still constant. At least, my opinion on what is quality content won't change until I write a draft of a draft of this comment. :)

Ali Anani

prije 5 godina #67

dears g and Louise Smith I am in Istanbul. I shall be active on Wednesday upon my return. Regards.

Lada 🏡 Prkic

prije 5 godina #66

Glad to see you again, Louise. First, I feel honoured that a former English teacher thinks of my posts as worth discussing. My response won't be so eloquent for I am not much a talker. :) I mostly write when I was triggered by something I read online, although my several posts were about things I am passionate about, like geometry and engineering. Writing such kind of posts required time to collect various data. I have been reading many scientific studies as well. Like you, in the writing process, I did some research. So the topic isn't original, but my explanations that others can understand, structuring of the post, and the way data were connected made my post about geometry interesting even to people who don't know much about geometry and math and sent their minds into new territories. I think I made quality content, not original in a sense that it's new under the sun, but unique and therefore original in expressing my knowledge and understanding about the topic in my own distinctive way. For that reason, I agree with you. "So while the topic might be old hat, my thoughts around it are mine and therefore original even if they agree with others, the way I write them is unique and therefore original."

Bill Stankiewicz

prije 5 godina #65

I agree Milos. #66

Bill Stankiewicz

prije 5 godina #64

Nice & very true. #73 @Lisa Vanderburg :) Be kind, help someone today, Bill Stankiewicz APICS Board Member Savannah Traffic Club Board Member WorkSource Board Member Day Job: Managing Director Savannah Supply Chain Office: 1.404.750.3200 USA Brand Ambassador Startup Community every Wed@ 9:00am at 2222 Bull Street

Milos Djukic

prije 5 godina #63

Lisa Vanderburg :)

Lisa Vanderburg

prije 5 godina #62

#71 #69 Damn girl, Louise Smith, I have to confess to a deeper duh-ness that I thought I had :)

Louise Smith

prije 5 godina #61

As for Originality (There is nothong new under the Sun.), I find ostensibly I disagree with this concept.

Louise Smith

prije 5 godina #60

LASTLY Dear Lada \ud83c\udfe1 Prkic If I write about something, it's because I have a seriously well considered opinion. Although I might do some research around it, it's still my thoughts that started the process. Dare I say, my original thoughts about a topic. Also, I usually find myself not in agreement with the status quo so like to think that quintessentially my writing is just that - my writing. So while the topic might be old hat, my thoughts around it are mine and therefore original even if they agree with others, the way I write them is unique and therefore original Please tell me what you think about this concept *****honestly ***** your 5* opinion ! regards from Down Under from someone who still wears leather thongs/footware and remembers the naivety of her long lost mispelt youth spelling just for you Lisa Vanderburg !

Louise Smith

prije 5 godina #59

Now Lada \ud83c\udfe1 Prkic this is really what I want to tell you. I could write a new post or 2 or 3 every day. I write sporadically as I am a bit busy at work. But when I do, I write when I should be asleep ( which as you might remember is why I try not to read Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee 's posts) For a non-addictive personality, writing is brings me undone ! So tonight / this morning I have read 3 posts on beBee, replied at some length and written a post draft which is really 2 different topics so 2 posts. As for Originality (There is nothong new under the Sun.), I find Ith this concept.

Louise Smith

prije 5 godina #58

There's more Lada \ud83c\udfe1 Prkic I'm from Down Under and lived at the beach my whole life until I travelled for 1 year backpacking around the world. I didn't know much even though I was a very intelligent student. I was surprised by 3 things The first is that I was walking and I successfully crossed the road at Tahrir Square and am alive to tell the tale. The second is it cost $5 AUD and was not climate controlled. Almost the same temperature as outside, The third is the real point of the story. I saw Tutankhamen's tomb and associated arefacts. I was completely stunned to see a pair of leather thongs/footware almost identical to some I owned in Australia. Why? Because so many of us wore them and esp to the beach, I naively thought that thongs/footware were invented by Aussies !!!!!! This really brought home to me what history really was about There is nothong new under the Sun.

Louise Smith

prije 5 godina #57

Hi Lada \ud83c\udfe1 Prkic I don't think you post is too critical. I was an English teacher in a former lifetime so might know something about this. I thought it was mainly factual. Non-debatable facts like the importance of writing that is "clear, concise and easy to understand, good grammar and punctuation and most important of all relevant - engaging, educative, inspiring, informative or helpful in the eyes of your audience." I'd give you 100% !!!

