Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago · 2 min. reading time · ~10 ·

Paul blog
This is not really a post. It's a measure of OMG-WTF-iness

This is not really a post. It's a measure of OMG-WTF-iness

| just noticed the resemblance


2 ry
— CTS a


Okay, so I'm taking a break from writing a white paper and I decided to look into a feature for the Web-App-With-No-Name(yet). 

We want to be able to store possible followers based on whether they mentioned us, retweeted us, we mentioned them or we retweeted them. 

It would also be nice to look at people that a user-selected group of major players mentioned or retweeted.

While we're at it, we may as well look at people who mention or retweet those major players.

Why stop there? 

I have my nose in a major player's timeline. I may as well grab a tweet or three to use in cooperative retweeting.

Sound like a plan? I think so too.

I looked at John White's timeline to see what was what.

O  M  G!!!

This is what I get for just one tweet. . . the stuff in bold is what I need. 

It's okay if your eyes roll back into your head. That's where mine are now.

Now think about processing this for thousands of tweets for hundreds of people. Ouch.

Now think about doing quickly and cheaply. Double Ouch.

We'll get there.


[0] => Array


[created_at] => Wed Nov 30 23:12:46 +0000 2016

[id] => 804100890743492608 (needed for subsequent searches)

[id_str] => 804100890743492608

[text] => RT @JavierBeBee: On #beBee you can hang out with people that are relevant to your personal & business interests. @javierbeBee

[truncated] =>

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[text] => beBee

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[0] => 20

[1] => 26




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[user_mentions] => Array


[0] => Array


[screen_name] => JavierBeBee

[name] => Javier beBee

[id] => 4204528228

[id_str] => 4204528228

[indices] => Array


[0] => 3

[1] => 15



[1] => Array


[screen_name] => JavierBeBee

[name] => Javier beBee

[id] => 4204528228

[id_str] => 4204528228

[indices] => Array


[0] => 117

[1] => 129




[urls] => Array




[source] => Twitter for Android YAY, android rocks, good stuff, John!

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[user] => Array


[id] => 217506104

[id_str] => 217506104

[name] => John White

[screen_name] => juanblanco76

[location] => Fort Collins, CO

[description] => CMO at Social Marketing Solutions. Brand Ambassador at beBee. Columnist @Inc @HuffingtonPost. About Me: #Dad #SocialMedia #Tennis #Marketer #MBA #MexicanFood

[url] =>

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[protected] =>

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[created_at] => Fri Nov 19 18:24:05 +0000 2010

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[created_at] => Wed Nov 30 18:00:57 +0000 2016

[id] => 804022420604649472

[id_str] => 804022420604649472

[text] => On #beBee you can hang out with people that are relevant to your personal & business interests. @javierbeBee

[truncated] =>

[entities] => Array


[hashtags] => Array


[0] => Array


[text] => beBee

[indices] => Array


[0] => 3

[1] => 9




[symbols] => Array



[user_mentions] => Array


[0] => Array


[screen_name] => JavierBeBee

[name] => Javier beBee

[id] => 4204528228

[id_str] => 4204528228

[indices] => Array


[0] => 100

[1] => 112




[urls] => Array



[media] => Array


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[id_str] => 804022418041872384

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[h] => 380

[resize] => fit






[source] => Tweet Jukebox (tut, tut a competitor LOL)

[in_reply_to_status_id] =>

[in_reply_to_status_id_str] =>

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[in_reply_to_user_id_str] =>

[in_reply_to_screen_name] =>

[user] => Array


[id] => 4204528228

[id_str] => 4204528228

[name] => Javier beBee

[screen_name] => JavierBeBee

[location] =>

[description] => Co-founder and CEO at beBee. The best social network for sharing and creating content. Be Professional Be Personal Be Successful. #beBee

[url] =>

[entities] => Array


[url] => Array


[urls] => Array


[0] => Array


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[0] => 0

[1] => 23





[description] => Array


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[indices] => Array


[0] => 131

[1] => 154






[protected] =>

[followers_count] => 11689

[friends_count] => 8261

[listed_count] => 1176

[created_at] => Mon Nov 16 20:30:57 +0000 2015

[favourites_count] => 11312

[utc_offset] => -28800 (hmmm, I should have used this method for handling time zones. UTC is GMT that doesn't do daylight savings.This number is the number of seconds behind GMT, or 8 hours. Javi is running on California time)

[time_zone] => Pacific Time (US & Canada) There you go

[geo_enabled] =>

[verified] =>

[statuses_count] => 15842  

[lang] => es

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[profile_text_color] => 333333

[profile_use_background_image] => 1

[has_extended_profile] => 1

[default_profile] => 1

[default_profile_image] =>

[following] => 1 (Yup, I follow Javier too)

[follow_request_sent] =>

[notifications] =>

[translator_type] => none


[geo] =>

[coordinates] =>

[place] =>

[contributors] =>

[is_quote_status] =>

[retweet_count] => 3 I don't know if I need this. The real number can move quickly and this is just a snapshot. Yeah, I think we'll ignore it.

