Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago · 4 min. reading time · ~10 ·

Paul blog
How to Use beBee Hives to Your Best Advantage?

How to Use beBee Hives to Your Best Advantage?



Blog Poets

About the Author

Ts a ghost but not the kind that's into pottery wheels
Tis the writing kind

Toften wonder 1f I'm a tech-savvy writer or a wnt.
ing-savey technologist Maybe I'm both As one CMO
putt, “Paul makes tech my bitch!” That might be going

a little too far

QbeBee VIP, Ambassador
The Ultimate Twitter System


Lisa Gallagher

7 years ago #68

This is too good not to revive Paul \

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #66

Good to know, Javi. When they do, I'll re-write this post
Oh--Great post with Great Ideas.
Great to see this revival ! Excellent buzz ! Hives will become more powerful soon !

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #63

Well, Joshua, I'm betting that there are a lot of people who feel the same way we do. In fact, I bet six months of 18 hour days and a good chunk of change. Tomorrow, when goes live, we'll see if it was worth it. Fingers crossed

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #62

I beg to differ. There are many use-cases where quasi-confidentiality is desirable, and not in any nefarious way. Social media is social not necessarily a free-for-all. Regardless, such functionality does not exist here.

Phil Friedman

7 years ago #61

Paul, there is a single undermining problem running through most of your suggestions, namely, the inability of a hive owner/manager to require moderation. For example, you mention "hive as an aggregator". How does that work when every time you return to your aggregation to find it has been joined by a number of posts that you do not want there? Oh sure, you can post guidelines, then reclassify and remove posts that don't meet the guidelines, but that sucks up a lot of time ---- indeed, it will become impossible to keep up with as beBee grows to currently projected user levels. The important aspect of "privacy" is not just ---- indeed it may be other than ---- the ability to restrict who can read the material in the hive; it is the ability to restrict what material is placed in the hive. Without that, the hive system will remain pretty much the undifferentiated mass of postings, little different from the main feed, that it is now. Cheers!

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #60

I used to ski a lot when I was younger. I had a house on the slopes at Mt Tremblant. My current wife is not all that big on sports, the outdoors, or the cold. That tends to cross skiing off the list of things we do.

Kevin Pashuk

7 years ago #59

Ditto to Paul's remark Jared.

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #58

You are most welcome, Jared

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #57

Here's a hack from @Kevin Pashuk regarding getting notifications on other people's posts when you share them. The notification is a link. If you hover over it, you will see where the link aims. In Chrome, it's on the bottom left-hand corner. From the link, you can see if it's for a real one of your posts, or if it's from a share.

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #56

I just deal with it by writing the mentions in a comment on the post
Anyone mentioned should be notified only on the first publish. Subsequent shares should not trigger a re-notification . We are fixing this problem CC Alberto Anaya Arcas

Louise Smith

7 years ago #54

YES Javier C\u00e1mara Rica Please think about this. It drives me crazy when I share someone else's buzz in my hive NOW and I keep getting Notifications that someone has commented on my buzz or likes my buzz when it's not mine I just shared it !

Jim Murray

7 years ago #53

If you're just arriving here, my Canadian amigo Paul "Paul \ has written a series of posts that will help you figure out what's going on. Paul is a techie but writes in plain English. Follow Pablo....He's got the roadmap.

Jim Murray

7 years ago #52

Pablo, I don't understand why you didn't just repost the post onto your home page and send it to wherever you wanted it to go. I have done that and nobody has yelled at me. Good post by the way. We're all so much happier here not having to bitch about LI.

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #51

LOL, ask away, Wayne. The more pole get up to speed here, ther better it will be fo rus all

Wayne Yoshida

7 years ago #50

Paul \ - thank you for the clarification. That's what I get for asking without giving it a try first!