Louise Smith

prije 5 godina #56

Great decision making process !

Milos Djukic

prije 5 godina #55

The situation in social media is a great fractal picture of the situation in society. Both are complex adaptive systems that are very sensitive to every kind of manipulation and the use of algorithmic controls for manipulation. Then writers and creators of reality are mostly on the margins.

Milos Djukic

prije 5 godina #54

Phil Friedman, What about wisdom quotes by Ka-Ching! (ca 2003)? :)

Milos Djukic

prije 5 godina #53

Lada \ud83c\udfe1 Prkic :) Thank you for the kind words. Kind regards, Milos

Milos Djukic

prije 5 godina #52

Phil Friedman, This was a fairly fractal comment. Cheers. According to Impactstory, 91% of scientific research by me and co-authors is free to read online. This level of availability puts us in the top 2% of researchers. Of people who save and share our research, 20% are in the Global South. That's a high proportion: only 31% of researchers publish work that inspires this level of engagement from the developing world. So, I fight against the mechanisms of social media in a special way. Which may not be the best, but that is just my way. My approach is to stand up for people and not for the metered paywall system in academic publishing and social media. I am more interested in ethical implications and I am also a passionate advocate of open science and information in the web. Scientific communication is my first love. But I don't think I'm a good writer. However, It was always my great pleasure and privilege to support some great efforts and significant writing achievements by other writers. I feel the obligation to respond to your always brilliant observations. Wish you much success, my friend. Milos

Lada 🏡 Prkic

prije 5 godina #51

Praveen, you talk about improved imitation by making creative adjustments to the original, or as you said, to have the ability to connect the dots, express knowledge and translate our insights in a different way. It is what I try to do with my posts - to connect dots in a different and distinctive way. It is also what Phil Friedman eloquently said in his comment: "I personally make no pretence to birthing revolutionary new ideas, but rather I take some small measure of satisfaction in clarifying a perspective or even just having the gall to state something that we all may know in our hearts but not have brought to the forefront of our consciousness." Thank you for your valuable comment. I'll keep connecting dots. :)

Lada 🏡 Prkic

prije 5 godina #50

Phil, my best to you also, and wishing you success for your business venture in China. I also hope we get chance to meet in person one day.

Phil Friedman

prije 5 godina #49

No, Lada \ud83c\udfe1 Prkic, unfortunately, I have been too usy chasing around to shipyards and talking to boatbuilders in Taipei, Kaohsiung, Fuzhou, and Shenzhen. But I hope to visit more places in China in future, as it appears my client and I will be building yachts here for the North American market. And I hope, moreover, to get to meet you in person some day. I'm pleased you like the metaphor I used, but I assure you that I am in no way flattering you. I have come quite seriously to respect your insight and perspectives, and I am very glad to have made contact via beBee and later on LinkedIn. My best to you.

Lada 🏡 Prkic

prije 5 godina #48

Phil, I see that you were in Shenzhen and now in Fuzhou. I'm glad we can talk without a time gap between comments. Have you visited Dafen? :) I like the metaphor you used. You explained in a much eloquent way my thought about cooks who use the same ingredients, but their dishes have completely different tastes. And this is exactly what you show in your posts - you clarify perspectives. I am flattered that you think the same about me.

Lada 🏡 Prkic

prije 5 godina #47

Phil, I see that you were in Shenzhen and now in Fuzhou. I'm glad we can talk without a time gap between comments. Have you visited Dafen? :) I like the metaphor you used. You explained in a much eloquent way my thought about cooks who use the same ingredients, but their dishes have completely different tastes. And this is exactly what you show in your posts - you clarify perspectives. I amflattered that you think the same about me.

Lada 🏡 Prkic

prije 5 godina #46

Dear Phil, thank you so much for the kind words. I know you are busy lately and I appreciate you taking time to read and comment. I accept with the great pleasure this honorary membership. I'll try to include Chung King's wisdom in my future posts. :)

Phil Friedman

prije 5 godina #45

I think that on long-form posts, I have to disagree, Lada \ud83c\udfe1 Prkic -- notwithstanding that there may not be anything "new" under the sun. For much of what writers (and teachers and other academics) can do is shine light into the shadowed niches of existing knowledge and understanding. If I may, out of character, use a metaphor. I personally make no pretense to birthing revolutionary new ideas, but rather I take some small measure of satisfaction in clarifying a perspective or even just having the gall to state something that we all may know in our hearts but not have brought to the forefront of our consciousness. And speaking candidly, both of you are among my favorites because you both do precisely this so well. Cheers! -- Phil Friedman (from Fuzhou, China).

