Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات · 2 دقائق وقت القراءة · ~10 ·

مدونة Ali
Growing while Falling

Growing while Falling


I believe authors face chaos from many directions daily. The more interactions an author has with readers, the more ideas birth out and the more bifurcations of intentions of writing on emerging new thoughts.

The writing of this buzz wasn’t on my mind till my friend Harvey Lloyd made a suggestion on my previous buzz in which he shared an image that I added to the buzz. It was an image of imagined four people sitting at a table with their three psyche layers of persona, ego and shadow interacting. The image represented the discussion panel as four-arms star. He kindly responded to my request by sending a six- arms star (image below).


The above idea bifurcated my interests in various direction and I am sharing them with you. Is there any resemblance of the snowflakes with the image of the “psyche flakes” that Harvey sent to me? Or, is this just one of the crazy ideas that pop up in my mind occasionally. Let me explore with you my findings.

The six-arms star reminded me of snowflakes that have six-arms. The first idea that highlighted like a thunder in my cloudy mind is that snowflakes grow as they fall to the ground. How sublime these flakes are! The snowflakes not only grow as they fall but also, they arrange in beautiful six-arms fractal shapes. They fall with beauty and fill the world with beauty. They teach us that in falling there is beauty and not tears. Maybe we should make them icy tears to have the shape of snowflakes. The flakes form similar in general shape, but each flake with its authenticity. This result because snowflakes grow differently by freezing water vapor in the atmosphere depending on the neighboring weather conditions. They differ, but only to increase their appealing beauty. Some flakes may be faulty, but other flakes cover up for them and don’t “insult” them for being inferior.

How Do Snowflakes Form?

The beauty of the whole covers up for the shortcomings of the individual. It is when you accept yourself you accept others.
Ali Anani

Look at aerial tree roots and how they grow by falling. Even if your hair falls it has some positive aspects. It tells you there are reasons for you to pay attention to. For example. Anemia is a cause for hair to fall. Like snow and aerial roots, we should grow as we fall and not become victims for it. There are positive traits even in falling. This is true for falling love and marriages, relations and businesses.

One other thought that I would like to share with the readers is the Ice Queen character. Snowflakes was the trigger for me to remember this. This character is attractive with its beauty but is cold towards others. The inflated icy cover lacks the beauty of snowflakes and instead of acting as attractant for others it repels them. That is what appears from the outside. Digging deep in this character reflects the hidden shadow inside. The inside feelings are fragile and break like glass. This makes the person with this character feel vulnerable towards others. To hide for this vulnerability the person becomes aggressive. The beauty of the exterior is contrasting the chilly and worried heart inside. We could opt to stay away from people with this character, or we could be understanding and tolerant. This way building trust with ice queen characters gain their trust and support. This is the challenge- to make them work with you and not against you.

In every character there are flaws that if we observe their potential we may turn the faulty ice filling them into lovely snow-like flakes. This has been wisely reflected in a private massage that Harvey Lloyd wrote to me. He wrote “I do enjoy the observation of these behaviors as it helps me adjust ego and axioms to understand the good in people”. What a great way to turn life into passionately warm snowflakes!


Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #34

This is a valuable contribution . It is a great reminder of the need to turn what we see as a deficit to something of value. I hear people say "I can't". Instead, they could ask "how to make this possible"?, or how to dilute it, reverse it? Yes, expanding the possibilities is so well articulated in your comment.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #33

Thank you and I appreciate your feedback

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #32

"Behaviour operates on a map that is produced by the Jungian shadow". as simple as this may sound simple; its depth is amazing.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #31

Eloquent comment and you said it perfectly well "Behavior and emotions are emergent from consciousness or the shadow". Yes, we need to be conscious of the shadow which has the steering of our behaviors. Understanding the shadow and not dumping what we fear or dislike in the shadow will only compound the problem. Even being unaware of our good points and sending them to the shadow is equally important.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #30

