Randall Burns

3 years ago · 7 min. reading time · ~10 ·

Randall blog
"A Letter to a Friend"

"A Letter to a Friend"

  (Here's an email that I just sent to a friend of mine, I hope that you enjoy it.)

Hello Graham,

   I hope that you're well.

  I'm at the place where I need to "lay all of my cards on the table." This will either get you thinking, (Which is my intent), or it will alienate you, for how long who knows, time will tell. I'm not trying to persuade, convince or 'convert" you but I feel as though I really have nothing left to lose. I would just ask that you hold your judgement, suspend your beliefs, assumptions and conclusions for the few minutes that it will take to read this and absorb what I'm saying.

   Let's step away from the statistics, the scientific reports, the inquiries, the research, the debates and most especially the news reports, (if only for a few moments), these are a smoke screen and a distraction keeping our attention from what is actually happening.

   We are at war. No ifs, ands, or buts we are entrenched in it now and this is just the beginning. There is no "Pandemic", there is NO scientific proof to support that there is. That was the preemptive strike delivered by the weaponized media news services and orchestrated by PTB, ("Powers that be"). It is a diabolical, sinister and unconventional psychological war being waged with terrorism of an unprecedented scale. The measures being taken are all instruments to dehumanize, demoralize, subdue and most of all fill us with intense fear. I'm talking about the protocols being mandated for us by the PTB including lock-downs, masks, social distancing, isolation etc.coupled with the constant barrage of "Mis-information" and fear-mongering. Our basic human rights are being infringed upon, and it is only going to get worse. And we're allowing it to happen.Our governments which are supposed to be, "By the people and for the people" are no more and very soon to become our masters and jailers

   I know that I've said this quote before, but here it is again as I will be talking about history throughout;
   "Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it"
  - George Santayana , 1863-1952

   Well my friend, history is repeating itself, either because we don't know or understand the history, or have forgotten.

   I remember seeing a quote by Klaus Schwab a few years ago where he states, "in the year 2030 you will own nothing", and I thought that it was an interesting prediction. A few weeks ago I was researching him more deeply and I came across the quote again and I had the revelation that this was NOT a prediction; this is his plan!

   I also remember a few years ago seeing Bill Gates talking about the "Big epidemic" that mankind  would surely face during our lifetime and that he and his team were already working an vaccines and medicines to help combat this and other disasters "that we will surely be confronted with". At the time I thought it seemed like a noble effort albeit unrealistic as it is IMPOSSIBLE to predict such events and when they do occur there is no way of assessing just what the danger is until they happen, how are you going to produce a vaccine for an unknown pathogen, (Oh I was so naive). As with Klaus's quote I realized recently that this was not a prediction; this is his PLAN. And the real diabolical genius of mentioning this is that he has now "planted the seed" in our heads and while most of us have forgotten it we are much more accepting of the whole idea because the seed was planted in our subconscious. And we are now looking to him, and beholden to him for help, and a cure. Talk about a manipulation!

   Let's look at some history that may give us some perspective. Modern Man has been around for about 300,000 years, and our ancestors going back to Homo Habilis about 3.5 million years. We've been battling pathogens, bacteria, viruses for this entire time and we are still here today; stronger and evolved in part due to those battles. I believe that we carry gene memory from those battles that allow us to continue fighting. And we are fighting, every day, every minute, every second our bodies are waging a war against an onslaught of pathogens; we don't even think about it, except when we get sick. And yes we do get sick, as we have throughout our history. We have faced "plagues" before, many brutal ones that have killed many people but we're still here, we've survived up until this point without the help of any vaccines, (well until very recently, mid 1800's).

   So what's the agenda? It's the "Great Reset"; The brainstorm of Klaus Shwab, Bill Gates and a few others. But how does someone turn an entire society, the entire human race around to your own way of thinking. Traditionally it's been war, (and here we go with history again), and we all now how that goes, it's messy, very expensive, a lot of work and usually not successful. So they changed the way that war is fought..Seriously think about this; can you think of a better way to invade, divide and conquer people than what you, I and everyone else on the planet have witnessed over the last 10 months, and most people don't even realize it's a war! We are now subdued, fearful, compliant and basically prisoners in our own homes with more restrictions coming and more rights soon being taken away.