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #49

? I may not be understanding what you mean, Wayne. To write a Publisher post, you can start anytime. It will autosave occasionally. You can close the tab/window and go back to it again. Post drafts are in the producer window under your littel profile picture

Wayne Yoshida

7 years ago #48

Paul \, thank you again for a useful lesson. (I have a lot of catching up to do.) I may have missed something, but is there no "draft" mode when creating a new hive? In other words, often I must create posts and content in little pieces, as time allows. Can I click a "save" button - but not allow it to go "live" until I complete the construction, proofread, and then - activate it when I am ready?

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #47

Just wait until Gary Sharpe. When the Digital Sherpa investigates, hacks abound.

Mohammed Abdul Jawad

7 years ago #46

#70 more liberty to users makes beBee more flexible and powerful!
We are not going to limit anybody. It is a democratic social network. If your conten is relevant, users will click on "relevant" button and it will be distributed through all the hive. If your content is not relevant, you have the power of selecting the content by hiding, or reporting or silincing any user. This action will filter this non relevant content for the userbase.
Nick Mlatchkov

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #43

That will work for now, Carolyn Kiel. As your activity and followers goes up, you won't be able to find them anymore. Between 40 thank you tweets to new followers(I liimit to the first 40 a day), 12 or so retweets, and 30 to 50 scheduled tweets, I can't find anything on my profile feed.
it make sense. PLEASE Federico \u00c1lvarez San Mart\u00edn put it on the "to-do list "

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #41

Yes, please, pretty please, please with two cherries on top!!!
Paul \ please don't forget this. We need to notify only once.
Paul \ I love the idea about being able to share in three hives + the hives that you own. Do you want us to implement it ?

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #38

I'm not so sure that this is something that you need to fix Javier C\u00e1mara Rica. It may even cause more problems than it solves. In my opinion, anyone mentioned should be notified only on the first publish. Subsequent shares should not trigger a re-notification. That why I don't like listing a bunch of people on a post announcement. Listing them in a comment does the job of notifying them without over-notifying them. To automate it, if you want, anyone mentioned in a buzz could be auto-populated in a simultaneously posted comment.
mentions are not working fine. We need to fix it ! CC Daniel Paz

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #36

Hey, Lou... I resemble that remark (heheheheh)

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #35

We all face that quandary, Jeffrey Boxer. I also find that as my connections grow, I need more organization in my account. I started using hives as file folders. Depending on the subject, I could conceivably get 0 distribution if I only share to my folders. That wouldn't be the best idea ;-)

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #34

Mentions in buzzes do not appear, you are right Maja Vujovic. At the same time mentions in the introductory portion of the buzz appear on ALL shares. That can annoy some people. Mentions as a comment seems to be the best of both worlds.

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #33

Please do, Anne Fyans suggested we put all tips and tricks in one spot, I jumped on the bandwagon. beBee actually has the flattest learning curve. I only really started being active here on April 10th (my b-day!).

Louise Smith

7 years ago #32

I'm glad you have Paul \ !!!

Louise Smith

7 years ago #31

Yes Franci Eugenia Hoffman !

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #30

I agree, Maja Vujovic, it was in the original draft of this post, but I cut it out. This post is too long for my tastes as it is. That's why it's important to comment, there is often more "meat" in the comments section than in the post. LOL, even my original Twitter Bad Ass series was meant to be 3 posts, but comments drove it longer!

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #29

Thank Franci. Before every post, I run a prediction as to a range of engagement numbers. I find that it is proving without a doubt that it's connections that drive engagement. Well, topic first, then connections. How much engagement has LI been cutting us off from all this time. My rather puny 419 beBee follower count far outperforms my 1500 LI connections. Also, posts continue to draw comments weeks after publishing, while LI posts fizzle and die after 3 days. (note: this one has blown by my estimates so far)

David B. Grinberg

7 years ago #28

I like your astute analysis and suggestions, Paul \. Well written, as always, of course! I shared here and on LI.