We see and read a merid of thoughts like this video presents. This is where science and the “consious” self, seperate. We can look into the window of another and see their outcomes and measure them across many people. We can then establsih a data set of observation. These are good data sets and give some insight into the human behavoural system. Enter consiousness. This aspect of “who” we are. Science leaves the building. One persons threat is another's happiness. How can this be as science and data points of observation through thousands of data sets expresses a stimulus response model that conciseness seems to break. Behavior and emotions are emergent from consiousness or the shadow. A place that when we look into the physical aspects of the human we cant find this component. But through phenomenology we cant deny its existance. There is some research on the large wharehouse style orphanages in Russia a few decades ago where each child was systematically attended to. Diaper changes, feeding and all the human needs physically were met, on a schedule. Researchers found that many of these children grew into sociapaths because their was no holding, reading or eye contact with the children during their developmental years. Behaviour operates on a map that is produced by the Jungian shadow, consiousness or whatever name we want to give this phenomenological aspect of our value system. If we wish to change our behaviour in any meaningful way we will be talking to the shadow and building the map of success that our behaviours are guided.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #29

Yes, and I enjoyed reading your response.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #28

-Maybe you are referring to this video I agree with you knowing a character without relating it to its surrounding is a flaw.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #27

It was presented not so much as a history lesson as it was to show that all humans face chaos at times in history. Somehow though post history the character of the choices seems to become disconnected from the context. I was merely attempting to reinstall the context. Mr. Hanson is good with focusing on context as much as opinion. This dialogue reminds of a video seen her on beBee but i have not been able to find again. A psychologist presented that when i see you dealing with life i see character problems, when i see myself i see circumstances driving my decisions. This is a flaw in our perception when we look at history. We see the outcome of choices and assume character while ignoring the circumstances surrounding the choices. History is full of bad choices and coupled with fears that were real enough to make the choice.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #26

#27 "As you have hinted,it's a story of acceptance and surrender,curiosity and wonder.." The image, for me at least, subscribes to the complexity by making it simple to breakdown. The quote is what we seek within any endeavor involving more than one person. When we look at communications there is tremendous backing from ego and shadow. Forming our communications in such a way that we can see these areas, assists in understanding the individual. This also is the basis of active listening. The properties in the quote are emergent from how we communicate. The image gives us some ability to measure our responses to insure the emergent properties show themselves.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #25

I watched 30 minutes of this super video and I still have 31 more minutes to listen to. Thank you Harvey Lloyd for sharing this great video.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #24

I am overwhelmed with the comprehension and depth of your comment dear namita sinha. I consider it as an integral part of this buzz. I am pondering on your wisdom "it's a story of acceptance and surrender, curiosity and wonder". This is eloquent. I hope that readers would give your comment the attention it merits. It is an eye-opener. Harvey Lloyd- I would love to read your insight on this comment.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #23

Your comment Harvey Lloyd. I mentioned in the quote within the buzz that "It is when you accept yourself you accept others". Knowing yourself is a 12- step process and isn't only reflective thinking. This process is covered with pictures in the link: However; this discussion between you prompts me to write my next buzz on Disruptive Thinking. So, thanks for the trigger.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #22

I am not sure that melting or freezing depends largely on external conditions dear Debasish Majumder. Why does water boil at 100 Celsius and alcohol around 78 degrees Celsius? It is mostly because of the internal structure of water and its inter molecular hydrogen bonding. Yes, under varying conditions the boiling point changes, but the main factor is these inter hydrogen bonding.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #21

#12 When we look at boomer choice and outcomes it is usually best to review what they faced. I dont believe we did the best in answering these questions, but we did do our best. My hope is that our youth have learned from our challenges.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #20

The educational concept of reflective thinking is quite different than the concept of self awareness. The educational system provides what to reflect on, while self awareness is an assessment of myself and how fit within the world. No books, or instructional guidance just me in a moment attempting to see my footprint on the world. Gauging whether the print is worthy enough to call good. You are correct that the generations after the boomers are becoming more and more self serve. This self serving though is happening in echo chambers where like attracts like. In group identity they find a virtual truth. Every generation has their issues. A growing society tests the limits of every thought as more ideas, ideals and cleaning up the previous learning, collides with reality. The boomers are not talking heads. They are folks who experienced both good and bad choices. They have a lot to offer the future generations, and just as much, the new generations have a lot to offer the boomers. I do not like the idea of separating humanity into groups and label them because of the bad things they do, did or may do. This would be to ignore the great lessons learned and the ability to become self aware of our history, warts and all. This is nothing but social engineering towards some end goal created by a group. Through self awareness we can see the game being plaid. We talk about a future where humanity is joined but break folks into groups by how they were the cause of promoted modern calamities. One side blames the other and the groups form around the monkey brain concepts that only promote the aristocracy. Self awareness and thought will bring us together.into a sustainable future. Reflective thinking will only bring forward through books of created ideals that leave each group in their echo chamber. My sincere hope is you are right and i am wrong.