   Ian Fleming could not have written a more diabolical or sinister plot on even his best day; and the plot thickens...

The purpose of what we are seeing is to demolish the Middle class, everyone is talking about the damage that's being done, economically, psychologically, emotionally but it's not going to stop. Remember this is a war. The sole purpose is to totally obliterate the Middle Class, and it's coming quickly. This is history repeating itself...

   This is only the beginning

   The protocols being forced on us now are NOT going away, they are permanent. Isolation, masks, social distancing, lock downs, bans on gatherings, etc. These are tools to keep us subservient, compliant, and obedient; we are playing right into their hands.

   (My 5 year old grandson is forgetting what "normal" life is actually like. Think about it, 10 months of this is almost 20% of his life although the first 3 years of anyone's life there really isn't consciousness, concepts or memories. Having said that you could say that 50% of his conscious life has been spent in lock down. This is what he's being taught. He's being indoctrinated into the mindset of "The New World Order", This is rapidly becoming his new "Normal" And there's NOTHING I can do about it! He is defenseless and innocent)

   They are priming us, "softening us up" for the new "Wonder Vaccine" and for the "Great Reset". They say that the "Great Reset" will be a new dawn for mankind, a new beginning, (ever hear that before? history repeating itself). A chance to have a fresh start, an "opportunity" to make life better. BUT you will have to give some things up to get there. It will be a utopia but you won't own anything. you won't be free to make your own decisions, you won't be able to travel, unless approved, etc. All the while still in "lock down" mode, isolation, distancing, masks, etc. And in order to be part of the new kingdom of mankind it's MANDATORY that you take our vaccine, or you will be detained, imprisoned and labeled as a dissident. Now if that, along with everything else I've already said, doesn't sound like tyrannical Marxist/fascist .communism I really don't know what does. We've talked about the vaccine before but I will tell you now that I will absolutely refuse it, knowing that I will be detained and sent off to an isolation camp, and when the time comes that they try to force it on me I will fight to the death, literally, I don't trust their motivations, agenda, or the toxic cocktail they're calling a "vaccine". I trust my genetic memory of hundreds of millennia over a best case scenario of a rushed and untested vaccine, or worse case scenario, a diabolic intentional poisoning or "reprogramming" of my genetics, (or any other questionable experimentation).


   (this is the title from a friend of mine who wrote an excellent article on this topic and used this title although he did not extrapolate as far down the road as I'm doing here)

     I haven't said it in so many words but it is the Elitists that are trying to take over the world, the top 0.5% of the social/financial/"royal" structure, the rest of us are just the "herd".

    I believe that there will be 3 vaccines. "Vaccine A" For the ruling class. Will be a placebo, saline solution possibly colored with food coloring for effect. There will be a big roll-out of the new vaccine with great fanfare and celebration, world leaders will appear on national television and take the vaccine publicly to instill faith and hope to the people, probably say something clever after the shot like, "Oh, I feel better already!".

   People, who have been terrorized into a panic will be "chomping at the bit", (they already are), to get in line to get their's, especially now after seeing their "leaders" taking them so bravely....

   Before we continue let's take a closer look at "The Great Reset". It aims to build a more conscious society, eliminate the use of fossil fuels, (that's.a good thing), minimize our carbon footprint, change our eating habits, (yes they will dictate to us what we can eat), minimize Global warming, (although that debate is still on too),. I will use Klaus's quote again and expand, he says, "In the year 2030 you will own nothing, and you will be happy", (is that an order?). Life will be much more mechanized,, (think about the people involved, they have far more resources than any of us can imagine, who knows what kind of technology, machines, AI, VACCINES, they have built behind closed doors over the years, and YES this plan has been in the making for YEARS). and convenient, we will all have much more leisure time. There will be no more "economy" as we know it, no more money. it will all be based on bitcoin and chain-block connected to a microchip in our bodies that senses how much we work and how much we produce and will reward us accordingly, (seriously Graham this is a thing and I have the technical paper that I can forward to you if you want to see it)

   For all of those in the "herd" underneath the ruling 0.5% there will be "Vaccine B", for obedience, compliance, (possible genetic experimentation),, with God knows what kind of genetic modifications, electronic nano bytes, etc.all the while keeping the "pandemic" threat over everyone's head to insure constant access with new vaccines, possibly yearly.