[favorite_count] => 3 Ditto

[favorited] =>

[retweeted] =>

[possibly_sensitive] =>

[lang] => en


[is_quote_status] =>

[retweet_count] => 3

[favorite_count] => 0

[favorited] =>

[retweeted] =>

[lang] => en



Wayne Yoshida

7 years ago #16

My turn to take a break from writing a paper. But looking at the last part of your buzz gave me a headache. I do like the Homer at the controls picture, though. I am looking forward to a more Tweet-filled 2017!

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #15

Resistance is futile. You WILL be assimilated. Maybe we should call the app "TweetBorg"?

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #14

Thanks, Goran. I'm there often. There's a very different use-case to what we're doing here. When I created the Beast, I wanted ALL of a timeline. It was a simple matter of sifting back and forth until there was nothing left to pick up. Now, for example, I don't really care if someone retweeted John two years ago but never since. It isn't a big deal now that I see how Twitter serves up a timeline.

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #13

Thanks, Goran. I'm there often

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #12

oh, FYI, Lisa, this isn't code, it's just a JSON object of the data returned by Twitter's API for one frigging tweet. This is the stuff the code needs to read, pull out what it needs, then act on it. I figured out what we need to do, now I need to figure out an easy way to limit the first pass. I ran a quick test using John's account and pulled out 27000+ tweets. John tweeted 47,000 times since Nov of 2010, so it's going much too far back. More tests are in order

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #11

pretty soon, the app will do that for you, except for the grabbing of beBee posts.

Lisa Gallagher

7 years ago #10

Oh one thing I do aside from the app- I do creep on John White, MBA's pages (and a few others) to see what I may have missed and RT from their pages or grab an article I missed on beBee to add to the APP.

Lisa Gallagher

7 years ago #9

Paul's title cracked me up Deb!! Then my head began to spin when I saw all the code. Not sure how coders do this all day. Whoa. Kudos!

Lisa Gallagher

7 years ago #8

OMG, I'm a WTF-ing right now after seeing all that code, LMAO!! You pegged me properly Paul \ and that's OK LOL because I'm learning as I go and love it. I just went to the growth portal but I'm not sure what I'm doing, surprise?! Let me know when you have some spare time and if you don't mind you can walk me through yet another growth phase. I find this enjoyable once I learn! Maybe you should name the App, "Lisa learned, so can can YOU." Joking of course!

David B. Grinberg

7 years ago #7

Good luck with this potential-packed project, Paul. It appears that you're on the right track and making progress. Just don't forget about us here when you finalize the app and Google buys it.

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #6

LOL, yeah, sometimes I wonder how I got started on this road... Oh yeah, it was the Terrible Trio of Lisa Gallagher ! Kidding, girls... it's been a fun ride. Now if we can just get it to turn a profit (giggle)

John White, MBA

7 years ago #5

Wow, better you than me! More power to ya, my friend. Your app is really helping us get the word out on Twitter about beBee.

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #4

John White, MBA are mentioned in this post

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #3

Oh it's not as bad as I make it out to be. Now I know the procedure to follow to get the data we want. It's just a question of provisioning resources. I think the final piece to the Web-App-With-No-Name(yet) is within our grasp. I also think the how-to videos will take longer than the function coding. I think we'll go to market this year, barring any unforeseen circumstances like emergency white papers.

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

7 years ago #2

LOL, I agree, minions it must be!!!

don kerr

7 years ago #1

Paul \ Ah BFD my friend. You need minions!

Articles from Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

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Hi, y'all. It's been a while. In fact, it's been so long, I forgot how to use the Producer platform. ...

5 years ago · 3 min. reading time

I sort of hijacked Nicole Chardenet's "Adventures · in Mid-Life Dating," · series. · You know what t ...

5 years ago · 9 min. reading time

Last Saturday was the day of "The Talk." You know, that's the talk that results from those words tha ...

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