Debasish Majumder

منذ 5 سنوات #19

melting or freezing chiefly depends on external conditions, despite the inherent quality to transform. i wonder how self awareness alone can usher change with positive magnitude. i too wonder whether in sex chromosomes the determining factor which eventually denote the product would be male or female are internal or external. it is truly intriguing to me how an individual become an axiom out of his or her attributes which majority may lack. i still believe 'born' is the primary factor, hardly 'made' can make in difference in managerial domain sir Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee. 'self' too depend on a circumstances on which it may explore and make its fruitful venture. sometimes it too bring huge disaster alone.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #18

I expect to read a response from Pascal Derrien for he is the one who initiated this issue of self-awareness first. However; I believe you pinpoint a perspective that is worthy of discussion CityVP \ud83d\udc1d Manjit. We tend to discuss change, but the change of generations is one of the most neglected topics when it comes to offering training courses on change.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #17

I simple the simplicity of how you express your ideas Franci\ud83d\udc1dEugenia Hoffman, beBee Brand Ambassador. The potential of flaws gives us the potential to grow and this is reality. If somebody feels he is complete why would he need to grow?

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #16

This is indeed a core issue. I agree with you Pascal Derrien

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #15

"As human beings we have the power to choose the energy we project into the world as our lasting legacy"- I love this idea Cyndi wilkins. This idea appeals to me for it says we are like exothermic reactions and therefore we release energy to the world. What type of energy and if it can be transformed to other types of energy is different from releasing energy that is dissipated and is useful for nothing.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #14

The migrating birds Debasish Majumder dying of being unfortunate to eat intoxicating fruits could be the result of humans or because the birds being ill-fated. Humans can be part of it, but also the prevailing weather conditions could be the cause. Surely, the humans foresightedness and their seek of immediate benefits (fruits) may result in releasing chemicals that ripen the fruit faster and to an extent that may kill the migrating birds. peoples' attempt to seek immediate and low-hanging fruits is part of the issue.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #13

"We all try to emphasize the image, sometimes with false appearances and keeping in the dark the negative traits". Yes, and this is the ice queen in operation. She looks beautiful, but beneath the surface she hides her shadow of distrust for others and other evils. As Harvey Lloyd that unless we understand the shadow we shall not understand the dark forces that steer our egos. The shadow is invisible and we have to spot light on it to make it visible.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #12

In the formation of snowflakes each drop of freezing water forming ice has only limited choices as where it could add itself (simple rules to follow). The structure dictates this behavior. Likewise; it is the leaders responsibility to structure the meeting so that only relevant ideas to the core meeting is allowed to "set in". Either the flakes align as magnetic lines do, towards a focal issue or the lines align chaotically. The leader is the magnetic field that supports alignment. As you said, humans have self-interest that tend to diverge discussions.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #11

Thank you for sharing the buzz Harvey Lloyd with such a grand invitation. As important as understanding Carl Jung is, equally I still believe it deserves more understanding for it has so many implications on our lives.

CityVP Manjit

منذ 5 سنوات #10

and #11 - just a different variation on what you have said, which is rather than self-awareness be taught in educational institutions, it is reflective thinking which should connect students to what some are already doing online socially and here we are so consumed with the dangers of this and the dangers of that, that we miss that some really young people are far more reflective now than prior generations for the simple reason that they make friendships which are virtual but that act as extensions of their existing small group friendships. That reflective spirit is there and educators are catching wind of this and are thinking on the same lines we are right now. The generation that is about to enter the workforce tolerate old fashioned education only because their connected lives provide an alternative way of making sense of their world and they by all accounts are far more practical than prior generations. The snowflakes of change should be making us aware that boomer have reached the end of their runway - for sure they will push the cost of healthcare way up as they die, but this younger generation will see what was inflated in those costs and how boomer Presidents did not reflect who they are as emerging citizens. I am very hopeful about transformational change in the generations to come - they are a self-serve generation and we are mere talking heads in comparison. If I tag along with Generation X - maybe that younger generation may forgive us for the avalanche of self-interest that boomer allowed to create deficits and borrow from the future to pay for their boomer demands. Reflective practice is a natural outcome of the mistakes prior generations have foisted on the younger generations but it needs to be a practice that involves student, teacher and parent and I think that will be a natural part of future educational development.