   So with no Middle Class, and most of the jobs being taken by automation and machinery it seems that most of us will become redundant... Another aspect, will this utopia be able to support 7.8 billion people sitting around in their cubicles interacting via the internet, (because we're social distancing), consuming all of the resources and making the the plan of reducing global warming and our carbon footprint more difficult. So we arrive at another agenda of the "Great Reset", the issue of overpopulation. Enter "Vaccine C", only one job for this vaccine, Termination! And I'm thinking possibly up to 80% of mankind. Easy write off, blame it on the "New experimental wonder vaccine", but hey they're trying for us. Seriously this is where the data I have researched and my logic has brought me. There is no other way that.this scenario plays out.
   History is repeating itself, you've heard of "The Third Reich", in Klaus's own words he's calling this "The 4th Industrial Revolution". "The Great Reset" is a reincarnation of Hitler's "Final Solution" only instead of millions of lives we're talking billions, literally, no exaggeration.
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   So Graham, this is where I've come with this, this is where my logic has brought me. I really, truly hope this doesn't happen, I would seriously be the happiest man alive and be quite content living out my days in the psychiatric ward pumped up on Thorazine playing checkers with my cellmate, but I don't believe that my future is that bright. I am most fearful for my grandson, this is not the world I want for him, it's not the world i want for anyone but it is history repeating itself, the never ending cycles over and over again. I just hope that in their unbridled audacity and arrogance they don't actually wipe out mankind. We will get it right one of these cycles

   Have a great day and talk soon,



Zacharias 🐝 Voulgaris

3 years ago #35

SQ = spiritual intelligence. Here is a great resource for it, which I've read back in the day: https://archive.org/details/spiritualintelli00dana

Fay Vietmeier

3 years ago #34

Zacharias \ud83d\udc1d Voulgaris Sorry for the delay Zacharias Thanks for the answer: Intelligence, as I define it here, is the combination of three factors (intelligences): philosophical, mechanical, and mathematical. SQ, "SQ" ?? I'll visit your new post ..

Zacharias 🐝 Voulgaris

3 years ago #33

Good question! Intelligence, as I define it here, is the combination of three factors (intelligences): philosophical, mechanical, and mathematical. SQ, which have a more official definition is related to the philosophical one, though in my newest article it relates to the collaborative intelligence. Cheers

Fay Vietmeier

3 years ago #32

Zacharias \ud83d\udc1d Voulgaris Zacharias~ We are at war. The enemy is invisible but as real as the air we breath. (though it too is unseen) Ephesians 6 lays out the battle: "our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms" "spiritual forces of evil" ... I would call them "enemies" "They are adversaries, and they come in layers." Joyce \ud83d\udc1d Bowen Brand Ambassador @ beBee (although that is not what Joyce was talking about her words fit) The Fractal State of Humanity: hidden forces for us & against us https://www.bebee.com/producer/@fay-vietmeier-pennsylvania/the-fractal-state-of-humanity-the-hidden-forces-at-work-for-you-against-you The “Good News” is that there is a Force for you. "For the battle is not yours, but God's" 2 Chronicles 20 and https://www.openbible.info/topics/the_battle_is_the_lords The question is for us is awareness & preparedness

Fay Vietmeier

3 years ago #31

Zacharias \ud83d\udc1d Voulgaris You say: "For me, intelligence is three-fold and one very important part of it is spiritual intelligence (SQ) which involves morality, primarily" Zacharias would you take a moment to briefly explain “intelligence is three-fold”? .. you did explain 1) "spiritual intelligence" Which to me means being spiritually awake .. seeking with my spirt - God's Holy Spirit

