Neto Montana

há 6 anos · 1 min. de leitura · 0 ·

Blog por Neto
We are all responsible

We are all responsible

We are all responsible, we are all responsible in some way, we are the ones who conduct the time, we are the ones who use the resources, we are the ones who drink and pollute the fresh water and shed in salty tears back to earth. We are the ones who leave the earth, there are others similar, we are beings that are born and die as fruits that sprout and fall, we are animals that help to geminar, planting, cultivating and trying to multiply the future.

We are bugs that carry philosophy back and make the resources the answers trying to build with their phenomena. This is humanity in what gave and in what follows, this is humanity in which it returns in what progresses, that is humanity in which it doubts in what it fights.

We are what we can be, we are what we try to be, we are what we believe to be, we seek to be abundant as the earth, why we are so responsible, why we leave their womb, the womb of the mother earth and we are responsible for being part And so we are all responsible for the whole and this whole automatically corresponds to all of us.


Debasish Majumder

há 6 anos #3

nice shareNeto Montana! enjoyed read. thank you for the share.
I often think it's too bad we are not more responsible. I have been a student of human behavior all my life, and it seems to me that people are more interested in their own survival rather than the survival of humanity.

Lyon Brave

há 6 anos #1

People are lazy but i was just thinking about thia on my way home from work. I was like why is everyone allowing their yards to look so junky amd overgrown

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