Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago · 5 min. reading time · ~10 ·

Paul blog
A How-To On Personal Branding: It Aint Bullshit

A How-To On Personal Branding: It Aint Bullshit

® \Rersonal

 "Personal Branding" will be the buzzword du jour for 2017. Will it be a non sequitur like "disruptive?" Will its original meaning be stretched to meaninglessness like "Millennial," or "Unicorn?"

To the first question, I answer, "No."

To the second, "Probably."

Some people take offense to the term. I wonder why. It's not like there's anything really new, except for the actual term.

It used to be "Your reputation," or "Your Area of Expertise." Now it's your "Personal Brand."

Big whup. 

It's just a label. 

Some people don't like labels. They come in handy, though.

When you visit, I won't offer you a four-legged item of furniture, with or without arms, with or without casters, fully upholstered, partially upholstered, or not upholstered at all, designed to allow you to sit, in various degrees of comfort, in a more or less upright position.  

I'll just offer you a chair. 

See how handy labels are?

If I offered you an "ass-plunker," you'd be confused.

The trick is in having a common understanding of what a label represents. That's where "Millennial" failed. 

Maybe the dislike of the term is because it has "brand" in it. 

"Brand" has two meanings. Cattle are branded to identify their owners. We don't want that kind of brand. 

One, we are not cattle. 

Two, it hurts like hell.

The second meaning, according to Business, with bold emphasis by me, is " Unique design, sign, symbol, words, or a combination of these, employed in creating an image that identifies a product and differentiates it from its competitors. Over time, this image becomes associated with a level of credibility, quality, and satisfaction in the consumer's mind (see positioning). Thus brands help harried consumers in crowded and complex marketplace, by standing for certain benefits and value. Legal name for a brand is trademark and, when it identifies or represents a firm, it is called a brand name. See also corporate identity." 

Maybe we should call it "Personal Positioning?" 

No, that has some kinky connotations. Let's stick with "Personal Branding."

If you don't think you're a product, let me enlighten you. Of course, you are. 

Do you cash your pay cheques? 

You sell your services. Shouldn't you control what those services are? Shouldn't you paint them, and you, in the best possible light?

That type of brand is the one we want, nay, need. 

You already have a Personal Brand, whether you want one or not.
  • If you aren't building it, everyone else is. 
  • If you aren't nurturing it, no one is.
  • If you aren't guiding the dialogue, someone else is.
  • If you ignore it, don't be surprised when everyone ignores you.

Personal Branding is about being "The Guy." 

No, that's not sexist. "The Guy" can be male or female. 

A few weeks back, clients came to town. They wanted to see a hockey game. In Montreal, it's easier to find a beautiful 30-year-old nymphomaniac virgin than to find 3 good seats together at a hockey game. 

But... I know A Guy. Even she had trouble, but we got the tickets. 

You want to be The Guy. The Guy is the go-to person when a product or service is needed.

Lynda Spiegel is the Resume-Writing Guy.

I'm the Ghostwriting Guy and the Twitter Guy.

Phil Friedman is the Yacht Guy.

Candice Galek is the Bikini Guy, Self-Promotion Guy, and the Flip-LinkedIn-On-Its-Ass Guy.

Elon Musk is the If-I-can-Imagine-It-I-Can-Make-It-Happen Guy.

What Guy are you?

That's your personal brand.

Creating Your Personal Brand

Okay, you got me. If you're breathing, it's too late to create your brand. It already exists. 

Maybe I should change the subheading to "Creating Your CONTROLLED Personal brand." That just sounds silly. More accurate, yes, but silly nonetheless.

The "easiest" way to prove your expertise is through content. Your skillset is right there for anyone to see. 

I started out in Social Media back in June of 2015. I started because I'm a Ghostwriter. That means out of all the posts, articles, papers, etc that I wrote over the years, not a single one was under my name. 

When I set out to expand my client base, no one knew me from a hole in the wall.