Fay Vietmeier

3 years ago #30

Cyndi wilkins (part 2) Cyndi ~ your words are like “apples of gold in settings of silver” Proverbs 25 You rightly say: “We have operated without the perception of the holiness of all things” “the world has become cold” (this Jesus prophesied) “Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold.” Matthew 24 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+24&version=NIV 2) “There IS a Divine order in everything” “all things have been created through him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.” Colossians 1 (the Supremacy of Christ) https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Colossians+1&version=NIV 3) “Mother Nature” reports to Father God ;~)

Fay Vietmeier

3 years ago #29

Cyndi wilkins (your words resonate) I share these lines from: "Breaking Free" Have you noticed this is an age of arrogance? It has given birth to a culture of IGNORANCE Where youth, too soon, lose their INNOCENCE While our schools indoctrinate ... “SAMENESS” Insolence & ambivalence produces mindlessness Poison platitudes ... fuel attitudes of dissidence LAWLESSNESS is selfishness turned villainous The world is leading you into the MATRIX The Enemy is deceiving you and plays tricks ... on your mind to take control of your life ... ... to rob you of peace and fill you with STRIFE https://www.bebee.com/producer/@fay-vietmeier-pennsylvania/breaking-free
I wrote this article after realizing there would be little help in subverting this trend. It seems persons all want the last word on these things--many portray themselves as experts after doing none of the work. https://www.bebee.com/producer/@joyce-bowen/climbing-over-the-bodies-to-get-to-the-top
"The main difference is that the enemy isn't clearly defined in this case." Those of us who have been studying this progression for years know who and what they are. I wouldn't call them 'enemies,' they are adversaries, and they come in layers. There are those who will profit from this fiasco and already have. The wealthy are venturing towards a trillion in ill-gotten gains from human misery. There are those who seek to profit, but they won't. Stalin called them his 'useful idiots,' and they were cleared out when objectives were achieved. Then there was Hitler's 'Brown Shirts.' Those met their end, too. The worst of the worst are just emerging. I call them Citizen Soldiers. They believe everything they've been told through Mainstream Media and will cause the death of many out of fear. They've been brainwashed through Bernays' strategies. [Damn that guy was good at what he did.] I suspect the last three will merge and complete our demise. It's that herd mentality. One thing is clear: If we go down, we will all go down together--mainly because we have no clue as to how to work with each other. It's been said the chant, "We are all in this together" is not for us, but for our adversaries-in-chief, as they remind themselves to do what, it seems, we cannot.
"The main difference is that the enemy isn't clearly defined in this case." Those of us who have been studying this progression for years who and what they are. I wouldn't call them 'enemies,' they are adversaries, and they come in layers. There are those who will profit from this fiasco and already have. The wealthy are venturing towards a trillion in ill-gotten gains from human misery. There are those who seek to profit, but they won't. Stalin called them his 'useful idiots,' and they were cleared out when objectives were achieved. Then there was Hitler's 'Brown Shirts.' Those met their end, too. The worst of the worst are just emerging. I call them Citizen Soldiers. They believe everything they've been told through Mainstream Media and will cause the death of many out of fear. They've been brainwashed through Bernays' strategies. [Damn that guy was good at what he did.] I suspect the last three will merge and complete our demise. It's that herd mentality. One thing is clear: If we go down, we will all go down together--mainly because we have no clue as to how to work with each other. It's been said the chant, "We are all in this together" is not for us, but for our adversaries-in-chief, as they remind themselves to do what, it seems, we cannot.

Zacharias 🐝 Voulgaris

3 years ago #25

Perhaps this whole matter is more akin to a war, not just against human rights, but against nature in general (which is in itself an expression of the transcendental, however someone wishes to call it). Guns may not be used in this conflict, but it's still as brutal and aggressive as a military conflict. The main difference is that the enemy isn't clearly defined in this case. Cheers

Zacharias 🐝 Voulgaris

3 years ago #24

Indeed. Perhaps the word "bright" is not the best choice (English is not my native language). For me, intelligence is three-fold and one very important part of it is spiritual intelligence (SQ) which involves morality, primarily. Cheers!

