Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago · 2 min. reading time · 0 ·

Paul blog
The myTweetPack Hive Lives!

The myTweetPack Hive Lives!

I created a Hive where I'll put videos and other how-to stuff for the, formerly known as the Web-App-With-No-Name. It's here if you'd like to join.

I'm now building the website that will be the public face of the app. If you would like to offer a testimonial, add it here, please.

For now, I have these videos available on YouTube. I have a few more planned including Twitter account use strategies and a play-by-play of me setting up a growth system on an account from scratch.

Subscribe to the YouTube channel for updates, or just keep popping back here. I'll update this post with any new videos.

Create your account(s)

This video explains our new streamlined onboarding process. We don't actually offer you an app to use. We get you full Twitter Developer Credentials. You then subscribe to our scripts. 

I guess it's natural for a Ghostwriter to think in terms of ghost-coding.

MyTweetPack Recommendation - Harnessing the power of Twitter
To all Brand Ambassadors selected in MyTweetpack initiative led by John White, MBA: sign up this hive to get the latest news on the metrics and HowTo's.

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #31

Video links updated to new versions. Videos for suggested strategies are on the way

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #30

I will be updating the video links here to the new versions. @Dean Owen suggested I zoom in. I thought that was a great idea, so I did. I'll update the links shortly.

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #29

RE: "It is always a bad idea to NOT use hashtags" Would be interested in this lesson...." It's a question of twitter logic. People can search for hashtags, so other people load their tweets into Frankentweets, like "#HowTo #build a #loyalFollowing on #social #media". That may increase their chances of being found, but completely destroys any chance of being read. Even today, I read a piece from a known Twitter-guru who claims that 2 or 3 hashtags as optimal. That is certainly true if you can't rotate them. We can. Use at least 5. Mix up hastags and mentions if you like. The systems will cycle through them. You will be found AND read. That also helps in avoiding notification overload to those we mention. You tweeted Susan's post 84 times. That's fine, Susan doesn't mind the attention. But, she will get a notification of every tweet, every retweet, every mention. Better to add her in the rotation box. If you don't know someone, better yet to not mention at all. This is so important that if you don't use any hashtags, the system will add its own. Sometimes I'm tempted to cut the limit by 17 to allow for it, but that will get awfully confusing.

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #28

Re Twitter Math - anyway to integrate a one time tweet when it is saved, so the person can see the tweet on Twitter before scheduling? NOPE, and very dangerous to do. You just might piss Twitter off. If you use a share to twitter you are usually safe. Usually, because I've been seeing some that just don't work. There will be more of those when select to tweet links become more popular. The trick is really in respecting the counts above the input box. Also, the most common hastags are shown with their Twitter-math character counts. Try your darnedest to keep 17 characters available for rotation stuff. That way You will always be able to add mentions. I rarely have less than 20 characters available. The rotation systems frees up a lot of characters. FYI: Deleting 84 tweets (or 84 000) is one or two calls. It takes 7 calls to tweet something.

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #27

Just took a look. We will not be able to handle Russian and other Cyrillic alphabets until V2.0. The database, not the app, is rejecting it. That's why you can't find it in your campaign. The App says, "write this" and the DB says, "nope." It's a simple fix, but a long one. In V2.0 we will be rebuilding the DB and we'll fix it at that point. I don't want to delay roll-out any further than it already is. Sorry, but I thought about French, Spanish, and German. The Cyrillic and Arabic fonts were not considered. My bad.

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #26

It is always a bad idea to NOT use hashtags. If you have less than 17 characters available, edit the tweet. (Lessons learned the hard way.) Because of Twitter Math, we can't trigger an error on the writing side. That's why we elected to use character counters and let users decide. Just an FYI but I once put in a tweet that was 246 characters, but only 132 using Twitter math. I'll take a peek at the Russian, but I doubt I'll be able to make it work.

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #25

Please do, and anyone else who wants to chime in with their own testimonial. I'm working on the public-facing website now. I hope to add a few

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #24

Ok, French seems to work now.

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #23

if you click, or hover over the edit tweet, the link will end in an ID number. Please tell me what that is

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #22

well, if you take the trouble to round up all those tweets I guess I should take a look at French accent s. I'm surprised that Spanish and Portuguese worked but French did not

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #21

Just curious, Aurorassa, why don't you post them yourself? Your tokens are still active I think

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #20

LOL, it's made of some 1200 pages of code, actually

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #19

Easy there, Deb. For all these languages I'll probably have to set different labels on the app. Unless I keep all the labels in English? Hummmmm. . .

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #18

Good to know. . . German anyone?

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #17

I'd be interested in knowing how the Portuguese works. I don't think I did anything special for it. Please keep notes or email me what happens so I have something to work with in the new year. If anyone wants to give German a shot, please do

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #16


Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #15

Clock type is browser-set. My browser insists on using 12hr AM/PM. I got used to it. On the back-end everything is 24hr

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #14

Some people are shy. Ok, person-who-does-not-want-to-be-mentioned, Yes, multi-language will be re-visited in the New Year. Yes, so will RSS/Atom feeds. Yes, so will the Tweet Chat Promotion and Moderation system I'm mulling over. (The Tweet Chat Participation system will be in late 2017, if ever.) Yes, they will automatically be included in subscriptions. We are also looking at a stronger mobile implementation by creating a Google Apps version of myTweetPack that will be equally strong on Android, iOS, or Windows Phone. That's a full rebuild, but that way, we can leave mobile cosmetic concerns to mobile and desktop/laptop/tablet cosmetic concerns to desktops/laptops/tablets. The App sort of looks funny when you need to take into account all those screen sizes