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #27

Thank you, Stephane

Louise Smith

7 years ago #26

Paul \ I already use my NOW hive as a file folder BUT I would like to bee able to have sub folders Yesterday's NOW, Last Week's, NOW Paul Pablo's Guides NOW, Franci's Poetry Buzzes NOW .....

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #25

Yes, I do. I bug the poor guy relentlessly

Ali Anani

7 years ago #24

I hope Franci Eugenia Hoffman and act on it. I know my time shall be limited for the next few weeks. Thank you also for your trust

Louise Smith

7 years ago #23

Poor Federico \u00c1lvarez San Mart\u00edn really buzz you that much?

Louise Smith

7 years ago #22

Ali Anani start a Hive called beBee Honey Hacks !
Paul \ I fully agree. We can not lose this powerful and simple concept. Don't worry !!!
Stings will be great. You will be able to see only your authors (favourites), your favourites buzzes, your favourites hives , etc. beBee is very funny ( stings as pined or favourite content , pinterest ???, follow anybody in free way like twitter ???? Professional profile like LI ????? An entertainment part like Facebook ??? A publishing platform like Medium/pulse ???? Hahahhaha ....... nooooooo beBee will be beBee ...and all thanks to our bees !!!

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #19

I like to think of Hives as a box. They can also be thought of as a blank sheet of paper. You can use that paper to write something as simple as your grocery list, or the first page of the Next Great Novel... the paper doesn't mind either way. It's up to you. The simplicity of the Hive concept belies its power. It is what allows beBee to truly be affinity networking. It is what allows us Bees to show off ALL our personalities.
About hives evolution. As Paul \

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #17

Stings sound seriously GREAT! Can't wait to take them for a test-drive
STINGS comes from your feedback . Thanks to everyone ! beBee will be very powerful :)
CC Federico \u00c1lvarez San Mart\u00edn
Carolyn Kiel exactly ! You will be able to do it with STINGs
Paul \ pined buzzes are coming ;) ... they will be STINGs on beBee. You will be able to sting a buzz , an author or a company , so you will be able to access easily to your favourites , to your stings. STINGs also will be very powerful. If somebody STINGs you as an author, your long posts written on Producer will be priorized. All the content or authors you anybody stings will come first and you will able to filter too. ... I can't give you more details...but STINGs are coming guys !!!!

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #12

That sound like a cool idea, Carolyn Kiel. How do you that, with lists?

Ali Anani

7 years ago #11

I meant lovely posts like yours Paul \ shall attract very worthy comments. May be we consider assigning a hive for valuable comments so that we may pool them in one place.

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #10

Thanks, Dean.

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #9

I'm not sure if I understand what you mean Ali Anani. From what I see, if you comment on a post, it is on that post regardless of which Hive you are reading it on.

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #8

I think the flexible nature of Hives is what differentiates beBee from every other platform. Here we have a simple box that we can turn into whatever we need, when we need it. beBee becomes a multi-platform.

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #7

That idea came to me as I was writing the post, Franci. I stopped, created the Hive and went back to writing the post. It's also a nice thing to see what others find interesting enough to share to themselves for future reading or reference.

Ali Anani

7 years ago #6

Very interesting read Paul \. In which hive would you place comments?? Certainly you add much -needed understanding of hives. So, fro now on it is not "each pot oozes what it contains" as much as it is "every hive oozes the quality of honey it has". Your post, oozed golden honey.

Mohammed Abdul Jawad

7 years ago #5

beBee in brevity! beBee simplified! Paul \ will like this post. ;)

Dean Owen

7 years ago #4

Everything I have been thinking to say and so much more is in this article Paul-sensei. Extremely well articulated as usual.

Ali Anani

7 years ago #3

Yes, it is interesting and I am reading more attentively later today. Thanks due to you Paul \

Mohammed Abdul Jawad

7 years ago #2

Ali Anani here's an interesting, informative post! :)

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #1

Maja Vujovic is mentioned in this post.

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