Cyndi wilkins

3 years ago #23

"COVID is being misused to globally manipulate & wrongly exert political power. The impact is universal & negative beyond words. Impossible to measure." Absolutely agree...in addition to being 'misused' it has been mishandled to such a degree that we will be spinning our wheels over the next year or more just trying to catch up. Our society has been arrogant, acting without reverence for life...not just human life, but our environment and animal kingdom have suffered greatly by our ignorance to the point of extinction. We have operated without the perception of the holiness of all things...and the world has become cold, calculated and mechanical...separating us from the very soul that serves to guide us. And there are those who have seized the opportunity to feed upon that weakness. We are unqualified as the 'keepers' of this amazing planet. The earth is going through a transformation at this time and as her inhabitants, we are being called to address the deep seated pain and anguish we have experienced as individuals and as a people and adopt an attitude that facilitates a higher order of logic and understanding of the connectedness of ALL life. There is a divine order in everything...And this is Mother Natures wake up call to a decaying humanity.

Fay Vietmeier

3 years ago #22

Cyndi wilkins Here is the "root of the root & the bud of the bud" "an infection that runs much deeper" There really are spiritual forces waring against us. Like a virus they are unseen – but nonetheless real. We must be discerning & watchful and Choose well the way we will take ... the decisions we will make (part 2)

Fay Vietmeier

3 years ago #21

Cyndi wilkins I share my comment (below) to Pascal Derrien Utopia's are created by the few ... to rule & reign over the many The "many" very often have no idea of the plans of the "few" until it is self-evident. "Truth passes through three phases: First it is ridiculed... Second it is fiercely and violently opposed. Third, it becomes self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer 2) As I said in this post .. a response to Randall Burns (first post) In my spirit ... in my gut ... I believe there is WAY more going on behind COVID-19 than a virus. To clarify: it’s not that I think the corona virus is a “scam.” Rather and more importantly the "SCAM" is the way that COVID is being misused to globally manipulate & wrongly exert political power. The impact is universal & negative beyond words. Impossible to measure. ... on economies ... on education ... on healthcare ... on the ability to work : ... on people’s sense of well-being Without question: there are HIDDEN political agendas and ulterior motives. “Follow the money” World “leaders” & plotting politicians will, can and DO manipulate “science” with “statistics” the same way accountants manipulate numbers to achieve a desired outcome. https://www.bebee.com/producer/@fay-vietmeier-pennsylvania/be-aware-don-t-be-a-sheep-don-t-be-a-lemming (part 1)

Cyndi wilkins

3 years ago #20

Thank you Faye...Happy holidays to yo as well.

Fay Vietmeier

3 years ago #19

Cyndi wilkins So glad to see you here. I hope you and your family are well. One day at a time for us all ;~) You have been in my thoughts & my prayers (along with your friend who has the rare cancer) Sending you a warm bee-hug and wishes for a beautiful Thanksgiving.

Fay Vietmeier

3 years ago #18

Pascal Derrien Utopia's are created by the few ... to rule & reign over the many The "many" very often have no idea of the plans of the "few" until it is self evident. "Truth passes through three phases: First it is ridiculed... Second it is fiercely and violently opposed. Third, it becomes self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer The quote I credit to Cyndi wilkins on her excellent post "A Crazy Life"

Fay Vietmeier

3 years ago #17

Zacharias \ud83d\udc1d Voulgaris The world has a wat of confusing intellect & information with wisdom & knowledge A "bright individual" without a moral compass is not really all that "bright" IMHO Well said Zacharias "Unfortunately, many people (do) use (intelligence) maliciously, as a means towards darkness." Man's thinking toward darkness is & always has been a spiritual problem. As said below: God provided a "miracle solution" "For God so loved the world that he gave his One and Only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3 However people want other "miracle solutions" ... more options As a result... "This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed." John 3 It all comes down to wrong & right Who loves dark & who loves Light