Phil Friedman

prije 5 godina #44

Lada \ud83c\udfe1 Prkic, this piece of yours is truly a social media gem, both in its insight and construction. And I am so genuinely pleased to see here your instantiation of the spirit of Chung King (ca 650 AD), when in the Scrolls, he writes, “Mistake not obscurity of expression for depth of thought, nor obsequity for respect.” Please accept this honorary membership in the order of The Protectors of the Wisdom of Chung King. — Phil Friedman (from Shenzhen, China)

Lada 🏡 Prkic

prije 5 godina #43

Perhaps, but this statement is also true: "Being moderate in all social media activities, such as posting, can make your life even more interesting." - Lada

Lyon Brave

prije 5 godina #42

"Maybe we are all wasting our time posting when we should be out living." - Lyon Brave

Lada 🏡 Prkic

prije 5 godina #41

Hi Claire, I thought you have no problem with inspiration. Are you preparing something new?

Lada 🏡 Prkic

prije 5 godina #40

Thanks, Gert. It sounds like I found a recipe for the quality content: write rare, write from the heart and soul, think critically and strive for clarity. I'll try to incorporate these ingredients into my next post for a couple of months. :)

Lada 🏡 Prkic

prije 5 godina #39

Dear Ken, your comment always gladdens my heart and soul. Thank you so much for being my faithful audience. 😊

Lisa Vanderburg

prije 5 godina #38

Love that phrase 'quantum flapdoodle' even though it suggests we can prevent normal aging by the power of our mind. How's he looking? :)

Lada 🏡 Prkic

prije 5 godina #37

We can't all be poets, dear Hervé. I love to read your simple and beautiful poems. Originality, like beauty, lies in the eyes of the beholder. :)

Lisa Vanderburg

prije 5 godina #36

#43 there any other way? Nice to talk with you !

Lada 🏡 Prkic

prije 5 godina #35

#25 Yes, Chris, the word "quantum" is overused and also misused. :) Even the term "quantum flapdoodle" is coined. The term is related to non-scientific interpretations of quantum physics advocated by the New Age gurus like Deepak Chopra. So yes, less is always more. :)

Lisa Vanderburg

prije 5 godina #34

#38's was the elecution lessons, Randall. Nowt worse to offend the delicate senses of the devout than a savage American kid in a British Boarding School :)

Lada 🏡 Prkic

prije 5 godina #33

Agree, Franci, quality content is essential. Your words made me think. "Why bother with posts of lesser value." If I had thought about it this way, I shouldn't have written this post. But sometimes is reasonable to discuss things that bother you.

Randall Burns

prije 5 godina #32

LMAO!!! I don't think the nuns had anything to do with it. ;-)

Lada 🏡 Prkic

prije 5 godina #31

Thanks, Randal, for sharing your thoughts. Here's one more appropriate quote by Nietzsche: "For the crowd believes that if it cannot see to the bottom of something it must be profound." It reminds me of some wisdom quotes by Chung King (ca 650 AD) that Phil Friedman often mentioned in his posts. 😀 😉 About the "be true to yourself" statement, you are who you are. "You can only be yourself — everyone else is taken." :)

Lisa Vanderburg

prije 5 godina #30

The Nuns made me naughty.... :)

Lada 🏡 Prkic

prije 5 godina #29

Thanks for the comment and share, Lisa. I'll take that "load of beer" and loosen up a bit about grammar and spelling. Cheers! 🍻😂

Lada 🏡 Prkic

prije 5 godina #28

Pascal, the time gap between my posts is huge. :) I write when I have something to say, and it is according to the number of posts, very rarely. I think it's related to my nature because in life I am also much of a listener than a talker. People like me are just not naturally calibrated to use "big words" to pretend to be deep. :) Thank you for reading and commenting, as always, in your clear and unique way.

Lada 🏡 Prkic

prije 5 godina #27

Thanks again, dear Ali for being so kind. I am pretty surprised with the high level of engagement on this post, cause I thought it is too critical. As @Jerry Fletcher said the personalities of many writers here on beBee are clear, and so is my. I can't say that something is profound if it's not. In my job, I always strive for clarity in oral and written communication and over the years I developed a detector for so-called pseudo-profound "baloney." beBee isn't immune to such contents, although to a much lesser extent than on LinkedIn and other social networks.