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #13

Yeah, me too. FYI about 3/4 of tester-users use it on a mobile

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #12

Don't bother with the Spanish and Portuguese just yet. I mean, you can try, and I'll cross my fingers, but I'm swamped trying to get the new home for the app operational (they shipped me the wrong freaking server, but the right options. They don't work together!!! I'm calling AWS' new Montreal office tomorrow) Also, the sudden onboarding streamlining means much more back-end stuff. Since we do the heavy lifting we need to access your account as you. I need to modify the intro email and activation email scripts to warn that users should log in to the Twitter account after we set them up. Twitter is warning Americans and Canadians of a "possible unauthorized access from Lorraine, Quebec" That would be us setting you up. For Europeans, they just lock the account. We can still activate, but people need to unlock it afterwards. I assume it would be the same for Australia, South America, or Asia. It takes about 20 seconds to do. They text a code, you type it in. Done We'll circle back to multi-lingual tweets in the New Year.

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #11

That comes out to 142 characters, but works like 149. (Twitter math is not regular math.) Twitter rules are Twitter rules. When you enter a tweet for scheduling, the app tells you to be careful of length. It even counts your length for you as you type or paste. (I wish beBee would that function here) It tells you what you have left for a hashtag. I always leave at least 17 characters available in case I need to mention someone. An @ mentions is a space, a @, plus a max of 15 characters for a name. When I paste your text, the system tells me I only have 4 characters left for a hashtag. Your #jobsearch is 10 characters plus a space. You went over by 7. Often, people forget to leave room for a hashtag. That's why the count functions were added. You need to remember that what you save is not all that tweets. There will be hashtags and maybe mentions tacked on Watch the counters. They do a lot of that strange Twitter math in the background. You don't need to mention yourself when tweeting, that's automatic. Here you mention yourself twice. You should also be careful mentioning others. Unless you KNOW they won't mind being mentioned OFTEN, mention them in the rotation, or not at all. For LinkedIn posts, make sure you add @LinkedInEditors to the rotation A note on error messages: 403/401 (Twitter uses them interchangeably) may mean your tokens are broken, but MORE LIKELY, you did something wrong. 429 means you went over a Twitter limit. Wait 15 minutes and try again. 200 means OK. Those are the only ones you'll see. In your shoes, I would edit that to . . . "Football Metaphor Season - Job Interviews & the Playoffs" on @LinkedIn It will tweet on your account so you don't need to double mention yourself and you will have up to 39 characters for a hashtag. That's tons so you can add a "By Deb Helfrich" (18 including spaces)

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #10

Out of curiosity, could you put the original tweet text here? I had worked to make Spanish tweeting possible. I think it works. I'll have to bug Mamen again. Everything works on the UTF8 format Twitter uses. If you can tweet it you should be able to store it.

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #9

The only way to go is reverse order sorting, esecially when you look at all your scheduled tweets. You can look at them more logically. There really is not much of a reason to do that anyway. Frankly, I was seriously considering wiping that out. I have never used it at all. 24hr or not is a function of user system settings which will convert back and forth. But, Firefox is notoriously bad with dates and times very well. The back end uses 24hr Explicit field names and text are all well and good but not with so much variance in possible responses. Further, responsiveness takes a major hit when there is too much text. Given the fact that many use the app on mobile, that won't do. During the testing phase, when you schedule a tweet, the system only scans every 5 minutes. It will pick up and tweet whatever it finds that hasn't tweeted yet. That's to make up for Twitter rules and Twitter resource allocation to automation. Sometimes, they just don't go. We try 12 times before we give up altogether on the tweet. So, if you schedule for say, 10:02, it won't tweet before 10:05. If it can't for any reason other than a bad tweet (like >140) it will try again 5 minutes later, then 5 minutes after that, etc until a full hour has passed. Once we move to the final home, a more powerful beast, tweets will be on the minute. Until then, minute-level processing is reserved for follows ad unfollows which is governed more stringently. What is it you are shaking your head at?

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #8

Just to be clear, and because someone asked. This app was created from the input of over 650 bees. Apart from that, it has nothing to do with beBee. I just like the orange. Still, I plan to offer beBee members discounts as my thankyou

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #7

the other issue is that some people use commas others use spaces, still others use commas and spaces. One even used semi_colons...A really bad idea for any programing language

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #6

lol... Yup people use what they like, I strip it out and replace it with spaces. The issue is that we need it with a single space between, but people have their habits

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #5

yes, but it causes issues. I'd rather let them do what they like and fix it up in the background

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #4

web app refers to a program that runs in the context of a web site. Responsiveness is when that site reacts automatically to screen sizes, and screen orientation

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #3

good point. What if iprogrammatically remove the hash then add one in, just in case

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #2

it's actually a web-app. It is responsive, do it can be used on a phone, but many of its functions are easiest done on a full computer screen

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #1

Hmmm, the dashboard video was cut short. I'll re-upload it. Sorry

Articles from Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

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6 years ago · 4 min. reading time

Obviously, I’m not talking about loving a tax audit here. There’s no way to love that. I’m talking a ...

4 years ago · 3 min. reading time

Hi, y'all. It's been a while. In fact, it's been so long, I forgot how to use the Producer platform. ...

5 years ago · 6 min. reading time

This post is partly a continuation of "MisAdventures in Mid-Life Dating, the Male View: The Ambush" ...

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