Cyndi wilkins

3 years ago #16

Randall Burns...I have a great deal of respect for you and even though we may not always agree, we can do so respectfully. I have read your articles many times over and been hesitant to comment before allowing myself to process all he emotions that came flooding to the surface To say any thing then would have been reactive instead of responsive. That said, I would like to respond to you here in the same way I did with Ian Weinberg on LI in reference to his take on COVID-19 "While I do not believe this to be some insidious plan to seize control of the masses, i do believe the fear it has created has been taken advantage of by some very unscrupulous people. That said, many of us have discussed at nauseam this whole ' perspective' thing'...and how our reality is being shaped by our focused intent. My suggestion here would be to offer a 'shift' in our collective perception...from seeing this virus as the 'enemy' to the acceptance of its teachings. Humanity has suffered deep systemic wounds that have been 'swept under the rug' for centuries. We are being triggered now to address these issues...First personally, and then as a global community. What we see unfolding is an infection that runs much deeper in our veins than COVID-19...and that is the widespread apathy, hatred, segregation and desperation that has bubbled to the surface in its wake." Be well everyone... "

Cyndi wilkins

3 years ago #15

"Yea well--I had a face-to-face meeting with CW last year. Told her there wasn't much time and showed her a few things. The next thing I know she is commenting on one of your articles about how I should look at what ways I AM responsible for what's happening to me," Just curious Joyce \ud83d\udc1d Bowen Brand Ambassador @ beBee...What article was that and did I reference you SPECIFICALLY? I think not...And if you took it personally, there is a reason...You just said it yourself..."And all those choosing not to see will be responsible for what happens to themselves and their loved ones." Every conversation we ever had was all about your conspiracy theories...and anything I ever had to say you balked at calling it stupid. So have your beliefs and live in fear...but do not 'block' me like you did on LI and then drag me into your narrative. 'nuff said.

Pascal Derrien

3 years ago #14

I should have added in the current times Faye, I know history this what I did in Uni really you really think than more than 180 countries are working on this together when they have spent the last 3 000 years killing each other I don' buy it sorry too simplistic for me maybe those theories fly in the US but not in Europe we have a different prism and culture and look at things differently even though we have quite a few GOV idiots in the UK for example

Zacharias 🐝 Voulgaris

3 years ago #13

So true! Perhaps intelligence, being relatively neutral, is like a safe space that's inclusive of everyone. Unfortunately, many people use it maliciously, as a means towards darkness. I wonder how much better the world would be if we valued the wisdom in the scripture and other places, instead of just focusing on the bright individuals of our times, who have questionable morality...

Fay Vietmeier

3 years ago #12

Joyce \ud83d\udc1d Bowen Brand Ambassador @ beBee Yes Joyce .. like many I believe we are in the last of the "last days" No one knows how the coming days will unfold "But God" Believers are to be vigilant .. expectant .. awake .. keeping watch https://bible.knowing-jesus.com/topics/Man-Keeping-Watch Be prepared. I think often about the parable of the 10 bridesmaids 5 were prepared 5 were not "I claim ongoing that place of safety beneath His everlasting arms" My bags are packed ;~)

Fay Vietmeier

3 years ago #11

Pascal Derrien I am very surprised Pascal at your saying: "without any arrogance don't see how mass elimination can be orchestrated on a scale" especially in light of your sharing that you are the "grand son of a WW Extermination Camp" History proves that "mass elimination can be orchestrated on a scale" That is precisely what occurred in WWII Hitler's plan to remove Jewish people .. although uncounted others were caught in the evil in many countries The Nazi's .. took their businesses & removed them from their homes & robbed them of their wealth .. sent them to extermination camp ... where they both died & were murdered ... I call that "mass elimination" People can indeed be "forced" or mandated to do things: LIKE .. wear a mask .. shut-down nations & communities .. halt people from running their business .. halt those who can't work remotely from working .. tell you your children they can't go to school/college You may not "believe in the great reset" but that does not remove the REALITY It is unfolding one day at a time. "There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what is not true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true." Soren Kierkegaard https://www.bebee.com/producer/@fay-vietmeier-pennsylvania/closed-eyes-hard-hearts .. Keep watch .. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/global https://www.weforum.org/events/pioneers-of-change-summit-2020 https://www.weforum.org/events/pioneers-of-change-summit-2020/about Why “Business as usual” is NOT an option after COVID-19 https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/09/business-as-usual-not-option-after-covid-19/