Lada 🏡 Prkic

prije 5 godina #26

Thanks again, dear Ali for being so kind. I am pretty surprised with the high level of engagement on this post, cause I thought it is too critical. As Jerry Fletcher said the personalities of many writers here on beBee are clear, and so is my. I just can't say that something is profound if it's not. In my job, I always strive for clarity in oral and written communication and over the years I develop a detector for pseudo-profound "baloney." beBee isn't immune to such contents, although to a much lesser extent than on LinkedIn and other social networks.

Gert Scholtz

prije 5 godina #25

Lada \ud83c\udfe1 Prkic What is quality content? I would say it is in the eye of the reader. But if it’s my eye, it would be honest personal expression, something I find interesting or can relate to, and written in an accessible style. In a previous post I described your writing as precise, disciplined and personal – and this post is once again all of that! Please keep on Lada.

Ken Boddie

prije 5 godina #24

Like you, Lada, I hate poor grammar and spelling, but only in my own blogs. I am much more forgiving of others, provided that they open up and reveal their character in the telling of the tale. I love writers who tell us their own personal experiences, good and bad, in their iwn words, without ‘photocopying’ the experiences of others; who feed us enough tasty personal treats to leave us begging for more; who, in essence, show us their strengths and weaknesses openly. If I want listicles, how to’s, cold lifeless bullshit chest puffing, and the preachings and biased advice of marketers and self barrow pushing snake oil sellers, I’ll go buy a text book, download a user manual, or go back to Linked In. Keep delivering your heart and soul onto the page, Lada, and you’ll always have an audience, whatever your subject matter. 👍

Lada 🏡 Prkic

prije 5 godina #23

Zacharias \ud83d\udc1d Voulgaris, just like yours, my days of practising writing are over. I don't write for digital claps, as you nicely said because it is not a measure of one's blog post quality. I've read many online contents that deserved much more attention but remained practically unnoticed, especially the niche topics. I wrote in one of my first blogging attempt on beBee that I am the most important audience for my posts. I still think the same. If I am not content with my writing than someone else's recognition is less important.

Lada 🏡 Prkic

prije 5 godina #22

Thank you, Milos. Your comment is always a relevance indicator of the quality of my posts. :) I miss a lot your presence on beBee. About writing on new things, I thought I could write about my construction projects, but it's the niche topic that lacks an audience here, and I gave up on writing long-form posts on LinkedIn. I am still hoping that short posts will soon come back on beBee in all its glory. :) It's always better to share someone else's thoughts than writing own posts with nothing to say.

Milos Djukic

prije 5 godina #21

In order to retain a high quality we should stop writing long-form articles when there is no new thing under the sun. I almost quit. Thanks Lada \ud83c\udfe1 Prkic, I like this one a lot.

Randall Burns

prije 5 godina #20

Great post Lada \ud83c\udfe1 Prkic I agree with your sentiments. For me a quality post is engaging, educational and entertaining. Like you I don't write to solicit "clients" or any "work" related reason; it is pure enjoyment, communication and hopefully some interactive and educational feedback. We come to a point that has been brought up before but these guidelines have helped me; -write for yourself -write about what you know -don't force it You write very well and this is a very well presented article, (probably for the aforementioned reasons). I go through "dry spells" but when the "mood" hits me it's like I can't get the words out of my head fast enough, LOL. Love the quote you used; "Those who know that they are profound strive for clarity. Those who would like to seem profound to the crowd strive for obscurity ― Friedrich Nietzsche" So true, I think that this reflects on "sincerity". If one is not sincere while writing, or any other expression, that will translate to the end product. Be honest and true to yourself, and your presentations will reflect that about you to the world. Well done! Great job!

Lisa Vanderburg

prije 5 godina #19

As a near-reformed shamelessly verbose over-punctuator and mis-user of both American and UK spelling, I think I hear you load and beer, Lada! Kidding aside, content (to me) is most important. For writers, this is a steadfast checklist - thank you!

Lada 🏡 Prkic

prije 5 godina #18

Thank you for such a lovely comment, Ian. My job as a project manager taught me to detect and distinguish meaningless from profound. :)

Lada 🏡 Prkic

prije 5 godina #17

Thank you for such a lovely comment, Ian. My job as a project manager thought me to detect and distinguish meaningless from profound. :)

Lada 🏡 Prkic

prije 5 godina #16

Thanks for the kind words, Jerry. It is hard to evaluate the quality of own writing. I am always too critical of myself but also aware of my authenticity. My greatest qualities are being tolerant in accepting of differing views and opinions and not accepting pseudo-profound "baloney." I think it reflects in my writing. Jerry, thanks for the wise comment as well.