I couldn't ask existing clients for referrals. Ghosts are silent and unseen. Discretion is a must.

I started writing on LinkedIn as proof of skillset. My first post was on June 7th, 2015. I wrote in the voice I found there. It took about 10 posts just to find the right voice. It took over 50 posts before a client expressed interest. It took another 20 before a client signed up. 

This isn't a fast process. Building a good reputation never is. This will be my 112th post on LinkedIn, and my 165th on beBee. 

Ya gotta keep pluggin' away.

This isn't just for writers. You have expertise. You know stuff that I don't know. I want to hear about it. So do others. 


If you can't write or you don't have the time to write, set your thoughts in point from and hire a Ghost. 

You know A Guy.

You can also curate valuable content from others. That does not mean passing it off as your own. A personal brand can be negative too. 

Curation means you share the full content with credit to its creator/owner. 

Curation may backfire. You just might promote a competitor. 

As you build up an inventory of proofs of your competence, things will start flowing towards you.

Of course, they need to actually see your content for it to do anything.

Getting the word out

Right now, the absolute best way to get the word out is to build an email list. That involves a ton of admin. People are not so keen on giving out their emails. There are also anti-spam laws to worry about. Most anti-spam legislations are effective in the recipient's country. 

Be careful!

Many websites have pop ups asking you to sign up to their distribution list. You know what I mean. I mean those big boxes with an X in the top right corner. Take it easy with those. Google is penalizing sites that use them.

Be very careful!

Soon enough, SMS/MMS messaging will take over from email just like email took over from snail mail. That will be an even tougher subscription. 

People don't like giving out their email addresses. How much less will they like giving out their cell phone numbers? Regardless, smart marketers are already planning the switch. I know of at least one company that just helps companies connect via SMS. That's "all" they do.

Some anti-spam legislation covers SMS/MMS as well.  

RSS/ATOM is a softer, safer method. People subscribe to your feed and pull in anything new. They can unsubscribe at any time. There's less overhead than email lists, but less utility too. You can tell how many subscribers you have. You can't tell who they are. 

RSS/ATOM is a pull method. Anti-spam legislation does not worry about it. It has other uses too. That will be the subject of my next post.

Social Blogging Platforms: Writing on platforms like beBee, LinkedIn, or Medium is the place to start. They offer some advantages over a self-hosted blog. The readership is built-in. 

Not to get into the beBee vs. LinkedIn debate, but this is usually truer for beBee than LinkedIn.  

One or the other will be better for you. One or the other will be better for a specific post. Personally, I use both. It's better to hedge your bets.

Sure, it's much better to have 4,000 views on a self-hosted blog than on a beBee Producer post. Good luck getting those 4,000 self-hosted views. 

That's the point.

Twitter: Twitter is not a blogging platform. They call themselves a "micro-blogging platform." 

That's cute, and not in a good way. 

What meaningful message can you get across in 140 characters? Not much of one. That doesn't make it useless, far from it.

You can point people somewhere else where you can get your message across. 

Let's look at the Math (apologies to the arithmophobes out there)

  • A tweet can only be 140 characters long.
  • A headline should be under 100 characters long. Note: Only about 55 will show up in Google search depending on the characters used. An "l" uses less space than an "m." Email subject lines in the main window will only show about 22 characters. I try to keep my headlines (post titles) under 75 characters. I'm careful with the first 55 and 22 characters.
  • A web link on Twitter is 24 characters regardless of its true length. Even a bitly link uses up 24 characters, last time I checked. That's for tweeting via the API. Links use zero characters on a manual tweet. FYI: If you use IFTTT or anything else to post tweets, you use the API.

So there we have it. 

140 minus 100 (title) minus 24 (link) is 16. Sixteen is barely enough for a mention (a twitter handle is maximum 15 characters) or a hashtag. Drop your titles to 75 characters and you have room for a well-edited comment.

Use, Buffer, TweetJukeBox, Twitter's own scheduling option, or even IFTTT to tweet out several tweets promoting your posts. 