Fay Vietmeier

3 years ago #10

Zacharias \ud83d\udc1d Voulgaris I love that quote: "An intelligent person is great at manipulating others leveraging their ignorance. A wise one is great at leading them out of their ignorance." - Anonymous Insight-FULL: "Perhaps we value intelligence too much" Randall Burns asked in his post: “How DOES one measure “intelligence?” Formal education in no way assures “intelligence” WISDOM assures knowledge which can contribute to “intelligence” Where does one obtain “wisdom?” God is the "Great-Giver" of wisdom. (read Proverbs 1-4) “Information” is NOT necessarily truth. We must have DISCERMENT to sort fact from fiction. https://www.bebee.com/producer/@fay-vietmeier-pennsylvania/be-aware-don-t-be-a-sheep-don-t-be-a-lemming https://www.bebee.com/producer/@fay-vietmeier-pennsylvania/closed-eyes-hard-hearts So true what you say: "We want to believe in some miracle solution that will solve all our problems" God provided a "miracle solution" "For God so loved the world that he gave his One and Only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3 However people want other "miracle solutions" ... other options As a result... "This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed." John 3
Yea well--I had a face-to-face meeting with CW last year. Told her there wasn't much time and showed her a few things. The next thing I know she is commenting on one of your articles about how I should look at what ways I AM responsible for what's happening to me, but our meeting wasn't about me--it was about everybody. What's coming is coming soon--very soon and I suspect it will be terrifying. And all those choosing not to see will be responsible for what happens to themselves and their loved ones.

Fay Vietmeier

3 years ago #8

"The worst form of deception is self-deception." ~ fem-v “The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil; but by those who watch & do nothing.” Albert Einstein “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.” ~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer (Pastor & Theologian) Dietrich died (at the age of 39) on April 9, 1945 at Flossenbürg concentration camp in Nazi Germany (it is important to understand why he arrived here) "Where there is an evil will ... there is an evil way" ~ fem-v History does indeed repeat itself. The details change but not the outcomes. Sadly, humanity proves itself the worst of students. Holding onto the same wrong-thinking which produces the same wrong-actions ... over and over and over again ... Mankind is DULL of spirit ... more than dull of mind. We must go deeper. Beyond the chaos & noise. The root of the problem unfolding is spiritual. And spiritual problems require spiritual cures. There really are spiritual forces waring against us. The Fractal State of Humanity. Hidden forces for you & against you." Like a virus they are unseen – but nonetheless real. https://www.bebee.com/producer/@fay-vietmeier-pennsylvania/the-fractal-state-of-humanity-the-hidden-forces-at-work-for-you-against-you Why does man insist on arguing with God? Why does man think he knows more than God? We can turn our hearts toward God who wants to heal us. Or We can argue with God & try to make our own way. In which case we are “left to our own devices” Whatever the agenda of another "New World Order" or "Great Reset" “Manmade utopia’s always end disastrously.” ~ Augustine "God is not mocked"

Fay Vietmeier

3 years ago #7

Randall Burns Zacharias \ud83d\udc1d Voulgaris Joyce \ud83d\udc1d Bowen Brand Ambassador @ beBee Harvey Lloyd Greg Rolfe "This IS only the beginning" Dear "Chef" ... you layout a drama of espionage & deception that exceeds the imagination of sleeping souls & sleeping spirits Perhaps you'll consider leaving your pots & pans for pen & paper ;~) An unchanging Truth: "People see what they want to see & hear what they want to hear. Truth is neither the Source nor the Standard." ~fem-v “Any fool can know. The point is to understand.” ~ Albert Einstein “Wise men don’t need advice. Fools won’t take it.” Benjamin Franklin We should be concerned for our children. DEEPLY. A parting thought: Klaus Schwab a few years ago where he states, "in the year 2030 you will own nothing" ... and "you'll be happy" “He talks about how there are no locks on the doors in utopia, because if you don’t own anything you do not have to protect against theft.” ~ Thomas More (part 3)