Cyndi wilkins

منذ 5 سنوات #9

I wholeheartedly agree Pascal Derrien...Self-awareness and the power of our words should be a part of EVERY educational institution.

Pascal Derrien

منذ 5 سنوات #8

Self awareness should be taught that would avoid many crisis and misunderstandings and very costly mistakes......

Cyndi wilkins

منذ 5 سنوات #7

I do find that most people are inherently good...When we finally begin to understand quantum energy medicine, we will begin to see how the language we use has a direct impact on our physiology...and the world around us. As human beings we have the power to choose the energy we project into the world as our lasting legacy. Shall it be wisdom...or shall it be woe?? Only YOU get to decide...Lessons from the amazing Caroline Myss;-)

Debasish Majumder

منذ 5 سنوات #6

stars, asteroids, meteors and universe is extremely intriguing, but it alone cannot meet our appetite. we have to work hard to maintain our livelihood. besides, owing to extremely frosty conditions in weather plenty of migrating birds died as they consume fruits which became fermented earlier owing to frost. by consuming those fruits the poor birds became intoxicated and died untimely! i don't know is it nature's flaw or human's civilization(?) causing such infamy to nature? however, great buzz sir Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee! enjoyed read and shared. thank you for the buzz sir.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #5

I am in agreement, sometimes just being aware of the elements with a person or team gives us better ears and eyes to direct our mouth.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #4

Having had some time to reflect on our discussions and the image it brings forward that in meetings we really are in a complex human environment. It would be great if the issue at hand was the total focus of the group. I find that this reality only exists when the common cause is of life and death magnitude. This may express why media seems to take the 64 ounce soda in New York and make it deadly. Team meetings extend into the personal. Issues dont always arise from thin air. Its someones responsibility and before this became an issue, someone was suppose to be looking into the crystal ball and see it before this stage. In meetings we are attempting to bring skills, wisdom and communications online to sort the issue. Many disciplines exist that may be needed to sort. Each slice brings forward how the individual would like to survive, enhance or gain some recognition within the solution. Some level of all of this is healthy. But what happens when the issue takes a back seat to one slice as they attempt to push the solution to their benefit? We could call it passion and maybe this is the answer, but in most cases the individual is working not from passion but from some survival axiom, post issue. Understanding the slices and being able to discern the differences between healthy directional comments and those that would subvert the team away from the best solution, is a leaders challenge. No exact science here. Just a way of breaking something down beyond our initial "gut" feelings that lead nowhere. My very simple thought is that the slice of pie sitting in front of me is motivated in someway. Good, bad or indifferent. My role is to determine is the communications adding to the wisdom of the group towards solution, or is it driving solution into a rabbit hole of a person's personal needs?

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #3

When we walk into a meeting and there are people, teammates and issues exist, what, who and why are we talking too? Join a discussion that looks at these variables in communication by looking a people from a Jungian point of view. Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee is bringing forward some visuals that just might help change our view.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #2

cool comment and I thank you Zacharias \ud83d\udc1d Voulgaris for your comment reflected genuinely the theme of the buzz.

Zacharias 🐝 Voulgaris

منذ 5 سنوات #1

Such a "cool" buzz! Aligned with the season too. Indeed, how we deal with the fall (no pun intended) is what makes the difference between the growth of a beautiful snowflake, or just some random flake which may be perceived as flaky. At the end of the day it's how we choose to deal with the chaos, whether it is to use it as fuel for internal growth, or as a disruptive and disturbing force that puts us off-balance. Perhaps we can learn to do more of the former and be more like snowflakes. That would be cool!

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