Use Twitter to drive people where you want them to go. 

That's Twitter's true strength. Ignore it at your peril.

Time is not your friend

It takes time to build up your personal brand to reflect what you want it to reflect. 

You may not need it right now. 

It's too late to start when you do. 

Better to build it and not need it than to need it and not have it.

Save yourself a future headache. Start now. 

It's easier than you think.

Next time, I'll show you how to make it even easier.



Blog Poets

About the Author

Ts a ghost but not the kind that's into pottery wheels
Tis the writing kind

Toften wonder 1f I'm a tech-savvy writer or a wnt.
ing-savey technologist Maybe I'm both As one CMO
putt, “Paul makes tech my bitch!” That might be going

a little too far

QbeBee VIP, Ambassador
The Ultimate Twitter System


Randall Burns

6 years ago #29

Great post Paul \, very insightful and reinforces my thoughts of just keep writing about what I know about...

Wayne Yoshida

7 years ago #28

Thanks Paul \ -- there are several great points -- especially the parts about controlling/being in control of your brand/reputation and the time/timing thing. @Greg Johnson and I talk about this branding concept at our career workshops - so it's good to see others explaining it in different applications.

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #27

Let's let sleeping dogs lie, shall we? The Phil vs. Robert vs Phil thing goes waaaaaaaay back. I don't know how it started or why. And, I don't care. We have a bunch of strong personalities here. Some friction is unavoidable. It's time to bury the hatchet, preferably not in each other's skulls.

Jim Murray

7 years ago #26

I'm not sure but I think Robert Bacal takes a great deal of sadistic pleasure from attacking Phil Friedman. This is pretty awful when you think about it, especially when you consider that is most of what hr does here on beBee. How the hell is that contributing to this site other than creating unnecessary friction? So you might say his personal brand is Phil Friedman assassin. Not something I would want to be. Not something anyone should be. It's just plain sad.

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #25

Hey, Candice, read and replied

Lisa Gallagher

7 years ago #24

I saw this on LI... great buzz/blog Paul \.

Candice 🐝 Galek

7 years ago #23

Hey Paul! Just sent you an email. =)

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #22

No apology necessary, Phil. I wouldn't have responded if it weren't for that fact that Robert Cormack thought the comment was directed at him. Let's file this under S for Shit Happens and move on

Phil Friedman

7 years ago #21

my apologies, Paul.. As you well know, I try to make it a policy not reply or engage at all with the person involved. Unfortunately, I am human and occasionallly the constant personal attacks,, the purpose of which is transparent, get on my nerves. And although I should know better, I fall off the wagon and respond. My apologies, as well, to @Robert Cormack, for any confusion. I should not have assumed that the initial member reference included in my comment was sufficient to make it clear to which comment I was replying.. I will try as well not to make that mistake again. Cheers!

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #20

Well, a lot of what I used to do is now done by . . frees up quite a bit

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #19

Well, a lot of what I used to do is now done by . . frees up quite a bit

Jerry Fletcher

7 years ago #18

Thanks Paul. Scanned the comments. Where do you guys find the time for all the back and forth?

🐝 Fatima G. Williams

7 years ago #17

Paul \ I always enjoy your buzzes as you humorously convey the message and the message is received. Some great point outs on personal branding Thank you :) :) #"Better to build it and not need it than to need it and not have it." 👍👍👍

🐝 Fatima G. Williams

7 years ago #16

Paul \ I always enjoy your buzzes as you humorously convey the message and the message is received. Some great point outs on personal branding Thank you ☺☺ #"Better to build it and not need it than to need it and not have it." 👍👍👍

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #15

C'mon guys, play nice First off, Robert Cormack Phil and Robert B. . . Much as I like you both, I would appreciate it if you guys would take your perpetual argument elsewhere. It's particularly ironic on a post about personal branding. Thank you for your cooperation

Robert Cormack

7 years ago #14

Oh, I got it, @Phil Friedman. I just have a nasty habit employing tangents when people start discussing the meaning and usage of "curate."