Fay Vietmeier

3 years ago #6

Randall Burns Harvey Lloyd Zacharias \ud83d\udc1d Voulgaris Joyce \ud83d\udc1d Bowen Brand Ambassador @ beBee Greg Rolfe "The worst form of deception is self-deception." ~ fay vietmeier History does indeed repeat itself. The details change but not the outcomes Sadly, humanity proves itself the worst of students ... repeating the same wrong-thinking & wrong-actions over and over and over again. Mankind is DULL of spirit more ... than dull of mind. 3) We must go deeper The root of the problem unfolding is spiritual. And spiritual problems require spiritual cures https://www.bebee.com/producer/@fay-vietmeier-pennsylvania/closed-eyes-hard-hearts No one cut to the quick/got more to the root of a problem more masterfully than Jesus Christ. For he knows the hearts of men and the intentions of their hearts. (part 2)

Fay Vietmeier

3 years ago #5

Randall Burns Zacharias \ud83d\udc1d Voulgaris Harvey Lloyd Joyce \ud83d\udc1d Bowen Brand Ambassador @ beBee Greg Rolfe Spot on dear "Chef" “The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil; but by those who watch & do nothing.” Albert Einstein The first connecting thought that comes to me is this quote by Dietrich Bonhoeffer “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.” Dietrich died (at the age of 39) on April 9, 1945 at Flossenbürg concentration camp in Nazi Germany (it is important to understand why he arrived here) (I recently bought several of his books-am sure reading will bring more quotes from this deep-thinking Spirit led man) It is noteworthy that one of Bonfoeffer’s older brothers worked closely with Albert Einstein https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dietrich_Bonhoeffer https://www.urbanatheologicalseminary.org/dietrich-bonhoeffer-christian-response-adolf-hitler/ (part 1)

Randall Burns

3 years ago #4

Fair enough Pascal Derrien Always a pleasure to hear from you

Pascal Derrien

3 years ago #3

Thought provoking but I am currently highly skeptical. Any school of thoughts whether its the dystopian plot or the naively blind believer agenda don't work for me I find it too binary. Propaganda and manipulation probably exist but I genuinely and without any arrogance don't see how mass elimination can be orchestrated on a scale...... Those theories are fueling anxieties, I don't believe in the great reset and I am the grand son of a WW Extermination Camp so lets say I agree to disagree :-)

Zacharias 🐝 Voulgaris

3 years ago #2

I've read so many of Fay's comments lately that I'm getting into the habit of using quotes more and more. Here is one that I was reminded of when reading your article: "The most reliable way to predict the future is to create it." - Abraham Lincoln. Perhaps all these people that call themselves the futurists are but the PR front of the technocrats that want to install a particular kind of future upon the world that has enough advanced tech in it to be considered futuristic. Also this quote: "An intelligent person is great at manipulating others leveraging their ignorance. A wise one is great at leading them out of their ignorance." - Anonymous Perhaps we value intelligence too much, more than the other aspects of the human psyche that balance it; things like morality and empathy, qualities that are totally lacking in TPB. Here is one by a great comedian who spoke more truths than people who deem themselves serious: "The lower class is an illusion. It's something the rich class has created to make the middle class feel good about themselves, by comparing themselves with the poor." - George Carlin (I am paraphrasing) Lately, I tend to think that physical things are manifestations of other, more subtle entities. The vaccine is just one example of that. It's not the root of the problem but a manifestation of it. For me, it's the rigid idea of the panacea we are nurture to some extent, that is the problem (see my Minds article for details: https://www.minds.com/zvoulgaris/blog/the-panacea-fallacy-1167813648952094720). We want to believe in some miracle solution that will solve all our problems. From that belief, it's not too far-fetched to manufacture some BS med (the particular vaccine in this case) and brand it as that solution. Cheers!
Oh, Randall... I can feel your pain as you rise from your rocky bed. Waking up is hard to do and so very, very painful. I feel you, brother...

Articles from Randall Burns

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3 years ago · 1 min. reading time

Yes, we are in crazy times. · "Perspective" is a topic I'm always discussing... · There are those of ...

6 years ago · 7 min. reading time

It was pointed out to me the other day by a friend that all, (and really ALL), of my articles/posts/ ...

5 years ago · 9 min. reading time

It was a few weeks ago when I was sitting at home relaxing on a leave of absence and my partner call ...

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