Pascal Derrien

prije 5 godina #15

Read u cannot not can 😜

Pascal Derrien

prije 5 godina #14

I don't think you can write daily content you may think daily about writing . I have sometimes gaps of 20 days and other times I have produced 5 articles in a week this month it will be only two I try to vary topics genres etc ....but I am not a writer so I don't really overanalyse all that I read what I like from people I appreciate for various reasons 🤔

Liesbeth Leysen, MSc.

prije 5 godina #13

my pleasure and thank you Lada \ud83c\udfe1 Prkic

Lada 🏡 Prkic

prije 5 godina #12

Thank you Debasish for your constant engagement with my posts. Thanks for the share, too.

Lada 🏡 Prkic

prije 5 godina #11

Dear Liesbeth, I like your definition of quality content; when the reader is left with a good feeling. There were times, albeit rarely when content inspired me to think about a long time after I finished reading the article. It is an example of value-added content. Among all the clutters on social networks, there are still quality and valuable contents worth the time spent searching. Thank you so much for commenting and sharing.

mohammed khalaf

prije 5 godina #10

creative originality my dear Lada \ud83c\udfe1 Prkic

Ali Anani

prije 5 godina #9

You write what you feel and enrich your writing with thoughtful content that is well-structured Lada \ud83c\udfe1 Prkic. I don't often share with the tag must read. It is only when I have great assurances that this is the case as this one is.

Lada 🏡 Prkic

prije 5 godina #8

Thank you, Ali, for being the first commenter. I am always surprised when my post is considered a must-read. Like I said in the post, I must be doing something right that attracts readers although didn't yet figure out what it is. :) I write what I feel.

Zacharias 🐝 Voulgaris

prije 5 godina #7

Quality content is content of high ectropy (and therefore low entropy), meaning that there is a sense of order in it, an underlying structure stemming from a solid idea. It's not the words that make up the article, but the ideas and concepts that are behind the words; the message. Back in the pre-internet days I used to write articles just for the sake of it (and for practice), though I'd never write something that I wouldn't learn from and enjoy, at least a bit. Today the allure of digital claps is too strong so it's not uncommon to write just for the recognition element of the article, esp. if it is published on social media. However, whenever I write on my blog I ask myself: would I write this article if no-one would read it in my lifetime? If the answer is yes, I proceed and more often than not, the content is something I can be content about even months after the fact.

Ian Weinberg

prije 5 godina #6

Lada \ud83c\udfe1 Prkic your's is a voice of reason and authenticity which is becoming all too rare in this current environment. I for one value your presence and your contributions on this and other sites.

Jerry Fletcher

prije 5 godina #5

Lada, first and foremost I can count on you to tell me what you think. That is one kind of quality missing from many social media posts. Next, i get to see into a different mindset. You're an engineer and interested in those kinds of things but able to convey your interest and spark mine. That entrée, into another way of thinking, the topics of interest to you and how you relate to them are all a kind of quality content and on top of that you are a woman. You represent over half the population of the planet and that simple difference suggests that we may see things differently. The difference can lead to content that strikes a quality chord. The personalities of many writers here on beBee are clear. That, too, gives us some quality assurance if you, like me, want to engage with people that enjoy learning.

Debasish Majumder

prije 5 godina #4

absolutely stunning and relevant buzz Lada \ud83c\udfe1 Prkic! enjoyed read and shared. thank you very much for the buzz.

Liesbeth Leysen, MSc.

prije 5 godina #3

the compass of quality always guides well

Liesbeth Leysen, MSc.

prije 5 godina #2

dear Lada \ud83c\udfe1 Prkic love your thoughts and a good reminder to be mindful of our writing products. For me quality content means that the reader is left with a good feeling. He or she was intrigued by a title and took the risk to go through the article. He or she was demanding a certain level of understanding and he or she received it or maybe more. As you said the audience finally decides. As long as the writer and the reader find each other, it is a wonderful balance act. No writer and no reader are the same. So everyone will always find something valuable and focus on what he or she wants to see/read/learn.

Ali Anani

prije 5 godina #1

The fractal that is not beautiful. The copy of a copy of a copy of articles that are miniatures of each other. What is the purpose of writing and how to express your purpose in a content with high readability is ably discussed in this must read buzz by Lada \ud83c\udfe1 Prkic

Članci od Lada 🏡 Prkic

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