Phil Friedman

7 years ago #13

Good to see, Robert, that you are maintaining your perfect record of either intentionally or unintentionally missing the point. Which is, in this case, that the aficionados of Internet and social media marketing are the ones who have hijacked and use in a distorted fashion the term "curate" -- which term had (repeat had) an established meaning in the worlds of museum work and art criticism and appreciation. You may view through whatever myopic filter you wish, but my experience is that less than 1% of what is called "curation" on social media and the Internet conforms to the "established" definition of curation.

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #12

You forgot to capitalize the G LOL

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #11

Yeah, it's the whole "chair" vs. "ass-plunker" thing. I consider sharing others' posts to be Curating. Using your definition, it definitely becomes a shoddy, ineffectual practice.

Phil Friedman

7 years ago #10

FWIW, Paul, I am not sure that you and I are using "curating" in the same way. I don't consider sharing the posts of others to be curating. For I do that -- and I think you do as well -- as a help, without strings, to the author involved, and as a service to the "community". I see "curating" as compiling the works of others and incorporating it into a post or an email or a website, whose primary purpose is to act as a marketing and sales vehicle FOR THE CURATOR. Never mind all the pious poppycock about sharing knowledge and delivering value. I don't know about you, but I am not taken in by value-by-association. And if someone sends me an article by Elon Musk, I don't infer that the sender of the article (the curator, if you will) is creative and competent simply because he or she put an article in front of me that shows me someone who is. Cheers!

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #9

Will do and thanks a heap. He was a hands-on foreman here and also worked at a local racetrack building racing frames. He built stainless chocolate making machines for me in my restaurant, so I don't think those things would be issues. Mind you, what I don't know about welding can and does fill volumes.

Phil Friedman

7 years ago #8

If he can do stainless steel with TIG, and aluminum with both TIG and MIG, yes. And if he can do structural welds in steel, both stick and MIG, that will pass inspection, there are several tips I can give him about where he might look for work. Tell him to contact me at

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #7

Agreed, Robert Cormack, except I would go so far as to say it's ALL about profile, at least as far as personal branding is concerned.

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #6

I agree completely about "has to be done as group." I've gone well out of my way to support that idea

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #5

Exactly right, Phil. This is something that is best grown organically over time. That doesn't mean we can't give it a nudge every now and then. I like to mix things up, so I curate quite a bit of stuff. I am careful about who I curate. I don't mind advertising others whose views I share. Off-Topic question for you: Would you know of anyone who would need a welder in Southern Florida? My son-in-law just got his Okay for his green card this morning. He'll be joining my daughter in Ft. Lauderdale soon

Robert Cormack

7 years ago #4

Good piece, Paul \. I think personal branding owes a lot to the insecurities we feel, the most important being "we won't get noticed." Certainly we're trying to monetize ourselves, but it seems branding today is more about profile than profit. Thanks for the piece.

Phil Friedman

7 years ago #3

Thanks for the mention, Paul \. For a long time, I was confused by the term "Personal Brand" -- possibly because, as you point out, it used to be called "reputation". I now understand its usage. Although I sometimes wonder if some people don't mistakenly think it is something that can be created (like Madison Avenue used to do for product brands), rather than something that develops and evolves organically over time. BTW, you line here that, "Curation may backfire. You just might promote a competitor..." is priceless. For unless you also plagiarize the "content", most of the time all one does with curation is provide free advertising for someone else. "Thank you for showing me that article; it was chock full of information. Do you happen to know how I can get in touch with the author? I have a project that's faltering, and I think I could use his help." Cheers, Paul. Keep ghosting.

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #2

Lynda Spiegel, and Elon Musk are mentioned in this post

Pascal Derrien

7 years ago #1

that's a kool article about the personal branding thingie :-) that's pretty real stuff for a ghost !! Paul \

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